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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 521 through 530 of 6282

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25. Cosmology, Religion and Philosophy: The Destination of the Ego-consciousness in Conjunction with the Christ-problem 14 Sep 1922, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
In this copy the sum-total of the formative powers underlying the earthly course of man manifests itself. And a copy of the outer world is present in man at every instant.
He will lead you out of the soul world into the Spirit Land; under His guidance you will be purified, so that you will be able to prepare a physical organism for the next world during your stay in the Spirit land.
25. Cosmology, Religion and Philosophy: On Experiencing the Will-part of the Soul 15 Sep 1922, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
[ 5 ] Those exercises of the soul which are undertaken as exercises of the will, aiming at supernatural vision, are successful only when they become an experience of pain.
26. The Michael Mystery: At the Dawn of the Michael Age 23 Mar 1924,
Translated by Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood, George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
[ 2 ] Anyone who has spiritual vision understands this feeling. For when a spiritual reality imparts itself to the soul, one never has the feeling: There stands the spiritual perception, and oneself must construct the thoughts with which to comprehend this perception; but one sees the thought along with the perception, given with and contained in it, as objective as the perception itself.
The springs of spiritual fervour no longer flow from the darkness only of mystical feeling, but from clear soul-brightness—Thought-informed and Thought-sustained. To understand this, is to receive Michael into the heart. Thoughts which seek today to grasp the Spirit must spring from hearts that throb for Michael, the fiery Thought-King of the Universe.
26. The Michael Mystery: The Human Soul before the Dawn of the Michael Age 30 Mar 1924,
Translated by Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood, George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
[ 7 ] But into these views of external materiality, there may enter anew a living, inner realization of the spirit in the world, and therewith once more a spiritual view of it. The science of Nature, that has been acquired under the sign of Materialism, may receive a spiritual form of conception in the inner life of the soul.
26. The Michael Mystery: Michael's Experiences in the Fulfillment of his Cosmic Mission
Translated by Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood, George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
It is no longer the present order of ideas which now rules the star-worlds as divine revelation; but the stars guide and group themselves in their courses in accordance with the order of ideas which was implanted in them in the past. Michael sees that which was under his sway in the Cosmos—the Intellectuality of the Cosmos—ever more and more taking its way to mankind on earth.
There he may let men see how, for him, Ahriman must always be the baser spirit underneath his feet. [ 15 ] Those who can look into the supersensible world which lies next to the physical one, see Michael there, even as he is here described, and see what he and his company are trying to do for men.
[ 17 ] For ‘Freedom’ is a fact of direct experience for every man who understands himself in the present period of human evolution. No-one, without denying a patent fact, can venture to say: ‘There is no Freedom.’
26. The Michael Mystery: Mankind's Future and the Work of Michael
Translated by Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood, George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
[ 13 ] To understand the meaning of the Michael-Mission in the Cosmos, means the ability to speak like this. One must be able in these days to speak about the world of Nature in the way demanded by the present stage of the Spiritual Soul's development.
[ 14 ] That our human link with our first divine-spiritual origin may be so preserved, that we may know how rightly to speak the Christ-language about the Cosmos—this is something to which we shall in the end attain, if with inward sincerity of heart we learn to feel and ever more fully enter into all that Michael and Michael's Company are amongst us—in their mission, in all that they perform. For to understand Michael, means, to-day, to find the way to the Logos, as lived by Christ amongst men on earth. [ 15 ] Anthroposophy sets due value upon all that the naturalistic form of scientific thought has learnt to say about the world during the last four to five hundred years.
26. The Michael Mystery: Michael-Christ in Man
Translated by Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood, George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
[ 1 ] For anyone who has imbued his whole mind, in all sincerity of feeling, with the inner conception of Michael's being, and Michael's acts, there will come also a right understanding of how Man must treat a world, which is neither one of divine Being, nor Revelation, nor Workings, but is the wrought Work of the Gods.
The whole of life will thereby receive its christening, when in the Christ is recognized He who gives to the human soul the understanding vision of her own supersensible being. [ 13 ] Thus may stand side by side, as realization of the inner life, Michael-Realization and Christ Realization.
[ 16 ] Those people who strictly insist on the revelations of Faith being safeguarded against the intrusion of any influences from human powers of Knowledge, are actuated by the unconscious fear that if Man once enters upon this path he will fall under Ahrimanic influences. This must be understood. But it should also be understood, that it is, in reality, to the honour of Christ and to His true recognition, when to Christ and to realization of life with Him is ascribed the gracious inflow of the Spirit into the soul of Man.
26. The Michael Mystery: Michael's Mission in the Cosmic Age of Human Freedom
Translated by Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood, George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
Were it to do so, the man would inevitably be brought completely out of line with all that he has come to be during the different stages of his evolution under the influence of divine-spiritual Being and divine-spiritual Revelation. [ 5 ] What Man brings to realization in his inward life from all that is the wrought work only of divine spirit round about him, must exert no influence of any but his spiritual part—his I.
In this light he can find the paths which will lead him aright as human being, if he understandingly unites himself in soul with the Michael Mission. [ 18 ] In the spirit's warmth Man will feel the impulse that can carry him on in such a way into his cosmic future, that he can there remain true to the gifts given him by the divine spirit-beings at his origin—notwithstanding that he has since developed in their worlds to a free individuality.
26. The Michael Mystery: World-Thoughts in Michael, and World-Thoughts in Ahriman
Translated by Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood, George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
For, in truth, Reality consists everywhere in forms of living Being; whatever in Reality is not living Being, is action that takes place in the relations of Being to Being. And this action can only be understood when one has sight of the Beings who are acting.
26. The Michael Mystery: First Contemplation: How Michael prepares his earthly mission supersensibly, by the conquest of Lucifer.
Translated by Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood, George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
[ 21 ] In this confusion, when viewed with spiritual understandings, may be seen the actions of the Luciferic Powers. [ 22 ] The impulse which makes the soul adopt Imaginations into her personal store of life-experience, corresponds less with the faculties that she possessed in primeval times—through dream-like clairvoyance—and more with those already in existence in the eighth to the fourteenth centuries.
They want to keep his dream-like, imaginative world-vision from the influence of that pure thinking which is trained to the understanding of physical existence. They are able indeed, in a wrong way, to keep back his powers of vision from the physical world; but they are not able, in a right way, to keep alive his power of realizing the old Imaginations.
[ 34 ] So Michael stands, in his working, between the World-Picture of Lucifer, and the World-Understanding of Ahriman. The World-Picture turns, with Michael, to wisdom of itself as divine World-Working.

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