265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: Three Esoteric Lessons for the Wachsmuth-Lerchenfeld Group
N/A Rudolf Steiner |
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: Three Esoteric Lessons for the Wachsmuth-Lerchenfeld Group
N/A Rudolf Steiner |
Rudolf Steiner's notebook entries, notebook archive number 281. Some of this may also have been given in the esoteric lesson in Kristiania (Oslo) on 18 or 20 May. May 27, 1923, Dornach, the Wachsmuth-Lerchenfeld group: First enjoyment of the Esot. Then forgetting the Esot. 1.) Examination of the seriousness = 2.) Hatred, ambition, denied love, astral light Thought-feeling Melas speak rightly, s l m ch “Lord ”Brethren of the... (another version) According to Rudolf Steiner's manuscript from notebook archive number 281 Divine Sculptors of the Universe Divine thinkers of the universe Divine creators of the universe Meditation from the esoteric hour Dornach, May 27, 1723 The Indian mantram The wording has not been handed down. Among Rudolf Steiner's handwritten notes on these esoteric hours are two Indian mantras: Yasmāt jātam jagat sarvam, yasminn eva praliyate The other Indian mantram is recorded in the notebook as follows: Satyam gnanam anantam Brahma Wording of the two subsequent manuscripts by Rudolf Steiner The two manuscripts, obviously written down together, come from the estate of the English sculptor Edith Maryon, who was Rudolf Steiner's colleague in the sculptural wood group and fell ill after the building fire. Rudolf Steiner, who visited her repeatedly during her illness, apparently told her about the esoteric lesson of May 27, 1923 and wrote down the two mantras for her. Note sheet archive number 5852 J A O U E (preparation) Catch the butterfly (Above the vowels:) J still within, |
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: Lessons for Edith Maryon
N/A Rudolf Steiner |
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: Lessons for Edith Maryon
N/A Rudolf Steiner |
On the back of the sheet are the following comments in Edith Maryon's handwriting which obviously refer to the instructions given by Rudolf Steiner for the meditation: "First think thinking - only the eyes move while he reads. 3½ years, months or weeks or days Note sheet archive number 5853 If the gods had Joy is the fire |
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: Conclusion
N/A Marie Steiner |
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: Conclusion
N/A Marie Steiner |
On the first anniversary of Rudolf Steiner's death, on 30 March 1926, Marie Steiner-von Sivers, who had not only taken a special position as co-founder and co-leader of the Erkenntniskultischer Arbeitskreis (a working group within the General Anthroposophical Society), but also through her inner competence in the same, had written1 a memorial service with a symbolic-cultic character was held in the context of the first class of the School of Spiritual Science. On the stage of the carpentry hall at the Goetheanum, where all events in Dornach were held at the time, she had three altars set up, at the eastern altar of which she had always served at the side of Rudolf Steiner. The following drafts of her address express what Rudolf Steiner's life's work meant to her, namely, to have experienced the legend of the temple. Marie SteinerWe have gathered here in memory of the one who left this earth a year ago, who worked for us here in this place, among us, who gave us guidelines for our work, the service at the altars of wisdom, beauty and strength, as a sign of which we have placed these altars, which symbolize his work for us. We have placed these tools on the altars as a symbol of his creative work. With them he shaped the new forms in the wood. They are his compass and his straightedge, his trowel and his hammer. They are still imbued with the fire of his hands, they speak to us and demand action. In his memory and in memory of what we have to do, we light these candles: 1. The light that he has kindled in our hearts, may it shine brightly and become wisdom. 2. It may rise in purity to him, as pure as he has sunk it into our souls. 3. It strengthens us in our active work, so that our actions serve his spirit, our spirit grows stronger in its self-transcendence through Christ. We stand in this room of mourning, remembering the great man who has left us. The three altars stand before us as a sign and seal of his work. The leader who stood at the helm of this turning point for humanity served at these altars continually. He was allowed to bring them out of the depths of the temple, where they had stood since the beginning of mystery religions, and hand them over to humanity. He gave them to us in images and in art, by incorporating them into his mystery dramas, at the stages of the spiritual student's progress. He gave them to us in His Word by placing at the center of His activity the ideals of wisdom, beauty and strength, constantly presenting them to our minds in their individual expression and in their interaction. He allowed the two most important poetical personalities among His disciples to present the legend to the world in words and pictures. You know them from their works.2 We can only remember them insofar as they have been given to humanity artistically. And with the hammer blow with which Rudolf Steiner established the connection to eternal spiritual service at the laying of the foundation stone, he is now commemorated here.3 We take up the thread of his work and place ourselves under his protection to serve the powers to which he led us in his service. Why was Rudolf Steiner allowed to do this, which signifies a turning point for humanity, even within esotericism, a new phase and a new path? When the great is very close to us, we do not see it, the mountain wall towers above us, it crushes one, it hinders the view of the other. We do not see beyond it, we only feel: this is great. It takes a long time before we reach the summit of the mountain and take in the full extent of the view; but now and then, during the arduous ascent, a glimpse of the big picture presents itself, and we grasp parts of the enormous context. Our vision was made easy; we were able to experience it, but perhaps the light was too dazzling for us to see clearly. We experienced the construction, we saw Rudolf Steiner raise his hammer to work and how his students flocked to serve the work; the temple had risen, noble and radiant, from the power of its spirit and the skill of its hands, and we were allowed to learn and work. But we too, in addition to our weaknesses and imperfections, had among us the three evil companions, who went as far as betrayal and a will to destroy. The seed of hatred bore its fruit. The building was in flames, just as the Sea of Steel was once in flames. Rudolf Steiner embodied the legend; he realized it in physical action; he became the legend. He proclaimed it to humanity through his life. And Rudolf Steiner threw himself into the searing fire of the center. We were this searing fire for him, we, the children of Cain. He took our karma upon himself so that we would be freer to serve. But our karma was too hard and too heavy and broke his physical strength almost immediately after he had entered into the covenant. His last year of life was a mighty expiration of his spirit... We are gathered here today because we are aware that we have experienced a moment in world history that was a turning point, not just a turning point. The spirit descended in currents never before imagined through a person who had made himself capable of receiving the spirit in mind, soul, and body. Today we want to do nothing else but let this spirit prevail among us in the words he left us, as a source of life and strength, the words and the music inspired by him in the space surrounded by black, which is the physical color of the spirit, at the three altars whose significance is known to you through the mystery plays, by the light of the three candles that are the chandeliers of these altars. Our thoughts turn to the one who left us a year ago today, who poured his wisdom into our hearts with inexhaustible, never-ending gentleness and kindness, whose love embraced and carried the souls of us all, whose strength lifted our earth out of its Ahrimanic material snares, in which it threatened to suffocate, and carried it towards the spirit, on the wings of the ego-transcendence he lived and taught. “Christ in me” - that was his life, his work and his word. In his words he created a structure of indestructible strength, clarity and beauty. May our thoughts, feelings and will strive to keep this word alive among us! We have laid down on the altars of wisdom, beauty and strength, before which he has served, the tools with which he has worked, which are still imbued with the warming fire of his hands, which have grasped the future. With them he worked into the material until it became a spiritual revelation, thus opening up to us the most hidden laws of nature, which push towards revelation through the beautiful appearance. These are his compass, his measuring rod, his trowel, his hammer, his mallet, with which he created the forms of his sculpture: (3 hammer blows: long short short; long short short; long short short). In his spirit we gather today, asking that he cover our weaknesses and our inadequacies with the splendor of his being. In his name we call upon the archangel, whose service he has consecrated to us, seeking to recognize the guardian who stands before the gate of the temple to the other realm: (3 hammer blows: long short short; long short short; long short short). We try to approach this Guardian in the sign of his love, which, emanating full of wisdom, became for us the bestowing virtue of his word, which, being transformed into action, became for us the pointing, active sword of Michael, his emanating life, which, in creating knowledge, led us back to our original state, and, overcoming space and time, became for us the future. We call upon them, the existing, active, ruling powers: He who created them anew: Anthroposophia, Him whom He bids us follow: Michael The all-embracing source that bears the future within itself: Jahveh-Adonai Life – Love – Logos Ex deo nascimur / In Christo morimur / Per spiritum sanctum reviviscimus (3 hammer blows: long short short; long short short; long short short).