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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 431 through 440 of 6282

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55. Insanity from the Standpoint of Spiritual Science 31 Jan 1907, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Many things which the Doctor no longer regards as mental disease, yet belong to it, e.g. frantic complaining, also religious sectarianism, and fanaticism. The latter live under an idea, as if under a fixed idea (compelling idea), which exercises a great suggestive power on weak natures, so that fashionable (?)
Our material world is a copy of the spiritual. We must get to know this, in order to understand the physical. Heldenbach indeed says: What does all this spirit-stuff concern us? We, however, will say: Yet this human stuff does concern us and since human beings are united with the SPIRITUAL WORLD, we will find the bridge between the two.
56. Illusory Illness and the Feverish Pursuit of Health: Illusory Illness 03 Dec 1907, Munich
Translated by Sarah Kurland

Rudolf Steiner
Whereupon the lady replied, “I, too, understand much about illness. Many people in my homeland thank me for their health and life.” The gentleman told of one of his numerous illnesses, whereupon the lady, from her heart's wide knowledge, gave him a prescription that the man wrote down.
Whoever observed these people with an eye for the situation under consideration soon saw that there was something not quite right about the lady. As for the man, he only lacked the will to be healthy.
When he was alone with her he questioned her with such questions as were suitable under these circumstances, but all his questions elicited no pertinent answers. Finally, it came out that the young lady was to leave school.
56. Illusory Illness and the Feverish Pursuit of Health: The Feverish Pursuit of Health 05 Dec 1907, Munich
Translated by Sarah Kurland

Rudolf Steiner
In a certain way there is contained therein the secret of the particular circumstances under which health becomes at all worth pursuing. That the pursuit of health should only under certain circumstances be worthwhile might appear unusual.
What is meant by, “The human being is undergoing development?” Again it is necessary to refer to the being of man. The physical body is only a part of the human entity.
A whole series of decadent appearances show up in captivity or under other circumstances. During the cultural process, men are continually subject to other conditions.
56. Man and Woman in Light of Spiritual Science 18 Mar 1908, Munich
Translated by Bernard Jarman

Rudolf Steiner
I have emphasised again and again that it is not as easy to understand the human being out of spiritual science as it is out of a materialistically orientated science.
So long as one merely looks at the physical body little can be understood. The spiritual lying behind must also be recognised. Through his masculine nature the inner femininity of the man appears, and through the woman's feminine nature her inner masculinity appears.
It is, however, the tragedy of materialism that it understands the nature of matter least of all. One arrives at some very strange conclusions if one denies that matter is a condensed form of the spiritual.
56. The Mission of Occult Science in Our Time 10 Oct 1907, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
For it is not necessary to be a clairvoyant to understand the spiritual-scientific truths after they have been announced to the human beings. For clairvoyance is necessary for discovering, but not for understanding the occult truths.
However, if these results have been pronounced once and have been dressed in such forms that they correspond to the today's thinking, then everybody can understand them. The objection can never count that one has to be clairvoyant to understand the things which occult science informs.
—Let us make such a principle the innermost motive of our soul life, and then we understand how someone who stands in the occult science thinks about the mission of occult science in our age.
56. Natural Science Facing a Crucial Decision 17 Oct 1907, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
In The Seven World Riddles (1880), you find that he admits not to understand how life originated and how the first distribution of matter came about. He admits that matter must have been distributed from the outset.
Spiritual science also admires the works of the spirit in materialism; but it establishes no cloud-cuckoo-land. Spiritual science wants to understand the world to work in it. About hundred years ago, one had natural sciences in Germany, which sailed under full canvas into the materialism of the 19th century, natural sciences that started recognising nothing else than what one can see with eyes and touch with hands.
However, the people who condemn Hegel and Schelling understand as a rule nothing at all of these spirits who looked so deeply into the world, as none of those suggest who believe to be way beyond them.
56. The Knowledge of Soul and Spirit 24 Oct 1907, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Human beings who stand on such a height as for example Francis of Assisi have brought the whole astral body under the control of the ego, so that nothing happens in their astral body that the ego does not control.
In the middle, the soul exists. It connects mind and body. Hence, we understand the human being only if we understand him in this tripartite composition, consisting of the physical, etheric and astral bodies and consisting of nascent spirit: manas, buddhi, and atman or spirit self, life spirit and spirit man.
Thereby it will be the best servant of the high religious traditions that distinguish between the human mind and the world enclosing spirit that the religious traditions call the Holy Spirit. We understand these scriptures as means of understanding only if we comprehend them deeply enough and consider everything in great enclosing pictures which are the expression of facts.
56. Initiation 28 Nov 1907, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
A German philosopher did it, not sufficiently but fundamentally and profoundly, but one did not understand him. If an anecdote were true, it would prove this fact in its depth. For Hegel (Georg Friedrich Wilhelm H., 1770–1831) should have said: “Only one understood me, and also he misunderstood me.”
If you want to understand the development of the beings and stop at the thinking, you never can go fairly beyond this sensory world.
Look at plant, animal, and human being and you understand the dictum of Plato that the world soul is crucified on the cross of the world. Plato understands plant, animal, and human being by the world.
56. The So-Called Dangers of Initiation 12 Dec 1907, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
The further we grow into the times, the younger become in particular the people who write under the line, and because the reader usually does not think and has, actually, no means to investigate how young the writer is, he has no notion by whom he is taken in.
Thus, the depths of the higher world are also attained the better, the more one can be quiet. For that who has understood these matters there is no talking generally if he is not forced to it if the world does not demand it from him.
Towards the great, they often become the haughtiest, and then they hard understand that this feeling is the biggest obstacle for their further development, and that it is the best for the further development to renounce arrogance.
56. Man, Woman and Child 09 Jan 1908, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
The principle of soul re-embodiment or reincarnation results from this. We cannot understand the human individual from the ancestors. Perhaps, outer qualities can be led back, admittedly, to ancestors, but not that what belongs to the own being of a human individuality.
The individual being is the human being. One can only understand the significance of individual and love completely considering the nature of the human being in the sense of spiritual science.
Perhaps, by a confrontation of a human being and a stone you get the understanding of it: in the crystal, the outer forces that have formed it conclude. They do no longer impress anything into the inside of the stone.

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