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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 411 through 420 of 6065

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54. The Situation of the World 12 Oct 1905, Berlin
Translated by Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
One direction is what we designate as power of judgment and understanding, what we name idealism; the other direction is human passion, the human inclinations, man's sympathies and antipathies. Many things would be different in the world if it were possible, without further ado, to control desires and passions in accordance with the principles of the heart and of the understanding. For this is not possible, the very opposite has so far always been the case in human life. The understanding, the heart itself, provide in idealism the mask for what is pursued by passion and desire.
Ernst Haeckel set out from these ideas, and in warlike activities, in war itself, he even saw a lever of civilisation, Battle strengthens, the weak must go under,—civilisation demands that the weak should perish. National economy then applied this struggle to the human sphere.
54. Brotherhood and the Fight for Survival 23 Nov 1905, Berlin
Translated by Manfred Maier, Nicholas Stanton

Rudolf Steiner
From a cultural/historical point of view, we can comprehend Dante's Divine Comedy, an immense work, only if we understand the establishment of the mutual help principle at that time. If you look further at what developed in these cities under the influence of this principle, you will find, for instance, the art of printing, engraving, papermaking, watch making, and all the later inventions, prepared under the free principle of mutual help.
Everyone understood the other's work and everyone tried to understand how he or she could have left the “straight and narrow.”
We work best in such a circle if we are able in practical life to disregard our own opinion. If we understand that our best forces spring out of community and that community is not just understood as an abstract principle but primary at every turn of the road, at every moment of life in a Anthroposophical manner.
54. Easter 12 Apr 1906, Berlin
Translated by Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
In that way they prepare themselves for gaining an understanding of the meaning involved when, at the Vishnu-festival, the resurrection is celebrated,—the awakening of entire Nature.
We must look into the mysteries of human nature very deeply if we would understand the experiences of the old initiates when trying outwardly to express the essentials of the festival of Easter.
He celebrates an inner Easter festival who discerns within him the awakening of the new astral vision. So we can understand why this spring festival is related to symbolic ideas such as death and resurrection. In man, the astral light is “dead”.
54. Women and Society 17 Nov 1906, Hamburg
Translated by Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Little by little women have fought for, and won—in spite of the opposition of the opinions of a man's world—admission to most male professions, including that of lawyer, doctor, philologist and so on. Women have taken up these professions under significantly less favourable conditions than men. One has only to consider under what unfavourable circumstances women have recently entered universities.
There is a still higher development which the occult pupil undergoes. This rests on the fact that one becomes a completely different human being in the etheric body.
One will then no longer say: ‘The Eternal-feminine bears us aloft’, or ‘The Eternal-masculine bears us aloft’, but, with deep understanding, with deep spiritual understanding one will say: ‘The Eternal-human bears us aloft’.
55. Supersensible Knowledge: The Significance of Supersensible Knowledge Today 11 Oct 1906, Berlin
Translated by Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
What is required now is complete mutual understanding, not just tolerance and patience. So far, Christians have tended to take the attitude that, while they do not understand the faith of Muslims or of the Jewish people, and equally they do not understand Christianity, each one tolerates the other's views.
But life is shared with people of different cultures and with different views, and these a person must endeavor to understand. The truth should result in more than mere patience and tolerance; it should enable a person to enter with understanding into what the others feel and experience.
These cultures became great because their exponents understood the needs of their time. The exponents of Christianity will also work effectively when once again the needs of the human heart are understood.
55. Supersensible Knowledge: Blood is a Very Special Fluid 25 Oct 1906, Berlin
Translated by Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
The racial problem cannot be understood unless one understands the mysterious effect when blood of different races is mingled. And finally, there is the problem of colonization that also belongs in this category.
When the significance of blood is discussed, all these things come under scrutiny. The physical composition of blood will be known to you from science in general.
It heralds the birth of the intellect, which means ability to understand the external world, to understand what is foreign. The important fact to bear in mind is that in ancient times a dim clairvoyance existed out of which arose sagas and legends, and that the clairvoyant consciousness is based on unmixed blood, whereas our awakened consciousness depends on mixed blood.
55. Supersensible Knowledge: The Origin of Suffering 08 Nov 1906, Berlin
Translated by Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
But what is it that individuals attain through this ever widening of their inner being? They attain understanding of the other. Nothing provides greater understanding than experiencing another person's suffering as one's own.
Life dissolves unless a new principle, that is, consciousness, is added. Consciousness can only be understood when it is recognized that it constantly renews life that would otherwise dissolve, just as life forces renew certain processes without which matter would decay.
The organs connected with feeling and will must undergo division. Consequently, even if it cannot be proved anatomically, the organism of an initiate is different from that of a non-initiate.
55. Supersensible Knowledge: The Origin of Evil 22 Nov 1906, Berlin
Translated by Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
Spiritual science is the first to show that to understand evil one must enter deeply into the nature of human beings, and indeed into that of the whole cosmos.
55. Supersensible Knowledge: Education in the Light of Spiritual Science 01 Dec 1906, Cologne
Translated by Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
These four bodies develop in each individual in a particular way from childhood till old age. That is why, if we are to understand a person, we must always consider each human being individually. A person's characteristics are indicated already in the embryo.
Spiritual research makes all these subtleties understandable and throws light even on details of what should be done. Everything the child perceives, also in a moral sense, acts on the formation of its physical organs.
It is absurd for such young people to judge issues or to have a say in cultural life. A young person under the age of twenty has an as yet undeveloped astral body, and can no more make sound judgments than a baby still in the womb can hear or see.
55. Supersensible Knowledge: Illness and Death 13 Dec 1906, Berlin
Translated by Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
These are aspects that must be taken into account if we are to understand the mind of a spirit such as that of Saint Paul. Those who wish to reach a deeper understanding of the Old and New Testaments, who strive to grasp their deeper aspects, will be aware of a definite, one might say instinctive, philosophic current that runs through these records.
He says: “When we consider the most highly evolved being, man, we find that after one or two generations he no longer understands the world. Once a person is old he no longer understands the young. That is why the old must die and the new continuously arrive.”
Basically, everything absorbed by our life processes to build up the organism originated in external nature. When we understand the secret of how the external forces and substances are called to life, we shall also understand illness.

Results 411 through 420 of 6065

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