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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

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23. Basic Issues of the Social Question: The True Nature of the Social Question
Translated by Frank Thomas Smith

Rudolf Steiner
He was able to view what he was doing as the realization of his strivings as a human being. Under capitalism and technology, however, he had no recourse but himself—his own inner being—in seeking the basis for an understanding of what a human being is; for this basis is not contained in capitalism and technology.
The present-day social movement is determined by the fact that the modern proletarian desires a quite different relationship to spiritual life than the contemporary social order can give him; and this is what is behind his demands. This fact is clearly [not] understood neither by the proletariat nor by the non-proletariat. The non-proletarian does not suffer under the ideological label (of his own making) attached to spiritual life.
How modern economic forms evolved historically and how they gave human labour power commodity character is understood. What is not understood is that it is inherent in economic life that everything incorporated into it must take on the nature of a commodity.
23. Basic Issues of the Social Question: Finding Real Solutions to the Social Problems of the Times
Translated by Frank Thomas Smith

Rudolf Steiner
It should be borne in mind, however, that nothing more than a comparison is intended. Human understanding can be assisted by such a comparison to form mental pictures about the social organism's restoration to health.
[ 3 ] A clear understanding of the human organization will result in recognizing as the second member, what [ I ] would like to call the rhythmic system.
[ 43 ] Toward the end of the eighteenth century, under different circumstances than those under which we at present live, a call for a new formation of the human social organism arose from the depths of human nature.
23. Basic Issues of the Social Question: Capitalism and Social Ideas
Translated by Frank Thomas Smith

Rudolf Steiner
Liberated spiritual life will, necessarily, develop social understanding; and from this understanding will result quite different forms of incentive than that which resides in the hope of economic advantage.
The undermining of free disposition over the means of production is equivalent to crippling the free application of dexterity in his limbs.
This judicial decision making is, to a large extent, dependent on the judge's ability to perceive and understand the defendant's situation. Such perception and understanding will be present if the confidence which men feel towards the facilities of the spiritual organization is extended to include the courts.
349. Cosmic Workings In Earth and Man: Life on Earth in Past and Future 17 Feb 1923, Dornach
Translated by Mabel Cotterell, Dorothy S. Osmond, V. E. Evans

Rudolf Steiner
—that one heals very well with feldspar when one prepares it in the right way. So now you see that when one understands nature, one also really understands what are healing forces in human nature. But one must have a real feeling for the fact that the universe acts upon our earth.
Now the peculiar thing is that if one wants to understand anything, one must always start from life. Even in regard to colours we must take our start from life.
Nowhere does it appear on any other material. One has to understand flesh colour and then the other colours can be understood. I will speak more about this on another occasion.
350. Cosmic Workings In Earth and Man: On Nutrition 22 Sep 1923, Dornach
Translated by Mabel Cotterell, Dorothy S. Osmond, V. E. Evans

Rudolf Steiner
What we need is a real science, a science which understands how the spirit can work in matter. Anthroposophy is obliged, quite against its will, to battle on two fronts.
But this tells us nothing essential about matter itself. Physical science does not really understand matter, because to understand matter one must know how the spirit is working within it. Suppose a man wants to know all about a watch.
It was just the same in 1908 when Anthroposophy was said to be under Jesuitical influences; it was stated that anthroposophists were being delivered by their leaders into the hands of the Jesuits.
351. Cosmic Workings In Earth and Man: Effects of Substances in the Cosmos and in the Human Body 27 Oct 1923, Dornach
Translated by Mabel Cotterell, Dorothy S. Osmond, V. E. Evans

Rudolf Steiner
Man's need of iron for his free will is shown outwardly. We can therefore easily understand that the iron which is everywhere present in the universe and in the earth is connected with man's free will.
When one uses other bodies, one does not get this sequence of colours but only single colours. For example, under certain circumstances it can be dark everywhere, except for a fine yellow line in the middle. How is this?
You see, the onset of puberty expresses itself in quite different ways: with girls, in that they come more under the Mercury forces; with boys, in that they come more under the Mars forces and are inclined to get hoarse; or if they are not always hoarse they become so every winter.
351. Cosmic Workings In Earth and Man: On the Growth of Plants 31 Oct 1923, Dornach
Translated by Mabel Cotterell, Dorothy S. Osmond, V. E. Evans

Rudolf Steiner
Through mere speculation, when one simply puts the seed under a microscope, nothing is gained. We must be clear what parts the sap, the life sap, the cambium, play in the whole matter.
Yes, but such knowledge is useless when one wants to do something for a man. When he is ill, one must understand the whole of Nature. It is useless merely to understand geology or botany or chemistry. One must understand chemistry and be able to follow its working right into the sap.
And one must also know astrology, the science of the stars, if one wishes to understand the formation of cambium. And one must also know what enters with the cambium in the food. ...
352. Cosmic Workings In Earth and Man: On Poisonous Substances and Their Effects 19 Jan 1924, Dornach
Translated by Mabel Cotterell, Dorothy S. Osmond, V. E. Evans

Rudolf Steiner
How does nature work upon the ether body? It is precisely by understanding super-sensible nature that we develop a knowledge of medicaments. So you see, science in any domain really depends upon recognition of the super-sensible being of man.
352. Cosmic Workings In Earth and Man: The Circulation of Fluids in the Earth 09 Feb 1924, Dornach
Translated by Mabel Cotterell, Dorothy S. Osmond, V. E. Evans

Rudolf Steiner
But what is not considered is that whereas the river, the Rhine, for example, flows externally like this from the Southern Alps to the North Sea, there is a kind of stream of force under the earth, returning from the mouth of the river to its source. And what happens there (above the earth) is that the river is fresh water, contains no salt; what returns there (under the earth) is all the time carrying salt into the earth in the direction of the river.
And if one is not observant of such things one has really no understanding of the whole life of the earth. Indeed, if we look at the ocean and observe the sole, we can realise: Yes, by means of the sole the ocean opens itself everywhere to the heavens!
One must say: The soles would die in spite of feeding on fish and crabs—for they only eat these for the sake of the pale, flat under-body—if they were not to take in what comes from the universe through having made themselves one-sided.
Cosmic Workings In Earth and Man: Foreword
Translated by Mabel Cotterell, Dorothy S. Osmond, V. E. Evans

M. CotterellDorothy S. Osmond
Finally the workmen themselves asked to be introduced to the principles of Spiritual Science and to the foundations necessary for understanding the deeper aspects of Christianity. This common work developed out of study-courses at first conducted by Dr.

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