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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 5041 through 5050 of 6282

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303. Soul Economy: Body, Soul and Spirit in Waldorf Education: Health and Illness I 27 Dec 1921, Dornach
Translated by Roland Everett

Rudolf Steiner
If you have been able, in full consciousness and under full control, to enhance your soul powers in this way, you will have in fact entered the spiritual world.
The realm where we lived before entering earthly life is revealed to us. It is understandable if some are unprepared to go to such lengths to investigate the eternal human being. Certainly, everyone is free not to follow these paths.
Nor do they lead to a vague kind of spirituality; spirit is taken fully into account, so that life can be understood and treated appropriately. Educators who gradually learn to understand human nature can learn how to deal correctly with matters related to their students’ health and illness.
303. Soul Economy: Body, Soul and Spirit in Waldorf Education: Health and Illness II 28 Dec 1921, Dornach
Translated by Roland Everett

Rudolf Steiner
True educators, above all else, must have acquired real understanding of the entire human organization. They must not allow abstract educational theories or methods to cause them deviate from their natural or (as we could also call it) natural, intuitive understanding.
Imagining this process, we gradually experience the white, fibrous brain substance under the grey matter. In our mental images we become as flexible as the very processes that pervade human nature.
Our concepts become lively and stay in harmony with what actually exists in the human being. There is no other way to understand the true nature of the human being, and this is an essential prerequisite in the art of education.
303. Soul Economy: Body, Soul and Spirit in Waldorf Education: Children before the Seventh Year 29 Dec 1921, Dornach
Translated by Roland Everett

Rudolf Steiner
The outer conditions of life are already clearly pointing at it, and, through anthroposophic insight, it can be understood with inner certainty. It is the fact that, despite one’s freedom, each person has a destiny, or to use the Eastern term, karma.
People in the past responded to this need according to their own particular understanding. Perhaps this also happened in the West, but at one time a regular epidemic spread throughout Central Europe of giving children boxes of building bricks, especially at Christmas.
It is as if its forces of imagination were put into a straitjacket. The other nurse, who has a little more understanding for the inner needs of the child, takes an old piece of cloth that is of no use for anything else.
303. Soul Economy: Body, Soul and Spirit in Waldorf Education: The Waldorf School 30 Dec 1921, Dornach
Translated by Roland Everett

Rudolf Steiner
Another subject taught during morning sessions could be called “worldview.” Please understand that a Waldorf school—or any school that might spring from the anthroposophic movement—would never wish to teach anthroposophy as it exists today.
At any rate, the effects of imponderables in the Waldorf school became apparent in the children’s good behavior under these unusual circumstances. As you know, various kinds of punishments are administered in most schools, and we, too, had to find ways to deal with this problem.
I have never been able to develop the necessary understanding for these somewhat occult relationships. So we decided to find other ways of writing our school reports.
303. Soul Economy: Body, Soul and Spirit in Waldorf Education: Children from the Seventh to Tenth Years 31 Dec 1921, Dornach
Translated by Roland Everett

Rudolf Steiner
A true art of education demands a thorough appreciation and understanding of this metamorphosis. In our previous meetings, I spoke of the refined body of formative forces, the ether body.
Whereas, earlier on, children experienced rhythm and beat unconsciously, they now develop a conscious perception and understanding of it. This continues until the twelfth year, not just with music, but everything coming to meet them from outside.
This could be followed by the teacher asking the children to pronounce words beginning with the letter L. Gradually, under the teacher’s guidance, the children discover the link between the shape that was run and drawn and the sound of the letter L.
303. Soul Economy: Body, Soul and Spirit in Waldorf Education: Children in the Tenth Year 01 Jan 1922, Dornach
Translated by Roland Everett

Rudolf Steiner
First, the principles of this education—based as they are on a true picture of the human being—should be made widely known, and the underlying ideas need to be thoroughly taken in and understood. Everything possible should be done in this direction.
Rudolf Steiner: There is one part of the question I do not understand, and another fills me with doubts. What I cannot understand is that it should be that difficult to collect enough money for a free school in Holland.
This law is so fixed that, when the local education authorities found out that we were teaching children under the age of fourteen, they declared it completely unacceptable; it was simply unheard of. Whatever we might have done to arrive at some agreement, we would never have received permission to apply Waldorf methods in teaching children under fourteen.
303. Soul Economy: Body, Soul and Spirit in Waldorf Education: Children from the Tenth to the Fourteenth Years I 02 Jan 1922, Dornach
Translated by Roland Everett

Rudolf Steiner
Children, however, cannot always wait until they are forty before understanding what they have been told at the age of eight, and this is the reason they have an inner longing for authority.
We must look at these two systems if we want to understand the nature of tiredness in children, which bears a completely different character according to whether it emanates from the head or from the limbs and metabolism.
Now, toward the twelfth year, the situation quickly changes; the muscles begin to serve the mechanics and dynamics of the skeletal organization. You will have gained a deep understanding of how human nature develops once you can see and understand what happens within children before the twelfth year—how the muscles simply carry the bones along and later begin to relate directly to the skeleton and, in doing so, relate also to the external world.
303. Soul Economy: Body, Soul and Spirit in Waldorf Education: Children from the Tenth to the Fourteenth Years II 03 Jan 1922, Dornach
Translated by Roland Everett

Rudolf Steiner
Without this they will fail, as though they lacked the most fundamental artistic and scientific understanding. Therefore, the first prerequisite of Waldorf teachers is reverence for the soul and spiritual potential that children bring with them into the world.
During their twenties, young people become aware of how the experiences of their school years first went underground, as it were, while they trained for a trade or profession, only to surface again in form of capacities, such as being able to handle certain situations or fit oneself into life in the right way.
On the other hand, if, for example, a teacher shows continued interest and understanding for the doleful moods of a melancholic child, this attitude will finally bring about a beneficial and healing effect.
303. Soul Economy: Body, Soul and Spirit in Waldorf Education: Adolescents after the Fourteenth Year 04 Jan 1922, Dornach
Translated by Roland Everett

Rudolf Steiner
You must act the part of an expert who really understands why things have come to be as they are. From now on, you will accomplish nothing by way of authority.
Only when we see human love in this light can we understand it correctly, and then we can also understand its task in the world. What really happens in human beings during the process of sexual maturity?
It is revered as a sacred memory, to the extent that, fundamentally, an Asian cannot really understand a European, and vice versa. Those who are under illusions about this fact will delude themselves about the world’s greatest historical secret in our time.
303. Soul Economy: Body, Soul and Spirit in Waldorf Education: Aesthetic Education 05 Jan 1922, Dornach
Translated by Roland Everett

Rudolf Steiner
In the case of tabes dorsalis, the appropriate nerve (I will call it a sensory nerve) would, under normal circumstances, make a movement sense-perceptible, but it is not functioning, and consequently the movement cannot be performed, because movement can take place only when such a process is perceived consciously.
If you take what I have said as a whole, however, especially with regard to the interrupt switch, you will be able to understand all the various experiments that involve cutting nerves. Question: How can educators best respond to requests, coming from children between five and a half and seven, for various activities?

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