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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

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327. The Agriculture Course (1938): Lecture IV 12 Jun 1924, Koberwitz
Translated by Günther Wachsmuth

Rudolf Steiner
For science is unable to understand certain things even when they are under its very nose. I am not speaking of the experimental side of science.
All this makes one realise the difficulty of finding a meeting-ground. However, an understanding will have to be reached and in the most practical spheres of life, among which we must reckon Agriculture.
In the same way, we shall make quite a wrong use of things if we do not understand their essential being and their specific functions. To make the matter clearer, let us take the case of a tree.
327. The Agriculture Course (1938): Lecture V 13 Jun 1924, Koberwitz
Translated by Günther Wachsmuth

Rudolf Steiner
An understanding of how the forces of this all—embracing life work on in the manure was also bound to go as time went on.
Now, bearing in mind that Spiritual Science always looks at the large, the macrocosmic cycles of events and not so much at that which is microscopic, let us, follow the process undergone by camomile which has been absorbed by a human or animal organism. For all the processes which the camomile undergoes there, the bladder has hardly any importance, while the substance of the intestinal walls has great importance.
QUESTION: Does it make any difference whether the soil underneath is 3and or clay? Often people put a ground layer of clay where the manure is to be, so as to make the ground impervious.
327. The Agriculture Course (1938): Lecture VI 14 Jun 1924, Koberwitz
Translated by Günther Wachsmuth

Rudolf Steiner
But this method will be of no use in attacking insects, for these come under completely different cosmic influences, as do all the lower animals as compared with the higher.
Nothing, he maintains, must be kept under observation except the one object in question. In this way, we have yielded more and more ground to the microscope. When, however, we find a way back to the macrocosm, then we shall begin to understand Nature and many other things as well.
327. The Agriculture Course (1938): Lecture VII 15 Jun 1924, Koberwitz
Translated by Günther Wachsmuth

Rudolf Steiner
It is in this way we need to look, with a macro-cosmic understanding, into the facts of growth. But the matter goes much farther. What results arise from the existence of a tree?
And this activity of the forest, which is effective over a very wide area, will have to be undertaken by something quite different in a district where there is no forest. Indeed, in districts where woods alternate with arable land and meadows that which grows in the soil comes under quite different laws from those which rule in completely unwooded districts.
Those who came after him understood nothing of this, and so did not understand what he meant when he spoke of taking and giving. Goethe also speaks of taking and giving in connection with breathing, in so far as breathing inter-acts with metabolism.
327. The Agriculture Course (1938): Lecture VIII 16 Jun 1924, Koberwitz
Translated by Günther Wachsmuth

Rudolf Steiner
I say as far as possible because Spiritual Science takes a practical not a fanatical view of things. Under our present economic order this cannot be fully attained; but the ideal is one which we should make every effort to reach.
ANSWER: This difficulty really solves itself. When it grows underground and rampant one can fight it. You need very little seed and you will be able to get this. Why, one can even find four-leaved clover!
ANSWER: This question raises very complicated issues which can only be understood if we have gained insight -into the wider connections that exist between things. Suppose you draw a fish out of the sea and kill it.
327. The Agriculture Course (1938): Introductory Lecture 20 Jun 1924, Dornach
Translated by Günther Wachsmuth

Rudolf Steiner
Steiner recommended that a solution of 3-in-100 seed of conifers should be sprayed. This is understood to mean: obtain the sap of these seeds by pressure, dilute it in the proportion of 3:1000 of water and spray this on to the plant beds.
The use of liquid matter from the closet he strongly objected to; neither should this be poured on fresh compost “even if the soil is not to be used for four years, it will still contain what is harmful.” Under trees infested with Woolly Aphis, nasturtium (Tropaeolum) should be planted in a circle.
The Agriculture Course (1938): Preface
Translated by Günther Wachsmuth

Günther Wachsmuth
So, for instance, it was many years ago when Herr Ernst Stegemann and Count Lerchenfeld as practical farmers had received new points of view for an agriculture founded on spiritual knowledge; and afterwards in Dornach at the Goetheanum I had the privilege, together with Herr E. Pfeiffer, to carry out several experiments under the personal guidance of Dr. Steiner. We were the first to produce some of the preparations later on mentioned in this, lecture course, we exposed them to the influence of the rhythms of the seasons; and R.
As my subject I took the nature of the produce of agriculture and the conditions under which this can arise. The considerations aimed at practical points of view for agriculture, which should add to the results of modern practical and scientific experience the results of a study along spiritual scientific lines.
Whoever expects this course to give a list of easily manufactured preparations whose application will pay in very short time, will not have any understanding of what this course means and will better put it aside without reading it. But whoever grasps that to begin with, our whole attitude to the natural kingdom needs a new orientation, since science hitherto with its materialistic-mechanistic methods had to stop short before the life phen and whoever is prepared to adopt this new attitude, will feel compelled to make a change in many important points of his farming, but he will find also that the new orientation is indispensable and—if properly carried out—yields practical success.
328. The Social Question: The True Form of the Social Question 03 Feb 1919, Zürich
Translated by Hanna von Maltitz

Rudolf Steiner
It is this which makes it so difficult today to take a position regarding the social question, because such a small possibility exists for the understanding, the mutual understanding of the classes. The middle class has difficulty in placing themselves into the souls of the proletarians, they can hardly understand how it came about, one could call it, that a still unknown mind with an elementary intelligence could find a place such as this—be as it may towards this content—that one can have human thought develop the highest measure for an applied system, like the philosophy of Karl Marx.
Basically, the historical development of humanity is poorly understood. The historical development of humanity is basically always approached from one or other party.
It is characteristic of the human organism that through their correct development and processes they are not centralised but exist beside one another and work freely together. If one can't understand the human organism in this all-inclusive, penetrating way, then one could through science, which has not been renewed and needs spiritual science to reform it, not understand the social organism correctly.
328. The Social Question: A comparison between the attempts at solving the social question 05 Feb 1919, Zürich
Translated by Hanna von Maltitz

Rudolf Steiner
Particularly today I can understand objections being raised as I'm just trying to characterise; the evidence of the World Trade Organization is not yet clear.
One can say that these things have been understood in a certain theoretical way. The content of my lectures has appeared to some in a really sympathetic way.
Another particular obstacle towards understanding is some or other belief that these things only relate to an inner structure of some state or some human territory.
328. The Social Question: Fanaticism versus a real conception of life in social thinking and willing 10 Feb 1919, Zürich
Translated by Hanna von Maltitz

Rudolf Steiner
These modern thoughts also want to penetrate the understanding and comprehensive reformation, reforming the understanding of the social life itself, the social phenomena and impulses of life.
This is what Karl Marx said and this is how they understood the modern Proletariat. This understanding, while it has altered in some relationships, still work today, work particularly strongly in feelings.
It only came from there because people were powerless under the influence of modern developments, as I've indicated under our consideration today, to penetrate economic life itself with their own organisation because their thoughts were too tightly meshed, too limiting because they could not plunge into them.

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