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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 4911 through 4920 of 6282

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250. The History of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 1902-1913: Report to the General Assembly of the German Section of the Theosophical Society Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
The “revered leaders” of the Theosophical Society are also setting an example in this respect. Under such circumstances, it was also very understandable that Dr. Steiner himself campaigned vigorously for his re-election as General Secretary during the election of the new board.
The motto of the Society is still: “No law above the truth!” But under no circumstances may the members publicly stand up for justice and truth; the “fear of the truth” reigns in the Society and demands strict secrecy. - For historical reasons, it may be mentioned in passing that Miss Scholl (Cologne), probably to make up for the “Autodafé” in London (see numbers 2-4 of “Vâhan”) that she denied, made a motion to expel Mr.
250. The History of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 1902-1913: The Congress of the Federation of European Sections of the Theosophical Society 03 Jun 1906, Paris

Rudolf Steiner
Those who have even a slight idea of how much work is involved in such an undertaking can appreciate what those members who are at the venue of the meeting at such a time have to accomplish.
It is shown in it how for much that the still ignorant man undertakes, the “masters” on the higher planes are the leaders. Then, as the person develops, he enters into a relationship with these masters.
On the afternoon of June 4, 1906, the second general debate took place under the chairmanship of Commandant D. A. Courmes, who led it in a tasteful and judicious manner. The following questions were discussed: 1.
250. The History of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 1902-1913: Theosophy in Germany a Hundred Years Ago 04 Jun 1906, Paris

Rudolf Steiner
The scientific investigator says to himself: These thinkers have lost the firm ground of experience under their feet; they have built up in the nebulous heights the chimeras of systems, without any regard for positive reality.
It might now appear that it is not easy to build a bridge from Schiller's aestheticism to another personality of the same time, but who is no less to be understood as coming from an occult undercurrent, to Johann Gottlieb Fichte. On superficial examination, Fichte will be seen as a mere speculative mind, as an intellectual thinker.
He who does not grasp a mathematical book with devotion and read it like the word of God does not understand it. ... Miracles, as unnatural facts, are amathematical, but there is no miracle in this sense, and what is called that is precisely understandable through mathematics, because there is nothing miraculous about mathematics."
250. The History of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 1902-1913: Discussion about the Leadbeater case to the German participants at the Theosophical Congress 07 Jun 1906, Paris

Rudolf Steiner
The dogma is the establishment of a doctrine whose meaning is not understood. The Trinity, for example, is a dogma as long as it is not understood. If one understands it, it ceases to be a dogma.
The occultist lives the morals of the future and that is not understood by his fellow human beings. This case will become clearer to us if we consider the evolution of man.
The only question is whether he will wallow in the mud like a pig or whether he will go into the mud to transform it, as it is well known that the most beautiful scents can be developed from feces. Anyone who undertakes this for humanity is acting in an apocalyptic sense. He anticipates something that humanity as a whole will only come to in later times.
250. The History of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 1902-1913: Obituary of Countess von Brockdorff, Report on the Paris Congress, On the Fall of Leadbeater 25 Jun 1906, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
There are those who know what is important and that what is true does not require the approval of others. There are those who understand the teachings and those who do not yet understand them. Therefore, it is necessary that there is a certain trust, a certain personal relationship between those who teach in society and those who receive it.
This is an ugly case of a slide that the occultist has to understand, who condemns himself only within his own karma of life. We must not forget that he has achieved an infinite amount.
See how the world is in flames, both physically and morally. Consider how the ground begins to shake underfoot, not only in the East but also in Europe, and understand the profound role that the realization of spiritual forces plays.
250. The History of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 1902-1913: Fourth General Assembly of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 21 Oct 1906, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
The opposition that arose in the process of bringing this wisdom out can be characterized as a lack of understanding on the one hand and complacency on the other. If many people do not want to know anything about what they do not see for themselves, it is certainly true that people do ask themselves: Can we understand these occult things with ordinary logic?
But Theosophy consists in the pursuit of self-perfection. To understand this, one needs tact, a sense of not being called upon to help, and the realization that one really has something to give.
However, it does not work without any authority; but authority is understood in a completely different sense than in the laboratory, where the only authority is the person who understands chemistry.
250. The History of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 1902-1913: Obituary of Henry Steel Olcott 04 Mar 1907, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
You have to be clear about how the work of the entire movement, which we call theosophical, is actually to be understood. It became necessary at a certain point in the nineteenth century. It became necessary for some of that spiritual wisdom, which had previously only been at home in the innermost circles, in closely guarded occult brotherhoods, to be brought into general human culture.
But it should be recognized that the German Section at least understands that these things do not belong in public, and that if they must be discussed at all, they should be treated as an intimate family matter in the Society.
250. The History of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 1902-1913: On the Election of the New President of the Theosophical Society 25 Mar 1907, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
The individualities we address as the Masters of the Wisdom do not interfere in anything that happens on the physical plane. The Theosophical movement is under the guidance of such spiritual individuals. Therefore, one must strictly separate. One does not have to defend the truth before the physical forum.
250. The History of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 1902-1913: The Theosophical Congress in Munich 21 May 1907, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
For the organizers know only too well how little of what was achieved has been achieved, and how much has been achieved that could not be achieved on such an occasion. Therefore, the following should only be understood as a description of the underlying ideas. Munich was chosen as the venue: the time was the days of Pentecost, May 18, 19, 20 and 21.
For every line, every curve, everything about these forms is such that when you immerse yourself in them, you awaken dormant powers in your soul; and these powers lead to ideas about the great mysteries of the world that underlie the cosmic and related human development of the earth. Anyone who might criticize the design of such columns should consider that the Corinthian and Ionic columns, for example, also emerged from the embodiment of the secrets of existence, and that such facts are only unknown to the materialistic way of thinking of our time.
Edouard Schuré's truly mystical drama “The Children of Lucifer” is a shining example of how a world view striving towards the heights of knowledge can be fully realized in artistic form. Only a mind of this kind could have undertaken what Schuré did, to resurrect the “sacred drama” of Eleusis in the mind and eye of the modern man.
250. The History of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 1902-1913: Report on the Organization and Course of the Congress in Munich 12 Jun 1907, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
The theosophical cause should intervene in practical life, should be a matter of education, a matter of becoming familiar with all branches of practical existence. Only those who have a deeper understanding and a deeper concept of the actual impulses of the theosophical cause already know today what possibilities this theosophy will offer in the future.
An attempt has been made in Edouard Schur's mystery drama, which Edouard Schur has tried to recreate the mystery plays (of antiquity). What underlay the [whole of the congress arrangements] was the intention of crystallizing theosophy into the structure of the world.

Results 4911 through 4920 of 6282

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