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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 5741 through 5750 of 6065

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349. The Life of Man on Earth and the Essence of Christianity: Why Don't We Remember Our Past Lives? 18 Apr 1923, Dornach
Translated by Automated

Rudolf Steiner
when it is amazed. Now it is suddenly supposed to understand that this is an A. It is just very abstract, has no relation to what the child has known so far.
But one should also not lose what one can necessarily lose by writing and reading. One must first come to understand through spiritual means what human life is. And now I want to tell you something very simple about two people.
They have only been thinking since the 15th century; they have not yet thought in the way we understand everything today. This can be proven historically. No wonder you do not remember your past lives today!
349. The Life of Man on Earth and the Essence of Christianity: Sleeping and Waking – Life After Death – The Christ Being – The Two Jesus Children 21 Apr 1923, Dornach
Translated by Automated

Rudolf Steiner
But even according to scientific views, it was not always the same as it is now, but there were also times when the water went up over it. Then England was under the sea. If you crossed this bit of sea, you naturally came to the ground. So the thing is that there were times when England was under the sea.
The two children communicated with each other in this language, talked to each other in this language; no one else understood it. Gentlemen, that can be the greatest wisdom! Only the two of them understood and agreed with each other.
The person who knows that something like this exists, that two children speak this language that no adult understands and share spiritual things with each other in which the adults do not participate, he who understands this, he understands everything I say about the two Jesus children up to the twelfth year.
349. The Life of Man on Earth and the Essence of Christianity: Christ, Ahriman and Lucifer 07 May 1923, Dornach
Translated by Automated

Rudolf Steiner
That is what brings one to what one should do in medicine, in natural science, in sociology, what one should do everywhere. And today it is just part of being human to understand how Luciferic and Ahrimanic is in human nature. But what do people understand of these things?
Why do they contradict each other? Yes, gentlemen, you just have to understand it correctly. Even in the 4th or 5th century, a person who was not half-witted could see that they contradict each other.
That is what I wanted to say in response to the question. I believe that one can understand the whole thing.
349. The Life of Man on Earth and the Essence of Christianity: Christ's Death, Resurrection and Ascension 09 May 1923, Dornach
Translated by Automated

Rudolf Steiner
Since time is just right, I will discuss this as it really happened, after we have already discussed the other thing; but, as I said, it can only be fully understood by those who have been here longer. The others will also understand it once we are together here more often.
Now, the Christians sacrificed to a God who died in Palestine and who cannot be seen anywhere. That was something the Romans could not understand. And so the first Christians had to perform their sacrifices underground, under the earth. And these underground passages that they dug out there, in which they buried their dead and performed their sacrifices, are called catacombs.
This solar power in the mystical, spiritual sense is drawn into Jesus. And those who understood this said: Now the Christ is drawn into Jesus. You see, now this remarkable thing happened.
349. Colour and the Human Races: The Nature of Color 21 Feb 1923, Dornach
Translated by Mabel Cotterell

Rudolf Steiner
I will, as far as possible, say something about colors. One cannot really understand colors if one does not understand the human eye, for man perceives colors entirely through the eye.
Now today we have a physicist's color-theory with the sack from which the seven colors come, which is taught everywhere. And we have a Goethean color-theory which understands the blue of the heavens rightly, understands rightly the morning and evening glow as I have been explaining to you.
And so it comes to the point that color is no longer understood at all. If one understands, however, that the destruction of the blood calls forth the vitalizing process—for when I have destroyed my blood then I call up all the oxygen in me and renew myself, bring about health—then one also understands the healthy rosy color in man.
349. Colour and the Human Races: Color and the Human Races 03 Mar 1923, Dornach
Translated by Mabel Cotterell

Rudolf Steiner
We will consider this a little today because one actually understands the whole of history and the whole social life, even modern social life, only if one can turn to the race-characteristics of humanity [see drawings]. Only then can one rightly understand the spiritual element if one first studies how the spirit works in man precisely through the skin-color.
[ 12 ] If one begins to understand the matter, it all becomes clear. But modern science does not make such studies as we do and so it knows nothing about these things.
350. Learning to See in the Spiritual World: The Development of Independent Thinking and of the Ability To Think Backward 28 Jun 1923, Dornach
Translated by Walter Stuber, Mark Gardner

Rudolf Steiner
For if you have such a sliver of muscle or cell under the microscope, you will probably still see nothing. What one must do is ask oneself: How can I make visible what is under the microscope?
Perhaps not, but he learned from teachers who did. And what they learned was entirely under the influence of the Latin language. Everything one learns today is under the influence of the Latin language.
Finally he cannot even do this. He can only play and can only understand ideas he learned when playing. There are even very old people who can only understand what their parents or their nurse told them in the very first years of their lives.
350. Learning to See in the Spiritual World: The Uses of What Seems Boring: The Spiritual World as the Inverse of the Physical 30 Jun 1923, Dornach
Translated by Walter Stuber, Mark Gardner

Rudolf Steiner
There can even be some judgments that are a beautiful red, although this is rarely the case. As you begin to understand this, you begin to grow into the sentence: All judgments made by human beings have color. (The sentence is written on the blackboard) Only now does one reach the point of being at all capable of thinking about the spiritual world, because it has the opposite characteristics of the physical world.
The whole lecture hall is thereby transformed for you. I am putting this in a way you can understand rationally. The lecture hall becomes transformed in such a way that behind the professor the spiritual—a truly and deeply intelligent man—appears.
But the metaphorical must become spiritual reality and one needs to understand how metaphors become spiritual. [ 26 ] I will give you an example—it actually comes out of the history of the Social Democratic party.
350. Learning to See in the Spiritual World: Developing Honesty In Thinking 07 Jul 1923, Dornach
Translated by Walter Stuber, Mark Gardner

Rudolf Steiner
In earlier times, say a thousand or fifteen hundred years ago, whoever wanted to learn anything had to undergo special training in thinking. People did not believe that they could understand anything of the spiritual world with their ordinary, everyday thinking, and therefore there existed a kind of schooling of thinking.
Spiritism is the most materialistic concept of all, and it is very important to understand that. [ 1 ] Now perhaps someone will say: But I have been present where people sat around a table and linked hands in a chain, and the table started to move and hop around, and all kinds of things of that sort.
Assuming this spot in the brain is sick, and remembering what I have told you—that neither the soul nor the astral body can become sick—the pain in your big toe cannot be registered. What happens under these conditions? The specific place in the individual's physical brain is sick, but this still leaves the etheric aspect of the brain.
350. Learning to See in the Spiritual World: Learning to Live Correctly in the Outer World 18 Jul 1923, Dornach
Translated by Walter Stuber, Mark Gardner

Rudolf Steiner
Contemporary science proceeds in a materialistic way and therefore tends to assume that the animal simply has weak muscles in that part of its tail and that these muscles just cannot hold together under the strain of being caught. But there is a little-noticed fact that is undervalued, which is that when the lizard is caught and kept in captivity for a long time it loses the ability to let go of its tail.
Now of course it is very difficult for one to understand these things properly. But just think: You would all be unable to read, that is, to make sense of signs or letters on paper, if you had not first learned to read. In the same way one cannot immediately understand the wonders at work when one hears tones on waking up. You do not of course have to believe that there is actually a dead person standing at the door knocking with his fingers.

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