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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 6201 through 6210 of 6338

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263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Verses and Notes for Edith Maryon 1918–1924

Rudolf Steiner
Spiritually, there is But this feeling dreams within me. I must understand what is dreaming in my feeling: In every thing In all becoming Life dreams; I am in dreams, Thinking disturbs me.
261. Our Dead: Eulogy for Countess von Brockdorff 25 Jun 1906, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
It was difficult to continue her spiritual life under the name of Theosophy. Therefore, she had initially limited herself to her Thursday afternoons, but then felt the need to return to actual Theosophical activity and asked me – I was not even a member of the Society at the time – to give lectures at the Association, which during the first winter were on German mysticism up to Angelus Silesius.
261. Our Dead: Eulogies Given at the 1908 General Meeting 26 Oct 1908, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
This lady, who had also been in poor health for a long time, whose body had only been held together by a lively mind for a long time, also had an active striving in every direction, and she was always there when something needed to be done, even if she had just undergone an operation; And anyone who has become acquainted with the beautiful inner and outer life of Miss von Hoffstetten will give her the most beautiful love on the other side.
261. Our Dead: Eulogies Given at the 1909 General Meeting 24 Oct 1909, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Thus the popular phrase of universal love for humanity is replaced by a true understanding of individual real love for one's neighbor. If human love does not take hold of individual cases and become active there, it remains a mere phrase.
261. Our Dead: Eulogies Given at the 1910 General Meeting 30 Oct 1910, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
At that time I was able to experience the beautiful, loving understanding with which Amalie Wagner's soul approached the event that took place with the death of her sister.
While he was working in Zurich, his dear wife passed over into the spiritual world. Our dear friend understands his wife's passing in the most wonderful way, and anyone who has been privileged to feel what Sellin himself feels towards the dead knows how the theosophist should feel towards the dead in the true, beautiful sense.
When we sink eye to eye, not thinking of ourselves at all, we don't even need words, True understanding speaks without sound! Even to the most hardened hearts There is a way. If you walk courageously on a shaky path With the one thought: to be a helper, You will soon no longer be alone!
261. Our Dead: Eulogies Given at the 1911 General Meeting 10 Dec 1911, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Miss Hippenmeyer did not pursue these interests in a philistine way, but undertook extensive journeys that could be called world tours. If you consider only the external, purely technical difficulties of these trips for a single traveling lady, and Miss Hippenmeyer was still a frail lady, then that is something to be admired.
I was also granted a glimpse into this heart, and please understand that when I say tragic, I mean what most of you would understand by tragic in my lectures. We are fulfilling a duty of warmth to express outwardly how we are connected in thought with the dead by rising from our seats.
261. Our Dead: Eulogy for Caroline von Sivers-Baum 23 Jul 1912, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
And this was a feeling that was based on inner understanding. The soul that has left us took a warm interest in the spiritual life that our friends cultivate.
261. Our Dead: Eulogies Given at the 1913 General Meeting 02 Feb 1913, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
It should only be said that 'Theosophy can lead us to understand every kind of seeking, every kind of spiritual experience, and that we will also understand this man's last death path.
261. Our Dead: Eulogies Given at the 1914 General Meeting 18 Jan 1914, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
I have to commemorate the personality who found herself in the circle of our Nordic friends in our midst, and who, after a long, heroically endured illness, despite the most careful and loving care, ultimately had to leave the physical plane after all, Fräulein Manch. Perhaps those who were closest to her will understand what I would also like to express about this soul when we consider how she, I would say, clung to the theosophical cause with inner strength and thus passed through the gateway of death.
261. Our Dead: Eulogy for Christian Morgenstern 10 Apr 1914, Vienna

Rudolf Steiner
That is how he spoke. That is how he understood his relationship to the spiritual world. It is up to us, to whom he belonged, to faithfully cultivate this memory.
He only needed to be connected to this external world of people through his wife, who was so infinitely understanding, only through her did he need to be connected to this external world of people, which, through the rare understanding she showed him, was able to represent the whole of humanity.
And when Christian Morgenstern, sensing the sounds of the spirit of the world within himself, let his wonderful sounds resound on the island of the soul, he could only be understood by those who knew how to follow him. It has often been said: If you want to understand the poet, you have to go to the poet's country.

Results 6201 through 6210 of 6338

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