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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 511 through 520 of 6282

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24. Additional Documents on the Threefold Social Organism: The Real Forces in Contemporary Social Life
Translated by Automated

Rudolf Steiner
They spoke from the standpoint of these life teachings to the leading classes as well as to the proletarians. They have not yet been understood by either side. But they know, precisely because they have drawn their thoughts from real life, that there can be no question of an improvement in conditions until these teachings of life are understood.
For they only wanted to say what was imbued with honesty in every sentence. What they have to say can be understood. But you first have to bring yourself to this understanding. [ 4 ] The proletarian will say: So you want to speak all kinds of learned things to us, but we want to hear the simple language of the people.
But if you want to speak in this way, you will only be understood if the other person also wants to follow the right path of understanding. This path will only be found if he wants to go through heart and soul to the mind.
24. Additional Documents on the Threefold Social Organism: Dead Politics and Living IdeasDead Politics and Living Ideas
Translated by Automated

Rudolf Steiner
Until what has been said here has been introduced into the realm of insightful will by a sufficiently large number of people, we will have to continue to live under the sign of violence. [ 3 ] A union of states has won a victory.
But above all, the East is seeking intellectual understanding with Central Europe. This has not yet been offered to it. If it first brings it the stimulating ideas, then the economic connection will come as a consequence.
24. Additional Documents on the Threefold Social Organism: Limitation of the “Kommender Tag” Program
Translated by Automated

Rudolf Steiner
The spiritual enterprises: Waldorf School, Clinical Therapeutic Institute, Biological and Physical Research Institute are to serve scientific-spiritual and moral-social progress in the sense that corresponds to the demands of the present and the near future. The purely economic undertakings should provide the material basis for the overall enterprise. They should initially carry those undertakings that can only bear economic fruit and financial returns in some time, because the spiritual seed to be poured into them now can only sprout after some time.
24. Capital and Credit
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Their vague character lives on in the institutions that arise under their influence, and these in turn result in social conditions making life impossible. [ 1 ] The conditions under which men are living in modern civilisation arise from such chaotic impulses of thought.
[ 16 ] Now in modern life there is no possibility of bringing about that relation of man to economic values which was possible under the old system of barter, nor even that relation which was still possible under a simpler money system.
Under the capitalistic system, demand may determine whether someone will undertake the production of a certain commodity.
24. The Requirements of Spiritual, Social and Economic Life
Translated by Richard G. Seddon

Rudolf Steiner
Only when life becomes complicated in form, as it has under the technical methods of production of the modern age, then the Will that dwells in the thoughts loses touch with the actual social facts.
The life of rights, that grows up out of economic power, in its actual working undermines this economic power, because it is felt by those economically inferior to be a foreign body within the social organism.
Then human beings will find it possible to give their wills a social bent, and to bring them constantly to bear on the shaping of social circumstances. Under the free spiritual life the individual will will acquire its social bent. Under a self-based civil state of Rights, these individual wills, socially attuned, will result in a communal will that works aright.
25. Cosmology, Religion and Philosophy: The Three Steps of Anthroposophy 06 Sep 1922, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
These schools of thought either refer to ancient spiritual traditions which are no longer properly understood, and which give in a dilettante manner all kinds of imagined knowledge of supersensible worlds, or they ape outwardly the scientific methods which we have to-day without realizing that methods of research which are ideal for the study of the natural world can never lead to supernatural worlds.
The results of research in these lines are put together to make a picture of cosmic development, and from this picture one can no doubt understand the human physical body. But the etheric body remains unintelligible, and in a still higher sense that part of man which has to do with the Soul and the Spirit.
[ 14 ] We must first re-establish a clear cognition and knowledge of the true ‘Ego’, if Religion is to have its proper place in the life of mankind. In modern Science man is understood as a true reality only in respect of his physical nature. He must be recognized further as etheric, astral and spiritual or ‘Ego’ man and then Science will become the basis of religious life.
25. Cosmology, Religion and Philosophy: Exercises of Thought, Feeling and Volition 07 Sep 1922, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
And when this Philosophy is once there it can be grasped and understood by the ordinary consciousness; for it speaks out of ‘imaginative’ experience in a form which springs from spiritual (etheric) reality, and whose reality-content can, through the ordinary consciousness, be recalled in experience.
25. Cosmology, Religion and Philosophy: Exercises of Cognition and Will 09 Sep 1922, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
It has the shape and the limbs of a man, but life has gone out of it. If we understand the nature of the corpse, we do not regard it as an end in itself, but as the remains of a living physical man.
25. Cosmology, Religion and Philosophy: The Relationship of Christ with Humanity 12 Sep 1922, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
[ 1 ] I attempted to show in my last observations how, in the realm of human evolution, the psycho-spiritual existence is transferred to that of the physical senses. Now it depends on the understanding which man can bring to bear on this transference whether he can gain a relationship, in accordance with modern consciousness, to the event of Golgotha and its reference to man's development on earth.
[ 3 ] But it must be once more emphasized that it is not a case of individual knowledge derived from observation, but rather of understanding with one's whole nature and being what observation has brought to light. Only a few men achieve the former, but the latter is possible to all.
And through the re-awakening of the half-forgotten knowledge of the ‘Eternal Man’, the human mind is led out of the purely sense-world in which the ego-consciousness develops, to the spirit, which can be experienced with full understanding by the soul in conjunction with God the Father and the Christ in a renewed perceptive knowledge of Religion.
25. Cosmology, Religion and Philosophy: The Event of Death and Its Relationship with the Christ 13 Sep 1922, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Possessing this power the soul can attain pictures of that which in the universe underlies the etheric organism just as this underlies the physical. [ 10 ] And thus the soul is faced with its own eternal nature.

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