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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

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261. Our Dead: Memorial Service for Christian Morgenstern 10 May 1914, Kassel

Rudolf Steiner
From many a word he spoke in intimate conversation, one could see how the understanding of a human spirit like Christian Morgenstern, who himself had to struggle so titanically, differs from that of a soul that passes over the struggles of other souls on earth more superficially.
At that time, as so often, I forgot the loving understanding of kindred souls, who are able to create a similar state within themselves, simply out of warmth for the work of art in question and the intuitive perception that they have for the impulses from which and under which it may have formed.
After all that we have since experienced, you will understand, my dear friends, that we would very much like to become faithful executors of his intentions with regard to the point that Christian Morgenstern touches on in this letter.
261. Our Dead: Eulogy for Theo Faiss 10 Oct 1914, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Is it not, in essence, my dear friends, all of us who are here together for the purpose of our construction, not strange karma, now, in a harrowing event, to experience the connection between karma and seemingly external coincidence? We can already understand this when we take everything we have experienced in anthroposophy so far and turn it into a conviction: that human lives that are taken away early, that have not gone through the worries and sorrows, nor the temptations of life, that such human lives are forces in the spiritual world that have a certain relationship to the entire human life, that are there to have an effect on these human lives.
261. Our Dead: Address at the Grave of Albert Faiss 27 Dec 1914, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
When he spoke in this way and wanted to penetrate the forces that the earth develops to produce food in his profession that could best serve humanity, when he inquired which plant was better suited for this or that human need, then one saw how he understood how to develop service to humanity out of his profession. It was a beautiful part of his nature that he never thought of pursuing his profession for personal reasons, but tried to make it into a service to humanity and thus into a form of worship.
261. Our Dead: Address at the Cremation of Lina Grosheintz-Rohrer 10 Jan 1915, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
And when such a soul departs from us, then our own souls feel as if they are united in spirit with the spirit that flows through all worlds, with the living force that goes through all life. Then we are closer to understanding these words, which are given to the human race, than we are in the ordinary moments of life, when we feel united with the noble soul that hovers over our life, the fleeting life, and then we do not say in a different sense than usual; Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth.
This world view of the ancient Roman sage lived in our friend's heart. But in addition, she had a living understanding of the union of the individual human soul with the whole; she had everything that the human soul can fulfill in our time, when it seeks the path through the earthly shell up into the spiritual worlds.
When she delves into her reasons, she feels how she finds the way to the world that is beyond space and time, in which physical death forms the entrance to the connection with the Christ, who reveals Himself through the mystery of Golgotha, who reveals Himself anew in the understanding soul in every moment. And then such a soul finds the true conviction, which no soul can find more sincerely than the soul that hastened ahead of us, the word: In Christ we die. - Everything she gave us in her life, when we saw her among us, for years and especially in the last times, is an affirmation of her being imbued with the Christ impulse.
261. Our Dead: Eulogy at the Cremation of Fritz Mitscher 05 Feb 1915, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
And today, we stand before the loss, which pains us deeply, with our dear mother, who is so close to all our hearts, and who, with such deep, loving understanding, kindred spirit, followed his path through life with me, not just followed it, but prepared it for you with the deepest inner knowledge of your nature, with the deepest inner love.
But you have passed through the gate of death with soul powers that are blissfully strengthened by the power of Christ, by that power of Christ, which you knew how to take in as spirit-knowledge, in your most inner feeling, in the secret of your heart, in your rich knowledge, which you knew how to take in as a living power that keeps alive throughout eternity that which which we know how to connect with this Christ-power. You have understood how to solve the riddle of spiritual science for yourself, so that you let it enter into the center of all your longing and searching that which gives meaning to the earth, which, as the striving of humanity, is incorporated in all earthly life: the power of Christ.
261. Our Dead: Memorial Words for Richard Kramer, the Younger 15 Aug 1915, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Still under the impression of the “Faust” performance, something may be expressed at first, to which the soul can urge in this moment.
And because he was so faithfully united with us in his soul and had such a wonderful aspiration to work with us in erecting this monument of our time, it is our special duty, but certainly also the impulse of our special love, to remember him at this hour, which may stand under the after-effect of the mystery of the ascent of the human soul, of the immortal in man into the spiritual world.
261. Our Dead: Eulogy for Gertrud Noss 25 Sep 1915, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
You could see from our friend's soul how close she had come to an intimate spiritual understanding in a very natural way, precisely since death had passed by her in such a painful way. I have often said that it can never be the task of someone who has to speak words when death comes upon us to comfort the surviving friends, that it can never be the opinion of the one who has to speak on the occasion of a death to want to give comfort that is supposed to ease the pain.
The death of a person close to us brings us, as it has brought our friend close, close to the spiritual world; under all circumstances it brings us in some way closer to the feeling, to the real grasp of the spiritual world.
261. Our Dead: Eulogy on the Death of Sophie Stinde 18 Nov 1915, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Miss Stinde and her friend devoted themselves to this work with the utmost intensity and, above all, with the greatest understanding, born entirely out of the innermost essence of our cause, out of a will that can only itself be born out of this inner essence of our cause.
261. Our Dead: Eulogy at the Cremation of Sophie Stinde 22 Nov 1915, Ulm

Rudolf Steiner
Few knew how to accept, with deep understanding of heart and soul, the many unspoken things in all that is spoken, which lies in our world view, as Sophie Stinde did.
I can only characterize the precious bond that united us with Sophie Stinde to some extent with words that only remotely describe it by saying: One could understand her in all that words can speak to people, but one could also understand her in all that words cannot speak to people, what invisibly from human soul to human soul, what inaudibly from soul to soul. There is so much to be done when embarking on a spiritual undertaking, and one must be able to place it in human hands, and be sure that they will carry it out as one might not even be able to do oneself.
261. Our Dead: Eulogy for Sophie Stinde 29 Nov 1915, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
A place has become empty for the physical world among us, which was filled by a personality who filled this place with the warmest striving for knowledge and most understanding loyalty. Our love flows to this place, it looks to this place and seeks to revive the intimate bond that has connected us for many years with this personality who has passed away from the physical plane.
And the deep esteem that we had to have for her, seeking to understand her very unique nature, must transform itself in us into the most faithful memory, so that, now that she no longer walks with us in the physical world, her spirit may reign among us, work with us, that spirit that shone so wonderfully for us over the years in its significance, in its value within our work, has shone so wonderfully for years.
We anxiously observed how often her overworked physical body could reveal the soul. Those for whom our work is precious, who understand our work, will always associate our work with the name Sophie Stinde. We worked at her side in Dornach, we looked at what we saw emerging piece by piece as the artistic form of our work there in the Dornach building.

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