14. Four Mystery Plays: The Soul's Awakening: Scene 2
Translated by Harry Collison Rudolf Steiner |
On soul paths he will try to follow them, Yet they have not been rightly understood If they disturb his duties on the earth. (Capesius sits, and is plunged in thought while the vision of Lucifer appears to Maria.) |
The spirit-path hath need of solitude, Co-operation is but meant for those Who reasoning, can each other understand. For from such intercourse the soul attains The wide dominions of the worlds of light. Example in old Felix can I find; He seeks on paths that none but he may know In proud seclusion for the spirit-light. |
Chorus of the Gnomes (dancing, hopping, and gesticulating in rhythm): We titter and we laugh (said sharply and quickly) We banter and grimace, When stumbling human sense And fumbling human mind Beholds what we have made; They think they understand When spirits from our age Weave charms for their dull eyes (said slowly and emphatically). |
14. Four Mystery Plays: The Soul's Awakening: Scene 2
Translated by Harry Collison Rudolf Steiner |
Mountainous country; in the distance, Hilary's house, in the vicinity of the workshops, which are not seen. Hilary's house has no upper floor; no corners or angles, and is crescent shaped. A waterfall on the left of the stage, facing audience. A rivulet runs from the waterfall between little rocks across the stage. Johannes is seen sitting on a rock to right, ignorant of the presence of Capesius, on the left of stage. Johannes: Johannes' soul shall feel within itself (Maria appears as a thought of Johannes.) Maria here before me! but how strange! (Maria disappears from Johannes' vision.) Where is Maria whom Johannes loved (Maria again appears before Johannes' vision.) Maria: Johannes: Thou stranger being in Johannes' soul (Benedictus appears at Maria's side, equally as a thought of Johannes.) Benedictus: Maria (seen as a thought of Johannes): (Benedictus and Maria disappear.) Johannes: (He sinks into further meditation.) Capesius: (Capesius approaches Johannes, who now notices him for the first time.) Johannes: Capesius: Johannes: Capesius: Johannes: (At this moment Maria joins them; this enables both Johannes and Capesius to speak their next words to themselves.) (To himself): Capesius (to himself): (turning to Maria.) Maria, thou dost come in fitting time. Maria: Capesius: Maria: Capesius: Maria: (Capesius sits, and is plunged in thought while the vision of Lucifer appears to Maria.) Lucifer: (Lucifer remains on the scene.) Maria: Capesius: (He places himself in front of Johannes.) Johannes, tell me truly, didst thou not Johannes: (Johannes again falls into meditation.) Lucifer: (Capesius at this moment straightens up self-consciously, and, during the following speech, shows an increasingly definite conviction.) Capesius: (Exit.) Maria: Johannes: Maria: Johannes: Maria: The spirit bids me tell thee this myself; Johannes (still sitting on a rock to right of stage. He collects himself for a determined effort): (From both sides advance elemental spirits. From the right of stage creatures like gnomes. They have steel-blue-grey bodies, small as compared with men; they are nearly all head, but it is bent forward and downward, and is lilac and purple in color, with tendrils and gills of various shades of the same hue. Their limbs are long and mobile, suitable for gesticulation, but ill-adapted for walking. From the left of stage come sylph-like figures, slender and almost headless; their feet and hands are partly fins and partly wings. Some of them are bluish-green, others yellowish-red. The yellowish-red ones are distinguished by sharper outlines than the bluish green ones. The words spoken by these figures are accompanied by expressive gestures developing into a dance.) Chorus of the Gnomes (dancing, hopping, and gesticulating in rhythm): Chorus of the Sylphs (a swaying motion in rhythm): Chorus of the Gnomes (dancing, hopping, and gesticulating in rhythm): Chorus of the Sylphs (a swaying motion in rhythm): (These spirit-beings collect in two irregular groups in the background, and remain there visible. From the right appear the three soul forces: Philia, Astrid, and Luna with ‘the Other Philia.’) Philia: Astrid: Luna: The Other Philia: (These four soul forces disappear towards the left; Johannes, who during the preceding events was deep in meditation, rouses himself.) Johannes: (He relapses once more into meditation; there appears to him as a thought form of his own a group composed of: The Spirit of Johannes' youth, with Lucifer on its right and Theodora's soul on its left.) The Spirit of Johannes' youth: Lucifer: (At the word ‘Lucifer’ the Spirit of Johannes' youth starts.) Reserved to me by ancient cosmic law, Theodora: Lucifer: Theodora: Lucifer: Theodora: (Lucifer, Theodora, and the Spirit of " Johannes' youth disappear. Johannes, awaking from his meditation, sees ` the Other Philia approaching him,) The Other Philia: Johannes: The Other Philia: Johannes: The Other Philia: Johannes: Curtain falls slowly, while ‘the Other Philia’ and Johannes remain quietly standing |
14. Four Mystery Plays: The Soul's Awakening: Scene 3
Translated by Harry Collison Rudolf Steiner |
Strader (to Capesius and Felix Balde): I often understood your present speech;— And then I thought it wise;—but not a word In all your speech can I now understand. |
Then, when enlightenment was granted thee By what thou didst not strive to understand Thou wast far nearer to the mystic mood. To strive for nought,—but just to live in peace, Expectancy the soul's whole inner life: That is the mystic mood. |
And thou shalt have an answer, such an one As spirit-spaces from the depth of soul Are willing to reveal through this my voice. But learn to understand thy fancied thought, The knowledge thou hast oft made bold to speak, Which thou wert only dreaming hitherto. |
14. Four Mystery Plays: The Soul's Awakening: Scene 3
Translated by Harry Collison Rudolf Steiner |
The Same. Enter left, Magnus Bellicosus, Romanus, Torquatus, and Hilary, in deep conversation, and pausing in their walk. While Torquatus is speaking (page 183), Ahriman enters left, glides stealthily across the stage unnoticed by the speaker and exits right. Bellicosus: Romanus: Bellicosus: Romanus: Bellicosus: Torquatus: Bellicosus: Romanus: Torquatus: Romanus: Bellicosus: Romanus: Hilary: Romanus: (Exeunt right.) Capesius: Strader (to Capesius): Capesius: Felix Balde: Capesius: Strader (to Capesius and Felix Balde): Felix Balde: Strader (to Capesius and Felix Balde): Felix Balde: Capesius: Strader: (Strader turns away, for a moment, from the companions with whom he has been conversing; and now he has the following spirit-vision—Benedictus, Maria, Ahriman appear—in the guise of his thought forms but nevertheless in real spirit-intercourse; first Benedictus and Ahriman, then Maria.) Benedictus: Ahriman: Strader: (Maria steps forth from the abyss.) Maria: Ahriman: Strader: Benedictus: Strader: Benedictus: Ahriman: Strader: Maria: (The figures of Benedictus, Ahriman, and Maria disappear; i.e., from outward sight; Strader wakes up from his spirit-vision; he looks round for Capesius, Felix Balde, and Dame Balde, who again approach him; he has seated himself upon a rock.) Felix Balde: (He pauses a while in the expectation that Strader will say something, but since the latter remains silent Felix continues.) I would not seem to cast thee coldly forth Dame Balde: Capesius: Dame Balde: Capesius: Felix Balde: Dame Balde: |
14. Four Mystery Plays: The Soul's Awakening: Scene 4
Translated by Harry Collison Rudolf Steiner |
Strader: Thou gav'st, when joined in spirit unto me Before the dark abyss of mine own self, Wise counsel to direct mine inward sight, Which at that time I could not understand, But which will work such changes in my soul As certainly will solve life's problems, when They seek to hinder what I strive to do. |
14. Four Mystery Plays: The Soul's Awakening: Scene 4
Translated by Harry Collison Rudolf Steiner |
(The Manager and Romanus, pausing in their walk, speak as follows.) Manager: Romanus: Manager: Romanus: Manager: Romanus: Manager: Romanus: Manager: Romanus: Manager: Romanus: Manager: (Exeunt Manager and Romanus. Johannes comes from another direction, deep in thought, and sits down on a boulder. Johannes is at first alone; afterwards appear his Double, the Spirit of Johannes' youth, and finally the Guardian of the Threshold, and Ahriman.) Johannes: (A voice from the distance, that of Johannes' Double.) ‘The magical web Johannes: (While Johannes is speaking these lines his Double approaches him. Johannes does not recognise him, but thinks ‘the Other Philia’ is coming towards him.) O spirit-counsellor, thou com'st once more; The Double: Johannes: The Double: Johannes: The Double: Johannes: The Double: Johannes: The Double: (The Spirit of Johannes' youth appears.) The Spirit of Johannes' youth: (The Spirit of Johannes' youth disappears: only now does Johannes recognise the Double.) Johannes: The Double: (The Guardian of the Threshold appears and stands beside the Double.) The Guardian: Johannes: Ahriman: Johannes: The Double: Johannes: The Double: Johannes: (The Guardian disappears: in his place appear Benedictus and Maria.) Maria: Benedictus: (The Double, Benedictus, and Maria disappear.) Johannes: (Exit, right.) (Enter Strader, Benedictus, and Maria, left.) Strader: Benedictus: Strader: Benedictus: Strader: Benedictus: Strader: (Benedictus and Maria retire a little way; Strader remains alone; the soul of Theodora appears.) Theodora's Soul: (Disappears. Exit Strader. Benedictus and Maria come to the front of stage.) Maria: Benedictus: Maria: Benedictus: Maria: Benedictus: Maria: Benedictus: Maria: Benedictus: Maria: |
14. Four Mystery Plays: The Soul's Awakening: Scene 5
Translated by Harry Collison Rudolf Steiner |
Lucifer: (Bluish-green glittering under-garment, reddish outer-garment, shaped like a mantle and gleaming brightly, which extends into wing-like outlines; his upper part is not an aura but he wears a mitre of deep red bordered with wings; on his right wing a blue shape having the appearance of a sword; a yellow shape, like the ball of a planet (Venus), is supported by his left wing. |
Strader's Soul: On spirit-shores illumination works, Yet howsoe'er I strive to understand The sense of these light-forces, they are dumb. Dame Balde's Soul: (Figure of a penitent with white coif, like that of a nun; robe yellow-orange, with silver girdle; she appears quite close to Maria; on her right and near Felix Beide.) |
14. Four Mystery Plays: The Soul's Awakening: Scene 5
Translated by Harry Collison Rudolf Steiner |
The Spirit Realm. The scene is set in floods of significant colour, reddish deepening into fiery red above, blue merging into dark blue and violet below. In the lower part there is a globe symbolising the earth. The figures that appear seem to blend into a complete whole with the colours. On the left of the stage the group of gnomes as in Scene 2, page 173, in front of them Hilary, and in the immediate foreground the soul-forces. Felix Balde's Soul: (Seated at the extreme right of stage, having the form of a penitent, but arrayed in a light violet robe girdled with gold.) I thank thee, Spirit, wise to govern worlds, Lucifer: (Bluish-green glittering under-garment, reddish outer-garment, shaped like a mantle and gleaming brightly, which extends into wing-like outlines; his upper part is not an aura but he wears a mitre of deep red bordered with wings; on his right wing a blue shape having the appearance of a sword; a yellow shape, like the ball of a planet (Venus), is supported by his left wing. He stands somewhat behind and to the right, towering over Felix Balde's soul.) My servant, such activity as thine Felix Balde's Soul: (Gazing at the group of gnomes. From this moment, the gnomes becoming conscious, keep swaying up and down, slightly raising and lowering themselves, as if the group was breathing from above.)
Hilary's Soul: (With the figure of a steel-blue-grey elemental spirit modified to resemble a man's; the head less bowed, and the limbs more human.) The mist of wishes doth reflect the light Felix Balde's Soul: (The gnomes cease their movement.) Ahriman: Strader's Soul: (Toward the left of the stage; only his head is visible; it is in a yellowish-green aura with red and orange stars. At this moment on Strader's immediate left appears the soul of Capesius. Similarly only his head is to be seen. It is in a blue aura with red and yellow stars.) I hear a word which sounds and sounds again. The Other Philia: (Arrayed like a copy of Lucifer, though the radiance is lacking. Instead of the sword she has a kind of #8224, and in place of the planet a red ball like a fruit.) It travels onward in its search for weight Unto the place where radiant being fades Philia: (Figure like an angel, yellow merging into white, with wings of a bright violet, a lighter shade than Maria has later.—All three soul figures and the Other Philia are near Strader's soul and stand in the centre of the stage.) The mist-creations I will tend for thee Astrid: (Figure like an angel, robed in bright violet, with blue wings.) I beam forth clear and wondrous life of stars Luna: (Figure like an angel, robe of blue and red, with orange wings.) The weighty beings, who with toil create, Strader's Soul: Capesius' Soul: Luna: Capesius' Soul: Astrid: The Other Philia: Capesius' Soul: Philia: Capesius' Soul: Lucifer: (The souls of Benedictus and Maria appear in the middle of the region. Benedictus, in dress and in figure, is a microcosmic counterpart of the entire scenic effect. Below, his robe, becoming broader, shades into blue-green; around his head is an aura of red, yellow and blue; the blue blends into the blue-green of the entire robe. Maria on his right is an angelic figure; yellow shading into gold, without feet and with bright violet wings.) Benedictus' Soul: Maria's Soul: Felix Balde's Soul: Strader's Soul: Dame Balde's Soul: (Figure of a penitent with white coif, like that of a nun; robe yellow-orange, with silver girdle; she appears quite close to Maria; on her right and near Felix Beide.) Ye souls now summoned up by Lucifer! Capesius' Soul: The Guardian: (Enter the Guardian of the Threshold, like an angel, symbolically arrayed, to the side of the souls of Maria and Benedictus.) Ye souls who now at Lucifer's demand |
14. Four Mystery Plays: The Soul's Awakening: Scene 6
Translated by Harry Collison Rudolf Steiner |
Bellicosus' Soul: (Figure visible like that of Torquatus' soul, but with blue-violet aura and blue-green wings.) Make strong thy spirit-ear to understand What says the soul who rays out meekness' light. 'Neath Saturn's beam souls can be brought to show This gleam of noble spirit-blessedness. |
14. Four Mystery Plays: The Soul's Awakening: Scene 6
Translated by Harry Collison Rudolf Steiner |
A similar scene The same characters are still in their places. The lighting is full of warm shades, but not too bright. Toward the right of stage the sylphs keep swaying to and fro (see page 173). In front Philia, Astrid, and Luna. Capesius' Soul: (Standing on the left of stage near the middle.) Romanus' Soul: (A figure showing all the upper part of the body down to the hips; it has mighty red wings which extend round its head in such a way as to change into a red aura, running into blue on the outer edge; it stands on the left of Capesius' soul, whilst close are the souls of Bellicosus and Torquatus further still to the left of stage, facing audience.) Wake in thyself Capesius' Soul:
Romanus' Soul: Capesius' Soul: Felix Balde's Soul: (From the extreme right of stage with hollow veiled voice.) ‘Dear Keane, thou hast been ever true to me’— Capesius' Soul: (Capesius' soul disappears; the Other Philia comes into view on the right of stage with Theodora's soul; behind her Dame Balde's soul.) Romanus' Soul: Torquatus' Soul: (Figure visible as far as the breast, blue aura, green wings.) Only desire's reflection dost thou see Bellicosus' Soul: (Figure visible like that of Torquatus' soul, but with blue-violet aura and blue-green wings.) Make strong thy spirit-ear to understand Theodora's Soul: (Angelic figure white with yellow wings and blue yellow aura.) My loyal spirit-comrade, pour on him Dame Balde's Soul: (To Felix.) Theodora's Soul: (Lucifer appears with the soul of Johannes, who has the appearance of an angel. His robes rose-coloured with lilac rose-coloured wings. No feet.) ‘From source divine hath sprung the human soul; The Other Philia: Dame Balde's Soul: (Felix Balde's soul disappears slowly, led by Dame Balde's soul; Theodora stands motion-less looking at Johannes' soul, then she also disappears, as does Lucifer with the soul of Johannes.) Romanus' Soul:
The Guardian: Maria's Soul: (Lucifer reappears with the soul of Johannes.) Benedictus' Soul: Maria's Soul: Lucifer: Johannes' Soul: Philia: Johannes' Soul: Benedictus' Soul: Maria's Soul: The Guardian: Astrid: Maria: Luna: Johannes' Soul: (With the last words appears the spirit of Johannes' youth. Figure like an angel's; silvery sheen.) The Spirit of Johannes' Youth: Lucifer: |
14. Four Mystery Plays: The Soul's Awakening: Scene 8
Translated by Harry Collison Rudolf Steiner |
The Recorder: Thou wilt not understand, as thou dost sink, Whereto we lead, till thou hast heard his call. We forge for thee the form of thy real self; Perceive our work; else must thou lose thyself As semblance in the cosmic nothingness. |
The Recorder: Thou wilt not understand, as thou dost fly, Whereto we lead, till thou hast heard his call. We light for thee the life of thy real self; Perceive our work; else must thou lose thyself As semblance in the cosmic weightiness. |
The Keeper of the Seals: Thou wilt not understand why to a wave We fashion thee till thou hast heard his call. We build for thee the form of thine own self; Perceive our work; else must thou lose thyself A formless being in the cosmic fire. |
14. Four Mystery Plays: The Soul's Awakening: Scene 8
Translated by Harry Collison Rudolf Steiner |
As in Scene 7. An Egyptian woman is seen crouching by the wall. She is a previous incarnation of Johannes Thomasius. Egyptian woman: (Clinging to the wall.) Yet though in this hour he abandons me Part IIInside the temple. The hall of initiation. The ceremony is performed on a broad flight of steps descending from the back to the front of the stage. The characters stand in groups below one another and on different steps. The drop-curtain goes up, disclosing everything in readiness for the initiation of the Neophyte, who is to be thought of as an earlier in-carnation of Maria; behind the altar and to the left of it stands the Chief Hierophant who is to be thought of as an earlier incarnation of Benedictus; on the other side the Recorder, an earlier incarnation of Hilary True-to-God; a little in front of the altar the Keeper of the Seals, an earlier incarnation of Theodora; in front, on the right side of the altar, the Impersonator of the Earth Element, an earlier in-carnation of Romanus, and with him the Impersonator of the Air Element, an earlier incarnation of Magnus Bellicosus; quite close to the Chief Hierophant, stands the Hierophant, an earlier incarnation of Capesius; on the left side of the altar the Impersonator of the Fire Element, an earlier incarnation of Doctor Strader, with the Impersonator of the Water Element, an earlier incarnation of Torquatus. In front of them Philia, Astrid, Luna and ‘the Other Philia.’ Four other priests stand in front of them. In front of all Lucifer to the left of altar and Ahriman to the right in the guise of sphinxes, with the cherubim emphasized in the case of Lucifer and the bull in the case of Ahriman. Dead silence for a while after the interior of the temple with its grouped mystics has become visible. The Keeper of the Temple, an earlier incarnation of Felix Balde, and the Mystic, an earlier incarnation of Dame Betide, lead the Neophyte in through a doorway on the right of stage. They place him in the inner circle near the altar, and remain standing near him. The Keeper of the Temple: The Mystic: The Impersonator of the Earth Element: The Recorder: The Mystic: The Impersonator of the Air Element: The Recorder: The Mystic: The Chief Hierophant: (The bright, quivering sacred flame flares up on the altar in the middle of the stage.) To thee than is the life of thine own self, The Mystic: The Impersonator of the Fire Element: The Keeper of the Seals: The Mystic: The Impersonator of the Water Element: The Keeper of the Seals: The Chief Hierophant: Philia: Astrid: Luna: The Other Philia: The Mystic: The Chief Hierophant (addressing the Hierophant): The Hierophant: The Chief Hierophant: (A pause of considerable length ensues, during which the stage is darkened till only the flame and indistinct outlines of the characters are visible; at the conclusion of the pause the Chief Hierophant continues.) And now from out the cosmic vision wake! (The Neophyte is silent. The Chief Hierophant, much alarmed, continues): The Neophyte: (The assembled mystics, the Hierophant excepted, show an ever-increasing alarm during the speech of the Neophyte.) I felt that I could shake off from myself (Consternation all around.) Spirits rayed light thereon from lofty worlds; The Chief Hierophant (himself alarmed, to the alarmed Mystics): The Recorder (angrily to the Hierophant): The Hierophant: The Mystics: (The sphinxes begin to speak one after the other as Ahriman and Lucifer; hitherto they have been as statues motionless; what they say is heard only by the hierophant, the chief hierophant, and the neophyte;—the others are full of excitement over the preceding events.) Ahriman as Sphinx: Lucifer as Sphinx: The Chief Hierophant: (The other mystics, with the exception of the Hierophant and the Neophyte, are amazed at the words of the Chief Hierophant.) The Hierophant (to the Chief Hierophant): Curtain
14. Four Mystery Plays: The Soul's Awakening: Scene 11
Translated by Harry Collison Rudolf Steiner |
I was aboard a ship, thou at the helm, The labouring oars were under my command; And we were bearing to their place of work Maria and Johannes; there appeared Another ship quite close to us; on board Romanus and the friend of Hilary— They lay athwart our course as enemies. |
14. Four Mystery Plays: The Soul's Awakening: Scene 11
Translated by Harry Collison Rudolf Steiner |
The same. Enter Benedictus and Strader. Strader: Benedictus: Strader: Benedictus: Strader: Benedictus: Strader: Benedictus: Strader: Benedictus: Curtain |
14. Four Mystery Plays: The Soul's Awakening: Scene 12
Translated by Harry Collison Rudolf Steiner |
(Aside) Earth-knowledge he must leave here at the door. For he must never understand the things Which here he learns, since he is honest still; No effort would he make, if he once knew The purpose with which I now influence him. |
Ahriman: Now see to it that thou art shrewdly armed. This is thy task: Thou art to undermine The confidence of Strader in himself. No longer then will he desire to work With Benedictus, who must henceforth rest Upon himself and his own arguments. |
14. Four Mystery Plays: The Soul's Awakening: Scene 12
Translated by Harry Collison Rudolf Steiner |
The interior of the earth. Enormous crystal formations, with streams like lava breaking through them. The whole scene is faintly luminous, transparent in some parts, and with the light shining through from behind in others. Above are red flames which appear to be being pressed downward from the roof. (One hand of Ahriman is a claw and he has a cloven hoof. This is to show the audience that his identity as the Devil is being discovered. Fox has a cloven hoof.) Ahriman (at first alone): (Ahriman goes off and returns with the soul of Fox, whose figure is a sort of copy of his own. He removes a bandage from Fox's eyes.)
(To Fox) Does thou know doctor Strader, who serves me? The Soul of Fox: Ahriman: (Aside) (To Fox) My trusty knave, right crafty is thy wit; The Soul of Fox: Ahriman: The Soul of Fox: (Ahriman leads out Fox's soul and again blindfolds the individual portraying the soul before he is allowed to depart.) Ahriman (alone): (Theodora's soul appears.) Theodora's Soul: Ahriman: |
14. Four Mystery Plays: The Soul's Awakening: Scene 13
Translated by Harry Collison Rudolf Steiner |
Romanus: Those who do not fear failure will succeed. It only needs an understanding eye To see what bearing mysticism has Upon our case, and forthwith there appears The view that we should take of Strader's work. |
14. Four Mystery Plays: The Soul's Awakening: Scene 13
Translated by Harry Collison Rudolf Steiner |
A large reception room in Hilary's house. As the curtain rises Hilary and Romanus are in conversation. Hilary: Romanus: Hilary: Romanus: Hilary: Romanus: Hilary: (Exeunt left.) Secretary: Felix Balde: Secretary: (Exit) Felix Balde: Capesius: Felix Balde: Capesius: Felix Balde: Capesius: (Philia appears, perceptible only to Capesius; Felix Balde shows that he does not comprehend what follows.) Philia: Felix Balde: Capesius: Curtain |
14. Four Mystery Plays: The Soul's Awakening: Scene 14
Translated by Harry Collison Rudolf Steiner |
Yet I decided I would bear this load To help Romanus, whom I understand Since he concerning Strader spake with me. What he explained became the starting-point For me of mine own spirit-pupilship. |
His counsel is most precious, though as yet I cannot understand and follow it; Romanus only cares for Strader now; He thinks the other mystics by their share Not only are a hindrance to the work But also are a danger to themselves. |
14. Four Mystery Plays: The Soul's Awakening: Scene 14
Translated by Harry Collison Rudolf Steiner |
The same. Hilary's Wife in conversation with the Manager. Hilary's Wife: Manager: Hilary's Wife: Manager: Hilary's Wife: Manager: Hilary's Wife: Manager: (Enter the Secretary.) Thou looks't distracted, friend; what is thy news? Secretary (hesitatingly): Manager: Hilary's Wife: Secretary: (Exit Hilary's Wife, followed by the Secretary.) Manager (alone): Curtain |