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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 321 through 330 of 491

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253. Community Life, Inner Development, Sexuality and the Spiritual Teacher: The Protagonists

Rudolf Steiner's marriage to Marie von Sivers at Christmas of 1914 had provoked not only general gossip, but also some bizarre mystical behavior on the part of a member named Alice Sprengel. [ Note 1 ] Heinrich Goesch (see below) and his wife Gertrud seized upon her strange ideas and made use of them in personal attacks on Rudolf Steiner.
In addition, having been asked to play Theodora gave rise to the delusion that she had received a symbolic promise of marriage from Rudolf Steiner, and she then suffered a breakdown as a result of Rudolf Steiner's marriage to Marie von Sivers at Christmas 1914. Her letters to Rudolf Steiner and Marie Steiner, reproduced below, clearly reveal that she was deeply upset.
270. Esoteric Lessons for the First Class III: Seventh Recapitulation 20 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translated by Frank Thomas Smith

Rudolf Steiner
My dear sisters and brothers, Since the Christmas Conference an esoteric breath flows through the whole Anthroposophical Society. And those members of the Anthroposophical Society who have taken part in the general members' lectures will have noted how this esoteric breath flows through all the work within the anthroposophical movement now, and should do so in the future.
But Michael's impulses must flow into all legitimate esoteric activities in a conscious manner - what can be clear to you, my sisters and brothers, through the general lectures for members. And everything connected with the Christmas Conference leads to what is constituted as the basis of the anthroposophical movement's formation of this Esoteric School inspired and guided by Michael.
Eurythmy as Visible Singing: Introduction to the Third English Edition
Translated by Alan P. Stott

Alan Stott
Steiner's meditative verse, written for Marie Steiner at Christmas 1922, begins: ‘The stars once spake to man’—but what leads to the future is ‘what man speaks to the stars’.
Steiner aimed at a marriage of form and content in his work, which is the lofty artistic ideal. After the Christmas Foundation of 1923/4, he reached a new level in this respect. In connection with the subject matter of GA153, compare: ‘Contrary to the works of architects, sculptors and painters, musical works must be repeatedly generated anew; they flow onwards in the surge and swell of their melodies, a picture of the soul, which in its incarnations always has to experience itself afresh in the progressive stream of time.
300b. Faculty Meetings with Rudolf Steiner I: Twenth-Sixth Meeting 17 Jun 1921, Stuttgart
Translated by Ruth Pusch, Gertrude Teutsch

Rudolf Steiner
There is so much information in the lectures about Christmas, Easter, and Whitsun. You could discuss most of what those lectures contain. If you present it properly, it would be quite good for children, particularly at that age.
You could begin a little earlier and end a little later, though. Spend four weeks on Christmas. A teacher: Could we use Michelangelo’s statues when we do the prophets? Dr. Steiner: Yes, that is possible.
92. The Occult Truths of Old Myths and Legends: Good and Evil 24 Jun 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
It was similar with the Germans with the festival that became a Christian symbol as Christmas. Their sacred ancestors were accepted as Christian saints. In this way, Christianity grew into ever new areas and among new peoples.
Anthroposophy, An Introduction: Editor's Preface

Own Barfield
‘We will begin again,’ he observed in Lecture IV, ‘where we began twenty years ago;’ and he may well have had in mind that the Movement itself had, in some sense, begun again only a month or two before with the solemn Foundation of the General Anthroposophical Society under himself as President at Christmas 1923. Though he proceeded ab initio, assuming no previous knowledge on the part of his hearers, this course is not an elementary exposition of Anthroposophy.
332b. Current Social and Economic Issues: Address at the Meeting for the Election of Committee Members for the Cultural Council 07 Jun 1919, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
I really fear that we will soon also be hearing about the “socialization of purebred dog breeding, the distribution of Christmas trees to families” and the like. If socialization were to be understood in this way, we would not get anywhere.
300c. Faculty Meetings with Rudolf Steiner II: Fifty-First Meeting 24 Apr 1923, Stuttgart
Translated by Ruth Pusch, Gertrude Teutsch

Rudolf Steiner
A teacher asks about texts for English. Dickens’s Christmas Carol is too difficult for the eighth grade. Dr. Steiner: You can be certain that you can read Dickens with children who know almost nothing, and what they need to learn, they can quite easily pick up.
282. Speech and Drama: The Mystery Character of Dramatic Art 14 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translated by Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
If we go back to the time before worldliness began to get the upper hand on the stage, we shall find that dramatic performances were always in connection with worship, with the cult. The Christmas ritual which was intended to lead the people up to a lofty height where they might verily behold the Divine—this Christmas ritual we find continued, either still inside or in front of the church, in the form of a play.
343. The Foundation Course: Anthroposophy and Religion 28 Sep 1921, Dornach
Translated by Hanna von Maltitz

Rudolf Steiner
[ 14 ] Today in our inner reflections we have a weak memory of what at that time had been lived through instinctively. We celebrate Christmas and a historic glance reveals to us the connection of the inner memory life of individuals who, during winter, had felt abandoned by heaven, and so nursed their memories in solitude.
What is revealed in our abstract minds and calculations to determine the Easter festival, this was a direct experience for earlier man; it was observed in the heavens after the completion of winter and the time of St John in the soulful feeling of the divine weaving in the heavens, to unite in divine blessedness with the truly Spiritual-Divine which had been only a memory at Christmas time and into which they lived at springtime. The old summer solstice was primarily celebrated as the inner search for the union with the Divine in which man could empathise with how, if the earth would not be enclosed, the earth would be an active being working in the cosmos together with the entire being of humanity towards this cosmic experience.

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