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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 5241 through 5250 of 6065

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319. What can the Art of Healing Gain through Spiritual Science: Lecture II 21 Jul 1924, Arnheim
Translated by Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The kidney, for instance, is a sense-organ which has a delicate perception of what is taking place in the digestive and excretory processes. The liver too, is—under certain conditions—a sense-organ. The heart is in a high degree an inner sense-organ and can only be understood if it is conceived of as such.
a healthy state (which must of course be understood relatively), it is dependent upon a delicate process which takes place under the influence of the silicic acid which enters the organism.
If we are now to grasp what health and illness really are, we must understand how these processes take place in any one organ. Suppose we take the kidney, for sake of example.
319. What can the Art of Healing Gain through Spiritual Science: Lecture III 24 Jul 1924, Arnheim
Translated by Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Now let us observe a certain kind of illness that is not of particular importance in medicine. We can quite well understand why not. It is, to begin with, apparently so intricate that its cause is not easy to discover.
Before such remedies can be prepared we must understand the relationship that exists between the human organism and the surrounding world. But for this it is necessary to approach the study of the nature of this relationship in all seriousness.
But if we are to gain this certainty, it is above all necessary to have the courage to win through to an understanding of the being of man and of Nature. Naturally, therefore, the kind of remedies that we obtain can only come from a living contact with medicine.
319. Spiritual Science and the Art of Healing: Lecture I 17 Jul 1924, Arnheim
Translated by Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
That will be the great moment in the development of a rightly-understood Natural Science, when the opposite to evolution will be recognized as carrying evolution forward at the corresponding point; when it will recognize not only integration, but also disintegration—thus admitting not only evolution but devolution. And thus it will be understood how the spiritual in the animal and in man—but in the latter in a self-conscious way—takes hold of the material.
Wegman, and which has been followed by the founding of a similar Institute under Dr. Zeylmans van Emmichoven at The Hague. And so at Dornach there is established once again, side by side with the centre of Knowledge, a centre of Healing.
319. Spiritual Science and the Art of Healing: Lecture II 21 Jul 1924, Arnheim
Translated by Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The kidney, for instance, is a sense-organ which has a delicate perception of what is taking place in the digestive and excretory processes. The liver too, is—under certain conditions—a sense-organ. The heart is in a high degree an inner sense-organ and can only be understood if it is conceived of as such.
, a healthy state (which must of course be understood relatively), it is dependent upon a delicate process which takes place under the influence of the silicic acid which enters the organism.
If we are now to grasp what health and illness really are, we must understand how these processes take place in any one organ. Suppose we take the kidney, for sake of example.
319. Spiritual Science and the Art of Healing: Lecture III 24 Jul 1924, Arnheim
Translated by Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Now let us observe a certain kind of illness that is not of particular importance in medicine. We can quite well understand why not. It is, to begin with, apparently so intricate that its cause is not easy to discover.
Before such remedies can be prepared we must understand the relationship that exists between the human organism and the surrounding world. But for this it is necessary to approach the study of the nature of this relationship in all seriousness.
But if we are to gain this certainty, it is above all necessary to have the courage to win through to an understanding of the being of man and of Nature. Naturally, therefore, the kind of remedies that we obtain can only come from a living contact with medicine.
319. An Outline of Anthroposophical Medical Research: An Outline of Anthroposophical Medical Research 28 Aug 1924, London
Translated by Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Can this be accomplished by the same forces that underlie nutrition and growth? When the organic forces that underlie the latter gain the upper hand, the consciousness becomes dimmed.
That is the secret of the human organism. Now we understand why it is that man possesses a soul. If he were to grow continuously like the plant, he could not have a soul.
In such a case we are confronted on the one hand by a preponderance of the silicic acid processes, and on the other by an impotence of the Ego to control them. This fact underlies the formation of tumours, and it is here that the way is indicated for the true understanding of the nature of carcinomatous processes (cancer).
319. An Outline of Anthroposophical Medical Research: An Outline of Anthroposophical Medical Research 29 Aug 1924, London
Translated by Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Can this be accomplished by the same forces that underlie nutrition and growth? When the organic forces that underlie the latter gain the upper hand, the consciousness becomes dimmed.
That is the secret of the human organism. Now we understand why it is that man possesses a soul. If he were to grow continuously like the plant, he could not have a soul.
In such a case we are confronted on the one hand by a preponderance of the silicic acid processes, and on the other by an impotence of the Ego to control them. This fact underlies the formation of tumours, and it is here that the way is indicated for the true understanding of the nature of carcinomatous processes (cancer).
319. Anthroposophical Medical Theory and Human Knowledge: First Lecture 28 Aug 1923, Penmaenmawr

Rudolf Steiner
But how can one judge the effect of a remedy in the right way if one cannot understand how some natural thing that we introduce into the organism, or with which we treat the organism, continues to work in the human organism.
Everything that is a healthy process is a natural process; everything that is a disease process is also a natural process. Why is it that, under the one kind of process, the human being is healthy and under the other kind of process, he is sick?
But it is difficult to really bring to bear in the world a therapy based on a full understanding of the human being, with its remedies, in the face of today's purely materialistic direction.
319. Anthroposophical Medical Theory and Human Knowledge: Second Lecture 02 Sep 1923, London

Rudolf Steiner
Movements take place in the external world, but the underlying organization of these movements tends inwards, just as the nerve-sense organization tends outwards. We therefore find that under the influence of the predominant nervous-sensory organization, the child may experience processes that can be summarized under the name of exudative diathesis, loosening of the tissues, which in children can actually occur quite generally in the organism.
Therefore, I may perhaps also, I would like to say, give somewhat more daring descriptions, in that I absolutely assume that, as I said, I understand all the opposition and it is perfectly understandable to me that even a kind of unease could assert itself in the face of these things, which could even seem fantastic.
319. Anthroposophical Medical Theory and Human Knowledge: Third Lecture 03 Sep 1923, London

Rudolf Steiner
The man was plunged into a terrible turmoil of passions. I can well understand how these things fit into what we are accustomed to thinking. But only in this way does one open the door from the physical human being to the spiritual human being.
Our ideas are actually based on the fact that, with regard to our nervous system, we undergo a kind of atomic dying in every moment of our lives, which is only ever suspended by the building processes.
This is a method that seems to be extraordinarily exact, but it is a method just as if I observe the small changes my heart undergoes within a month; now I try to calculate how much that is in three years. It is exactly the same thing.

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