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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 471 through 480 of 6282

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24. The Renewal of the Social Organism: The Way to Save the German Nation
Translated by Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood, Ruth Marriot, Frederick Amrine

Rudolf Steiner
[ 2 ] Only a revival of the attitude underlying such words can shed light upon the troubled time that has come upon the German people. That something else from this attitude may yet awaken amid the commotion and labor of present times is the one hope to be cherished by he who holds it necessary above all for the German people to turn for help to the saving power of thoughts.
24. The Renewal of the Social Organism: The Threefold Division of the Social Organism: A Necessity of the Age
Translated by Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood, Ruth Marriot, Frederick Amrine

Rudolf Steiner
One is honest with the proletariat today only by awakening them to an understanding that what they are unconsciously striving for can never be achieved by the programs they have embraced. [ 8 ] The proletariat labors under a terrible illusion. They saw how gradually over the last few centuries human interests have come to be totally absorbed by economics.
The spiritual life requires a self-administration guided only by the best educational insights available. Only under such self-administration is it possible for the individual abilities latent in a community of people to be nurtured truly for the benefit of social life.
24. The Renewal of the Social Organism: International Aspects of the Threefold Social Order
Translated by Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood, Ruth Marriot, Frederick Amrine

Rudolf Steiner
However, on careful examination one will find that situations such as these are taken into account in the ideas underlying the threefold social order. If the reader turns to Chapter 3 of my Toward Social Renewal he will find it said of a similar economic problem: “Moreover, an administration that occupies itself solely with economic processes will be able to bring about adjustments that show themselves within these economic processes to he necessary.
[ 15 ] There is no doubt that the economic conditions of any single country under the threefold social order cannot fail to act as a model for foreign countries. The circles concerned about a socially just distribution of wealth will strive to bring about the threefold system in their own country when they see how expediently it works for others.
And although national interests unfavorable to these tendencies are still powerful in many parts of the world, the people in any field of economic life who have an understanding of the threefold social order need not for that reason be deterred from introducing it. The foregoing has shown that difficulties in international economic trade will not result from the threefold social order.
24. The Renewal of the Social Organism: The Threefold Social Order and Educational Freedom
Translated by Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood, Ruth Marriot, Frederick Amrine

Rudolf Steiner
If one serously desires to transform the present order of society into one in which social attitudes prevail, then one must not be afraid to place the spiritual-cultural life (including the school and educational system) under its own independent control because from such a free, independent system within the social organism men and women will go forth with joy and zeal to take an active part in all its life.
The parties that claim to represent a new order would be obliged to leave the cultural life of the schools in the hands of the representatives of the old world views. However, since under such conditions there could be no question of any internal link between the newly rising generation and the old, artificially prolonged culture, cultural life would necessarily become more and more stagnant.
24. The Renewal of the Social Organism: What Is Needed
Translated by Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood, Ruth Marriot, Frederick Amrine

Rudolf Steiner
Therefore anyone who objects that the idea of a threefold social order takes no account of the impulses that have formed until now the basis of all human institutions, are under the delusion that the overcoming of these old impulses is a sin against any possible social order.
Say that this idea is imperfect, say that it is all wrong; its supporters will understand if it is opposed from the standpoint of other new ideas. That it should so often be found to be “incomprehensible” because it contradicts the old and customary—this they cannot regard as a sign that such opponents can hear the present call of human evolution.
24. The Renewal of the Social Organism: Ability for Work, Will to Work and the Threefold Social Order
Translated by Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood, Ruth Marriot, Frederick Amrine

Rudolf Steiner
However, it will have no way of calling forth the will to produce; neither will it be in a position to cultivate the individual abilities that are the vital source of the entire economic process. Under the old economic system that still survives, people cultivated these abilities hoping they would bring personal profit.
[ 5 ] It will be plain to anyone who understands the threefold social order that the vast syndicate with its state-like structure (such as the Marxist model) can supply impulses neither for the ability nor for the will to work. Anyone who understands will take care that the essence of human nature not be forgotten for the sake of the exigencies of outer life.
24. The Renewal of the Social Organism: What Socialists Do Not See
Translated by Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood, Ruth Marriot, Frederick Amrine

Rudolf Steiner
[ 3 ] That such things from various sources must converge within us in order (through this very variety) to satisfy the many requirements of our nature—people can understand this, for to not understand it would be absurd. However, they will not see that the development of spiritual abilities, the regulation of legal affairs and the shaping of economic life afford us our proper place within the social order only when each is governed from its separate center and from its special viewpoint.
It would be false to its own nature if it were to allow itself to be determined by economic interests. Under such a spiritual culture, people would never come to a true consciousness of what, in reality, the spirit may be for human life, for they would watch the spirit degrade itself through injustice and falsify itself through economic aims.
It will not come; it will come to ruin. Thus it is very hard to arrive at any understanding with those blind to psychology; and thus it is, unfortunately, also necessary to take up against them—a battle begun not by those who can see, but by those who are blind.
24. The Renewal of the Social Organism: Socialist Stumbling-Blocks
Translated by Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood, Ruth Marriot, Frederick Amrine

Rudolf Steiner
[ 1 ] Ideas which take account of the realities that gave rise to the demands now agitating humanity, and are in harmony with the conditions under which it is possible for men to live together culturally, politically and economically—such ideas are drowned out by the clamor of others that are remote from life in both regards.
24. The Renewal of the Social Organism: What the “New Spirit” Demands
Translated by Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood, Ruth Marriot, Frederick Amrine

Rudolf Steiner
[ 5 ] Today's circumstances are such that there can be no return to health in public life until a sufficiently large number of people recognize the real social, political and spiritual demands of the times, and have the good will and energy to pass on this vital understanding to others. To the extent that this understanding is spread, the remaining obstacles to social health would disappear.
Therefore, one of the fundamental conditions for a return to social health is the disbanding of these old party groupings, and a heightened understanding for the kinds of ideas that grow out of real practical insight in-dependent of any connection with old parties and groups.
[ 6 ] It is understandable that those who need to recognize this do not find it easy. The rank and file do not find it easy because they do not have the time or the leisure (and very often not the training) this recognition requires.
24. The Renewal of the Social Organism: Economic Profit and the Spirit of the Age
Translated by Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood, Ruth Marriot, Frederick Amrine

Rudolf Steiner
The change from profits-indicator to a rational coordination of production and consumption, if correctly understood, will result in the elimination of the motives that have hitherto clouded judgment on this issue by removing them to the legal and cultural spheres.

Results 471 through 480 of 6282

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