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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 6321 through 6330 of 6338

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265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: The Hammer (TAO) N/A

Rudolf Steiner
If we look across to Asia, we find at first the still existing remains of an ancient religion, which in fact can no longer be understood as a religion in our present sense. We find this religion in the remarkable culture of the Chinese.
They are designed to be so diverse in order to be understood by people at every level of culture in this or that form. ...
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: The Triangle with the Eye N/A

Rudolf Steiner
The ceremonies that have been performed so far, with the exception of the two columns, can be understood by those of the first degree. What follows now, the conclusion, can only be understood after a long time.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: The Rose Cross at the Altar of the East N/A

Rudolf Steiner
We have also spoken of how, at the death of Christ Jesus at Golgotha, the physical body penetrated into the physical substances of the earth and how, from this, the strength arose for individuals to undergo martyrdom in the first post-Christian times. In his time, the etheric body of Christ also dissolved into the earth as an etheric substance, and this opened up the possibility for individual personalities to absorb this etheric substance, and thus certain tasks could be accomplished by these individualities here on earth.
What took place here in the physical world at the crucifixion as a result of the hatred of people who did not understand, has now been repeated on the etheric plane through the hatred of people who, as materialists, entered the etheric world after death.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: The Cross and the Triangle in the Cosmos and in Man N/A

Rudolf Steiner
The one that is most powerful contains within itself the forces of the other three; it is the most perfect, and it is through it that the others can be seen and understood. He is the direct servant of the great spirit of the Sun and guides the future so that it becomes the present.
Just as the four limbs of man are related to the four archangels under whose influence they were predisposed, so there are cosmic powers associated with the three higher limbs of human nature.
It seemed to have been scattered into many individual syllables and letters, and at first no one could understand the connection between these letters. It was impossible for anyone to put together a word from the syllables that was a living, creative sound in itself.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: Jakin and Boaz or the Pillars of Hercules N/A

Rudolf Steiner
The cross, which he carried, was also carved out of wood and he broke down under the load. The crossbeam, which is to connect wisdom and strength, is the principle of piety, love, beauty.
At the time, Tolstoy could still be shown through a friend of ours. Tolstoy understood the first two-thirds, but not the last third, because it was about reincarnation and karma; he did not understand that.
It says there about Seth that “his mission” was always understood to be that he sees what “is at the end of time: the balancing of the two principles in man himself.”
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: The Four Elemental Beings N/A

Rudolf Steiner
The people of that time did not yet make themselves understood through words, as we now communicate with each other. Since they still had the old clairvoyance, they looked into the spiritual world, into the world of the elements.
If a cold color such as blue, indigo, violet is perceived, then the eye inhales. That which underlies the eyes in the etheric, just as air underlies the physical lungs, is warmth, and this is inhaled and exhaled.
2 This unification of the organs can basically only be achieved by understanding the mystery of Golgotha. Only that can enable us to feel the whole of nature morally. If you then look up at the clouds and see lightning shooting out of them, you will be able to see Christ in his etheric form.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: The Book of Thoth N/A

Rudolf Steiner
From a lecture in Berlin, December 17, 1906 Those who were initiated into the Egyptian mysteries understood the sign They also knew how to read the Book of Thoth, which consisted of 78 card decks in which all world events from the beginning to the end, from Alpha to Omega, were recorded and which could be read when they were connected and put together in the correct order.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: The Ebb and Flow of Power in the Macrocosm and Microcosm N/A

Rudolf Steiner
When a new state of development is created, a certain culmination is determined for it, which is a continuation of the previous one, because there too a continuous build-up takes place up to a certain point. What has been left behind must then, under new conditions, further develop that which was not achieved under the previous state of development.
Those forces which during the day, as light and warmth, stream from the outside into the earth from the sun, are those that have not undergone the process of development in relation to the internalization of macrocosmic forces into the microcosm.
The development of those forces that were to take shape in the earthly state, and those that belong to an earlier state and continue their development under new conditions and therefore, at their level, are more highly evolved than that which is only beginning, is symbolically represented in the legend of the temple.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: The Beginning of the Temple Legend N/A

Rudolf Steiner
They are positive, male (not necessarily physically male) and are the world workers, the scientific researchers and so on. This may be more understandable from the following diagram: Sons of God...1 physically female, etherically male, have intuition: Abel The power of the sun contains nourishment, intuition and reproduction Daughters of men... physically male, ethereally female, possess the power of reproduction: Cain.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: Explanations Regarding the “Brazen Sea” N/A

Rudolf Steiner
The following is added to the above notes under the heading “Supplement”: The three companions of Hiram Abiff are the three lower principles; Hiram Abiff is the I.

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