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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 4521 through 4530 of 6069

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219. Man and the World of Stars: Midsummer and Midwinter Mysteries 23 Dec 1922, Dornach
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
The light and the warmth sink down, as it were, into the soil of the earth, so that in Winter the Summer is still there, under the soil. During Winter it is Summer underneath the surface of the earth. And it is this Summer under the surface of the earth in Winter time that enables the roots of the plants to thrive.
And as under the guidance of the teachers in the Mysteries the man of olden time became aware through the Midsummer festival that his thoughts were fading into a state of twilight, the man of today who rightly understands the Christmas Mystery should feel strengthened when at Christmas he steeps himself in truths such as have now once more been expressed.
I have thus tried to show how it came about that in the course of the ages the Midsummer festivals in the Mysteries changed into the Midwinter Christmas Mystery. But this must be understood in the right sense. By looking back over the evolution of humanity we can deepen our understanding of what is presented to us in the Christmas Mystery.
219. Man and the World of Stars: The Mysteries of Man's Nature and the Course of the Year 24 Dec 1922, Dornach
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
The same letters and words of the great cosmic Logos were used, but it was pointed out to the pupils how under the Sun's rays which stream differently now, under its light and warmth which now work in a different way, the letters change their forms, how the first buds, which had spoken of the secrets of the human physical body, open themselves to the Sun in the blossoms.
The task of the Initiates of the ancient Initiation-Science was to unveil the mysteries of human nature through a profound understanding of the course of the year. We too must understand what the year reveals but we must also be able to penetrate into the inner nature of Man.
Then we shall understand the words in the Gospel: “I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.”
219. Man and the World of Stars: From Man's Living Together with the Course of Cosmic Existence Arises the Cosmic Cult 29 Dec 1922, Dornach
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
And there are many other things of which the same could be said. If we contemplate our inner being and understand it rightly in the sense I have indicated today, we bring it into a relationship with the course of time different from the one to which we are accustomed today.
This is the moment, my dear friends, when scientific study and contemplation becomes artistic study and contemplation: when art and science no longer stand in stark contrast as they do in our naturalistic age, but when they are interrelated in the way sensed by Goethe when he said that art reveal; those secrets of Nature without which we can never fully understand her. From a certain point onwards it is imperative that we should understand the form and structure of the world as artistic creation. And once we have taken the path from the purely scientific conception of the world to artistic understanding, we shall also be ready to take the third step, which leads to a deepening of religious experience.
219. Man and the World of Stars: The Relation of the Movement for Religious Renewal to the Anthroposophical Movement 30 Dec 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Only when anthroposophical Spiritual Science is seen to contain this impulse within it, is its true being understood. Obviously humanity will have to take many steps in spiritual development before such an ideal can be realized.
And today it is also necessary that within the Anthroposophical Society this should be correctly understood. The Movement for Religious Renewal, therefore, was founded independently of me, independently of the Anthroposophical Society.
The Movement for Religious Renewal cannot flourish if it in any way damages the Anthroposophical Movement. This must be thoroughly understood, especially by Anthroposophists, so that whenever it is necessary to stand up for the rights of the matter, they may really be able to do so.
219. Man and the World of Stars: “Spiritual Knowledge Is a True Communion, the Beginning of a Cosmic Cult Suitable for Men of the Present Age.” 31 Dec 1922, Dornach
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
To this motion there corresponds in a certain portion of our nerves and senses organism, our head organism, a kind of rest, proportional to the amount of activity or movement in our limb organism. Please try to understand this correctly. I said: a proportional amount of rest. Rest is generally thought of as absolute.
Materialism dates from the time when science no longer understood matter. For material science is characterized by a total inability to conceive the nature of material occurrences, which it therefore endows with a number of non-existent attributes!
If we are now able to observe in the right way this budding, sprouting life, we may learn to understand its real significance. When does this budding and sprouting take place? When the Ego and astral body are not present, when they are away during sleep.
219. The Spiritual Communion of Mankind 23 Dec 1922, Dornach
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
The light and the warmth sink down, as it were, into the soil of the earth, so that in Winter the Summer is still there, under the soil. During Winter it is Summer underneath the surface of the earth. And it is this Summer under the surface of the earth in Winter time that enables the roots of the plants to thrive.
And as under the guidance of the teachers in the Mysteries the man of olden time became aware through the Midsummer festival that his thoughts were fading into a state of twilight, the man of today who rightly understands the Christmas Mystery should feel strengthened when at Christmas he steeps himself in truths such as have now once more been expressed.
I have thus tried to show how it came about that in the course of the ages the Midsummer festivals in the Mysteries changed into the Midwinter Christmas Mystery. But this must be understood in the right sense. By looking back over the evolution of humanity we can deepen our understanding of what is. presented to us in the Christmas Mystery.
219. The Relationship of Humans to the Starry World 30 Dec 1922, Dornach
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Only when anthroposophical Spiritual Science is seen to contain this impulse within it, is its true being understood. Obviously humanity will have to take many steps in spiritual development before such an ideal can be realized.
And today it is also necessary that within the Anthroposophical Society this should be correctly understood. The Movement for Religious Renewal, therefore, was founded independently of me, independently of the Anthroposophical Society.
The Movement for Religious Renewal cannot flourish if it in any way damages the Anthroposophical Movement. This must be thoroughly understood, especially by Anthroposophists, so that whenever it is necessary to stand up for the rights of the matter, they may really be able to do so.
220. The Intellectual Fall from Grace and Spiritual Ascent of Sins: Second Lecture 06 Jan 1923, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
But I must emphasize again and again that, however necessary it is for individuals or perhaps an unlimited number of people to take this serious and difficult path in the present, on the other hand, anyone with unbiased, healthy human understanding can gain insight into the truth of anthroposophy that is completely based on real inner reasons.
May the younger people bring their best, may the older people understand this best, may understanding on one side find understanding on the other, then only will we move forward.
If one knows this in the right way, oh my dear friends, then youth will indeed come to meet you with understanding. And only then will we ourselves be able to do what is necessary to compensate for our great loss, when the young, who can offer us what was once necessary for the future, can see – and most certainly then to their own satisfaction – beautiful examples of what older people can do to compensate for this loss.
220. The Intellectual Fall from Grace and Spiritual Ascent of Sins: Fourth Lecture 12 Jan 1923, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
As I said, he had completely lost the spiritual ground under his feet, had no tradition, he only took that as real which appeared to the senses, but was not yet able to extract anything spiritual from sensory experience.
He stood, as it were, with his soul like a tabula rasa, with a blank slate, facing the external, sensual world, applying the banality of ordinary human understanding, not of healthy, but of ordinary human understanding, to this external sense world, and nothing else came of it but the beginning of sensory knowledge, which is devoid of all spirituality.
This fear of magic, in turn, is connected with the advent of a new era, whose signature lies precisely with such spirits as Baco van Verulam, Giordano Bruno and Jakob Böhme. What did they understand by a magician? A magician was understood to be a person who drew knowledge from within himself, through which he could control nature and possibly also people.
220. The Need for Christ 05 Jan 1923, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Men understood what was meant by the ‘Sun Spirit’. They understood it because when that intimate union between the human soul-and-spirit and the etheric body was still present it would have seemed absurd to expect man to believe that somewhere up in universal space there hovered that physical globe of gas of which modern astrophysics speaks today.
The death of an individual of no importance had taken place under unusual circumstances. The men of whom I am speaking simply did not understand the depths of the Mystery.
As souls they were still in a condition which made it impossible for them to understand what Christ was offering to humanity. Certainly, those immediately around Him could understand something of it.

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