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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

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224. The Recovery of the Living Source of Speech 13 Apr 1923, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
When we learn history at school or at the university, we are, he said, exhorted to take pains to understand what we learn; but as we go back over the evolution of mankind, we can only understand history as far back as Roman times. Cicero and Caesar we can still understand, for up to a point they are similar to the man of the present day,—although it must be said that the understanding generally brought to a study of Caesar is far from being free and natural.
But, thinks Hermann Grimm, if we are honest with ourselves, we cannot claim to understand Pericles or Alcibiades. We understand them in the same way as we understand characters in fairy tales.
224. The Cosmic Word and Individual Man 02 May 1923, Stuttgart
Translated by Adam Bittleston

Rudolf Steiner
If one contemplates this etheric organism with spiritual vision, and begins to understand its phenomena, one is bound to describe it as consisting simply of the forms of thoughts, of flowing thoughts.
To Beings one must come at last in all understanding of the world. For Beings alone are real. Anything comes into existence only through the co-operation of Beings—presenting then an unreal appearance to unclear vision.
Physical matter, too, is an illusion of this kind—something of the nature of a Being underlies everything. Men must understand this again, in order not to speak of something that is not really there: of Matter—or (which is no better) of Spirit in general—in order to learn to speak about beings, individual Beings of the universe.
255b. Anthroposophy and its Opponents: Academic and Nationalistic Opponents VI 18 Mar 1921, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
Whether it is due to a brain diseased by hatred or to something else, I for one can only understand it in such a way that I would naturally write on such a reply letter: “will not be accepted” and that only if no reply is received does it appear to me as an impertinence.
255b. Anthroposophy and its Opponents: Academic and Nationalistic Opponents VII 25 May 1921, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
I cannot find any reason why he opposes it, since he says that, properly understood, threefolding points the way for what he wants to happen. I cannot find any other explanation than the one that emerges from a few words of Professor Rein: He says that he has explained his understanding of this threefold order in the new edition of his “Ethics”, which will be published soon.
I never had a single spiritual scientific conversation with this personality, not least because this personality understood nothing of spiritual science. And when the brazen claim is now made that I received something of the content of my spiritual science from that side, it means that one has understood nothing of what courses through my writings and my speeches.
But anyone who believes that they can represent the truth from any side must do so. I have always stood before you from these underground bases, I stand before you today from these underground bases, and I will work from these underground bases as long as it is granted to me.
255b. Anthroposophy and its Opponents: Academic and Nationalistic Opponents VIII 02 Oct 1921, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Today, things have the content of agitation, of action, and they are not to be understood as something that can only be laughed at. Then, a little pearl is added, where it is spoken about Heise's book about Freemasonry.
The confusion of the ideas of these two theosophists with the political events makes Heise's book so difficult to understand that it is really only of value to those in the know who can easily separate the wheat from the chaff.
255b. Anthroposophy and its Opponents: Spiritual Dimensions of Generic Behavior 23 May 1922, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
And if people are such functioning automatons as they are today, it is because they are actually under the influence of the clever elemental spirits of the mind, which would never actually work in the very uppermost part of the mind.
This is the difficulty of communication that has a real understanding of the facts in this area, in contrast to what is still powerful in many ways today, but powerful in such a way that it is simultaneously crumbling the whole of civilization.
There we can already see the effect of what happens under the influence of the higher, ethereal elemental beings, who only strive for unity, but not for the unity interwoven with the Christ impulse.
257. Awakening to Community: Lecture I 23 Jan 1923, Stuttgart
Translated by Marjorie Spock

Rudolf Steiner
The Goetheanum, which has been under construction in Dornach for the past ten years, no longer stands there; the building has been lost to the work of the Anthroposophical Society, and what an appalling loss it is!
But external events have somehow brought it about that much that has been undertaken did not, in fact, spring directly from an anthroposophical spirit, but was instead founded and carried on alongside and unrelated to it.
I am most decidedly not referring to such appropriate undertakings as Der Kommende Tag, [DER KOMMENDE TAG. A public corporation serving economic and spiritual concerns in Stuttgart.
257. Awakening to Community: Lecture II 30 Jan 1923, Stuttgart
Translated by Marjorie Spock

Rudolf Steiner
Then, perhaps even years later, one comes to the point of undertaking the first re-casting of this judgment in one's own soul life; one deepens and in many respects even transforms it.
Spiritual things can be proved only by experiencing them. This does not hold true of understanding them, however. Anyone with a healthy mind can understand any adequate presentation. But to be adequate, it has to have supplied that healthy mind with all the pertinent data, so pertinently arranged that the very manner of the presentation convinces of the truth of a given conclusion.
This different approach or attitude is basic to an understanding of anthroposophy, and it forms the basis for an anthroposophical fructification of all the various fields of life and learning.
257. Awakening to Community: Lecture III 06 Feb 1923, Stuttgart
Translated by Marjorie Spock

Rudolf Steiner
It had to assume a special way of reading. It expected the reader as he read to undergo the sort of inner experience that, in an external sense, is really just like waking up out of sleep in the morning.
As I have stressed here as well as elsewhere, these undertakings were good things in themselves. But they had to be started with an iron will and appropriately followed through.
Instead, a number of individuals wanted to undertake this or that project, and they did so. This created all kinds of groupings in addition to the original purely anthroposophical community.
257. Awakening to Community: Lecture IV 13 Feb 1923, Stuttgart
Translated by Marjorie Spock

Rudolf Steiner
Of course, this made some people happy indeed, for many a little sectarian group thought it a most praiseworthy undertaking to meet and “send out good thoughts” at the end of a day spent exerting its members' wills in the most ordinary channels.
If this anthroposophical life is to develop in a practical direction, everything it undertakes must be born of fearless knowledge and a really strong will. This presupposes learning to live with the world in a truly anthroposophical way.
A person with no further background is in no position to carry on a debate about anthroposophy without undergoing training in its methods. But the easy-going people of our time are not about to let themselves in for any such training.

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