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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 5411 through 5420 of 6282

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321. The Warmth Course: Lecture XI 11 Mar 1920, Stuttgart
Translated by George Adams, Alice Wuslin, Gerald Karnow

Rudolf Steiner
Twelve shades, clearly distinguishable from one another. Now the fact is that under the conditions obtaining on the earth such a spectrum can only exist as a mental image. When we are dealing with this spectrum we can only do so by means of a mental picture.
Figure 1 Now when we come upon this straight line spectrum here under our terrestrial conditions we feel obliged to ask the question: how can it arise? It can arise only in this way, that the seven known colors are separated out.
It must not be forgotten that a large part of our technical achievement has arisen under the materialistic concepts of the second half of the 19th century. It has not had such ideas as we are presenting and therefore such ideas cannot arise in it.
321. The Warmth Course: Lecture XII 12 Mar 1920, Stuttgart
Translated by George Adams, Alice Wuslin, Gerald Karnow

Rudolf Steiner
Today, therefore, we will consider some things which, together with the experiments of tomorrow, will enable us to bring our observations to a conclusion the following day. As a help toward the understanding of the being of heat, I wish to call your attention to a certain fact. This fact is one which we must take into account in developing our ideas on this subject, and it is that there is a certain difficulty in understanding what is really involved in a transparent body.
You will see, however, when we have finished that we can get helpful ideas for understanding heat from the realm of light. I said there was a certain difficulty in understanding what a relatively transparent body is and what an opaque body is as these reveal themselves under the influence of light.
The spectral band that we can produce experimentally under terrestrial conditions is to be thought of actually as a circle that has been opened out. Furthermore, the complete spectrum has the peach blossom color above.
321. The Warmth Course: Lecture XIII 13 Mar 1920, Stuttgart
Translated by George Adams, Alice Wuslin, Gerald Karnow

Rudolf Steiner
Just this thing will be the task of a Research Institute, working entirely within our movement. Such investigations will not only be undertaken but they must be followed out in detail. Now I would like to call your attention to something.
But there is no such thing as vital effects in solid bodies. We know that under terrestrial conditions a certain degree of fluidity is necessary for life. Under terrestrial conditions life does not manifest in the purely solid state.
It is ether and matter at the same time and indicates by its dual nature what we actually find in it, namely, a difference in level of transition. (Unless we understand this, we cannot understand or do anything in the realm of heat phenomena). If you take up this line of thinking, you will come to something much more fundamental and weighty than the so-called second law of thermodynamics: a perpetuum mobile of the second type is possible.
321. The Warmth Course: Lecture XIV 14 Mar 1920, Stuttgart
Translated by George Adams, Alice Wuslin, Gerald Karnow

Rudolf Steiner
Let me first give a general summary of what we have taken under consideration in connection with heat and the matter related to it. Out of the array of concepts you have got, I will draw your attention to certain ones.
You see the forces of form stretched out over the whole terrestrial realm and active by virtue of the fact that these forces of form get hold of the interpenetrating chemical effect. When we really understand correctly that we have here the forces of the earth, then we have understood something further, if we will grasp the meaning of tone in the air, namely that an opposite kind of force is involved in tone.
And we become aware of the tone world through the fact that we are chemically the tone world in the sense I have presented to you. Our understanding of man himself is really much broadened, you see, if we bring an understanding of physical problems to bear on the human body.
322. The Boundaries of Natural Science: Lecture I 27 Sep 1920, Dornach
Translated by Frederick Amrine, Konrad Oberhuber

Rudolf Steiner
Something thereby was fulfilled which certain scientists explained by saying that man's need to understand the causes of phenomena is satisfied only when he arrives at such a transparent, lucid view of the world.
If in one's search for explanations one pulls up short at human life, how, then, can one arrive at notions of how to live in a way worthy of a human being? How, if one cannot understand the existence or the essence of man according to the assumptions one makes concerning that existence?
The clarity for which we strive with regard to outer nature simply cannot be achieved within. In the most recent attempts to understand this inner realm, in the Anglo-American psychology of association, we see how, following the example of Hume, Mill, James, and others, the attempt was made to impose the clarity attained in observation of external nature upon inner sensations and feelings.
322. The Boundaries of Natural Science: Lecture II 28 Sep 1920, Dornach
Translated by Frederick Amrine, Konrad Oberhuber

Rudolf Steiner
—then one must realize that the series of considerations one undertakes is no longer confined to the study and the lecture halls but Stands rather within the living evolution of humanity.
One wants to think ever farther and farther beyond and construct atoms and molecules—under certain circumstances other things as well that philosophers have assembled there. No wonder, then, that this web one has woven in a world created by the inertia of thinking must eventually unravel itself again.
We thus see how a contemporary philosopher, Koppelmann, overtrumps even Kant by saying, for example—you can read this on page 33 of his Philosophical Inquiries [Weltanschauungsfragen]: everything that relates to space and time we must first construct within by means of the understanding, whereas we are able to assimilate colors and tastes directly. We construct the icosahedron, the dodecahedron, etc.: we are able to construct the standard regular solids only because of the organization of our understanding.
322. The Boundaries of Natural Science: Lecture III 29 Sep 1920, Dornach
Translated by Frederick Amrine, Konrad Oberhuber

Rudolf Steiner
Now we say that the warmth that manifests itself in a body under certain conditions was latent in that body beforehand, that it was at work within the inner structure of that body.
One really must have experienced at some time what it is that leads from an abstract understanding of the geometrical forms to a sense of wonder at the harmony that underlies this inner “mathematicizing.”
On this path of constant inner work—an inner work far more demanding than that performed in the laboratory or observatory or any other scientific institution—one comes to know what it is that underlies mathematics, that underlies this simple faculty of the human soul which can be expanded into something far more comprehensive.
322. The Boundaries of Natural Science: Lecture IV 30 Sep 1920, Dornach
Translated by Frederick Amrine, Konrad Oberhuber

Rudolf Steiner
We were able to show how Goethe, in establishing his mode of phenomenology, always strives to find the archetypal phenomenon while remaining within the phenomena themselves and that his search for die archetypal phenomenon that underlies complex phenomena is, inwardly, the same as the mathematician's search for the axiom underlying complex mathematical constructs.
At that time I sought to make two points absolutely clear, but at that time they were hardly understood. I tried above all to make clear that the most important thing about following such a cognitional path is the inner “schooling” [Erziehung] that we undertake.
We must renounce everything that would lead us to ethical content obtained according to the method of natural science; this ethical content must come forth freely out of super-sensible experience. I ventured to use a term that was little understood at the time but that absolutely must be posited if one enters this inner realm and wishes to understand freedom at all.
322. The Boundaries of Natural Science: Lecture V 01 Oct 1920, Dornach
Translated by Frederick Amrine, Konrad Oberhuber

Rudolf Steiner
Today it will be necessary to come to terms with a number of things that actually can be understood only if one is able to overcome certain prejudices that have long been cultivated and zealously inculcated right up to the present day.
On the other hand, I have shown you that if one wishes to come to an understanding of consciousness, one must not attempt, as Anglo-American associative psychology does, to penetrate into consciousness with ideas and concepts called forth by the natural world.
They intrude themselves especially strongly in individuals with healthy, or even conspicuously healthy, organizations—in individuals who have an open mind and a certain understanding for the manner in which modern scientific thinking proceeds. They experience modern science in this way, so that they cannot understand at all how such questions arise unconsciously thereby.
322. The Boundaries of Natural Science: Lecture VI 02 Oct 1920, Dornach
Translated by Frederick Amrine, Konrad Oberhuber

Rudolf Steiner
Just look at the relevant literature from the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth centuries to see how human beings strove to understand what capital actually means within the social process, to see how that which human beings strove to understand in concepts has passed over into frightful struggles in the external world.
The impoverished concepts of barter and purchase, products of a discipline that fails to recognize the limits of natural science, shall never prove adequate to an understanding of commodities. Commodities, the products of human labor, exist in the relationship between several individuals, and if a solitary man undertakes to understand commodities “as such,” he is on the wrong track. Commodities must be understood as a function of the socially contracted majority of human beings, of association. Commodities must be understood in terms of association; they must exist in association.

Results 5411 through 5420 of 6282

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