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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 6231 through 6240 of 6282

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261. Our Dead: Eulogy at the Cremation of Caroline Wilhelm 27 Oct 1920, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
In the most difficult hours of suffering, she was illuminated by the image she had received of the suffering of Christ on Golgotha, who is victorious over all death. Thus, under the most severe suffering and agony, she defeated death within herself. She felt the Christ-light within her. That was what sustained her under the heavy pressure of the suffering through which she was tested. For that was what the Christ-light told her again and again: No matter how many deaths a person may go through, no matter how much suffering and darkness may enter this life, there is a resurrection in the spirit from all deaths, from all darkness, from all suffering.
261. Our Dead: Eulogy for Nelly Lichtenberg 21 May 1922, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
When our movement here in Berlin was still extremely small, we all appreciated the heartfelt loyalty and deep understanding with which they both clung to the movement and participated in its development. Baroness Nelly Lichtenberg carried this loyal soul in a body that caused extraordinary difficulties for her outer life.
261. Our Dead: Eulogy at the Cremation of Elisabeth Maier 29 Mar 1923, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
Therefore, in this moment of sorrow and grief, I may turn especially to the beloved mother of the dear ones who have passed away from us, to assure her that there is in the souls that were connected with the dear Elisabeth Maier, the deepest, most sincere and honest sorrow for those who can understand the feeling of life that can comprehend such pain and that expresses itself in the realization that one must say: You gave life to a dear being as a mother, and you had to watch her earthly life disappear earlier than you were able to lift yourself up into the spiritual realm.
261. Our Dead: Eulogy at the Cremation of Hermann Linde 29 Jun 1923, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
He left behind his dear wife, our dear friend, and his dear daughter. We must understand the pain they feel over his death, in true inner warmth. We must understand that we make our thoughts about him, which are devoted to him, quite precious by remaining connected in the most intimate love, as long as we are granted this on earth, with these, his friends who have survived him.
If we know in the right sense that death is not the destroyer of life but the beginning of another form of life, then we must understand in the right sense that the love that has been assigned to one who is now dead to earthly life also enters into another form of existence with this death. And if we do not understand this metamorphosis of love, then we do not understand in the right sense the metamorphosis of life, which we think we understand when we join a spiritual movement like anthroposophy.
261. Our Dead: Address at the Cremation of Georga Wiese 11 Jan 1924, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
And this love, this loyalty, this wonderful warmth of heart, it radiated from Georga Wiese to such an infinitely beautiful extent that everyone who met her felt how beneficial and at the same time how deeply understanding this togetherness could be. We were privileged to get to know Georga Wiese in her native environment, to which she wanted to convey the spiritual life with such zeal and such an understanding gaze from her beautiful soul.
Outwardly, she had the most faithful care in the hospital and from the understanding doctor, and in this respect I was deeply satisfied when I was able to speak to her doctor myself during a visit shortly before her death.
I had to leave Georga Wiese in a state of deep concern. My dear mourners, if one understands the spiritual underpinnings of the human being while he is still on earth, one may only strive with strong, powerful thoughts to say that he will, he will be healthy.
261. Our Dead: Memorial address for Charlotte Ferreri and Edith Maryon 03 May 1924, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
All this – it may be said, because Miss Maryon understood it perfectly – actually helps nothing within the Anthroposophical movement. Anyone who believes that it helps within the anthroposophical movement is on the wrong track.
The painter must contribute his abilities, and so on and so forth. You understand this, because otherwise I would have had to carry out the whole Goetheanum construction alone.
What I had to say today should culminate in showing how a quiet, self-sacrificing working life within the anthroposophical cause has been effective here, that it is irreplaceable, and that I am certain that those who understand what it actually means to work in a leading position within the anthroposophical movement, as I must do, will take what has been said in an understanding sense.
261. Our Dead: Eulogy at the Cremation of Edith Maryon 06 May 1924, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
And of Edith Maryon it can be said that her reliability was something absolutely true and faithful. If she undertook something that required her practical sense, it would be there in due course, even when the work to be done was quite remote from her actual professional activity.
She was cared for until her last hours, not only by the doctor, but also by the nurses who had become dear to her and cared for her, and it was under the care of these nurses that she often spent agonizing hours in the last days, but these could always be brightened in an extraordinarily beautiful and spiritual way.
261. Our Dead: Eulogy for Admiral Grafton 14 Sep 1924, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
And so he repeatedly told me that the great satisfaction of his life was that, after a long search, he had finally come to an understanding of life through anthroposophy, although he had started from the opposite pole. And one always had the feeling that when this personality spoke about a connection with anthroposophy, it was not only from the depths of the heart, but there was also a wonderful, almost beautiful enthusiasm in this sense of connection, an enthusiasm that must truly appear as a particularly beautiful one when it is spoken from a heart that who had reached old age through a life of hard work.
Admiral Grafton was only able to listen because of his general enthusiasm for the spirituality of anthroposophy, as he did not understand German well enough to follow a lecture. He could only follow with his heart. He was only able to follow the general thrust of the matter.
And I am very grateful who could not be here in person at the funeral service for our dear friend, that the friends, especially our friend Heywood-Smith, have taken it upon themselves to say beautifully, devotedly, with a deep understanding of the personality of Admiral Grafton, what I would have liked to have said myself at the funeral service if I had not been detained in England out of duty.
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: To Martha Langen in Eisenach 20 Sep 1907, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
One such misunderstanding, for example, is that Theosophy must urge every person who accepts it in any form to undergo occult training. But that is absolutely not the case. Occult truths can only be discovered by those who have undergone occult training; they can be understood by the most ordinary human intellect.
Since many people today are seeking this training under such circumstances, misunderstandings cannot be avoided even among students. Today everyone thinks that what is good for him must also be good for others.
So you see that asceticism in this direction must not be a rule, but can only be granted to some occultists under certain conditions. In any case, if you approach occultism with these prerequisites in mind, you will easily understand that any kind of selfishness, even if it is the most hidden and masked, will not get you far in occult training.
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: To Mathilde Scholl in Cologne 01 May 1903, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
But then it could only be the projection of the causal body in mental matter. And in this case, I do not understand the swastikas, which again point to an astral element. I therefore request that you write to me with more details about this matter.
We must make it clear, not through words but through imponderables, that it is a matter of the continuous fertilization of the bearers of the T.S. by central individualities. Only those who work esoterically will fully understand all these things; but for that, they must also stand together in a clearly conscious and forceful way, awakening the others.
It was only through Leadbeater's book that I understood how it is possible to see such an arrangement of colors. But I would like to know who this being was, because even if it seemed to have the features of Master M., it may just as well have been based on my individual mood as on reality.”

Results 6231 through 6240 of 6282

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