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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 551 through 560 of 6282

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26. Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts: Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts 17 Feb 1924,
Translated by George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
Further Leading Thoughts issued from the Goetheanum for the Anthroposophical Society [ 45 ] 35. We understand the physical nature of man only if we regard it as a picture of the soul and spirit. Taken by itself, the physical corporality of man is unintelligible.
If we contemplate the human head from this spiritual point of view, we shall find in it a help to the understanding of spiritual Imaginations. For in the forms of the head, Imaginative forms are as it were coagulated to the point of physical density.
Similarly, if we contemplate the rhythmic part of man's Organisation it will help us to understand Inspirations. The physical appearance of the rhythms of life bears even in the sense-perceptible picture the character of Inspiration.
26. Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts: On the Picture-Nature of Man 24 Feb 1924,
Translated by George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
If anyone has once thoroughly made this conception his own, then he will be able to understand man as a picture. A mineral is not a picture in this sense. It reveals only what is directly evident to the senses.
The nature of the sense-organs can still be scientifically understood by virtue of their likeness to the objects of external Nature. In the activity of these organs, the Will, however, is not yet able to unfold itself.
Only when this is realised, do we enter with understanding into a sphere of the world where Destiny or Karma works. So long as we perceive only that system of law which holds sway in the relations of the things and facts of Nature, our understanding is entirely remote from the laws that work in Destiny.
26. Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts: Spiritual Kingdoms and Human Self-Knowledge 09 Mar 1924,
Translated by George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
And when such self-knowledge is striven after in the right way, then the understanding will be awakened for what Anthroposophy is able to make known through its insight into the life of the spiritual world.
26. Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts: How the Leading Thoughts are to be Used 16 Mar 1924,
Translated by George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
They will find in them, as they receive them week by week, guidance for deepening their understanding of the material that is already at hand in the Lecture-Courses and for putting it forward in the Group meetings with a certain order and harmony.
If he repeats the contents of what he heard, this impression can echo from him; and he is able so to formulate them that they can be rightly understood. But if they are repeated at second or third hand, the possibility of inaccuracies creeping in becomes greater and greater.
The Executive at the Goetheanum will need time and will have to meet with sympathetic understanding on the part of the members. It will then be able to work in accordance with the intention of the Christmas Meeting.
26. Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts: At the Dawn of the Michael Age 23 Mar 1924,
Translated by George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
[ 2 ] Whoever has spiritual vision will understand this experience. For when something that is real in the spiritual sense communicates itself to the soul, one never has the feeling: ‘There is the spiritual perception, and I myself am developing the thought with which to understand it.’
[ 9 ] One who understands how to observe such things knows what a great change took place in the last third of the nineteenth century with respect to the life of human thought.
Hearts are beginning to have thoughts; spiritual fervour is now proceeding, not merely from mystical obscurity, but from souls clarified by thought. To understand this means to receive Michael into the heart. Thoughts which at the present time strive to grasp the Spiritual must originate in hearts which beat for Michael as the fiery Prince of Thought in the Universe.
26. Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts: Aphorisms from a Lecture to Members Given in London on August 24th, 1924. 24 Aug 1924, London
Translated by George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
However, it is not possible through the memory pictures to penetrate with understanding into the spiritual world, because they are just too dim to rise into the waking consciousness, and because what little may be perceived cannot be really understood.
[ 5 ] If one learns to know what is hidden behind the dream- and sleep-consciousness in the present age, then the way is clear to the understanding of the forms of human consciousness in past ages. One cannot, however, arrive at this by means of outer investigation; for evidence received from the outer world shows only the after-effects of the experiences of human consciousness in prehistoric times.
[ 9 ] But among other peoples we find in addition another kind of consciousness. The experiences undergone during sleep passed over into the waking consciousness in such a way that there was an instinctive vision of repeated earthly lives.
26. Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts: The Way of Michael, and What Preceded It
Translated by George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
The historical remains of this are described today as a consciousness that expressed itself in myths and mythologies, which are not considered of much importance for an understanding of the real world. And yet with this consciousness man stands in his own world—in the world of his true origin—whereas with his present consciousness he is lifted out of his own world.
26. Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts: Michaels Task in the Sphere of Ahriman
Translated by George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
[ 22 ] One who honestly, out of the deepest being of his soul, can feel himself one with Anthroposophy, understands this phenomenon of Michael truly. And Anthroposophy would like to be the message of this mission of Michael.
[ 25 ] 108. To see and understand that this is so: this is the present task of man. For then he will find, with all the forces of his soul, his spiritual path within the Age of Michael.
26. Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts: The Experiences of Michael in the Course of His Cosmic Mission
Translated by George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
For this reason Michael brings the Ahrimanic Powers under his feet; he continually thrusts them into a deeper region than the one in which man is evolving.
He knows that as regards himself he will always have Ahriman under his feet; but will it also be the case with man? [ 12 ] Michael sees the greatest event in the Earth's history taking place.
For ‘Freedom’ as a fact is directly given to every human being who understands himself in the present period of mankind's evolution. No one can say, ‘Freedom is not,’ unless he wishes to deny a patent fact.
26. Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts: The Activity of Michael and the Future of Mankind
Translated by George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
[ 13 ] To understand the meaning of Michael's mission in the Cosmos is to be able to speak in this way. In the present time we must be able to speak of Nature in the way demanded by the evolutionary stage of the Consciousness Soul or Spiritual Soul.
[ 14 ] When with inward, heartfelt feeling we realise the mission and the deeds of Michael and those belonging to him, when we enter into all that they are in our midst, then we shall be able to maintain our human connection with the Divine and Spiritual origin, and understand how to cultivate the Christ Language about the Cosmos. For to understand Michael is to find the way in our time to the Logos, as lived by Christ here on Earth and among men.

Results 551 through 560 of 6282

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