319. An Outline of Anthroposophical Medical Research: An Outline of Anthroposophical Medical Research
29 Aug 1924, London Translator Unknown Rudolf Steiner |
Can this be accomplished by the same forces that underlie nutrition and growth? When the organic forces that underlie the latter gain the upper hand, the consciousness becomes dimmed. |
That is the secret of the human organism. Now we understand why it is that man possesses a soul. If he were to grow continuously like the plant, he could not have a soul. |
In such a case we are confronted on the one hand by a preponderance of the silicic acid processes, and on the other by an impotence of the Ego to control them. This fact underlies the formation of tumours, and it is here that the way is indicated for the true understanding of the nature of carcinomatous processes (cancer). |
319. An Outline of Anthroposophical Medical Research: An Outline of Anthroposophical Medical Research
29 Aug 1924, London Translator Unknown Rudolf Steiner |
![]() Whatever may arise in course of time from anthroposophy, in regard to the sphere of medical knowledge, it will not be found to be in any disagreement whatsoever with that which is understood to-day as the orthodox scientific study of medicine. It is easy, in looking at the question from the scientific standpoint, to be deceived about this, because from the outset it is supposed that any study which is not founded upon so-called exact proof, must be of the nature of sectarianism, and cannot therefore be taken seriously by the scientific observer. For this reason it is necessary to remark that it is just that point of view which seeks to support medicine upon an anthroposophical basis, which is the most appreciative of, and the most sympathetic towards all that is best and greatest in modern medical achievements. There cannot therefore be any question that the following statements are merely the polemics of dilettantism, or unprofessionalism, leveled against recognised methods of healing. The whole question turns solely upon the fact that during the last few centuries our entire world-conception has assumed a form which is limited by investigation only into those things which can be confirmed by the senses—either by means of experiment, or by direct observation—and which are then brought into relation with one another through those powers of human reasoning which rely upon the testimony of the senses alone. This method of research was nevertheless entirely justifiable during several hundred years, because if it had been otherwise, mankind would have become immersed in a world of dreams and fantasies, would have been forced to a capricious acceptance of things, and to a barren weaving of hypotheses. That is connected with the fact that man, as he lives in the world between birth and death, is a being who cannot truly know himself by means of his physical senses and his reason alone—because he is just as much a spiritual as a physical being. So that when we come to speak of man in health and in disease we can do no less than ask ourselves: Is it possible to gain a knowledge of health and disease only by those methods of research which concern the physical body; purely with the assistance of the senses and the reason, or by the use of instruments which extend the faculties of the senses and enable us to carry out experiments? We shall find that a real, unprejudiced, historical retrospect shows us that the knowledge which mankind has gained originated from something totally different from these mere sense-observations. There lies behind us an immense development of our spiritual life, no less than of our physical. Some three thousand years ago, during the flowering of the most ancient Greek culture, there existed schools that were very different from those of to-day. The basis of these ancient schools consisted in the belief that man had first of all to develop new faculties in his soul before he could become capable of attaining to true knowledge concerning mankind. Now it was just because, in these ancient times, the more primitive soul-faculties did not incline towards the fantastic, that it was possible to experience, in the so-called mysteries, the spiritual foundations from which all forms of learning arose. This state of things came to an end more or less contemporaneously with the founding of our Universities—during the twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth centuries. Since that time we learn only in a rationalistic way. Rationalism leads on the one hand to keen logic, and on the other hand to pure materialism. During the course of centuries a vast store of external knowledge has been accumulated in the domain of biology, physiology, and other branches of research which are introductory to the study of medicine; indeed an amazing mass of observations, out of which an almost immeasurable amount may yet be obtained! But during these centuries all knowledge connected with man which could not be gained without spiritual vision, sank completely out of sight. It has therefore become actually impossible to investigate the true nature of health and disease. In order to emphasise this remark, I may mention that even at the present time, according to the descriptions given in my books Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and An Outline Of Occult Science, it is possible so to raise the faculties of the soul that the spiritual nature of man may be clearly distinguished from the physical, This spiritual part of man is, for the spiritual observer, just as visible as the physical part is for the man who observes with his outer senses; with this difference, however, that our ordinary senses have been and are incorporated into our bodily organism without our co-operation, whereas we must ourselves develop the organs of spiritual sight. This can be brought about if one unfolds within oneself an earnest life of thought. Such a state of living, of resting in quietude—in thought—must, however, be carried out so as to bring about a methodical education and transformation of the soul. If one can, so to say, experiment for a time with one's own soul, allowing it to rest within an easily grasped thought, at the same time permitting neither any traces of auto-suggestion nor any diminution of consciousness to arise, and if one in this way exercises the soul as one would exercise a muscle, then the soul grows strong. Methodically, one pursues the exercises further and further; the soul grows stronger, grows powerful, and becomes capable of sight. The first thing that it sees is that the human being actually does not consist merely of physical body, which can be investigated either with the naked eye or with a microscope, and so forth, but that he also bears an etheric body. This is not to be confused with that which, in earlier scientific times, was somewhat amateurishly described as “vital forces.” It is something that can really be perceived and observed; and if I were to distinguish qualitatively between the physical body and the etheric body, I should choose, out of all the innumerable qualitative distinctions that exist, the following:—The physical body of man is subject to the laws of gravity; it tends to be drawn earthward. The etheric body tends to be drawn towards the periphery of the universe; that is to say, outwards, in all directions. As a rule, our investigations are concerned with the relative weight of things, but that part of the human organism which possesses weight is the direct opposite of that which not only has no weight but which strives to escape from the laws of gravitation. We have in us these two opposing forces. This is the first of our super-physical bodies. We may say, then, that we have within us first of all the physical man, whose orientation is centripetal and tends earthwards, and another man, whose orientation is centrifugal and tends to leave the earth. It will be seen that a balance must be maintained between these two configurations of the human being—between the heavy physical body, which is subject to the laws of gravity, and the other, the etheric body, which strives outwards towards the farthest limits of the universe. The etheric body seeks, as it were, to imitate, to be an image of the whole Cosmos; but the physical body rounds it off, and keeps it within its own limits. Therefore, by contemplating the state of balance between the physical body and the etheric body, our perception of the nature of the human being becomes real and penetrating. Once we have succeeded in recognising these outward-streaming centrifugal forces in man, we shall be able to perceive them also in the vegetable kingdom. The mineral kingdom alone appears purely physical to us. In it we can trace no centrifugal forces. Minerals are subject to the laws of gravity. But in the case of plants we recognise their outer form as being the result of the two forces. At the same time it becomes apparent to us that we cannot remain at this point in our investigations if we wish to observe anything that is higher in the scale of organic life than the plants. The plant has its etheric body; the animal, when we observe it, possesses life, and also sensation. It creates, inwardly, a world; this fact arrests our attention, and we see that we must make yet deeper researches. Hence we realise that we must develop our ordinary state of consciousness still further. Already, as I have shown, a certain stage will have been reached when we are able to see not merely the physical body of man, but the physical body embedded within the etheric body, as though in a kind of cloud. But that is not all; the more we strengthen our souls, the more we find greater and greater reality in our thoughts, and it then becomes possible to arrive at a further stage, which consists in suppressing these strong thoughts which have been made so powerful by our own efforts. In ordinary life if we blot out by degrees our faculties of sight, of hearing, of sensation, and of thinking—we fall asleep. That is an experiment which may easily be carried out. But if one has strengthened the soul in the manner described by the training of thought, of the whole of one's life of concept and feeling, then one can actually learn to suppress the life of the senses. One then arrives at a condition where, above all things, one is not asleep but is very much awake. Indeed, it may even be that one has to guard against losing the power to sleep, while one is striving to reach this condition. If, however, one sets to work in the way I have indicated in my books, every precaution is taken to prevent any disturbances in the ordinary life. One succeeds then in being completely awake, though one cannot hear as one hears with the ears. The ordinary memory, too, and ordinary thinking cease. One confronts the world with a perfectly empty but perfectly waking consciousness. And then one sees the third human organism—the astral. Animals also possess this astral organism. In man it bestows the possibility of unfolding a real inner life of experience. Now this is something which is connected neither with the innermost depths of the earth nor with the wide expanse of the universe, but rather it is connected with a state of being inwardly penetrated by forces which are “seen” as the astral body. So now we have the third member of the human organisation. If one learns to perceive this third member in the manner indicated above, one finds that from the scientific point of view it is indescribably illuminating. One says to oneself—the child grows up and becomes the man; his vital forces are active. But he is not only growing physically, his consciousness is developing at the same time; he is unfolding within himself an image of the outer world. Can this be the result of physical growth? Can this be accomplished by the same forces that underlie nutrition and growth? When the organic forces that underlie the latter gain the upper hand, the consciousness becomes dimmed. We need, therefore, something which is connected with these forces, and which is actually opposed to them. The human being is always growing and always being nourished. But he has within his astral body, as I have described it, something which is perpetually suppressing, inhibiting the forces of growth and nutrition. So we have in man a process of construction through the physical body in conjunction with the earth; another process of construction through the etheric body in conjunction with the Cosmos, and through the astral body a continuous destruction of the organic processes in the cell-life and the glandular life. That is the secret of the human organism. Now we understand why it is that man possesses a soul. If he were to grow continuously like the plant, he could not have a soul. The process of growing must first be destroyed, for it expels the soul. If we had nothing in our brain but the process of building up, and no processes of breaking down and destruction, we could not contain the soul. Evolution does not proceed in a straight line. It must retreat in one direction; it must give way. Herein lies the secret of humanity—of the ensouled being. If we go no further than the consideration of the organisation of the animal, we find ourselves concerned only with its three principles—the physical, etheric, and astral. But if we proceed to the observation of man, we find, when we have progressed yet further with the training of our souls, that we spiritually perceive yet another principle. Our spiritual perception of the animal discloses that its thinking, feeling, and willing are, in a certain sense, neutral in regard to one another; they are not clearly distinct. One cannot speak of a separate thinking, a separate feeling, and a separate willing, but only of a neutral blending of these three elements. But in the case of man, his inner life depends just upon the fact that he lays hold of his intentions by quiet thought, and that he can remain with his intentions; he can either carry them out in deeds, or not carry them out. The animal obeys its impulses. Man separates thinking, feeling, and willing from one another. How this is so, can only be understood when one has carried one's power of spiritual perception far enough to observe the fourth principle of man's organisation—the “I am I”—or the Ego. As we have just seen, the astral body breaks down the processes of growth and nutrition; in a sense, it introduces a gradual dying into the whole organism. The Ego redeems, out of this destructive process, certain elements which are continually falling away from the combination of the physical and etheric bodies, and rebuilds them. That is actually the secret of human nature. If one looks at the human brain, one sees—in those lighter parts which lie more below the superficial structures, and which proceed as nerve fibres to the sense organs—a most complicated organisation which, for those who can perceive it in its reality, is in a continual state of deterioration, although so slowly does this take place that it cannot be observed by ordinary physiological means. But, out of all this destruction, that which differentiates man from the animals, namely, the peripheral brain, is built up. This is the foundation of the human organisation. With regard to man, naturally, the central brain (the continuation of the sensory nerves and their connections) is more perfect than the peripheral brain, which is, as a matter of fact, more akin to the metabolic processes than the deeper portions of the brain are. This peripheral brain, which is peculiarly characteristic of man, is organised for these metabolic functions by the Ego-organisation—organised out of what otherwise is in a state of deterioration.1 And so the activity of the Ego permeates the entire organism. The Ego redeems certain elements out of the ruin worked by the astral body, and builds out of them that which underlies an harmonious co-ordination of thinking, feeling, and willing. I can of course only mention these things, but I wish to point out that one can proceed with the same exactitude when making observations spiritually as one can in any branch of external experimental science and with a full sense of responsibility; so that in every case one seeks for the agreement between what is spiritually observed and what is discovered by empirical physical methods of research. It is exactly the formation of the physical brain which leads one on to apprehend the super-physical, and to attain knowledge by spiritual investigation. Thus we have these four members of the human organisation. These, in order to maintain health, must be in quite special relation to one another. We only get water when we mix hydrogen and oxygen in accordance with their specific gravity. In the same way there is a determinative which brings about a normal relationship—if I may say so—between the physical body, the etheric body, the astral body, and the Ego. We not only have four, but 4x4 relative states. All these can be disturbed. An abnormal relation may arise between the etheric and the physical bodies, or between the astral and etheric, or between the Ego and one or another of these. All are deeply connected with one another and are in a special relation to one another. The moment this is disturbed, illness arises. But this relationship is not uniform throughout the human being; it differs in the different individual organs. If we observe, for instance, a human lung, the physical, etheric, astral, and Ego constituents of this lung are not the same as those of the brain or of the liver. Thus, the entire human organisation is so complicated that the spiritual and the material are differently related in every organ. Therefore, it will be understood that, just as one studies physical anatomy and physical physiology in accordance with external symptoms, so—when one admits the existence of this spiritual investigation, and practises it—one must study with the greatest exactitude the health and disease of every separate organ. In this way one always arrives at a complete and comprehensive knowledge of the human organism. It cannot be so understood if it is observed solely from the physical standpoint. It can only be known through a knowledge of its four principles. One is only clear about any illness when one is able to say which of these four principles either predominates too strongly or is too much suppressed. It is because one is able to observe these things in a spiritual manner that one actually places a spiritual diagnosis alongside the material diagnosis. Therefore what is gained by anthroposophical methods in seeing through the fourfold constitution of man, is gained in addition to all that it is possible to observe of health and disease by ordinary methods. And further, it is not only possible to behold man spiritually but also the whole of Nature. One is now, for the first time, in a position to find man's relation to the various kingdoms of Nature, and, in medicine, his relation to the healing properties which these kingdoms contain. Let us take an example. There is a substance which is most widely distributed over the whole earth, and not only over the whole earth, but also, in its finest form, throughout the air. This is silicic acid. It is an enormously important constituent part of the earth. But for those who are able to see these things with higher faculties, all this silicious substance is revealed as the external manifestation of something spiritual; and an immense and almost overpowering difference is seen to exist between that which ordinary physical methods of observation disclose with regard to silicic acid, or, for example, carbonic acid gas, and that which spiritual investigation discloses. By the latter method we see that quartz, or rock-crystal, such as we find in the mountains—in fact, all forms of silicious substance—provides a free path for something spiritual. Just as any transparent substance allows light to stream through it, so all silicious substance allows what is spiritually active in the entire world to stream through it. But we find quite a different relationship towards the spiritual when we come to carbonic acid. Carbonic acid has this peculiarity (for there is something spiritual in every physical substance), that the spiritual that is in contact with carbonic acid becomes individualised. Carbonic acid retains the spiritual in itself with all its force. The spiritual “selects” carbonic acid as a dwelling-place. In silica it has a transcending tendency—a consuming tendency—but it inheres in carbonic acid as though it felt itself “at home” there. Carbonic acid processes are present in the breathing and circulation of animals. The former are especially connected with the astral body. The carbonic acid processes are related to the external physical of the animal, while the astral body is that which is inwardly spiritually active. The astral is therefore the spiritual element, and the carbonic acid process is its physical counterpart and underlies the animal's expirations. The Ego-organisation is the spiritual inner element in man of that which takes place in man as silicic acid processes. We have silicic acid in our hair, our bones, our organs of sense, in all the extremities and periphery of our bodies—in fact, everywhere where we come into contact with the outer world—and all these silicic acid processes are the external counterpart, the expression from within outwards, of the Ego-organisation. Now it must be borne in mind that the Ego must, in a certain sense, be strong enough to manipulate, to control, the whole of this silicic acid activity. If the Ego is too weak, the silicic acid is separated out—that is a pathological condition. On the other hand, the astral body must be strong enough to control the carbonic acid process; if it cannot, carbonic acid or its waste products are separated out, and illness results. It is possible, therefore, in observing the strength or weakness of the astral body to find the cause of an illness rooted in the spiritual. And in observing the Ego-organisation one discovers the cause of those disturbances which either bring about a morbid decomposition of the silicic acid processes in. the body, or which one must deal with therapeutically by the administration of silicic acid. What happens then is that the spiritual, which is never retained in the material substance itself, passes through it and affects the silicic acid deposited in the body. It takes the place of the Ego itself. In the administration of carbonic acid as a healing agent, it must be so prepared that the spiritual is present in it in the right manner; in using it as a remedy one must be aware that the astral body works in it. Therefore: One can conceive of a form of therapy which does not only make use of chemical agents, but which is quite consciously administering a cure, in the knowledge that, if a certain quantity of physical substance is given, or a particular solution is prepared as a bath, or if an injection is given, at the same time something of a spiritual nature is quite definitely introduced into the human organism. So it is perfectly possible to make a bridge from a knowledge of purely physical means of healing to a knowledge which works with spiritual means. That was the characteristic of the medicine of ancient times; some tradition of it still lingers; it lingers even in some of the recognised cures to-day. And we have to get back to this. We can do so if, without in any way neglecting physical medicine, we add to it what we can gain in spiritual knowledge, not only of man, but of Nature also. Everything can be carried out with the same exactitude as is the case with regard to physical natural science. Anthroposophy does not seek to correct modern medicine, but to add its own knowledge to it, because ordinary medicine makes demands upon itself only. What I have just briefly indicated is merely the commencement of an exceedingly wide spiritual knowledge, in which, at present, people have very little faith. One can quite well understand that. But some results have already been attained in the sphere of medicine, and these can be studied in practice at Dr. Ita Wegman's Clinical Institute in Arlesheim, Switzerland. And I am convinced that if any person would investigate this advancement and enlargement of the medical field with the same goodwill with which, as a rule, they investigate physical medicine, they would find it not at all difficult to accept the idea of the spiritual in man, and the spiritual in methods of healing him. Quite briefly, I will give two examples that illustrate what I have said. Let us suppose that by means of this kind of spiritual diagnosis (if I may use such an expression) it is seen that in a patient the etheric body is working too strongly in some particular organ. The astral body and the Ego-organisation are not in a position to control this super-activity of the etheric body, so that we are faced with an astral body that has become too weak, and possibly also with an Ego which is too weak, and the etheric body therefore predominates. The latter thereby brings about in some particular organ such a condition of the growing and nourishing processes that the whole organism cannot be properly held together, owing to the lack of control by the other two principles. At this point, then, where the etheric body predominates, the human organism appears as though too much exposed to the centrifugal forces of the Cosmos. They are not in equipoise with the centripetal forces of the physical body. The astral body cannot control them. In such a case we are confronted on the one hand by a preponderance of the silicic acid processes, and on the other by an impotence of the Ego to control them. This fact underlies the formation of tumours, and it is here that the way is indicated for the true understanding of the nature of carcinomatous processes (cancer). Researches into this matter have had very good results and have been carried out in practice. But one cannot understand carcinoma unless one realises that it is due to the predominance of the etheric body, which is not suppressed by a corresponding activity of the astral and the Ego, The question then arises, what is to be done in order to strengthen the elements of the astral body and the Ego which correspond to the diseased organ, so that the superabundant energy of the etheric organisation can be reduced? This brings us to the question of the therapy of carcinoma, which shall be dealt with in due course. Thus, through an understanding of the etheric body we are enabled gradually to become acquainted with the nature of that most terrible of all human diseases, and at the same time, by investigating the spiritual nature of the action of the remedies, we shall discover the means to combat it. This is just one example of how illnesses can be understood through the etheric body. But supposing that it is the astral body whose forces predominate—supposing that they are so strong that they predominate practically throughout the entire organism, so that there arises a kind of universal stiffening of the whole astral body due to its excessive inner forces; what does such a state of things bring about? When the astral body is not under the control of the Ego—which is to say, when its disintegrating forces are not cancelled by the integrating forces of the Ego—then symptoms appear which are connected with a weakened Ego-organisation. This results, primarily, in an abnormal activity of the heart. Further, another occurrence due to a weakened Ego-activity, as described above, is that the glandular functions are disturbed. Since the organisation of the Ego is not sufficiently prominent and cannot exercise enough control, in greater or less degree the peripheral glandular organs begin to secrete too actively. Swollen glands appear—goitre appears. And we see further how, through this stiffening of the astral body, the silicic acid processes, which should have a reaction inwards, are being pressed outwards, because the Ego is not able work strongly enough in the sense-organs, where it ought to work strongly. So, for instance, the eyes become prominent; the astral body drives them outwards. It is the task of the Ego to overcome this tendency. Our eyes are actually retained in their right place in our organism by the equipoise that should exist between the astral body and the Ego. So they become prominent because the Ego element in them is too weak to maintain the balance properly. Also, one observes in such cases a general condition of restlessness. One sees, in a word, because the Ego cannot drive back those organic processes which are worked upon by the astral body, that the activity of the whole astral body predominates. In short, the symptoms are those of exophthalmic goitre. Knowing, therefore, that a disturbance of the balance between astral body and Ego-organisation produces exophthalmic goitre, one can apply the same principles in effecting a cure. Hence it can be seen with what exactness one can pursue these methods as regards both pathological conditions and therapeutical agencies, when one investigates the human being in a spiritual way. Before we pass on from the pathological to the therapeutical—and particularly in connection with the two examples mentioned—it would be well to touch upon some of the principles underlying the assimilation of various substances by the human organism. One only recognises the entire connection that exists between so-called “Nature” and the human being when one perceives not only that the latter is a physico-psychic-spiritual being consisting of physical body, etheric body, astral body, and Ego, but also when one further perceives that the basis of all natural substances and processes is a concrete and comprehensible spiritual one. But one must first be able to penetrate into this concrete spiritual existence. Just as, in the natural world, one must distinguish between minerals and plants, so one must distinguish quite definitely between the spiritual elements and beings that express themselves through them. Suppose we take first the mineral kingdom. A considerable part of our healing agents are taken from this kingdom, and therefore what can be made use of in medicine out of spiritual bases emanates from minerals to a very large extent. We find that the spiritual element is connected in such a way with minerals that it establishes a particular relation between them and the Ego-organisation. It is credible that if a mineral substance is administered, either by mouth or by injection, it works principally upon the human organism itself, and makes for either health or ill-health. But what really takes place is that the physical mineral, as such, as it is regarded and handled by the chemist or the physicist, actually does not work upon the organism, but remains as it is. The physical substance itself, when seen by spiritual observation, shows scarcely any metamorphosis when it is absorbed. On the contrary, what is spiritual in the substance works with extraordinary strength upon the Ego. So one can say that the spirit, for instance of a rock crystal, affects the Ego. The Ego controls the human being when it contains something silicious—that is, the spiritual element of silicic acid. That is what is so remarkable. Again, if we take the vegetable kingdom, plants do not only possess a physical form, they possess also what I have characterised as an etheric body. Suppose we administer some plant substance, either by mouth or by injection, what is in the plant works as a rule solely upon the astral body. (These things are described in a general sense; there are always exceptions, which may also be studied.) Everything derived from the animal kingdom, in whatever way it may be manufactured—out of fluids or solids—when it is administered, works upon the etheric body. This is most particularly interesting, because in this spiritual-medical work results have been attained by using for instance, in certain cases, animal products derived from the secretions of the hypophysis cerebri. These have been used successfully on rickety children or in cases of child-deformity, and so on. There are also other animal products that work upon the human etheric body, either strengthening it or weakening it. In short, this is their principal function. Anything injected out of one human being into another affects only the physical body; here there is solely a working of the physical upon the physical. For example, if human blood is transfused, nothing comes into consideration save what can take place as a purely physical phenomenon by means of the blood. A remarkable example of this could be observed when, in vaccinations against smallpox, a change was made from using human lymph to using calf-lymph. It was possible to observe then how the human lymph worked only upon the physical body, and how the effect went, so to speak, a stage higher when calf-lymph was introduced, by its becoming transferred to the etheric body. Thus it becomes possible to see, by developing spiritual powers of observation, how Nature works, as it were, in degrees, or steps, upon human beings—the mineral being made use of in a certain sense by the Ego, the plant by the astral body, the animal by the etheric body, and the human physical body by the human physical body. In the latter case there is no longer anything spiritual to be described. Indeed, even as regards the animal kingdom, we can no longer speak of the “spiritual” in the animal product, but only of the “etheric.” It is only through all these various connections that one can gain a true conception of how man—in both health and disease—is really immersed in the whole natural order. But one attains also to an inner perception of a still further continuation of the workings of nature in the human organism. One may now ask, what is to be one's attitude towards cancer! We have seen how the etheric body is able to develop over-strong forces from itself in some particular organ. The centrifugal forces—that is, the forces that tend outwards into the Cosmos—become too powerful; the astral body and the Ego are too weak to counteract them. Spiritual knowledge now comes to one's aid. One can now try either to make the astral body stronger, in which case one administers something from the plant kingdom, or one must restrain the etheric body, and in that case one makes use of the animal kingdom. Spiritual investigation has led to the adoption of the former course—that which relates to the astral body. In order to cure cancer, the forces of the astral body must be made stronger. And it may now be admitted that the remedy has really been discovered in the plant kingdom. We have been accused of dilettantism and so forth, because we make use of a parasitic plant—the mistletoe (which has been used in medicine mainly for epilepsy and similar conditions)—and because we prepare it in a very special manner, in order to discover the way which will lead to the healing of cancer. If you have observed trees which bear a remarkable outgrowth upon the trunk, resembling swellings, especially if you have seen them in section, you will notice that the whole tendency of growth, which usually has a vertical direction, has at these places a deflection at right angles, becoming therefore horizontal. It presses outwards as though another trunk were beginning to grow; and you find something that is as though drawn out of the tree itself—something parasitic. More closely studied, one discovers that any tree which has such an outgrowth is somewhere or other suppressed, restrained, in its physical development. Sufficient physical material has not been available everywhere, in order to keep pace with the growth forces of the etheric body. The physical body remains behind. The etheric body, which otherwise strives centrifugally to project the physical substance out into the Cosmos, is, as it were, left alone in this portion of the tree. Too little physical substance passes through it, or, rather, matter that has too little physical force. The result is, that the etheric body takes a downward direction to the lower part of the tree, which is connected with stronger physical forces. Now let us imagine that this does not happen, but, instead, the mistletoe appears; and now there occurs through this plant, which has also its own etheric body, what otherwise takes place through the etheric body of the tree. From this there results a very special relationship between the mistletoe and the tree. The tree, which is rooted directly in the earth, makes use of the forces which it absorbs from the earth. The mistletoe, growing on the tree, uses what the tree gives it; the tree is, in a sense, the earth for the mistletoe. The mistletoe, therefore, brings about artificially that which, when it is not present, results in the “swellings” which are due to a hypertrophy of the tree's etheric organisation. The mistletoe takes away what the tree only gives up when it has too little physical substance, so that its etheric element is excessive. The excess of the etheric passes out of the tree into the mistletoe. When the mistletoe is prepared in such a way that this superabundant etheric quality which it has taken from the tree is administered to a person under certain conditions, by injection (and, since we are observing all these facts in a spiritual manner), we gain the following information: that the mistletoe, as an external substance, absorbs what is manifest in the human body as the rampant etheric forces in cancer. [i.e. it becomes a vehicle for the excessive etheric forces.—TRANS.] Through the fact that it represses the physical substance, it strengthens the working of the astral body, which causes the tumour, or cancer, to disintegrate and break up. [The astral body being the destructive principle.—TRANS.] Therefore we actually introduce the etheric substance of the tree into the human being by means of the mistletoe, and the etheric substance of the tree, carried over by means of the mistletoe, works as a fortifier of the human astral body. That is one method which can only be known to us when we gain an insight into the way in which the etheric body of the plant acts upon the astral body of the human being—an insight into the fact that the spiritual element in the plant, which in this case is drawn out of it by the parasitic growth, works upon the human astral body. Thus it can be seen how concretely what I have said may be verified—namely, that it is a question of not merely administering remedies in the manner of the chemist—in the sense in which the chemist speaks and thinks of remedies—but it is a question of administering the spiritual, the super-physical, which the various substances contain. I have also referred above to the fact that in exophthalmic goitre (Graves' disease) the astral body becomes stiffer, and that the Ego-organisation is unable to deal with this condition. The symptoms are as I have described. This is a case in which it is necessary to strengthen the forces of the Ego. We must consider for a moment something which plays quite an unimportant part in our ordinary associations with the external world; but it is just such apparently unimportant substances which, as regards their spiritual element, have the greatest effect upon the spiritual in the human being. For example, one finds that oxide of copper has the greatest imaginable effect upon the Ego-organisation of man; it really strengthens it. So, if one gives oxide of copper to a person suffering from Graves' disease, the effect is that one creates a strong Ego-organisation that dominates the stiffened astral body; the oxide of copper comes, as it were, to the rescue of the Ego, and the correct balance is thus restored. I have quoted these two examples especially in order to show how every product in all the expanse of Nature may be studied, and the question asked: “How does this or that product work upon the physical body of man? how does it work upon the etheric body? and how upon the astral body and the Ego-organisation?” It all rests, therefore, upon our penetration into the profound secrets of Nature. This search into Nature's secrets—into the mysteries of Nature—is the only possible way to combine the observation of human disease with the observation of the healing agencies. If I know how, let us say, a magnet will affect iron filings, then I know what is taking place. Similarly, if I know in what respect oxide of copper is “spiritual,” and on the other hand what is lacking in the human being when he has the symptoms of exophthalmic goitre, that is to permeate what is called medicine with spiritual knowledge. One can look back upon the evolution of humanity, that is to say upon the evolution of the spirit of humanity which has given birth to the various civilisations, and which brought forth knowledge also and science; and if, in such a retrospect, one looks into a past so remote that it is only possible to reach it by means of the spiritual vision which I have described, one comes upon centres of knowledge quite unlike our present-day schools, wherein men were led to penetrate into a knowledge of Nature and of humanity, after their souls were first prepared in such a way that they could perceive the spiritual in all the external world. These centres of knowledge, which we have become accustomed to speak of as the “mysteries,” were not just merely “schools,” but fundamentally they were representative of certain things which are regarded quite separately from one another in the life of to-day. They were centres of religion and of art, as well as of knowledge concerning all the various departments of human culture. They were so organised that those who were set apart as teachers did not instruct their pupils by means of mere abstract concepts, but by means of pictures—of imagery. These pictures, by reason of their inner characteristics, represented the living relationships and connections between all things in the world. Therefore this imagery was able to produce its effects through ceremonial, as we should call it to-day. In its further development this imagery became permeated with beauty. Religious ceremony became artistic. And later, when what had been gained—not from arbitrary fantasies, but from out of these images or pictures, which had been extracted from out of the world-secrets themselves—was expressed in ideas, it became, at that time, science. The same pictures when presented in such a way that they called forth an essential quality of the human will that could be expressed as goodness—that was religion. And again, presented so that they ravished and exalted the senses, touched the emotions, and lifted the soul to the contemplation of beauty—that was art. The centres of art were indissolubly linked with the centres of religion and of science. There was no one-sided appreciation of anything through the human reason alone, or through sense-perception alone, or through external physical experiment alone, but the whole human being was involved—body, soul, and spirit. There was penetration into the profoundest nature of all things—to those depths where reality revealed itself; on the one hand stimulating to goodness, on the other hand to the true expression of ideas. To follow this path, which leads to truth, to beauty, and to goodness, was spoken of, and is still spoken of, as the way of initiation—to the knowledge of the “beginnings” of things. For men were aware that they indeed lived in these beginnings when they conjured them forth in religious ceremonial, in the revelations of beauty, and in the rightly created world of ideas; and so called this attitude which they bore towards the things of the world, “initiation-knowledge”—the knowledge of the beginnings from out of which alone man is able to grasp the true nature of things, and so use them according to his will. So men sought for an initiation-science which could penetrate into the mysteries of the world—to the “beginnings.” A time had to. come in the course of human development when this initiation-science withdrew; for it became necessary for men to direct their spiritual energies inwards in order to attain to greater self-consciousness. Initiation-science became as though dreamlike—instinctive. It was not at that time a matter of developing human freedom, for such a development towards freedom has only come about because mankind has been for a time driven away from the beginnings; he has lost the initiation-vision, and turning away from the beginnings, contemplates what is related more to the endings of things—to the external revelations of the senses, and to all that, through the senses, may be discovered by experiment concerning the ultimate, concerning the endings. The time has now come when, having achieved an immeasurably extensive science of the superficial—if I may call it so—which can have only quite an external connection with art or religion, we must once again seek an initiation-science; but we must seek it with the consciousness which we have evolved in ourselves by means of exact science; a consciousness which, in respect of the new form of initiation-knowledge, will function no less perfectly than it does in connection with the exact sciences. A bridge will then be built between that world-conception which links the human soul with its origins by means of inwardly conceived ideas, and the practical manipulation of the realities contained in those ideas. In the ancient mysteries, initiation-knowledge was especially bound up with all that was connected with the healing of humanity. There was a real art of healing. For indeed, the mystery-healing was an art, in that it aroused in man the perception that the process of healing was at the same time a sacrificial process. In order to satisfy the inner needs of the human soul, there must once again be a closer bond between healing and our philosophical conception of the world. And it is this which a knowledge of the needs of the age seeks to find in the Anthroposophical Movement. The Anthroposophical Movement, whose headquarters are in Dornach, Switzerland, does not interpose anything arbitrary into life; neither does it stand for any sort of abstract mysticism. It desires rather to enter in a wholly practical way into every sphere of human activity. It seeks to attain with complete self-consciousness what was striven for in ancient times instinctively. Even though we are only making a beginning, at any rate we are creating the possibility of a return to what, in the ancient mysteries, was a natural, a self-evident thing—medicine existing in closest communion with spiritual vision.
319. Anthroposophical Medical Theory and Human Knowledge: First Lecture
28 Aug 1923, Penmaenmawr Rudolf Steiner |
But how can one judge the effect of a remedy in the right way if one cannot understand how some natural thing that we introduce into the organism, or with which we treat the organism, continues to work in the human organism. |
Everything that is a healthy process is a natural process; everything that is a disease process is also a natural process. Why is it that, under the one kind of process, the human being is healthy and under the other kind of process, he is sick? |
But it is difficult to really bring to bear in the world a therapy based on a full understanding of the human being, with its remedies, in the face of today's purely materialistic direction. |
319. Anthroposophical Medical Theory and Human Knowledge: First Lecture
28 Aug 1923, Penmaenmawr Rudolf Steiner |
Since it has been requested that I speak about the therapeutic principles that have grown out of the anthroposophical world view on one of our evenings, I am very happy to comply with this request, but it is difficult to speak briefly about this subject in particular. It is difficult because the subject is an extremely broad one and it is hardly possible to give a proper idea of the essentials in a very short lecture, which can only be aphoristic. On the other hand, certain considerations that have to be made are somewhat remote from general human consciousness. Nevertheless, I will try to explain the things that are important as generally as possible this evening. The fact that there is also a medical current within the anthroposophical movement certainly does not stem from the fact that we as anthroposophists want to be everywhere and want to poke our noses into everything. That is certainly not the case. But as the Anthroposophical movement sought to make its way in the world, physicians also joined the movement, physicians who were seriously striving, and a large, relatively large number of such physicians had come to a more or less clear awareness of how shaky the views of today's officially accepted medicine actually are, and how the foundations for the actual understanding of disease processes and their healing are often lacking. Official science lacks these foundations because what today claims validity, scientific validity, actually only wants to rely on the natural science that is generally used today. And this natural science, in turn, only believes it is walking securely with what it can determine in a mechanical, physical or chemical way in external nature. And it then applies what it finds through physics and chemistry about external natural processes to where it wants to come to an understanding of the human being. But even if a kind of concentration, microcosmic concentration of all world processes, is contained in the human being, the external physical and chemical processes in the human organism itself are never present in the form in which they take place outside in nature. Man takes up into himself the substances of the earth, which are not merely passive substances, but which are actually always imbued with natural processes and phenomena. A substance only appears on the surface to be something that is at rest. In reality, everything in the substance is alive and in motion. And so man also takes up into his organism these processes, this weaving and living, as they take place chemically and physically in nature, but he transforms it immediately in his organism, he makes it into something else in his organism. What becomes of the natural processes in the human organism can only be understood by truly and truly observing human beings. But today's natural science, by wanting to rely solely on the physical and chemical, actually excludes from its field of study what actually takes place in the human being as human, and also, for example, in the physical body of the human being as human. For nothing takes place in the physical body that is not at the same time influenced by etheric, astral or ego processes. But because natural science completely disregards these ego processes, these astral processes, this etheric life and weaving, it does not actually get anywhere near the human being. Therefore, this natural science cannot really look into the human interior in such a way that it can clearly see how the external chemical and physical processes in the human being then continue to work, how they continue to work in the healthy person, and how they continue to work in the sick person. But how can one judge the effect of a remedy in the right way if one cannot understand how some natural thing that we introduce into the organism, or with which we treat the organism, continues to work in the human organism. And so we can say that the greatest conceivable progress in the medical field in modern times has actually only been made in the field of surgery, where it is a matter of external, one might say mechanical, handling. On the other hand, in the field of actual therapy – not in my opinion, but precisely in the opinion of those doctors who have become aware of all this – there is great confusion because one cannot see the connection between any natural thing and its effect on the disease if one actually excludes the human being from scientific observation due to one's particular view of natural science. Now, since anthroposophy is based precisely on getting to know the human being in his innermost being, both insofar as he is a supersensible being and insofar as he is a sensual being, knowledge can also be gained from anthroposophy about treating people with these or those natural remedies in the event of illness. In fact, we are already faced with a certain limit to our knowledge in medicine if we only ask about the actual nature of the disease. What is the disease? Based on today's scientific knowledge, this question: What is the disease? — cannot be answered at all. Because, according to these scientific views, what is the sum of all the processes that take place in a healthy person? From the head, from the outermost end of the head to the last end of the toes on the foot, these are the natural processes. But what then are the processes that take place in the liver, kidneys, head, heart, wherever, during an illness? They are natural processes. Everything that is a healthy process is a natural process; everything that is a disease process is also a natural process. Why is it that, under the one kind of process, the human being is healthy and under the other kind of process, he is sick? The point is that one does not speak in generalities, speaking so nebulously: Well, the healthy natural processes are normal, the unhealthy natural processes are not normal. — There really comes “in due time”, when one knows nothing, “a word”! The problem is that if you only apply general natural science, as is common today, you approach the human being in such a way that you prefer not to approach the living human being at all, but rather the corpse. You take some piece of the organism here or there and imagine what healthy or diseased natural processes are taking place within it. And so you don't really care whether you take tissue from the head or the liver or the big toe or something like that. Everything can be traced back to the cell. Histology, the study of tissue, has actually become the most highly developed of all human studies. Well, if you go into the smallest parts and omit all the interrelationships of forces, then, just as all cows are grey in the dark, all organs in the human being are the same. But then you get a nocturnal “grey cow science”, not a real science that deals with the specificity of the individual organs in the human being. What must serve as the basis for this, I only dared to express a few years ago, although it has occupied me for more than thirty to thirty-five years now. But one usually only imagines that spiritual science comes to its results so easily. One need only look into the spiritual world and one would discover everything, whereas it is more difficult when one has to work in laboratories, in physics cabinets or in a clinic; there one must make an effort — at least that is what one thinks. In spiritual science, one only has to look into the world of the spirit and one can discover everything. But it is not like that. Especially conscientious spiritual research requires more effort and, above all, more responsibility than working in a laboratory or at a clinic or an observatory. And so it is that although the first conception of what I now want to briefly indicate in principle was before me about thirty-five years ago, I was only able to express it a few years ago, after everything had been processed and, above all, verified in the context of the entire official natural science of the present day. And it was precisely under the influence of these principles about the structure of the human being that the therapeutic current within our anthroposophical movement came into being. We must not forget that, even when we have a person before us in their physical form, we must distinguish three distinct limbs. These three different limbs can be named in a variety of ways. However, the best way to approach them is to characterize them by saying that the human being has, as the one system of their physical being, the nerve-sense system, which is mainly localized in the head. The human being has a second system, the rhythmic system; this includes breathing and blood circulation. But it also includes, for example, the rhythmic activities of digestion and so on. This is the second system of the human being. And the third system of the human being is the connection between the movement system, the limb system and the actual metabolic system. This connection will be immediately clear to you when you consider that it is precisely through the movement of the limbs that the metabolism is promoted, and that actually the limbs are always connected with the metabolic organs in a very organic way. Anatomy will also show you this immediately. Just see how the legs continue inwardly into the metabolic organs and how the arms also continue inwardly. So that we can distinguish three systems in the human being: the nerve-sense system, localized mainly in the head; the rhythmic system, localized mainly in the chest, around the heart; and the metabolic-limb system, localized mainly in the limbs and the attached metabolic organs. But we must not imagine this human anatomy in the way that a professor once did in an attempt to discredit the anthroposophical movement. He did not try to penetrate what was actually meant by this structure, but he tried to blacken this structure of the human being and said: These anthroposophists claim that the human being consists of three systems, the head, the trunk - chest and stomach - and the limbs. Yes, of course, you can immediately ridicule a thing in this way. For it is not the case that the nervous-sensory system is only in the head. It is mainly in the head, but it then extends over the whole organism, so that the human being has spread his head organization over the whole organism. Similarly, the rhythmic system extends up and down over the whole organism. Man is thus, again, a rhythmic system in space, and also a metabolic-limb system. When you move your eyes, the eyes are limbs. These systems are not juxtaposed in space, but are structured into one another. They are interlocking, and one must become accustomed to precise thinking if one wants to properly assess this structure of the human being. Now the two systems, the first and the third, the nervous sense system and the limb metabolism system, are actually polar opposites. What the one produces, the other destroys; what the other destroys, the one produces. So they work in completely opposite ways. And the middle system, the rhythmic system, establishes the relationship between the two. There is a kind of oscillation between the two, so that a harmony can always take place between the destruction of one system and the building of the other. If we consider the metabolic system, for example, the metabolic system naturally works with its greatest intensity in the human abdomen. But what is going on in the human abdomen must evoke a polar opposite activity in the human head, in the nerve-sense system, if the human being is to be healthy. Now, if you imagine that this intense activity, which is actually the activity of the human digestive system, extends to the nerve-sense system due to its intensity being too strong and too great, so that the activity which should actually be in the metabolic system, encroaches on the nerve-sense system, then you have two, albeit natural processes, for my sake, but you can immediately see how the one natural process becomes abnormal. It just belongs in the metabolic system, and it breaks through, as it were, into the nerve-sense system. This is how the various forms of a disease arise that is treated by medicine today as a somewhat neglected disease, but, I would say, by a large part of humanity as a less neglected disease, because these various forms of the disease are known everywhere. This is how what is known as the various forms of migraine arises. And in order to understand migraine in its various forms, one must grasp this process, which, in its intensity, as it is there, is supposed to take place in the metabolic system and which breaks through into the nervous sense system, so that the nerves and the senses themselves are treated in such a way that the metabolism shoots into them instead of remaining in its actual place. The reverse can take place. The process that is supposed to be most intense in the nerve-sense system, which is quite contrary to the metabolic process, can in turn break through in a certain way after the metabolic system. So that in the metabolic system, instead of there being only a very subordinate nerve-sense process, an intensified nerve-sense process takes place, so that, as it were, what belongs to the head breaks through and occurs in the abdomen, head activity thus occurs in the abdomen. When this happens, the dangerous disease of abdominal typhus arises in the person. Thus, by thoroughly understanding this threefold human being, we can see how the process of illness develops out of the healthy process in the human organism. If our head, with its nervous-sense system, were not organized as it is, we could never have typhoid fever. If our abdomen were not organized as it is, we could never have migraine. But the activity of the head should remain in the head, and the activity of the abdomen in the abdomen. If they break through, then these types of disease arise. And as with these two particularly characteristic forms of disease, one can point to other forms of disease that always arise from a certain activity that belongs to a certain organ system asserting itself in a different place, in a different organ system. If you proceed only anatomically, you see how the smallest parts are arranged in the organism's tissue. But you do not see this effect of polar opposite activity. You can only study the nerve cell to see that it is organized in the opposite way to, say, the liver cell. If you can see the whole organism in such a way that it appears to you in its threefold structure, then you also notice how the nerve cell is a cell that constantly wants to dissolve, that constantly wants to be broken down if it is to be healthy, and how a liver cell is something that constantly wants to be built up if it is to be healthy. These are polar activities. They interact in the right way when they are properly distributed in the organism, and they interact in the wrong way when they penetrate each other. The rhythmic system is in the middle and always wants to create a balance between the opposing polar activities of the nervous-sensory system and the metabolic-limb system. I would now like to select a specific example to give you a sense of how – I can of course only discuss it in aphorisms – we can find the relationship between the healing agent taken from nature and its forces and the forces of illness and health at work within the human being. ![]() Let us turn our attention to a very specific ore found in nature, the so-called antimony ore. Antimony has an extraordinarily interesting property when you look at it externally. It forms in nature in such a way that, so to speak, skewers arise, rod-shaped, spear-like structures that lie next to each other, so that one finds the antimony ore in nature in such a way that, if I draw it schematically, one could draw it something like this. It grows almost like a mineral moss or a mineral lichen. You can see that, to a certain extent, this mineral wants to arrange itself in thread-like form. It can be seen even more clearly how this mineral, this ore, wants to arrange itself in thread-like form when it is subjected to a certain physical-chemical process. Then it becomes even more fibrillar. It arranges itself in very thin fibers. But what is particularly significant is what happens when this antimony is subjected to a certain kind of combustion process. You get a white smoke that can attach itself to walls and then become shiny, mirror-like.* This is called antimony mirror. It is not very well respected today, but it was used a great deal in ancient medicine, precisely because of the ancient knowledge from which I have repeatedly spoken to you in the morning lectures. This antimony mirror, that is, what develops only from the combustion process and can be deposited on walls, making them shiny as glass, is something extraordinarily important. Another property is added to all this. I will just emphasize this: If you subject antimony to certain electrolytic processes and bring it to the so-called electrolytic cathode, you only need to exert a small influence on the cathode after you have brought the antimony and subjected it to the electrolytic process, and you get a small antimony explosion. In short, this antimony has the most interesting properties imaginable. If we introduce a certain moderate dosage of antimony into the human organism, we can study the various processes to see how the same forces that behave as I have described in antimony actually do experience their continuation in the human organism, and how they take on all kinds of forms of force and all kinds of forms of action there. These forms of activity – I cannot, of course, go into the details and evidence here, I just want to briefly sketch out the inner connections – these processes that occur in the human organism are particularly strong, for example, wherever blood coagulates. So they strengthen and promote blood clotting. But if we now examine the human organism using methods that also belong to the threefold structure of the human organism, which gradually allow us to look into the human being and recognize how the individual systems in the various organs behave, if we look into the human organism in this way, we find that what lives in antimony does not merely live outside in the mineral antimony, but that it is actually a context of forces that lives in the human organism itself, that is always present in the human organism, in a healthy organism, and that it also takes on forms in the sick human organism, as I have explained to you now. This antimony process, I would like to say, which is present in the human organism itself, is polar opposite to another process. It is opposed to the process that occurs wherever the plastically active forces, for example the cell-forming forces, the cell-rounding forces, occur, where that which actually forms the cell substance of the human organism occurs. I would like to call these forces, because they are preferably contained in the protein substance, for example, the albuminizing forces. And so we have in the human organism the forces that we find outside in nature, in antimony in particular, when we subject the antimony to combustion, for example, and bring it up to the antimony level. The forces that work outside in the antimony, we also have them working in the human organism. But we also have the opposite forces at work, the albuminizing forces, which bring the antimony forces to a standstill, remove them. These two systems of forces, the albumino- and antimonio-metallizing forces, now counteract each other in such a way that they must be in a certain equilibrium in the human organism. It must now be recognized that, for example, the process which I described to you earlier in principle and which underlies abdominal typhus, is essentially due to the fact that the equilibrium between these two systems of forces is disturbed. In order to gain a true insight into the human organism, we need to be able to draw on what I have just discussed from a wide range of perspectives – albeit non-medical – in these morning lectures during this course. We have seen how the human being not only has this physical body, but also an etheric or formative forces body, an astral body, an ego organization. And just yesterday I was able to explain to you how the physical body and the formative forces body, on the one hand, and the I and the astral body, on the other, are intimately connected, but how the astral body and the formative forces body or ether body are more loosely connected, because they separate every night. This connection, which consists of the interplay of the forces of the astral body and the etheric body, is now radically disturbed in abdominal typhus. In the case of abdominal typhus, the astral body becomes weak and is unable to work intensively into the physical body because it works for itself, causing a preponderance that effectively pushes down the nerve-sense organization, which is mainly subject to the astral body. Instead of being transformed into the metabolic organization, it remains as such, as astral activity. The astral body works for itself. It does not properly work into the ether body. This is how the symptoms of the disease arise, which give the symptoms of typhoid fever. Now, what occurs in antimony is that the antimony, so to speak, denies its mineral nature, becomes crystallized in a bourgeois way, that even the antimony mirror, where it is deposited, appears like snow flowers on a window, thus also showing the inner crystallization power as in nature, this crystallization power This crystallization power, which becomes active in antimony, works when we process it in the appropriate way as a medicine and introduce it into the organism, so that it supports this organism, so that it can push its astral body with its forces in the right way into the etheric body, and bring these bodies back into the right relationship. With the remedy made from antimony in the appropriate way, we support the process that is opposed to the typhoid process. And in this way, with the antimony remedy in particular – to which, depending on whether the disease takes this or that course, other substances must be added, which in turn have a similar relationship to the human organism – one can fight the disease with this remedy, to which other substances are added, disease by stimulating and supporting the processes in the organism, so that it develops its own, I might say antimonizing power, which then tends to bring about the right rhythm in the interaction of the etheric body and the astral body. Thus, anthroposophical observation leads us to see the relationship between what works outside in nature, in natural things, as I have shown you with the example of antimony, and what works inside the human organism. You can follow these albuminous forces, which have a plastic, rounding effect, and the forces that work along lines, right into the germ cell. For those who have really acquired knowledge in this field – however unpleasant it is for them to say so, because they know that they will arouse the hatred and antipathy of the corresponding people – and who can see into the workings of the human organism, the otherwise truly most wonderful microscopic examinations of the ovum, of the germ cell, seem extraordinarily amateurish. They observe the ovum as such on the outside, the development of the so-called centrosomes – you can read about this in any embryology book – without knowing how these albuminizing forces, which also control the whole organism, work in opposition, polar opposition to the antimonizing forces. The rounding of the ovum as such is caused by the albumino-coagulating force; the centrosomes after fertilization are caused by the antimonio-coagulating processes. But this happens in the whole human body. And by preparing the remedy in the right way and knowing, through the diagnosis, where the human organism needs support, we supply the human organism with the forces it needs to counteract a disease process. By introducing anthroposophical perspectives into medicine, we are actually achieving the goal of considering the real and correct relationship between the macrocosm, the whole world, and the human being. And just as I have pointed out antimony to you – I would of course have to say a lot about antimony if I wanted to discuss it scientifically in detail now, but I just want to hint at the principles – and the processes that it can bring forth, that it has within it when it is treated in one way or another, I could now for example, I could also show you the whole behavior within nature and its processes, let us say for that which is called quartz as a mineral, silicic acid, silicea, which is mixed with granite as one of its components, which crystallizes transparently in its deposits and is so hard that it can no longer be scratched with a knife, and is precisely a component of granite. If this substance is treated in a certain way, when it is administered to the organism – in the right dosage, of course, which must be determined by diagnosis – it acquires the property of supporting whatever is to take effect in the nerve-sense system, whatever the organism is to muster in the nerve-sense system as the inherent forces of this nerve-sense system. So that one can say: what the senses are actually supposed to do, one supports when one administers this remedy, which is prepared from silicon, from quartz, to the person in the right way. One must then, depending on the secondary symptoms, add other substances, but in the main it is about the effect of what lies in the silicic acid formation process. When this silicic acid formation process is introduced into the human organism, it supports an activity in the nerve-sense system that is too weak. It then has the right strength. Now, when this nerve-sense activity becomes too weak, the digestive activity breaks through to the head. Migraine-like conditions arise. If we now support the sense activity, the nerve sense activity in the right way with a remedy that has been produced in the right way from silicic acid, from quartz, Silicea, then the nerve sense system in the migraine patient becomes so strong that it can in turn push back the broken-through digestive process. ![]() I am, of course, presenting these things to you somewhat crudely, but you will see what is important from this. It is essential to really understand the healthy and sick human organism, not only in terms of its cellular composition, but also in terms of the forces that act in the same sense or in a polar or rhythmic way in this human organism, in order to then seek out that which can combat this or that pathological process in the human organism when it is at work in nature. Thus, for example, we can find how the process contained in phosphorus is a process in the external nature that, when introduced into the human organism, has a supportive effect on a certain kind of internal inability of the human organism: namely, when the human organism, in relation to certain forces that should always be at work within it when it is healthy, becomes incapable of allowing these forces to work in the right way, when it has too little strength to allow certain forces to work within it that are actually a kind of organic combustion process that is always present when substances are transformed in the human organism. Organic combustion processes occur with every movement, with everything that a person does, even with those things that are done internally. Now, the human organism can become too weak to regulate these organic combustion processes in the right way. They must be inhibited in a certain way. If they are not inhibited enough, they develop in a vehement way. The organic combustion processes actually always have an immeasurable, unlimited intensity by themselves, otherwise there would immediately be too much fatigue here or there, or one would not be able to get any further than a moving person. These organic combustion processes actually have, I want to say, unlimited intensity, and the organism must continually have the possibility to inhibit them. If these inhibiting forces are absent, either in an organ system or in the whole organism, if the organism has become too weak to inhibit its organic combustion processes in the right way, then tuberculosis arises in its most diverse forms. I would say that it is only through this organic powerlessness, through this inability to inhibit the combustion processes, that the suitable breeding ground for the bacilli is created; these can then be found on this breeding ground. Nothing should be said here against the bacillus theory. The bacillus theory is very useful. From the different way in which the bacilli appear here or there, one naturally recognizes various things; for diagnosis, an extraordinary amount can be recognized from it. It is not my intention to speak out against official medicine, but rather to continue it where it reaches certain limits. And it can be continued by applying the aspects of anthroposophy to it. If phosphorus is now added to the organism, these abilities to inhibit the organic combustion processes are supported. However, it must be taken into account that this inhibition can originate from a wide variety of organ systems. If, for example, it originates from the system that works primarily in the bones, then the phosphorus effect in the human organism must be supported by specializing it, so to speak, specifically for the bone side. This is done by combining the phosphorus remedy with calcium or calcium salt in some way that is revealed by a more precise study of the matter. If the patient has tuberculosis of the small intestine, some copper compounds will be added to the phosphorus in the correct dosage. If the patient has pulmonary tuberculosis, iron, for example, will be added to the phosphorus. But then, because pulmonary tuberculosis is an extremely complicated disease, other admixtures may also be considered under certain circumstances. So you can see that the possibility of a real therapy is based on how the chemical and physical processes in the human organism continue, how they continue to work inside. Official medicine often starts from the view that just as the antimony forces work out there in antimony, so they also work in the human organism. That is not the case. We must be clear about how these processes continue to work in the human organism. And that can be seen in particular if we apply the actually anthroposophical insights to the experiments at issue. As we saw with antimony and its powers, antimony establishes the rhythm between the astral body and the etheric body or formative forces body. In the case of the forces at work in silicic acid, quartz, and quartz, in the silicea, can be seen to be particularly suitable for establishing the correct relationship between the ego and the astral body when it is disturbed, in order to have a healing effect on the nervous and sensory system. While it is the case with lime – especially with the lime used from the lime secretions of animals – that you get remedies that establish the right relationship between the formative forces body and the physical body. So one can say: The correct view of the human being leads one to use lime or similar substances, namely substances secreted by the animal organism, such as oyster shells, to restore the right relationship when it is disturbed, which always manifests itself in physical processes, in disease processes. To restore the right relationship between the etheric body and the physical body. In the preparation of remedies, one must reflect on this in the case of such chalky or similar secretions. If one is dealing with an arrhythmic interaction between the formative body and the astral body, one must pay attention to such things as are present, for example, in antimony, but also in numerous other metals, but especially in the components that of the plants, that is to say, they are particularly strong in the leaves and in the trunk, while those forces that correspond to the phosphorus process are preferably contained in the flower organs of the plants, and those processes that correspond to the silica process are contained in the root organs of the plants. So that one can also find the relationship between the forces that are in the different parts of the plants. The root forces have a definite affinity and relationship to the human head and nervous-sense system. The leaf and stem organs have a special relationship to the rhythmic system and the flower organs have a special relationship to the abdominal, metabolic system. Therefore, if one often wants to help the digestive, metabolic system in a simple way, it is often enough simply by choosing certain flower organs to make into tea, after having diagnosed in the right way. In this way one helps the digestive organs. While one must extract the salts of the roots through a special extraction process if one wants to obtain a remedy that acts particularly on the nerve-sense process, on the head organs, for example. And so, on the one hand, you have to understand nature and, on the other hand, the human organism. Then you can really find the remedies in nature in such a way that you can see how the two things are connected, that you don't just have to try clinically: “How does it work?” and then, you see, you make a series of cases and you note that ninety or seventy per cent of them show some favorable result, and that you were mistaken in forty cases. Then you treat the matter statistically and according to whether the statistics favor this or that, you regard it as a remedy or not as a remedy. I can only deal with these things briefly and aphoristically in order to show you how, without falling into amateurism or medical sectarianism, a strictly scientific approach can be taken to deal with disease processes using remedies that come from human observation. Just as important as recognizing the right natural substance and natural process to be processed into a remedy is the particular way in which it is used. Precisely because one can act either on the nerve-sense system, in order to bring about recovery in the indicated manner from it in the right way, or on the rhythmic system, or on the metabolic-limb system, precisely because one must act on these individual systems, it is important, it is essential to also know how the method of treatment is to be administered. Because almost every remedy can be used in three different ways. Either it is introduced into the human being through the mouth into the stomach and so on, so in the way the human being takes in the remedy, one counts on the human being's metabolism, on the metabolic system and on how the metabolic system then affects the other systems. Therefore, there are remedies that are used in this way in particular: they are introduced to the human being through the mouth and stomach and so on. But then there are also remedies that, in the most eminent sense, have to be used in such a way that they already affect the rhythmic system through the way they are used. In this respect, antimony is particularly suited to finding the right treatment method for this point. This is where injections and injection methods come in. And the remedy that is inoculated into the blood, or is otherwise injected, is the one that is counted on to have an effect on the rhythmic process of the human being. For those remedies used in baths and ointments, or even where it is a matter of treating the human organism externally and mechanically, for example in massage processes or similar, where the aim is to apply the remedy or the healing process to the person in a more external way, it is assumed that the healing method will act on the nerve-sense system. And so, in turn, one can work through any other system in a variety of ways to achieve the healing process. Let us assume we have Silicea, a quartz. It makes a difference whether we have a remedy that we prepare and that is to be taken orally, or whether it is injected. If we assume that it is taken orally, we want to introduce the quartz processes through the digestive system by way of how it is processed in the digestive system and the digestive system in turn sends forces into the nerve-sense system. But if we expect that they should be sent more into the nervous-sense system, by inserting them into the blood organism, the respiratory rhythm, whereby in turn healing can take place indirectly through this rhythm, if we thus intend this, then we inject. If we intend to bring any aromatic-ethereal substance, such as that contained in a plant blossom, to bear through the digestive organ, we make a tea that we introduce into the stomach through the mouth. If we want to work by bringing the essential oil, which has an aromatic effect on the nerve-sense system, directly into effect or through the nerve-sense system on the rhythmic process, then we make some kind of bath out of the juices of these flowers, by adding the juice of these flowers to the water and preparing a bath out of it. There we act on the nerve-sense system. And so you see how the healing effect also depends on the way the individual substances are treated in relation to the human being. All these things will only come to light in a truly transparent way when anthroposophical knowledge is applied more and more to the relationship between the effects of nature and the human being, when, in other words, anthroposophy reveals which remedies should be used and how they should be used on the human being.In order to achieve something in this way, our clinical-therapeutic institutes with their corresponding laboratories and other enterprises have been founded by physicians who have joined our anthroposophical movement, so that on the one hand remedies and healing methods can be tried out, and on the other hand the remedies can be produced. We have such clinical and chemical-pharmaceutical institutes in Arlesheim near Dornach and in Stuttgart. In particular, the Clinical Therapeutic Institute in Arlesheim should be mentioned, which is under the excellent leadership of Dr. Wegman, who has a particularly beneficial effect on this institute because she has what I would call the courage to heal. For it is precisely when one looks into the complexity of the natural processes from which the healing processes are to be drawn, on the one hand, and into the tremendous complexity of the health and disease processes in the human being, on the other, when one is confronted with this immense field – and one is always confronted with this immense field, even if one only has a certain number of patients – then healing requires courage. An International Pharmaceutical Laboratory is affiliated to this Arlesheim Institute, where the remedies are produced. Today they can be used all over the world, if only the right ways and means are sought. The laboratory produces the means; people just have to find the means and ways to the laboratory, that is the point. People have to find the right means and ways to get to the remedies. The work is not done in an amateurish way, nor is today's science denied; rather, today's science is only continued. Once this knowledge has taken root in the broadest circles, we can be truly unconcerned about the success of such a movement as the International Pharmaceutical Laboratory in Arlesheim. But it is difficult to really bring to bear in the world a therapy based on a full understanding of the human being, with its remedies, in the face of today's purely materialistic direction. Here one would actually have to count on the insight of every person who cares about the health of their fellow human beings. Now, by first pointing out what can be achieved through natural remedies and their appropriate use, it is of course not ruled out what can be achieved by taking a more spiritual-soul approach to healing. In this area, particularly fruitful observations are made. If we now look at the hygienic-therapeutic aspect, which must always be included in a proper education, we see how the way we affect children's souls and spirits through teaching – when I give educational lectures, I discuss these things – can have the most diverse healing and pathogenic effects, perhaps not immediately, but over the course of the life process. I will mention just one. For example, the teacher can proceed in the right way with regard to the child's memory by not expecting too much or too little of him. If he proceeds wrongly, if he demands too much of the memory in the eighth, ninth, tenth, or eleventh year of life, if he does not have the right pedagogical tact in this direction, then what the soul must accomplish in an excessive memory activity, in an artificially cultivated memory activity, will later in life express itself as all kinds of physical illnesses. A connection can be demonstrated between diabetes and incorrect memory methods in teaching. While, on the other hand, the disruption of memory in another way can certainly affect the child in an unfavorable way. I can only mention this in principle, because time is already so very advanced. But from this one can see how not only health and illness are affected by natural remedies, but how the soul itself works in a very special way for health and illness. And from there, we can also find our way to those methods where we try to bring about healing processes through purely spiritual-soul influences from person to person, which I cannot describe in detail today, of course, due to the limited time. But it is very easy to fall prey to amateurism in this area. One can, for example, entertain the belief that so-called mental illnesses are most easily cured by spiritual influences. Mental illnesses are characterized by the fact that it is actually almost impossible to reach the patient on a soul-spiritual level. That is precisely the case with so-called mental illnesses: the soul closes itself off to external influences. But one will always find that especially in the so-called mental illnesses, which actually go by their name wrongly, physical disease processes are present somewhere hidden. Before dabbling in mental illnesses, one should actually correctly diagnose the physical source of the disease, which is sometimes very hidden, and then one will be able to work charitably by healing the physical organism. In the case of physical illnesses, it will be much more a matter of helping through all kinds of spiritual and psychological influences, which are usually applied in a very amateurish way today – I don't want to go into that now. In this respect, much blessing can be bestowed in this regard, in many ways the external process, which is to be brought about by remedies and the like, can be supported. I can only hint at this. The methods based on anthroposophy certainly do not exclude therapeutic influences of soul and spirit, but include them. We prove this by the fact that at the Clinical Therapeutic Institute in Arlesheim-Dornach, in addition to physical healing methods, you can find so-called eurythmy therapy. This eurythmy therapy consists of transforming what you see here as artistic eurythmy in the moving human being, in the human being in his or her structure, but moving in space, transforming the vocalizing in such a way that the person moves in healthy movements, but ones that are derived from eurythmy, that one applies the vocalizing movements in such a way that one supports precisely the forces that I mentioned earlier as the albuminizing forces in the person. While the consonantizing forces support the antimonisizing forces in many ways. In this way, consonant and vowel eurythmy therapy can work together to restore the balance between these two types of forces. And it can be seen, especially when things are done properly, not in a dilettantish way, how other healing processes, especially chronic illnesses, can be greatly supported by this eurythmy therapy. This eurythmy therapy is actually based on the fact that spiritual and mental processes are evoked by what a person performs with the limbs of his body. If we know which movements arise spontaneously in a healthy human organism, then we can also find the corresponding movements that have a healing effect when we work back from the limbs, from human movement, to the processes of the internal organs. At the Clinical-Therapeutic Institute in Arlesheim, for example, it is possible to seek out this eurythmy therapy and see how it can be a special branch within the whole healing process, which can be found on anthroposophical ground, based on real human knowledge. It would, of course, be going too far to go into details in this area in particular. The principle is actually given in what I have presented. So it has just happened that we have had to develop this therapeutic current within the anthroposophical movement in the most diverse ways because, so to speak, medical experts have approached us. It has arisen out of the conditions of our time. It has been demanded, so to speak, by present-day civilization. Anthroposophy has basically only given the answers to questions that were put to it. Today I have only been able to give you an aphoristic account of the principles; more is not possible in this already all too long time. And if I wanted to explain just a few things so that it would be, I would like to say, in its entirety, then I would have to do something similar to what I rejected the day before yesterday in the eurythmic lecture; I would have to invite you to stay overnight and listen to me until tomorrow morning, when we would then come together for tomorrow's morning lecture. This is something that can make people ill, and surely no one who wants to talk about healing can make people ill in this way! So it is better to send them home to a good night's sleep with a shorter presentation. |
319. Anthroposophical Medical Theory and Human Knowledge: Second Lecture
02 Sep 1923, London Rudolf Steiner |
Movements take place in the external world, but the underlying organization of these movements tends inwards, just as the nerve-sense organization tends outwards. We therefore find that under the influence of the predominant nervous-sensory organization, the child may experience processes that can be summarized under the name of exudative diathesis, loosening of the tissues, which in children can actually occur quite generally in the organism. |
Therefore, I may perhaps also, I would like to say, give somewhat more daring descriptions, in that I absolutely assume that, as I said, I understand all the opposition and it is perfectly understandable to me that even a kind of unease could assert itself in the face of these things, which could even seem fantastic. |
319. Anthroposophical Medical Theory and Human Knowledge: Second Lecture
02 Sep 1923, London Rudolf Steiner |
Of course, my first words must be, dear assembled guests, that I apologize for not being able to speak to you in your language, but that I will speak to you in German, which will have to be translated, and therefore the listening will have to be somewhat laborious for the esteemed audience. But since I do not speak English well enough to give a lecture, it will have to be like this. I am very grateful to some friends, especially Mrs. Larkins, that I am now able to speak to you on these evenings about something that has emerged in our spiritual scientific movement has emerged as a kind of medical movement, not, I would ask you to bear this in mind, in any sense of opposition to official science or official medicine, but with the intention of furthering the great insights and great advances in present-day science by means of spiritual-scientific contemplation. Even within the spiritual science movement, which, before such scientific currents came into their own, was more concerned with general human, artistic, religious, moral, educational questions and the like, it was not the case that the intention to become active in the medical field in an agitative way, but that doctors were also to be found in this spiritual-scientific movement on the continent who, despite their thoroughly scientific convictions, initially believed that they could satisfy their soul needs within this spiritual-scientific movement. And what they encountered there as a kind of exploration of the spiritual world beyond the physical-sensory world simply led them, little by little, to believe that many of the great doubts, many of the great questions that arise for the practical doctor within contemporary medical science can find satisfactory, I will not say immediate solutions, but satisfactory continuations precisely in this field. And so a medical movement on the continent has grown out of our so-called anthroposophical spiritual scientific movement. I must say that I do not really speak with particular fondness about this part of our spiritual scientific movement, because you will see from the course of the descriptions that it is more important to me to produce remedies that are actually effective than to talk about them a lot. But what I want to assert here is based, above all, on foundations that need to be pointed out, that need to be pointed out to the scientifically educated people of today. I can well imagine – and I am familiar with all the sources from which such things arise – that you are indeed experiencing opposition after opposition to what I will have to say. I fully understand these contradictions. And actually it cannot be otherwise today, when it comes to the scientific convictions of a physician, that such contradictions arise. Therefore, our first concern was not to advocate anything theoretically, but to start with practical work. And so the wishes of physicians and other scientific physicists, chemists and biologists were taken into account by founding scientific institutes, scientific research institutes. The most important of these is the Chemical-Pharmaceutical Laboratory in Arlesheim. And in connection with this, there is a biological and a physical institute within our movement. The fact that we are really concerned with serious research may be gathered from the fact that, for example, very important work has already been done in our biological institute, although the existence of this institute is actually only a very short one. We have, in my opinion, succeeded in the Biological Institute, which is under the direction of Dr. and Mrs. Kolisko, at least to a high degree of probability, in elucidating the functions of the spleen , and in fact in the direction that we must see in the spleen function a regulation of those irregularities that arise in the rhythmic digestive process, in that man cannot eat completely in rhythm. And even if, for my part, he were to organize his meals in a very pedantic, exactly pedantic way, there would still be an interruption of the digestive rhythm due to the different choice of food and the like. And then the remarkable thing turns out to be that the function of the spleen consists precisely in balancing the rhythmic disturbances of the human digestive process, which must be produced precisely by the life of the human being. Recently, we have succeeded – as described in a paper that has just been published – in providing real proof at the Biological Institute that the smallest entities of different substances do in fact have effects. This is not intended to advocate for any particular school of medical thought. Precisely when one proceeds exactly in this field, one finds that one area must be treated in the corresponding manner with correspondingly larger quantities, but the other area of the human organism must be treated with the smallest quantities. So far, there has basically only been the homeopathic belief in this field, no exact research. It now seems that we have actually succeeded in proving in a very exact way that certain substances, for example antimony compounds, act on the growth of wheat grains in a different way when they are very highly diluted than when the dilution is further increased. If you continue to further dilute, you always end up with a rhythmic pattern of maxima and minima. We have done everything to prove, with full responsibility in this area, that dilutions even in the ratio of one to a trillion have vital effects. We germinated grains of wheat, which we had very carefully selected according to their germination intensities, in liquids in which we had the appropriately diluted substances, so that through the very conscientious way in which, I believe, Mrs. Kolisko works, what previously, I would like to say, could only have been presented as an amateur belief has actually been put on a scientific basis. I mention this only in the introduction for the reason of showing that we do not want to proceed in an unscientific way, as happens in an amateurish way. The spiritual-scientific insights are indeed gained through spiritual vision, which I will not talk about in detail; this happens in the discussions that I give elsewhere. The great guidelines are indeed gained through spiritual insight, and through this spiritual insight I believe that I have succeeded in bringing about the possibility of being able to formulate the connection of the inner human organization with the constitution not only of natural substances not only of natural substances but, above all, of natural processes, so that the deep gulf that really exists today between pathology and therapy can be bridged by this method. So that in the future we will actually be able to have a pathology that merges into therapy by itself, because by looking at both the healthy organism and, in particular, the diseased organism, we will be able to discover exactly how – I will explain this today in a few examples explain in a few examples – not only of substances that have arisen outside the human organism, but also of processes that have taken place outside the human organism, whether in nature or in the laboratory, can be used to heal within the human organism. And it is the therapeutic aspect that is most important to us. We know very well that pathology is actually more advanced today than it itself knows. Today, pathology is something that can be taken up at any of its points and taken a step further. While there is indeed a deep gulf between the insight that exists with regard to the structure, the histology of organs, and how the actual remedy works in the human organism. Today we do not even fully understand the ordinary process of nutrition, which, I believe, is much more wisely designed by instinct than it could ever be designed by a scientific theory, let alone the exact relationships that exist between substances and between the functioning of these substances within the human organism, and outside both in nature and in those processes that can be carried out in the laboratory. I have been led to believe that after more than thirty years of research, I have been able to determine that the most important thing in order to understand the human being in his or her entire constitution is to determine the fundamental difference between three different ways of functioning in the human organism. So I have learned to distinguish between three ways in which the human organism functions. I have divided this threefold functioning – I would like to say that, of course, all things are in a state of becoming – first, in the broadest sense, into the nerve-sense process. I include everything that is connected with the functioning of the senses in the broadest sense and the nerves that are connected with them in some way in this first part. I now distinguish from this all those processes that are rhythmic in the human organism. And again, as a third step, I distinguish from these two processes those that are metabolic and motional processes. The metabolic and motional processes are, of course, intimately related; every internal and external movement of the human organism is in intimate contact with a metabolic process and can actually only be considered in connection with this as a function. These three types of function in the human organism are fundamentally different from each other, so much so that what I understand to be the processes of the nervous-sensory life is even polar oppositely opposed to the processes that can be summarized as motor and metabolic processes. So that, for example, if we have any process in the metabolism, this process - and in fact every process in the metabolism - gives rise to a polar opposite process in the nerve-sense apparatus. The rhythmic processes are then the balance between the two. Now it is a matter of finding the real differences between these processes. First of all, I would like to point out that a more precise insight into the human organism shows – I can of course only sketch these things in the short time available – that when we are dealing with the nerve-sense organization, we are essentially dealing with the effect of the substantial, the various substances in the human organism. So if we are considering something that is purely within the sense organization or the nerve organization, the essential thing for our consideration is that we know the relationship between some substance that we have in the world around us and that which, in turn, is found substantially in the course of the nerve-sense process. If we are dealing with a metabolic process that is connected with a movement process, then what comes into consideration above all is not the substantial of what we find in the human environment, but the processes at work in the substantial. I would like to look at this from the other side. If it is a matter of being able to determine that there is a focus of disease in the nerve-sense apparatus, then I will have to investigate which substances can be considered as healing factors – we will discuss the details later. If, however, the aim is to heal a disease process in the musculoskeletal or digestive system, then it is important to investigate which process must be present, either as a natural process or as a laboratory process in the processing of substances, in order to transform the substances in question into remedies. To give a specific example, which I will discuss in more detail later, let us assume that we are trying to determine the healing power of antimony. We will have to distinguish the healing power of antimony in relation to everything that has its source in the human nervous-sense apparatus. In this case, we would be dealing with the substance of antimony. If we are concerned with observing the healing effect of antimony on the motor system and the associated metabolic system, then we are concerned with subjecting antimony to such processes, combustion processes, oxidation processes, where the antimony rises as smoke and the smoke settles as a mirror*, and we will have to expect the success of this remedy from the correct execution of these processes. So that we can actually always say, quite fundamentally: we should seek the substances, the healing factors in the environment of the human being for the nerve-sense system. We should look at the processes that we either bring about ourselves or that nature brings about, as the healing ones for the metabolic and movement processes in the human organism. Since these two processes are polar opposites, the rhythmic, everything rhythmic, above all the respiratory rhythm, the circulation rhythm, the digestive rhythms, the other rhythms in the human being, the rhythm of sleeping and waking in the human being, these now have a mediating, balancing effect, so that in those processes that relate to the organs of the rhythmic organization of the human being, it is now also seen again in the production of remedies, in the interaction that will result from the preparation of the effective substance and the effective processes that one lets nature bring about or brings about oneself. This only discusses a few fundamentals. I would then like to discuss the spoken word. After discussing the fundamentals today, I will take the liberty tomorrow of discussing some of our remedies that are produced in the pharmaceutical laboratory in Arlesheim and that are tried out in the associated clinic, which is under the excellent direction of Dr. Wegman, who is also present. From the very beginning, I was in favour of spiritual science only providing the guidelines, but not producing remedies, otherwise we would have our laboratories in connection with the clinic, so that it could actually be verified at the bedside in the clinic. If we consider the differentiation of the human being in the processes of the nervous-sensory system, the rhythmic system and the metabolic-movement system, we must then find out how the human being is constituted in such a way that these three systems, although quite distinct from each other in terms of their functioning, permeate every part of the human organization. This is a less convenient way of looking at the human being than the usual one. In the usual approach, one takes any organ or part of an organ, looks at it histologically or in terms of cell anatomy, and so on. Here it is necessary to distinguish, for each organ, the extent to which the nerve-sense process, the rhythmic process, and the metabolic-movement process are involved in the functioning of that organ. For all three forms are now involved in every human organ. Only when we go more to the actual sensory tools of the human being, then the nerve-sense process predominates, and the rhythmic process and the metabolic-movement process recede into the background. But if we are dealing with the metabolic-movement process, then only this metabolic process actually predominates in it. But there is nothing in the metabolic and locomotor system that is not permeated by the processes of the nervous sense system, which are subordinate here. And it is the same in the rhythmic system. Now one can see through the whole human organization if one can have before one, for a really inner observation, the corresponding functioning in the organ. Let us say, for example, that we are dealing with some part of the brain. It must now be possible to see whether the two opposing activities of the organ are present in the right proportions: nerve-sense activity, metabolic-movement activity, and whether the rhythmic system functions in a corresponding way between the two, balancing them out. Roughly speaking, this is quite different in the case of the head organs than, for example, in the case of the digestive organs. But on the other hand, it can be seen how, precisely through this, a more exact knowledge of the human being is attained, both in a substantial and in a functional sense, in relation to his environment, and thus a connection between pathology and therapy. Let us consider this with a single example. A disease that is perhaps less appreciated among serious illnesses, but which can be quite troublesome for some people, and for many people it really is troublesome – I would like to highlight it as an example – is catarrhus aestivus, which affects a great many people during a particular season. And to understand the underlying process, the following is actually necessary. First of all, it must be clear that in childhood, and especially in early childhood, the whole structure of the three systems just mentioned is different than in later life. In childhood, we are dealing with a human organization in which the nerve sense organs engage with the other two systems in a much more intense way than in later life. In a sense, the child is entirely sensory organ. All processes take place in such a way that events occur throughout the whole organism, albeit in an intimate, delicate way, as they would otherwise take place at the periphery of the human being in the sensory organs. The child is actually a sensory organ in a more intimate, delicate way. In this way the whole organism of the child is more exposed to the outer world than is the case with the human organism in later life, in a similar way to the way in which the sense organs are exposed. For it is the case that everything that is connected with the nerve-sense organization is directly exposed to the outer world and is directly subject to the influence of the outer world. The entire organization of the child is therefore subject to the influence of the external world – in the broadest sense, of course, much more than at a later age, when one is entirely dependent on the internal processes of the organs, including the metabolic processes in connection with the movement process. Movements take place in the external world, but the underlying organization of these movements tends inwards, just as the nerve-sense organization tends outwards. We therefore find that under the influence of the predominant nervous-sensory organization, the child may experience processes that can be summarized under the name of exudative diathesis, loosening of the tissues, which in children can actually occur quite generally in the organism. Later, when the metabolic-motoric process counteracts this preponderance of the nerve-sense process in the whole organism in the correct proportion for the later age of life, then, if the child has been carefully raised, the tendency to such exudative diathesis generally recedes and can later become specialized, so that the troublesome catarrhus aestivus can occur. This catarrhus aestivus has been traced back – I need only mention this here – to certain substances that are said to be contained in the pollen of grasses. This only corresponds to the tendency of our time to trace pathology back to the immediate material exterior. If we look at the human organism spiritually and at the same time at the processes that take place in the environment of the human being when the grasses are in bloom, then we can definitely say: the whole natural process in the season when the flowering of the grasses, does not just take place around the grasses, but also around the human being, who is exposed to the same atmospheric influences under which the grasses are flowering. Now, in humans, I would say, because they have specialized in their organization, especially in their noses and eyes, which then leads to catarrhus aestivus, when that which, under the preponderance of the nervous-sensory process, has led to exudative diathesis in childhood, specialized in the beginning of the respiratory organs inwards, then this annoying catarrh can occur. It arises from the fact that the human being is now also exposed to the same natural processes to which the gramineae must be exposed when they bloom and is particularly sensitive to these natural processes. Because the sensory process is not sufficiently paralyzed by the metabolic process, because the sensory process remains predominant in the periphery, we have exposed man to the same atmospheric influences, the influences of his surroundings, that are favorable when grasses are flowering. If you look at this process from the outside, if you really engage with the way in which it occurs as a natural process when grasses and gramineae flower, then you ask yourself how you can account for the sensitivity that occurs in catarrhus aestivus. And now, with this insight that one has gained, one tries to paralyze this process, which one has with the gramineae in such a way that it also takes place completely outwards, completely peripherally, I might say, into the air – because it is then also present in the human being, when the human being has precisely the has catarrhus aestivus – by looking for the fructification process, the rush towards the fructification process, which in the grasses, I would say, in complete nakedness, looks out towards the atmosphere, where it occurs, not peripherally directed outwards, but pushed centrally inwards. This is how it is found when you take fruits that are surrounded by leathery shells and in which the fructification process now takes place centrally inwards, centripetally, in some kind of tissue. And if the opposite process to fructification is formed in the laboratory in the case of the gramineae, it is formed into a remedy, and if one tries to make this remedy effective by applying it by means of vaccination, vaccination, that is to say, by introducing it directly into the organism by vaccination, then one can indeed counteract this hypersensitivity to the same atmospheric influences that are favorable for the gramineae but that cause a disease process in humans. We have actually seen with this remedy, which we make as “Gencydo” and which has proven to be extraordinarily effective in the vast majority of cases of catarrhus aestivus, how it is possible to arrive at remedies through the appropriate formation of processes, which nature actually demonstrates to us. We just need to know in which case we need to work against the natural process. This is the case, for example, when the sensory nervous system is predominant, and we will see later when we need to work with the natural process. You just need to know how to proceed in each case. So that we not only use what has to happen in the laboratory, either chemically in the sense of the natural processes or against them, which we have as healing factors and not just as substances, but above all pay attention to the method of preparation, by looking at what in turn brings about the process as such in the outer nature, what constitutes the dynamic aspect of the process. We try to imitate this dynamic in a technical way, in order to extract the healing factors from nature. In accordance with such principles, a large number of remedies have now been produced at the Clinical Therapeutic Institute in Arlesheim. They are all produced according to this principle, but all of them are thoroughly specialized. I would like to mention the following remedy as an example. I must say that I understand every form of opposition and protest, since I know that the matters arise from a way of thinking that is not at all common or familiar. I would just like to state for us that the guidelines are given in this way and then thoroughly verified in our clinics, and that this is done in the same way and with the same sense of responsibility as is usual in clinical practice. Therefore, I may perhaps also, I would like to say, give somewhat more daring descriptions, in that I absolutely assume that, as I said, I understand all the opposition and it is perfectly understandable to me that even a kind of unease could assert itself in the face of these things, which could even seem fantastic. It is extremely interesting to observe the remarkable process that takes place in the plant itself. In addition to the substances that make up the plant, we also find all kinds of other substances in the plant: salts, metallic substances, and so on. Now, for a therapy that is to work directly and rationally, it is less important to look at the composition of the plant than to look at the way, for example, let us say, some metal compound or salt goes through the whole process of growing and fructifying the plant. Take any plant, for example Cichorium intybus. Anyone who really wants to study Cichorium intybus in a spiritual scientific way will first of all study the peculiar way in which the substances that are particularly important in Cichorium intybus are contained: silicic acid and alkaline salts. However, silicic acid and alkaline salts are contained in Cichorium intybus in very different forms, under very different processing conditions in the root, leaves and flowers. Anyone who studies this process in Cichorium intybus and sees how the processes that are attached to silicic acid on the one hand and to alkaline salts on the other are interwoven and intertwined in a unique way, will then be led back to the human being in a spiritual scientific way. Now, as I said, in our body, in every organ system, three systems live, but one always predominates. Each, in turn, is active for the whole person; for example, if we consider the function of the gallbladder in the human organism in connection with all the other digestive organs, we find above all that, in addition to all the other functions of the bile, it is extraordinarily important for the health of the nerve-sense system that the bile functions, and functions properly. For if we attribute digestive disorders to disorders of the bile function, we can always see that there are also extremely great disorders in the organs of the nerve-sense system. If we follow the process of bile secretion, it only becomes really interesting when we can see it in the context of the human constitution as a process that starts in the digestive system and supplies the nervous and sensory systems. On the one hand, this process is present in the bile functions of the human being, quite apart from the substances that play a role in it. On the other hand, it works in almost exact imitation of the root of Cichorium intybus, in the bile secretion of humans, up towards the stalk and the flower. If we see how the silicic acid and alkaline salts are processed, we find in it an exact imitation of what the bile secretion process is in the human organism in its effect on the nerve-sense system. Let us now imitate the process that takes place in Cichorium intybus. There are lay doctors who use Cichorium intybus directly when there are digestive disorders. But although they may achieve undeniable success, their results are seldom permanent, because the process that takes place in Cichorium intybus is linked to the lability of the plant itself and, when introduced into the human organism, undergoes such a change that it is no longer the same. But it is so related to the human process that when we process it in the laboratory, namely silicic acid, we make a preparation that contains silicic acid and alkaline salts in such a way that , not actually chemically, but only by pulverization, a loose connection is formed between silica and alkaline salts, more of a fine, natural, I would say, adhesion is present. And when we then introduce this through the alimentary canal, we are not actually introducing the same substances into the human organism, but we are introducing the same process that takes place during the secretion of bile, insofar as the secretion of bile is related to the functioning of the nerve-sense system. So what we are trying to do in the laboratory is to imitate, I would say to reproduce, what the plant itself does. For example, if we can recognize in the plant's formative process can be seen to be in some way polar or synchronous with some process in the human organism, so that in this way there arises a real interworking of pathology and therapy. One can see in the organ what is irregular in the interaction of the three processes. And by listening to nature, as it were, to take over from the organism for a time what it cannot perform, by trying to explore this, one virtually introduces – I would say cichorium intybus proves to be the growing gall – the gall function in humans for a time because the organism itself cannot carry it out, until the organism has become accustomed to the foreign bile, to what has been produced according to the pattern of Cichorium intybus, to exercising the gall function. Then, so to speak, it works properly again. The only problem is that the mere plant healing method cannot achieve the right result because nature works much more perfectly, because the plant process is in turn destroyed when it is introduced into the organism in any way. Since time is getting on a bit and I do not want to take up too much of your time for this one occasion, I will just mention a few words about a remedy that has proved particularly successful and that our doctors have called “Biodoron”. This Biodoron has come about through the fact that a comprehensive, spiritual-scientific view of the whole complex of symptoms of so-called migraine has been put forward. This migraine is also an extremely troublesome disease for many people, occurring in the most diverse forms. Migraine is now based on an irregular preponderance of the metabolic process where it does not belong, within that region of the human organization where the nerve-sense process, in conjunction with the rhythmic process, should actually have a preponderantly preferential effect. Now my aim was once more to find this whole process in its entirety, as it expresses itself in the synopsis of the symptom complex of migraine, as a process out there in nature. He now expresses himself in a wonderful way, in such a way that you have the symptom complex on the one hand and an opposing process in the way in which silicic acid is activated by the sulfuric acid salts in the process of Equisetum arvense. Equisetum arvense contains about ninety percent silicic acid. Tomorrow we will discuss the very important function of silicic acid for the nerve-sense system and everything related to it. However, the silicic acid in Equisetum arvense is processed in a certain way for the process, so that only in such a compound, as it is produced there with a resinous binder, can the formation process occur within plant growth through the interaction of the silicic acid with the sulfuric acid salts. If you simply have the picture of Equisetum arvense in front of you and now see how this plant forms itself in a stiff way, with the silicic acid formation process prevailing everywhere, holding back all its growth from the flower being, which in turn can be found in connection with the normal metabolic processes, then you immediately get a real intimate view of the two processes, real intimate view of the two processes, the process that expresses itself in the symptom complex of migraine, and the whole process that takes place in such a wonderful way between silicic acid and sulfuric acid salts in Equisetum arvense, the idea arises: there are two opposing processes. But that is not why equisetum arvense, used directly in any way, does not help against migraine. Because now the peculiarity arises, which becomes quite clear, that although certain vegetative processes in the human organism are similar to plant processes, they are radically different from the inside. It is therefore not a matter of merely taking up the process that takes place in Equisetum arvense and introducing it into the human organism, but rather of first, I might say, animalizing it. Such things can be done if one imitates the process in the laboratory in the appropriate way, but inwardly in a living way, so that one uses silica on one side and sulfur on the other. One can use sulfur directly, because it is the actual active ingredient in Equisetum arvense. But now, by introducing the iron process, the binding is achieved alongside other binding agents, which are of secondary importance. Now the whole process of equisetum arvense has been animalized, and you get a preparation for which it is essential how you make it. Because the way the process is carried out, the way the preparation is finally obtained, shows that it represents the result of a process that takes place between silica, iron and sulfur. And what we have obtained as a preparation, which is now, I might say, first brought to rest in the preparation, is in turn called upon to enter into the process, set in motion, when it is introduced into the human digestive process and used — as I said, our physicians have called it “Biodoron” — precisely for combating troublesome migraines. This migraine remedy has actually proved to be extraordinarily successful in almost all cases. So we are trying to achieve the healing factors in a more dynamic way by establishing the appropriate processes for the remedies that you get from the Clinical Pharmaceutical Institute in Arlesheim. It is about what processes they contain, what processes they trigger in the human organism. In this way, we have at least succeeded – the things have been verified in numerous cases – in finding about a hundred remedies for the various forms, for the various branches of tuberculosis, for the most diverse diseases of the digestive system, and so , as I said, about a hundred remedies; and we are in the process of putting the finishing touches on the process that we want to use to heal carcinomas internally with a certain plant-based natural product. However, I will speak about these remedies in detail tomorrow: tuberculosis remedies, carcinoma remedies, remedies for typhoid fever and so on. It will have become clear that the essential thing for us is not what is in the preparation, but how the preparation was created in the laboratory. As a result, the preparation contains a certain process, which in turn is triggered within the organism in the same or a different form and lies within the course of an organic process or forms its polar opposite. And in this way, by observing natural processes and the processes that can be recognized in pathology, it is possible to bring about the mutual relation between natural processes and processes in the human organism, the interaction that must exist if the natural processes in question are to be introduced into the human organism as healing processes. What is important is to induce healing processes by means of the functions we perform in our laboratories. Therefore, it is also of particular importance how these remedies are used, again in accordance with the differentiation of the human organism. The effect is fundamentally different depending on whether a remedy is introduced through the digestive process, or directly into the circulatory process by vaccination, or whether, as I will show tomorrow, it is applied more closely related to the sense process, to the nerve-sense process, as in the form of baths or washes and the like with our remedies. So whether the remedy is applied externally or semi-internally, as in vaccination, or internally, it depends on how it affects the human organism. For I would like to say that the particularly significant thing about these remedies is that we do not want to heal through substances, but we want to heal through processes. And we administer remedies in the hope – that is to say, the things have been verified – that the processes that we can carry out from the overall view of nature and the human being are, as it were, preserved in the preparation and can be triggered again in the human organism as healing processes. This is the essentially new thing about the things we are dealing with. We want to heal through processes, through the how of production. Therefore, for us it is not of such great importance to say what exactly is in the preparation, but rather it depends on how things unfold in the intimate sphere. I will take the liberty of going into the therapeutic aspect tomorrow, and in particular into individual remedies and external applications.
Dr. Steiner: Well, it has been a number of years since the cases were tried out, especially in a large number of cases. The fact that our methods are verification methods means that they have this peculiarity: on the one hand, just as with a mathematical problem, success is, so to speak, foreseen and then verified. In this way, we are not dealing with a mere empirical method, but rather, as in the case of an experimental laboratory test, the fact that what can be assumed is verified naturally gives the verification a higher value than in the case of mere empirical testing. The methods are, of course, still young, and the thing at issue is that we would naturally be glad if they were tried out on the widest possible scale. For Biodoron, verifications have been available for about three to four years, in a large number of cases, precisely verifications that are extremely important, for example in cases where the migraine was an old chronic condition that had been there for decades, and this remedy worked. Of course, I would like to mention explicitly that it is extremely important to make the correct diagnosis, especially with this remedy. Therefore, the remedy can only serve as a verification if the diagnosis has been made correctly. Of course, it is not desirable to use this biodoron for every headache, because then negative cases can occur very frequently. So the diagnosis must be correct; but then we place a great deal of emphasis on it. The percentage is extraordinarily high in the three to four years, because we do it clinically. In individual cases, however, it has also been tried out earlier by private doctors. I would also like to mention that there are reports, both initial disputes about the methods and reports about the treatment and its success, specifically for Biodoron. They are published by the Clinical-Therapeutic Institute in Stuttgart: “Migraine”, compiled by Dr. Knauer, a report that contains a number of cases - of course, not all of them can be listed - but a number of characteristic cases, and also a corresponding case study. I believe that these reports and descriptions can be obtained from the Clinical Therapeuticic Institute. Unfortunately, they are only available in German at the moment, but they can be translated into other languages at any time if requested. |
319. Anthroposophical Medical Theory and Human Knowledge: Third Lecture
03 Sep 1923, London Rudolf Steiner |
The man was plunged into a terrible turmoil of passions. I can well understand how these things fit into what we are accustomed to thinking. But only in this way does one open the door from the physical human being to the spiritual human being. |
Our ideas are actually based on the fact that, with regard to our nervous system, we undergo a kind of atomic dying in every moment of our lives, which is only ever suspended by the building processes. |
This is a method that seems to be extraordinarily exact, but it is a method just as if I observe the small changes my heart undergoes within a month; now I try to calculate how much that is in three years. It is exactly the same thing. |
319. Anthroposophical Medical Theory and Human Knowledge: Third Lecture
03 Sep 1923, London Rudolf Steiner |
I have been told that a more extensive theoretical foundation is desired for what I presented yesterday. Now it is always the case for me that the doubts and inner opposition that must quite understandably be asserted against the way of looking at things today are driven out even more strongly, I would say, from the inner being when this spiritual foundation is given, and that I with regard to medicine, I have a little hope that it is indeed the case in this field that if the remedies help when used and it can be seen from the remedies that there is something behind the matter, we will be forgiven for the theoretical basis. So in this area in particular, if it is not expressly requested, I am somewhat reluctant to provide the theoretical basis. For the time being it must sound even more fantastic, although it is as exact as mathematics, as that which can be said about the practice of remedies. Nevertheless, since it is desired, I will not only give a brief explanation at the end, as I had intended, but I will say something about this theoretical justification right at the starting point today. The point is that, through the admirable progress of our natural science, infinite things have been achieved in relation to the knowledge of the external physical-sensual world, but that precisely this extraordinarily significant knowledge of the external physical-sensual world has led away from grasping the human being in his total entity. What can be grasped with the laws of nature that are being explored out there in nature today, whether through observation or experiment, does not go further in the case of man than to comprehend the sensory organization, namely that which is incorporated into man like physical apparatus as senses, and that which is the mechanics of movement. The further one really penetrates into the nature of man, the more everything else recedes, so that the external laws of nature apply less and less. Of course, I still have to be brief, so I can only hint at things in aphorisms. But it is well enough known that a human being actually consists, let us say, of at most ten percent or a little more of the physical and mineral substances that we know in a solid state, and that a human being is, by far, the largest part, let us say, of liquid. In this liquid column, the impulses are again effective, which, mediated, for example, by the breathing process but also by other processes of the human organization, are processes that we actually only find in nature in freely moving air. And then, as a fourth factor, there are the heating processes. The laws of nature, with which we believe we can recognize the whole human being, can only be applied to that which is present in man in the same way as we find the sharply contoured, mineral-physical substances out in nature. Curiously enough, with these laws of nature we only recognize part of the sensory organization, or rather, because the sensory organization is mainly organized in the human head, part of the human head organization. The human head organization is namely the one that most closely resembles the physical world, the constitution of the physical world. The human nervous system originates partly from the head. In any case, it is connected with the head organization in the human being, this nervous system. Now today we believe that the entire nervous system is connected with what we call the spiritual abilities in the human being. If you look at even a psychology that is only physiologically colored today, you will see that these psychologies actually only deal with the world of thoughts, the world of thoughts in connection with the brain and nervous system. The world of feelings and the world of will in man are, so to speak, only mentioned as something incidental, and it is believed that feeling and will are just as much connected with the nervous system as the world of ideas. This is not the case. If I go back to the threefold human being, as I characterized it yesterday, I can say that only the actual faculty of imagination is connected with the human nervous system; the life of feeling is only indirectly connected with it. On the other hand, the life of feeling is directly connected with the rhythmic system. And here we already have one of the points where, precisely because of its admirability in other fields, today's natural science has completely blocked the path from the physical organization of man to his spiritual organization. The truth of the matter is that the entire emotional world directly engages the rhythmic organization, in the broader sense as I characterized it yesterday. And the nervous system serves only to mediate our feelings so that we can have ideas and thoughts about them. So the emotional impulses directly engage the breathing and blood circulation. The nerves are the organic mediators only for what we have as perceptions of our feelings. And just as the human being's emotional world intervenes in the rhythmic system, so the will intervenes directly and completely in the metabolic-motor system. And what we have in the nerves or through the nerves are only the perceptions of what we will, the perceptions of what we have willed. | Now you will say: that need not interest the physician any further. It is a theory about the human being, and one could disregard it in medical terms. But that is not the case at all. It is not the case when one sees the consequences for today's medical view that arise from the prejudice that the nervous system is directly associated with the entire soul life. Today, as is well known, a distinction is made between the so-called sensitive nerves, which are said to go from the center to the senses and convey sensory perceptions, and the so-called motor nerves, which are said to have something to do with the will. In truth, there are anatomically and physiologically metamorphosed nerves, but there is only one kind of nerve. Each nerve is only a physical mediator of perception. And those nerves that we today call motor nerves are no different in function from the so-called sensitive nerves. While the sensitive nerve goes to the senses in order to perceive the outer world, the so-called motor nerve, which is also nothing other than an inner sensitive nerve, goes inward and conveys the perceptions that I have, for example, when I move a limb, that I have when I have to somehow carry out an unconscious inner movement. The nerve is only the mediator of perception for something external or internal. There are not two types of nerves, non-sensitive and motor nerves. For my part, the terminology is then unimportant to me, whether they are then called sensitive or motor, that is unimportant, but there is only one type and anatomically and physiologically something metamorphoses, there is only one type of nerve. Of course I know that obvious objections can be raised against this view. But since I have been working on the development of this view of man for thirty-five years, I have really carefully examined all these objections. Every single fact that can be taken from the functioning or non-functioning of the nervous system, for example in the case of tabes dorsalis, every one of these facts, if it is really interpreted without prejudice, fits into the theoretical system that I have just explained to you. If you take today's interpretation of, say, tabes dorsalis, you will see contradictions everywhere. You can only come to terms with it if you know that there is only one kind of nerve and that the emotional world is not directly but only indirectly connected with the nervous system, that the emotional world directly influences the respiratory and circulatory systems and circulatory systems, and in the rhythmic system in general, that the will acts directly as a kind of metabolism, that unconscious will within us that underlies the overall metabolic process and which in turn metamorphoses into the conscious will that underlies the external conscious movements. This was the first, I might say, the most overwhelming result that I have actually had for thirty years from the insights I have been able to gain about man. I did not dare to express it until 1917, because it is actually relatively easy to express any scientific result that differs little from the habits. On the other hand, it is really not easy, I might say, to go against the judgment, which seems so well-founded that there are two kinds of nerves, to proceed somehow in the world. And only when I could be certain that there is no scientific fact today that would contradict this, that could not be categorized within this view of the uniformity of the nerves, did I dare to express it in 1917, after three years of working on the development of this view. But this view has a completely different consequence. Take just this fact: that the emotional impulses directly intervene in the rhythmic system, the will impulses directly intervene in the metabolic-movement system, then you have in the will system and in that which then further affiliated to the will system, in the human being's feeling system, we can only grasp this in a spiritual way, in that we can only grasp feelings as spiritual entities. And in these you have the impulses for, for example, circulation. And you get away from something that is really not easy to get away from. Today, physiology, on which our entire medical way of thinking is based, seeks the actual motor for blood circulation in the heart, and the heart is seen as the organ that sends out the impulses to drive the blood through the organism. The opposite is true. The blood is moved through the organism by the spiritual being of the person, which directly engages the metabolism through the will organization, the circulation through the feeling impulses, and the breathing through the rhythmic system. This entire inner movement, this entire inner rhythmic activity comes directly from the spiritual being, and the heart, the activity of the heart is not the cause of the blood circulation, but it is the result of the blood circulation, the result of the movement of the fluids. The heart actually only expresses itself in its own movements, as it is inwardly stimulated and moved by the movement that actually comes from the spiritual being. These are two things that must gradually be laid at the foundation of medicine as the basis of physiology: the view of the uniformity of the nerves and of the fact that the entire nervous life is only related to the life of the mind, and then, on the other hand, the movement of the liquid and air-shaped elements in the human being directly from the spiritual, so that the movement of the heart appears as a consequence of the rhythmic movement in the human being, not as its cause. I still vividly remember the wild passions that I once aroused in a railway carriage on the line between Trälleborg and Stockholm when I expounded this heart theory to a Swedish doctor. The man was plunged into a terrible turmoil of passions. I can well understand how these things fit into what we are accustomed to thinking. But only in this way does one open the door from the physical human being to the spiritual human being. For in the moment when you have two kinds of nerves, one kind of nerve goes from sensory perception to the center, as a physical organization from the sense to the center. From the center the will nerve goes. The motor nerve also materially transmits that which now appears as will. You do not get out of the material at all. By constructing two kinds of nerves that do not exist — there is only one kind of nerve — you have closed the door to the spiritual in man. And that is what the admirable natural science, which is so great for the outer man, has brought for the human being. It has gone so far as to replace reality with a purely imagined theory, the purely imagined theory that there are two kinds of nerves, while the motor nerves are also sensitive nerves and are only there to perceive the inner movements. On the other hand, it makes the heart into a kind of pump, a physical apparatus that causes the rhythmic circulation of the human being through a kind of automatism. Then it deletes itself by transferring the entire cause of the rhythmic movements of the human being into this physical automaton, the heart, erasing the connection between the rhythmic system and also between the metabolic system and the spiritual essence of the human being. This has been the shutting of the gate to the spiritual man, to the spiritual essence of man, that on the one hand the theory of the twofold nerves has been established, and on the other hand the heart theory, which does not allow the heart to be what it is, but makes it a physical motor for blood circulation, while in truth it is only the expression of the blood that is really moved by the spiritual human being. This has significant consequences. Because only by seeing in this way, how the nervous organization is actually incorporated into the human being, can you relate the nervous organization in the right way, let us say, for example, in relation to the organization of the digestive system. The digestive system belongs to the system of the human being, which I have called the metabolic-movement system, and the nervous system is polar opposite to it. Now let us look at the human being in relation to the one and the other system. In relation to the metabolic system: external substances are absorbed. The essential thing for the digestive system is the activity that is now triggered when external substances are introduced into the body. What the human organism is compelled to do because a foreign body enters it, which it has to transform, which it has to metamorphose, what the human being must therefore do: that is what is important, that is what this process comes down to in digestion, and this process stops at a certain stage. At the moment when this process, which initially progresses, comes to a standstill in the process of overcoming the forces of the external food, the impulse of excretion occurs. And the excretion occurs here in relation to the metabolic system in such a way that this excretion takes place directly outwards. We must therefore understand the metabolic-movement system in such a way that, firstly, the impulses of the human organism that are related to the will, the will directly intervenes in the metabolism, that these impulses, which are related to the will, the overcoming, the constitution of matter as it is outside, push it to such an extent that it reaches a certain point. Then it is excreted, excreted in all the ways that are known. But the excretion takes place outwards. But that part of the digestive activity that is driven by the whole organic process into the head organization, that is, into the organization where the nerve-sense system is not exclusively, but preferably localized, not only goes only to this point in the human organism, to which the process goes in the metabolism-movement system, but what digestion is for the head organization is carried further, in that excretion no longer takes place externally, but internally. And what is the result of this internal elimination, which is deposited in the human being itself? That is the nervous system. The nervous system is the system in the human organism that actually owes its substantial content to an internal elimination, but which remains in the organism, is not expelled outward, and of course only remains in the organism up to a certain point, and there, through the plastic plastic forces of the first invisible entity of the human being, the first supersensible entity of the human being, the so-called etheric or life body, through the plastic forces, through the formative forces of this etheric or life body. So that one has to distinguish, in addition to the physical body of the human being, this first supersensible entity, the etheric or life body, which is actually only dynamic, not material, only dynamic. These dynamic effects are present throughout the world in the same way, in the human being in a special way. This formative body contains the formative forces that now shape those excretion products into the wonderfully constructed brain, indeed into the wonderfully constructed nervous system. Dear attendees, I call upon you to examine without prejudice everything that can be said histologically, embryologically, or in terms of developmental history or evolution about the description, I mean, for example, of an embryonic cell and a nerve cell, to examine all this without prejudice and you will find that it cannot be in agreement with any other theoretical basis than the one I have just discussed. And so one can really be, I would say, a very conscientious skeptic about what spiritual research, which I represent, says otherwise. It says that one can come to a kind of exact clairvoyance, an exact examination of this supersensible. I have described how to examine the supersensible exactly in my book, which has been translated into English as Initiation. It is precisely through such investigations of the supersensible that one comes to the conclusion that what no longer follows the physical laws of nature, but is actually a kind of artistic activity in nature, that one pursues these plastic, these plasticizing forces, which are primarily active in the human head organism, and which form those material entities in this head organism that would otherwise be driven outwards as excretory impulses. So the strange thing that emerges from this approach is that we actually see a sum of degradation processes in our nervous system, and that the function of our nervous system actually consists of nothing more than degradation processes, because it is excretion that has been driven beyond a certain point and is plastically formed matter that has been formed after excretion. This gives the fundamental difference between an organ that belongs to the nerve-sense organization and an organ that belongs to the digestive organization. An organ that belongs to the nerve-sense organization is much more advanced in evolution, is in a descending evolution. An organ that belongs to the metabolic-limb organization is only in an ascending evolution, goes to a certain point and from that point on promotes excretion. These are the things that show us what the organs are like in their healthy state, but they are also the basic conditions for recognizing how the organs behave in their diseased state. And finally, these are the foundations that lead to the realization of the remedies in their connection with the disease process in reality. Let us make this clear with an example. The process that takes place in our brain or, one could say, in the entire nervous system, this process, which develops matter up to a certain point, then breaks it down and in turn forms the breakdown products, so to speak the impoverished products, this process takes place in our nervous system. And this process of degradation, not assimilation, this process of dissimilation, not assimilation, this process of degradation, is the basis of our ideas. Our ideas are actually based on the fact that, with regard to our nervous system, we undergo a kind of atomic dying in every moment of our lives, which is only ever suspended by the building processes. One might say that in the moment of dying, everything that is distributed throughout a person's entire life on earth is compressed in the ongoing process of decomposition of the nervous system. If one can study these processes, whereby one is dealing with a functioning of material forces up to a certain point, then with a breakdown, then one says the following: How do we actually think as human beings? How are we spiritual beings? Through the same forces through which we, say, enter into life through embryonic development? Not at all! Our physical system cannot develop in a straight line in order for us to be human, but from a certain point on it must undergo a living development, a devolution must occur. And it is in this devolution, not in evolution, that the basis is given for our spiritual activities. Consider the consequences of such a view. It is believed that something like the nervous process is an ascending process, and as such, as an ascending process, like the growth process or like the nutrition process, it is the basis of thinking, of imagining. That is not possible at all. The basis of imagination is a process of decomposition. Matter must first be destroyed and the products of destruction must be formed plastically so that they can provide the basis for the functioning of the spiritual in us, for thoughts. We must first destroy our material basis; we must, so to speak, first make holes in the brain so that we can think. So it is not that the ability to think is based on the organic forces of growth, but rather that in order for the spirit to move into our organization, it is necessary that this organization first undergo a process of degradation, a process of destruction, a partial killing process. Then, when you see this clearly, you come to the conclusion that here is a road, it has rained, it has a soft ground, cars drive over it; I see the ruts. But let us now assume that some being came down from Mars, had never seen a car, the cars were gone, and it only saw the ruts. He examines the furrows, goes into the earth and says: Below the surface of the earth, in the interior of the earth, there are forces that have made the furrows from below. — We cannot blame the being for seeking the reasons for the furrows in the earth's interior, only they do not lie therein, but in the wagons that have driven over them and made the furrows. It is more or less the same with our brain. You believe that this is an organizational process of our organs outwards; while the furrows of our brain are diggings of mental and spiritual life. And we now come to the conclusion that we only use our physical body in relation to its nervous-sensory organization as the counterforce, as the resisting force, in order to carry out spiritual activity. Just as you can trace every track of the car up there that has driven here or there – and you can deduce a lot from it, there is always a trace of something the car has done – so you can, of course, explain all thinking from the brain. That is precisely the wonderful illusion of materialism: one should not say that one should not explain it from the brain; on the contrary, one can explain all thinking and the life of imagination from the brain, but because it is buried by the spiritual life. If you follow this process, which is a process of decomposition, and then go from the human being out into the great cosmic process, you have the same processes out there. And you have the process that takes place in man today, but only remains - if I may express it this way - in the status nascendi, in the moment of its origin, this process, which takes place in the degradation of the material underlying the nervous system, this process, which is only arrested in the status nascendi, you have it cosmically present in nature in the formation of silicic acid, everywhere it occurs in nature. Therefore, if you prepare a remedy from silicic acid in the right way, which presents the same process out in the cosmos, only that there the process continues and then comes to a halt at a later point, while in the human head it is suspended in the nascency state, if you out there in the corresponding way for the preparation and administer it to the person in the appropriate way, then you take this process away from a body that has become weak in its etheric body in such a way that it cannot carry out this process, through the remedy. Now, the remarkable thing about silicic acid is that when we bring it through the substances we add to it and through the processes by which we process it, when we bring it to the head in the entire human organizational process, it can actually take from the human being that which he cannot do through his inner organizational powers because of an organic weakening. So you are looking directly at what is going on in the human head. But you have to see the human head in connection with the spiritual impulses. And you look at what is going on outside in the cosmos in the formation of silicic acid, and you recognize that in the silicic acid process, fixed in silicon, in Silicea, you have something that you can organize into the human being, thereby relieving him of what he cannot do without it. But in so doing, you call upon the innermost organization of the person, so that it can do on its own what has been taken from it for a period of time. Thus, spiritual insight reveals what function silicic acid actually performs in the human organism when the organism itself cannot perform this function. This is the fundamental insight that arises when one sees through the entire human organization and also its connection with external nature. One need only ask: What does not happen in any part of the human organism and what should happen? If you then know from nature what the process is that is missing in that part of the human organism, pathology is immediately the real basis of therapy. And answering each question in the pathology correctly is immediately the therapeutic answer. This is what the possibility of proceeding in such a way means that one says: Now, I am producing a remedy. By seeing the context, I can predict how the remedy will work. If it actually works that way, then it is a verification, not mere empiricism, but a verification. Look everywhere to see how the external sciences do it. If one is able to predict what should happen through some theoretical view, then one does not look at the multitude of cases that verify, but if one sets up the conditions correctly and what was predicted comes true, then one initially considers what one assumed to be verified. And particularly in practical work it is important that such a verification occurs, because practice in this field always shows whether our predictions are right or not. So what can be achieved by directing human knowledge from mere physical nature to spiritual nature is that we learn to foresee the processes we observe in pathology in a therapeutic treatment in the same way that we would otherwise foresee an external natural process in the laboratory or in a physics cabinet. If it occurs as we have predicted, then we have understood the matter. Thus, we extend what is truly scientific in the way we are accustomed to doing in physics, while in the biological sciences, and especially in their practical therapeutic application, we can clearly see today that a mere empiricist method is at work. It is therefore not a matter of having less science, but of having more science in order to arrive at a truly rational, that is, also transparent, understanding of the connection between pathology and therapy. It is already alarmingly late. Therefore, I will be obliged to summarize some things in a shorter, final part, which may shed some light on the therapeutic side of what I have said. If we consider this organization of the sensory nervous system, which is mainly concentrated and localized in the human head, we find, in view of what has been said, that it essentially underlies the life of thought, the life of imagination. But what is it that man calls his life of thought? It is that which plays into consciousness from the actual power of thoughts, and that which the human being actually perceives in such a way that he speaks quite instinctively and involuntarily of how the thought is not actually a reality. The thought that is experienced is powerless. The thought that is experienced is basically only present in an imagistic existence. On the other hand, this life of thought has another side, an essentially different side, and we can, I would say, easily bring before our soul what other side this life of thought has if we merely bear in mind that this phenomenon, after consciousness, is not yet present in the very young child. On the other hand, the other side of this life of thought is very much present in the very young child. This is the real dynamizing, plasticizing power of the life of thought. We have one side of the life of thought, which comes to manifestation in ordinary consciousness in the forms of images, thoughts and concepts, and we have, as it were, the power of thoughts directed backwards, which is identical with the plasticizing power I mentioned earlier. So that when we look at the life of human thinking in its connection with the whole human organism, we must actually say: what we perceive and directly experience of the life of thought is like a mirror image in relation to a real object. The real thing about the life of thought is the inward-going formative forces. And we see these inwardly active formative forces at work most powerfully in the very young child, who does not yet have a conscious life of thought. It is precisely when a person is still a child that the greatest work is being done on the development of the organ that will then become the basis of the life of imagination itself. We dare to speak of a latent warmth and of a warmth that appears, of an appearing warmth. We know that through certain processes a bound warmth can be released, coming out of the substance in which it was bound, was latent. We dare only not yet to speak in the same way of the fact that in the child the conscious life of imagination is gradually driven out of the unconscious life of imagination, and that this unconscious life of imagination in the child works most vividly on the plastic material that has been excreted in order to bring about the nervous system through its plasticizing power. This plasticizing power then lasts for the whole human life, being strongest in childhood. And thus we see the first supersensible in man. Supersensible are the thoughts, but they are actually only the images that are experienced; but supersensible are also the forces that now form the actual organ of thought, the forces working on the nervous system. But one would like to say that this is only the part of the supersensible human being that is closest to the physical event, to the physical process. It is something that looks at itself, I would say, like that which stands between the physical body and the soul. But if we look at the rhythmic system, which, as I said, is directly related to the emotional life of the human being, we see something higher at work in this rhythmic system, and we see in the rhythmic system not just an etheric plastic at work, so to speak, but an etheric plastic that is ensouled. And in its innermost part, rhythm is precisely this remarkable interweaving of the process that we have seen on the one hand in the digestive-motor system, in the metabolic-motor system, where the evolution of the material process is brought to a certain point, where the material process then wants to excrete, while in the nervous process it excretes inwardly. If we now imagine the whole process in such a way that it is, as it were, guided as a metabolic process up to a certain point, then excretion arises, but is immediately repressed, so that the whole process constantly oscillates back and forth between a metabolic process and a degrading nervous process, then you have the basic type of that rhythmic process that underlies all rhythmic processes. It is connected with an activity of the human being, of the supersensible, of the spiritual human being, which emanates from the ensouled etheric process, from the ensouled ether life, so to speak. And if we look at breathing, at blood circulation, at something that takes place in the sphere of rhythmic processes, we have this, as it were, in contrast to the mere etheric process, higher activity of an ensouled etheric process in our rhythmic processes. These can now in turn be assessed in connection with the processes in the cosmos. We see how, where it should not go beyond its limits, the metabolism goes beyond its limits, so that it becomes a nervous process in the wrong place, so to speak, in the wrong organ of the human being. It certainly looks fantastic, but it corresponds to reality. If, within the metabolic system, the actual metabolic system, the metabolic process leads beyond the point that I have characterized, where it should lead to excretion, and, as it were, passes over into the nerve process in the wrong place, then the disease arises, which appears in the various forms of typhoid fever. So we have to say: typhoid diseases are nervous processes occurring within the metabolic process, nervous processes that naturally only occur as processes and cannot lead to the actual formation of a nervous system. The question now is: how do we approach such a process? Here we again look out into the cosmos, and we find in the cosmos that remarkable substance which is naturally contained in the cosmos as a process but is retained in antimony ore. Actually, the minerals, the ores, are processes that have been firmly retained. This antimony is a remarkable mineral, a remarkable ore. It always begins to crystallize, as it were, forming shapes that are spiky, wire-shaped figures. It almost looks like a plant or moss trapped in the mineralization. But it also has other properties. If we subject this antimony to a certain electrolytic process and apply what we obtain from it to the cathode, it only needs a very light touch with a metal tip to produce a small explosion. And again, if we cause this antimony to burn under certain circumstances, and collect the smoke on certain surfaces, we obtain the wonderful antimony mirror, a deposit of the antimony ore that has passed through a certain type of combustion process, producing smoke, and has deposited the smoke. We get, through a process to which we can subject the antimony, a kind of continuation of the process that we see in the antimony as it occurs in nature. When we now obtain this antimony level – and the extraction of the antimony level* is something very important within our pharmaceutical laboratory – when we obtain this antimony level, we approach those forces that have a regressive effect on such processes, which lead from within the metabolic system into the nerve formation processes. I would like to say that the antimonizing forces turn this process in the metabolism, which wants to overshoot its target, back to its target. And we get a reproduction of the rhythmic process by driving back the organic process that goes too far, through the antimony that has been brought to the antimony level. In this way, if we use this antimonizing power correctly, we can directly destroy this, I would like to say nerve-forming process at the wrong place, stop it, return it to its correct place and, by grasping the actual typhoid process, by looking at nature, we can see which process leads back this pathological process, the corresponding therapeutic process. So that we are always able, by simply observing the pathological processes in nature, to find either the supportive or, as I said yesterday, the counteracting processes and thus in fact to bring about the remedies in a very rational way. We can truly hope that what has already brought us success to a very great extent, but which is only now actually in its completion, namely the search for a cure for carcinomas, can also be brought to an end. If one has to say that the metabolic process can be driven beyond its goal, so that it leads to the nervous process, so to speak, carries out the nervous process, the nerve-forming process, in the wrong place, something else can occur. Not only can the tendency to form nerves arise in the human organism in the wrong place, but the tendency to cause processes that otherwise only occur in the sensory organs can arise in the wrong place. There the metabolism is driven even further than just to the point where it wants to occur as nerve formation; there the metabolic process is driven to the tendency to form a sensory organ in the wrong place in the human organism. And this tendency underlies carcinoma. However skeptical one may still be about this today, the more and more one proceeds, especially if one proceeds, I would say, with this guideline histologically and so on in the examination of carcinoma, one will see that carcinoma is based on a sense organ that wants to develop in the wrong place. Of course, this is very approximate and rough, but the process that should actually only be active during the formation of the sensory organ underlies it. And now the question is: how can we drive this process back to the point where the metabolism should actually end and immediately lead not to deposition but to immediate excretion? And here the healing process presents itself to us by using the sap of various types of Viscum, and not, as some have objected, because it is based on an amateurish idea, but on the contrary, because it is based on a real understanding of the process that actually takes place when mistletoe forms as a parasitic plant here or there, say, on one tree or another. There is something extraordinarily complicated at work here. If we examine the process that, roughly speaking, underlies the formation of wood, the emergence of the tree from the common herbaceous plant, from the plant that is not yet lignified internally, if we can see this process of becoming a tree from the plant in the right way, then this process is cosmically a very, very strange process. We are dealing with the earth's surface when we have an ordinary herbaceous plant that has not yet become woody, that is not becoming a tree. The root actually grows intimately together with the earth's surface; it belongs, so to speak, to the earth's surface, because there is also a continuous metabolism with the earth's surface. Then the herb grows with the leaves and the flower grows out of it. It then passes into the atmospheric influences and so on. Now, today we are looking at - I have to draw on a kind of biological geology here - the inorganic part of the earth's soil as if it were something absolute. But everything that we have as mineralized in the earth's soil is originally a secretion. If we proceed as today's geology does, then we certainly do not come to any knowledge of the earth's formative process, because we abstract out of the earth's formative process the mere mineral basis. It is as if we were to present geology today as a finished system, as if we were to present the mere human skeleton and claim that it can have an existence in itself. The human skeleton can only have an existence as a separate, I would say mineralized, entity. A skeleton cannot arise by itself. Nor can a skeleton be considered in isolation, only in connection with the human being as a whole. Thus, what geology gives can only be considered in connection with the living organic and spiritual earth. We do not have something original in the geological formations before us, but we have something before us that is isolated. In fact, the process of coal formation is only the simplest, most elementary process of mineralization. But everything, all the slate formations, all the crystalline formations, everything is secreted, is excreted, is, so to speak, that which is mineralized out of an originally undifferentiated organic spiritual substance. These things are so difficult to defend today because, one might say, the counter-arguments are so obvious. They are almost self-evident, the counter-arguments, and they are so easy to see through, the counter-arguments. It is actually so terribly easy today to calculate – approximately, of course, no one claims that it is certain – how many millions or hundreds of millions of years one has to go back to this or that geological formation. This is a method that seems to be extraordinarily exact, but it is a method just as if I observe the small changes my heart undergoes within a month; now I try to calculate how much that is in three years. It is exactly the same thing. I can now calculate what my heart will be like in three hundred years, and I can calculate a state in which my heart was three hundred years ago, only that I myself was not yet there! The calculation is quite correct, the conclusion is correct, impeccable logic, only it is not realistic. Likewise, the calculations of geology are flawless, completely logical, only they are not realistic, because the earth was just as little there millions of years ago as when I calculate my own formation as a physical human being three hundred years ago. The calculation is correct in geology, but the earth was just not there before these three hundred million years. And so a higher way of looking at things must be adopted. It sees something deposited in everything that is mineral. When the plants emerge from the ground, we have the mineral. When the tree arises instead of the usual herbaceous plant, the development of the tree trunk with its lignification is a throwback, an atavism to an earlier state in which the whole earth was. So just as we have other atavistic organs, we see in the development of the tree an atavism to an earlier state of the earth. If now Viscum grows on the tree, then we have something growing inside the soil that is not the immediate soil, because that is a late product, it is a product of deposition, a product of separation. Instead, in the Viscum we have something that grows in an earlier state of the earth. But then again, if we pursue the matter further, we must also find that man has taken up the tendency to form a sense in his evolution last. We find that by observing the mistletoe formation process, we find a process from a very early period of the earth. If we introduce this process into the human organism, namely by injecting it directly into the circulation process, then we transport the person to an earlier stage of their existence on earth, of their evolution, and in this way we work against these processes, which are the latest processes. However, it must be quite clear that these are first of all the abstract thought-constructions or at the most also the abstract constructions of clairvoyant seeing. It is seeing, but it is not yet complete overview. If we take directly what is active in mistletoe in the mistletoe process and introduce it to human beings, it changes too much, as I said yesterday for other things. And so we are now trying to process what is alive in the mistletoe formation process using a very complicated machine that develops a centrifugal and a radial force, develops a centrifugal force at a tremendous speed. The construction was not that easy. So that one can actually transform that which is effective in the mistletoe process into a completely different aggregate process and thereby use the tendencies in the mistletoe-forming force in a more concentrated way than it appears today, when the mistletoe process is a decadent process. And so we will try to make more and more progress with this anti-carcinogenic agent in particular, which has already been developed to a certain degree of perfection and has also already produced certain results. However, it will only be fully developed and can only be given its final verification when this, I would like to say, laboratory process with the centrifuge – it is now ready – is fully developed to its end. And in this way, too, we will try to get at the carcinoma disease in an ever better way. In a similar way, we are trying to get at the tuberculosis processes, the various organ processes, and so on, with our various means – the time has gone too far for me to explain this in more detail, but I will discuss the principles. We use the remedies in different ways, as I have already indicated, by introducing them directly into the metabolic system or by injecting them into the circulatory system, where they act differently again, or by adding them to baths and the like, where they act more on the sensory process from the outside. We also use, for example, so-called eurythmy therapy, where we allow movements that lie within the human organism to be carried out. If you look at a human hand without prejudice, you will never say that this human hand can ever be at rest; the shape of the hand itself is only the movement that has been held. The hand is movement. In fact, every human limb is designed for movement. If I carry out the individual movements that correspond to its formal qualities, I may be able to use the movement to have a healing effect on the formal qualities. This is the kind of eurythmy therapy that is related to artistic eurythmy, an artistic presentation of which will take place tomorrow at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. But this eurythmy is thoroughly developed in the physiological sense in eurythmy therapy. Such eurythmy therapy in turn leads to what I would now like to call the external therapeutic measures practised in the Clinical Therapeutic Institute in Arlesheim. And so it is precisely in this Clinical Therapeutic Institute in Arlesheim, which, as I mentioned yesterday, is under the excellent direction of Dr. Wegman, who is present here today, that we are trying to use everything that can be known about the spiritual human being, in addition to what science currently knows about the physical human being, for therapy in a rational sense. And for this we had to incorporate the Clinical Pharmaceutical Laboratory into the Clinical-Therapeutic Institute in Arlesheim, so that it can produce remedies in the same way as they arise from a true knowledge of the human being. Now, I have tried, as best I could, to give a few brief aphorisms to show how, in this way, I do not want to oppose modern medicine, as I said, but how this medicine, in an equally scientific sense as it works in its present field, can be further extended into those areas of the human organism where the spiritual intervenes in this human organism. And the irregularity that arises as a form of illness through the incorrect intervention of the spiritual, through the intervention of the unconscious spiritual that does not correspond to the organism, must also be included in the thinking that must be total medical thinking. Little by little, medical thinking must come to see in man not only a physical being, not only physical processes in his activities, but purely physical processes only in one part of the human being, and in the far greater part of the human organism, to see something in the human organism in which the spiritual directly intervenes, which the human being has in him from the spiritual world just as he takes his material from the physical material world in the form of food and other things. Only then, when the whole human being is looked at in this way in a physiological sense, will it also be possible to look at the whole human being in a pathological sense. But this holistic view of the human being in its pathological context, inseparably linked with pathology, provides a real therapy, because one gets to know the relationship between the human being and his cosmic environment, and one can then find the healing remedies from the cosmic environment not just through empirical trial and error, but through a proper insight and understanding of the connection between the human being and the cosmos. This will create a form of therapy that will not have an abyss between itself and the pathology, but will form a whole with the pathology. And that was what many physicians longed for in the anthroposophical movement and which this detailed approach, I might say, within this spiritual-scientific movement, which has made its mark in the field of medicine, was intended to remedy. I hope my aphoristic remarks have not become too unclear. But when one has to present something briefly, one still wants to present the overarching principles. Sometimes the individual suffers as a result. But hopefully I have at least been able to provide some individual inspiration in these remarks. |
319. Anthroposophical Medical Theory and Human Knowledge: Fourth Lecture
02 Oct 1923, Vienna Rudolf Steiner |
In the course of the nineteenth century, in particular, what had already been prepared in principle since the fifteenth or sixteenth centuries came to pass in the fullest measure, and that which, in relation to the development of the problems of knowledge problems and of that which then practically follows on from the cognitive problems: observation and experiment, carried up to the exact level, and on the other hand, intellect, the subsequent conclusion. Today, anyone who has undergone scientific training in any field has no doubt that in order to arrive at a scientific result, one must experiment and think. |
I always shy away from explaining such things, because I can understand how it makes people angry. First of all, we have the human organism. We follow the centripetal and the centrifugal, the so-called sensitive and motor nerves. |
What one imagines as soul is something so abstract and thin that one does not come to understand the intervention of this soulfulness in the physical. In the moment when one realizes that the physical body goes from being solid to liquid, to air, and to warmth, then one comes closer to the spiritual. |
319. Anthroposophical Medical Theory and Human Knowledge: Fourth Lecture
02 Oct 1923, Vienna Rudolf Steiner |
The subject we are to discuss this evening is a very broad one and requires a very extensive foundation. It is, of course, extremely difficult to start at just any point, so please allow me to at least suggest, in a few introductory words, how anthroposophy relates to the cognitive problems and the overall state of mind of contemporary people. In the course of the nineteenth century, in particular, what had already been prepared in principle since the fifteenth or sixteenth centuries came to pass in the fullest measure, and that which, in relation to the development of the problems of knowledge problems and of that which then practically follows on from the cognitive problems: observation and experiment, carried up to the exact level, and on the other hand, intellect, the subsequent conclusion. Today, anyone who has undergone scientific training in any field has no doubt that in order to arrive at a scientific result, one must experiment and think. Indeed, they do not even entertain the idea that it could be otherwise. In particular, such views do not enter the specialized fields. In this respect, one shrinks from speaking to those who have been trained in any particular field about the consequences of anthroposophical research for those fields. Although on the one hand one would have to say: Only those who have mastered scientific methodology should engage in the kind of anthroposophical research I have in mind. On the other hand, however, some of the results for specialized fields are so paradoxical that it is better to remain silent about them than to speak about them. And if I speak of it, it is because I am convinced that you have all come here not to hear something that will convince you, but at least something that can be taken seriously scientifically. Anthroposophy wants to be a scientific research, but it does not want to stop at that state of mind, which is fed by the outer experiment and the intellect, but it seeks to gain its insights by developing the human soul forces in the same way that a small child has undeveloped powers that develop into a fully-fledged human being, it is equally possible, once one has reached today's level of scientific education, to progress through a special development of the soul powers. The most important power is the power of memory. The power of recollection is something that even a few unprejudiced philosophers of the present day say points to something spiritual in man. Now, in the development of the soul's powers, it is important to place before the soul a result that is no longer there. One thus evokes from the depths of the soul something that no longer refers to something directly present, but which, in its entire inner constitution, has not an indeterminate but a very definite relation to a reality. The question arises: Is it possible to further develop that which is active in memory, in the same way that the brain structure is developed in the first years of a person's life, so that it not only creates inner soul structures that point to something that has already been experienced through their own structure, but that point to something that not only represents human past, but also extra-human earthly past? Is it possible to shape the power of insight by means of an inner strengthening in such a way that what is created in a stronger way than the memory images points to something that otherwise does not fall within the field of consciousness of the human being? If you start from this trust, you present it as a postulate, and if you set about the inner exercises in such a precise way that you follow each step with deliberation, like mathematics, you will have new experiences. Here, with these exercises, it is a matter of taking the steps in such a way that a development of one's own arises from them. It is not something mathematical or similar. If one has certain ideas in this regard, which must be easily comprehensible so that reminiscences do not come into play — it is easiest for mathematicians, who are accustomed from the outset to placing comprehensible contents of consciousness at the center of their mental life — and does not tire, but rather, starting from this point of view, strengthens those soul abilities that express themselves in memory in a more passive behavior of the soul, then one comes to realize that one can draw out of the depths of one's soul life a potentized power of remembrance that preserves the true, organically active forces of earthly life, so that one can actually survey in a time tableau — one can even speak of time perspectives, of an inner lawfulness and structure — that which has taken effect in one over time since one entered earthly life. At first, there is an insight into one's own self. There is the insight that an etheric body rules in the physical body, which, in its inner lawfulness, has nothing physical but everything temporal. It can appear in pictorial form, so that this knowledge can be called imaginative. And one arrives at the point where, while one otherwise only lives in the present, one can transport oneself back to any moment, so that one experiences it as if it were immediately present. One actually comes into the possibility of speaking of time perspective, just as one can go from one place here to another, so one can inwardly make the journey to a place in time that one has lived through. So that this continuously in time unrolling finer bodily existence arises for the first stage of supersensible knowledge. I need only briefly hint that there is a further stage in the development of the soul, which is attained by imagining the painting of one's own inner strength, so that not only an empty consciousness arises, which is equal to zero, but which corresponds to the negativity of the present degree of consciousness. This other consciousness results in a complete inner silence, inner peace. Now one can imagine: when all external impressions cease, then the rest is a zero; but the stillness one enters into bears a relationship to the former one as a negative bears to a positive. Then one comes to inspiration instead of imagination. Through this one comes to see the pre-earthly existence of man. This is not a realization gained through speculation, but an insight into the eternal in man. In this way one advances to explore the reality of the spiritual and soul just as one would otherwise explore in the physical life what the senses give. But in the end one sees the whole human being as a composite being. There is no need to get involved in all the quibbling between monistic and dualistic views; that is just as foolish as saying that the chemist is a dualist because he explains water as consisting of hydrogen and oxygen. One recognizes that the human being has a physical part and a spiritual-soul part. The formative activity of the brain, which is a reality, can be seen in the embryonic development. I will use a comparison: if there is soft ground here and footprints on it, a being that has never been on earth might come to explain these traces by some kind of force. But just as the footprints are real and were made by a person who walked over the ground, so too are the brain tracks the product of the soul and spirit. In this way it is possible to recognize the human being: the human physical body, then the body of formative forces, which one recognizes through imaginative knowledge: the finer human being within the human being, who, despite all exchange of physical substances, is a unified, continuous entity in time, a self-contained reality from one point in time to another. If we proceed from there to the specialized fields, then the matter becomes, so to speak, serious. The body of formative forces is not yet a soul existence, but could at most come to growth, but not to feeling. We come to the astral body, to the actual soul and to the ego organization. Over the last three to four hundred years, knowledge has developed in such a way that more and more has been left out of the spiritual, higher part of the human organization. As a result, we have had to limit ourselves more and more to what can be deduced from the physical structure of the human organism. I always shy away from explaining such things, because I can understand how it makes people angry. First of all, we have the human organism. We follow the centripetal and the centrifugal, the so-called sensitive and motor nerves. Yes, this fact arises. I can fully appreciate these reasons, and I can also appreciate how the duality of the nervous system is supported by tabes dorsalis and so on. But when one knows the higher aspects of the being, then the nerves become something unified; one sees the unity of the nervous system. The sensitive nerves are predisposed to convey sensory impressions; the motor nerves have nothing to do with the will, but rather they have the task of conveying the sensations that are in the periphery, the chemical-physiological processes in the legs and so on. The motor nerves are sensitive to the organism's inner processes, while, as paradoxical as it may sound to modern science, one can actually see the will directly in the soul and assume that the soul and spirit have a direct influence on the physical for the emergence of movement and the effects of the will. I would like to point out to you the path that can lead to finding this view. For as a modern anatomist, the soul-spiritual is something that can lead to all kinds of hypotheses, but it is something that today is more imagined with an abstract content. Ziehen speaks only of an “emotive emphasis” of the ideas. What one imagines as soul is something so abstract and thin that one does not come to understand the intervention of this soulfulness in the physical. In the moment when one realizes that the physical body goes from being solid to liquid, to air, and to warmth, then one comes closer to the spiritual. It is, of course, impossible to imagine the spiritual as the organism that modern science imagines. But as soon as one assumes a warmth organism, it is not so difficult to imagine that the inner forces of the body of formative forces intervene in the heat differentiations of the human organism. In one respect, we will have to go through a great deal before we can bring to life what has become frozen in knowledge today. We will find the transition from the physical, which has become more subtle, to the soul, which has become more powerful. And we will be able to say: what is a being of will intervenes directly in the warming processes, from there in the air organism, from there in the aqueous organism. And something is present that is quite different from what modern science believes in relation to the motor nerves; there is a spiritual-soul-physical activity that is brought to consciousness through the motor nerves. |
319. Anthroposophical Medical Theory and Human Knowledge: Fifth Lecture
15 Nov 1923, The Hague Rudolf Steiner |
And if one has this courage to do research, the following emerges: one sees — one only has to understand how to focus one's attention on it — how, in the case of a child who has changed teeth, inner soul forces arise that were not there before. |
And if you take my point of view, pathological processes must be understood in such a way that the cure consists in inducing a centrifugal process in the kidneys by introducing Equisetum arvense, a process that radiates out from the kidneys. |
But if we start from a method such as I have described, we see to a certain extent from our understanding of the disease process what must occur in a particular healing process. Pathology and therapy become one! |
319. Anthroposophical Medical Theory and Human Knowledge: Fifth Lecture
15 Nov 1923, The Hague Rudolf Steiner |
Above all, I thank Dr. Zeylmans and all of you for giving me the opportunity to express some thoughts here about the – if I may say so – medical consequences of the anthroposophical method of research. Of course, it will only be possible to give a few brief hints in the two short hours, and given the deviation of the point of view that I will have to choose from the one in use today, it will also be particularly difficult in the two short hours to get beyond the fact that much of what needs to be said, from today's point of view – from the point of view that one is used to – may seem quite paradoxical, perhaps more than paradoxical. But those present will know how, in the course of the historical development of mankind, we have learned to rethink many things; and so, at least to begin with, there will also be a certain tolerance for the fact that a point of view that arises out of genuine, conscientious research must appear paradoxical. But the first thing I would like to say in the way of an introduction is that the medical consequences of the anthroposophical research method are not about opposing anything that would have to be absolutely “new” to what today's conscientious medicine, built on the natural science that has become customary for centuries, has to say. The research method I am talking about does not want to overthrow, but rather the opposite: by looking at the various things that have emerged from natural science for medicine in recent times from conscientious sensory-empirical methods, it has to take on board the fact that modern medicine points everywhere to an area that is still difficult for it to enter, for the reason that, yes, because the research methods are basically so conscientious has arisen, that modern medicine refers everywhere to an area that is still difficult for it to enter, for the reason that, yes, because the research methods are basically so conscientious, so exact, so exact in relation to the sensory-empirical methods that we are all familiar with. But precisely because of what natural science has become great, because of what has enabled it to provide such a meaningful basis for medicine, precisely because of this, certain paths to knowledge of the human being and thus to healing have been made impossible. And so allow me to start today by mentioning some principles and then to go into the peculiarity of some of our remedies, which are typical, which are characteristic, tomorrow. We did not choose this path from the outset, saying to ourselves: Anthroposophy must know everything, so it must also have something to say about medicine. That is the agitator's method. But we, on truly anthroposophical ground, want to take the standpoint of genuine scientific knowledge, at least in our fundamentals. And so it has come about that this medical movement has arisen within the overall anthroposophical movement, because doctors, especially doctors in Germany, but basically doctors in all countries, have found that current science and medicine raise questions that cannot be answered with the methods in use today, at least not from diagnosis, from pathology, to rational therapy. Then these doctors came and asked whether anthroposophy, with its special kind of knowledge of the human being, might have something to say about medicine, about a knowledge of the human being that can go somewhat deeper into the human being than one is able to do with the methods currently in use. And so, I would say, the challenge, especially from those medical doctors who were dissatisfied or who had fallen into a certain skepticism as a result of their studies and practice, led to the development of what I will be talking to you about today and tomorrow. From the outset, we did not take the view that we could now introduce all kinds of amateurish ideas into a conscientiously conducted field of research that had been put into practice. And when the founding of Kommender Tag in Stuttgart and Futurum in Switzerland suggested that the field of medicine should now also be cultivated, it came about that I said: Certainly, what Anthroposophy has to give can throw light on the preparation of remedies, but one should not simply start from preparing remedies, but everything that is done in this direction should be in the strictest connection with medicine, with real practice. And so our institutes came into being, which are indeed institutes for preparing remedies using the methods I will talk about; but these institutes are connected to clinical institutions, and in the course of time I will often refer to that clinical institute which has now become exemplary in the first place: that of Dr. Wegman in Arlesheim, which is directly connected with the Goetheanum, our anthroposophical university in Switzerland. There it is indeed possible, through constant contact with the sick, to enter into a living connection with regard to therapy, which, through the anthroposophical method of research, is to be cultivated as the great question of our time. But we have not yet been satisfied with that either. We have affiliated actual research institutes to these institutes. And we have affiliated a biological institute and physical institutes, but I will not speak of them for the time being, as they are still in the early stages of their work. At the Biological Research Institute – which I want to mention so that you can see that we want to work with the same exactitude that is otherwise required – we have already recorded two findings. Please don't take it as silly vanity of mine when I express my conviction – oh no, it's important to honestly express what one can be convinced of based on the available results – when I say: Despite some individual methodological objections that one could still make, these two results are such that they can point the way to how we can strive for the same exactitude that is otherwise striven for today in the scientific basis of medicine. The first work to come out of our research institute is a work on the function of the spleen, and since I can only give you two lectures, only suggestions, you will forgive me if I can only point out some of them. In the course of anthroposophical research work, the function of the spleen has become particularly interesting to me, and I will have to speak about what can be called the spiritual scientific method. Through these methods, it has become clear to me how special the spleen function is in the human organism as a whole, which, as you know, is a kind of crux for anthropology. The human being - I can only hint at this now - carries within him the most diverse processes, including those that require rhythm. These processes include not only breathing and blood circulation, but also rhythms of a larger scale, for example, the rhythm of digestion. Now, the rhythm of digestion is something that is demanded by human nature itself, but which, in the way it is demanded by it, can never be maintained. According to the demands of his organism, man should actually eat and drink with an enormous rhythmic regularity. He cannot do this, because even if he organized the times for his meals with great pedantry, this would not yet result in the rhythmicity demanded by the organism actually being able to be maintained. For one day one eats this, the next day something else, and one would have to proceed with an almost immeasurable knowledge of the details if one were to do all this. Breathing and blood circulation have it easier, but the rhythm of digestion is, because we are dependent on our contact with the outside world, something that cannot really be met. Now the functions of the spleen are designed to compensate for and correct those irregularities that necessarily occur in the digestive rhythm, by combining these spleen functions with the entire digestive function in the broadest sense. That is what I realized at the time. Now, at our Biological Research Institute, through methods that are as exact as the clinical methods of today, even if some objections can be raised with regard to the details, this has been fully empirically confirmed by the work on spleen function. It is a work that one would like to believe, if it had been done in an ordinary clinic, would have made a great impression in the field of medical thinking. That this has not happened – and this is not a case of silly vanity, I assure you – and that this work, carried out with such enormous dedication by Dr. Kolisko, is still relatively unknown today, is solely due to the fact that it was created on anthroposophical ground. The second work is such that a scientific-medical “belief” has been made to the extent that it can become an exact science. You will not assume that I want to somehow advocate here for the much-disputed area of homeopathy in its relation to allopathy, it does not occur to me, because I know how much lay and dilettantish there is in ordinary homeopathic thinking. But it cannot be denied that in highly diluted substances, even in the external physical sphere, the most extensive effects may be present. Therefore, it cannot be assumed from the outset that substances in high dilution cannot have effects after all. Just think of the numerous effects that are exerted when inhaling any substances that are present in an extremely fine distribution. We often do not consider that when we have people sit in a bath, it is much more important that they inhale what evaporates, whereby certain substances are in a very strong dilution, that this is much more important than what the bath does externally. But all of this was previously a kind of scientific belief. We have now actually tried to scientifically substantiate this belief – within the limits, of course, in which it is justified; the results must not, of course, become a panacea – by producing dilutions in a ratio of up to one part in a trillion, so that we can really say: it is no longer a matter of the ordinary material effect coming to light, but of the function that lives in the materials, which passes into the medium. In this case, we are dealing with nothing other than the functional form. We have, however, managed to prove that the diluted entities develop rhythmic effects that are astonishing. We used the growth of seeds for this purpose. We were precise and careful in our selection of seeds. We germinated the seeds in metal solutions, using the metal compound in the appropriate dilution, and we were really able to prove how the metal solutions, diluted one to ten, one to twenty, one to fifty, one to one hundred, one to five hundred and so on, affect the growth forces of the plants. The resulting curves are interesting and show a great deal of regularity, so that we can say: At a certain dilution, the vitalizing force is still influenced in a certain way; if you continue to dilute, this influence decreases. If you go further, the greater dilution then has a greater influence on the vitalizing force. This results in a descending and an ascending curve, which then express the effects of highly diluted entities that can be precisely justified. And so the small part, the excerpt of what – I say explicitly – is misused by homeopathy, has been elevated to the rank of an exact field of research. I do not say this in order to attach greater importance to these results in the first place; I say it only to show that we are making every effort not to work in a dilettantish, amateurish way outside of science, but to place ourselves squarely on the ground of current research methods in use in science. But from there we must then go further.It is historically understandable that, given the tremendous successes that have emerged in the last few centuries, at least in the natural sciences, in the 19th century, humanity was, so to speak, hypnotized by what sensual-physical observation and exact experimentation could yield. But as far as knowledge of the human being is concerned, and even in terms of ordinary physical knowledge of the human being, it is not possible to go so far with these research methods that an inner understanding of the nature of the human organization emerges. And this is simply because, on the one hand, great and tremendous progress is being made in our knowledge of the human physical organization, but, on the other hand, precisely because of the exact and fruitful nature of these research methods, a whole part of the human being, which is just as real as the physical human being, is simply being excluded. The greatness of scientific research can also be seen from the fact that it has thrown out of our knowledge of man with tremendous energy that which is the spiritual-soul man, who - as we shall see - must be understood in the medical sense no less as a reality in practice than the physical man. To do this, it is necessary for me to first tell you a few basic principles about the anthroposophical research method in general, especially insofar as it leads to knowledge of the human being. The fact is that today, in all our research, we simply stop at how we have become in our soul constitution, which also includes our cognitive ability, through what culture has already brought up as our school education, as education within the conventional sciences. That is where we stop. We do not say to ourselves: as a two- or three-year-old child, we still look quite unlike our soul mood and constitution in later life. We develop; we become quite different in the course of, say, fifteen years of our human youth. In our eighteenth or nineteenth year, we have abilities that we do not have as a two- or three-year-old child, let alone earlier; these develop from within us. Why should it not be possible to raise the question: Is it not possible for an adult to remain relatively capable of development? Is it possible to arbitrarily, so to speak, complete this development of the soul life? Of course, at first it is a question of inner trial. But anyone who tries, who really tries to go beyond what is today considered the norm of human soul development, to attain other soul abilities, can do it, will succeed! More details about this can be found in my books “How to Know Higher Worlds”, “Occult Science: An Outline” and others. In principle, I will only hint at this, that we are able to develop further what we otherwise have as thinking, what we know from its application not only in ordinary life but also in current science when we experiment and interpret observations. When this is said, people usually start saying: Yes, now he is coming up with a “mystical development.” But if you want to contemptuously point to the mystical development — if you want to use the word — that I am talking about here, then you should also contemptuously point to mathematics and geometry. The essence of mathematics and geometry is this: that one moves in full deliberation from one position to another, that there is absolutely nothing of the subconscious, in which suggestive can play a role. This deliberation, this full awareness, must follow us everywhere in the object, in mathematics and geometry. The same thing that we do inwardly with the object, when we proceed exactly, can be applied to the development of our own soul. Not in that mystical conspiracy, with which one often speaks about mysticism, but in full clarity, the soul can be further developed in relation to its ability to think, but not by brooding within itself, but by proceeding from quite definite, clearly comprehended ideas and from there — just as it happens in mathematics for the object — now taking in nothing but that by which one can pass with full composure from one content of consciousness to another. If this is applied as a truly inwardly exact method of developing the soul for a sufficiently long time — it takes longer for some, shorter for others — then one does indeed gradually come to grasp thinking, not as it is otherwise passive, but in its activity; so that one, while otherwise passively following with one's thoughts what one can observe, comes to experience an inner activity. This inner activity of thinking gives the first real insight into what is supersensible in man, the first stage. I would like to say: if one approaches man from the outside – and one can chart the whole blood dynamics – then in the blood dynamics one has, so to speak, a picture of man, of a part of man, seen from the outside. But by proceeding as I have indicated with regard to thinking, one comes to experience oneself inwardly filled with a second human being, with the human being who is independent of the physical organism. Anyone who thinks that something suggestive is occurring is ignoring the fact that the methods I am referring to here are absolutely exact methods, in which everything is experienced in full composure; so that one can arrive at precisely what might be even the slightest suggestion in the depths of the soul and reject it. The path one follows with this method is exactly the opposite of that which can introduce anything suggestive or autosuggestive into consciousness. But one comes to the following: If one observes the gradual development of the child with the precise observation that one acquires through such a development of thought, then a significant difference arises between the whole constitution of the child up to about the change of teeth, up to the seventh or eighth year, and after that. The difference that exists between the earlier and later stages is such that one must first acquire the ability to pay attention to it. Otherwise one overlooks it, does not pay attention to it, but one must start precisely there, I would say, with the courage to approach the human being and such observations really as precisely as one has otherwise become accustomed to in physics in the course of more recent research. In physics we speak of latent warmth and of warmth that actually occurs. We speak of the fact that through some process a state of warmth that would otherwise remain latent in some substance, that is, within the substance, can come out. Whatever external physical science has arrived at, we must also arrive at. We must be able to have the courage to do this, the courage with regard to the development of the human soul, for example. And if one has this courage to do research, the following emerges: one sees — one only has to understand how to focus one's attention on it — how, in the case of a child who has changed teeth, inner soul forces arise that were not there before. Not even education has progressed so far as to be able to say anything about this, because it is not observed precisely, because the curves do not rise steeply and fall deeply, but because it is a matter of subtleties and these subtleties must be observed with a different, spiritual eye; that is why little attention is paid to them today. But for those who acquire the ability to conduct spiritual research, it turns out that everything we call the ability to remember, for example, is radically changed when the teeth change. The ability to remember is one that, with a certain elementary power, still allows the organism to shoot out what the child presents in their memory. That special kind of memory experience, where one goes back and has the feeling that one is going back to the experience, that only occurs with the change of teeth. So countless things in the mental experience only occur with the change of teeth. They are then there; they did not reveal themselves before in the child's nature. Where were they? They were in the child's nature, just as latent warmth is in a substance; and those organic processes that have only their external symptom in the change of teeth have brought out what was previously in the organism and working on it, just as some physical process brings out the latent warmth from a substance. Today, psychology speaks of psychophysical parallelism and the like; it cannot come to the conclusion that there may be a connection between what we have in psychology today: the soul, thought of in a completely abstract way, and what comes to light anatomically and physiologically, because the two things are such that, if you look at them in such an abstract way, you cannot find a bridge from one to the other. But the human being is, after all, a developing being. If we look at what is present in the soul after the change of teeth, what has emerged in the soul, we can say: the same forces that now confront us as the metamorphosed thinking in the soul were previously organic forces, acting as forces for the growth of organs in the child; so that here we have an empirical relationship between the life of soul and the life of body, which one must seek only at the right time in human development. If we now carry out the mental exercises I have mentioned, we come once more to something similar in this thinking, something that is as strong and active as the thinking still in the organism. That is the second person that one discovers in oneself: it is on a higher level than the ordinary, merely passive thinking, but what we have as a second, etheric body - I ask you not to be offended by the term - thoroughly organized. So it is not a matter of the anthroposophical research method that one now speaks of an imagined etheric body, but that one can in fact - I can only give hints here - empirically show how what one finds through the special methods of knowledge is really active in human nature; because when we look at a child, what we later find in thought is at work. If I want to understand the forces of growth in the child, if I want to know how there is something particularly vitalizing in it, then I have to do it in what I call imaginative knowledge, because that makes it an inner content of consciousness. If, for example, the forces that are growth forces in the child later pass over into the life of the soul, but then work passively, and if there are healing powers in these growth forces, then I can only explore these healing powers if I now, in turn, come to look at and inwardly experience what the vitalizing forces are, using the actual spiritual scientific method. This makes it possible to see in these things not mere fantasy but something that is active in the human organism, and thus to make outer anthropology a real anthroposophy through inner empiricism. And just as one finds this second human being through a special training of thinking, so, if one goes further, within these two humans, the physical and the etheric, a third can still be found. But do not be put off – because terminology is needed everywhere – if I call it the astral human being, anthroposophy already indicates the reasons for this. I will only hint at the constitution of man himself. When one has come so far as to really experience this second, etheric man inwardly independent of the physical man, then one has a content of consciousness. With reference to this, I can say: One feels almost as secure in it as one feels in one's physical body in normal waking consciousness. One already feels this second man. Therefore, the next step, which must follow, is much more difficult inner work: to find out what I have described as the etheric human being. Because you only get the rest by gaining the strength to sucker out this etheric human being. This must now be done very consciously, so that you, as it were, drive out again after driving in. Generally speaking, the preliminary exercise for this is not easy. Ideas that have stuck with you for a long time, that were so present that they occupied your entire consciousness – but again in full consciousness, so that there is nothing suggestive about them – are difficult to switch off, because they work in consciousness with much stronger force than ideas that are fleetingly established in everyday life and from ordinary observation. But once one has practiced freeing one's consciousness in general, in a more conscious way, from whatever may be present in it, then one can also learn to use suggestion to make this figment of one's own imagination disappear and to create an empty consciousness. This consciousness is then exactly in the state in which man would be if, after entering the ordinary dreamless sleep, he were suddenly to perceive around him a different world, if he were to wake up not in the body but outside the body, and also not in the physical world but in a spiritual world. This awakening can be brought about by doing what I have just described: after first energizing the consciousness in the strongest possible way, so that it acquires an etheric content, one then empties it again, has the empty consciousness, the mere awakening, without any of the content one otherwise has in life or in science. To produce empty consciousness – you know how difficult that is in ordinary life, because when you let the sensations of the senses disappear in ordinary life, the person simply falls asleep. But in this way, as I have described it, you come to the empty consciousness that merely watches, but it does not remain so for long. Then the spiritual world enters, above all a third human being, a person who is actually now only an inner function, only inner mobility and activity. The second, etheric human being, is the vitalizing one, the third, astral human being, is mobility, activity. Then there is a fourth human being that makes it possible for us to be human in the fullest sense of the word. Perhaps I will have the opportunity to elaborate on this in the course of the lectures; for now I will only hint that this is the actual I-human being, because what I have described so far is also possessed by the animal: physical body, etheric body and astral body. But the human being also has the possibility of experiencing this combination of his limbs within himself, not in the abstract but in the concrete. If the human being not only produces empty consciousness, thereby grasping the spiritual world, but if he now goes further and energizes the experience of the spiritual world even more, then he comes up to the full conception of the I. In this way, one can form a picture of what gradually becomes the content of the human being through anthroposophically exact methods. This content of the human being is now truly there. Just as warmth, which was first latent and then brought up and became real warmth, manifests itself in its physical effects, so that which is etheric body, astral body and I definitely manifests itself in the human being. And we only understand the human being if we can truly consider this interaction of the four members of his being. Let us look at a single aspect. Let us look at a single aspect so that we can form an idea of how these things can interact, for example the kidneys and kidney function in humans. In every single aspect of the human being, the four aspects of human nature interact to a greater or lesser extent. When we study kidney function, what we can observe in the corpse or otherwise is only the sum of physical effects. However, this sum of physical effects is energized by what I initially called the etheric body, that is, by that part of the etheric body that contains the vital functions for the kidney in particular. But this is again permeated by the astral body, and it is only in the interaction of these members of human nature that we can inwardly comprehend the human being, whether in the case of a single organ or a system of organs. Now let us take the case of detecting some kind of irregularity in kidney function. I need only refer to this in general terms, since you are a professional in this field. And anyone who sees through the whole thing as I have indicated will see that in some way the physical kidney function and the etheric kidney function oppose the astral kidney function. So that is a typical case. One can come to the conclusion that the physical and etheric kidney organization offer resistance to the astral kidney function — which one only gets a view of when one has established empty consciousness. But now it is like this: when a living organ, the kidney, offers resistance through its physical and etheric organization to the astral, then, because otherwise the organ would atrophy, the astral organization must intervene more thoroughly more energetically; and therefore, in special cases, of course (I always relate to specific cases), we have a particular concentration of the part of the astral organization that corresponds to the kidney on the kidney activity. In other words, the astral kidney function becomes much stronger in itself than it is allowed to be called upon to be according to the whole constitution of the human being; so that the one who sees through the kidney function in this way has the picture: Here the astral body is performing work in the kidneys that it withdraws from the totality of the human being in which it must be active; it develops a process in the kidneys that should not actually be there. Due to the particular abnormal developmental aspects in the physical and etheric kidneys, the astral kidneys are overburdened. Now it is a matter of pushing the diagnosis to this point. It is known that the astral part of the kidney now has something to do that it does not actually have to do in the normal functioning of the organism; it performs something that it should not actually perform, but which the kidney, as it is in its diseased, pathological state, or as the etheric kidney, now demands of this astral part. This leads to the first part, to the very first link in a view of the nature of the patient. The disease processes should actually be the greatest mystery for the thinking person, because they are, after all, natural processes. But the normal processes are also natural processes. How do these abnormal processes, these disease processes, come to be in the midst of the normal processes? As long as one regards the human being only as an equally valuable tissue of physical substances and functions, one does not actually arrive at a possible distinction between what is physiological and what is pathological; but one does arrive at it when one knows that the kidney can undergo a metamorphosis in which it develops physical processes that the normal kidney does not develop because in the normal kidney there is a right harmony between the physical, etheric and astral kidneys. This is what one first sees. The question now is: how can this disease process, which must simply be explained in terms of an excessive demand on precisely a supersensible part of human nature, possibly be eliminated? How can we get the astral person to function normally again? In these discussions, I always want to look at something very specific and individual. I do not want to talk about a severe kidney disease, because the principle of the matter can also become clear to us in the case of a mild kidney disease. But just so that I can indicate how to deal with such a kidney, I would like to start from a very specific example. What we know is, first of all, that we must now free the astral body from its work on the kidney, which is deformed in the broadest sense. There is a process going on there that the human astral body should not be doing; we have to get it out of the abnormally running process of the kidney. If we now gain the kind of knowledge that first looks at the human being and then at the world, the following emerges with the method I have described. We turn our gaze from the human being to the outer nature. We come to study the special nature of Equisetum arvense. If we study this horsetail, not so much emphasizing the individual substances it consists of, but rather looking at the process that lives in it, then we come to the following: Today it is common, because materialistic thinking has taken hold of everything, that we state for everything organic: it consists of so much protein, fat and carbohydrates and so on. We look everywhere for what the external chemistry can indicate as the individual components of a substance, and in this way we arrive at the elements, as they were called; but that is not what is of primary importance in what I have in mind here. What interests us most about equisetum is that when we analyze it, that is, when we break down its functions, we find that silicic acid is the main constituent among the substances that remain. It must therefore be present in such a strong way that it predominates, still exerting its silicic acid function in equisetum. In analyzing, we do not recognize the substance as such, but we do recognize what significance the substance has. And that must also be recognized. Equisetum is a plant; in it we do not find an astral body, but we do find a physical body and an etheric body. We study Equisetum arvense and find that silicic acid plays a particularly important role. Of course, there are other plants that contain silicic acid. We also find that certain sulphuric acid salts play a role and finally we find that the most important constituents that still assert their nature, their essence, in Equisetum, are silicic acid — but not the “material”, but the silicic acid function — and the sulphur function. And now we find something very remarkable. If we are able to see through the special kind of connection with the spiritually developed powers, what is around the sulfuric acid salts in connection with the silicic acid, SiO2, we find that there is there is a process, a functional connection that we can now transpose into the human organism, either orally or – in the case of other processes we do not have to choose the oral route – through a bath or by injection. The significance of these individual methods will be discussed later. But if we introduce the equisetum into the human organism in a certain way – but it is better not to use equisetum as such now, and that is the basis of the essential way we prepare our remedies, because although the effects are there, visually, they are not as permanent – if we now study the functional relationship between silica and sulfur and then try to imitate it in the preparation, we have the opportunity, by implementing what can be studied in the case of Equisetum in the more or less inorganic preparation, to develop stronger effects on the human organism than those achieved by using the mere plant as a tea or the like. This is particularly important for the production of our remedies. If I now introduce into the human organism the functional relationship between sulphur and silicic acid in the right way, then simply through the special quality of this functional relationship the following happens: the process that the human astral body has to carry out while the disease is present is now taken from the kidney. If I introduce into the kidney the functioning of sulphur and silicic acid in Equisetum arvense, I relieve the human astral body of what would otherwise have to be done by the deformed kidney (deformed in the widest sense); I let the disease process, so to speak, be done by something that I have introduced into the body. This is the beginning of every healing process. You have to know the disease process. You first have to have a rational pathology, you have to know the disease process and you have to research where in nature something can be found that can exactly reproduce this disease process. For one must not believe that one can always fight the disease process everywhere in a disease, but one must actually catch it. What the disease process is, must be caught by something that is known in its dynamics, as here with Equisetum sulfur and silicic acid. Then one gets out that which, as in this case of kidney disease, used to function as the astral body. And by getting this out, one must also ensure that the person is strengthened internally through diet and so on, so that they can apply all their inner strength more energetically than usual. That is, one must devote some energy to the entire astral body. Then one gets the astral body, which has now been released in its entirety in this way and in the corresponding case, to extinguish the disease by means of the healthy part of the astral body, if one first has the excessive activity of the astral body take over from an external function. This is how one arrives at a rational concept of healing. As a rule, this healing always consists in intercepting the disease process by means of an inserted process from outside and then, by energizing, inducing what is already in the person to overcome the disease process, while one cannot do this as long as — as in this case — the astral body has to turn its activity one-sidedly towards the kidney, which is different from how it should be. What I have just described is the case, or can be the case, with all those disease processes that are based on organ irregularities that - as I would like to call it - have a centrifugal effect, an inward centrifugal effect. The kidney is a secretory organ that first secretes inwards, even if the excretion goes outwards, it secretes inwards. And if you take my point of view, pathological processes must be understood in such a way that the cure consists in inducing a centrifugal process in the kidneys by introducing Equisetum arvense, a process that radiates out from the kidneys. There are other processes that show us the polar opposite of what I have just mentioned. And here I do not wish to mention a serious illness, but rather, to discuss the principle, something that, although it only attracts more or less distant attention compared to the actual deeper illnesses of the human being, is, above all, extremely unpleasant for the patient: that is hay fever, hay fever catarrh. If we want to combat this, we must bear in mind that we are dealing with a very serious constitutional disorder. Ultimately, however, it can be traced back to a weakening of the astral body with its powers, this third, internally mobile human being, which occurs peripherally in the human being. We can trace hay fever back to early childhood, where we have general illnesses that we usually do not pay much attention to, which then specialize into what occurs later in life as hay fever. And if we know that this hay fever is based on the astral body weakening in relation to certain functions, not reaching the physical body and etheric body, then it must be our primary concern to energize this astral body inwardly, to lead it back to its proper functions, so that when we have to deal with more outward-directed centrifugal effects in the pathological, we now counteract them with something else. In the example of kidney disease, we have, as it were, intercepted the disease; we have considered the astral body in such a way that, when it is freed from its abnormal work, we only need to energize it, to strengthen it; then, when we relieve it of what it had to do with the diseased kidney, it will already be working in the direction of health. This is not the case with processes such as hay fever. In such cases we must not try to stop the disease process; instead, we must set in motion a process that is the exact opposite of the disease process. It has been found that we can stimulate the astral body to perform a function that it can no longer perform because it no longer has access to the physical and etheric bodies. This can be done by using certain fruit juices that which have skins, and which actually show centripetal effects within the fruit, and when we prepare the corresponding preparation from these fruit juices, as an ointment for milder cases and as an injection for more severe cases. We drive it back to the physical body and ether body, and in this respect, we can indeed show some very nice successes. Dr. Wegman has injected numerous patients with our hay fever remedy and has had the most wonderful successes in this area. It is entirely possible, from this way of thinking, to bring about a meeting between the astral body, which has become sluggish, and to energize it, so that one can see in this process, which one causes with the injection – these processes then have a certain affinity to particular organs; so if we use a particular fruit juice, it has a particular affinity to particular organs; one then one has to find out the particular points and know the currents in which the affinities express themselves – one can see how those physical functions that occur through that which has become sluggish and inert in the astral body, which would not occur if they were held by the astral body, how these functions really cease to occur when we now intercept the astral body itself. Before, we intercepted the disease process; now we intercept the process in the particular area on which we want to act. Thus, with regard to the preparations we use, we have to distinguish between processes that work more centrifugally, as I described in the case of the kidney process, and healing processes that work more centripetally, as for example in the case of the hay fever remedy. When you consider these things, you might think at first that they are imaginary. Most people in the present day also believe that they are imagined. That is why I attach great importance to the fact that we not only produce such remedies, but that our institutes work in line with this medical way of thinking. Now, when examining these remedies, one is in a different situation than when trying out remedies in a purely empirical way. In the latter case, one is mainly dependent on statistics, which tell us: if the number of cases in which a remedy has helped is very large in relation to those in which it has not helped, then statistics will help us. But if we start from a method such as I have described, we see to a certain extent from our understanding of the disease process what must occur in a particular healing process. Pathology and therapy become one! Because the thing is this: if I recognize through diagnosis what is going on in the diseased kidney, then it is the same process, only on a different level, that I have to apply in therapy: I have to intercept the process; I have to introduce something into the human organism through the combination of sulfur and silicic acid so that I myself produce what presents itself to me as a pathological process. I heal by developing a therapy that is an imitation of the disease process at a different level, and that must be carried out by the astral body. For example, if I introduce the function of equisetum into the human organism, I leave it in the etheric body, and I relieve the astral body of its work on the diseased kidney. In this way what is otherwise juxtaposed and can only be found together by pure empiricism – pathology and therapy, is transformed into an absolute unity. If we recognize the nature of the disease process in this way, we must find in the outer nature how, for example, a particular kidney process is imitated in Equisetum arvense; or if we recognize that the bile secretion process in the liver is really its inner nature in certain forms of the disease, we find this form of disease of the gall secretion process, for example, in Cichorium intybus, then we are able, through the way in which the function proceeds in Cichorium intybus, to relieve the astral body of the liver in the gall secretion process of what it would otherwise have to do. We thus advance in healing in such a way that pathology itself is actually nothing other than therapy. This is how therapy becomes a truly rational science. — If, for example, we are familiar with the wonderful connection that exists between iron and certain mucilaginous plant components and salts of Anisum vulgare, we can see how there is something functional in this aniseed, particularly in the seeds of Anisum [Pimpinella anisum], which is one with certain hyperinflammatory blood disease processes. We can relieve the blood of these disease processes by using a preparation that is modeled on the connection between certain plant mucilages and the iron in aniseed. In this way, we not only free the astral body, but, when it comes to blood diseases, the ego organization is also involved. In this way, we come to turn our gaze to the whole of nature. What is beautiful nature outside is actually nothing but an imitation of disease processes. In the human being, these are disease processes on the inside, while outside it is the wonderfully beautiful nature. But one must understand the connection and know how to bring disease functions into the human being from the wide field of natural processes and thereby relieve the supersensible members of human nature of disease processes. Now one no longer has to rely on statistics! For if one recognizes such a connection by inner insight, and observes how the effects must occur, then it is the same as in a physical experiment carried out correctly in an exact scientific way. There one does not proceed according to statistics either, but one knows, for example from Mariotte-Gay-Lussac's law, that this is an exactly executed experiment which, if it is carried out exactly, is also conclusive. With human beings it is not as simple as with a physical experiment, but it is actually the same if one can see through the process of the illness and say: this or that must work, and then see step by step how it works. What is necessary – and this is precisely what is available to such a high degree in the Clinical-Therapeutic Institute of Dr. Wegman in Arlesheim – is that one really banishes all medical skepticism; because that is actually what continually puts the strongest obstacles in one's way. What Dr. Wegman has is the courage to heal. The courage to heal is part of everything! Then you also come to see the disease process and start to counter it, so to speak, intercepting it. But then it becomes particularly important to see how it all actually happens, if you don't want to be sloppy; but to follow the healing process step by step. And then you also know where something is not in order; then you have to go back and investigate where you have overlooked something. But if you then have the courage to heal in every single case and actually do not presuppose anything else, do not want anything other than healing, than courageously healing the disease processes, then you have that, from which you can feel most strongest stimulus, as a scientific basis for medicine that does not merely want to work out rational therapy from an exact pathology as a consequence, but which already has the healing process in the diagnosis. Then one cannot speak about the disease process other than that one already has the therapy at the same time as the diagnosis. One then describes the kidney disease in such a way that the description is very similar to what happens in Equisetum arvense: one transfers what one sees in the kidney to an external natural process; so that one describes in such a way in the diagnosis that the diagnosis contains the healing process. |
319. Anthroposophical Medical Theory and Human Knowledge: Sixth Lecture
16 Nov 1923, The Hague Rudolf Steiner |
This is particularly evident from the fact that under certain conditions antimony can be treated electrolytically. If it is then brought to the cathode, an explosion occurs at the slightest provocation. |
It is more difficult for the liver, for example, but then it is also more fruitful, because certain liver diseases can, I am convinced, only be understood at all in this way. But it is possible to understand every organ. A member of the audience: Yesterday we heard a beautifully constructed system, but the foundations are not yet clear to me. |
These are things that depend on how experience expands. I understand every objection and could make it myself. But just think of how many objections were raised against the Copernican system. |
319. Anthroposophical Medical Theory and Human Knowledge: Sixth Lecture
16 Nov 1923, The Hague Rudolf Steiner |
Allow me to expand on some of the things I mentioned yesterday. What I will say today can, of course, provide no more than a few pointers and suggestions; while, of course, a wealth of evidence could be provided to support everything that needs to be said from the medical point of view, from the perspective that I hinted at yesterday, which of course cannot be discussed today – and in such a short time anyway. I already indicated yesterday that through the inner training of the soul, one can actually come to distinguish in the human being the actual physical body, then what I called yesterday – as I said, one must have terminology, and one does not need to bother about it — what I called yesterday the etheric body, which is the first supersensible link in human nature; that one then has to distinguish the astral body, which I also discussed yesterday in terms of its effect on kidney function, and finally the ego organization in the human being. When we speak of a person in a healthy or diseased state, it is always necessary to bear in mind that these four aspects of the human being have distinctly different functions that interact and exert mutual effects on one another in both healthy and diseased states. And only when one is able to visualize the unity of the human being from this confluence of four, I might say separate, levels of function, is one also able to gain a true conception of the healthy or the sick human being. I already mentioned yesterday: disease processes are, after all, natural processes. And with unbiased observation, one cannot really find a boundary between the so-called normal, healthy processes of the human organism and the diseased processes if one does not know this structure of human nature and thus knows: if any of these members interferes with the entire human unit more than it should interfere, then this is precisely how the abnormal, diseased functioning of the human being arises. But we still cannot arrive at an idea of how the various forces, the sensory and the supersensible, interact in this miracle of the human organism, if we do not know one thing that was actually in my mind when I conceived it more than thirty-five years ago, but which I have only dared to speak out in recent years. Only in recent years have I been able to find the courage to say it, and it will be clear from this that the research meant here is no less conscientious than what is considered research today. The following is at issue. We must also subdivide the human being according to the nervous-sense system, which is primarily localized in the head. But the human being is not such that one can say anything other than: the nervous-sense system is primarily localized in the head organization. It extends over the whole human being, and what I have to distinguish as three or four elements of human nature interlock; and when we speak of the nerve-sense organization, we can really only say, exactly and precisely, that the human being is most “head” in the head, but the head organization, the nerve-sense organization, extends over the whole human being. Then, what can be called the rhythmic organization of the human being in the broadest sense plays into this nerve-sense organization. The rhythm of breathing and the rhythm of blood circulation are, of course, the most prominent phenomena within the rhythmic human being; but other rhythms also come into consideration: the rhythm of sleeping and waking, the rhythm that expresses itself in the narrower sense in digestion, and so on. Again, the rhythmic system extends throughout the whole human being and is only preferentially localized in the middle of the human being. And thirdly, we have to distinguish – we can look at it in one way or another – the metabolic-limb system. This is the system that primarily serves the movement of the human being and that in turn extends throughout the whole human being. These two systems, the metabolic system and the locomotor system, are also closely connected, which will perhaps become clear from the inner content of the observation I am about to make. However, these three systems, although they are interrelated, are strictly distinguished from one another, so that we can say: In the nervous-sensory organization, what is physical, etheric, astral body and I-organization works quite differently than, for example, in the rhythmic organization or in the metabolic-limb organization. These four aspects of human nature – physical body, etheric body, astral body and I – are present in all three systems, so to speak, in separate locations, but they in turn engage with each of these systems in a wide variety of ways. And only when we are able to say, for example, how the ego organization or the astral body intervenes in the head system, are we able to speak of healthy and sick people in an exact and appropriate way. I would like to discuss this for a specific case. Let us take the head organization, and more specifically how the nerve-sense system is localized in the head. Here too, we are of course speaking of the human being as a whole, because what can be said of the head is also present to a lesser degree in the rhythmic human being, in the middle human being, and in the metabolic-limb human being. But the essential point can be grasped through the head organization: the question here is — as I said, with the restriction I have just made — what is localized first in this head organization. The human being is entirely head, but I discuss the head organization in the head in the narrower sense. First of all, the nervous-sensory organization is localized; the various sensory organs of perception have their continued effects in the inner human organism, so we must say if we want to speak exactly about the senses. Now the question is: What do we actually have before us when we first speak of the sensory organization? — Here, too, I can only give a kind of general idea. The sense organization is usually discussed in an extremely abstract way, so that one speaks of it as if it were mere concepts. The anatomical and physiological basis is discussed, but – as can be seen from the terribly amateurish discussions that can be found in physiology – the actual functioning within the sensory tract is something that is basically never properly considered. For this is something that behaves in the opposite ratio, so that one can say: The respiratory function is in the reverse proportion to the sense function as the blood circulation system is to the digestive function. So the digestive function, if I may express myself crudely, is, so to speak, a condensed blood circulation. Or the other way around: what circulates in the blood is a refined digestive process. And the sense process is a refined respiratory process. I could also say: the breathing process is a coarsened sensory process. These two processes differ quantitatively, not qualitatively. This, for example, is the reason why the methodology prescribed in Indian yoga philosophy for deeper knowledge is not the mere ordinary nerve-sense process, but a certain modified breathing process. What is to be achieved in the practice of yoga in this modified breathing process is nothing less than a coarser realization. There is actually a great deal of wisdom in this lowering of the process of realization into the breathing process through the yoga philosophy of India. But it is precisely what takes place from the senses inwards, a refined, so to speak spiritualized breathing process. In this refined breathing process, I would like to say, in those places where sensory perception first takes place, the function of the I and the function of the astral body must be present in the greatest possible freedom. They must be able to work in the eye, must be able to work in the ear; but they must be able to work in such a way that the effect is really transmitted to the physical organization. If we consider the eye, we find the following. In the eye, first of all, is the physical organization of the eye. In it is the etheric body of the eye, which takes care of the vitalistic aspect. But then we have the astral and the I-organization of the human being; these must work independently for the eye, but they must take hold of the physical substance of the eye. Now, in line with what I indicated yesterday, what is found in the human organism is also found in nature outside, only that the natural process is not found in the human organism as a healthy process, but as an unhealthy one; but there is always a healthy process in nature corresponding to a process in the human organism. What the sense organs perceive outside in nature is most outstandingly encountered when you consider the way it functions, which, I would say, is captured in silica, in quartz, in silicic acid, when you therefore perceive as a living process that which appears to you as something that has become solid, as something congealed, so to speak. All solid bodies are only solidified processes, solidified occurrences. If we look at the silicic acid process, we have to say: where we find silicic acid in nature, where we find quartzite – it is also present in other substances in nature, but most prominently in quartz – we have something in what takes place there that corresponds to what takes place in the human being through the human organization, for example in the eye or in another sense organ. There is no justification for the assertion that we have quartz in there in a substantial sense; but what we have in the eye or in another sense organ is functionally, in terms of the process, the same as what is going on outside in quartz. And again, when we observe this process in the sense organs, which proves to be identical with the process in quartz, we come to the conclusion - and this is now also shown by mineralogy in the analogy of external natural , that of all the factors that can be involved in such a process as we have in the quartz process, the one that is least able to interact harmoniously with it is that which is carried by the organization of phosphorus. If you look at what has become fixed in phosphorus in nature outside, as a living process, and take the living interaction of the two, you have the same process that you have in the human eye, as a representative of the sense organization in general. And through this interaction of one process, which is like the phosphorus process, and another process, which is like the silicic acid process, the eye is the organ that can intervene in the physical organization of the eye, which is present as the ego and as the astral body in man. Everywhere the physical organization must create the basis for the spiritual to intervene in the right way. Now something else is the case. If the process that takes place in the eye through this interaction of the phosphorus process and the silicic acid process, which represents an intimate, harmonious interaction of the two, were to continue into the brain, we would be completely filled with a sensory process, we would be completely given over to nature, we would not be lifted out of nature as human beings. But we have to lift ourselves out of nature as human beings. And for this to happen, a different process must take place in the brain than in the senses, a process that separates the human being from the processes of nature. While something actually takes place in the eye that is only a continuation of an external natural process into vitalization – the sense organs are actually like gulfs that extend into the human being – something must separate in the brain and become independent. This happens again through a process that we also find in nature. What, if I may express myself in psychological terms, perception turns into an idea with the help of the human organization, is a process within the nerve-sense organization that corresponds to those processes that we find in lead. Therefore, we can say: When that which is perceived by the eye goes back further into the nerve-sense system, then a process must meet it that is the same as the lead process. Only through this can man also think what he perceives. This is what makes the brain a thinking organ; otherwise it would also be a perceiving organ. In this way, man becomes independent. In saying this, I have indicated something that is characteristic in the organization of the head. I said, therefore, that the same thing that takes place outside in the lead process must take place in the organization of the head in order for the thinking process to come about in man. Let us now take the lead function and not bring it into the nervous system – when a person is born, the lead is there from nature itself, the lead function is there, without the substance of the lead being able to be detected – but let us now bring the lead function into the digestive system and into the rest; life itself takes care of this, for example sometimes in lead poisoning. If you now observe in all phenomena what lead does to the metabolic limb of man, you get a picture that is presented in various individual symptoms, but which is actually most characteristically summarized in the symptom complex of dementia senilis or cerebral arteriosclerosis: you then get the picture of the human organism decaying in old age. In other words, if I apply the same process that ensures my independence as an organic being in the brain to the other pole of the human being, to the digestive system and to the limb system that is connected to it, then I get a clinical picture; what is a disease process in the metabolic-limb system is a necessary organic function for the nerve-sense human being. If I therefore regard sclerosis as a slow dying, I must also say that in a certain attenuated form it must continually function in the human head, where it is the normal state. Thus the three members of the human being are distinct from one another: what is the normal state in the nervous-sense organization is a manifestation of disease in the other member of the human organism. But as I said yesterday, how should we approach therapy? We have to relieve the astral body and the ego organization of the task of dealing with the disease process, when the disease process is allowed to run rampant. So what must we do when we have sclerosis? We must approach it in such a way that we relieve the human astral body of the digestive limb system of what it has to do with the aging, disintegrating, sclerotic body. And we can do that by giving it to the lead, the lead in a certain dosage. And this has led to our finding a remedy for this, which you will find in our list as remedy number 1, as the remedy for arteriosclerosis. It is therefore clear from the outset, through real knowledge of the human being, that the sclerosis can be substantially alleviated by introducing lead into the human being in the appropriate way; only now one must bring the lead to effectiveness. It is not necessarily the case that just because I have introduced the lead into the organism, it is actually effective. Here the further insights of a true knowledge of the human being are of help. It helps then to be able to distinguish in the human organism between the building up and the breaking down forces. The latter are active, for example, in sclerosis, where the human organism is disintegrating. In the main, in the brain, the human organism is constantly disintegrating, because the brain is constantly filled with a slight sclerosis; this is in its organization. So everything depends on our ability to distinguish between the processes of degeneration and the actual vitalization processes, the anabolic, growth processes. If we can distinguish between these two processes, we can then look at that part of the human organism which carries the anabolic processes in the most eminent sense: in early childhood, the whole human organism. It is not yet overburdened with organs for thinking, with organs for the rest of the soul's activity; it initially lives in the organization of growth. If we now take the relationship between the milk function and the human child organism, we find that the milk function contains the plastic forces that the organism needs in childhood. In later life, we cannot obtain the still-necessary plastic forces in the same way as we do when we consume milk during childhood. Even in very old age, we still need plastic forces, formative forces, that transform the food we take in into the forms of the organism. It turns out that nothing promotes these plastic, formative forces and the assimilation of the absorbed substances into the human organism more than the often quite weak enjoyment of honey. Honey has a similar effect on the metabolism of the limbs of an elderly person as milk has on the brain of a child – and especially on that of a child. This indicates to us that there are special formative forces in honey that we cannot discover by simply analyzing it chemically, but only if we actually recognize in all its vitality the relationships that human beings have with the other substances in the universe. And this formative capacity of honey – for a more precise interpretation, it turns out that honey takes hold of the human organism in such a way that the astral body in particular can exercise its formative forces – these effects of honey can then be supported by adding sugar, provided that the human organism can otherwise tolerate it. Thus you will find that our first remedy for sclerosis, composed and functioning in a particular way, is made of lead, honey and sugar. But this also indicates that it depends on how you do something like this. Because in a sense, an inner functioning of the forces of lead with the forces of honey and sugar must arise in the preparation itself. This preparation is made in such a way that when it is introduced into the human organism, it takes on the sclerotizing forces there. It takes the sclerotizing forces from the astral body and the ego organization of the person; these are thus released again and can now work for the normal, healthy organization of the person. But what I introduce into the human organism with this preparation is what the ego and the astral body had to do earlier, and which therefore were not free and diverted their functions to the disease process. Now I hand over the disease process to my preparation. The particularly effective element here is the lead; it takes over the sclerotization, because it is, after all, its own nature to have a sclerotizing effect. But I must first seek out the paths through the plasticity of the organism, through which I bring the lead to where it is needed: this is done by combining it with honey and sugar. Thus our preparations are made in such a way that they contain what can take over a pathological process. But they are also composed and processed in such a way that what I want to introduce into the person to take over the pathological process can spread throughout the organism in the right way. Thus our preparations are absolutely rationally manufactured. As a result, it actually comes about – this could always be observed from step to step by Dr. Wegman at the Arlesheim Institute whenever we applied our preparations – that in healing in this way, what is necessary is to know that the human organism is like this: if I apply something to it, it must cause a corresponding change in it. If I now observe the change as it happens, I observe the process, which is the healing process; I observe what I have presupposed. And this is so important in our method: we do not test externally and determine by statistics, but rationally predict what must happen, and then it can be checked, even at the very first stage of what occurs, whether one is actually producing the corresponding effects. In this way you can also see how the silicic acid contained in equisetum, which I mentioned yesterday, works. I have already mentioned that the special way in which silicic acid is contained in equisetum has an effect on kidney function. Today, it is no longer observed, anatomically or physiologically, that the nervous-sensory system can only be separated from the circulatory and metabolic system to a certain extent. In a sense, all organs are sensory organs again, and the kidney is already a particularly important organ in the human abdomen. So if, in the sense I explained yesterday, I use silicic acid as it is present in equisetum, I increase the sensitivity of the kidneys and thus act on those processes in the human organism that result from a dulling of the inner sensitivity of the kidneys. What we see in an outstanding way in the sense organs can be applied to a certain extent to the whole human organism. This becomes particularly clear when we consider the effect of phosphorus in a particularly striking case. It is certainly extremely interesting to observe the physiological and anatomical processes that occur during human embryonic development. Now in human embryonic development we have two interacting processes, which are usually not very well distinguished when viewed anatomically and physiologically today. First of all, there is everything that is grouped around the development of the fertilized egg. Then there is everything that takes place in the chorion from the environment, from the uterus and so on, from the female organs surrounding the embryo. When we study this, we naturally see that everything that is organized is permeated not only by the physical organization but also by the etheric, astral and I organizations. If we now look at this process — I would call it a centrifugal process because it is a radiating process — and consider what starts from the actual fertilized germ cell, develops more and more through differentiation develops more and more, and what becomes the central embryo, then on the one hand in this process we have as the main effect, as the most predominant effect, something that can be found in the process that is recorded in the silver substance. As paradoxical as it may sound, in the silver substance we have something that can increase until excretion takes place – and it is an excretion – which takes place in the secretion of the ovum in the human organism. In silver, in the functional aspect of silver, we have the excretory forces that are at work in the human being, out in nature, in the silver substance. From the fact that silver has such an eminent excretory effect, you can see the tremendous importance of silver in the appropriate dosage for the human abdomen in general. And therefore, if the necessary binders and additives are used to introduce the silver substance in a fine dosage into the digestive process, it is possible to act precisely on the elimination processes. If the elimination processes are blocked, it is possible to act on them in an extraordinarily significant way. But if we now take that which now has a centripetal effect, which emanates from the uterus, that is, enters from the outside, we have there again, in an eminent sense, in an external substance, namely phosphorus, that which emanates from the walls of the female birth organs inwards, which emanates from there and acts towards the embryo. From this, one can see the significance of the forces contained in the functioning of phosphorus. They work in exactly the opposite sense to silver; they work in such a way that they drive everything into the human being. While silver, for example, develops the tendency to excrete, especially for the lower abdomen, phosphorus develops the tendency to drive into the body. So that in silver we have something that most eminently evokes the forms of the physical body of the human being, whereas in phosphorus we have something that extinguishes these forms, that drives into the human being and extinguishes the physical organization, making this physical organization extinguished for the astral body and the ego. So phosphorus is what drives the astral organization and the ego out of the human being. In this respect, silver and phosphorus are polar opposites. For the rhythmic and intellectual person, that is, for the circulatory system and for the nerve-sense system, there is another polar opposite to phosphorus: that is lime, or carbonate of calcium. This carbonate of calcium, when introduced into the human organism, has the peculiar tendency to have a secreting effect. Indeed, it is the case with calcium carbonate, with lime, that the centrifugal, radiating forces of the human being actually show up in an outwardly natural way in the lime; whereby, when these radiating forces become too strong and disease formations arise as a result, I can use lime preparations to reduce these disease processes. But what I am trying to say becomes particularly clear if we now consider how the lime supplied to the human organism is something that is excreted everywhere in the human organism. I would like to say: in the lowest human being it has a competitor in silver, but it also has an excretory effect there; so that lime excretes both watery and airy substances from the organism everywhere. The forces of lime localized in the human organism are therefore also everything that underlies human exhalation. Lime has the power within it that acts as an engine for exhalation. And again, it has the forces within it that expel warmth in the nerve-sense organization, causing a kind of cooling of the nerve-sense organization. So in the lower human being, in the metabolic-limb human being, it expels fluids; in the rhythmic human being, it expels the air substances; in the nerve-sense organization, it expels the warmth ether – or warmth, if you prefer. In each of these relationships, phosphorus has the opposite effect to that of lime. You can see this again in the image of phosphorus poisoning. It introduces the liquid into the metabolic limb-man, or rather, the solid in a dissolved form, so that it is the driving force for inhalation, for all inward respiratory processes. It introduces the airy element into the organism in such a way that it has a warming effect on the nerve-sense organization. — But because lime is the expelling element, it prepares the way in the human organism for the functioning of the astral body and the I organization; these can then enter. It is precisely through what lime expels that the astral body and the I organization can enter the human being. On the other hand, the physical organization that phosphorus drives in drives the astral body and the ego out. You can study these things in the most superficial way by observing that lime, so to speak, fetters the awakened ego and the awakened astral body to the physical body everywhere. But what does it mean when the astral body and the ego are fettered to the physical body? It means that I suffer from sleeplessness. If I cannot bring the I organization and the astral body out of the human organism, I suffer from sleeplessness. The function of lime, if it is not counteracted by the phosphorus function, is continually a cause for us to suffer from sleeplessness and thus from all the processes associated with it. The moment you introduce the phosphorus process into the human organism, you promote the ability to sleep; so that you promote what brings out the astral body and the ego from the human organism, because these are out during sleep. In the most eminent sense this property belongs to the phosphorus function; to a lesser degree it belongs to the sulphur function. And if we have irregularities in the rhythmical system, we can also apply sulphur instead of phosphorus. If, for example, we are dealing with insomnia, which shows its symptoms in the rhythmical human being, we will have to deal with some sulphur preparation for the healing process. These can certainly only be indications. But these indications are intended to show that in all that is aimed at here as a rational diagnosis, rational therapy is already included. For if I proceed physiologically, then, for example, in the human head there is a refined process of sclerotization. By using such expressions, which connect the human being with the nature surrounding him, I can now call that which underlies thinking in the human brain as an organic function a lead process. I see this lead process, without the substance of lead, in the human nerve-sense organization; I see it as poison in the other organization, in the metabolic-limb organization. The one picture shows me in a terrible way what always takes place in a more delicate way in the nerve-sense organization. But I can also know now: if I introduce the lead function, the lead process, into the metabolic-limb human being, then I thereby take from this metabolic-limb human being in relation to the astral organization what must be taken away. And in doing so, I have allowed the healing to take place. So I no longer distinguish between diagnosis, pathology and therapy, because they all flow into one another. You recognize the disease and you know the process in the external nature that can take over this disease process in the human organism. You recognize one from the other. It is precisely this, between which today a terrible abyss gapes: pathology and therapy, that is interwoven, made one through this rational anthroposophical basis of medicine. On the other hand, however, the disease processes themselves are also illuminated in a corresponding way. Let us take an illness that is always laughed at when we mention it because it is considered a very insignificant illness by doctors – at least by doctors in Central Europe; I don't know if this is the case in the Netherlands – only for the patient this illness is quite unpleasant: I am referring to migraine. It is only understood when one knows that it consists of a process that should not be in the nerve-sense organization at all - in the head - namely, a metabolic process that is hypertrophied, so to speak, the fine metabolic process that always takes place in the head. So there is a metabolic process in the head that should not be there, and the task now is to take this metabolic process away from the head. How do you do that? Well, first of all, you are faced with the task of introducing into the person what can take up this metabolic process, what can carry it out itself. From what I said earlier, you will now find that this is silicic acid. I said of it that it must enter into the sensory organization, which is also irritated in migraine. If we bring the silicic acid process into the human sensory organization, then we work in such a way that we take the morbid migraine process out of the head. But we must first bring the silicic acid process into the head. If we want to form the preparation so that it can be taken in through the mouth, we have to make sure that it does not get stuck somewhere in the digestive process. To do this, we have to make the astral body as active as possible, so that it carries the silicic acid up through the entire digestive process in rising waves, which we introduce into the head organization through the preparation. We can only do this if we promote the upward flow of the absorbed silicic acid by doing something to make the astral body as effective as possible. That means that we have to throw out of everything that mediates between the abdomen and the head – namely the rhythm of circulation – everything that could prevent the astral body from working actively. This happens when we apply sulfur. Thus, in our preparation, processed in a certain way, we must find silicic acid and sulphur. But in the human organism it must be so that not only does something work upwards, but especially when we attack the rhythmic system, the rhythm must go up and down. We follow the respiratory rhythm up and down, follow the circulation rhythm up and down. This rising and falling is most essentially promoted by that function which again lies in the substance of iron. And this, what we want: to flood upwards once, but then to prevent it from becoming established at the top, so that only something settles at the top and the whole person is not taken up, this is achieved by preparing a preparation in a certain way, containing iron, sulfur and silicic acid. In this way we obtain our preparation, Biodoron, which serves in the most eminent sense to relieve the patient of the migraine in the head, but then also to reintroduce what we have removed from the head into the right way of organizing the human being as a whole. What can be said for the subordinate disease, the trivial disease of migraine, will, in principle, be more serious if the opposite is pursued. When, in particular, the process where breathing changes into the – as I said earlier – refined breathing, which then appears as the nerve-sense process, this process, which should actually only take place in the lower part of the uppermost part of the human being, roughly – and this is only an approximation and a rough expression – in the area between the lungs and the lower regions of the face When this process, this particular nuance of the human circulatory process, forces its way through and this process, which has already become a nerve-sense process, namely a nerve-head process, now takes place in the human intestinal tract, then we have a process that must be in the human being; only it does not belong in the intestinal tract, but in the head. There it has its normal place. If it enters the intestinal tract, it becomes typhoid. And we have simply grasped what a natural process is – every disease process is a natural process – that is, what such a disease process can be in the human being: something that is justified in another place is dislocated in this case. At a certain point in the organism, the process that plays a role in typhoid phenomena is normal; in the intestinal tract, it is a disease. It is a disease that presents itself in this way. We must now have something in the head organization where the external world can have a particularly strong effect. We know that the head is the part of the body we feel least; but we feel the environment through the head. The environment must flood into our head. So we have something in our head with which we live most strongly in the outside world. We have only two such organizational links with which we live so strongly in the outside world: first, the head itself, namely that part that I have just characterized, where breathing passes into the nerve-sense function; and then we have something else that will seem very paradoxical to you. But when we have more thoroughly studied the medical literature on this subject, which we will accomplish in the very near future, then you will take a look at the things that can be found there, and you will see how the liver function, in particular, is something that, in a completely different way, most closely reflects the outside world within the human organism. The outside world acts in the liver as if the other organism were almost not there at all. This is the special nature of the liver function. But if what should be localized in this way as the actual bed for the external effects, if that occurs where it should not be, namely in the intestinal tract, then we have something in this intestinal tract that is functionally alienated from the human organism. If we now look again in the wide expanse of nature for a way to internalize again, so to speak, this externalized mode of action in the intestine and to restore it to human functioning, then we are presented with the process that is solidified in antimony. Antimony is a body that reacts in an extraordinarily fine way to the forces of its surroundings. The antimony structure is like revealed dynamite. Imagine these bundle-shaped radiations, try to feel how it wants to break free from becoming a mineral through the so-called saiger process; then you can see: antimony is, so to speak, mineral-sensitive, it internalizes external influences. This is particularly evident from the fact that under certain conditions antimony can be treated electrolytically. If it is then brought to the cathode, an explosion occurs at the slightest provocation. When all this is recognized, when it is known how antimony relates to the forces that play everywhere in the universe, then it can also be recognized how the antimony process, when properly processed and introduced into the organism, can take up the typhoid process; so that in turn the I and the astral body can be freed from their work on the typhoid process and the person can thus gradually be restored to health. This is how I tried to indicate the principles of what can be called rational medicine. Over time, our preparations, of which there are already almost two hundred, have always been developed in two ways. At first, a fairly large number of doctors came together who had become somewhat skeptical of current therapeutic methods and who asked whether it might not be possible to use anthroposophical knowledge to find relationships between the human being and the environment that could indicate something in the surrounding substances and in their processing and application that could provide a remedy. Now, in anthroposophy, there is a very detailed and exact knowledge of the human being, a knowledge of the human being according to body, soul and spirit, as well as a detailed knowledge of nature according to the different realms of nature and the different ingredients of the natural realms. And so the first thing I was set the task of doing was to go, so to speak, the way of seeking out natural processes and examining the extent to which these natural processes represent disease processes. So I went from the outer nature into the human being. This is how you first find the sclerosis remedy that has taken this path. I have tried to find out how plumbum metallicum and some plastic-dynamic system, as it is in honey, sugar or milk, can work. In this way, a number of remedies have been developed, initially from the outside in. The question then arose: how can these remedies be brought into the world? I said: I do not want to have a remedy factory without clinics assigned to it. So the clinics came into being. And once a number of remedies were available, the clinics began to use these remedies. That is how the situation I just described came about. And now that I am in Dornach myself, Arlesheim and Dornach form one entity, and the institutes in Arlesheim are affiliated to the Goetheanum, it has been possible for me, through close collaboration with Dr. Wegman, to now go the other way for a further series of remedies, to look for the path from the disease process: where can this natural process corresponding to a disease process be found? In other words, to start with the human being and arrive at the natural substance in question. In this way, everything that can be found as a remedy flows together, especially in Arlesheim, where Dr. Wegman's Clinical Therapeutic Institute is located. What I discussed yesterday, the true courage of healing — is affiliated with the International Pharmaceutical Laboratory, which is concerned with the production of the appropriate remedies, which are to be brought into the world in the most diverse ways and which you can get to know if you are interested. I do not want to be agitational, I just want to discuss the scientific basis of the matter. But something has come about precisely in these two converging paths, which also gives great certainty for these things in purely external-empirical terms. And it is particularly satisfying when one is able to speak to an audience like yours, which has been made possible by Dr. Zeylmans inviting me to do so and invited you to attend, and you again had the kindness to come, which seems to be connected with the fact that Dr. Zeylmans himself wants to orient this institute here in the way it has now been discussed. Because I have to assume that the fact that I was allowed to give these lectures seems to indicate that an institute is to be established here that will serve as proof and evidence of what we are striving for in our clinical-therapeutic institutes, but also of an extraordinarily large number of private physicians. And from the relevant literature, you will be able to see for yourself that we not only have statistical material that is at least as reliable as clinical statistics usually yield, but that in many respects this also leads to the certainty that comes from the accuracy of the predictions, that in addition to this certainty, a particularly large statistical material is available. However, it will be of particular importance if we can find a cure for those diseases that today can only be treated surgically, such as carcinoma. If one can say that any process can be dislocated, then this must be said of carcinoma in particular. It is a dislocated process, a process that should actually only take place at the outermost periphery, within the sense organization. It is very interesting to observe how this function, which belongs at the periphery of the body – and specifically at the periphery of the body that is prepared for this – can become dislocated and then appear as a carcinoma, which is actually, now not a nervous function, but which is actually a sensory function. In this way, one comes to recognize, in a deeper sense, the peculiar parasitic nature of the carcinoma. And then one comes to the point – not in the simple way that one would usually expect – of being able to produce something in the preparations, which usually consist of the various juices of the Viscum species, that can conquer the carcinoma by medicinal means. We have already achieved at least some good, promising partial successes; but we can only speak of partial successes because we have only recently completed the apparatus that produces the viscum preparation as it should be produced. Nevertheless, the preparations made so far have already led to very good prophylactic cures. In the case of carcinoma, it is particularly important to recognize it at the right time, which patients usually make difficult; but a carcinoma recognized at the right time can be combated medically with such preparations as we make from Viscum. I do not wish to speak here about the value or lack of value of surgical treatment, nor about the fact that it is often necessary; I only want to point out that, based on a true knowledge of the human being, even the most severe cases of illness can be considered in such a way that, based on such knowledge of the human being, one can arrive at healing processes from within. This is essentially what I wanted to say to you as a matter of principle about our endeavors that have emerged from anthroposophy, what I wanted to say in relation to the path that leads from the external nature to the inner being of man and vice versa. I would just like to point out in conclusion that it is precisely from these methodical observations that something of enormous importance emerges: namely, how to introduce into the human being that which is intended to relieve the disease process in the organism. And if it is the case that the human being is a threefold creature, with a nervous-sensory organization, a rhythmic organization and a metabolic-limb organization, then healing also breaks down into threefold processes. These three processes are as follows: firstly, medications taken internally, which enter the human organism, so to speak, by the same route as the digestive process. The second type is through injections, where we try to bring the process, the function, into the rhythmic organism through the injection. And the third healing method is through the bath, where we work from the outside. The latter is an effect on the nerve-sense process, where we act more coarsely from the outside; but the effect of the bath is a perceptual activity pushed down to a lower level. Let us follow these three forms in phosphorus. When we use phosphorus as a preparation, mixed with other things, chemically or otherwise processed, per os, internally, then we must be clear about the fact that it primarily promotes the absorption of fluids into the human organism. If we have to relieve the human organism of a disease process that, as it were, forces the fluid out of its own space, as for example in certain inflammatory phenomena at the periphery or in such phenomena that are trivially similar to nosebleeds, when we apply phosphorus internally, it relieves the astral organism and the ego of the disease process, as it were, in the functioning of the fluid. If we prepare a medicine in the appropriate dosage to inject, and we introduce phosphorus into the circulation process, then what we take from the organism must also be connected with abnormal circulation processes. If, for example, we observe accelerated breathing, some intensification of the heart activity, but especially something like an excessive secretion of bile, which also belongs to the rhythmic, then we can – and the same applies to a whole series of other processes, I will mention only the obvious – have an extremely favorable effect by injecting phosphorus. If we encounter something that plays more on the psychic side, the brain functions are such that they involuntarily drive the person to a kind of flight of ideas, the person cannot stop his thoughts, he gushes out his words and this escalates to the pathological, then we can work through appropriate baths in which phosphorus is dissolved, precisely to slow down the flight of ideas. I mention this only as an example, but what is stated in this example can be multiplied a hundredfold. In this way, the human organism can be helped in three ways. It depends on how it can be realized. On the other hand, there is the fact that one can approach people directly in a therapeutic way, which now works from the outside into the metabolic system: the dynamics of the world in which the human being can be placed. And we are really doing this with good success through eurythmy therapy. Eurythmy is something like spiritual gymnastics, but it can be developed into an art. Under Dr. Steiner's direction, we have already shown a large part of Central and Northern Europe what can be achieved through the art of eurythmy, and performances of eurythmy art were also given here in The Hague some time ago. In eurythmy, the transformation of human speech into human movement functions is immediately apparent to us in an artistic way. If you consider what science knows about this today, namely how hand and arm functions are related to the organization of speech – right-handed people have their speech center on the left side of the brain, and left-handed people vice versa – you may not completely deny what can be achieved through anthroposophy: that all human speech is actually related to human mobility. We can follow the way in which the legs and feet move when consonants are pronounced, especially palatal sounds. We can follow how the arms move and how this is transmitted through an internal switchover to what then becomes air movement when speaking. But all speech can in turn be traced back to movements of the individual human being or of human groups. This then gives rise to artistic eurythmy. But this can be transformed again in such a way that one develops what is initially presented as an art in such a way that one lets the movements concerned, which arise from the whole human being, from body, soul and spirit — ordinary gymnastics only arises from the physiological nature of the physical organism — be carried out by the human being as a eurythmy therapy gesture in context. We have developed a complete system for this in Arlesheim. When it is applied systematically, it has an effect on the person, and in this way the inner healing process can be supported in an extraordinarily fruitful way through eurythmy therapy, according to the three different types that I have described. This eurythmy therapy works in such a way that the process that comes about in normal human life as a result of walking, running and so on, whereby there are always inner processes that are connected with the breakdown and build-up processes of the human organism, that this process, where the human being is placed in a dynamic, has an effect on the inner processes. There are strict rules for this. So I can have people carry out a eurythmy therapy system of gestures that has such an effect on the organism that, for example, catabolic processes that do not want to take place must take place in the right way; or that another eurythmy therapy system counteracts excessively strong catabolic processes. So everything comes down to understanding the healthy and sick person in terms of body, soul and spirit. Then you simply see in him what health or illness represents. And then you already have the therapeutic process in what you see. In this way, we would like to work towards rational therapy in all modesty. I know that today there are still many objections to such rational therapy, that it is perhaps regarded as paradoxical or even worse by those who have now struggled through all the difficulties of what is officially recognized today. But such things have often been around in the world. However, I can assure you: I would find it more comfortable not to talk about these things; because I know how much one still comes up with and falls for today from what one has as a habitual way of thinking and because I can already make all the objections myself, I would find it more comfortable not to talk about it. But there are reasons to talk about what one believes needs to be introduced into the cultural process of humanity. Out of this sense of duty, you take the magnitude of the thanks that I would like to express to you for attentively following my remarks, which could only be suggestions in the two hours. Question and Answer Session
Dr. Steiner: I have nothing against interpreting the processes involved in one way or another. However, it seems to me that, for practical purposes, this is a theory of what these processes consist of. Such theories could suffer the same fate as the emission and undulation theories of light. What is important to me is what is qualitative about the matter, what actually aims to show that ultimately the whole functioning, which is actually only localized in the lead substance as I have it before me in physical space, that this whole functioning externally represents the same as internally the processes that make the brain, so to speak, a suitable organ for independent thinking in relation to dependent perception. In this respect, the fact that we are accustomed to thinking of the inner processes of the organism as a schematic continuation of outer processes in nature makes the presentation more difficult. For example, we talk about the fact that carbonic acid is formed in the human organism from carbon through the absorption of oxygen; we call this a combustion process (listeners:... in the state of becoming!) — You are saying the word that I would have had to say later! — It is actually the case that we often speak of combustion in physiology and medicine. But these are just as little combustion processes as they take place on the outside, just as little as it can be a matter of a process that is not ensouled or spiritualized in the case of a human being. The connection between oxygen and carbon is also ensouled and spiritualized. So that the process occurs in the nascency and remains, but is also ensouled and spiritualized. So that I have captured the process in the nascency and the process now becomes a natural process by continuing outside, while if it starts from the nascency and works in the human organism, it becomes a different process. Take, for example, the processes that I have just described as a kind of lead process that takes place in the human brain. Yes, what are they in the human organism? This brings us to a very delicate chapter. We can study the processes in the human abdomen, for example. There we find that the absorbed substances also undergo a certain metamorphosis, that then something is excreted. Let us now consider these excretory products and compare them in a really meaningful way, not just by proceeding chemically, for that is the least we can do. Proceeding chemically is about as useful as trying to understand a clock by looking at a gold mine, a glass factory, and so on. Of course, these things are all very important, but just as I do not learn anything about the clock in this way, I can learn just as little about the functions of the potato in the human organism if I know that it has so many carbohydrates and so on. I learn more if I know what the potato's function is in the plant itself, how it is actually a stem, a rootstock. If I know the level of its organization, then I begin to understand how I can compare these processes with what happens in humans. It comes down to how the process is different from the process that is fueled by legumes. The process that is fueled by the potato goes further up into the head function than the one that is fueled by legumes. If I can go into all this, then I will finally come to recognize that metamorphoses take place in the digestive tract and that the excretion products are only the processes that have stopped halfway. And where are these processes that go all the way through? These are the processes that take place in the nervous sensory system. The nerve-sense and perception process is a process that is carried to its conclusion. What goes on in the human excretory organs represents a process that has come to a halt. The intestinal contents are a brain that has not fully materialized, as paradoxical as that may sound. It is simply a different process at a different place in the organism, which is half of the process that occurs in the head. When I consider all this, I am able to look into these process effects of the human interior, and then what presents itself to me is what now first arises for me to compare between the process that is outside, the lead process, and the process that takes place in the human brain. Then I can start, if I want to verify something, to look at what happens in lead. I observe the lead as it oxidizes, melts, what it otherwise does in melting. I go further into the geology and geography of lead. I see how lead binds, how it is connected with other substances. Then I already get images that can confirm what appears to the person who can observe the lead, who in fact sees a kind of aura of the lead, which is similar to the aura that forms the nervous substance of the brain. And so we can speak of these connections, I attach particular importance to this, while of course leaving it up to everyone to make hypotheses about whether these are vibrational differences. But that is actually the physics of the matter, not what is physiologically important.
Dr. Steiner: The inner processes are not observed through the usual external sensory empiricism. They can only be observed in their after-effects on the corpse or in some other way, through conclusions drawn from external events. They cannot be observed there. They only become observable when the methods I spoke of yesterday are applied, and as you can find them in the books mentioned yesterday. You see, for the realization, the human being actually becomes transparent at first. And then you can indeed speak of really, let us say, seeing the liver process. The derivation only refers to the fact that one must also mentally dissect out the liver; but what can be asserted must be looked at. When I look at the whole person, I see a jumble of all sorts of things. I must now remove everything that is not the liver, in my mind also. I must therefore dissect out the liver in the spiritual sense first. This is more difficult for one organ than for another. It is more difficult for the liver, for example, but then it is also more fruitful, because certain liver diseases can, I am convinced, only be understood at all in this way. But it is possible to understand every organ.
Dr. Steiner: In such a matter, it is of the utmost importance that one can see two things. Firstly, when something like this occurs and is discussed, as I have said, in two hours one can only point out the things, give directives and so on. Furthermore, I have made it clear through the whole way of presenting it that we are in the process of becoming, but that we are also willing to continue working. Now, when we speak of proofs, it is the case that this is not actually based on a completely scientific concept. And this stems from the fact that today we have become accustomed to only bringing forth proofs from what can actually be observed sensually. In another sense, no medicine has any proofs either, except in the sense that it can be observed sensually and physically. I have now spoken of the fact that sensory observation can be further developed and modified by something higher. Yesterday I indicated that there are methods by which one can do this and I pointed to writings by which one can arrive at such methods. This, however, constitutes something for the whole so-called system of proof, which I can only make clear by means of a comparison: when we are here on earth, we talk about the fact that something that I place in the air is heavy and falls down, falls to the ground, then it has a basis. So we have to say that for a certain way of thinking that is based on sensual empirical evidence. If you go further, you come to the point – and I happened to experience this once as a boy, when someone told me – that if the earth were floating, it would actually have to fall down. This mutual support and bearing of the cosmic bodies and cosmic spaces is the image for what underlies such a science as I have meant today. The whole thing bears and supports each other. We are dealing here with a completely different area. Of course, you will not be able to support yourself very well if I can only select a few things from something as detailed as medicine in two hours in order to give you an idea of the perspectives. You have to bear in mind that the desirable could only come about if you now had four years of faculty study, built on the aspects that I discussed today. If one started from the medical preparatory studies with the assumption that there is a real, spirit-permeated natural science, and if a physiology were built up in the same way, passing into histology and into pathology-clinical, then, however, because things would approach people in the appropriate detailed way, we would find them just as plausible as the medical system can be plausible today. Today I can give nothing more for these things than perspectives and suggestions. The first thing is that today we have become accustomed to mentioning only what can be proven sensually, and that we do not take into account how things support each other. But the other thing is this: when you do, say, mathematics, for example, any science that is done rationally, how do you want to do it otherwise than by having one position supported by the other? Mathematics is something that supports itself reciprocally. If one were to talk about mathematics for two hours, even less would be gained than in today's discussion, although suggestions could also be made there. The moment I build a bridge with the help of mathematics, I speak of verification. And I have simply hinted at this when I said: I do not attach any importance to the remedies if clinics are not attached to them and one cannot see how the remedies work. If one has the diagnosis as I have explained it and comes to heal, and if after two or three days one can already see how things work, then the verification is there. Another method of verifying medical constellations is not known in conventional medicine either. Take the healing method of phenacetin. Statistics are compiled; it is verification that counts. What I wanted to show is that in empirical medicine today we are at the stage where we only start from statistics. Here it depends on luck whether the connections are found. But this can be transformed by looking at the person in a rational therapy. If today we say: a function such as that of phosphorus is effective in this or that way on the human organism, then it is a matter of setting about examining the We F'ru ww. mode of action. But I have indicated how the effects of lead and phosphorus can be in the human organism. And when it is said that one cannot speak of a phosphorus function or an equisetum function, then I must point out that what a substance is is in fact only a momentarily captured state. What then is lead? One can find a name by chance because we live in a certain temperature range and in this range lead exists in a fixed state. In other world situations it is something else, it goes through metamorphoses. In fact, we are not dealing with something that is fixed at a particular level, but with processes that only show themselves to be fixed. But one can indicate how the fixation occurs. You spoke of horsetail. Of course other plants also have these constituents, like horsetail. I am expressing myself very carefully. I said of horsetail: Of course other plants also have these constituents; I quote horsetail as a characteristic because it has ninety percent silicic acid, other plants do not have that; thus the silicic acid effect is the prominent one. If someone says, “To my knowledge, equisetum is not a medicinal plant at all,” this means no more than that the healing effect of equisetum has simply not yet been observed. We observe it very often. These are things that depend on how experience expands. I understand every objection and could make it myself. But just think of how many objections were raised against the Copernican system. The Catholic objection was raised until 1827, only from then on was it also introduced in Catholic schools. You really wouldn't get very far in civilization if you only stuck to the objections. Not that I, having said all this, would immodestly present the things. But it all rests on work! It does not rest on carelessness to speak of the effectiveness of the smallest entities. If you look at the writings that lie here: for years, efforts were made to verify the matter in the laboratory. The objections you have raised apply, but everything can be objected to, that goes without saying.
Dr. Steiner: Yes, but relativity is also relative. Someone once wanted to make Einstein's theory of relativity plausible to his audience by taking a matchbox and a match. And he said: I can now pass the match past the box, which I am holding still; but I can also hold the match still and pass the box past it: the same effect. It's relative. — I would have liked to shout at the gentleman: Why don't you nail the box to the wall, then it requires a little more. Then we enter into the relativity of relativity. And when we look at the human body in motion, we come to the conclusion that motion is not determined by coordinate systems or reference systems, but also by fatigue and organic changes, which already takes me a step from the relative to the absolute. I would like to say: relativity is again relative and asymptotically approaches absoluteness. I see the importance of the concept of relativity in something else. We are accustomed, from the point of view of physical assumptions, actually so far in the usual theories, to consider everything in such a way that we relate it to a place in space and to the course of time. We also write the formulas in physics in this way. In fact, we cannot get by with such a way of looking at things in physics. Rather, we have to consider only the spatial relationship of one thing or process a to another b as two properties. This is where we come up with fruitful ideas. This is where we come to regard relativity as something more or less – even for qualities – as something more or less justified, but relatively justified. |
319. Polarities in Health, Illness and Therapy
28 Aug 1924, London Translated by Gerald Karnow Rudolf Steiner |
The reason for this confusion is that the connection between any object of nature and its effect upon illness cannot be understood if, by virtue of a specific point of view which one has about natural science, one actually excludes the human being from scientific considerations. |
1 Thus we can see how a fundamental understanding of this three-fold human being makes it possible for us to understand how a process of illness develops out of a healthy process. |
However, if we use those methods of study which are consistent with an understanding of the threefold human organism, we are permitted to gradually look into the human being and gain knowledge of how the separate systems behave in the different organs. |
319. Polarities in Health, Illness and Therapy
28 Aug 1924, London Translated by Gerald Karnow Rudolf Steiner |
Since I was asked to speak about the therapeutic principles which have developed out of the anthroposophical view of the world, I will gladly meet this request. However, it is difficult to be brief, especially about this kind of subject matter which is so extraordinarily extensive. In one brief lecture, which can only be aphoristic, one can hardly develop correct ideas of what is important. In addition, certain deliberations must be undertaken in such an attempt which are quite removed from what people generally think about. Nevertheless, this evening I will attempt to present the relevant issues in as generally comprehensive a manner as possible. The fact that within our anthroposophical movement there is also a medical-therapeutic endeavor is certainly not based upon our desire as anthroposophists to participate in everything and to stick our noses, so to speak, into everything. That is absolutely not the case; but as the anthroposophical movement sought to make its way through the world, physicians too found their way to this movement. They are seriously striving physicians; and a relatively large number of such physicians had come to a more or less clear awareness of how uncertain, how vacillating the views of contemporary, official medicine actually are, of how in many cases the foundations for the actual comprehension of processes of illness and healing are lacking. These foundations are lacking in official medicine because today the claims for scientific validity are actually based exclusively upon generally accepted natural science. This natural science in turn believes itself to be moving with certainty only with what it can determine in a mechanical, physical or chemical manner from outer nature. It then applies the discoveries made through physics and chemistry about outer natural processes in order to come to an understanding of the human being. But even if there is a kind of concentration, a microcosmic concentration of all world processes within the human being, nevertheless, the outer physical and chemical processes never proceed within the human organism in the same form in which they proceed outside in nature. Man takes the substances of the earth into himself, substances which are not merely passive, but which are actually always permeated by nature processes. A substance only appears outwardly as if it were resting within itself. In reality, everything lives and weaves in the substance. Thus man also takes into his organism these processes, this living and weaving activity, proceeding chemically and physically in nature; but he transforms it immediately in his organism—he makes it into something different. This something different, which develops out of the nature processes in the human organism, can only be understood if one attains a comprehensive observation of the human being based on reality. But contemporary natural science actually excludes from its realm what proceeds in the human being as intrinsically human. Even, for example, what proceeds as intrinsically human in the physical body is attributed exclusively to physical and chemical processes; for in the physical body of man nothing takes place which is not at the same time subject to the influences of etheric processes, of astral processes, of ego processes. But as natural science totally ignores these ego processes, these astral processes, this etheric living and weaving, it actually does not at all approach the human being. Therefore this natural science can not really look into the inner activities of the human being in order to comprehend how the outer chemical and physical processes continue to work in him: how they continue to work when he is healthy, and how they continue to work when he is diseased. How shall it then be possible to properly judge the effects of medicaments, of a remedy, if one has not acquired an understanding for how some substance of nature which we introduce into the human organism, or with which we treat the human organism, continues to work in that organism. It could indeed be said that the greatest progress imaginable in medicine in more recent times has actually only been made in the area of surgery where one is dealing with external mechanical manipulations, as it were. In contrast, in the area of actual therapy, there reigns great confusion—(this is not my judgment, but the judgment of those physicians who have become conscious of all this). The reason for this confusion is that the connection between any object of nature and its effect upon illness cannot be understood if, by virtue of a specific point of view which one has about natural science, one actually excludes the human being from scientific considerations. Since anthroposophy strives to know the human being comprehensively—insofar as he is a super-sensible as well as a material being—it is also possible that anthroposophy can yield knowledge concerning the treatment of illnesses with various natural substances. Fundamentally speaking, we are already confronting today a kind of boundary in medicine if we ask only for the actual nature of illness. What is illness? This question cannot be answered out of contemporary scientific knowledge. For, what, according to these natural scientific views, are all the processes which proceed in the healthy human being? From the head to the tip of the toes these are processes of nature. But then what are the processes which take place during illness in the liver, kidney, head, heart, wherever? What kind of processes are these? These are also natural processes! All healthy processes are processes of nature; all processes of illness are also processes of nature. Why then is the human being healthy with one sort of natural process and ill with the other sort of natural process? It is not a matter of speaking in vague generalities: well, yes the healthy processes of nature are normal, but the sick processes of nature are not. One can get the impression that, if one doesn't know anything, there arises “at the proper time,” a word, a label for our ignorance. What is actually going on when customary natural science is applied in approaching the human being? The predominant practice is not to look at the living being, but at the corpse; here and there a piece of the organism is sampled and then various abstractions are made about what kind of healthy or sick natural processes proceeded within it. Thus it actually doesn't matter whether one takes some kind of tissue out of the head, out of the liver, out of the big toe, or the like. Everything is finally reduced to the cell. Gradually histology, the study of tissues and cells, has actually become the most highly developed teaching of the human being. Of course, if one goes into the smallest parts and ignores all other forces, all other relationships, then, as at night all cows are grey, all organs are the same. The result is a benighted “grey cow science,” not a true science which acquaints itself with the uniqueness of the separate organs in man. What must provide the basis there I actually dared to express only a few years ago. Although it is generally imagined that it is easy for spiritual science to come to its results, this matter has occupied me for more than thirty years. It is thought that one only needs to look into the spiritual world to find out everything, while it is difficult if one has to work in laboratories or in a clinic—there one must really struggle. In spiritual science it is only a matter of looking into the world of the spirit and then one finds out everything. It really isn't that simple. Thorough and responsible spiritual investigation demands more effort and above all more responsibility than the manipulations in the laboratory or in the clinic or observatories. And so it is that the first conception of what I will now briefly indicate in principle stood before me approximately thirty-five years ago. I was only able to speak about it a few years ago after everything was worked through and, above all, verified completely on the findings of the entire contemporary official natural science. It was under the influence of these principles of the membering of the human being that what I just told you about developed—this medical-therapeutic endeavor within our anthroposophical movement. Even if we confront the human being as a solely physical being, we must definitely distinguish three members which differ one from another. These three different members can be labeled in the most varied ways, but we can best approach them if we characterize them by saying that one system of the physical being is the nerve-sense system which is primarily localized in the head. The second system is the rhythmic system, which encompasses respiration, blood circulation, the rhythmic activities of the digestive system, and so forth. The third system is represented in the interconnection between the movement system, the system of the limbs, and the actual metabolic system, This interconnection becomes immediately evident to you if you think of the fact that the metabolism is enhanced especially through the movement of the limbs and that inwardly the limbs are organically connected with the metabolic organs. That is directly evident also in anatomy. Just look at how the legs are continued inwardly into the metabolic organs and, similarly, how the arms are continued inwardly. Thus we can now distinguish the nerve-sense system, located primarily in the head; the rhythmic system, located primarily in the chest; and the metabolic limb system, located primarily in the limbs and the attached metabolic organs. This membering, however, may not be done as a professor once did who wanted to ridicule the anthroposophical movement. He did not attempt to penetrate into what is actually meant with this membering. He said: these anthroposophists maintain that man consists of three systems: a head, a rump consisting of chest and abdomen, and limbs. Of course, in this manner it is easy to ridicule the matter. What matters is not that the nerve-sense system is only in the head. It is primarily in the head, but it extends over the entire organism. The head organization spreads out through the entire organism. Similarly, the rhythmic system extends upwards and downwards through the entire organism. Spatially speaking the human being is entirely metabolic-limb system. If you move the eyes, the eyes are limbs. So these systems are not spatially next to one another; instead they interpenetrate one another. They totally interpenetrate and one must accustom oneself a little to an exact thinking if one wants to evaluate this membering of the human being in the right way. Now both these systems, the first and the third, the nerve-sense system and the metabolic-limb system, are placed polarically opposite each other. What the one creates destroys the other. What destroys the other is created by the one. They thus work in completely opposite ways. And the middle system, the rhythmic system, establishes the connection between the two. There is a kind of vacillation, oscillation, between them, so that a harmony can always exist between the destruction of the one system and the construction of the other system. If, for example, we look at the metabolic system, we recognize that it naturally works with its greatest intensity in the lower body of the human being; but that which goes on within the human abdomen, or the lower body, must call forth the polar opposite activity in the head, in the nerve-sense system, when the person is healthy. Imagine now that the activity actually inherent in the human digestive system intensifies so much that it extends right up to the nerve-sense system, so that the activity which should actually remain in the metabolic-limb system reaches over to the nerve-sense system. Then you have a natural process, so to speak, but you can see immediately how that natural process becomes an abnormal one. It should remain in the metabolic system, but breaks through, so to speak, upwards into the nerve-sense system. That results then in the various forms of the illness treated by medicine today as insignificant, but not treated in that way by a large part of humanity because these various forms of illness are known everywhere. What develops is known as the various forms of migraine. In order to understand migraine in its various forms we must comprehend this process which ought only to take place in the metabolic system but which breaks through to the nerve-sense system so that the nerves and senses are so affected that the metabolism shoots into them instead of remaining in its own place. The reverse can also take place. The process which ought to be most intensive in the nerve-sense system, and which is completely opposite to the metabolic process, can in a certain sense also break through to the metabolic system. Consequently an enhanced nerve-sense process takes place in the metabolic system where normally a merely subordinated nerve-sense process should be active. Thus what belongs to the head, as it were, breaks through into the lower body. If this happens then the dangerous illness develops which is known as typhoid fever.1 Thus we can see how a fundamental understanding of this three-fold human being makes it possible for us to understand how a process of illness develops out of a healthy process. If our head, with its nerve-sense system, were not organized as it is, then we could never have typhoid fever. If our lower body were not organized as it is, we could never have migraine. The head activity should remain in the head, the lower body activity in the lower body. If they break through then such forms of illness develop. And just as we can point to two especially characteristic forms of illness, so can we point to other forms of illness which always develop when an activity which belongs to one organ system asserts itself in another place, in another organ system. If one proceeds only anatomically one merely observes the status of the smallest parts in the tissues of the organism. But one does not see the working of polar opposite activities. When studying the nerve cell you can only study that its organization is opposite to that of the liver cell, for example. If, however, you were able to look into the totality of the organism in such a way that it appears to you in its three-foldness, then you will also notice how the nerve cell is a cell which continually tends to dissolve, which continually tends to be broken down if it is healthy: and how a liver cell is something which continually tends to be built up if it is healthy. Those are polar activities. They work in the right way upon one another if they are appropriately distributed in the organism; they work incorrectly within one another if they penetrate into one another. The rhythmic system is in the middle and always strives to create the balance between the two opposed polar activities of the nerve-sense system and the metabolic-limb system. I would now like to select a special example to let you have insight into how one can find the relationship of a remedy which has been taken from nature with its forces to the health-giving and illness-generating forces active within man. Let us direct our gaze to an ore which can be found in nature, so-called antimony. As soon as we look at it externally we see that it has an extraordinarily interesting property. Its form in nature is such that certain rods develop—stem-like, lance-like structures which lie next to one another—so that if we were to draw the ore schematically we could draw the following: ![]() It grows almost like a mineral moss or a mineral lichen. One can see that this mineral wants to order itself into threads. One can see this even more clearly if we subject it to a certain physical-chemical process. Then the thread-like crystals become even thinner. It orders itself into clusters of very fine threads. Especially important, however, is what occurs when this antimony is subjected to a certain kind of combustion process. You get a white smoke which can then condense on the walls and becomes mirror-like. That is called the antimony mirror. It is hardly respected at all today but in older medicine it was widely used. This antimony mirror, which first arises out of the combustion process and condenses on the walls so that it shines like a mirror is something exceptionally important. In addition there is another property. I will emphasize only this: if antimony is subjected to certain electrolytic processes and it is brought to the so-called electrolytic cathode, then it is only necessary (after the antimony was subjected to the electrolytic process on the cathode), to exert a slight action on it and a small antimony explosion will occur. In brief, this antimony has the most interesting properties. If antimony is introduced into the human organism in a moderate dose one can study various processes which show how in fact the same forces which behave as I have just described experience a kind of continuation in the human organism and how they take on all kinds of forms of forces and effects within it. I can naturally not explain all the details and proofs to you: I only want to briefly sketch for you what is inherent in these forms of activity. These processes which arise in the human organism occur especially strongly wherever blood coagulates. Therefore they strengthen or enhance the coagulation of blood. However, if we use those methods of study which are consistent with an understanding of the threefold human organism, we are permitted to gradually look into the human being and gain knowledge of how the separate systems behave in the different organs. If we look into the human organism in this way, we find that what lives in antimony lives not only outside in the mineral antimony, but also is active as a force-system in the human organism. This force system is always present in the healthy human organism. In the sick human organism it takes on forms of the kind which I have just explained to you. This antimony process existing in the human organism is opposed in a polar way to another process. It is opposed to that process which arises where the plastically active forces, for example, the cell-forming forces occur. These are the forces which round out the cells, which form the cellular substance of the human organism. I would like to call these forces, because they are primarily contained in protein substance, the albuminizing forces. Thus we have in the human organism the forces which we find outside in human nature in antimony if we subject antimony, for example, to combustion, and bring about an antimony mirror. In addition we also have the opposing forces active, the albuminizing forces, which immobilize, which take away the antimonizing forces. These two force systems, albuminizing and antimonizing, work against one another in such a way that they must be in a certain state of equilibrium in the human organism. One must now recognize that the process which I have described to you before in principle, and which lies at the basis of abdominal typhus, is essentially based on a disturbance of the balance between these two force systems. In order to look properly into the human organism one must be able to take recourse to that which I have described to you from the most varied—although not medical—points of view in these morning lectures. In them we have seen how man has not merely his physical body, but also an etheric body—a body of formative forces, an astral and an ego organization. And just yesterday I was able to explain to you how there is an intimate connection on the one hand between the physical body and the formative force body, and on the other, between the ego and the astral body. There is a looser connection between the astral body and the formative force body, for they separate every night. This interconnection, which consists of a working into one another of the forces of the astral and etheric bodies, is radically disturbed in typhoid fever. In this illness the astral body becomes weak and is unable to work with a corresponding intensity into the physical body because it works for itself thereby bringing about that excess which presses downward, so to speak, the nerve-sense organization, which is primarily subject to the astral body. Instead of transforming itself into metabolic activity, it remains active as astral activity. The astral body works for itself. It does not work properly into the etheric body. The consequences are the symptoms of illness which give us the symptomatology of typhus. Now that which occurs as antimony is active in such a way that antimony denies its mineral nature. It gets crystalline threads, so that even the antimony mirror, wherever it deposits, appears like ice-flowers in the window, thereby showing the inner force of crystallization as in nature. This force of crystallization, which becomes active in antimony, if it is properly incorporated into a remedy and introduced into the organism, works in such a way that it supports this organism enabling it to insert its astral body with its forces into the etheric body in the right way, so that it can bring these bodies again into the right connection. With antimony prepared in a proper way into a remedy we support that process which opposes the typhus process. And just with this antimony remedy, to which other substances are added, one can battle against the illness by stimulating and supporting processes in the organism so that it unfolds its own, I would like to say, antimonizing force which has as its goal to call forth the proper rhythm in the working together of astral body and etheric body. Other substances must be mixed in to establish a proper connection to the organism depending on whether an illness takes one or another course. Thus an anthroposophical consideration leads to the recognition of a relationship between what is active in the objects of nature, as I have shown you with the example of antimony, and that which is active within the human organism. You will be able to follow up this albuminizing, this plastically rounding force, and the other force which works linearly right into the germ cell. Whoever has truly gained knowledge in this field—however uncomfortable it may be for him to say so, because he knows he will call forth hate and antipathy in certain people—and who thus looks into the operation of the human organism will consider the otherwise amazing and wonderful microscopic studies about the germ cell, exceptionally dilettantish. There people look externally at the egg cell, observe the development of the so-called centrosomes—you can read about that in any textbook about embryology,—without knowing how these albuminizing forces, which also rule throughout the entire human organism, are opposed, polarically opposed, to the antimonizing forces. The rounding of the egg cell as such is brought about by the albuminizing forces; the centrosomes, after fertilization, are called forth by the antimonizing forces. That, however, goes on in the entire human body; and by preparing remedies in the right way, and knowing through the diagnosis where one must support the human organism, one introduces into this organism the forces which can work against a process of illness. By bringing anthroposophical points of view into medicine a connection is established between the macrocosm and the human being. Naturally I would have to say much more about antimony if I wanted to scientifically explain it in detail, but I only want to point out general principles here. In addition I wanted to tell you about the processes which antimony is able to bring forth out of itself, which it has in itself, depending on how one treats it. ![]() I could also show you now, as an example, the entire behavior within nature and its processes for that which we call quartz, or silicic acid. It is one of the constituents of granite. It is transparently crystalline and so hard that you can't score it with a knife at all. If we treat this substance in the proper way and administer it to the human organism—in the proper doses that are determined from the diagnosis—then it gains the characteristic of being able to support that which is to be active in the nerve-sense system, which the organism through the nerve-sense system is to bring forth as the intrinsic forces of this system. So what, by rights, the senses actually should do is supported by the remedy, which is prepared in the right way from quartz, or silica and administered in the proper doses. It is necessary then, depending upon the accompanying symptoms, to add still other substances, but here it is primarily a matter of the effect of that which lies in the silicic acid formation process. Thus if one brings this silicic acid formation process into the human organism, then a weak activity in the nerve-sense system is supported so that it then works with the proper strength. Now if this nerve-sense activity becomes too weak, then the digestive activity is able to penetrate through to the head and the migraine-like symptoms develop. If one then supports the nerve-sense activity in the right way with a remedy which is produced in the proper manner out of silicic acid, the nerve-sense system becomes so strong in the person suffering from migraine that it can again press back the digestive process which broke through. Naturally I am characterizing these matters somewhat crudely, but you will see what is significant here. What matters is to really be able to see through the healthy or ill human organism, not merely in accordance with its cellular composition but according the forces active in it, whether they work co-operatively, rhythmically or in opposition. Then one can look in nature for what in the human organism can fight against this or that process of illness. Thus one can find, for example, how the process which is contained in phosphorus is in outer nature a process which, if introduced into the human organism, works in a supportive way upon a certain kind of inner disability of the human organism; namely, when the human organism becomes incapable of allowing to act in the right way certain forces, which should always work in the healthy organism. This is when a person has too little strength and cannot let certain forces be active within him which are a kind of organic combustion process which is always present in the transformation of substances in the human organism. This takes place in every movement, in all that man does, and also in what is active within organic combustion processes. Now the human organism can become too weak to regulate these organic combustion processes in the proper way, for they must be inhibited in a certain manner. If they are insufficiently inhibited, they develop an excessive activity. The organic combustion processes in themselves actually always have an immeasurable, unlimited intensity. If that were not so, an excessive fatigue would arise immediately, or one would be unable to keep moving. However, the organism must also continuously have the possibility of inhibiting the boundless intensity of the organic combustion processes. If now these inhibiting forces are neither in an organ system nor in the entire organism, if the organism has become too weak to inhibit its organic combustion processes in the proper way, then there develops something which manifests itself as tuberculosis in the most various forms. The suitable nutrient soil for the bacilli is created through this organic loss of strength, through the inability of the organism to inhibit the combustion processes. Nothing will here be said against the bacterial theory which to a certain extent is very useful. In the various ways by which bacilli arise here or there one can naturally find out many things; for purposes of diagnoses one can generally get a lot of information. In no way do I want to say anything against official medicine, except that it needs to be augmented and developed further when it arrives at certain boundaries—and it can be developed further when the points of view of anthroposophy can be applied to it. If phosphorus is then introduced into the human organism, then these capacities of containing the organic combustion process are supported. But one must see to it that this containment can emanate from the various organ systems. Let us begin by looking at the system which primarily works in the bones. There the activity of phosphorus in the human organism must be supported in that one directs it towards the bones. That can happen when one combines the remedy phosphorus—in a way which becomes clear through a more exacting study of the matter—with calcium or a calcium salt. When dealing with tuberculosis of the small intestine one will mix some kind of copper compounds in the right dosage with the phosphorus. When dealing with a pulmonary tuberculosis, one will add iron to the phosphorus. But still other additions come under consideration since pulmonary tuberculosis is an exceedingly complicated disease. Thus you see that the possibility of a true therapy is based on how the chemical and physical processes continue to work on in the human organism. Official medicine often starts out from the opinion that the working of the antimony forces outside in nature is the same as it is in the human organism, but that is not the case. One must be clear about how these processes work on in the human organism, and this can be seen if one applies actual anthroposophical insights to the experiments which must be done. We have seen how antimony establishes the rhythm between the astral body and the etheric body. Now we can see how the forces which are active in quartz are especially suitable to reestablishing the proper relationship, when it has been disturbed, between the ego and the astral body, in order thereby to work in a healing way upon the nerve-sense system. We can also see how calcium—especially that calcium which is obtained from the calcium excretions of animals—provides remedies which establish the proper relationship between the body of formative forces, the etheric body and the physical body. Thus one can say that a correct view of the human being leads to the use of calcium or something similar, namely, what is secreted from the animal organism,—oyster shells, for example—in order to establish the proper relationship between the etheric body and the physical body, which, if out of balance, always expresses itself in physical processes of illness. That is what one must reflect upon when preparing remedies from such calcareous or similar excretions. When dealing with an arhythmic working together of the body of formative forces and the astral body, one must look for what is present in antimony, and also in numerous other metals. If one wants to use remedies prepared from plants, one must also look especially into those constituents which are contained in the middle parts of the plants, those which are particularly present in the leaves and stem, whereas those forces which correspond to the phosphorus process are contained primarily in the blossom organs of the plants. Those processes which correspond to the silicic acid process are contained in the root organs of the plant. Thus one finds relationships between the forces which are in the various parts of the plant and the human organism. The root forces have a definite relationship and connection to the human head and to the nerve-sense system; the leaves and the stem organs have a specific connection to the rhythmic system; the blossom organs have a special connection to the metabolic system. If one therefore wants to give assistance in a simple way to the digestive, metabolic system, that can often successfully be done—after having made the diagnosis in the correct way—by choosing certain blossoms of which one makes a tea. In this way one can assist the digestive organs. If one wants to gain a remedy which works especially upon the nerve-sense processes, upon the head organization, one would have to extract the salts from the roots by a special extraction process. Thus it is necessary to penetrate into nature on the one hand and into the human organism on the other. Then it is possible to really find the remedies in nature so that one can see how the two are connected. Otherwise one does things by trial and error in order to find out how something works only to discover that it is not valid, or to write up a number of cases where 90% or 70% showed a favorable result, but 40% were unsuccessful. Then the matter is statistically treated, and depending on what result the statistics yielded, a determination is made whether or not a particular remedy should be used. Because of the brief time available I can only speak about these matters aphoristically in order to indicate how in fact, without succumbing to dilettantism or medical sectarianism, one can proceed strictly in accordance with science in approaching illness processes through remedies which come out of a full perception of man. Just as the correct knowledge of natural substances and natural processes is important in order to create a remedy, so it is equally important to know the specific manner of application of the remedy. One can either work upon the nerve-sense system in bringing about, in the right manner, the process of healing, or one can work on the rhythmic system, or on the metabolic-limb system. In order to work on these different systems it is essential to know how the method of treatment must be initiated, for almost every remedy can be used in three different ways. To begin with it can be taken orally. This makes it possible for a person to take up the remedy through the metabolic system, which then in turn works upon the other systems. Some remedies are meant to be used in just this way. There are also, however, remedies which can be used in a way which allows them to work directly on the rhythmic system. (In this connection antimony will provide a good example for finding the proper method of treatment.) This is where administration by injection must be introduced. Injecting the remedy intravenously or sub-cutaneously is the mode of administration which can best work upon the rhythmic processes in man. In those remedies used in ointments, or in baths, or even wherever there is a question of treating the human organism in an external, mechanical way, for example in massage, then one can count upon this method of treatment as working primarily upon the nerve-sense system. One can thus work through every organ system in the most varied ways in an effort at working towards a healing process. Let us assume we have silica, or quartz. It makes quite a difference whether we prepare this remedy to be taken by mouth or to be injected. If we count upon the fact that it will be taken by mouth then we will be preparing it to work through the digestive system, and the digestive system in turn can send forces into the nerve-sense system. We are then introducing the quartz processes by detour through the digestive system. If, however, we see that more quartz processes need to be transmitted to the nerve-sense system by introducing them via the rhythmic system, via the blood and breath, then we inject the remedy and thereby attempt to heal by way of the rhythmic system. If we want to work therapeutically by way of the digestive organs with aromatic ether substances contained in the blossom of the plant, then we will prepare a tea and introduce it into the gastro-intestinal tract by having the patient drink it. If we want to bring etheric oils which, through their aromatic properties, work directly upon the nerve-sense system—or working first upon the nerve-sense system and then into the rhythmic system—then we could make some kind of bath to which we add the juices of the blossoms. In this manner we work upon the nerve-sense system. Thus we see how the healing effect of the different substances brought into a relationship to man depends on the various methods of application and treatment. This will become transparently clear if anthroposophical knowledge is more and more applied to bringing about a connection between nature processes and the human being. It can then become evident through anthroposophy which remedies one needs to apply and how one needs to apply them. In this way something can be brought about in the laboratories within our clinical-therapeutic institutes and other endeavors in which physicians are involved making it possible that on the one hand, remedies and therapeutic methods can be tried out, and on the other hand, the remedies themselves can be prepared. We have such clinical institutes as well as chemical-pharmaceutical laboratories in Arlesheim, near Dornach, as well as in Stuttgart. I must point here especially to the Clinical-Therapeutic Institute in Arlesheim (now the Ita Wegman Klinik) which is under the exceptional direction of Frau Dr. Ita Wegman, who unfolds an activity full of blessing for that institute because she has that which I would like to call “the courage to heal.” It is evident that this courage to heal is necessary, especially if you look on the one hand into the complexity of natural processes out of which healing processes must be drawn forth, and on the other hand into the immense complexity of processes of illness and health in man.—If a physician confronts this vast field even if he only has a certain number of patients, then she or he is required to have courage in order to heal. Attached to this Arlesheim Institute is the International Pharmaceutical Laboratory (now the Weleda) in which remedies are produced. They can be used today in the entire world. The pharmacy produces the remedies and it is up to others to find the ways and means to make use of them. That is the essential point. People must find the right ways and means to arrive at the right remedies without being dilettantes. Then contemporary science will not be negated; rather, it will be taken further, extended. If this knowledge becomes widely known, the success of such an endeavor as the International Pharmaceutical Laboratory in Arlesheim will not be a problem. But it is difficult in the face of the prevalent, purely materialistic direction of medicine to bring into the world effective therapeutics which are based upon a full knowledge of man. To bring about a change one would have to count upon the insight of every person who has a heartfelt interest in the health of his fellow man. In pointing to that which can be achieved through natural remedies and their appropriate application, I certainly do not want to exclude what can be achieved by more soul-spiritual processes of healing. In this realm one can make especially fruitful observations. If we now carry hygienic-therapeutic considerations—as always must be the case in a proper pedagogy—into the school, one can see how the manner in which one works upon the children in a soul-spiritual manner in instruction can have an effect on the health and illness of a person—if not immediately, then certainly in the course of life. When I give pedagogical lectures I naturally speak about these matters in greater detail. I will mention only one example: the teacher can proceed properly in relation to the memory of the child only if he expects neither too much nor too little. If he proceeds improperly, if he places too many demands on the memory in the eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh years of life, then he does not have the proper pedagogical tact. What the soul must go through in an excessive activity of memory, or artificially nurtured activity of memory, will live itself out later in life as all kinds of physical illnesses. It is possible to establish a connection between diabetes and erroneous methods in education in relationship to memory. So too can the use of memory in education to the opposite extreme also have unfavorable effects upon a child. I can mention this only in principle, but one can see from it not only how the natural remedies work in health and illness, but also how the special manner in which the soul itself works can be significant to health and illness. Starting from there one can also find one's way to those methods whereby we attempt, through purely soul-spiritual influences, from person to person,—which I naturally cannot describe in detail any more today—to bring about processes leading to healing. Especially in this realm, however, it is very easy to get into dilettantism. One can, for example, harbor the belief that the so-called mental illnesses can be most easily healed through spiritual influences (for example by discussion). However, mental illnesses especially distinguish themselves by the fact that one can hardly approach the ill person with rational discussion. As a matter of fact it is just that impossibility of rational exchange which closes off the soul against outer influences in the so-called mentally ill. But one will find over and again that especially in so-called mental illness—which actually has been, as such, incorrectly named—physical processes of illness are present in a hidden way somewhere. Before one wants to meddle in a dilettantish way with mental illness, one ought actually, with the proper diagnosis, to determine which physical organ is involved in the illness. Only then will one be working beneficially through a corresponding healing of the physical organism. One can help physical illnesses much sooner through all kinds of soul-spiritual (mental-psychological) influences, This is being done today but generally in a dilettantish way. I will not go into that now, Especially in physical illness much benefit will come in this way and the outer process which is brought about through remedies and the like will be supported in different ways. I can only indicate this, Those methods which are based on the foundation of anthroposophy certainly do not exclude therapeutic soul-spiritual influences; rather, they include them. You have evidence of this in the Clinical Therapeutic Institute in Arlesheim-Dornach. Besides the physical-therapeutic methods you also find curative eurythmy. This curative eurythmy consists in taking what you have seen here as artistic eurythmy and transforming it into health-giving movements for the person moving them, The vowel aspect is transformed so that the person makes healthy movements which are drawn out of eurythmy and are applied specifically in support of those forces which earlier I have called the albuminizing forces in man, while the consonant forces in many ways support the antimonizing forces, Thus it is possible through the working together of consonant and vowel eurythmy to bring about a balance between these two kinds of forces, And it can show there, if things are done properly, not in a dilettantish manner, how other healing processes, also in chronic illnesses, can be immensely supported through this curative eurythmy. This curative eurythmy is actually based upon the fact that soul-spiritual processes are awakened through that which man does with his limbs. If one knows which movements want to come directly forth out of the healthy human organism, then one can also find the corresponding movements which will work in a healing way if one works back from the limbs, i.e. from the human movement, upon the processes of the inner organs. In the Clinical Therapeutic Institute in Arlesheim the possibility exists to look at this curative eurythmy and to see how it, as a therapy, can be a specialized branch within the entire therapeutic process, a therapy which can be discovered out of true anthroposophical knowledge of man. It would naturally be going too far to discuss details in this area. The principles are actually given in what I have presented to you. Thus it has happened that in the most varied ways we have had to develop this therapeutic endeavor within the anthroposophical movement because those involved in therapy have approached us. It has been a demand arising from the condition of the times. It was so-to-speak demanded by contemporary civilization. Anthroposophy has only given the answers to questions which were posed to it. I really could only present the principles aphoristically to you today. More has not been possible during the available time. If I wanted to present matters in their totality, then I would have to do what I refused to do two days ago during the lecture on eurythmy. I would have to invite you to stay here through the night and listen to me till tomorrow morning, until the morning lecture. But that is something that would make you sick, and it would certainly be inappropriate for someone who wants to speak about bringing health to make people sick in this way. Therefore I must send you home for a healthy sleep following this sketchy presentation.
320. The Light Course: Lecture I
23 Dec 1919, Stuttgart Translated by George Adams Rudolf Steiner |
Today, by way of introduction,—and, as the saying goes, “theoretically”—I will put forward certain aspects that shall help our understanding. In today's lecture it will be my specific aim to help you understand that contrast between the current, customary science and the kind of scientific outlook which can be derived from Goethe's general world-outlook. |
Arithmetic—we must be clear on this—is something man understands on its own ground, in and by itself. When we are counting it makes no difference what we count. |
No doubt it seems an ultimate ideal to the Science of today, to understand even organic phenomena in terms of potentials, of centric forces of some kind. It will be the dawn of a new world-conception in this realm when it is recognized that the thing cannot be done in this way, Phenomena in which Life is working can never be understood in terms of centric forces. |
320. The Light Course: Lecture I
23 Dec 1919, Stuttgart Translated by George Adams Rudolf Steiner |
My dear Friends, After the words which have just been read out, some of which were written over 30 years ago, I would like to say that in the short time at our disposal I shall at most be able to contribute a few side-lights which may help you in forming your outlook upon Nature. I hope that in no very distant future we shall be able to continue. On this occasion, as you must also realize, I was only told that this lecture-course was hoped-for after my arrival here. What I can therefore give during these days will be no more than an episode. What I am hoping to contribute may well be of use to those of you who are teachers and educators—not to apply directly in your lessons, but as a fundamental trend and tendency in Science, which should permeate your teaching. In view of all the aberrations to which the Science of Nature in our time has been subject, for the teacher and educator it is of great importance to have the right direction of ideas, at any rate in the background. To the words which our friend Dr. Stein has kindly been recalling, I may add one more. It was in the early nineties. The Frankfurter Freier Hochstift had invited me to speak on Goethe's work in Science. I then said in introduction that I should mainly confine myself to his work in the organic Sciences. For to carry Goethe's world-conception into our physical and chemical ideas, was as yet quite impossible. Through all that lives and works in the Physics and Chemistry of today, our scientists are fated in regard, whatever takes its start from Goethe in this realm, as being almost unintelligible from their point of view. Thus, I opined, we shall have to wait till physicists and chemists will have witnessed—by their own researches—a kind of “reductio ad absurdum” of the existing theoretic structure of their Science. Then and then only will Goethe's outlook come into its own, also in this domain. I shall attempt in these lectures to establish a certain harmony between what we may call the experimental side of Science and what concerns the outlook, the idea, the fundamental views which we can gain on the results of experiment. Today, by way of introduction,—and, as the saying goes, “theoretically”—I will put forward certain aspects that shall help our understanding. In today's lecture it will be my specific aim to help you understand that contrast between the current, customary science and the kind of scientific outlook which can be derived from Goethe's general world-outlook. We must begin by reflecting, perhaps a little theoretically, upon the premisses of present-day scientific thinking altogether. The scientists who think of Nature in the customary manner of our time, generally have no very clear idea of what constitutes the field of their researches. “Nature” has grown to be a rather vague and undefined conception. Therefore we will not take our start from the prevailing idea of what Nature is, but from the way in which the scientist of modern time will generally work. Admittedly, this way of working is already undergoing transformation, and there are signs which we may read as the first dawning of a new world-outlook. Yet on the whole, what I shall characterize (though in a very brief introductory outline) may still be said to be prevailing. The scientist today seeks to approach Nature from three vantage-points. In the first place he is at pains to observe Nature in such a way that from her several creatures and phenomena he may form concepts of species, kind and genus. He sub-divides and classifies the beings and phenomena of Nature. You need only recall how in external, sensory experience so many single wolves, single hyenas, single phenomena of warmth, single phenomena of electricity are given to the human being, who thereupon attempts to gather up the single phenomena into kinds and species. So then he speaks of the species “wolf” or “hyena”, likewise he classifies the phenomena into species, thus grouping and comprising what is given, to begin with, in many single experiences. Now we may say, this first important activity is already taken more or less unconsciously for granted. Scientists in our time do not reflect that they should really examine how these “universals”, these general ideas, are related to the single data. The second thing, done by the man of today in scientific research, is that he tries by experiment, or by conceptual elaboration of the results of experiment, to arrive at what he calls the “causes” of phenomena. Speaking of causes, our scientists will have in mind forces or substances or even more universal entities. They speak for instance of the force of electricity, the force of magnetism, the force of heat or warmth, and so on. They speak of an unknown “ether” or the like, as underlying the phenomena of light and electricity. From the results of experiment they try to arrive at the properties of this ether. Now you are well aware how very controversial is all that can be said about the “ether” of Physics. There is one thing however to which we may draw attention even at this stage. In trying, as they put it, to go back to the causes of phenomena, the scientists are always wanting to find their way from what is known into some unknown realm. They scarcely ever ask if it is really justified thus to proceed from the known to the unknown. They scarcely trouble, for example, to consider if it is justified to say that when we perceive a phenomenon of light or colour, what we subjectively describe as the quality of colour is the effect on us, upon our soul, our nervous apparatus, of an objective process that is taking place in the universal ether—say a wave-movement in the ether. They do not pause to think, whether it is justified thus to distinguish (what is what they really do) between the “subjective” event and the “objective”, the latter being the supposed wave-movement in the ether, or else the interaction thereof with processes in ponderable matter. Shaken though it now is to some extent, this kind of scientific outlook was predominant in the 19th century, and we still find it on all hands in the whole way the phenomena are spoken of; it still undoubtedly prevails in scientific literature to this day. Now there is also a third way in which the scientist tries to get at the configuration of Nature. He takes the phenomena to begin with—say, such a simple phenomenon as that a stone, let go, will fall to earth, or if suspended by a string, will pull vertically down towards the earth. Phenomena like this the scientist sums up and so arrives at what he calls a “Law of Nature”. This statement for example would be regarded as a simple “Law of Nature”: “Every celestial body attracts to itself the bodies that are upon it”. We call the force of attraction Gravity or Gravitation and then express how it works in certain “Laws”. Another classical example are the three statements known as “Kepler's Laws”. It is in these three ways that “scientific research” tries to get near to Nature. Now I will emphasize at the very outset that the Goethean outlook upon Nature strives for the very opposite in all three respects. In the first place, when he began to study natural phenomena, the classification into species and genera, whether of the creatures or of the facts and events of Nature, at once became problematical for Goethe. He did not like to see the many concrete entities and facts of Nature reduced to all these rigid concepts of species, family and genus; what he desired was to observe the gradual transition of one phenomenon into another, or of one form of manifestation of an entity into another. He felt concerned, not with the subdivision and classification into genera, but with the metamorphosis both of phenomena and of the several creatures. Also the quest of so-called “causes” in Nature, which Science has gone on pursuing ever since his time, was not according to Goethe's way of thinking. In this respect it is especially important for us to realize the fundamental difference between natural science and research as pursued today and on the other hand the Goethean approach to Nature. The Science of our time makes experiments; having thus studied the phenomena, it then tries to form ideas about the so-called causes that are supposed to be there behind them;—behind the subjective phenomenon of light or colour for example, the objective wave-movement in the ether. Not in this style did Goethe apply scientific thinking. In his researches into Nature he does not try to proceed from the so-called “known” to the so-called “unknown”. He always wants to stay within the sphere of what is known, nor in the first place is he concerned to enquire whether the latter is merely subjective, or objective. Goethe does not entertain such concepts as of the “subjective” phenomena of colour and the “objective” wave-movements in outer space. What he beholds spread out in space and going on in time is for him one, a single undivided whole. He does not face it with the question, subjective or objective? His use of scientific thinking and scientific method is not to draw conclusions from the known to the unknown; he will apply all thinking and all available methods to put the phenomena themselves together till in the last resort he gets the kind of phenomena which he calls archetypal,—the Ur-phenomena. These archetypal phenomena—once more, regardless of “subjective or objective”—bring to expression what Goethe feels is fundamental to a true outlook upon Nature and the World. Goethe therefore remains amid the sequence of actual phenomena; he only sifts and simplifies them and then calls “Ur-phenomenon” the simplified and clarified phenomenon, ideally transparent and comprehensive. Thus Goethe looks upon the whole of scientific method—so to call it—purely and simply as a means of grouping the phenomena. Staying amid the actual phenomena, he wants to group them in such a way that they themselves express their secrets. He nowhere seeks to recur from the so-called “known” to an “unknown” of any kind. Hence too for Goethe in the last resort there are not what may properly be called “Laws of Nature”. He is not looking for such Laws. What he puts down as the quintessence of his researches are simple facts—the fact, for instance, of how light will interact with matter that is in its path. Goethe puts into words how light and matter interact. That is no “law”; it is a pure and simple fact. And upon facts like this he seeks to base his contemplation, his whole outlook upon Nature. What he desires, fundamentally, is a rational description of Nature. Only for him there is a difference between the mere crude description of a phenomenon as it may first present itself, where it is complicated still and untransparent, and the description which emerges when one has sifted it, so that the simple essentials and they alone stand out. This then—the Urphenomenon—is what Goethe takes to be fundamental, in place of the unknown entities or the conceptually defined “Laws” of customary Science. One fact may throw considerable light on what is seeking to come into our Science by way of Goetheanism, and on what now obtains in Science. It is remarkable: few men have ever had so clear an understanding of the relation of the phenomena of Nature to mathematical thinking as Goethe had. Goethe himself not having been much of a mathematician, this is disputed no doubt. Some people think he had no clear idea of the relation of natural phenomena to those mathematical formulations which have grown ever more beloved in Science, so much so that in our time they are felt to be the one and only firm foundation. Increasingly in modern time, the mathematical way of studying the phenomena of Nature—I do not say directly, the mathematical study of Nature; it would not be right to put it in these words, but the study of natural phenomena in terms of mathematical formulae—has grown to be the determining factor in the way we think even of Nature herself. Concerning these things we really must reach clarity. You see, dear Friends, along the accustomed way of approach to Nature we have three things to begin with—things that are really exercised by man before he actually reaches Nature. The first is common or garden Arithmetic. In studying Nature nowadays we do a lot of arithmetic—counting and calculating. Arithmetic—we must be clear on this—is something man understands on its own ground, in and by itself. When we are counting it makes no difference what we count. Learning arithmetic, we receive something which, to begin with, has no reference to the outer world. We may count peas as well as electrons. The way we recognize that our methods of counting and calculating are correct is altogether different from the way we contemplate and form conclusions about the outer processes to which our arithmetic is then applied. The second of the three to which I have referred is again a thing we do before we come to outer Nature. I mean Geometry,—all that is known by means of pure Geometry. What a cube or an octahedron is, and the relations of their angles,—all these are things which we determine without looking into outer Nature. We spin and weave them out of ourselves. We may make outer drawings on them, but this is only to serve mental convenience, not to say inertia. Whatever we may illustrate by outer drawings, we might equally well imagine purely in the mind. Indeed it is very good for us to imagine more of these things purely in the mind, using the crutches of outer illustration rather less. Thus, what we have to say concerning geometrical form is derived from a realm which, to begin with, is quite away from outer Nature. We know what we have to say about a cube without first having had to read it in a cube of rock-salt. Yet in the latter we must find it. So we ourselves do something quite apart from Nature and then apply it to the latter. And then there is the third thing which we do, still before reaching outer Nature. I am referring to what we do in “Phoronomy” so-called, or Kinematics, i.e. the science of Movement. Now it is very important for you to be clear on this point,—to realize that Kinematics too is, fundamentally speaking, still remote from what we call the “real” phenomena of Nature. Say I imagine an object to be moving from the point \(a\) to the point \(b\) (Figure 1a). I am not looking at any moving object; I just imagine it. Then I can always imagine this movement from \(a\) to \(b\), indicated by an arrow in the figure, to be compounded of two distinct movements. Think of it thus: the point \(a\) is ultimately to get to \(b\), but we suppose it does not go there at once. It sets out in this other direction and reaches \(c\). If it then subsequently moves from \(c\) to \(b\), it does eventually get to \(b\). Thus I can also imagine the movement from \(a\) to \(b\) so that it does not go along the line \(ab\) but along the line, or the two lines, \(ac\) and \(cb\). The movement \(ab\) is then compounded of the movements \(ac\) and \(cb\), i.e. of two distinct movements. You need not observe any process in outer Nature; you can simply think it—picture it to yourself in thought—how that the movement from \(a\) to \(b\) is composed of the two other movements. That is to say, in place of the one movement the two other movements might be carried out with the same ultimate effect. And when in thinking I picture this. The thought—the mental picture—is spun out of myself. I need have made no outer drawing; I could simply have instructed you in thought to form the mental picture; you could not but have found it valid. Yet if in outer Nature there is really something like the point \(a\)—perhaps a little ball, a grain of shot—which in one instance moves from \(a\) to \(b\) and in another from \(a\) to \(c\) and then from \(c\) to \(b\), what I have pictured to myself in thought will really happen. So then it is in kinematics, in the science of movement also; I think the movements to myself, yet what I think proves applicable to the phenomena of Nature and must indeed hold good among them. ![]() ![]() Thus we may truly say: In Arithmetic, in Geometry and in Phoronomy or Kinematics we have the three preliminary steps that go before the actual study of Nature. Spun as they are purely out of ourselves, the concepts which we gain in all these three are none the less valid for what takes place in real Nature. And now I beg you to remember the so-called Parallelogram of forces, (Figure 1b). This time, the point a will signify a material thing—some little grain of material substance. I exert a force to draw it on from \(a\) to \(b\). Mark the difference between the way I am now speaking and the way I spoke before. Before, I spoke of movement as such; now I am saying that a force draws the little ball from \(a\) to \(b\). Suppose the measure of this force, pulling from \(a\) to \(b\), to be five grammes; you can denote it by a corresponding length in this direction. With a force of five grammes I am pulling the little ball from \(a\) to \(b\). Now I might also do it differently. Namely I might first pull with a certain force from \(a\) to \(c\). Pulling from \(a\) to \(c\) (with a force denoted by this length) I need a different force than when I pulled direct from \(a\) to \(b\). Then I might add a second pull, in the direction of the line from \(c\) to \(b\), and with a force denoted by the length of this line. Having pulled in the first instance from a towards \(b\) with a force of five grammes, I should have to calculate from this figure, how big the pull \(ac\) and also how big the pull \(cd\) would have to be. Then if I pulled simultaneously with forces represented by the lines \(ac\) and \(ad\) of the parallelogram, I should be pulling the object along in such a way that it eventually got to \(b\); thus I can calculate how strongly I must pull towards \(c\) and \(d\) respectively. Yet I cannot calculate this in the same way as I did the displacements in our previous example. What I found previously (as to the movement pure and simple), that I could calculate, purely in thought. Not so when a real pull, a real force is exercised. Here I must somehow measure the force; I must approach Nature herself; I must go on from thought to the world of facts. If once you realize this difference between the Parallelogram of Movements and that of Forces, you have a clear and sharp formulation of the essential difference between all those things that can be determined within the realm of thought, and those that lie beyond the range of thoughts and mental pictures. You can reach movements but not forces with your mental activity. Forces you have to measure in the outer world. The fact that when two pulls come into play—the one from \(a\) to \(c\), the other from \(a\) to \(d\),—the thing is actually pulled from \(a\) to \(b\) according to the Parallelogram of Forces, this you cannot make sure of in any other way than by an outer experiment. There is no proof by dint of thought, as for the Parallelogram of Movements. It must be measured and ascertained externally. Thus in conclusion we may say: while we derive the parallelogram of movements by pure reasoning, the parallelogram of forces must be derived empirically, by dint of outer experience. Distinguishing the parallelogram of movements and that of forces, you have the difference—clear and keen—between Phoronomy and Mechanics, or Kinematics and Mechanics. Mechanics has to do with forces, no mere movements; it is already a Natural Science. Mechanics is concerned with the way forces work in space and time. Arithmetic, Geometry and Kinematics are not yet Natural Sciences in the proper sense. To reach the first of the Natural Sciences, which is Mechanics, we have to go beyond the life of ideas and mental pictures. Even at this stage our contemporaries fail to think clearly enough. I will explain by an example, how great is the leap from kinematics into mechanics. The kinematical phenomena can still take place entirely within a space of our own thinking; mechanical phenomena on the other hand must first be tried and tested by us in the outer world. Our scientists however do not envisage the distinction clearly. They always tend rather to confuse what can still be seen in purely mathematical ways, and what involves realities of the outer world. What, in effect, must be there, before we can speak of a parallelogram of forces? So long as we are only speaking of the parallelogram of movements, no actual body need be there; we need only have one in our thought. For the parallelogram of forces on the other hand there must be a mass—a mass, that possesses weight among other things. This you must not forget. There must be a mass at the point a, to begin with. Now we may well feel driven to enquire: What then is a mass? What is it really? And we shall have to admit: Here we already get stuck! The moment we take leave of things which we can settle purely in the world of thought so that they then hold good in outer Nature, we get into difficult and uncertain regions. You are of course aware how scientists proceed. Equipped with arithmetic, geometry and kinematics, to which they also add a little dose of mechanics, they try to work out a mechanics of molecules and atoms; for they imagine what is called matter to be thus sub-divided, In terms of this molecular mechanics they then try to conceive the phenomena of Nature, which, in the form in which they first present themselves, they regard as our own subjective experience. We take hold of a warm object, for example. The scientist will tell us: What you are calling the heat or warmth is the effect on your own nerves. Objectively, there is the movement of molecules and atoms. These you can study, after the laws of mechanics. So then they study the laws of mechanics, of atoms and molecules; indeed, for a long time they imagined that by so doing they would at last contrive to explain all the phenomena of Nature. Today, of course, this hope is rather shaken. But even if we do press forward to the atom with our thinking, even then we shall have to ask—and seek the answer by experiment—How are the forces in the atom? How does the mass reveal itself in its effects,—how does it work? And if you put this question, you must ask again: How will you recognize it? You can only recognize the mass by its effects. The customary way is to recognize the smallest unit bearer of mechanical force by its effect, in answering this question: If such a particle brings another minute particle—say, a minute particle of matter weighing one gramme—into movement, there must be some force proceeding from the matter in the one, which brings the other into movement. If then the given mass brings the other mass, weighing one gramme, into movement in such a way that the latter goes a centimetre a second faster in each successive second, the former mass will have exerted a certain force. This force we are accustomed to regard as a kind of universal unit. If we are then able to say of some force that it is so many times greater than the force needed to make a gramme go a centimetre a second quicker every second, we know the ratio between the force in question and the chosen universal unit. If we express it as a weight, it is 0.001019 grammes' weight. Indeed, to express what this kind of force involves, we must have recourse to the balance—the weighing-machine. The unit force is equivalent to the downward thrust that comes into play when 0.001019 grammes are being weighed. So then I have to express myself in terms of something very outwardly real if I want to approach what is called “mass” in this Universe. Howsoever I may think it out, I can only express the concept “mass” by introducing what I get to know in quite external ways, namely a weight. In the last resort, it is by a weight that I express the mass, and even if I then go on to atomize it, I still express it by a weight. I have reminded you of all this, in order clearly to describe the point at which we pass, from what can still be determined “a priori”, into the realm of real Nature. We need to be very clear on this point. The truths of arithmetic, geometry and kinematics,—these we undoubtedly determine apart from external Nature. But we must also be clear, to what extent these truths are applicable to that which meets us, in effect, from quite another side—and, to begin with, in mechanics. Not till we get to mechanics, have we the content of what we call “phenomenon of Nature”. All this was clear to Goethe. Only where we pass on from kinematics to mechanics can we begin to speak at all of natural phenomena. Aware as he was of this, he knew what is the only possible relation of Mathematics to Natural Science, though Mathematics be ever so idolized even for this domain of knowledge. To bring this home, I will adduce one more example. Even as we may think of the unit element, for the effects of Force in Nature, as a minute atom-like body which would be able to impart an acceleration of a centimetre per second per second to a gramme-weight, so too with every manifestation of Force, we shall be able to say that the force proceeds from one direction and works towards another. Thus we may well grow accustomed—for all the workings of Nature—always to look for the points from which the forces proceed. Precisely this has grown habitual, nay dominant, in Science. Indeed in many instances we really find it so. There are whole fields of phenomena which we can thus refer to the points from which the forces, dominating the phenomena, proceed. We therefore call such forces “centric forces”, inasmuch as they always issue from point-centres. It is indeed right to think of centric forces wherever we can find so many single points from which quite definite forces, dominating a given field of phenomena, proceed. Nor need the forces always come into play. It may well be that the point-centre in question only bears in it the possibility, the potentiality as it were, for such a play of forces to arise, whereas the forces do not actually come into play until the requisite conditions are fulfilled in the surrounding sphere. We shall have instances of this during the next few days. It is as though forces were concentrated at the points in question,—forces however that are not yet in action. Only when we bring about the necessary conditions, will they call forth actual phenomena in their surroundings. Yet we must recognize that in such point or space forces are concentrated, able potentially to work on their environment. This in effect is what we always look for, when speaking of the World in terms of Physics. All physical research amounts to this: we follow up the centric forces to their centres; we try to find the points from which effects can issue, For this kind of effect in Nature, we are obliged to assume that there are centres, charged as it were with possibilities of action in certain directions. And we have sundry means of measuring these possibilities of action; we can express in stated measures, how strongly such a point or centre has the potentiality of working. Speaking in general terms, we call the measure of a force thus centred and concentrated a “potential” or “potential force”. In studying these effects of Nature we then have to trace the potentials of the centric forces,—so we may formulate it. We look for centres which we then investigate as sources of potential forces. Such, in effect, is the line taken by that school of Science which is at pains to express everything in mechanical terms. It looks for centric forces and their potentials. In this respect our need will be to take one essential step—out into actual Nature—whereby we shall grow fully conscious of the fact: You cannot possibly understand any phenomenon in which Life plays a part if you restrict yourself to this method, looking only for the potentials of centric forces. Say you were studying the play of forces in an animal or vegetable embryo or germ-cell; with this method you would never find your way. No doubt it seems an ultimate ideal to the Science of today, to understand even organic phenomena in terms of potentials, of centric forces of some kind. It will be the dawn of a new world-conception in this realm when it is recognized that the thing cannot be done in this way, Phenomena in which Life is working can never be understood in terms of centric forces. Why, in effect,—why not? Diagrammatically, let us here imagine that we are setting out to study transient, living phenomena of Nature in terms of Physics. We look for centres,—to study the potential effects that may go out from such centres. Suppose we find the effect. If I now calculate the potentials, say for the three points \(a\), \(b\) and \(c\), I find that \(a\) will work thus and thus on \(A\), \(B\) and \(C\), or \(c\) on \(A'\), \(B'\) and \(C'\); and so on. I should thus get a notion of how the integral effects will be, in a certain sphere, subject to the potentials of such and such centric forces. Yet in this way I could never explain any process involving Life. In effect, the forces that are essential to a living thing have no potential; they are not centric forces. If at a given point \(d\) you tried to trace the physical effects due to the influences of \(a\), \(b\) and \(c\), you would indeed be referring to the effects to centric forces, and you could do so. But if you want to study the effects of Life you can never do this. For these effects, there are no centres such as \(a\) or \(b\) or \(c\). Here you will only take the right direction with your thinking when you speak thus: Say that at \(d\) there is something alive. I look for the forces to which the life is subject. I shall not find them in \(a\), nor in \(b\), nor in \(c\), nor when I go still farther out. I only find them when as it were I go to the very ends of the world—and, what is more, to the entire circumference at once. Taking my start from \(d\), I should have to go to the outermost ends of the Universe and imagine forces to the working inward from the spherical circumference from all sides, forces which in their interplay unite in \(d\). It is the very opposite of the centric forces with their potentials. How to calculate a potential for what works inward from all sides, from the infinitudes of space? In the attempt, I should have to dismember the forces; one total force would have to be divided into ever smaller portions. Then I should get nearer and nearer the edge of the World:—the force would be completely sundered, and so would all my calculation. Here in effect it is not centric forces; it is cosmic, universal forces that are at work. Here, calculation ceases. Once more, you have the leap—the leap, this time, from that in Nature which is not alive to that which is. In the investigation of Nature we shall only find our way aright if we know what the leap is from Kinematics to Mechanics, and again what the leap is from external, inorganic Nature into those realms that are no longer accessible to calculation,—where every attempted calculation breaks asunder and every potential is dissolved away. This second leap will take us from external inorganic Nature into living Nature, and we must realize that calculation ceases where we want to understand what is alive. Now in this explanation I have been neatly dividing all that refers to potentials and centric forces and on the other hand all that leads out into the cosmic forces. Yet in the Nature that surrounds us they are not thus apart. You may put the question: Where can I find an object where only centric forces work with their potentials, and on the other hand where is the realm where cosmic forces work, which do not let you calculate potentials? An answer can indeed be given, and it is such as to reveal the very great importance of what is here involved. For we may truly say: All that Man makes by way of machines—all that is pieced together by Man from elements supplied by Nature—herein we find the purely centric forces working, working according to their potentials. What is existing in Nature outside us on the other hand—even in inorganic Nature—can never be referred exclusively to centric forces. In Nature there is no such thing; it never works completely in that way: Save in the things made artificially by Man, the workings of centric forces and cosmic are always flowing together in their effects. In the whole realm of so-called Nature there is nothing in the proper sense un-living. The one exception is what Man makes artificially; man-made machines and mechanical devices. The truth of this was profoundly clear to Goethe. In him, it was a Nature-given instinct, and his whole outlook upon Nature was built upon this basis. Herein we have the quintessence of the contrast between Goethe and the modern Scientist as represented by Newton. The scientists of modern time have only looked in one direction, always observing external Nature in such a way as to refer all things to centric forces,—as it were to expunge all that in Nature which cannot be defined in terms of centric forces and their potentials. Goethe could not make do with such an outlook. What was called “Nature” under this influence seemed to him a void abstraction. There is reality for him only where centric forces and peripheric or cosmic forces are alike concerned,—where there is interplay between the two. On this polarity, in the last resort, his Theory of Colour is also founded, of which we shall be speaking in more detail in the next few days. All this, dear Friends, I have been saying to the end that we may understand how the relation is even of Man himself to all his study and contemplation of Nature.—We must be willing to bethink ourselves in this way, the more so as the time has come at last when the impossibility of the existing view of Nature is beginning to be felt—subconsciously, at least. In some respects there is at least a dawning insight that these things must change. People begin to see that the old view will serve no longer. No doubt they are still laughed at when they say so, but the time is not so distant when this derision too will cease. The time is not so very distant when even Physics will be such as to enable one to speak in Goethe's sense. Men will perhaps begin to speak of Colour, for example, more in Goethe's spirit when another rampart has been shaken, which, though reputed impregnable, is none the less beginning to be undermined. I mean the theory of Gravitation. Ideas are now emerging almost every year, shaking the old Newtonian conceptions about Gravitation, and bearing witness how impossible it is to make do with these old conceptions, built as they are on the exclusive mechanism of centric forces. Today, I think, both teachers who instruct the young, and altogether those who want to play an active, helpful part in the development of culture, must seek a clearer picture of Man's relation to Nature and how it needs to be. |
320. The Light Course: Lecture II
24 Dec 1919, Stuttgart Translated by George Adams Rudolf Steiner |
We saw this pretty clearly in yesterday's lecture, and it emerged that modern Physics does not really understand what this leap involves. Till we take steps to understand it, it will however be quite impossible ever to gain valid ideas of what is meant or should be meant by the word “Ether” in Physics. |
Follow the thought a little farther and you will no longer be so remote from understanding what is implied when we write down the \(m\). All that is phoronomical unites, as it were, quite neutrally with our consciousness. |
Now if you want to consider for yourselves, how you will best understand it, you need only think for instance of how differently your own etheric body is inserted into your muscles and into your eyes. |
320. The Light Course: Lecture II
24 Dec 1919, Stuttgart Translated by George Adams Rudolf Steiner |
My dear Friends, Yesterday I was saying how in our study of Nature we have upon the one hand the purely kinematical, geometrical and arithmetical truths,—truths we are able to gain simply from our own life of thought. We form our thoughts about all that, which in the physical processes around us can be counted, or which is spatial and kinematical in form and movement. This we can spin, as it were, out of our own life of thought. We derive mathematical formulae concerning all that can be counted and computed or that is spatial in form and movement, and it is surely significant that all the truths we thus derive by thought also prove applicable to the processes of Nature. Yet on the other hand it is no less significant that we must have recourse to quite external experiences the moment we go beyond what can be counted and computed or what is purely spatial or kinematical. Indeed we need only go on to the realm of Mass, for it to be so. In yesterday's lecture we made this clear to ourselves. While in phoronomy we can construct Nature's processes in our own inner life, we now have to leap across into the realm of outer, empirical, purely physical experience. We saw this pretty clearly in yesterday's lecture, and it emerged that modern Physics does not really understand what this leap involves. Till we take steps to understand it, it will however be quite impossible ever to gain valid ideas of what is meant or should be meant by the word “Ether” in Physics. As I said yesterday, present-day Physics (though now a little less sure in this respect) still mostly goes on speaking for example of the phenomena of light and colour rather as follows:—We ourselves are affected, say, by an impression of light or colour—we, that is, as beings of sense and nerve, or even beings of soul. This effect however is subjective. The objective process, going on outside in space and time, is a movement in the ether. Yet if you look it up in the text-books or go among the physicists to ascertain what ideas they have about this “ether” which is supposed to bring about the phenomena of light, you will find contradictory and confused ideas. Indeed, with the resources of Physics as it is today it is not really possible to gain true or clear ideas of what deserves the name of “ether”. We will now try to set out upon the path that can really lead to a bridging of the gulf between phoronomy and even only mechanics,—inasmuch as mechanics already has to do with forces and with masses. I will write down a certain formula, putting it forward today simply as a well-known theorem. (We can go into it again another time so that those among you who may no longer recall it from your school days can then revise what is necessary for the understanding of it. Now I will simply adduce the essential elements to bring the formula before your minds.) Let us suppose, first in the sense of pure kinematics, that a point (in such a case we always have to say, a point) is moving in a certain direction. For the moment, we are considering the movement pure and simple, not its causes. The point will be moving more or less quickly or slowly. We say it moves with a greater or lesser “velocity”. Let us call the velocity \(v\). This velocity, once more, may be greater or it may be smaller. So long as we go no farther than to observe that the point moves with such and such velocity, we are in the realm of pure kinematics. But this would not yet lead us to real outer Nature,—not even to what is mechanical in Nature. To approach Nature we must consider how the point comes to be moving. The moving object cannot be the mere thought of a point. Really to move, it must be something in outer space. In short, we must suppose a force to be acting on the point. I will call \(v\) the velocity and \(p\) the force that is acting on the point. Also we will suppose the force not only to be working instantaneously,—pressing upon the point for a single moment which of course would also cause it to move off with a certain velocity if there were no hindrance—but we will presuppose that the force is working continuously, so that the same force acts upon the point throughout its path. Let us call \(s\) the length of the path, all along which the force is acting on the point. Finally we must take account of the fact that the point must be something in space, and this “something” may be bigger or it may be smaller; accordingly, we shall say that the point has a greater or lesser mass. We express the mass, to begin with, by a weight. We can weigh the object which the force is moving and express the mass of it in terms of weight. Let us call the mass, \(m\). Now if the force \(p\) is acting on the mass \(m\), a certain effect will of course be produced. The effect shows itself, in that the mass moves onward not with uniform speed but more and more quickly. The velocity gets bigger. This too we must take into account; we have an ever growing velocity, and there will be a certain measure of this increase of velocity. A smaller force, acting on the same mass, will also make it move quicker and quicker, but to a lesser extent; a larger force, acting on the same mass, will make it move quicker more quickly. We call the rate of increase of velocity the acceleration; let us denote the acceleration by \(g\). Now what will interest us above all is this:—(I am reminding you of a formula which you most probably know; I only call it to your mind.) Multiply the force which is acting on the given mass by the length of the path, the distance through which it moves; then the resulting product is equal to,—i.e. the same product can also be expressed by multiplying the mass by the square of the eventual velocity and dividing by 2. That is to say: $$ps=\frac{mv^2}{2}$$Look at the right-hand side of this formula. You see in it the mass. You see from the equation: the bigger the mass, the bigger the force must be. What interests us at the moment is however this:—On the right-hand side of the equation we have mass, i.e. the very thing we can never reach phoronomically. The point is: Are we simply to confess that whatever goes beyond the phoronomical domain must always be beyond our reach, so that we can only get to know it, as it were, by staring at it,—by mere outer observation? Or is there after all perhaps a bridge—the bridge which modern Physics cannot find—between the phoronomical and the mechanical? Physics today cannot find the transition, and the consequences of this failure are immense. It cannot find it because it has no real human science,—no real physiology. It does not know the human being. You see, when I write \(v^2\), therein I have something altogether contained within what is calculable and what is spatial movement. To that extent, the formula is phoronomical. When I write \(m\) on the other hand, I must first ask: Is there anything in me myself to correspond also to this,—just as my idea of the spatial and calculable corresponds to the \(v\)? What corresponds then to the \(m\)? What am I doing when I write the \(m\)? The physicists are generally quite unconscious of what they do when they write m. This then is what the question amounts to: Can I get a clear intelligible notion of what the \(m\) contains, as by arithmetic, geometry and kinematics I get a clear intelligible notion of what the \(v\) contains? The answer is, you can indeed, but your first step must be to make yourself more consciously aware of this:—Press with your finger against something: you thus acquaint yourself with the simplest form of pressure. Mass, after all, reveals itself through pressure. As I said just now, you realize the mass by weighing it. Mass makes its presence known, to begin with, simply by this: by its ability to exert pressure. You make acquaintance with pressure by pressing upon something with your finger. Now we must ask ourselves: Is there something going on in us when we exert pressure with our finger,—when we, therefore, ourselves experience a pressure—analogous to what goes on in us when we get the clear intelligible notion, say, of a moving body? There is indeed, and to realize what it is, try making the pressure ever more intense. Try it,—or rather, don't! Try to exert pressure on some part of your body and then go on making it ever more intense. What will happen? If you go on long enough you will lose consciousness. You may conclude that the same phenomenon—loss of consciousness—is taking place, so to speak, on a small scale when you exert a pressure that is still bearable. Only in that case you lose, a little of the force of consciousness that you can bear it. Nevertheless, what I have indicated—the loss of consciousness which you experience with a pressure stronger than you can endure—is taking place partially and on a small scale whenever you come into any kind of contact with an effect of pressure—with an effect, therefore, which ultimately issues from some mass. Follow the thought a little farther and you will no longer be so remote from understanding what is implied when we write down the \(m\). All that is phoronomical unites, as it were, quite neutrally with our consciousness. This is no longer so when we encounter what we have designated \(m\). Our consciousness is dimmed at once. If this only happens to a slight extent we can still bear it; if to a great extent, we can bear it no longer. What underlies it is the same in either case. Writing down \(m\), we are writing down that in Nature which, if it does unite with our consciousness, eliminates it,—that is to say, puts us partially to sleep. You see then, why it cannot be followed phoronomically. All that is phoronomical rests in our consciousness quite neutrally. The moment we go beyond this, we come into regions which are opposed to our consciousness and tend to blot it out. Thus when we write down the formula $$ps=\frac{mv^2}{2}$$we must admit: Our human experience contains the \(m\) no less than the \(v\), only our normal consciousness is not sufficient here,—does not enable us to seize the \(m\). The \(m\) at once exhausts, sucks out, withdraws from us the force of consciousness. Here then you have the real relationship to man. To understand what is in Nature, you must bring in the states of consciousness. Without recourse to these, you will never get beyond what is phoronomical,—you will not even reach the mechanical domain. Nevertheless, although we cannot live with consciousness in all that, for instance, which is implied in the letter \(m\), yet with our full human being we do live in it after all. We live in it above all with our Will. And as to how we live in Nature with our Will,—I will now try to illustrate it with an example. Once more I take my start from some-thing you will probably recall from your school-days; I have no doubt you learned it. ![]() Here is a balance (Figure IIa). I can balance the weight that is on the one side with an object of equal weight, suspended this time, at the other end of the beam. We can thus weigh the object; we ascertain its weight. We now put a vessel there, filled up to here with water, so that the object is submerged in water. Immediately, the beam of the balance goes up on that side. By immersion in water the object has become lighter,—it loses some of its weight. We can test how much lighter it has grown,—how much must be subtracted to restore the balance. We find the object has become lighter to the extent of the weight of water it displaces. If we weigh the same volume of water we get the loss of weight exactly. You know this is called the law of buoyancy and is thus formulated:—Immersed in a liquid, every body becomes as much lighter as is represented by the weight of liquid it displaces. You see therefore that when a body is in a liquid it strives upward,—in some sense it withdraws itself from the downward pressure of weight. What we can thus observe as an objective phenomenon in Physics, is of great importance in man's own constitution. Our brain, you see, weighs on the average about 1250 grammes. If, when we bear the brain within us, it really weighed as much as this, it would press so heavily upon the arteries that are beneath it that it would not get properly supplied with blood. The heavy pressure would immediately cloud our consciousness. Truth is, the brain by no means weighs with the full 1250 grammes upon the base of the skull. The weight it weighs with is only about 20 grammes. For the brain swims in the cerebral fluid. Just as the outer object in our experiment swims in the water, so does the brain swim in the cerebral fluid; moreover the weight of this fluid which the brain displaces is about 1230 grammes. To that extent the brain is lightened, leaving only about 20 grammes. What does this signify? While, with some justice we may regard the brain as the instrument of our Intelligence and life of soul—at least, a portion of our life of soul—we must not reckon merely with the ponderable brain. This is not there alone; there is also the buoyancy, by virtue of which the brain is really tending upward, contrary to its own weight. This then is what it signifies. With our Intelligence we live not in forces that pull downward but on the contrary, in forces that pull upward. With our Intelligence, we live in a force of buoyancy. What I have been explaining applies however only to our brain. The remaining portions of our body—from the base of the skull downward, with the exception of the spinal cord—are only to a very slight extent in this condition. Taken as a whole, their tendency is down-ward. Here then we live in the downward pull. In our brain we live in the upward buoyancy, while for the rest we live in the downward pull. Our Will, above all, lives in the downward pull. Our Will has to unite with the downward pressure. Precisely this deprives the rest of our body of consciousness and makes it all the time asleep. This indeed is the essential feature of the phenomenon of Will. As a conscious phenomenon it is blotted out, extinguished, because in fact the Will unites with the downward force of gravity or weight. Our Intelligence on the other hand becomes light and clear inasmuch as we are able to unite with the force of buoyancy,—inasmuch as our brain counteracts the force of gravity. You see then how the diverse ways in which the life of man unites with the material element that underlies it, bring about upon the one hand the submersion of the Will in matter and on the other hand the lightening of Will into Intelligence. Never could Intelligence arise if our soul's life were only bound to downward tending matter. And now please think of this:—We have to consider man, not in the abstract manner of today, but so as to bring the spiritual and the physical together. Only the spiritual must now be conceived in so strong and robust a way as to embrace also the knowledge of the physical. In the human being we then see upon the one hand the lightening into Intelligence, brought about by one kind of connection with the material life—connection namely with the buoyancy which is at work there. Whilst on the other hand, where he has to let his Will be absorbed, sucked-up as it were, by the downward pressure, we see men being put to sleep. For the Will works in the sense of this downward pressure. Only a tiny portion of it, amounting to the 20 grammes' pressure of which we spoke, manages to filter through to the Intelligence. Hence our intelligence is to some extent permeated by Will. In the main however, what is at work in the Intelligence is the very opposite of ponderable matter. We always tend to go up and out beyond our head when we are thinking. Physical science must be co-ordinated with what lives in man himself. If we stay only in the phoronomical domain, we are amid the beloved abstractions of our time and can build no bridge from thence to the outer reality of Nature. We need a knowledge with a strongly spiritual content,—strong enough to dive down into the phenomena of Nature and to take hold of such things as physical weight and buoyancy for instance, and how they work in man. Man in his inner life, as I was shewing, comes to terms both with the downward pressure and with the upward buoyancy; he therefore lives right into the connection that is really there between the phoronomical and the material domains. You will admit, we need some deepening of Science to take hold of these things. We cannot do it in the old way. The old way of Science is to invent wave-movements or corpuscular emissions, all in the abstract. By speculation it seeks to find its way across into the realm of matter, and naturally fails to do so. A Science that is spiritual will find the way across by really diving into the realm of matter, which is what we do when we follow the life of soul in Will and Intelligence down into such phenomena as pressure and buoyancy. Here is true Monism: only a spiritual Science can produce it. This is not the Monism of mere words, pursued today with lack of real insight. It is indeed high time, if I may say so, for Physics to get a little grit into its thinking.—so to connect outer phenomena like the one we have been demonstrating with the corresponding physiological phenomena—in this instance, the swimming of the brain. Catch the connection and you know at once: so it must be,—the principle of Archimedes cannot fail to apply to the swimming of the brain in the cerebro-spinal fluid. Now to proceed: what happens through the facts that with our brain—but for the 20 grammes into which enters the unconscious Will—we live in the sphere of Intelligence? What happens is that inasmuch as we here make the brain our instrument, for our Intelligence we are unburdened of downward-pulling matter. The latter is well-nigh eliminated, to the extent that 1230 grammes' weight is lost. Even to this extent is heavy matter eliminated, and for our brain we are thereby enabled, to a very high degree, to bring our etheric body into play. Unembarrassed by the weight of matter, the etheric body can here do what it wants. In the rest of our body on the other hand, the ether is overwhelmed by the weight of matter. See then this memberment of man. In the part of him which serves Intelligence, you get the ether free, as it were, while for the rest of him you get it bound to the physical matter. Thus in our brain the etheric organisms in some sense overwhelms the physical, while for the rest of our body the forces and functionings of the physical organisation overwhelm those of the etheric. I drew your attention to the relation you enter into with the outer world whenever you expose yourself to pressure. There is the “putting to sleep”, of which we spoke just now. But there are other relations too, and about one of these—leaping a little ahead—I wish to speak today. I mean the relation to the outer world which comes about when we open our eyes and are in a light-filled space. Manifestly we then come into quite another relation to the outer world than where we impinge on matter and make acquaintance with pressure. When we expose ourselves to light, insofar as the light works purely and simply as light, not only do we lose nothing of our consciousness but on the contrary. No one, willing to go into it at all, can fail to perceive that by exposing himself to the light his consciousness actually becomes more awake—awake to take part in the outer world. Our forces of consciousness in some way unite with what comes to meet us in the light; we shall discuss this in greater detail in due time. Now in and with the light the colours also come to meet us. In fact we cannot say that we see the light as such. With the help of the light we see the colours, but it would not be true to say we see the light itself,—though we shall yet have to speak of how and why it is that we see the so-called white light. Now the fact is that all that meets us by way of colour really confronts us in two opposite and polar qualities, no less than magnetism does, to take another example—positive magnetism, negative magnetism;—there is no less of a polar quality in the realm of colour. At the one pole is all that which we describe as yellow and the kindred colours—orange and reddish. At the other pole is what we may describe as blue and kindred colours—indigo and violet and even certain lesser shades of green. Why do I emphasise that the world of colour meets us with a polar quality? Because in fact the polarity of colour is among the most significant phenomena of all Nature and should be studied accordingly. To go ahead at once to what Goethe calls the Ur-phenomenon in the sense I was explaining yesterday, this is indeed the Ur-phenomenon of colour. We shall reach it to begin with by looking for colour in and about the light as such. This is to be our first experiment, arranged as well as we are able. I will explain first what it is. The experiment will be as follows:— ![]() Through a narrow slit—or a small circular opening, we may assume to begin with—in an otherwise opaque wall, we let in light (Figure IIb). We let the light pour in through the slit. Opposite the wall through which the light is pouring in, we put a screen. By virtue of the light that is pouring in, we see an illuminated circular surface on the screen. The experiment is best done by cutting a hole in the shutters, letting the sunlight pour in from outside. We can then put up a screen and catch the resulting picture. We cannot do it in this way; so we are using the lantern to project it. When I remove the shutter, you see a luminous circle on the wall. This, to begin with, is the picture which arises, in that a cylinder of light, passing along here, is caught on the opposite wall. We now put a “prism” into the path of this cylinder of light (Figure IIc). The light can then no longer simply penetrate to the opposite wall and there produce a luminous circle; it is compelled to deviate from its path. How have we brought this about? The prism is made of two planes of glass, set at an angle to form a wedge. This hollow prism is then filled with water. We let the cylinder of light, produced by the projecting apparatus, pass through the water-prism. If you now look at the wall, you see that the patch of light is no longer down there, where it was before. It is displaced,—it appears elsewhere. Moreover you see a peculiar phenomenon:—at the upper edge of it you see a bluish-greenish light. You see the patch with a bluish edge therefore. Below, you see the edge is reddish-yellow. ![]() This then is what we have to begin with,—this is the “phenomenon”. Let us first hold to the phenomenon, simply describing the fact as it confronts us. In going through the prism, the light is somehow deflected from its path. It now forms a circle away up there, but if we measured it we should find it is not an exact circle. It is drawn out a little above and below, and edged with blue above and yellowish below. If therefore we cause such a cylinder of light to pass through the prismatically formed body of water,—neglecting, as we can in this case, whatever modifications may be due to the plates of glass—phenomena of colour arise at the edges. Now I will do the experiment again with a far narrower cylinder of light. You see a far smaller patch of light on the screen. Deflecting it again with the help of the prism, once more you see the patch of light displaced,—moved upward. This time however the circle of light is completely filled with colours, The displaced patch of light now appears violet, blue, green, yellow and red, Indeed, if we made a more thorough study of it, we should find in it all the colours of the rainbow in their proper order. We take the fact, purely and simply as we find it; and please—all those of you who learned at school the neatly finished diagrams with rays of light, normals and so on,—please to forget them now. Hold to the simple phenomenon, the pure and simple fact. We see colours arising in and about the light and we can ask ourselves, what is it due to? Look please once more; I will again insert the larger aperture. There is again the cylinder of light passing through space, impinging on the screen and there forming its picture of light (Figure IIb). Again we put the prism in the way. Again the picture of light is displaced and the phenomena of colour appear at the edges (Figure IIc). Now please observe the following. We will remain purely within the given facts. Kindly observe. If you could look at it more exactly you would see the luminous cylinder of water where the light is going through the prism. This is a matter of simple fact: the cylinder of light goes through the prism of water and there is thus an interpenetration of the light with the water. Pay careful attention please, once more. In that the cylinder of light goes through the water, the light and the water interpenetrate, and this is evidently not without effect for the environment. On the contrary, we must aver (and once again, we add nothing to the facts in saying this):—the cylinder of light somehow has power to make its way through the water-prism to the other side, yet in the process it is deflected by the prism. Were it not for the prism, it would go straight on, but it is now thrown upward and deflected. Here then is something that deflects our cylinder of light. To denote this that is deflecting our cylinder of light by an arrow in the diagram, I shall have to put the arrow thus. So we can say, adhering once again to the facts and not indulging in speculations: By such a prism the cylinder of light is deflected upward, and we can indicate the direction in which it is deflected. And now, to add to all this, think of the following, which once again is a simple statement of fact. If you let light go through a dim and milky glass or through any cloudy fluid—through dim, cloudy, turbid matter in effect,—the light is weakened, naturally. When you see the light through clear unclouded water, you see it in full brightness; if the water is cloudy, you see it weakened. By dim and cloudy media the light is weakened; you will see this in countless instances. We have to state this, to begin with, simply as a fact. Now in some respect, however little, every material medium is dim. So is this prism here. It always dims the light to some extent. That is to say, with respect to the light that is there within the prism, we are dealing with a light that is somehow dimmed. Here to begin with (pointing to Figure IIc) we have the light as it shines forth; here on the other hand we have the light that has made its way through the material medium. In here however, inside the prism, we have a working-together of matter and light; a dimming of the light arises here. That the dimming of the light has a real effect, you can tell from the simple fact that when you look into light through a dim or cloudy medium you see something more. The dimming has an effect,—this is perceptible. What is it that comes about by the dimming of the light? We have to do not only with the cone of light that is here bent and deflected, but also with this new factor—the dimming of the light, brought about by matter. We can imagine therefore into this space beyond the prism not only the light is shining, but there shines in, there rays into the light the quality of dimness that is in the prism. How then does it ray in? Naturally it spreads out and extends after the light has gone through the prism. What has been dimmed and darkened, rays into what is light and bright. You need only think of it properly and you will admit: the dimness too is shining up into this region. If what is light is deflected upward, then what is dim is deflected upward too. That is to say, the dimming is deflected upward in the same direction as the light is. The light that is deflected upward has a dimming effect, so to speak, sent after it. Up there, the light cannot spread out unimpaired, but into it the darkening, the dimming effect is sent after. Here then we are dealing with the interaction of two things: the brightly shining light, itself deflected, and then the sending into it of the darkening effect that is poured into this shining light. Only the dimming and darkening effect is here deflected in the same direction as the light is. And now you see the outcome. Here in this upward region the bright light is infused and irradiated with dimness, and by this means the dark or bluish colours are produced. How is it then when you look further down? The dimming and darkening shines downward too, naturally. But you see how it is. Whilst here there is a part of the outraying light where the dimming effect takes the same direction as the light that surges through—so to speak—with its prime force and momentum, here on the other hand the dimming effect that has arisen spreads and shines further, so that there is a space for which the cylinder of light as a whole is still diverted upward, yet at the same time, into the body of light which is thus diverted upward, the dimming and darkening effect rays in. Here is a region where, through the upper parts of the prism, the dimming and darkening goes downward. Here therefore we have a region where the darkening is deflected in the opposite sense,—opposite to the deflection of the light. Up there, the dimming or darkening tends to go into the light; down here, the working of the light is such that the deflection of it works in an opposite direction to the deflection of the dimming, darkening effect. This, then, is the result:—Above, the dimming effect is deflected in the same sense as the light; thus in a way they work together. The dimming and darkening gets into the light like a parasite and mingles with it. Down here on the contrary, the dimming rays back into the light but is overwhelmed and as it were suppressed by the latter. Here therefore, even in the battle between bright and dim—between the lightening and darkening—the light predominates. The consequences of this battle—the consequences of the mutual opposition of the light and dark, and of the dark being irradiated by the light, are in this downward region the red or yellow colours. So therefore we may say: Upward, the darkening runs into the light and there arise the blue shades of colour; downward, the light outdoes and overwhelms the darkness and there arise the yellow shades of colour. You see, dear Friends: simply through the fact that the prism on the one hand deflects the full bright cone of light and on the other hand also deflects the dimming of it, we have the two kinds of entry of the dimming or darkening into the light,—the two kinds of interplay between them. We have an interplay of dark and light, not getting mixed to give a grey but remaining mutually independent in their activity. Only at the one pole they remain active in such a way that the darkness comes to expression as darkness even within the light, whilst at the other pole the darkening stems itself against the light, it remains there and independent, it is true, but the light overwhelms and outdoes it. So there arise the lighter shades,—all that is yellowish in colour. Thus by adhering to the plain facts and simply taking what is given, purely from what you see you have the possibility of understanding why yellowish colours on the one hand and bluish colours on the other make their appearance. At the same time you see that the material prism plays an essential part in the arising of the colours. For it is through the prism that it happens, namely that on the one hand the dimming is deflected in the same direction as the cone of light, while on the other hand, because the prism lets its darkness ray there too, this that rays on and the light that is deflected cut across each other. For that is how the deflection works down here. Downward, the darkness and the light are interacting in a different way than upward. Colours therefore arise where dark and light work together. This is what I desired to make clear to you today. Now if you want to consider for yourselves, how you will best understand it, you need only think for instance of how differently your own etheric body is inserted into your muscles and into your eyes. Into a muscle it is so inserted as to blend with the functions of the muscle; not so into the eye. The eye being very isolated, here the etheric body is not inserted into the physical apparatus in the same way, but remains comparatively independent. Consequently, the astral body can come into very intimate union with the portion of the etheric body that is in the eye. Inside the eye our astral body is more independent, and independent in a different way than in the rest of our physical organization. Let this be the part of the physical organization in a muscle, and this the physical organization of the eye. To describe it we must say: our astral body is inserted into both, but in a very different way. Into the muscle it is so inserted that it goes through the same space as the physical bodily part and is by no means independent. In the eye too it is inserted: here however it works independently. The space is filled by both, in both cases, but in the one case the ingredients work independently while in the other they do not. It is but half the truth to say that our astral body is there in our physical body. We must ask how it is in it, for it is in it differently in the eye and in the muscle. In the eye it is relatively independent, and yet it is in it,—no less than in the muscle. You see from this: ingredients can interpenetrate each other and still be independent. So too, you can unite light and dark to get grey; then they are interpenetrating like astral body and muscle. Or on the other hand light and dark can so interpenetrate as to retain their several independence; then they are interpenetrating as do the astral body and the physical organization in the eye. In the one instance, grey arises; in the other, colour. When they interpenetrate like the astral body and the muscle, grey arises; whilst when they interpenetrate like the astral body and the eye, colour arises, since they remain relatively independent in spite of being there in the same space. |