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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 2281 through 2290 of 6073

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90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: The Deification of Man – The Task of the Arts 15 Jan 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Time and again, humanity redeems the hidden God. Then it becomes clear what so few understand today: that what man ultimately creates as the divine world was already there in the beginning.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: The Apocalypse of John I 16 Jan 1905, Cologne

Rudolf Steiner
The Apocalypse is nothing other than the Christian secret teaching. We only have to understand the key words: “Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.” This is the core of Christianity.
The emergence of the innermost being of man before other people is what the creed of Christ must become. Those who can fully understand that Christ belongs to the world will be the twenty-four elders who worship the Lamb, Christ. In the future, in the sixth root race, some will be able to worship the Lamb in all its significance.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: About the Book of Genesis 17 Jan 1905, Cologne

Rudolf Steiner
People started to understand the scriptures figuratively; they still held on to the symbols. This understanding of biblical symbolism then led people to still take the biblical spirit with a certain seriousness.
The great teachers of old had themselves undergone an inner development. Their vision was a spiritual one. They knew that what they saw in the spirit could not be seen by everyone around them.
He brought the truth into the form that corresponded to people's childlike understanding at the time. If he had spoken of the “round” days, he would not have been understood. He therefore spoke of days, as in ancient India one speaks of the days and nights of Brahma.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: On the Concept of God 19 Jan 1905, Düsseldorf

Rudolf Steiner
If desire did not have a say in these questions, then there would be agreement, even on such questions as the concept of God. The Pythagorean demanded that his disciple undergo catharsis first. This was also the case with gnosticism. The gnostics called their teaching on these questions 'mathesis'.
One must also recognize this emotionally, only then does one understand compassion for all beings. The theosophist says to himself: I left that animal behind on my own path so that I could develop; I developed at the expense of other beings, so compassion must arise from such insights.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: On the Life of a Spiritual Seeker 20 Jan 1905, Düsseldorf

Rudolf Steiner
It is not for nothing that it is said: “When the rose adorns itself, it also adorns the garden.” - Self-perfection should not be undertaken in an egotistical sense. Our motto must be: “Take nothing without having the will to give for it.”
We make progress in our conduct of life when we do not judge man himself, but leave him as he is and understand him. We thereby remove a veil from ourselves. Judgment forms a veil before our eyes. It is the wound of which it is spoken in Light on the Path: Before the masters the voice can speak, the wound must unlearn.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: The Apocalypse and Theosophical Cosmology I 30 Jan 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
If one wants to understand the deeper meaning of such significant works as the Apocalypse, then one must gain a deep insight into the structure of the world and the entire development of the world.
And then the following would come, but in such a way that I would have to draw all of this on top of each other. You may only understand the drawing as a schematic one. So we are dealing with seven successive transformations that the planet undergoes.
The beings of Mercury can endure the physical state. Earth people will undergo this state on an astral plastic globe. But Mercury gives us an idea of what man will become when he is on a plastic globe.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: The Apocalypse and Theosophical Cosmology II 06 Feb 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Now I ask you to understand what I am going to say today in the sense in which I already indicated it for the last lesson, and to take it even more so today.
The spirit begins to move man. This spirit is now undergoing its development, so that the next rounds, the fourth and fifth, are intended to lead this spirit to higher levels.
The interesting formation of the world nebulae we have to understand as the descent of the lowest astral states. A human astral body looks similar to the Orion Nebula, to a world nebula, to a vortex.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: The Apocalypse and Theosophical Cosmology III 13 Feb 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
The earth was first ether and then solid, then astral and so on. We will only truly understand our Earth when we familiarize ourselves with what has happened on our Earth. The Earth goes through seven stages of development, which are the seven races.
Additional information from a typewritten transcription of Camilla Wandrey's notes: The Solarpitris were superhuman beings, they had a fundamentally different disposition, especially in their spiritual life, than humans. These exalted beings took young humanity under their protection. They were able to experience revelations of higher spiritual powers and beings, they perceived the gods, they possessed a knowledge that lived into the gods through intuition, they perceived the living divine beings directly.
The second impact, that which as spirituality, as pure, virginal spirituality, can also underlie the passionate, the covetous, the spiritual-covetous, became possible for these Solarpitris through the same study taking place in relation to Venus.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: The Apocalypse and Theosophical Cosmology IV 20 Feb 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
In addition to his waking state, a person also has two sleeping states: dreamless and dream. Those who have not undergone any development will only have confused dreams, but those who are trained can bring regularity into their dream life.
We can now take a look at the secrets of the initiate and understand when Buddha speaks of the eight-limbed path in his teaching. There are eight virtues that the secret disciple must acquire: 1. Faith and understanding of karma II. Clear thinking III. Clear speech IV. Right action V. Right livelihood VI.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: The Apocalypse and Theosophical Cosmology V 27 Feb 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Today I want to develop something of the human future. We have to understand the perspective in such a way that we do it in the sense of a natural law, because the initiate looks at the laws of the world.
Then they enter a development in order to work their way through it again under terrible torments. Fate is already decided in the fifth round, but the Atma still has to be developed.

Results 2281 through 2290 of 6073

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