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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 5971 through 5974 of 5974

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41b. H. P. Blavatsky's, “The Key to Theosophy”: XII. What Is Practical Theosophy?

H. P. Blavatsky
Then why don't your Churches teach that the doctrine of damnation and hell-fire is to be understood as a parable too? Why do some of your most popular preachers, while virtually allowing these "parables" to be understood as you take them, insist on the literal meaning of the fires of Hell and the physical tortures of an "Asbestos-like" soul?
Do you expect that your doctrines could ever take hold of the uneducated masses, when they are so abstruse and difficult that well-educated people can hardly understand them? Theo. You forget one thing, which is that your much-boasted modern education is precisely that which makes it difficult for you to understand Theosophy.
Then they had better remain outside the T. S. instead of sailing under false colours. No one is asked to give more than he can afford, whether in devotion, time, work or money.
41b. H. P. Blavatsky's, “The Key to Theosophy”: XIII. On the Misconceptions about the Theosophical Society

H. P. Blavatsky
Think of this, and you will easily understand the reason of such a relentless persecution by those others who, more observant and perspicacious, do see the true nature of Theosophy, and therefore dread it.
Do you mean to tell me that it is because a few have understood what Theosophy leads to, that they try to crush the movement? But if Theosophy leads only to good, surely you cannot be prepared to utter such a terrible accusation of perfidious heartlessness and treachery even against those few?
The total received from all sources (entrance fees, donations, etc., etc.) during these ten years is under six thousand pounds, and of this a large part was contributed by the Founders themselves from the proceeds of their private resources and their literary work.
41b. H. P. Blavatsky's, “The Key to Theosophy”: XIV. The “Theosophical Mahatmas”

H. P. Blavatsky
We call them "Masters" because they are our teachers; and because from them we have derived all the Theosophical truths, however inadequately some of us may have expressed, and others understood, them. They are men of great learning, whom we term Initiates, and still greater holiness of life.
How can they do it? Theo. My dear Sir, you are labouring under a great mistake, and it is science itself that will refute your arguments at no distant day. Why should it be a "miracle," as you call it?
Among the many forms of the "miracle" which have come under modern scientific recognition, there is Hypnotism, and one phase of its power is known as "Suggestion," a form of thought transference, which has been successfully used in combating particular physical diseases, etc.
41b. H. P. Blavatsky's, “The Key to Theosophy”: Extract from the Voice of the Silence

H. P. Blavatsky
* In it thy Soul will find the blossoms of life, but under every flower a serpent coiled.18 [*The Hall of Probationary Learning.]
One of the twain must disappear; there is no place for both. Ere thy Soul's mind can understand, the bud of personality must be crushed out, the worm of sense destroyed past resurrection. Thou canst not travel on the Path before thou hast become that Path itself.
It is an electric fiery occult or Fohatic power, the great pristine force, which underlies all organic and inorganic matter.32. This "Path" is mentioned in all the Mystic Works.

Results 5971 through 5974 of 5974

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