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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 5761 through 5770 of 6282

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347. The Human Being as Body, Soul and Spirit: The Process of Nutrition, Considered Physically, Materially, Mentally and Spiritually 16 Sep 1922, Dornach
Translated by Automated

Rudolf Steiner
These are small formations that are arranged in such a way that, when you look at them closely under the microscope, they look like small grapes; they are composed of cells in this way. These glands secrete saliva.
What this has to do with the liver feeling, gentlemen, you can understand by remembering what it is like – if you have ever done it – to bring a very sharp onion to your nose.
But the liver is also always degenerate. You see, you understand the degeneration and the various diseases when you look in this way at the various stages of the chyme in the organism.
347. The Human Being as Body, Soul and Spirit: About Early Conditions of Earth (Lemuria) 20 Sep 1922, Dornach
Translated by Automated

Rudolf Steiner
They did not see it as a bad time, but they had a huge desire and longing for what you could actually understand when you hear it told today, as if these dragon-birds had had a very bad time. That was the case.
That is no better than telling people: Once upon a time, a god came down and took a piece of earth and formed Adam out of it. You can understand one as well as the other. But what I am telling you now is easy for you to understand. Because the fact that the ichthyosaurs and plesiosaurs ate the dragon birds has completely transformed their insides and they have become different animals.
If you step on a very small wren with your feet, it is naturally underneath. This animal could have stepped on an ostrich, it was that large, it could have simply stepped on it to death.
347. The Human Being as Body, Soul and Spirit: Early Earth Conditions (continued) 23 Sep 1922, Dornach
Translated by Automated

Rudolf Steiner
We can look at another strange phenomenon that will lead us to understand something like this wound healing here. You know, we breathe in the air. When we breathe in the air, we get oxygen inside.
You see, gentlemen, it is so important to realize that what is beneficial internally is harmful when it comes from outside, and what is harmful internally is beneficial when it comes from outside. This is so important that if you do not understand this, you do not understand anything. Now we can say: We now know from contemporary life that something completely different must approach us from the outside than we have within us.
And because a thickening formed, there was a thinner mass of mucus underneath. And so these giant oysters were formed. But, you see, these giant oysters could not have formed at all if the sun had not shone.
347. The Human Being as Body, Soul and Spirit: The Dawn of Time 27 Sep 1922, Dornach
Translated by Automated

Rudolf Steiner
Reproduction is a very strange thing. But again, we have to say that all understanding of nature depends on understanding reproduction. Because through it, the individual animals and the individual plants still arise today. If it were not for reproduction, everything would have died long ago. If you want to understand anything about nature, you have to understand reproduction. But reproduction is something peculiar on earth.
You see, that is a real explanation, and only if you understand it that way can you really understand. Then you realize that there was once a time when the moon flew out and the earth flew out of the sun with the moon.
347. The Human Being as Body, Soul and Spirit: Adam Kadmon in Lemuria 30 Sep 1922, Dornach
Translated by Automated

Rudolf Steiner
Question: I was very surprised by the idea that the sun was inside the earth; I have never heard of anything like that before. As I understood the last lectures, the earth was nothing more than the human being, and that animals actually descended from all this.
And the further you get into the head, the more the head dies. Under the skullcap, between the brain and the outer bone, is a kind of dead skin. So that when you go into the head, you also find something that is dying.
Yes, gentlemen, it is true: we all descend from one man! That is, after all, understandable, isn't it. But this one man was not a little earth flea, as people are now, but he was the earth itself.
347. On the Origin of Speech and Language 02 Aug 1922, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Now we have to deal with the human mind as well and try to understand how it developed. You see, understanding the external aspect of the mind has become possible only in the last sixty years.
Once we realize that the brain is shaped under external influences, we can appreciate how important these influences from the outside are. We see that they are tremendously significant once we understand that they affect everything that takes place in the brain.
This kind of statement is not worth anything. However, if you understand the full context, the matter ceases to be superstition and becomes science instead. And that will lead us from understanding the transformation of substances to an understanding of what is really happening and its connection to the vast universe out there.
348. Health and Illness, Volume I: Concerning the World Situation; Causes of Illness 19 Oct 1922, Dornach
Translated by Maria St. Goar

Rudolf Steiner
Their only objective is to squeeze profits out of Germany by hook or by crook. You can understand now that the English sit between two chairs and, as a result, don't accomplish much of anything.
Things are just the same in those countries that underwent revolutions. You must realize that a complete change in education is called for; everything depends on that.
He had placed his top hat in front of him, and his speech was under it! After he found his thread of thought he could resume talking. Something like that can happen.
348. Health and Illness, Volume I: Illnesses Occurring in the Different Periods of Life 24 Oct 1922, Dornach
Translated by Maria St. Goar

Rudolf Steiner
It drives the proper substances to the spot where the hair takes root and then offers them to the light, for hair grows under the influence of light. All this occurs in the child, but modern science is unwilling to consider these aspects.
Man, like the domesticated animals, did not originally live under today's conditions. But there was a time when, under the influence of light and warmth, he grew hair all over his body, and we may witness this fact today in an embryo a few months old.
The worst thing about conditions today is that people have weak heads and do not understand anything about one another. They separate themselves according to social standing and do not speak to those of other classes.
348. Health and Illness, Volume I: The Formation of the Human Ear; Eagle, Lion, Bull, and Man 29 Nov 1922, Dornach
Translated by Maria St. Goar

Rudolf Steiner
You will see how such a cell moulds itself while it is still partially under the influence of the stars and partially under the influence of the earth. The ear is formed in such a marvellous way so that man can actually make use of it.
This produces a second, which by being placed in a slightly different position comes under a different influence and develops into the ear. Another develops into the nose, a third into the eye, and so on.
In observing the intestines, you can compare their formation only with the nature of those animals that are mainly under their influence. The lion is under the influence of the heart, and the eagle is under the sway of the upper forces.
348. Health and Illness, Volume I: The Thyroid Gland and Hormones; Steinach's Tests; Mental and Physical Rejuvenation Treatments 02 Dec 1922, Dornach
Translated by Maria St. Goar

Rudolf Steiner
If the thyroid secretion is introduced into the stomach rather than directly into the body, it also finds its way into the blood stream. But you understand, of course, that administering thyroid by way of the stomach is effective only as long as it comes to circulate in the blood.
Being so small, how could they have been noticed? From all this you can understand that man's well-being simply requires certain substances. You need only recall that his mental faculties are altered also when he drinks wine, for instance.
It is feasible, however, that the life span, too, will eventually be lengthened this way. You understand, though, that all these matters also have their negative aspects. It is true, is it not, that some people are poor sleepers?

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