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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 771 through 780 of 6282

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11. Cosmic Memory: The Lemurian Race
Translated by Karl E. Zimmer

Rudolf Steiner
It flowed to him from the energy of growth of plants, from the life force of animals. In this manner he understood plants and animals in their inner action and life. He even understood the physical and chemical forces of lifeless objects in the same way.
The boys were hardened in the strongest manner. They had to learn to undergo dangers, to overcome pain, to accomplish daring deeds. Those who could not bear tortures, who could not undergo dangers, were not regarded as useful members of mankind.
The institutions for communal life therefore emanated from her. Under her influence the concepts of “good and evil” developed. Through her thoughtful life she had acquired an understanding for nature.
11. Cosmic Memory: The Division into Sexes
Translated by Karl E. Zimmer

Rudolf Steiner
They were the bearers of a “primeval wisdom,” toward the understanding of which mankind is only now struggling along the detour mentioned above. They differed from what one calls “man” through the fact that wisdom shone upon them as the sunlight does upon us, as a free gift “from above.”
Thus the innocent soul of man loved before the division into sexes, but at that time it could not understand, because it was still at an inferior stage, that of dream consciousness. The soul of the superhuman beings also loves in this manner, however, with understanding because of its advanced development.
They could speak to creatures with a brain in a language which the latter could understand. Thereby the human soul energy which was turned inward was stimulated, and could connect itself with knowledge and wisdom.
11. Cosmic Memory: The Last Periods before the Division into Sexes
Translated by Karl E. Zimmer

Rudolf Steiner
The maturation which took place outside the mother organism occurred under the influence of an increased warmth which also was supplied from the outside. But one must by no means think that the egg-man—as he will be called for the sake of brevity—was brooded.
Before this he had acted from a kind of instinct. He had been under the spell of his external environment and of the powers of higher individualities, which acted on him.
It could only associate itself with the body when the latter had attained a certain level of development. Only when one understands completely how this association came about, can one recognize the significance of birth and death, and can understand the nature of the eternal spirit.
11. Cosmic Memory: The Hyperborean and the Polarean Epoch
Translated by Karl E. Zimmer

Rudolf Steiner
In view of the materialistic ideas of our time, the risk we undertake with these communications is perhaps even greater than that connected with what has been described in the preceding passages.
Therefore the reader is requested to bear with much that is dark and difficult to comprehend, and to struggle toward an understanding, just as the writer has struggled toward a generally understandable manner of presentation. Many a difficulty in reading will be rewarded when one looks upon the deep mysteries, the important human enigmas which are indicated.
Light and darkness acted upon man as vague sensations. For instance, under certain conditions he experienced light as pleasant, as promoting his physical life, and sought it, strove toward it.
11. Cosmic Memory: Beginning of the Present Earth — Extrusion of the Sun
Translated by Karl E. Zimmer

Rudolf Steiner
[ 1 ] We shall now follow the Akasha Chronicle back into that remote past in which our present earth had its beginning. By “earth” is to be understood that condition of our planet by virtue of which it can support minerals, plants, animals, and men in their form of today.
Those animal forms, too, which did not contain light ether themselves had previously been irradiated by their fellow beings on earth and had developed under this irradiation. Now they also came under the immediate influence of the external sun. The human body in particular developed organs receptive to the sunlight, that is, the first rudiments of human eyes.
With this, the earth became an entity which developed heat within itself. All its beings came under the influence of heat. In the astral element a process similar to the previous ones again had to take place; some beings developed to a higher level at the expense of others.
11. Cosmic Memory: Extrusion of the Moon
Translated by Karl E. Zimmer

Rudolf Steiner
Everything which happened had sense and significance. But the directing force of understanding was not in the beings themselves. They were directed by an understanding which was outside of them.
Thus man comes under a double leadership. In his lower part he is under the power of the moon gods; in his developed personality, however, he comes under the leadership of those entities which are summed up under the name “Lucifer,” the name of their regent.
They possessed their own powers of understanding. In their own interest, the Luciferic beings were concerned with developing the human understanding and directing it toward the things of earth.
11. Cosmic Memory: Some Necessary Points of View
Translated by Karl E. Zimmer

Rudolf Steiner
One will sometimes say that man inhabited other planets before he appeared upon earth. But under these “other planets” one must only understand earlier developmental conditions of the earth itself and of its inhabitants.
[ 5 ] If sulphur, oxygen, and hydrogen are brought together under certain definite conditions, sulphuric acid must be produced, according to an inevitable law. The student of chemistry can predict what must happen when these three elements come into contact with one another under given conditions.
What is high in one respect can be very low in another. However, what must be understood through seeing, cannot be understood through mere reflection or through even the most magnificent combinations of the intellect.
11. Cosmic Memory: On the Origin of the Earth
Translated by Karl E. Zimmer

Rudolf Steiner
The latter consists in the fact that through his present senses, man perceives the things and beings of the world and that he forms conceptions and ideas concerning these things and beings with the help of his understanding and of his reason. He then acts in the world of the senses according to these perceptions, conceptions, and ideas.
(It hardly need be said that this observation of other heavenly bodies is quite different from that which contemporary man can undertake by means of his scientific astronomy. This astronomical observation is based on the “clear consciousness of day” and therefore perceives other heavenly bodies from the outside.
It was possible to direct oneself by them; one acted under the impression of these images as today one acts under the impression of sensory perceptions. The development of this dreamlike consciousness—the third principal stage—was the task of the “Moon cycle.”
11. Cosmic Memory: The Earth and Its Future
Translated by Karl E. Zimmer

Rudolf Steiner
[ 3 ] When it is said that the clairvoyant is already developing in himself the states of consciousness to which in future all of mankind will advance, this must be understood with one restriction. The clairvoyant, for example, is developing a seeing in the spiritual world today which in future will appear in man in a physical way.
Then man will be able to enter into intercourse with beings which are completely hidden from his present sensory perception. It will be understood that not only does the life of perception thereby become totally different, but that actions, feelings, and all relations to the environment, are completely transformed.
It will become apparent how man can only truly understand himself when he knows his own development. 3. The combination, “self-conscious image consciousness,” may appear odd, but it probably best expresses the state of affairs.
11. Cosmic Memory: The Life of Saturn
Translated by Karl E. Zimmer

Rudolf Steiner
These Sons of Twilight develop in the ancestor of man a kind of understanding, of which however, in his dull consciousness, he himself cannot yet make use. Through this understanding, exalted entities now again reveal themselves, as previously the Seraphim did through the sensory germs. Through the human bodies, understanding is now poured out over the planet by those spirits whom Christian esoteric teaching calls Cherubime (Cherubim).

Results 771 through 780 of 6282

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