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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 5721 through 5730 of 6282

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344. The Founding of the Christian Community: Eighth Lecture 13 Sep 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
And so I will carry out [the beginning] to a certain extent, and then Dr. Rittelmeyer can continue the ceremony under my assistance tomorrow. The first thing will be for you to provide the vestments here; the first task is to consecrate the vestments themselves, so that they may appear suitable for the purpose for which they will serve.
344. The Founding of the Christian Community: Ninth Lecture 16 Sep 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
For this continuation of the deed inaugurated with the Mystery of Golgotha is, after all, the essential thing that underlies the externalized thing, which the Catholic Church has as apostolic succession. So one can say that the Protestant Church has indeed worked with good forces for a long time.
344. The Founding of the Christian Community: Tenth Lecture 17 Sep 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Already in the time of Athanasius, the lack of understanding of those regions of human existence begins, which would have to be understood if one wants to keep the Credo free of certain things.
He says that the old Credo originated at a childlike stage of humanity, and that today it should be shaped in such a way that it contains understanding. Such an opinion underlies all discussions about the Credo. From the standpoint of spiritual science, the matter appears as follows: at the time of the Arthanasius-Arius controversy something had already entered into evolution, whereby, with regard to the understanding of the Credo, something like spiritual darkness occurred, and therein lay the cause of the discussions about the Credo.
And even if the Credo is spoken in Latin, the possibility of developing a higher understanding ceases with the translation; and we have something in front of us in the Credo that should be judged with understanding, not after discussion.
344. The Founding of the Christian Community: Eleventh Lecture 18 Sep 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
But then, above all, there must be a very deep and earnest understanding in your souls of what man's connection with Christ actually is in the immediate present and will become in the future.
You will be so moved by the reception of such a truth that you will be able to enliven the Act of Consecration of Man through it and thus bring something before the faithful that must be understood differently than usual, that must be understood with the understanding of the spiritual world. And in doing so, you will not only perform the Act of Consecration of Man differently, but with an understanding of the spiritual world, so that the things that take place in transubstantiation can no longer be discussed, but will be seen and felt as a matter of course, in that it will be felt that something supersensible must be understood in the sensual.
344. The Founding of the Christian Community: Twelfth Lecture 18 Sep 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Make it clear to yourself that this is really to be understood with the ordinary mind. It is to be understood with the ordinary mind. When one says one does not understand it, one just does not want to think clearly.
Thus, the ordinary mind needs no more ideas to understand a cultic ceremony than it needs to understand a physical phenomenon. That people today in the present civilization believe that they can more easily understand sensual-physical phenomena - which are, after all, the manifestation of a system of forces hidden in matter - than a cultic act as a manifestation of a spiritual one, is merely a prejudice.
In this lecture I tried to make them understand how, by observing the physical organism, one gradually comes to an appreciation of the soul and the spiritual.
344. The Founding of the Christian Community: Thirteenth Lecture 19 Sep 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
However, we must also bear in mind that the expression “bread and wine” is one that came from later, exoteric Judaism and no longer shows the original full understanding. Because this original and complete understanding was no longer present in those who had a hand in formulating the text of the Old Testament, but only in those initiates who still had an understanding of the ancient initiation in the early centuries of Christianity, it can no longer be fully determined from the text of the Old Testament what is actually meant by the sacrifice of Melchizedek.
You can only do that if you say to yourselves: The apostles will speak to us in the mind of Christ; but we must bring the right understanding to the language of the apostles! And in order for you to have the right understanding of the language of the Apostles, I followed the solemn ceremony of the ordination of the shepherds of souls by connecting, so to speak, the first sermon for the Apostle ministry, which can lead you in the right sense to an understanding of your Apostle ministry.
And that must be avoided. A participant: How should we understand 'to the right and left of the altar' at Mass? [Rudolf Steiner's answer is only poorly recorded by the stenographer.
344. The Founding of the Christian Community: Fourteenth Lecture 19 Sep 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Rudolf Steiner: But what does the writing of the memorandum have to do with the signature that was given at the time? It would be understandable if those who signed [in the fall of 1921] but then did not receive a request to write the memorandum had now said: We hear that there is a request to write a memorandum; what is that?
In each individual case, one must simply be able to form an opinion about the person in question as to whether one can ordain him or not. Emil Bock: I don't quite understand how what you said can be reconciled with the idea that if something is not a sufficient reason to exclude a person, then it could also not be a reason not to accept someone. — He could be with us, he could also celebrate and fall prey to moral temptations – then we cannot excommunicate him, as far as I can see.
And even if the Oberlenker were not obliged to consider one of these names under any circumstances, it could still be very instructive to find out who is to be recognized. It would not be a democratic vote, but it is still conceivable that some way or other could be found to ascertain the mood of either just the priesthood or the whole community on a larger scale.
344. The Founding of the Christian Community: Fifteenth Lecture 20 Sep 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
And the processes that take place in the middle human being, which are quite similar to external natural processes, undergo a strong metamorphosis in the human mind, so that something completely different takes place in the mind than outside of it.
These forms often state, for example, that the child should ask itself whether it has the habit of keeping its hands under the blanket. You can imagine that, from a very early age, the child is made aware of sexual mischief precisely through the obligation required of him by confession.
That is how one would like an anthroposophical book to disappear, to no longer be there, but to go through a process in the person. If it is read in this way, one learns to understand human nature in a concrete way. In this way, an enormous amount can be done in the preparation for the act of communion.
344. The Founding of the Christian Community: Sixteenth Lecture 20 Sep 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Funerals should actually be performed in this mantle. The alb and stole are worn under this mantle. Now, what else I noticed: the alb has the belt around here and this belt is also the color of the chasuble, and this then makes it possible for you to cross the stole where it should be worn at the front.
And the length of the robe: to just above the knee. The surplice goes to the knees. Under this robe you wear the alb. You only wear the surplice when you are officiating. Tunic, surplice, stole.
You can, of course, explain it, but you have to understand that the cult text should be heard, so that the cult text has no meaning if it is not heard. If someone reads it, it is not a cult text at all; he must hear it from someone else.
344. The Founding of the Christian Community: Seventeenth Lecture 21 Sep 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
From that time on, there arose the necessity to understand the event of Golgotha more and more with the human mind. However, during the time when Paul lived on earth, the human mind was still so developed that it could easily understand such things as we then find as the interpretation of the Mystery of Golgotha in all of Paul's letters, where the idea of the re-establishment of human nature, which had fallen as the Adamic nature, through Christ Jesus, also shines through.
And Western Christianity now awaits Johannine Christianity, which will be a Christianity based on the spirit. This is how Schelling understood it in his mature years, at forty or fifty. The other question was about the periods of Church history after the twelve apostles.
There is a lot of native wit in Thuringia with regard to everyday life, but in terms of understanding all higher questions, Thuringia is quite backward. That is why it is difficult to work there.

Results 5721 through 5730 of 6282

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