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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 5851 through 5860 of 6042

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194. The Mission of the Archangel Michael: The Michael Deed and the Michael Influence as Counter-pole of the Ahrimanic Influence 29 Nov 1919, Dornach
Tr. Lisa D. Monges

Rudolf Steiner
We find that great care is taken during this period to understand the secrets of Golgotha through human concepts and ideas as they had been transmitted by Greek culture.
Prior to the fourth century, nobody would have thought of considering omnipotence as a fundamental quality of the Divine Being if he had an understanding of these matters and really lived with them. For at that time the after-effect of the Greek concepts still held sway.
But if we wish to acquire a possible concept of what it is that has thus prepared itself, we must understand the inner spirit of Earth evolution. I recently drew your attention to the fact that what takes place in the evolution of the earth and of mankind in particular moves in a descending line.
194. The Mission of the Archangel Michael: The Ancient Yoga Culture and the New Yoga Will. The Michael Culture of the Future 30 Nov 1919, Dornach
Tr. Lisa D. Monges

Rudolf Steiner
one has to answer: What was intended to be gained thereby was a real understanding of the outer world. For through the fact that the breathing process was understood in the third cultural age, something was understood within man that at the same time was something external.
Even at the time of Aristotle in the fourth post-Atlantean period it was no longer possible to understand, with the human power of comprehension, the pre-existence of the soul. It was utterly impossible.
This is what ought to be grasped with all the fibers of the soul life by those human beings who wish to understand the present time. Whenever something out of the ordinary had to be introduced into human world conception it met with resistance.
198. Oswald Spengler, Prophet of World Chaos: Spengler's “Decline of the West” 02 Jul 1920, Dornach
Tr. Norman MacBeth

Rudolf Steiner
Books must always be handled more modestly, even under the present impossible economic conditions. Still the price increase on books shows what has happened to the economic system in the last few years.
But we live in a time when the old prejudices must be demolished and when it must be recognized that we can never create a new world out of the old prejudices. Is it not understandable that people should encounter spiritual science and say they do not understand it? It is the most understandable thing in the world. For what they understand is what they have learned, and what they have learned, is decay or leading to decay. It is a question, not of assimilating something which can easily be understood out of the phenomena of decline, but of assimilating something to understand which one must first enhance his powers.
214. Oswald Spengler, Prophet of World Chaos: Oswald Spengler I 06 Aug 1922, Dornach
Tr. Norman MacBeth

Rudolf Steiner
Of course, anyone of the Spenglerian soul-caliber can say that ordinary thinking does not discover how resilience works in these balls, nor what the relations are in a deeper sense. Anyone who thinks thus does not understand upon what clarity of thought depends at the present time. For such an objection would have neither greater validity nor less than would an assertion by someone that it is impossible for me to understand a sentence written down on paper without first having investigated the composition of the ink with which it is written.
But as a matter of fact, what I wished to bring out in that lecture was understood by no one, as I was able to learn from the after-effects. Oswald Spengler places at the conclusion of his work some observations about the machine.
For, according to Spengler, this thinking is really something highly superfluous in man. “Understanding emancipated from feeling is called thinking. Thinking has forever brought disunion into the human waking state.
214. Oswald Spengler, Prophet of World Chaos: Oswald Spengler II 09 Aug 1922, Dornach
Tr. Norman MacBeth

Rudolf Steiner
I have called your attention, for instance, to the fact that the Lohengrin-legend can be understood only if one knows how to follow it back from the external physical world into the citadel of the Grail in the early, or properly speaking, in the middle part of the Middle Ages.
When in these secret societies which followed ancient tradition—it is really unbelievable how “ancient” and “sanctified” all the rituals of these societies are supposed to be—but when rituals were arranged or teachings given, in the sense of ancient tradition, when something was developed in these societies which had been carried over as an echo of the ancient Mysteries, no longer understood, conditions were exactly right for certain elemental beings. For when people went through all sorts of performances—let us say, when they attended the celebration of a mass, and no longer understood anything about it, the people were then in the presence of something filled with great wisdom; they were present, but understood nothing at all of what they saw, although an understanding would have been possible.
Those who are wishing to hasten the decline of the West could do no better than make Oswald Spengler captain, even leader, of this decline. For he understands all about it; his own inner spirit is completely of this caliber. And so he is extraordinarily representative of his time.
36. Oswald Spengler, Prophet of World Chaos: Spengler's Perspectives of World History 13 Aug 1922,

Rudolf Steiner
Why should man, who seems to be placed in such a relation to the machine, undertake to evaluate this position with the gaze directed toward the sleeping life of the plant? It was certainly not gazing in this direction that brought man into the midst of wheels, cranks, motors, and so forth.
This thinking learns something about itself when it understands how it conceives the impact of two elastic balls or the trajectory of a body. In the same way as it conceives these it would fain grasp all the phenomena which confront it in a physical or chemical laboratory.
In this picture-knowledge modern thinking has its greatness and its deficiency. If it understands itself in its greatness and deficiency, it is plunged into riddles and disturbances. This picture-knowledge has its transparency.
36. Oswald Spengler, Prophet of World Chaos: The Flight from Thinking 20 Aug 1922,

Rudolf Steiner
It is significant that in occidental culture during recent centuries abstract thinking continually grows while action remains under the influence of the earlier impulses. These take on more complicated forms but produce nothing essentially new.
Goethe gave a start toward it when, for the understanding of the forming of plants, he demanded the idea-picture of the archetypal plant. And this imaginative thinking can engender impulses to action.
For the forces of decay, to which others passively succumb, work actively in him. He understands them, yet he refuses to come to those forces of ascent which can be achieved in waking. Therefore, he sees only decline and expects the continuation of this in the mystic darkness of the “blood.”
36. Oswald Spengler, Prophet of World Chaos: Spengler's Spirit-Deserted History 03 Sep 1922,

Rudolf Steiner
The Bourgeoisie has definite limits; it belongs to the Culture; it embraces, in the best sense, all who adhere to it, and under the name of people, populus, demos, rallies nobility and priesthood, money and mind, craftsman and wage-earner, as constituents of itself.
(and ‘contemporaneously’ in other Cultures) drew generation after generation under the spell of a new life, with which there emerges for the first time in human history the idea of freedom. ... Of this freedom the city is the expression; the city-spirit is understanding become free, and everything in the way of intellectual, social, and national movements that bursts forth in late periods under the name of Freedom leads back to an origin in this one prime fact of detachment from the land.”
211. Planetary Spheres and Their Influence on Mans Life on Earth and in the Spiritual Worlds: The Threefold Sun and the Risen Christ 24 Apr 1922, London
Tr. George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
And He learned also something more. My dear friends, if the Christ had undergone only what took place from the time of the Baptism in Jordan until the time of the Crucifixion and the Death on the Cross, then, having undergone all this, He would still not have been able to speak of the Mysteries of which He did speak to His initiate disciples after His resurrection.
Thus was the Mystery of Golgotha, for the understanding of those who first made it known to men, not an event for Earth alone, but a cosmic event, an event for all the worlds.
He felt—if but dimly—that it might be possible in our day, by undergoing special development, to attain a new initiation knowledge to receive a new revelation. And yet he himself ultimately accepted for his understanding of Christianity—a tradition!
214. Planetary Spheres and Their Influence on Mans Life on Earth and in the Spiritual Worlds: The Cosmic Origin of the Human Form 22 Aug 1922, Oxford
Tr. George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
For example, they still retain an echo of human speech, even of the particular language which was mainly theirs while on Earth. But their relation to language undergoes a change. For instance, in conversing with a soul who has died, one will soon observe that they have no understanding for substantives—for nouns.
It is the words of action and becoming which the dead still understand for a comparatively long time after death. Then, at a later stage, they understand a language that is no longer language in the ordinary sense, and what we then receive from them has first to be re-translated into an earthly language.
Such then is the development man undergoes. It begins with language when he no longer uses nouns but finds his way into another and more verbal form of speech.

Results 5851 through 5860 of 6042

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