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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 4751 through 4760 of 6065

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279. Eurythmy as Visible Speech: The Gestures: How They are Formed and Experienced 26 Jun 1924, Dornach
Translated by Vera Compton-Burnett, Judith Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
Mhn; hn—we will discuss this further; it expresses the feeling of joy and satisfaction aroused by having understood something. And one really has the feeling of being absolutely devoured by the intelligence and understanding of the person to whom one is speaking when he says mhn.
People with such a nose often cause a certain embarrassment to their fellows, because they give the impression of an absolute understanding of those with whom they come in contact, and it is not always pleasant to feel that one is being so completely understood. We get this feeling with people having an eagle-like nose for the simple reason that such a nose is really the m-movement held fast and frozen into a set form. But there is another kind of understanding, an understanding mingled with a feeling of repulsion, an understanding tinged with irony. Here one comprehends the matter in question, at the same time, however, revealing this attitude of mind: Why make such a fuss about it?
279. Eurythmy as Visible Speech: The Individual Sounds and Their Combination into Words 27 Jun 1924, Dornach
Translated by Vera Compton-Burnett, Judith Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
It is important above all that we should learn to understand the s-sound. S as we learned yesterday, was always looked upon in the Mysteries as a sound of the very highest importance.
And when it emerges, then we understand what it was all about: n. rascheln (to rustle). Here you have the whole story of rascheln in plastic form.
A purely theoretical, intellectual explanation will not suffice; we must be led to a true feeling and understanding of what eurhythmy really is. Let us then compare the eurhythmic interpretation of a Russian poem with that of a French poem.
279. Eurythmy as Visible Speech: The Mood and Feeling of a Poem 30 Jun 1924, Dornach
Translated by Vera Compton-Burnett, Judith Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
One of the actors did not know the text perfectly, and was also unable to under stand the prompter. The prompter’s text may have been inaccurate; in any case, the whole affair was somewhat primitive.
The mood of a poem can be greatly enhanced when at the end of a line this gesture is used to show that the content of the poem has been absorbed and understood. Many poems, – as for example Uhland’s Des Sängers Fluch: ‘Es stand in alten Zeiten Ein Schloss so hoch und hehr...’
(Pale was the sick man, Dim was his eye, Weeping friends surrounded him.) The mood underlying such a sentence will be brought out particularly well if the eurhythmist succeeds in making use of this movement in the places which I will here indicate with dots.
279. Eurythmy as Visible Speech: Different Aspects of the Soul-Life 01 Jul 1924, Dornach
Translated by Vera Compton-Burnett, Judith Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
You will discover, however, that these guiding lines really underlie;: all such forms. You will invariably find this to be the case. On the other hand, you will also find, when working out such forms, that care has been taken to show where called for, the more intimate character of a poem.
At that time people were to be found who talked in this sort of fashion; and anyone possessing a feeling for such things could up to a point understand what it was that they were trying to express., In the same way every human being has his own particular colour.
It is therefore a good exercise to call up in one’s mind the connection existing between any special movement and its underlying character and colour ... (see eurhythmy figures). Here it will be of assistance to practise the sound in some such way as this.
279. Eurythmy as Visible Speech: The Plastic Formation of Speech 02 Jul 1924, Dornach
Translated by Vera Compton-Burnett, Judith Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
In eurhythmy it is almost as important to have an intimate understanding of the sounds of speech as it is to have a knowledge of the actual eurhythmic movements. For this reason I will show you to-day the way in which the plastic formation of speech can definitely influence eurhythmy.
You will find how well you are able to do this if you imagine that you have a rod under your feet, and see-saw, as it were, to and fro, keeping the rod – which you may picture as rolling slightly, midway between the toes and the heels.
This, at the same time, leads you to an understanding of a very essential characteristic of speech, of sound as such. It is in the diphthongs that you can best study the transition from one sound to the next.
279. Eurythmy as Visible Speech: The Word as Definition, and the Word in Its Context 03 Jul 1924, Dornach
Translated by Vera Compton-Burnett, Judith Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
Now in the word ‘Bitten’ (to ask) there is necessarily a turning towards some other person, there is an indication of the ‘Du’ ; we feel the underlying character of ‘Du’. Aber den Göttern so leicht, doch schwer zu ertragen den Menschen.
From all that has been said, and from these simple examples, I hope you are beginning to understand the spirit in which the study of eurhythmy has to be undertaken. With eurhythmy one has really to study the poem; it is not enough merely to learn the sounds, but one must enter right into its whole content, into all the nuances of feeling and fine shades of mood contained within it.
279. Eurythmy as Visible Speech: Plastic Speech 04 Jul 1924, Dornach
Translated by Vera Compton-Burnett, Judith Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
Walking is, fundamentally speaking, the expression of an impulse of will. When studying eurhythmy it is essential to understand the inner nature of all that is bound up with speech, and consequently with visible speech also.
But for an artistic forming and shaping of speech it is just these shades of feeling and character which are so important. Arid this is why we must strive to gain an understanding of the artistic, plastic formation of language. The first step towards this understanding is the development of an inner feeling for the Iambic and Trochaic rhythms.
The essential thing about prose language is that it enables one clearly to understand and grasp what one wishes to express by means of a word or sentence. At least one must believe one has grasped it.
279. Eurythmy as Visible Speech: Movements Arising Out of the Being of Man 07 Jul 1924, Dornach
Translated by Vera Compton-Burnett, Judith Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
This connection of thought with the outer world must actually become part of the complete human being; for the man who has reached a state of balance can, as he goes his way through the world, only bring his deeds to fulfilment when he has first entered into a relationship with the outer world. And now, starting from the understanding, we will take the other direction. What really happens before one formulates a thought? Something must lead over to the state of understanding and now, starting from the understanding, we will take the other direction.
Further: Here (X) is that element which is manifested in the outer world in everything standing under the sign of external action, under the sign of the will: Taurus, the bull (see diagram).
(I do not necessarily mean to imply that people have gradually learned to regard the understanding as something that stings them!) Now we have here the four main characteristics of the human being.
279. Eurythmy as Visible Speech: How One May Enter into the nature of Gesture and Form 08 Jul 1924, Dornach
Translated by Vera Compton-Burnett, Judith Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
My dear Friends, We shall now see how many of the difficulties with which we are faced in eurhythmy are bound to arise if we do not work out of a deep and inward understanding of the gestures and movements as we learned to understand them yesterday. These difficulties present themselves when, for example, it is necessary to pass over from one consonant to another, or from one vowel to another; and you will have seen, from what has already been said, that as far as the spiritual element of language is concerned, what lies between the sounds is of paramount importance, just as in music that which is truly musical lies between the tones.
Yesterday we learned to know the spiritual significance, the spiritual reality underlying certain movements and postures. Today we must try gradually to link up all that we learned yesterday with what we already know as the eurhythmic formation of the sounds.
Everybody must remain standing with the exception of Frl. S... whom we will ask to undertake the moving part. Ach (now begin to move) ihr Götter! grosse Götter (the r is here similar to a) In dem weiten Himmel droben!
279. Eurythmy as Visible Speech: The Outpouring of the Human Soul into Form and Movement 09 Jul 1924, Dornach
Translated by Vera Compton-Burnett, Judith Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
You have, by means of this exercise, expressed the fact that the human being contains these four animals within himself in their aspect of moral qualities, and that when he becomes conscious of his true self, he understands that the whole human race is contained within his own being—thus, as man he really comprises the ‘we’.
It is such things as these, which prove that everything in the domain of curative eurhythmy must only be applied in close co-operation with a doctor and when working under constant medical supervision; for as soon as we enter the domain of the pathological, only a doctor is qualified to form an opinion.
We must bear in mind that in a descending rhythm we have what might be described as something ordered and under control, while in an ascending rhythm we have an element of striving, of will. Now when we enter either into the mood of peace or into the mood of energy we have something of the nature of striving, of working towards some goal—something quite different from what we should have to employ when it is a question, for instance, of expressing a military command.

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