263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
06 Jul 1919, N/A Edith Maryon |
I am truly sorry that the work is so much more difficult with so little understanding. Dr. Boos was here today and seems very satisfied with the progress in Switzerland. A very nice letter has arrived from a lady in England who seems to understand the matter and offers to do the translation. |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
06 Jul 1919, N/A Edith Maryon |
27Edith Maryon to Rudolf Steiner Villa Rosenau Dear and esteemed teacher, I am sending you the last photograph of the Christ head, which is also the best so far. I would also like to know whether I can use the title of the book “The roots of the social questions in the vital needs of the present and future”. “Germs” is not liked; it sounds a bit humorous and nobody is happy with it. I am now waiting for an answer from Messrs. Routledge (instead of National Labour Press, they have no office in London and Miss Franklin has turned to the other publisher). I am truly sorry that the work is so much more difficult with so little understanding. Dr. Boos was here today and seems very satisfied with the progress in Switzerland. A very nice letter has arrived from a lady in England who seems to understand the matter and offers to do the translation. An American woman, now an Englishwoman, was introduced to me today by Dr. Boos and she promises financial and other support. She was very nice. She would like to win Bernard Shaw and H.G. Wells for the cause if she could, they could achieve a lot for the cause. This week the last blocks are coming into the studio, everything will then be arranged, only the work longs very much for the first sculptor, especially for the Christ figure. There is a terrible housing shortage, many houses have been sold. A rich Swiss woman offered double for the room of Miss Clason, more than triple for the service, etc., so Miss C. is now on the street. My stay here will probably be short as well, they are already charging double for heating, etc., and I have already been asked whether it would not be better to find other rooms! But I will stay a little longer (for now). I have now talked to Mr. Bay a lot about whether it would be possible to build small houses and rent rooms for around 30-35 francs, and now he is looking into the question. I thought that maybe my mother could lend me the money for a three-room apartment if it were possible to rent land near the canteen or the office (for a water pipe, etc.). Mr. Bay thinks that some wealthy Bernese members would be happy to build such houses. But I'll wait for your opinion until you come. The plan is for 2 rooms and 2 kitchens, but I would like 3 rooms and 1 kitchen and thought it might be something for Kisseleff, Clason and me, if the price is within the range of possibility. I also need to know your opinion about this; we'll wait until you come, just hoping that the wait won't be too long. The last corrections to the book are taking a long time; the head seems to have become a little tired! In England, a small committee is being formed to work on the social question. Dr. Boos suggests that I should travel to England and give slide lectures about the Goetheanum!! There is also a lot of work here; Stuttgart has already had a great deal. With warmest regards, L. Edith C. Maryon |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter to Edith Maryon
25 Jul 1919, Stuttgart Rudolf Steiner |
The direction of the ideas is not really understood. There are certainly a few who show understanding. But there is a lot of misunderstanding, and one advances much too slowly for the time conditions. |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter to Edith Maryon
25 Jul 1919, Stuttgart Rudolf Steiner |
28Rudolf Steiner to Edith Maryon Stuttgart, 25 July 1919 My dear Miss Edith Maryon! It is good that I have received the two letters and the picture of our artistic work. It is sad to hear that such difficulties are arising for the living quarters. Perhaps something can be arranged to alleviate these difficulties. My work here has not diminished. For example, in the last few days I gave a lecture here on Sunday, in Heilbronn on Monday, in Ulm on Tuesday, here on Wednesday, on Thursday I spoke to the eurythmy group here, today I had many meetings and so on. In between, there is much to discuss and write about. How I long to be back to our artistic work! For the time being, we intend to go to Dornach in the first half of August. But everything is uncertain at the moment. But I certainly hope that it will come about. Then, however, I would have to be back in Stuttgart in the second half of August, where I have to give a course for the teachers of a school that I would like to found. But if everything goes as I am now thinking, I would be back at work in the sculpture studio for a short time. Boos has done good work in Switzerland in the meantime. The direction of the ideas is not really understood. There are certainly a few who show understanding. But there is a lot of misunderstanding, and one advances much too slowly for the time conditions. You too have difficulties with the translation of my book. But it will be of great importance that this translation is published. Recently I have also given anthroposophical lectures in addition to the other lectures. One could even say that there is more interest in the latter than in the former. In the time that remains to me from my work, I think a lot about the sculpting work in our studio. It will be satisfying for me to be there again. We want to see if this will be in the first half of August. For now, warmest greetings from Rudolf Steiner Stuttgart, Landhausstraße 70 |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
14 Sep 1919, N/A Edith Maryon |
I also think that they often translated too freely, that is, they tried to understand the meaning and then freely render it in their own way, so that it is a bit as if you had seen a blue painting and, from memory, made a green one! |
Finally, I compared the first chapter of the two translations and found that the other one reads more fluently when viewed as a whole, which is easy to understand because one translator had already written a lot and I had not! I often find my sentences clumsier, but perhaps more faithful – in some respects – to the original; others are even like another version, some better. |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
14 Sep 1919, N/A Edith Maryon |
33Edith Maryon to Rudolf Steiner Villa St. Georg Dear and esteemed teacher, The second translation of chapters one and two of your book has finally arrived, but I find it extremely difficult to form an opinion about it. At first I read the two chapters purely from the point of view of an English book, and found that it is well written, in very modern, apt English, the images very much in the English sense, with no trace of the German origin (as in my poor creation!). Only here and there did I find a sentence that seemed to me to be modern slang, but it is probably not perceived that way in present-day England. It reads fluently and interestingly, and I could well imagine that, if it is properly published, it could even become a popular book. The one translator is already an experienced and well-known writer, and she already has a lot of influence in these circles, and she could contribute significantly to the book being published by the National Labor Press. Then I read it and compared it to the original. Here it turned out that the two translators took a lot of liberties with the sentence distribution, [and that] in my opinion, with the exception of one or two places, without having a good reason for it. I think they formed two or three sentences out of one, two sentences out of one, etc. This happens on average twice or more per page. But this could be quickly corrected and made good; I think it would be desirable because a different nuance comes across. Then they have usually written three quarters of the words that are written in bold in the original, so that the emphasized word has the same value as the others. I also think that they often translated too freely, that is, they tried to understand the meaning and then freely render it in their own way, so that it is a bit as if you had seen a blue painting and, from memory, made a green one! It is the same with paragraphs; they create completely new ones in an arbitrary way. Finally, I compared the first chapter of the two translations and found that the other one reads more fluently when viewed as a whole, which is easy to understand because one translator had already written a lot and I had not! I often find my sentences clumsier, but perhaps more faithful – in some respects – to the original; others are even like another version, some better. (Is that immodest?) But in the end I think that the best thing to do would be to use the other translation, because the people in England have influence and I don't, and they have to work there and will be more interested if they can create their own tools. I would only insist that the stressed words should also be stressed in English, and that one should not arbitrarily introduce a different sentence distribution. If time is not too pressing and the others allow it (which they may not do because they are firmly convinced that their translation is quite faithful to the original), I would like to see some things a little differently. This judgment is formed from the first chapter; I have only briefly read the second, but my critique is about the same. I will study the matter further in the next few days, but probably not think much differently. So I am writing now, so that perhaps a little time can be saved. The lady and Mr. Kaufmann plan to be in Dornach at the end of September. The question is whether a translation should be given to the Nat[ional] Lab[our] Press immediately so that we can get an answer? If the others come and allow me, I would like to go through the work and compare it, it might be possible to improve it a bit, but that would take time, maybe it's better and more important to get started quickly now? I await your judgment on all of this and have not said anything to the two people. I have various letters from the commission, etc. to present to you later. I would have loved to be able to work on this as well, but it seems that life wants to throw me out on this occasion and I have to let it happen for the sake of the matter. It will be so nice when you can work here again, the times are quite difficult and the weeks are very long. I received the letter well and was very happy about it. With my warmest regards L. Edith C. Maryon |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
21 Dec 1919, N/A Edith Maryon |
Wedgwood about the people she has encountered – she is much less judgmental than I am and says that if you haven't lived through it yourself, you can hardly imagine how incredibly ugly and difficult it was in England during the war, and that the few hundred people who more or less understood the real significance of this war really went through a dreadful time. The whole air there is poisoned and polluted with lies, and people who had to hold themselves upright in such an atmosphere without any support or help, in the middle of a crowd of people who showed hostility as soon as it became known that someone was a pacifist – and feeling depressed by the horror of this war – really had a terrible time. |
That's why she has hope for these people, who at least want to hear, while the others are blind, deaf, and hostile to all other thoughts. Nevertheless, I think that one can easily understand what it looked like there, even without being there. Dec. 22: Today I was at the key issues working group in the reading room. |
Monges wanted to know whether a dentist sold his work in exactly the same way as the day laborers and [that] could hardly understand the difference, and said he must feel like a slave Mrs. Drury-Lavin spoke of the contentment and piety she had found among the English agricultural laborers and could not understand how they could belong to a bygone age that had no future. |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
21 Dec 1919, N/A Edith Maryon |
34Edith Maryon to Rudolf Steiner Dear and esteemed teacher, My life here has become quite different. I spend my time between the large and small Lucifer figures (one hopes that this does not lead to all kinds of fanciful thoughts and qualities?) The head of the small Lucifer is tilted so far forward that it is difficult to carve. I have already chipped away almost too much of the nose – but it can be repaired. Our studio looks very empty and abandoned, as if no one had worked there in a month. I had a long talk with Mrs. Wedgwood about the people she has encountered – she is much less judgmental than I am and says that if you haven't lived through it yourself, you can hardly imagine how incredibly ugly and difficult it was in England during the war, and that the few hundred people who more or less understood the real significance of this war really went through a dreadful time. The whole air there is poisoned and polluted with lies, and people who had to hold themselves upright in such an atmosphere without any support or help, in the middle of a crowd of people who showed hostility as soon as it became known that someone was a pacifist – and feeling depressed by the horror of this war – really had a terrible time. She thought that many could not have held out if they had seen everything. That's why she has hope for these people, who at least want to hear, while the others are blind, deaf, and hostile to all other thoughts. Nevertheless, I think that one can easily understand what it looked like there, even without being there. Dec. 22: Today I was at the key issues working group in the reading room. It was actually quite interesting, mainly a little speech by Mrs. W[fedgwood], which was clearly expressed, with a bit of humor, etc. The topic was capital. The questions were sometimes amusing. Mr. Monges wanted to know whether a dentist sold his work in exactly the same way as the day laborers and [that] could hardly understand the difference, and said he must feel like a slave Mrs. Drury-Lavin spoke of the contentment and piety she had found among the English agricultural laborers and could not understand how they could belong to a bygone age that had no future. Both questions were asked in a very characteristic way. I am looking forward to the public lectures in Basel. With warm regards Edith Maryon |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
07 Mar 1920, N/A Edith Maryon |
Yesterday we had visitors from Dornach: the district court president and seven or eight other bigwigs. They were friendly and showed some understanding for the matter. Afterwards they bought various books. Some even carved something on the great Lucifer, which they found very amusing. |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
07 Mar 1920, N/A Edith Maryon |
38Edith Maryon to Rudolf Steiner Villa St. George Dear and esteemed teacher, A letter has not arrived yet; it takes a long time from Stuttgart – perhaps it will come tomorrow. Yesterday we had visitors from Dornach: the district court president and seven or eight other bigwigs. They were friendly and showed some understanding for the matter. Afterwards they bought various books. Some even carved something on the great Lucifer, which they found very amusing. They liked the models of the houses, I told them it was an attempt to alleviate the housing shortage, and that the idea was to build the houses very simply, without luxury, but with an architecture somewhat adapted to the construction site. They were very interested. We all tried to make a good impression. The court president seemed particularly benevolent to me, if it was genuine. Today the weather changed, it is cold and raining, few visits to the construction site. The plasterer has finally arrived, but we will hardly be finished with the renovation by the time you return. Mrs. Drury-Lavin wrote that she visited my brother and liked him very much. Next Sunday he and Miss Word (the fiancée) should visit Mrs. D.L., and then she will see if it will be possible to give a lecture at the university. Today she had to give news to the group in London. Unfortunately, old Mrs. G. has given £1000 to found a British Society or (a British) center, she has given it to the Myrdin Group. Collison will be in London soon after Easter. The four Mystery Dramas will be performed in London in May or June; I have a letter from the Putnams because I want to know the titles for the poster. Mrs. Drury-Lavin writes that she feels as if she has just left the spiritual world and has not yet become accustomed to this incarnation; the time in Dornach was too beautiful, she has drawn fresh courage for life there and is infinitely grateful for it. I wrote to her today. Monday. Deep snow! With warm greetings Edith Maryon |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
25 Jul 1920, N/A Edith Maryon |
I got the passport visa without any difficulty; the vice-consul even fetched the second visa from the French consul himself, for which I was really grateful because about 30 people were already waiting on the street under the burning sun. The Arlesheim authorities also issued a return travel permit immediately, so unless something better (or less bad!) |
Two Englishwomen and three Englishmen have arrived; they say that Rosenkrantz has had little success so far for our art course, and that people there simply fall asleep, even though there are many who would like to take what we have to give; but they don't realize it, and no one can make it understandable. Today they are visiting the group. Dorothy Pethick is in Linthal, Glarus, and sends a copy of a letter from Mrs. |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
25 Jul 1920, N/A Edith Maryon |
45Edith Maryon to Rudolf Steiner Sculptor's studio, Goetheanum Dear and esteemed teacher, There seems to be a direct train via Lille, Calais on Wednesdays that avoids Paris. I got the passport visa without any difficulty; the vice-consul even fetched the second visa from the French consul himself, for which I was really grateful because about 30 people were already waiting on the street under the burning sun. The Arlesheim authorities also issued a return travel permit immediately, so unless something better (or less bad!) happens, you should leave on Wednesday evening 10.50 (Aug. 4). Two Englishwomen and three Englishmen have arrived; they say that Rosenkrantz has had little success so far for our art course, and that people there simply fall asleep, even though there are many who would like to take what we have to give; but they don't realize it, and no one can make it understandable. Today they are visiting the group. Dorothy Pethick is in Linthal, Glarus, and sends a copy of a letter from Mrs. Drury-Lavin to Walleen with the request to hand it over if the letter does not arrive in Copenhagen. She promises to pay for the stay here, etc. I very much hope that Dr. Boos' lecture on Tuesday will go off quietly and that there will be no [disturbance]. The day here went quietly, although one still hears merry-go-round music from early morning until late in the evening. Many visitors were in the building, but they behaved well. I hope that the work in Stuttgart will soon be finished so that you can arrive in Dornach on Saturday. We have now dismantled part of the group (Lucifer). With warmest greetings, Edith Maryon |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
17 Sep 1920, N/A Edith Maryon |
Wedgwood apologized and took back what she said; the unsatisfactory thing about it, however, is that she doesn't understand anything about it and doesn't want to hear anything about it, but says it's all a matter between her and Dr. |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
17 Sep 1920, N/A Edith Maryon |
51Edith Maryon to Rudolf Steiner Dear and esteemed teacher, Not much has happened here. Except that a Theosophist has arrived with two friends. I don't think she is very recommendable. Mrs. Wedgwood apologized and took back what she said; the unsatisfactory thing about it, however, is that she doesn't understand anything about it and doesn't want to hear anything about it, but says it's all a matter between her and Dr. St. It seems to me that she still believes I have denounced her! I will be very happy when work here resumes at the end of next week. The mood here is somewhat gloomy, and yesterday I had a bad dream. Otherwise, work here is progressing and I am dealing with the ribs of Lucifer! I very much hope that the work in Germany went quite smoothly. With my warmest regards Edith Maryon |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
09 Nov 1920, N/A Edith Maryon |
She writes that she is trying to preach threefolding to her acquaintances and says that when she explains it to people, they understand much better what it means, like herself, and think they understand through the intellect, because she only understands through intuition. |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
09 Nov 1920, N/A Edith Maryon |
53Edith Maryon to Rudolf Steiner Sculptor's studio, Goetheanum Dear and esteemed teacher, Everything is going well here, but the studio looks very empty and desolate. I have been carving Lucifer and have finished the three eurythmy plaques with great difficulty, although only at the last moment – when Miss Melland had to leave. A Mr. Gaze arrived today and was sent to me by Mrs. Cull, and it seems that Miss Vreede is to pave the way for him to travel to Stuttgart for a few days. He told me that he is supposed to take over the books from Courtney, and he probably wants to talk about this when he has the opportunity. Felkin has arrived safely and has now received good news from the mother. She writes that she is trying to preach threefolding to her acquaintances and says that when she explains it to people, they understand much better what it means, like herself, and think they understand through the intellect, because she only understands through intuition. Isn't that a little funny? Otherwise it's not exactly cheerful here. I very much hope that the affairs in Stuttgart can be well organized, more as you would like, than before, and that you don't overwork yourself too much. With warmest regards Edith Maryon |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
26 Feb 1921, N/A Edith Maryon |
This week, we received some rather unpleasant news: a dramatic sketch, performed by students in the evening at the Basel Casino, caricatured (under pseudonyms, of course) the Anthroposophical Society. It was very detailed, not funny but very, very mean, and at times even verging on blasphemy. |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
26 Feb 1921, N/A Edith Maryon |
61Edith Maryon to Rudolf Steiner Sculptor's studio, Goetheanum Dear and honored teacher, I received a letter from Miss Felkin asking me to write to you and tell you that a meeting of her friends is taking place next Tuesday at 6 p.m., and that things seem to be going quite well, it seems to be resolving itself – and she would like you to think of her at this time. (She is coming back here for a short time. It would probably be just as well if it came to an end, wouldn't it? This week, we received some rather unpleasant news: a dramatic sketch, performed by students in the evening at the Basel Casino, caricatured (under pseudonyms, of course) the Anthroposophical Society. It was very detailed, not funny but very, very mean, and at times even verging on blasphemy. But it was very much to the taste of the Basel audience, who gave it great applause. Some things were quite cleverly and devilishly conceived. (Mr. I, Dr. Boos, Beatrice and others were present. I hope you bring back better news from Holland, and that the people there are less coarse than the ones here. I am dealing with a box full of dolls and plaques for St. Gallen. I am thinking of your birthday tomorrow and send many greetings again. Edith Maryon Greetings from Miss Geck for tomorrow. |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
04 Sep 1921, N/A Edith Maryon |
It's a shame! She works well in the areas she understands. I hope this letter will arrive in Stuttgart at the right time, because I assume you will be traveling to Berlin no later than Saturday morning. |
263. Correspondence with Edith Maryon 1912–1924: Letter from Edith Maryon
04 Sep 1921, N/A Edith Maryon |
70Edith Maryon to Rudolf Steiner Villa Eugenia, Ruvigliano [presumably after August 30, 1921] Dear and honored teacher, I am pleased to hear that the hand wound has healed, and I send all good wishes for the voice. I am pleased that you are not being deterred from your work in Dornach by the many demands for lectures; they are always endless, and one must still keep time in between when one can breathe a sigh of relief, especially after such exhausting work as has taken place over the last three weeks; otherwise the voice will really be completely ruined. Yesterday we changed our lodgings; the view from here is just as beautiful, it is not as high up and is a little less grandiose, but still wonderful. In the afternoon we are taking a trip to [Ponte] Tresa by steamer; today is warm and sunny, it should be quite pleasant on the lake. I am recovering quite well! There are very few strangers in Lugano, the “season” seems to be quite poor with the exception of Monte Generoso, where hundreds of guests have fled from the great heat of July-August, but now they are all gone. So far I have good news from Dornach, hopefully it will continue like this until I return, yesterday I sent mountain flowers to Geck and Kucerova. Miss Franklin is in very good humor and seems happy and enjoying herself here. She will probably never become an anthroposophist, although I try to explain where I can and where it is possible. Her outlook is still too narrow and small-minded. It's a shame! She works well in the areas she understands. I hope this letter will arrive in Stuttgart at the right time, because I assume you will be traveling to Berlin no later than Saturday morning. Otherwise you will probably have no time at all to make the correction, and I know how urgent this is! I send you my warmest thoughts Edith Maryon |