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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: Events in the Second Half of the Lemurian Racial Development 28 Dec 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
It is best expressed in the legend and meaning of Christmas. Christ sends the spirit of light, the Paraclete, who fights for humanity. The explanation of the Luciferian principle can be found in the Vatican archives.
284. Images of Occult Seals and Columns: Foreword

Hella Wiesberger
However, the room was only able to serve its original purpose for a short time, because with the outbreak of the First World War in 1914, Rudolf Steiner stopped the symbolic-cultic events. It was only at Christmas 1934, through the initiative of C. S. Picht, that the room was reopened as a Rudolf Steiner memorial room.
237. Karmic Relationships III: The Spiritual Foundations of Anthroposophical Endeavour 06 Jul 1924, Dornach
Translated by George Adams, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Moreover, it lies inherent in the spiritualisation which must come over the Anthroposophical Society since the Christmas Foundation Meeting:—We must become ever more conscious of the spiritual, cosmic realities that underlie such a community as this Society.
Hence you will understand—along with all the other responsibilities resulting from the Christmas Foundation Meeting—that we must now begin to say something too about the karma of the Anthroposophical Society.
All that was thus interwoven, and that works itself out karmically today, must be followed out in detail, if we would really penetrate the spiritual foundations of anthroposophical striving. If the Christmas Foundation Meeting is to be taken in real earnest, the time has now come when we must draw aside the veil from certain things.
223. The Cycle of the Year as Breathing-Process of the Earth: Lecture V 08 Apr 1923, Dornach
Translated by Barbara Betteridge, Frances E. Dawson

Rudolf Steiner
You may have gathered from yesterday's lecture as well perhaps as from the recollection of much that I could still say about such matters during the past Christmas season, in the Goetheanum which has now been taken from us—you may have gathered that the cycle of the year in its phenomena was perceived, and indeed today can still be perceived, as a result of life, as something which in its external events is just as much the expression of a living being standing behind it as the actions of the human organism are the manifestations of a being, of the human soul itself.
We come to midwinter (see diagram), which includes our Christmas time. Just as the human being in midsummer felt himself lifted out above himself to the divine-spiritual existence of the cosmos, so he felt himself in midwinter to be unfolding downward below himself.
Thus, just as at midsummer they said: “Receive the light;” and in autumn, at Michaelmas: “Look around you;” just as at midwinter, at the time that we celebrate Christmas, they said: “Beware of the Evil,” so for the time of return they had a saying which was then thought to have effect only at this time: “Know thyself”—placing it in exact polarity to the Knowledge of Nature.
239. Karmic Relationships: VII: Lecture III 09 Jun 1924, Wroclaw
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
A great deal of preparation was necessary and has, in fact, been going on now for more than two decades. But at the Christmas Foundation Meeting the impulse was given to speak without reserve, not only about the Spiritual in general but also about what can be discovered concerning man's life in the realm of spirit.
This is part of the esoteric trend and impulse with which the Anthroposophical Society was imbued through the Christmas Foundation Meeting. The Christmas Meeting was no trifling episode; it betokened the assumption of new responsibilities for the Anthroposophical Movement, responsibilities flowing from the realm of spirit.
311. The Kingdom of Childhood: Answers to Questions 20 Aug 1924, Torquay
Translated by Helen Fox

Rudolf Steiner
Secondly, quite apart from the Religion lessons the Festivals of the year are celebrated with all children in a Rudolf Steiner School, in forms adapted to their ages. Christmas takes a very special place, and is prepared for all through Advent by carol singing, the daily opening of a star-window in the “Advent Calendar,” and the lighting of candles on the Advent wreath hung in the classroom. At the end of the Christmas term the teachers perform traditional Nativity Plays as their gift to the children. All this is in the nature of an experience for the children, inspired by feeling and the Christmas mood.
332b. Current Social and Economic Issues: The End of the “Futurm” 15 Jul 1924, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
In accordance with the intentions that emerged from the Christmas Conference in Dornach, the Clinical Therapeutic Institute in Arlesheim can no longer be a member of the International Laboratories A.G. in Arlesheim, but only the local laboratory and the sale of remedies.
I have already emphasized in various places how the reliance on purely anthroposophical ground since the Christmas Conference has been shown everywhere in the most energetic way, that trust in the actual anthroposophical cause has not diminished in recent months, but has become much greater.
This, however, also imposes an obligation on me to continue in the way I have tried to make the Christmas Conference fruitful so far, by making the Anthroposophical Society ever more esoteric and esoteric, in an active way.
31. Collected Essays on Cultural and Contemporary History 1887–1901: Essays from “German Weekly” Nr. 24 06 Jun 1888,

Rudolf Steiner
Approximately 96% of this is accounted for by military expenses and 29.7 million by the extraordinary armaments credit (of which ı6 million has already been used following the decision of the Crown Council at Christmas). The ordinary requirements of the army amounted to 115.9 million, the extraordinary 23.1 million and the Bosnian occupation credit 4.5 million.
284. Images of Occult Seals and Columns: Foreword

Hella Wiesberger
Rudolf Steiner and Marie Steiner-von Sivers remained the leaders of this original branch of the anthroposophical movement until Rudolf Steiner became its first chairman when the Society was reorganized at Christmas 1923 as the General Anthroposophical Society based at the Goetheanum, Dornach near Basel, and he permanently moved his main residence from Berlin to Dornach.
90c. Theosophy and Occultism: Mystery and Secret Schools, Vegetarianism, Pythagoras, Nutrition and Temperament 13 Nov 1903, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Non-compliance with the regulations was punished with expulsion from the community. In Brahmanism, too, the time between Christmas and Easter was dedicated to Vishnu. Those who called themselves his servants celebrated this time by abstaining from all legumes, oil, meat, salt and intoxicating drinks, for example. In those days, there still existed a living sense of the connection between the microcosm and the macrocosm, and every adult member of the community was required to make himself more receptive to certain spiritual forces at very specific times, so that he might celebrate a rebirth and resurrection with all of nature. These were the times before Christmas and before Easter. Now let us consider what nourishment actually is. Almost no other area attracts as much interest as nutrition; because the demands that today's world places on the individual's ability to perform, necessitate good [and strong] nutrition.

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