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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 4921 through 4930 of 6282

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250. The History of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 1902-1913: Words for Annie Besant after the Presidential Election 07 Oct 1907, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Besant has devoted her energy to the Theosophical Society and movement for eighteen years now. We understand this way of working best when we remember what the foundations of this theosophical movement actually are.
The theosophical movement is properly understood only by those who work in this spirit. Whether he follows this or that path or method in detail, those who consider the cultivation of occultism in society to be the main thing are of the same nature.
And that was the sentence, which of course today can only be understood by people with an occult mind-set, that she can refer to the approval of her master and that she prefers this single approval of her master to the vote of the entire majority, which might result from a vote in the democratic sense.
250. The History of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 1902-1913: Fifth General Assembly of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 20 Oct 1907, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
In particular, the German Section, which was to go some way under Olcott's leadership, and which from the outset pursued the definite plan of fully and freely integrating itself into the general Society, was often able to feel how the spirit of truly Theosophical freedom could flourish in it through Olcott's way of understanding his task as President of the Society.
That every Theosophical field may flourish and work on its own ground, under its own conditions, is what Colonel Olcott also regarded as his motto. This principle, which may have been less pronounced in the past but can now be stated as a summary, 'that one lets the right thing happen in the right place', has become more and more established in practice under Colonel Olcott's leadership.
It is to be mentioned here with deep gratitude that on this occasion in particular such a profound understanding has been shown, especially in the German Section. We needed a lot of money; but it turned out that where Theosophical life is concerned, there is also understanding and a willingness to make sacrifices.
250. The History of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 1902-1913: The Eleventh General Assembly of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 02 Feb 1913, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
It should only be said that Theosophy can lead us to understand every kind of seeking, every kind of spiritual experience, and that we will also understand this man's final path to death.
I myself am not a star member, but I regret not understanding and I don't understand why this should happen, why disharmony should arise. I do not want the exclusion from my point of view, you can of course think differently about it.
Miss Prellwitz: “We don't seem to be aware of that... It all happened so fast and we didn't understand. But you also have to be patient. We felt like we were facing something we didn't understand. These are all difficulties.
250. The History of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 1902-1913: Autobiographical Lecture About Childhood and Youth Years up to the Weimar Period 04 Feb 1913, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
He explained it to some boys and girls, from whom he assumed a particular understanding of it, so that the boy, who could learn nothing from the pastor in religion, understood the Copernican world system quite well through him.
The boy's strongest endeavor was now to read into what he could not understand, and again and again he read about it as much as he could grasp. He understood one thing: that the forces of the world and even the force of attraction should be explained by movement. The boy now aspired to know as much mathematics as possible as soon as possible in order to be able to understand these ideas. That was not easy, because you first had to learn a lot of geometry to understand such things.
250. The History of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 1902-1913: The Latest Developments I 20 Mar 1913, The Hague

Rudolf Steiner
I don't want to add anything else to these things for the moment; after all, the more you add, the less tolerable things become – I just want to ask whether our feelings in Berlin when our friends decided to work towards finally drawing a line under it were justified, whether we can assume, take for granted, that our friends would feel: It is impossible for me to speak to those who continue to call themselves confessors of Misses Besant.
Much of what was impossible to achieve within the Theosophical Society because of its prejudices, because it was opposed to narrowly defined traditions, can be achieved in the Anthroposophical Society, and those who want to see will see that the breadth of perspective that we need in our present time is to be tried out now, so that what flows down from the spiritual worlds in our time, in the way of spiritual wisdom and spiritual will impulses, can benefit a part of humanity that has an understanding for it. That is why this first cycle, which is being held here before you, my dear Theosophical friends, and which is the first cycle of the established Anthroposophical Society, seems to me to be particularly worthy of celebration.
250. The History of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 1902-1913: The Latest Developments II 29 Mar 1913, The Hague

Rudolf Steiner
We will increasingly feel that what has happened is a liberation; but many things will have to be understood, my dear friends. We have noticed in particular in Germany that a certain movement with pretensions has emerged, the truthful description of which would be nothing short of an outrage; because the way, for example, our opponents in Germany have , which led to the necessary defense, showed everywhere, in every point, the opposite of what must be striven for by a real occult movement, showed everywhere a desire for tyranny poured into objective untruths.
And the one who examines will be able to find this ancient, sacred criterion of real understanding of the occult realized precisely in our ranks. Mocking real occultism was the demand that, for example, the German section had to accept anyone who, in their own opinion, but not in the opinion of this section, had to belong to it.
It has come to the point that in the last “Mitteilungen” it had to be said that one of the representatives of the “Besant system” in Germany went so far as to say that he did not understand how that strange boy could have gone through the kind of development he was supposed to have gone through.
250. The History of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 1902-1913: The Origin and Development of the Anthroposophical Movement 25 Sep 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
I did not think the time had come then to come out openly under the real flag of the Anthroposophical Movement. And so I said at the time: I already know a name that should be given when this movement takes on a reasonable form; but I need it later, I don't want it misused yet.
And if the anthroposophical movement had not sensed that it had to absorb social elements within itself, or rather, had to allow them to emerge from itself, then it would have proved to be just any old sect standing in the corner, but not as that which it was meant to be from the very beginning: the renewal of spiritual life from the original spiritual source for the developmental needs of modern humanity. This should be fully understood within our movement. And above all, it should be understood that if anthroposophy is to fulfill its task, then it must actually pour its currents into all the individual branches of modern knowledge, it must take hold of all science.
For if we had not this ghastly specialization in individual sciences alien to life, if we did not have this lack of understanding of life through these separate individual sciences, then we would not have been driven into the misfortune of recent years.
250. An Impulse for the Future 15 Dec 1911, Berlin
Translated by Frank Thomas Smith

Rudolf Steiner
In other opportunities I have already emphasized the difference between founding and endowing. It was many years ago. It was not understood then, and since then hardly anyone has thought about this difference. Therefore the spiritual powers which stand before you under the symbol of the Rose Cross have also overlooked bringing this difference to the world.
What is described as the “Theosophical Way” is in a beginning stage, for the preparations must still be made in order to understand what is meant. But what is understood with the concept of theosophical art has already begun in many ways by the performances in Munich and above all the meaningful beginnings in Stuttgart; and an additional important advance for the understanding of these things is shown by the Johannes building [in Munich].
If you think that what I am saying is somewhat curious, then please understand it thus: that it happens in full consciousness that what is therewith preserved is everything which belongs to the eternal laws of being.
251. The History of the Anthroposophical Society 1913–1922: The Essence of Anthroposophy 03 Feb 1913, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
– but it is certainly difficult to introduce into the modern life of the spirit enough understanding to enable people to feel Dante’s Beatrice and Philosophy as equally real and actual. Why is this?
In reality it is deeply symbolic when we take up Hegel’s philosophy, especially the Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences, and find as the last thing in this nineteenth-century book, a statement of the way in which philosophy interprets itself. It has understood everything else; finally, it grasps itself. What is there left for it to understand now? It is the symptomatic expression of the fact that philosophy has come to an end, even if there are still many questions to be answered since Hegel’s days.
This is the progress of the history of human evolution in relation to the spiritual facts under consideration. And now I leave it to all those, who wish to examine the matter very minutely, to see how it may also be shown in detail from the destiny of Sophia, Philosophia and Anthroposophia, how humanity evolves progressively through the soul principles which we designate the intellectual soul (the soul of the higher feelings), the self-conscious soul and the Spirit-Self.
251. The History of the Anthroposophical Society 1913–1922: First General Assembly of the Anthroposophical Society 03 Feb 1912,

Mathilda Scholl
The leaders of our study group present in Berlin will be able to tell you that under the pressure of the difficult circumstances here, our life force is strengthened by looking up to him who guides us so wonderfully through writing and word.
They therefore fully support all the numerous protests by other domestic and foreign branches of the Theosophical Society against the attempts, which are incompatible with a love of truth and a theosophical attitude, to hinder and undermine Dr. Steiner's beneficial and self-sacrificing work, and consider membership of the Order of the Star in the East to be incompatible with membership of the Theosophical Society due to the unbrotherly antagonistic attitude towards the person and teachings of Dr.

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