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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 4761 through 4770 of 6065

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279. Eurythmy as Visible Speech: Moods of Soul Which Arise Out of Gestures of the Sounds 10 Jul 1924, Dornach
Translated by Vera Compton-Burnett, Judith Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
It is an example of how these forms may be developed. Do it once more. Now you will understand it better; you will see that there really is a perfect adjustment between the lines of the form and what is contained in the lines of the poem.
From this you will perhaps have gained some understanding of the intimate relationship existing between eurythmy and language.—And now I will ask Fri.
279. Eurythmy as Visible Speech: The Structure of Words, The Inner Structure of Verse 11 Jul 1924, Dornach
Translated by Vera Compton-Burnett, Judith Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
Just as in speech itself an inner understanding for the structure of language makes it necessary to divide words, according to the train of thought, into nouns, adjectives, etc., so, in eurhythmy, also these things must be taken into consideration.
279. Eurythmy as Visible Speech: In Eurythmy the Entire Body Must Become Soul 12 Jul 1924, Dornach
Translated by Vera Compton-Burnett, Judith Compton-Burnett

Rudolf Steiner
In this connection it is very necessary to gain an understanding of the difference in eurythmy between walking and standing. Standing still always signifies that one is the image, the picture of some-thing.
S. . . . gives an eurythmic answer: ` You are too clever for me; I do not understand you.' She shows this by means of the aforesaid gesture, carried out clearly and definitely. You will find numberless opportunities of applying this movement.
Quite apart, for instance, from what was said yesterday with regard to rhyming we must learn to understand such an exercise as the following: Fri. S. . . . and Fri. V. . . . will you demonstrate what I am now going to describe.
277. Eurythmy as Visible Speech: How Does Eurythmy Stand With Regard to the Artistic Development of the Present Day? 26 Dec 1923, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
There is certainly great significance in such a gesture as this, in which I indicate something with my hand, then allowing it to remain in a state of rest. But it does not enable us to understand what must be realized to-day with regard to man, it does not enable us to understand the human being in his totality. It is indeed impossible to understand the human form, when observing the human being as a whole, unless one is conscious of the fact that every motionless form in man has meaning only because it is able to pass over into definite movement.
Eurythmy is created entirely out of feeling and can also only be understood through feeling. Of course one must learn certain things, the letters must be learned, and so on.
Eurythmy as Visible Speech: The Position of Eurythmy in the Anthroposophical Society

Rudolf Steiner
No. 22, June 8th, 1924 During the time from the middle of May to the middle of June, Frau Marie Steiner with the eurythmists from the Goetheanum is undertaking a eurythmy tour through the towns of Ulm, Nurnberg, Eisenach, Erfurt, Naumberg, Hildesheim, Hanover, Halle and Breslau.
But the word easily succumbs to the temptation to stray away from the artistic. It tends to become the content of understanding and feeling. It is, however, only the formation of this content which can have artistic effect.
In anthroposophical circles insight into this has been steadily increasing; it is to be hoped that such understanding will ripen more and more.
Eurythmy as Visible Speech: Veils, Dresses and Colours 4 August 1922

Rudolf Steiner
In recent times this artistic insight has been in a measure lost, and, because people really have not understood how to confine their work in any particular art to the limits of its means of expression, the naturalistic element has crept into art to an ever greater degree.
Let us take another art,—one which in our present age is least of any rightly understood; let us take the art of recitation and declamation. When people’s attitude towards recitation and declamation is such that they believe that everything should be spoken in as naturalistic a way as possible, that all emphasis should be as naturalistic as possible, then the result is indeed inartistic.
This could never be achieved by naturalistic methods; it can only be achieved when one understands how to give shape and form,—the right shape and form,—not only to single sounds, but also to sentences, and even to whole passages.
Eurythmy as Visible Speech: The Eurythmy Figures

Rudolf Steiner
And at the performances given at Oxford1 we showed how an understanding of eurythmy may be helped by means of such figures, and how they may serve to clear up our ideas with regard to the nature of this art.
Children accept eurythmy as something quite self-understood. And we have also noticed that all other forms of gymnastics, when compared with eurythmy, prove themselves somewhat one-sided.
Looked at from this aspect eurythmy may be said to be that part of the human being which demands free outlet. Anyone understanding the nature of a hand will know that a hand in the true sense is simply non-existent when it is regarded as something motionless.
Eurythmy as Visible Speech: Eurythmy and Its Relationship to Other Arts

Rudolf Steiner
For the nature of poetry may only be discovered by one who with full inner understanding can echo the words of the poet: ‘Spricht die Seele, so spricht, ach, schon die Seele nicht mehr’.
Speaking in a wide sense, however, we must hold to the fact that a poem can only fully be understood when the following is borne in mind. The reciter or declaimer has no means at his disposal other than the utterance of words.
Just as one can show how architecture had to arise out of one particular epoch, and how sculpture, painting and music arose in their corresponding epochs, so one day people will understand that eurythmy, this art of human movement, was bound to arise out of this our present age.
279. Eurythmy as Visible Speech: Foreword to the First Edition

Rudolf Steiner
Destiny brought this task to me quite naturally, for a new style of recitation was necessary for eurhythmy, and I had to find my way into this new method, to understand and develop it. I recognized the great significance of eurhythmy as a regenerating source for all branches of art, and deeply regretted the fact that the eager work of these young eurhythmists should be rendered fruitless by the war.
This book, entitled The Basic Principles of Eurythmy, and published by the Philosophisch-Anthroposophischer Verlag, sets forth and explains these principles, thus building a foundation which is, absolutely necessary if eurhythmy is to be understood, and without which it would always remain incomplete. We met together to take part in this course as if uniting in a common festival.
The work of Rudolf Steiner towers so immeasurably over what may be grasped and understood at the present day that it is only the moving passage of time, with its widened outlook, which will first make possible a true valuation.
279. Eurythmy as Visible Speech: Speech Eurythmy Course

Rudolf Steiner
In order to bring to manifestation the possibilities of form and movement inherent in the human organisation it is necessary that the soul be completely enfilled with art. This universal character of eurythmy underlay all that was presented. Whoever wishes to do eurythmy must have penetrated into the being of speech-formation.
The sound-significance of the word, which everywhere underlies the meaning-significance, was made visible. By the eurythmy gestures themselves, some aspects of the inner laws of language—little recognised at the present time, when speaking is the expression of a strongly abstract attitude of soul—can be visibly manifested.
To help the partakers towards this understanding was the aim of this course. It wished to show how, when beholding the gestures feeling, inner perception are enkindled in the soul, and how this inner perception then leads to the experience of the visible word.

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