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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 291 through 300 of 491

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277. St. John's Tide 24 Jun 1923, Dornach
Translated by W. Ringwald

Rudolf Steiner
The soul of man needed something different at Christmas, Easter, St. John’s, and Michaelmas time. And one can really compare the content of the celebration to a kind of satisfying the hunger of the soul at different seasons.
There is breakfast, snack, dinner, snack, supper,—it is even nice when at Christmas time we get a nice cake—but basically every day is a repetition of the previous day. In fact material man sees only the day.
The Michael Mystery: Foreword to this Edition

Ethel Bowen-WedgwoodGeorge Adams
From the time of the Foundation Meeting of the Anthroposophical Society (Dornach, Christmas to New Year, 1923–24) until his death shortly before Easter, 1925, Rudolf Steiner wrote a letter week by week, addressed to the members of the Society.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: Elemental, Sidereal and Heavenly Deities — Human Development and the Zodiac 02 Jan 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Therefore, the theosophical development is the unveiling of the other side, the actual night that becomes day for those who enter into it. Therefore, at Christmas, the sun rises in Virgo and rises higher and higher; at Easter, there is the rebirth from Taurus man to Aries ram; and then it goes through Pisces to the full height of the sun.
159. The Mystery of Death: The Four Platonic Virtues and Their Relation with the Human Members 31 Jan 1915, Zürich
Translated by Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
She was only able to do that, while the Christ Impulse had made hold of her. You know that we celebrate Christmas in the time when the solar strength is the slightest, in the deepest darkness of the wintertime because we can be persuaded that the internal light, the spiritual light has its strongest intensity. Old legends tell us that from Christmas up to the 6th January people experienced something quite particular because there the life on earth and the internal forces of the earth are the most concentrated.
Peculiar as it is, the time in which the Maid of Orleans was in the body of her mother ran off in the Christmas time in 1411. She was born, after she had spent the last thirteen days in the body of her mother, at the 6th January.
159. The Mystery of Death: The Relation of the Human Being to the Realms of Nature and the Hierarchies 13 May 1915, Prague
Translated by Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
And rightly, not because of superstition, but because it really corresponds to facts, one set particular store by the time when the external world has withdrawn mostly from the year, the time from Christmas up to the sixth January. If one does not want to attain spiritual knowledge in the way, as we do today using the instructions given in How Does One Attain Knowledge of the Higher Worlds?
This legend relates that Olaf Åsteson goes to the church before Christmas; that he falls asleep before the church and sleeps during thirteen nights. He wakes up at the Epiphany day and is really able to tell his experience.
Olaf Åsteson experienced that in the time in which Christmas was rightly put. This makes it clear to us that the clairvoyance of a nature child could be developed best of all during these thirteen nights from Christmas till Epiphany.
159. The Mystery of Death: Christ's Relationship to Lucifer and Ahriman 18 May 1915, Linz
Translated by Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The spirit of the earth is the most awake in these twelve or thirteen nights from Christmas to Epiphany. In olden times, in which—as you know from the various representations in my lectures—the human beings had a dreamlike clairvoyance and experienced the spiritual principle of the world that way.
There is a very nice legend, the Norwegian legend of Olaf Åsteson about whom is told to us that he goes to the church at the Christmas Eve, falls into a sleep-like state and wakes up at the sixth January and can tell what he experienced in this state similar to sleep.
This is the secret of the Maid of Orleans that she was born on the 6th January that she spent the time from Christmas up to the Epiphany day in that peculiar state similar to sleep in the body of the mother and got a natural initiation.
224. Pneumatosophy: The Riddles of the Inner Man 23 May 1923, Bern
Translated by Frances E. Dawson

Rudolf Steiner
It is true that this earth-soul also has its special destiny. Suppose it is winter here with us, Christmas time, the time of the winter solstice—that is the time when the earth soul is fully united with the earth.
The ancients understood the year, and on the basis of the mysteries which I have been able only to indicate today, they established Christmas, Easter and the St. John's Festival. At Christmas people give one another gifts, and do some other things also; but I have often explained, when I have given Christmas and Easter lectures here, how little remains with humanity today of these ancient institutions, how everything has become traditional and external.
344. The Founding of the Christian Community: Thirteenth Lecture 19 Sep 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
A Missa solemnis is, after all, something extraordinarily complicated, and only by first tormenting candidates for the priesthood to learn how to put together a mass, for example at Christmas, at Easter and so on, does one make it possible for the matter to proceed without difficulty. Otherwise, the composition of a mass, for example a Christmas mass, where many individual priests work together, would take an extremely long time to prepare, because everything is externalized and has to be coordinated.
A mass at sunset cannot be considered a real mass for the cosmos. During the Christmas season, a mass should be read around midnight, at the transition from the descent to the ascent of the sun, between December 24th and 25th.
93. The Temple Legend: The Mysteries of the Druids and the ‘Drottes’ 30 Sep 1904, Berlin
Translated by John M. Wood

Rudolf Steiner
Both days are still kept as festivals in the Christian church, the former as Christmas, the latter as St. John's Day; because the early Christians judiciously adopted not only the festival days of the pagans, but also, so far as this could be done with propriety, their mode of keeping them; substituting, however, a theological meaning for astronomical allusions. The use of evergreens in churches at Christmas time is the Christian perpetuation of an ancient Druidic custom. Doctrines. The Druids taught the doctrine of one supreme being, a future state of rewards and punishments, the immortality of the soul and a metempsychosis.
143. Calendar of the Soul 07 May 1912, Cologne
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
This festival could not take place in the summer; it was celebrated in December as the Christmas festival, the festival of the Spirit. The festival of physical Nature, the St John's festival, was celebrated in the summer; Christmas, the festival of the highest Spirits, belongs to the season of winter.

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