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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 6291 through 6300 of 6338

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265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: Separation of the Scottish, Memphis, and Misraim Rites

Theodor Reuß
From June 24, 1907 E.V. onwards, the following will therefore exist under our supreme jurisdiction in Germany: The Supreme Council of the Scottish, Ancient and Accepted 33rd° Rite for the German Reich.
For each individual rite, we appoint a General Grand Master with jurisdiction over the bodies under him. The individual grand authorities enact their own administrative laws, which must not run counter to the general basic laws of the rites.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: Appointment of Rudolf Steiner as Grand Master 15 Jun 1907,

Theodor Reuß
However, none of the secret societies known to man have been able to understand and explain the true depth of the symbols under the general name of Freemasonry, because the sacredness of the symbols themselves means that they cannot be properly understood outside the occult temple.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: The Difference Between the Cultic Knowledge and Freemasonry 16 Dec 1911,

Rudolf Steiner
However, none of the secret societies known to man have been able to understand and explain the true depth of the symbols under the general name of Freemasonry, because the sacredness of the symbols themselves means that they cannot be properly understood outside the occult temple.
From participant's notes from the instruction session Basel, September 25, 1912 What should be understood here is that this occult movement cannot be compared to any other in the world. Our present age is characterized by the existence of numerous occult or semi-occult trends, but it should be understood that our movement must not be placed in the same line as other movements, and that those who allow themselves to be included in it must feel responsible for the task that is thus imposed on them.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: Signed Freemasonic Pledge 24 Nov 1905,

Rudolf Steiner
However, since copies of it exist, the unconfirmed wording of such a copy is given here so as not to be exposed to the accusation of a tendentious omission: “Pledge and Obligation. I, the undersigned, do hereby solemnly pledge and promise to keep and obey the laws and customs of the Ancient and Primitive Rite of M.u.M.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: Marie Steiner on the History of Cognitive-Cultic Section

Marie Steiner
Steiner's entire life's work is dedicated to the task of bringing the Christ impulse closer to human understanding, to make it come alive again in a time when materialism threatened to suffocate it and the godless movement began.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: Was Rudolf Steiner a Freemason?

Marie Steiner
The secret included the forgotten old mysteries: here, in a figurative sense, the debris under which they lay had to be cleared away, just as archaeologists do at the ancient buried temple sites.
Rudolf Steiner, realizing that the spiritual nature of today's human beings can no longer inwardly affirm the mystery and that the mystery must be revealed, set forth his spiritual science in full public view. In it, he has made possible a true understanding of Christianity and provided the way and the method by which the human being of today can fulfill his life's duties through an understanding of spiritual facts.
The original stream has been diverted into many tributaries and canals. They have all undergone their various fates and have partly strayed quite far from their original goal, the pursuit of knowledge.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: Preliminary Remarks

Hella Wiesberger
We must learn to replace struggle with positive work, to replace war with the ideal. Today, however, people understand too little what this means. We do not know what fight we are talking about, because we only talk about fights in life in general.
Anyone capable of writing a mediocre book is then also capable of understanding a good book from the past and will derive infinitely more benefit from it than from writing a mediocre book.
Depending on how many candidates were admitted, the admissions often lasted for hours; individual admissions were only undertaken in exceptional cases. Before the actual admission, there was a preparatory session in which the candidates were informed about the tasks and duties.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: Preparatory Lesson I 30 Jun 1906, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
Theosophy is there to proceed practically in the world, to penetrate into the nature of the state and of society. The one to be initiated had to undergo hard tests to see if he was worthy of initiation. Only those who passed the tests were initiated in stages.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: Preparatory Lesson I 07 May 1912, Cologne

Rudolf Steiner
2 And time and again there were occult brotherhoods that, under various pseudonyms, guided people in the physical world to the higher worlds. One example is the Arthurian Brotherhood, to which Parzival belonged and which later operated under the name of the Rosicrucian Brotherhood.
Promise Formula Two handwritten templates by Rudolf Steiner from notebook archive number 611 I I try to understand how I can find development in the service of my self in Misraim and approach the holy secret that demands reverent silence. I want to try to open up the cultivation of this development to my fellow human beings by caring for the symbolic sanctuary and to understand the inner nature of human wisdom by preserving the sense of the degrees of truth. I will try to preserve my self from all influences that diminish its fully conscious freedom and rob it of its inner light and self-determination through hypnosis, suggestion, etc. at any stage of life.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: Ritual Text for Admission to the First Degree

Rudolf Steiner
So feel yourself. Be yourself. When you fully understand yourself, you cannot help but find your home in the world to which I have led you. So, self-aware, you penetrate from my opponent's creation into your own world, here where everything is silent around you.
Consider that you have gone through further previous incarnations in this Atlantean land. You lived through these under completely different conditions than the later ones in the post-Atlantean time. The Atlantean land was shaped in such a way that the ground was filled with dense water fog vapors.
I have caused my brother, who, like me, has been fighting that other spirit since the beginning of the earth, to enable you to preserve in writing on earth what could only live under the other spirit's sole guidance in the words he had permeated, and what would have to perish with the word.

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