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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 5351 through 5360 of 6282

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334. From the Unitary State to the Tripartite Social Organism: The Spiritual and Moral Strength of Contemporary Peoples in the Light of Spiritual Science 06 May 1920, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
Those who do not see the origin of Christianity in the fact of Golgotha do not understand Christianity correctly. However, it is different with the views of this Christianity, with how we understand Christianity.
The animal series is studied, everything about the forces that play a role in this animal series is studied. Not man is understood, but the highest animal is understood. And man is only considered the highest animal. The human element recedes.
We can, if we live side by side as human beings, understand people in whatever situation in life; we can bring morality out of human nature itself. This shows how, starting from spiritual-oriental primeval times, to human feeling in the middle of the earth, to human abstraction, to human understanding of the world, to understanding both the world and nature, how this is the way to finally bring man to truly grasp freedom.
335. The Crisis of the Present and the Path to Healthy Thinking: The Spirit and the Absence of Spirit in their Effects on Life 02 Mar 1920, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
The spirit will so enrich economic life that this independent economic life can truly flourish in a way that is different from under the influence of unspirituality, under the influence of complicated, abstract Marxist or other theories.
Truly, anyone who wants to look today at what can lead to recovery must know exactly how the decline was brought about under the triumvirate of phrase, convention and routine, yes, how the horror of the last five to six years was brought about.
But this lecture had to precede the others today for the reason that only he can understand what is needed for tomorrow who is able to see clearly what has brought about the destruction.
335. The Crisis of the Present and the Path to Healthy Thinking: The Spiritual Demands of the Coming Day 04 Mar 1920, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
But one could also ask: How few see it there? We have seen how, under the influence of the events of the last four to five years, a world coalition has risen up against Central Europe, and how the sad events of these years have highlighted the hegemony of the English-speaking population over the earth.
One could have listened to how, in the last third of the 19th century, people in England who were familiar with what was actually being striven for there basically predicted, for example, the fate of today's European East, and predicted, for example, that a great world war would have to come. But this policy has been acted upon under the influence of these impulses. This is what is so little understood. But it is what must be understood if one is at all to proceed to a practical shaping of life, if one is to gain a practical position in today's public life.
And those who believe that they have to rebel against something like this out of their beliefs perhaps misunderstand the very serious demands of the coming day, because they understand nothing of the real meaning of this Pauline word. “The Christ in me” is not merely something passively believed, but an active force that moves me forward as a human being.
335. The Crisis of the Present and the Path to Healthy Thinking: The Peoples of the Earth in the Light of Spiritual Science 10 Mar 1920, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
Traveling or living among other peoples is no more sufficient for an understanding of peoples than it is sufficient for an understanding of an individual person if I merely observe his gestures and movements.
If you immerse yourself in these oriental repetitions, you have to have a different understanding, not an external understanding of the thought. One must develop an inner love for that which is expressed in a completely different way in the various peoples, and one must stand before it and feel: What some have in a particular way, in terms of greatness, the others do not have. —- And one can only find this if one can love other peoples, if one can accept what these other peoples have in terms of greatness.
True internationalism, on the other hand, arises from that love that goes out to all peoples, in order to ignite the light that can be received by all peoples, in order to, through the deeds, feelings, creations of one's own people, to place their own people in the great choir of the peoples of the earth in such a way that they contribute to the full understanding of the peoples, an understanding that can only unite the peoples of the earth out of real, essential, mutual knowledge.
335. The Crisis of the Present and the Path to Healthy Thinking: The History of Humanity in the Light of Spiritual Science 12 Mar 1920, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
It is said that: The development of man is a repetition of the physical forms similar to animals that man has gone through before he has taken on his present human form. The development that a person undergoes from conception to birth is a brief repetition of what the human being has undergone in the course of, as they say, millions of years of development.
Although it is very clear that we are still undergoing a transformation at the beginning of our twenties, it is already more intimate, but still clearly present.
Then we also understand the freshness with which wisdom comes to us in these old documents. Then we understand how something poetic was poured out at that time over that which we today produce only in abstract philosophy; then we understand how a Confucius produces the highest sayings of wisdom when we know that what we only experience in childhood was also experienced in those ages when the hair was already beginning to turn grey.
335. The Crisis of the Present and the Path to Healthy Thinking: The Path to Healthy Thinking and the Life Situation of Contemporary People 08 Jun 1920, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
Dearly beloved, with the best will in the world, there is no getting away from all the quackery that people are still willing to put forward for the validity of a moral and religious world, if they admit, with all the consequences, that which underlies this scientific attitude. I know how much is preached today in the direction that, despite this scientific attitude, an ideal world view is indeed possible.
The aim is to seek a path to healthy social thinking without entertaining illusions, by at least keeping one thing in mind when dealing with these questions: What are the underlying thoughts of what today wants to realize itself in life-destroying structures? What were the underlying thoughts that led to the absurdity of the events that began in 1914?
And only by having the courage to think in terms of this world view will we come to understand what is necessary in terms of both a view of life and a social direction for the present. My dear audience, this spiritually-oriented world view, which is based on knowledge and is so thoroughly imbued with the existence of a spiritual-divine world, is what is meant here.
335. The Crisis of the Present and the Path to Healthy Thinking: Education and Teaching in the Face of the Current World Situation 10 Jun 1920, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
It is understandable that people want something they can call solid ground under their feet. But today the seriousness of our present world situation is so great that it is impossible to continue to keep silent about certain things that one believes one recognizes from the course of human development simply because they radically contradict, in a certain sense, what the prejudices of the broadest circles are.
When I am often told today that what comes from here is not understood at all by the majority of people, I am reminded again and again of what I have often heard from theater directors, whose only concern has always been to present as many trashy plays as possible to the audience; they have always excused themselves by saying that the audience wants this because it does not understand better things.
In other words, one arrives at a point where one can derive the abstract-logical scientific concepts from an artistic understanding of the world, from an aesthetic understanding of the world. One arrives at an understanding of what Goethe spoke so deeply from the foundations of his world view: Art is based on a perception of deeper natural laws that would never be revealed to man without art.
335. The Crisis of the Present and the Path to Healthy Thinking: Questions of the Soul and Questions of Life: A Contemporary Speech 15 Jun 1920, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
I do not intend to talk about the content of this “Philosophy of Freedom” today, but I would like to touch on the intentions underlying this writing with a few introductory words. The underlying intention was to answer the question: How can a person, placed in the present, come to terms with the most important feeling, the most important longing of modern times, with the feeling of freedom, the longing for freedom, in the face of the great social demands of the present?
And so we can naturally always see that people go to church on Sundays and cling to what they do not understand, and during the week only understand that which comes from the basis of the materialistic world view.
I said: While it is actually natural for people today to strive for individual fulfillment, one can see how, because they do not understand themselves in this most modern of pursuits, they actually set the polar opposite goal externally.
335. The Crisis of the Present and the Path to Healthy Thinking: Who is Allowed to Speak Against the Decline of the West? A Second Contemporary Speech 29 Jul 1920, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
It is nonsense for people to believe that they can understand scientific thought from the 10th or 11th century. No, they cannot understand it, because a completely different language was spoken then than is spoken today.
And so it may also be said: At the time when it struck the development of the earth, one had the Mystery of Golgotha; one understood it with the remnants of the old instinctive spiritual science - I have presented this several times in my lectures -; one must understand it today with the rising, new spiritual science. Then Christianity itself will experience a new birth, then Christianity will be understood again for the first time, because under the hand of theologians, Christianity has degenerated into materialism.
335. The Crisis of the Present and the Path to Healthy Thinking: The Great Challenges of Today in the Fields of Intellectual, Legal and Economic Life. A Third Speech on Contemporary Issues 20 Sep 1920, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
Keynes says: Yes, the people around Clemenceau and Lloyd George did not say: “The Germans of Austria will not be allowed to unite with the Germans of Germany,” because Wilson would have rebelled against that; that is why they said: “The independence of German-Austria is to be guaranteed by a treaty with the Entente powers until the League of Nations pronounces otherwise.” Wilson understood that the independence and freedom of the Germans of Austria had to be guaranteed. If he had been told that they were forbidden to unite with the Germans of Germany, Wilson would have understood the same thing that he had otherwise understood as freedom and independence as the highest compulsion.
Out of the spirit we could bring Waldorf education to life through Waldorf education; in this way, one of the great tasks of our time would be solved step by step in practice, not in theory. But we need understanding, understanding in the broadest sense. We may hope that the spirit will continue to support us in our endeavors, because in a certain way it depends on us. But we need understanding, because the buildings in which the school is held are to be built; the teachers are to live in homes, and they are also to eat.

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