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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 531 through 540 of 6065

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26. The Michael Mystery: Before the Door of the Spiritual Soul I
Translated by Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood, George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
What she does, has its impulses—for herself—deep down in the subconscious underlying grounds of her soul. She follows the blind promptings of the spiritual world. On earth reigns harassing confusion, with the aim of preventing the Age of Consciousness from coming in.
With such people, what makes it impossible to come to any reasonable understanding is that they willfully twist round what is obviously spiritual and give it a materialistic aspect.
[ 18 ] This state of men's minds must be clearly perceived, in order to understand those movements in thought which are associated on the one hand with the names of Wycliffe, Huss etc. and with the designation ‘Rosicrucian’ on the other.
26. The Michael Mystery: Before the Door of the Spiritual Soul II
Translated by Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood, George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
There were, here and there, persons who had a sense and understanding for the position held by the Michael Powers in the universe, and who devoted themselves to so training the powers of their own souls, that they could find conscious access to that spiritual region bordering on the earthly one, in which Michael carries on his labours on Man's behalf.
Those who are working together in this way, do not then talk of their work before persons who from lack of understanding might only spoil the tasks on which they are engaged. These tasks, as we have seen, belonged to spiritual streams which do not run within the borders of earthly life, but in the neighbouring spirit-world—although they send their impulses across into this earthly life.
[ 19 ] This is all connected with the fact, that Michael under all circumstances is resolved to avoid every contact with the present earth-world, on which Man is obliged to set foot; but that nevertheless Michael has to remain with the stream of Cosmic Intellectuality, of which he was regent in the past, and to conduct it further within Man.
26. The Michael Mystery: Before the Door of the Spiritual Soul III
Translated by Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood, George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
A tottering of all spiritual life; Michael, with all his forces reaching back in cosmic evolution, in order to find strength to keep in balance the Dragon under his feet. Under these powerful exertions of Michael there arise the great works of the Renaissance.
26. The Michael Mystery: A Christmas Contemplation: the Mystery of the Logos
Translated by Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood, George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
[ 11 ] Persephone, daughter of Demeter, is forced by the God of the Underworld to accompany him down into his kingdom. This is finally settled in the form that she spends half of the year only in the underworld, and dwells in the upper world during the other half.
And these forces of the Deep, these ‘Powers of the Underworld,’ they saw acting in alternation with the action of the Stars and the elemental forces of the Earth's environment.
[ 24 ] And the beginning of this understanding is a loving comprehension of the World-Christmas, which every year is celebrated in Remembrance.
26. The Michael Mystery: Heavenly History, Mythological History, Earthly History. The Mystery of Golgotha
Translated by Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood, George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
[ 13 ] This intermediate epoch alone affords the conditions under which Mankind can progress from a dull, dim consciousness to a clear, free consciousness of Self—to free intelligence and free will of his own.
The Hero cannot directly incarnate in a physical body under earthly conditions; but he can do so by going down into the physical body of a human being, and thus enabling himself to work as a man amongst men.
[ 26 ] So the weaving of the world-process in which Man is interwoven moves on, between the altogether calculable and the workings of free intelligence and free will. Under the joint action of both, the world-process is manifested—in every variety of shade betwixt the two.
26. The Michael Mystery: What is seen on looking back into Man's previous Lives between Death and the new Birth (I)
Translated by Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood, George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
[ 12 ] Rightly to understand what it was that the Hierarchy of Archai accomplished when in choir they created the human form, it must be remembered that a very great difference exists between this Form and Man's physical body.
[ 16 ] That Man can assume an upright posture under earthly conditions of gravitation; that he can preserve his balance amidst them, whilst moving freely; that he can release his arms and hands from the weight of gravitation, and use them in freedom—all this and much else, which lies inside, but yet is Form, Man owes to the creation of the Archai Hierarchy.
26. The Michael Mystery: What is seen on looking back into Man's previous Lives between Death and the new Birth (II)
Translated by Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood, George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
And when with the dawning Age of Consciousness the real freedom came, men failed to understand it, because their understanding had been too long engaged with the illusion of freedom. [ 18 ] Everything which had implanted itself in Man's inner being during the evolution of his lives between death and new birth in this second stage, was carried on by him as a cosmic memory into the third stage, in which he is still living in this present time.
26. The Michael Mystery: What is the Earth, in reality, in the Macrocosm?
Translated by Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood, George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
It is the task of this excess of mineral force to carry the forces from the plants to their allotted places in the macrocosm. Under the influence of the mineral forces, the plant-forces shape themselves into the new image of an ordered macrocosm.
[ 15 ] A true view of the Earth, in its real character and being, sees everywhere in it's the springing life-seed of a forth-coming World. Thereby alone can one arrive at an understanding of the natural world and its kingdoms, by learning to recognize in them all this seedling life.
[ 20 ] The life of the whole earthly world grows plain when, underlying it all, one recognizes the life-seed of a new universe. Every plant in its variety, every stone, appears in a new light to the human soul which learns to perceive how every one of these forms of being—through its special life, though its special shape—contributes to make the entire Earth the embryo-seed of a new, reviving Macrocosm.
26. The Michael Mystery: Sleep and Waking, in the Light of the previous Observations
Translated by Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood, George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
But with the facts of life such as these, the understanding of them requires to be carried to a new depth every time, after studying a different aspect of the world. All that has been said about the Earth as life-seed of a new rising Macrocosm, makes it possible now to bring a deepened understanding to our views of sleeping and waking. [ 2 ] In this waking state, Man lives in the thought-shadows cast by a dead and dying world, and in will-impulses into whose inner being he as little sees in ordinary consciousness, as he sees what is going on in deep dreamless sleep.
[ 8 ] Here is the point where true understanding may dawn upon the mind, of why it is that Man in his Thinking grasps reality. He has in this thoughts the dead likeness of that by which he himself is formed and created out of a living, life-giving reality.
26. The Michael Mystery: Gnosis and Anthroposophy
Translated by Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood, George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
So the impulses of the Sentient Age were continued and further developed under the influence of the Gods themselves. There arose a Gnosis of the Mysteries, of which none but a very few had even the faintest conception.
Yet it is a very powerful stimulus, from which in our age—out of the Spiritual Soul—there may grow up, by the light of Michael's agency, a new and full understanding of the Mystery of Golgotha. [ 21 ] Anthroposophy is striving after this new understanding.
The work of Anthroposophy is, by the light of Michael's agency, to evolve out of the Spiritual Soul a new form of understanding of Christ, and the World. Gnosis was the old form of knowledge, preserved from earlier times—the one best able, at the time when the Mystery of Golgotha took place, to convey this Mystery to men's understanding.

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