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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 5231 through 5240 of 6065

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336. The Big Questions of our Time and Anthroposophical Spiritual Knowledge: The Social Necessities of Contemporary Humanity Based on a Study in Spiritual Science 13 Feb 1919, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
On the other hand, how did those personalities who were somehow in a leading position during this time of horror stand under the influence of the social demands of humanity, so that they were essentially influenced by this side in their actions?
And that was new, original, elementary soul power. It understood much more than the highly educated Greeks and Romans in terms of what the time demanded. We see something very similar today, only most people have not yet recognized it.
That is why all modern life springs from two roots, and that there is so little possibility of mutual understanding between the classes. On the other hand, the formerly leading classes have brought up intellectual, state, and economic life.
336. The Big Questions of our Time and Anthroposophical Spiritual Knowledge: Realistic Attempts to Solve the Social Questions on the Basis of a Spiritual-Scientific View of Life 14 Feb 1919, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
Within the development of modern technology and modern capitalism, these had an interest in regulating the economic underpinnings from the rights, as they were conceived, within the state adapted to the bourgeois and other ruling classes.
They do not see what results in this area from a real understanding of the social organism. Among the various schools that have emerged in modern times, one was already in the eighteenth century for economics.
Modern social democracy has included a single area in an impulse that goes in the direction described here, but not out of an appreciation of this area, but precisely out of an underestimation of it: religion should be a private matter. Of course it should be. And anyone who does not underestimate religion, but understands its full value, will demand this all the more!
336. The Big Questions of our Time and Anthroposophical Spiritual Knowledge: The Big Questions of our Time and Anthroposophical Spiritual Knowledge 28 Feb 1919, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
During this time, people have also taken measures, small, medium and large, conceived in terms of state, through which they have tried to satisfy these demands in the way they have best understood. But now, when this social question, which in comparison to what is now, was more present in the undercurrents of human life, has emerged in a completely new form as a result of the terrible war catastrophe of recent years, and now that this question has been brought up by many quite horrifying , one cannot, if one really wants to learn from them, raise the question of why everything that people have tried to do to understand this social question is inadequate.
All that I have said shows perhaps one thing, dear attendees; it shows that many people today have ideas about the social problem that differ greatly from a real understanding of the social problem through the modern necessity of life. I believe there is still little understanding of this social question, as I have characterized it to you today, which is taken from life itself.
Now, dear ones, anyone who points to this fact will say that it would be necessary for the gap that has opened up between the classes, and about which there is hardly any understanding today, to close; but one thing is necessary: that souls open up, that hearts open and seek such understanding.
336. The Big Questions of our Time and Anthroposophical Spiritual Knowledge: The Social Question As An Economic, Legal And Intellectual Question 26 Feb 1919, Winterthur

Rudolf Steiner
He tried to show them that the proletarian's labor is actually essentially underpaid. This labor power must be continually produced by the food and other means of subsistence that the proletarian needs.
And by believing that he can buy it, one is labouring under a great fallacy. It is a fundamental economic fallacy that expresses itself in the belief that one can buy human labour at all.
Mutual understanding would only be possible if there were a common spiritual life. This common spiritual life can only develop on the basis of a socializing constitutional state that has been established from the economic body.
336. The Big Questions of our Time and Anthroposophical Spiritual Knowledge: The Key Points of the Social Question 04 Apr 1919, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Today it can only be about a completely, completely different understanding, about man's understanding with the great world-historical forces that want to be realized sensually from the present into the near future.
They did not want to be fobbed off with that, but they placed above all the greatest value on understanding the spiritual life of humanity, understanding it differently than it has shaped itself out of the bourgeois development of modern times.
I would like you to understand me in this sense. And so we can understand each other without having a discussion, which, as it seems, is not desired.
336. The Big Questions of our Time and Anthroposophical Spiritual Knowledge: Social Aspiration and Proletarian Demands 10 Apr 1919, Münchenstein

Rudolf Steiner
So, dear attendees, it is better to accept being less understood at first and to present what can serve the new era than to have to repeat the old over and over again.
First and foremost, we must imbue ourselves with social understanding! For it is the lack of social understanding that has brought about the present terrible situation.
And even if it still has to be said many times today: In these souls there is an underlying understanding of what the future must bring. I believe in this fresh intelligence because it is healthy, not decadent.
336. The Big Questions of our Time and Anthroposophical Spiritual Knowledge: The Impulse for the Threefold Social Order not “mere idealism”, but an Immediate Practical Demand of the Moment 02 Jun 1919, Tübingen

Hermann Heisler
Today, it is necessary to clearly define this primal structure of economic life in order to make social understanding possible. When a person enters into economic life – he must produce for himself and for other people.
In order to lead his audience to a proper understanding of our present circumstances, Steiner first revealed the roots of proletarian sentiment, which he knows not only as a sensitive observer of the people's soul, but also from his own experience.
In this foundation, we have the germ for building a free intellectual life. For all these organizations, the undersigned is willing to accept correspondence and forward it to Stuttgart. Hermann Heisler
336. The Big Questions of our Time and Anthroposophical Spiritual Knowledge: The Supernatural Essence of Man and the Development of Humanity 26 Jul 1919, Mannheim

Rudolf Steiner
The spiritual researcher is told: “You are offering something understandable; well, yes, but I won't be able to offer you anything that is so easy to understand, as many still offer today's people, who start from the inner comfort of the soul, which, with regard to the highest goals of spiritual human striving, exists in today's people.
And that is precisely why one is still little understood today because this way is unfamiliar. What is understood better, at least one believes this, is simple, unadorned faith.
In the case of the Greeks and Romans, the spiritual-soul qualities were such that one can say: The powers of understanding and feeling developed more instinctively; instinctive feeling, instinctive logic, instinctive understanding, instinctive powers of research are found in that period.
318. Pastoral Medicine: Lecture XI 18 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translated by Gladys Hahn

Rudolf Steiner
For them there are from sixty to eighty elements, which have qualities. Under certain conditions one is fluid, another solid or gaseous. The condition of warmth belongs to all.
And what in olden times were called elements were understood not as reaching down into tangible matter itself, but only to the intangible, living activity of matter.
It is so truly related that through your understanding of the processes of healing, you will grasp what happened in the cosmos when the Father sent the Son to undergo the death on Golgotha.
319. What can the Art of Healing Gain through Spiritual Science: Lecture I 17 Jul 1924, Arnheim
Translated by Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Now anyone who approaches the intentions of Anthroposophy with true understanding, will say: Why should it not be possible—seeing that it is possible for a child to become something entirely different when its soul- qualities are developed—for such a thing to take place also in a man who is “ripe” according to the standard of to-day?
And thus it will be understood how the spiritual in the animal and in man—but in the latter in a self-conscious way—takes hold of the material.
Wegman, and which has been followed by the founding of a similar Institute under Dr. Zeylmans van Emmichoven at The Hague. And so at Dornach there is established once again, side by side with the centre of Knowledge, a centre of Healing.

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