68d. The Nature of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science: Man, Woman and Child in the Light of Secret Science
10 Dec 1907, Stuttgart Rudolf Steiner |
He who tries to appreciate this fact with all the powers of his soul will understand how much of the phenomena becomes understandable. Who would not see how female qualities unite in man in beautiful harmony with his male qualities! |
That is the significance of these documents: we understand them only when we have realized the underlying facts within ourselves. Let us consider female nature. |
One must ask oneself this question, and it always leads us to show how we can make more and more progress in knowledge and understand the documents of the religions better and better. A seemingly mundane observation such as the relationship between the sexes leads to an understanding of an important word. |
68d. The Nature of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science: Man, Woman and Child in the Light of Secret Science
10 Dec 1907, Stuttgart Rudolf Steiner |
The subject we are to deal with today has been a matter of interest at all times. In particular, however, we may describe the relationship between man and woman as a kind of question of our immediate present, as a question that is being discussed with great vehemence today from the most diverse points of view, from the most diverse partisan standpoints. It is not the task or the mission of occult science to become involved in party disputes and conflicts. Therefore, what will be said about this subject today may seem, in some respects, quite out of keeping with the times, for from a higher vantage point, spiritual science has to consider questions such as these with complete objectivity, with complete calm, with the calmness of the narrative tone. However, it does not have it easy. For such questions stir up the human mind, the whole world of feeling and passion in an extraordinary way, and more than with anything else, it is the case with such a question that one or the other has their answer somehow ready, and that therefore much of what has to be said from a higher point of view, especially in this field, goes against all their judgments and prejudices, that they have to rebel inwardly. But this cannot deter the spiritual researcher, despite all party antagonisms, despite all the stirring up of passions, especially in such a field to fulfill his task towards the present, to be a keen observer and to raise such a question above all party-political views. Just how difficult this is can be seen from a very small selection of judgments that are being made in this area in our present day. Not only agitators and agitators, not only those who lightly find these or those buzzwords, have talked about our topic, especially about the nature of women, but also those who want to strike a higher objective tone from their own point of view, and it will be instructive to take this little survey. It should be emphasized from the outset that not just any random judgments will be given, but rather, leading judgments. Scholars and unlearned people have expressed their views on the nature of women. But it is significant how this has happened. There is someone who deals with the nature of man from an anthropological point of view, summarizing the nature of woman in the word: sense of devotion. Mind you, that is not meant as if it were an ideal that women should strive for, but rather he wants to say that, according to a woman's nature, the most salient quality of a woman is the sense of devotion. Another personality, who wanted to describe the nature of women with equal objectivity, summarized what emerged for her and expressed the nature of women with the word: lust for power. A very important pathologist tried to sketch the nature of women from his point of view. He said: Everything in a woman points to one basic quality, which is gentleness. Another said: “Temperance under anger.” Yet another, who believed he could summarize the qualities of women from a higher vantage point, said: “Conservative sense,” and yet another said: “Everything revolutionary comes from the nature of women.” There you have a small selection that can give you a picture of the unanimity of those who want to sketch objectively. A very famous nerve pathologist wrote the little book: “On the physiological imbecility of women”. If we take such judgments not only from their comic but also from their universal spiritual side, they are highly instructive; for they show us what it means when we are told: What you spiritual scientists say is subjective belief, but when you stand on the field of external observation, only unanimous judgments can come out. — Such are these unanimous judgments! But it is interesting that here, as in so many points of our contemporary judgments, we are confronted with a fact that proves how secret science is something that must seem to us to be called for when it comes to the great, important questions of the present. For even if our time gropes in the dark about such things in many respects, this groping in the dark often points out, in a remarkable presentiment, how necessary it is to speak the right word. Something that must seem like a caricature of the right idea, spoken out of the spirit of materialism, is to be found in a sensational book that has been published recently, a book by the young Weininger, a brilliant but immature thinker: “Sex and Character”. If we want to appreciate this strange presentiment correctly, we must first bring to mind a fact that spiritual science shows us. Although we have often described the elementary view of the nature of man, today we must once again delve into this nature of man. We understand from the point of view of spiritual science... /gap in transcript Now we understand the relationship between man and woman when we first express an important fact that spiritual science provides us, a fact that may seem grotesque to some, but that does not matter. Basically, every human being has both sexes within them in some form. The man has the visible male body on the outside; his etheric or life body is of a female nature; and the opposite is true for women, so that a polar contrast is present in humans. He who tries to appreciate this fact with all the powers of his soul will understand how much of the phenomena becomes understandable. Who would not see how female qualities unite in man in beautiful harmony with his male qualities! At the same time, something else is given, so that one can raise the question: If now in sleep the astral body and the ego are outside the physical and etheric body, what about the sex of the astral body and the ego? They are absolutely neutral in terms of sex; what lives in sex is an organ outwards, just like the senses. This means that we no longer speak superficially of the male and female from the point of view of the external world, but we realize that we have to return to the invisible worlds, to the etheric body. Sensory observation is an illusion in this area. Outwardly, man is man, but inwardly he has the qualities of his female etheric body, and sensory observation shows us only one part of his being. This fact is caricatured by Weininger, only he speaks of this fact in a grossly materialistic sense. He talks about male and female substances being mixed up in every part of the human being. But it is not possible to make any progress with such a materialistic theory. He then goes on to describe some of the strange characteristics of women. Women have no individuality and no personality and no intelligence and no freedom and no character and no will. The male side also has this essence within it. Every man also has a part of his nature that has no individuality and so on. If we hold fast to the truth that in every man we have to reckon with the male nature on the outside and the female nature on the inside, then we will understand many of the points of view of men and women. And we will understand the deep foundation of truth from which our male culture speaks, for example: “The eternal feminine draws us up.” This is spoken from the man's point of view. But since our expired culture was a man's culture and only now is the interaction beginning that will bear fruit of which today's world has little idea, we understand that in all mysticism that which strives upwards, the neutrally sexless, is referred to as the eternal feminine. One has only to see what active, positive qualities women are able to produce in the service of war, in the service of love, in the service of charity, and what intrepidity women show in quite different virtues; then one will be able to see the dual nature fully. But now we need to approach the subject from an even deeper perspective. It has become clear to us that gender, that which expresses itself in the contrast between male and female, belongs to the physical and etheric bodies. What about a contrast that expresses itself here in the world in the higher worlds? Does every contrast cease to exist there? At night, it no longer makes sense to speak of gender. In a world for which one needs the higher senses, the human astral body lives with the ego at night. The human astral body and ego are united with this world of spiritual beings. Does the possibility of speaking of a similar contrast even cease in these worlds, or is there also something of such a contrast there? This question must arise for anyone who adheres to the basic truth that everything physical is the external expression of the spiritual. The contrast of the sexes must be the physical expression of something in the spiritual world. The mystery of the sexual is so deep and significant that when one comes to speak of the truth in this area, one must assert paradox upon paradox for the superficial observer. There is an opposition in the world into which man enters during the state of sleep, an opposition whose expression here is the opposition of the sexes. This opposition in the spiritual world has been designated in secret science since ancient times as the opposition of death and life. Behind our world lies a world in which higher forces are for death and life. And here in this world, the expression of the opposite sexes is the expression of this power. We will be able to understand this at least approximately. Let us consider a being of this world, for example, the human being. We must not look at him too straightforwardly and simply; we must see, if we want to understand him, how opposites actually come to expression in this human being. We see how the human being is born, how he grows up, how, up to the age of seven, he first develops the form according to what is firmly determined, how this form continues to grow and become larger for a long time, how he then remains stationary, how consuming forces then take effect from the middle of life. Where the creative forces appear to be concentrated, there is birth; where the destructive forces appear, there is death. In the middle of life we are in balance. But throughout life, these two forces are present in man. With birth, the destructive forces already begin their activity. In the middle of life, they gain the upper hand. And the human being is not possible without the continuous interaction of these two forces. If only the power of life were at work in man, then man would, in a short time, flare up like fire, constantly developing, rushing through life. The consuming forces, which find their sum in death, are at the same time the forces which, as beneficent forces in man, make it possible to bring form and shape into his being. From life comes a forward urge. Life seeks to transform every form into a new one. Death only appears to be something that, by its very nature, is destruction when we look at it in its totality. It is not always what it is as a totality. The same force that encompasses the human physical body is what gives the human being his form and maintains it in a certain state of rest. You can see this when you observe the opposite in an external being, for example, a plant. There you see how shoot after shoot is produced, how the forces of life bring forth leaf after leaf. And there you see a force that maintains the form, that brings firmness and shape into the rushing life. If only the power of life were at work, a leaf could not exist at all, for life would rush on. Life must continually be held back and drawn out of its never-ceasing course. These two forces keep each other in eternal balance. These two, appearing in their highest point as death and life, are the builders of formed life in the outer world. If we want to examine this contrast in a specific case, it presents itself in yet another form. The spiritual science that has been active in Europe since the fourteenth century has called this contrast: the contrast between formation and decay. In contrast to the rushing life, the forming form, that which is forming. This contrast can be felt everywhere in life, if one does not merely comprehend the world with the intellect. And if we now look for this other expression, we say: That which can be expressed in the decaying forces, when the Juno Ludovisi stands before us, where all life, frozen in the wonderful form, is captured in a moment, there you have the power at its highest tension. In reality, form does not live itself out in a moment like that. Forms change in every moment. The inner life is compressed in a single instant and then it presents itself to us. Beauty is the outward expression of what only the forces of decay can achieve, the forces that stop life. Primordial power, will, that is the other thing that form seeks to overcome in every moment. If we want to see forces, then in the time between formation and formation, action must be taken. And in yet another respect, this contradiction between form and life, between destruction and eternal becoming, lives in man. If only the forces of life ruled in man, it would be as if there were an overabundance of oxygen. Man would rush. From the astral world comes the power of life and the power of stopping life. And so it is with our life. We must go through death. If we did not go through death, then something would be missing. We know how, in many lives on earth, the human being appears with heightened consciousness and a more complete ego. How does the human being come to fully grasp life? No being would be able to develop its self-awareness ever higher. It could not come to this if it could not experience its opposite itself. Imagine a being that had no idea that there is destruction, that had never sensed a fear of death, that would find it impossible to look death in the face. Such a being could not come to the strong sense of self and life that knows that in the end life conquers death. In contrast, we get to know the strong forces. We owe our ego to the fact that we are able to go through death. And he has the right feeling who has known and overcome the fear of death. Man takes up the forces of death and processes them into an elevated life. And in the physical world, to whom does man, a being that can go through death, owe this fact, which is so important for his life, to be able to overcome death? To the opposite of the male and female. For spiritual science, the female represents the creator of form, the male as that which wants to overcome the form over and over again. If only the feminine were able to work in the world, then everything would become rigid in form, even if it were a beautiful form. The feminine could cause life to take place in a closed form. Existence owes the fact that this form is overcome, that it rushes from form to form, to the interaction of the feminine with the masculine. And we human beings owe our form to the female part, and we owe the developing life, the becoming, to the male part. And everything in life is an interaction of these forces. Therefore, male and female work together in every being, and a man is only a human being in whom one pole is particularly pronounced in the physical, while the inner shaping remains more spiritual. And in woman the female form appears outwardly, while the will-like aspect appears inwardly. That is why there is a harmonious complementarity in the relationship between the sexes. That is why one sex finds something in the other that is of the same nature and essence, and why one sex understands the other because one has the other within itself. Things in the world are so wonderfully interlinked that what sometimes seems so wonderful to us in the mood: the contrast between destruction and becoming, is expressed in the sexual contrast. Destruction, when stopped, means rest in form. When it presents itself to us in our outer life, becoming means at the same time the destruction of form from another side. Thus, when we consider this matter in its totality, nothing more or less sympathetic can ever be attached to one or other of these words. From a spiritual scientific point of view, our life on earth appears to us in such a way that we can say: with the interaction of the sexes, a compromise between form and eternal becoming and destruction of form is implanted in the human being. What must arise in a human being is implanted in that being. We take up these two forces of form and life with our generation because we are called into life from two sides. And so the great laws of the cosmos work that what appears as a contrast in another world as male and female appears in a higher world as a stronger contrast. Only when we see how two forces work together in each being, and that these beings can only stand before us because the balance of these forces is maintained in them, does our contemplation of male and female in all of nature become imbued not only with the concept and idea of the intellect, but also with will, mood and feeling. The world is complex and diverse, and we can only understand it if we engage with its complexity. As wonderful as this derivation of the sexual opposition from the other opposition of a higher world appears, it is a good guide if we follow it everywhere in life. We then know why the opposition of the sexes occurs in the world at all. It is justified because in the world the balance between formation and evolution must prevail. When man, as an initiate, ascends from the physical world to higher worlds, he does not encounter the opposition of male and female in these higher worlds. The saying in the Bible is deeply true: “There is no marrying in the heavens.” (Matthew 22:30; Mark 12:25; Luke 20:35f.) But when we look at the higher worlds with clairvoyance, we see another contrast everywhere. Everything is in a state of perpetual motion. Here this becoming and forming is only slowed down and condensed. It appears to us to be more calm. This can give us a picture of how something that can be perceived in the higher worlds appears in a completely different light. It could look as if this only applies to humans. But it applies everywhere where death and life and a sexual contrast are expressed in the physical world. Thus, in art, in Juno, all soul, all inner greatness, everything that strides from state to state in the rushing life, appears to us as poured out in a moment into a form and held fast. If this form were truth in real existence, the being would have to die at the same time. Beauty, if it is to be present in form, requires that the being in which beauty is expressed to its full extent is not a real being. Life must come out, then what remains, when what must be overcome in life remains there for itself, is the beauty of form. And if you want to represent the inner becoming, the rushing from state to state, then you will see that it can be captured in a characteristic form, but it is impossible to capture it in a beautiful form. They are not beautiful, the forms of the Laocoon Group. No inner calm is captured. Beauty and life are the same opposites in the field of art that we have outlined in the field of reality. There we look deeply into life. We only have to make such a study of life really alive and practical. At every turn in life we can look deeply into it and gain understanding if we look at things from such points of view. If we see anything that is captured in form, we sense hidden life, and when we see life, we long deeply — and this longing gives us a relationship to the being concerned — for movement. And that which is a spiritual-scientific fact is presented to us in the great religious documents in words. That is the significance of these documents: we understand them only when we have realized the underlying facts within ourselves. Let us consider female nature. Outwardly, it is the feminine; inwardly, the masculine. Outwardly, it is that which gives form to life; inwardly, it is that which continually seeks to destroy life. Outwardly, it is that which gives the human being his form, placing him on the earth with his feet; inwardly, the female nature contains that which continually seeks to lead the human being to ever higher levels, lifting him from the earth into ever higher spheres. Let us now look at this contrast between the masculine and the feminine in woman. What can we say about this contrast? There is a power in woman that seeks to bind man to earth and that, if it were alone, would crush the striving of his head for spiritual heights. And there is a power, the hidden masculine power, that seeks to lift man up from the earth. Think of this as an image. Think of the serpent as representing the masculine power, and think of the feminine nature as representing the other power. What does the female have to do in its outward expression? To crush the head of that which wants to lift man up from the earth. And what does the male nature have to do? To hurt man where he stands firmly on the earth, to bite into the heel. — “She will crush your head, but you will pursue her heel.” (Genesis 3:15) Here you have a wonderful expression of spiritual scientific fact in a great symbol. And we can take it literally. It sends shivers down the spine when, equipped with the truths of occult science, we approach religious documents and find the literal expression for great facts of life in their images. And then the word that these documents have a higher origin from a spiritual world becomes for us not a hypothesis but a necessary realization. Can it be the product of a child's imagination, what we recognize by looking deeply into nature? One must ask oneself this question, and it always leads us to show how we can make more and more progress in knowledge and understand the documents of the religions better and better. A seemingly mundane observation such as the relationship between the sexes leads to an understanding of an important word. The esoteric teaching must emphasize the mysterious bond between the sexes from the very sources of life, from the spiritual world itself. The antithesis in the physical world has its antithesis in the spiritual world. The sexes must work together in all fields, including the spiritual. And if we have left behind us an era of prevailing male culture, an era of cooperation between the two forces is to come. It is precisely the science of the secret that brings us light into the question raised by our topic. Everything in life is explained when we derive this life from its invisible, supersensible foundations. Yesterday we spoke in general terms of the mission of spiritual science. Today we see how it fills something ordinary with light and clarity. Everything in life is the expression of forces beyond the sensual life. Whatever we encounter in life, we must seek its origin in the spiritual world. And the interaction of life and form is explained in a magnificent way. If man lived only in form, he would be destroyed; if he lived only in life, death would be the consequence. True life is possible through the interaction of opposites. Goethe also sheds light on this in the words he calls the “primal words”, to suggest that they are taken from the secret science. He says in the “Orphic Words”: Just as on the day you were given to the world, |
68d. The Nature of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science: Man and Woman in the Light of Spiritual Science
10 Jan 1908, Leipzig Rudolf Steiner |
If we look at this idea in a supersensible way, it is quite correct, but in Weininger's book it is materialistically understood and seems quite monstrous. He presents a mixture of substances. Nothing but materialistic paradoxes — apparent absurdities — can be derived from it. |
Everyone carries these opposites within themselves. This becomes understandable to us in the qualities of women: loving devotion, compassion, which, when they can be increased, can increase to the level of male bravery. |
The Bible verse: “There is no marriage in heaven” (Matt. 22:30; Mark 12:25; Luke 20:35f.) becomes understandable to us through this. Man is in the heavens at night. We must not believe that there are no similar contrasts in the higher worlds. |
68d. The Nature of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science: Man and Woman in the Light of Spiritual Science
10 Jan 1908, Leipzig Rudolf Steiner |
The question of “man and woman”, which is the question of the day, must be considered from a higher point of view through theosophy and should occupy us today. However, this consideration also leads us down into the practical. Our time wants to have overcome materialistic thinking and feeling. In a sense it has; nevertheless, a materialistic attitude still prevails in the tone of our time. It is not so much the big questions of existence that suffer from this as what is happening directly in our environment. It is only through theosophy that this question can be put into the right perspective. The women's issue of the present time is a justified trend. But we need only let such questions pass before our soul to realize how little our time is able to judge. As a test, I will mention here various judgments passed by so-called important people on the nature of women. An important naturalist, a man of public political life, tried to summarize his judgment as follows: All of a woman's qualities point to one thing, and that is gentleness. Another thinker: “The essence of a woman in all her qualities culminates in the word ‘temperance’.” An important German philosopher characterized the way a woman thinks. There are two directions of thought: firstly, analysis – dissecting thinking – and secondly, synthesis – a joining together of thoughts. Those who know how to combine both activities of thinking correctly have the right harmony. Generally speaking, one of the two approaches is more prevalent in men. This German philosopher calls women's thinking analytical and men's thinking synthetic. Another thinker says the opposite. Another sees the preserving element in everything that a woman does; another, who knows history, calls her a subverter. Where do these contradictions, these one-sided views come from? In the outside world, everything is truly distinct from one another; for example, a tree: one person draws it from this side, another from that; both pictures will be quite different. The purpose of spiritual science is to help people overcome such one-sidedness. In our time, everything is again aimed at overcoming this one-sidedness. People who think something today no longer feel at home in materialistic thinking. Perhaps you have heard of a book that caused quite a stir some time ago: “Sex and Character”; its author was the unfortunate Weininger, who later took his own life. The thinking in this book comes from the natural sciences and combines the ideas of man and woman in a very materialistic way. It says: If we look at the individual human being, we find a mixture; man is feminine, woman is masculine. If we look at this idea in a supersensible way, it is quite correct, but in Weininger's book it is materialistically understood and seems quite monstrous. He presents a mixture of substances. Nothing but materialistic paradoxes — apparent absurdities — can be derived from it. Weininger comes to the conclusion: Woman lacks: I, personality, individuality, character, freedom and will. — What is left then? One could also ask: If we look at a man; since he is half woman, does he also lack half of: I, personality, individuality and so on? Nevertheless, there is an inkling here of something correct. Here, the human essence is considered only in terms of its lowest link, namely, in terms of its physical body. But man is only recognized when one considers the properties of his four-part essence: the physical body, etheric body, astral body and the ego. Today, we are particularly interested in the truth, which may seem insane, namely that the physical body and the etheric body are in some ways opposed, like north and south, positive and negative. They are opposites in relation to the male and female. The etheric body is of the opposite sex of the physical body. Everyone carries these opposites within themselves. This becomes understandable to us in the qualities of women: loving devotion, compassion, which, when they can be increased, can increase to the level of male bravery. On the other hand, increased male qualities take on the qualities of the female character. A myriad of phenomena can be explained to you by taking into account the etheric body in addition to the physical body. How can our concepts be purified by such views? Let us consider the phenomenon of sleep. It is the state where all feelings and sensations sink into the indefinite dark. When a person sleeps, the astral body escapes with the ego, leaving behind the physical body and etheric body, and upon awakening, it plunges back into the latter. Why does the astral body sink back into it with the ego? Because it receives impressions through the physical senses; for the physical eye does not see and the physical ear does not hear. Today man cannot yet perceive through the astral body, but later on it will be the case. Today the astral body is in the same position as our physical body once was, when in gray, gray prehistoric times the physical senses began to develop. So it will be one day when the astral body has developed its organs. Then the masculine and the feminine will be brought into one realm. Just as I and the astral body submerge, so every man - and every woman - only becomes a sexual being every morning upon awakening, when he submerges. These concepts are only on the outside of man. The Bible verse: “There is no marriage in heaven” (Matt. 22:30; Mark 12:25; Luke 20:35f.) becomes understandable to us through this. Man is in the heavens at night. We must not believe that there are no similar contrasts in the higher worlds. If we follow man up into sleep, we also encounter contrasts. When man leaves his physical and etheric bodies every night, he first enters the astral world. The first contrasts we find in the astral world are those of form and life, or, let us say, death and life. These contrasts exist so that harmony can develop in the further evolution of the world. Let us try to understand how, in our existence, death manifests itself as form and life as becoming. Observe a plant and see how the root sprouts, the stem forms, leaves and flowers sprout. In the bark of the tree you have the affiliation of death to life. Inside, the plant retains its living becoming. The bark is the enveloping death. Thus you can find the interaction between death and life everywhere, and it is here that true existence first reveals itself. It is no coincidence that the ancient initiates, the Druids, were named after the “oak”. They formed a protective shell around themselves in order to make the inner self all the more viable. Where there is increased life, there will also be increased death as a “wrapping” of life. This contrast between dying and awakening is evident everywhere. With the same sharpness as the male and the female in the physical world, the active death and the active life are expressed in the astral world. You can also find these contrasts expressed in art. To make this point clear, I will mention the Juno Ludovisi. In its form, one immediately sees something finished. If you study the whole, look at the width of the forehead, you say to yourself, there is spirit, a lot of spirit. The spirit that lives in it and is constantly being created has become external form. You can see the source completely flowing out on the face. The life of the soul has become rigid in an instant, has died. In the Zeus head, you find the opposite in a sense. There is a narrow forehead formation, deep wrinkles in the forehead, and a beautiful form, but it is possible that life could take a different form. This is the contrast that you will learn to recognize in its fullness. One is the dying of death, the beauty of death, the other is the developing life. This contrast between the dying form and the ever-newly kindling life is expressed in the masculine and the feminine. If there were only the masculine, there would only be consuming life; the image of the form is expressed in the feminine physical form. Thus they present themselves: life and form, becoming and dying away. Life in the feminine radiates towards us, the life that wants to sustain and continue itself; in the masculine, a form that would be fully developed, eternal. Thus, in our lives, man and woman struggle with each other, and so do death and life. Wherever there is an awareness or a presentiment of these facts, symbols and myths appear in a completely different light, for example a fact of a biblical myth, although every symbol has more than one explanation; and therein lies the power and strength of the symbol, that it is meaningful, for example the myth of the serpent. There you will find the words: “I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed. He shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel.” (Genesis 3:15) In this we have an indication of the meaning of these words: male and female. The one from whom this myth originates wanted to point to the duality of the human being. Nature, which strives for form, must be overcome by that which is becoming eternal. The higher nature of man, which overcomes form, is Eve; man's attachment is the serpent. The higher feminine nature should overcome that which goes outwards. Goethe spoke a deeply mystical word:
The time behind us, the culture of man, is over. Now is the time when man and woman work together on culture, and that is the basis for the real question of women: male – physical and female – ethereal. The power of action lies in the conquest of form. The one will find itself in the other, and so, in contrast, true harmony will arise. True strength will find itself in the other, and only then will true creativity arise. |
68d. The Nature of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science: Man, Woman and Child in the Light of Spiritual Science
11 Jan 1908, Leipzig Rudolf Steiner |
Here we must mention alcohol and its devastating effects. Only those who are unaware of this can underestimate its influence on their offspring. Alcohol has a terrible effect on the “ego” and on astral things. |
What that means for certain things, people are not yet ready to understand, but it will be a great happiness. They will learn to understand how the creation of one sex or the other is connected with cosmic and other conditions. |
This person first envelops himself in an astral body. Just as a magnet moving under a paper on which iron filings are spread arranges the filings, so the astral matter arranges itself into a new body. |
68d. The Nature of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science: Man, Woman and Child in the Light of Spiritual Science
11 Jan 1908, Leipzig Rudolf Steiner |
Today I want to talk about how Theosophy can be directly applied to the art of living, how it can refine and purify our everyday feelings and thus be made useful. Theosophical concepts can be applied directly to life in the context of husband, wife and child. However, there is great diversity here, because they are not as simple as one might imagine. All ages have grappled with the question: What does the child get from the parents, what is the relationship of the parents to the child, and what relationship to the new generation in general? In our time, the question of how parental traits are passed on to the child is of particular concern, and to what extent the parents' traits become a kind of destiny for the children. These questions also arise in art, for example in Ibsen's “Ghosts”, where the inheritance from the parents is carried out in such a terrible fate for the child. It is reminiscent of the fate in the Greek tragedies, only drawn into materialism. All this shows that this question has aroused a deep interest. Only he can form a judgment on it who regards the human being as a whole in its fourfold nature. Our time, after all, sees only the physical body. But the question must be considered in two ways: first, in what form the child's part is to be considered, and then, to what extent the parents are involved in what comes from the child. The physical sciences have a word for this relationship: “inheritance”. They use it for humans and also for lower organisms, and apply it to humans quite mechanically. These sciences are unaware of a fact: that a great lawfulness runs through all levels of existence, but that these facts increase. Inheritance is something completely different for humans than for lower creatures. If we draw comparisons with facts from the lower nature, we find two closely related concepts: the concepts of reproduction and love. Love already occurs in lower creatures and becomes more refined up to humans. I am not talking about the concept here, but about something real, such as electricity. It is a real force that passes through all people, only this love is in a completely different situation. When a lower creature reaches its peak and is ready to reproduce, love comes into it. We see that these lower creatures are exhausted afterwards and soon die. For them, death is the connection to and the consequence of love. It is no different with plants; after fertilization and after the germ for the next plant has been created, they die. But if we go up to higher living beings, we see that they preserve something beyond love. The plant preserves nothing, it dies; we also find this in lower animals; love brings them death. But a higher being preserves its individuality. This is most highly developed in humans. In this, man differs quite essentially from the animal closest to him. There is a fact that characterizes the fundamental difference between man and all animals. Usually this is not recognized in the right light, nor in the right weight. The fact seems simple: man can be described by us as a single, individual being. This is of the same interest to us as when we describe an entire species in the animal. In the case of the lion, for example, we are not so much interested in its characteristics, but our interest remains with the species. You cannot write a biography of an animal; that makes it clear to you. Man, as a single human being, is a species in itself. The biography shows us very clearly what esoteric science teaches us: the necessity of re-embodiment. In animals, we simply find a similarity to our parents. But do we understand Schiller when we observe his parents? He may well have his nose, his walk, his posture, even his predisposition to illness from his parents, but we will never find in them what makes Schiller Schiller for humanity. It used to be assumed that fish could develop in river mud. The first to break the mold was the Italian naturalist Redi. He almost fell prey to the Inquisition for claiming that living things must arise from living things. Today we take this for granted. But in the realm of the soul and spirit, the whole of science believes it. It does not ask in the case of Schiller, where do the soul qualities come from? Theosophy answers: through re-embodiment. Schiller's innermost being did not come from his ancestors, but from the figure in his previous life. Thus, we see in every human being what has its origins in an earlier life, and this sheds a proper light on the relationship between father, mother and child. The parents only provide the shell for this being to take on, which is basically its own offspring. It is similar with the plant germ that is sunk into the earth. The idea, the thought, contains the whole form, but it would never have come into being without this mother earth; likewise, nothing comes into being unless the germ enters into it. A patch of earth provides the opportunity for plant germs to develop, but it is the earth that helps to determine whether it will become a bean plant or a pea plant. For higher spiritual science, it is similar with the higher self of man. After the time between birth and death, man lives in another world, in Devachan. There he remains until he is ripe for new embodiment. Then something must be given to him so that the power within him can become saturated with material, and so the germ from the spiritual world receives its covering through the parents. We can no longer say that parents pass on to the child what is insofar as the earth has only a certain part of the plant. Now let us consider the four-fold nature of man, and what part each has. The newborn child undergoes a different kind of development of its individual parts. From birth to the change of teeth, the physical body takes on its form. It comes to an end with the child's own teeth; the first teeth are inherited. The form grows and expands, but it itself is determined. From the seventh year to sexual maturity, the etheric body develops. This forms the final point. When a person reaches sexual maturity, he becomes capable of producing an equal being. The astral body develops from about the ages of 14 to 21. Just as all the properties of the physical body develop up to the age of seven, the properties of the astral body, all the instincts and feelings that lead the person into the future, develop during this time. It is a crime if during this time the rosiness of hope is neglected, the bliss of the astral body. By the age of twenty-two the I in man comes out. Thus every single part of the human being develops gradually. What part of it comes from our previous life and what part is inherited from our parents? We can learn a great deal about this from the fact mentioned above. In the lower animals, because nothing remains behind at sexual maturity, nothing will remain from previous lives; they will die out; no individuality is present; they die when they love. Now you will understand that something is basically inherited, something is anchored in the physical and etheric bodies, and that the astral body and the ego must lead back to the previous life. What can be similar to the physical form comes out up to the seventh year. Until sexual maturity, we recognize which qualities are inherited from the father and mother. At sexual maturity, things come out that come from previous lives. The more the being rescues itself after it has reached sexual maturity, the more is not inherited. Nevertheless, what was acquired earlier is already there before, as can be seen from the fact that predispositions show up in early youth. They cast their shadows before, if they cannot come from father or mother. The father and mother have a mixed share in the physical body and etheric body. Sometimes a child may resemble its mother more, then its father more. This is due to the fact that there is a feminine in every man and a masculine in every woman. Here, four influences are at work. For the astral body and the ego, the situation is more complicated. What was put into it earlier is important. By way of comparison, I would like to mention something here: A person who has a certain individuality lives in very comfortable domestic circumstances, but due to some event he has to make do with a miserable apartment. This will have a certain influence on him, but nevertheless the person remains the same, and he has to adapt to the circumstances. The parents are not the creators, they are only the dwelling, and the living beings have to fit into it. What comes from the woman has its influence primarily on the astral body, what comes from the man on the “I” of the child. The artistic, poetic comes more from the mother, because these are qualities that are attached to the astral. On the other hand, what has more to do with the ordering, practical life, with the “I” is connected, comes from the father. As Goethe says:
Here we must mention alcohol and its devastating effects. Only those who are unaware of this can underestimate its influence on their offspring. Alcohol has a terrible effect on the “ego” and on astral things. If we observe a child whose father is an alcoholic, the race could be so strong that it overcomes the damage; we find tendencies towards morbidity that are all connected with crippledness of the “I”, with cretinism. They are much more widespread than one might think and will become much worse in the next generations if spiritual science is not used to counteract them. There are facts below the surface of life where the “I” has much greater deficiencies than one might think. In many cases, people are considered particularly gifted, for example poets. Today, however, language is not an admirable gift at all. In truth, the times write; a columnist, an entertainment writer, can be weak-minded. There are bound to be effects of the “I” that are connected to alcoholism. In women, shadows are also evident in the formation of the astral body, through instability and a flight of ideas. Hysteria also shows that the astral body is not in order. In this disease you can find confirmation of what esoteric science says about the relationship between man, woman and child. We see, then, that we must substantially reshape the superficial concepts of inheritance. The essential thing in all these things is that our horizons are broadened on the spiritual side, but also on the moral side. Transformation is the gold of morality. To what extent does Schopenhauer's brilliant glimpse of light find a certain justification: “By man and woman seeking each other, the offspring are already working?” It is a fine concept that we have to form for ourselves. You see ardent, passionate desire, which goes down to the animalistic and up to the highest, where love unites man and woman. There is a point of view, an egotistical one, that arises from desire. It is brought about by tremendous immoral stupidity. It is not true that every sexual urge must be satisfied; on the contrary, it benefits everything, even health, when this is not the case. Where love is combined with purity, a soul will find the best cover. There is an ideal where every lower urge is silenced, not out of abstinence, and yet still provides for human offspring. What that means for certain things, people are not yet ready to understand, but it will be a great happiness. They will learn to understand how the creation of one sex or the other is connected with cosmic and other conditions. If a word were to be revealed today, the greatest mischief would arise. Today, only these things can be touched upon. What happens in the spiritual world after death? That which went up rests in Devachan to re-embody itself. This person first envelops himself in an astral body. Just as a magnet moving under a paper on which iron filings are spread arranges the filings, so the astral matter arranges itself into a new body. If you could see occultly, you would see the astral matter settling. What is it? It is something that is mixed with the embers of desire that goes from man to woman. Where desire is bad, bad things are mixed in, where love is pure, the astral matter is not defiled. The last stage lies in the greater or lesser purity of the love relationship. We cannot ascribe qualities from past lives, but we can prevent astral matter from becoming contaminated. In such views, purity becomes respect for the freedom of the incarnating human being. One must have grasped the ideas of re-embodiment. From the child we move on to the future generation. Every child must be a mystery to the educator, because there is something supersensory behind their life that wants to come out. Nurturing and caring for this maturing, this supersensory in the child is the only way to educate it. And we can say: if we want to give the next generation an existence, then we must value the child's freedom in education. In the life of the present, mainly the recognition of the sensual is shown. When the supersensible is recognized first, then the future is linked to the present and the past. When these ideas will have an effect on our actions, on our blood, then we have brought theosophy into life. Those who do not want knowledge because it is too inconvenient for them, figuratively speaking, cut off the tree at the root. Knowledge is the root and growing into the views is the trunk and crown, and we achieve this growth by incorporating Theosophy into our whole lives. |
68d. The Nature of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science: The Essence of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science
29 Jan 1908, Wiesbaden Rudolf Steiner |
But it is like this: When those who communicate the wisdom of the spiritual world from direct experience, from their own vision, then these truths can be understood if people only want to reflect sufficiently. To experience spiritual truths, seership is needed; to understand them, common sense is needed. |
It is not an objection to the part of a spiritual being in a thing when we say that we understand the physical according to mechanical laws. We understand a clock according to purely mechanical laws. |
When he had eaten a piece of her, he gestured to make him understand that she was very good. Then there is still another self that follows all the desires living in the astral body. |
68d. The Nature of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science: The Essence of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science
29 Jan 1908, Wiesbaden Rudolf Steiner |
Among the many different currents of thought in our time is the one known as “theosophical thought”. Anyone who tries to form an opinion about Theosophy from books, articles and so on can easily come to one of the many prejudices that exist against the Theosophical worldview today. For many, Theosophy is seen as the warming up of an old superstition, a childish worldview, as it was suitable for the imagination of the peoples of the past, but as it no longer fits the enlightened man of the present. Others imagine that Theosophy wants to be something like a kind of new religion, like a kind of sect formation. It is not surprising that those who are serious about religious life see Theosophy as something dangerous. A third prejudice is that Theosophy wants to transplant an oriental religious concept into Europe. Some see a direct danger in this if it were to happen. But this is one of those types of spiritual movement that today's lecture is intended to address, that in order to understand it, one has to deal with it a little more thoroughly and deeply. Not that special learning is part of Theosophy, but patience to deal with the matter a little more deeply. Then everyone can cope with it. Theosophy or spiritual science rests on two solid pillars. Once you have recognized the significance of these two pillars, nothing stands in the way of you delving deeper into this spiritual current. The first pillar is the recognition that behind our physical world, which is perceptible to the senses, there is a superphysical, a supersensory, a spiritual world. The second pillar is that man has the ability to penetrate into this spiritual world, the supersensible world. Already, in our time, strong and weighty objections are raised against the first, that there is a supersensible world at all. Our modern science believes it is already violating something if one even admits that there is a spiritual world. Theosophy does not speak of the spiritual world in a strange sense, not as if the spiritual worlds were somewhere else than where they are, but it speaks of them in the same way that the great German philosopher Fichte spoke of spiritual worlds in a particularly forceful way. In the fall of 1813, he said the following to his audience:
Furthermore, he added:
Just as the blind person may consider it a fantasy when we talk to him about colors and light, so too those who speak of spiritual worlds are considered fantasists by those who do not know these worlds. For those who know nothing of the spiritual worlds, one who does know speaks as the seeing person speaks to the blind person about the world of color and light. It is indeed necessary to speak about the spiritual worlds in a way similar to the way J. G. Fichte spoke about the spiritual worlds; however, it is not quite the same. For the blind-born, there is sometimes the possibility of an operation. There is a moment when what was shrouded in darkness is suddenly bathed in light, color and radiance. But not everyone who was born blind can be operated on. For every person, however, there is the possibility of becoming aware of the worlds that are around us but are now veiled from him. The awakened, the seeing, have spoken at all times of such worlds, which are all around us and for which man's dormant abilities need only be awakened. But there have been many different words for them. Today we use the word “theosophy” for the teaching of these worlds, following the example of the Apostle Paul, who was the first to use the word “theosophy” for it. Those who see into the spiritual worlds have always been called initiates or seers. For those who become initiates, seers, there comes a moment, a moment that can be compared in some way to the moment when physical light first enters the eye of the operated blind-born ; only for the person who does not merely want to gain a mental conviction of the spiritual worlds, the moment when he becomes seeing is much more brilliant than the moment experienced by the operated blind person. Perhaps one says, because only a few people have been able to look into the spiritual world: What does the spiritual world concern those who cannot look into it? But it is like this: When those who communicate the wisdom of the spiritual world from direct experience, from their own vision, then these truths can be understood if people only want to reflect sufficiently. To experience spiritual truths, seership is needed; to understand them, common sense is needed. To anyone who might object that this is not yet a convincing argument for me; I must first be able to see into the spiritual worlds myself - one must say: It is not that he is prevented from having this ability, but that he does not want to apply his comprehensive human sense to what is communicated to him by others. The seers are in the spiritual worlds. The spiritual worlds are not somewhere else; they are where we are, and man can become an experiencer of these spiritual worlds through the abilities slumbering in him. To experience the spiritual worlds requires seership; to comprehend them only requires common sense. As the light is related to the eye, so are the spiritual worlds related to the soul. Others say: It may be that spiritual worlds exist, but people do not have the abilities to penetrate them. Those who say so are of the opinion that human abilities are not capable of development, that people remain as they are. Today, the word development is a kind of magic formula for many. But as soon as one speaks of spiritual development, they want nothing to do with it. To those who believe that man cannot recognize the spiritual worlds, one can answer: Certainly, with the abilities you have today, you cannot recognize the spiritual worlds; but abilities lie dormant in man that can be developed, enabling him to perceive the spiritual worlds. These truths will only be publicly proclaimed in recent times because humanity needs them in this form now. They have always been incorporated into the world and human thinking and feeling. But in this form they are coming before the public for the first time. Above all, these truths have always been contained in all religions. They have been contained in them in other forms, as this form was sufficient for humanity. For centuries now, humanity, which clings to the old forms, has been experiencing doubts, scruples, and so on, in the face of spiritual truths. Let us think back to the times when there was no printing, when what comes to people today in the form of printed works could not reach people in this way, but only in detail. In those days, human perception and feeling could take a completely different form in relation to great spiritual truths. But now that the enormous sum of science is penetrating into humanity through a thousand and one channels, the dissemination of spiritual truths also requires a different form. We need only say a few words to recognize the effects. Those beings through whom the impulses arose at the time when the truth was given to people in ancient forms of presentation knew that an eternal core lives in man; they no longer have this effect on people. There must be another form that can prove suitable for the modern soul. Modern theosophy wants to be such a different form. It does not want to oppose religious truths, but wants to be the instrument to recognize these truths in such a way that even the most modern soul can be convinced. Those who know something about such secrets have not come out of their reserve out of a desire for agitation or subjective arbitrariness, but because it was necessary for humanity. This is how a theosophical lecture must be understood. Those who speak out of a theosophical attitude never speak as agitators, never out of the attitude that they must influence people with ordinary powers of persuasion. Today there are many world views, and their representatives go among people to teach a particular truth, believing that people must accept this truth under all circumstances. The theosophist does not want to be a dogmatic teacher; he wants to be a narrator of the facts of the spiritual worlds. An important Frenchman once coined the word “I do not teach, I narrate” in relation to the facts of the sensual world. It is absolutely essential that those who are already pointed to the facts by their convictions, who are already sufficiently pointed to them by their whole way of feeling, to what the communicator has to say, should approach theosophy. Among people, there are those who can perhaps see into the spiritual worlds. There are very few of them. Secondly, there are those who recognize the logic of the spiritual worlds for scientific reasons. There are also only a few of them, since science today still has an enormous amount of prejudice. But there are many who come to Theosophy out of a certain sense of truth, out of the intuition of their soul. Many a scientist will still approach Theosophy with a certain smile; but he does not consider that the human soul is not designed for untruth, but for truth. When the human soul is not prejudiced, it finds the straight path, because it is designed for truth. Everyone must come to Theosophy voluntarily. Everyone in whom any one of the three reasons mentioned is effective comes to Theosophy. Today we want to talk about the essence of man and thereby create a basis for answering the primal riddle of seeking humanity, for answering the question about the secret of death, which is connected with the question about the essence of life. In the theosophical view of the world, the human being is more complex and manifold than is usually thought today. First of all, we speak of the physical human body. For spiritual science, which seeks to penetrate the secrets of existence from a supersensible point of view, the physical human body is only one part of the human being. Let us realize how we have to think about this physical human body in terms of spiritual science. We can grasp it intellectually. We look out into our environment. We see everything that surrounds us, from the smallest stone on the earth to the shining star, to the shining sun; we see beings of the most diverse kinds that present themselves to our senses. We see what we call the mineral world, the world of substances and material forces. When we get to know this world of substances, which are spread out around us, which fill the universe, which shine towards us from the stars, then the same substances and forces are in the human physical body as are out there in the seemingly lifeless natural world. These substances compose the physical body; the same forces permeate it until the human body decays. Spiritual science, like any other science, holds that the human body is composed of the same substances and forces as the physical world. But spiritual science also holds that the substances and forces in man and in every living being have an arrangement that would not be physically and chemically possible in itself. Left to themselves, they would disintegrate. A rock crystal exists in that form according to physical and chemical laws, but this is not possible in the human body. Spiritual science points to a second link in the human being, the etheric body or life body. What is this etheric or life body? It is a constant fighter against the disintegration of the physical body. This etheric or life body is in all of us. We can imagine it as a sponge permeated by water. In the same way, the physical body of every living being is permeated by the etheric or life body. This prevents the physical substances and forces from following their own laws. The moment of death occurs precisely because the etheric or life body leaves the physical body. But then the physical body is also a corpse. Thus, in every moment of life, the etheric body is a fighter that prevents the physical body from becoming a corpse. Sometimes today's science says: There is an ideal for the researcher; this ideal is to create living things, in the laboratory, from the parts of inanimate substance. Today's science must cling to this ideal. And now many a person, who believes he has a firm footing in science, adds: As long as we do not succeed, you theosophers can talk about an etheric body, as long as we cannot produce living substance from inanimate protein substance. But when we do succeed, the theosophist will also recognize his error. It is quite understandable that today's science has to talk this way. Much could be said against this objection. But just one point will be raised here. One should not believe that spiritual science has ever taken a different view regarding the question of creating a living being from non-living substances. The theosophist merely says: Yes, the time will come when it will be possible for man to create living things from non-living substances. Nevertheless, the theosophist speaks of the etheric or life body. For him, the etheric or life body is a fact. Even though it is possible to create something alive out of something lifeless, the fact remains that the etheric or life body is there. It is the first spiritual link in the human being. It is not an objection to the part of a spiritual being in a thing when we say that we understand the physical according to mechanical laws. We understand a clock according to purely mechanical laws. Is the watchmaker indispensable because of that? This objection is trivial. Many people believe that because people used to be at a more childlike stage, they believed that spiritual beings were behind the physical, directing the world. Today, however, it is no longer necessary because science tells us how things are connected. Scientific elucidation of a fact has nothing to do with understanding the spiritual background. Secondly, if a person believes that the life body must be verifiable in a person as a piece of iron here or there, then that is a crude, materialistic idea. Imagine dry air in a room is interspersed with something watery. Even if we can extract the water, we cannot say that the water was not in the room. Whatever is active in our life body can be found everywhere. As a general world principle, it fills the universe. If we combine substances in a way that the thought of the combination proves to be a magnet for life, then we will also experience that the inanimate substance comes to life. Spiritual science knows this. But it tells us: the art of being able to do what today must still be left to the great secrets of nature, this art will not be handed down to mankind by good hands until the laboratory table has been transformed into an altar; until the action at the laboratory table has been transformed into a sacramental action. Man will, when he is once able to produce the combination, that through the combination of thoughts, life will also be attracted, interweave what lives in his soul; he will interweave his good or evil there. As long as humanity has not yet been purified, this secret must therefore remain hidden from humanity. Thus we have already composed the human being out of two parts, the physical body and the etheric or life body, which it has in common with all plants and animals, with all living beings. But if we were to say that this is all that is enclosed in the human skin, then that would not be correct. There is much that is much closer to the human being than what is physically enclosed, such as bones, muscles, nerves and so on. There is something that is closer to every human being; it is the sum of joy and pain, of drives, desires and passions, everything that lives in the soul up to the highest ideal. Perhaps a materialistic way of thinking would say: All this is there, but it is a product of the physical body. If it were, then one would not need to speak of it as something independent, but spiritual science shows us that all this is not a product of the physical or etheric body, but rather indicates that what takes place in man in terms of drives and desires, feelings, passions and ideals is the result of a third link of the human being. Everything that appears incomprehensible in its complexity when we look at it in its simple elements becomes comprehensible. If we ask ourselves whether anything is shown in man today where physical effects arise from spiritual causes, we find the following: when a person is frightened, he pales; the blood flows from the periphery to the heart. When he blushes with shame, the blood flows from the heart to the periphery, to the outer parts of the body. These are small physical effects of mental and spiritual processes. Spiritual science shows us that not only this, but everything physical, arises from the soul and spiritual: they are soul experiences of the most comprehensive kind, which not only set the blood in circulation in a small way, but drive it around in the first place. Soul and spiritual processes underlie the whole world. Thus we speak of a third link of the human being. This third link of the human being, which man has in common with animals, we call man's astral body. So we have the human being composed of three links: the physical body, the etheric body and the astral body. Now there is something else in man that we must designate as the fourth link of the human being, according to which we must see man as the crown of earthly creation. This fourth link of the human being is unique to man; it is what makes him the crown of all beings around him. Anyone can call the table a “table” and the chair a “chair”; but there is only one thing that only each person can say about themselves. This cannot be handled in the same way as the names of other things; it is what is designated by the simple little word “I”. What the “I” is in a person cannot be designated by anyone else, but only by the person themselves. If the little word “I” is to be the designation of the innermost human being, then it must come from within the human being himself. These powers, which find their expression in the little word “I”, we call the fourth aspect of the human being. All religions and world views that have known of so-called spiritual science have thus felt the importance of the I in man. That is why they called this name the “ineffable name of God”. This is where it is revealed in man that man is a spark, a drop of the divine substance. If one were to reply: Then Theosophy makes man a god, one can only say: Just as a drop from the sea is not the whole sea, so what is divine in man is not the whole of the divine. Just as a drop is related to the sea, so is the ego in man related to the whole of the divine. Only the divine that lives in the innermost part of man can make itself known within man. Everything else, such as colors, sounds, warmth and cold, must come to man from outside. One must recognize the full significance of this resounding within man, of the human ego. Fichte once said: “People would much rather think of themselves as a piece of lava from the moon than as an ego. They see this essence of the ego who knows where, just not in themselves.” These four elements, the physical, etheric and astral bodies and the ego, are present in the most uneducated “savage” who still eats his fellow human beings, as well as in the most developed cultural human being. On his travels, Darwin once met a “savage” who was about to eat his wife. Darwin had the interpreter make it clear to him that this was not good. To which he replied that he could not know that until he had tasted her. When he had eaten a piece of her, he gestured to make him understand that she was very good. Then there is still another self that follows all the desires living in the astral body. The self is hanging there as if chained and is dragged along by the desires of the astral body. The average European says to himself with regard to certain instincts and drives: “You must not follow them. Let us compare the average person with Schiller. He differs from the average person in that he has transformed some instincts and desires into higher qualities. The saint has nothing left of desires over which he has not gained mastery. In the astral body of an advanced person, we can distinguish two parts: one part that the ego has ennobled and one part that has not yet been transformed. The transformed part of the astral body we call the manas or the spiritual self, the fifth limb of the human being. Thus, on the basis of the four limbs of the human being, man is able to create a fifth in the course of his perfection. Yes, he is able to create a sixth. He can transform not only the astral body, but also the etheric or life body. Let us remember what it was like to be seven or eight years old, and what we have learned since then. Of course, everyone has learned an enormous amount. All of this has a transforming effect on the astral body, changing the astral body. But if we were a hot-tempered or melancholy child at seven or eight years old, let us examine whether this hot temper or melancholy has changed. Some of it will usually still emerge at a later age. Schopenhauer therefore says that the qualities do not change at all. But that is not the case. They just change slowly. When the astral body changes, as the minute hand on the clock advances, so do the temperament and character change, the habits, as the hour hand of the clock advances, because the ether body is the carrier of it. There is something in ordinary life by which the human being can transform his etheric body. Such impulses are those of true art, which allows us to sense the divine in form, color and sound. This art has a transforming effect on that which is effective in the etheric body. Everything that is given in the religious impulses of humanity also has a transforming effect on this. For example, when religious impulses pass through the soul in daily prayer, they have an effect on the etheric or life body through repetition. We can observe that the etheric body represents the principle of repetition where it is still unclouded, out in the plant. Again and again it gathers its strength and unfolds leaf by leaf. When a person does this with something that captures their soul, allowing themselves to be drawn to it again and again, the impulses have the same effect on their etheric or life body as the etheric body of the plant that drives out leaf after leaf. We call the forces of the transformed life body Lebensgeist or Budhi. When a person is accepted into the so-called secret school, through which he can work even more intensively on his inner being through significant impulses, he has an even stronger effect on the etheric or life body, so that he can experience awakening. For the etheric or life body, changing habits is more important than any learning. For the actual secret-scientific training, one has done infinitely much when one consciously gives up the slightest habit. Man can also learn to develop the strongest power of the spirit, through which he overcomes the lower power of the physical body. This process begins with a regulation of the breathing process. When he can regulate this process, he begins to transform the principle of the physical body. This transformed part of the principle of the physical body is called a spiritual man or Atman, because Atma means breathing. He thus forms the three limbs of the higher being; the fifth limb, Manas, is the transformed astral body, the sixth limb, Budhi, is the transformed etheric body; the seventh limb, Atman, is the transformed physical body. In the ordinary human being, the four limbs are fully present, the three higher limbs developed according to the degree of development. These seven members of the human being enclose the transitory in him, but they also enclose the eternal. The arrangement that has been mentioned is the one we have between birth and death. When the human being passes through the gate of death, this arrangement changes. When we look into the mystery of death, the riddle of life is also solved. What must always be borne in mind here is the task that Theosophy has. It should not merely satisfy curiosity or a thirst for knowledge, but should lead people to the realization that what they gain through it becomes inner impulses for life itself. It should solve the great riddles of life for us. If we have an outlook on spiritual life, then strength and security for our whole life arise from this insight. Knowledge and insight are what should lead us on the way, but we should gain strength from knowledge and insight. A person who lacks knowledge of the supernatural worlds becomes unfit for work and uncertain about the future. But what should result from theosophy should be the source of strength for a healthy, hard-working, hopeful and purposeful life. |
68d. The Nature of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science: Man and Woman in the Light of Spiritual Science
03 Feb 1908, Mannheim Rudolf Steiner |
But when someone who knows something about the higher worlds recounts the facts, then anyone who brings with them a healthy sense of truth can understand them. Today, there are already many people who recognize the truth of this theosophical worldview from spiritual intuition, from a healthy sense of humanity, from a sense of truth. |
Another says: He who really understands history will find that all revolutionary ideas originate with women. In philosophy, this kind of thinking that summarizes everything and takes individual points of view is called synthetic thinking. |
Here we see how what meets us externally in man and woman is a reflection of the supersensible. Only when this is understood can full understanding, unclouded by any antagonism, arise between the two sexes. This transsexual understanding is only given through a view like the theosophical one. |
68d. The Nature of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science: Man and Woman in the Light of Spiritual Science
03 Feb 1908, Mannheim Rudolf Steiner |
Among the many spiritual endeavors of the present day, which those who are interested in them can find in literature or elsewhere in the world, is also the theosophical one, which can also be called the spiritual-scientific one. Its task is to educate human thinking, feeling and perceiving in a special way. Someone who reads about this world view in articles and books or hears something about it can easily develop a prejudice against it. Many believe that Theosophy is nothing more than a rehash of old superstitions and that it contradicts all healthy scientific sense. Others approach Theosophy with a certain fear, because they believe that this school of thought is behind the founding of a religion, a sect. Others believe that Theosophy leads people away from practical life, into a dreamy, fantastic realm, alienating them from the everyday. Still others believe that Theosophy wants to introduce an oriental religion here. Today's topic may give cause to show, by considering a question of interest to humanity in the broadest sense, how Theosophy is able to raise the question to a higher point of view, but also to provide the means to solve the question. This touches on something that, in the deepest sense of the heart, concerns our contemporaries. Theosophy cannot be mixed up in all the fanaticism that is so often displayed when considering such questions. Of course, when considering such questions, one might think that Theosophy leads away from life. But those who think so do not take into account that the point of view that stands above party politics is a match for every position in life, every standpoint in life. We must point out a little of what Theosophy wants in more detail, what it strives for. Theosophy wants to work quite differently from other spiritual endeavors, differently in terms of its content, and differently in the way it approaches people. Theosophy rests on two firm pillars. One of these pillars is that behind the external physical world, which is perceptible only to the external senses, there is a supersensible, spiritual world, and the other of the pillars is that there are dormant abilities in man, through which he can, if they are developed, get to know the spiritual world. When this is stated, we often hear the objection on the one hand that the idea of a supernatural world belongs to a childlike way of thinking that humanity had in earlier ages, because they did not yet know anything about scientific law. Today, however, when humanity has come to penetrate the world of law, it is no longer appropriate for people to believe in a world of supernatural facts. A simple comparison needs only be made. It is so easy to say today that science has shown us that, to a certain extent, man does not need spiritual beings that confront him. It is true that science cannot yet explain everything, but the ideal is to penetrate this world with its methods and tools. Theosophy would have no prospect of really intervening in the spiritual life of humanity if it wanted to go against the facts of science. But even if the facts of science are true, it does not contradict the fact that spiritual processes are behind them. A clock can be explained on the basis of mechanical processes, but does this mean that because we can explain the clock from within itself, the clockmaker, the spiritual power behind it, is dispensable? No scientific explanation can explain the spiritual beings behind the phenomena. No scientific explanation can make the consideration of the spiritual background, of the supersensible in the world, superfluous. The objection that the human capacity for knowledge is insufficient to penetrate the supersensible world cannot be taken seriously either. Theosophy speaks of a supersensible world in exactly the same way as the great German philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte spoke to his audience in 1813 of a spiritual world. He said that this world requires a completely different sensory tool. Then he compares the knowledge of the spiritual world with the world of colors and light, which is inaccessible to the blind-born because he lacks the organ for it. We can expand Fichte's example of the blind-born. We imagine a blind-born being operated on in this space and suddenly becoming sighted. A new, previously unknown world of colors and light would open up for him. Now, Theosophy says: Just as a new world appears for the operated blind person after he has received the organ to see, it is also possible for the organs that Goethe called spiritual eyes to be awakened in a person. If we look around at our literature today, we encounter what could be called the man's point of view or the we's point of view. How often do we read the assertion: One can recognize, we can recognize, or one cannot know, we cannot know anything about it, etc., etc. People do not realize the profound illogicality of claiming such things. Logically, everyone should only claim that they can say something about what they know. Only perception decides, only experience decides, about what is present. There have always been people who could see into the spiritual worlds. They were called initiates or seers. There is something, an experience, which can be compared to what the blind person experiences when he is operated on successfully, only in a much more magnificent way, where organs are awakened in man for the spiritual worlds, which he then perceives himself. To explore these spiritual worlds requires seership, initiation, awakening. But when someone who knows something about the higher worlds recounts the facts, then anyone who brings with them a healthy sense of truth can understand them. Today, there are already many people who recognize the truth of this theosophical worldview from spiritual intuition, from a healthy sense of humanity, from a sense of truth. In this sense, Theosophy speaks of the spiritual worlds as being all around us, just as light and color and radiance are around those born blind, who simply cannot see them. The facts that the seer shares with the world today are drawn from this spiritual world. The theosophist does not want to secure anything from agitation or from any kind of teaching profession. Theosophy does not approach the world as a worldview sometimes does, in the sense that it assumes that those who cannot see it are stupid. No, the theosophical researcher only wants to be a storyteller, and he is aware that it is best to use persuasion as little as possible. Those who are persuaded to accept Theosophy are of no value to it. Truth must arise from the human soul itself. If Theosophy brings the truth, each soul must agree with it of its own free will. In accordance with these prerequisites, let us first consider the nature of man in general, and then, from the spiritual world of facts, recognize the nature of man and woman. What the senses perceive of man is only one aspect of the human being. If we apply this to man and woman, we may ask ourselves: Does materialistic thinking recognize everything about man and woman? Could there not also be something hidden in them that cannot be observed externally? It is precisely with such a question that the practical application of the theosophical world view must come to our minds. Who would deny that in the last century, research into sensual things has reached a peak that must be admired even by the theosophical world view? But let us review what those who claim to be scientifically educated have said about the relationship between men and women in the last century. I will cite only a few judgments as examples of what one arrives at when one does not know the spiritual. A naturalist said: If we consider everything in a woman, then the basic character of a woman is gentleness. — Another said: If you know everything that comes to us in a woman, then you have to summarize it in one word – that is, anger-fortitude. Another, an anthropologist, summarized his view of women in the word: Women are characterized by feelings of devotion. Another said: Those who really understand women know that the most prominent thing in a woman's character is the desire for power. Yet another tries to sum it all up in one word: Women form the conservative element in human development. Another says: He who really understands history will find that all revolutionary ideas originate with women. In philosophy, this kind of thinking that summarizes everything and takes individual points of view is called synthetic thinking. One philosopher says: All of a woman's thinking is reduced to synthetic thinking. — An English philosopher, on the other hand, says: Women only possess analytical thinking. This should show us how much consensus and certainty there is in the judgment of science. These contradictory judgments cannot satisfy people. But in reality, people long for the answers of spiritual science to the great questions of existence. Today, some people already have important intuitions about what lies behind external facts. Recently, a book by a young man caused a great stir: 'Gender and Character' by the unfortunate Weininger. In fact, there is already substantial good scientific research today, which Weininger, for example, published in a tumultuous and amateurish manner. A strange view confronts us here, one that contains a hint of the truth. Weininger says: Actually, there is something masculine in every woman's character and something feminine in every man. — That is a hint of something true, but it is completely corrupted by being immersed in a materialistic worldview. Weininger distinguishes between a masculine and a feminine substance, which are mixed up in all human beings. He comes to a strange conclusion about the feminine. Weininger characterizes the female as having “no ego, no individuality, no freedom, no character.” But he sees the masculine in every woman and the feminine in every man. So these things are mixed up in everyone. We see, then, that here it is like with Munchausen, who takes himself by the scruff of the neck; it is a view that dissolves itself. Through Theosophy we see that what the senses perceive in man is only a part of man; it is the physical body that man has in common with all visible beings around us. More strictly than any science, Theosophy stands on the ground that what man has in the physical body of matter and forces is the same as the matter and forces of all physical nature. But these substances and forces are so composed in man that they would disintegrate if they were left to themselves. The crystal is maintained by its own substances and forces. But in man and in every living being, the etheric body or life body lives as the second link in his being. What is it? It is a constant fighter against the disintegration of the physical body. The moment a person passes through the portal of death, the physical body is abandoned to chemical and physical substances and forces. Together with all plants and animals, the human being has the second link of his being, the etheric or life body. But there is still a third link of the human being, which spiritual science recognizes through its methods. Much closer than the bones, muscles and nerves that are enclosed in the human skin, there is a sum of joy and pain, urges, desires, passions and sensations, up to the highest ideals. Spiritual science calls the carrier of all this the astral body. Man only shares this astral body with the animal world. Then there is a fourth element of the human being that makes man the crown of earthly creation. There is a word in the German language that man can only say about himself, that no one else can say to him. Anyone can say “chair” to a chair and “table” to a table, but there is only one thing that each person can say about themselves: that is the little word “I”. This is something so important that all school psychology has no idea of the importance of this fact. This name cannot be spoken to me from the outside like the name of any other thing in the world. Everyone can only pronounce the name themselves. That is what is special about the name that is referred to by the little word “I”. The name “I” can never sound to our ears when it refers to ourselves. Sensitive natures have always felt this. Jean Paul recounts how, as a child, he first realized: “I am an I”. He says that he looked into the most hidden holy of holies of his being. All religions, all world views that have looked into the essence of things have recognized the importance of this fact. That is why religions have named this the unspeakable name of God. The God himself lives on in the soul when man says “I” to himself; shivers of awe went through the assembly of the Hebrews when the Old Testament priest pronounced this name: “I am in the innermost soul, I am, Yahweh.” It is easy to reproach Theosophy with making man into a god. But anyone who claims that a drop taken from the sea is the sea itself is saying something nonsensical. The drop is not the sea, but it contains sea substance. Therefore, we do not make the ego of man into a god, but into a drop or spark of the divine essence. When this ego works on the other parts of the human being, the astral body, the etheric body and the physical body, higher parts of the human being arise from it. What condenses at the center of the being, what enables the soul to make the word “I am” resound from the human breast, that is what makes the human being the crown of the other beings. Let us now consider the state in which we all find ourselves during the night, the state of sleep. Sleep is also called the brother of death. As Voltaire says, all truths that emerge into the world for the first time are treated like the envoys of educated states at the courts of barbarians. They only gradually gain recognition. Let us compare the state of consciousness during the day with the state of sleep, where all joy and all suffering sink into an indeterminate darkness. This is because when a person falls asleep, the astral body with the ego is lifted out of the human being. In sleep, the four members of human nature are separated in twos. In death, it is different, for then not only does the I separate with the astral body, but also the etheric or life body separates from the physical body. In death, it also leaves the physical body, which is then a corpse. The etheric body or life body is the fighter against the decay of the physical body. During the night, the I is lifted out with the astral body. What is it that enables a person to see through the eyes and to hear through the ears during the day? Eyes and ears are the instruments of the astral body. The moment a person awakens, the astral body and the ego descend into the etheric body and the physical body. In the morning, when he wakes up out of the darkness, he recognizes the world around us in form, sound, color, shine and light. Why does man not perceive the world during the night in which he lives during the night? Today it is already possible for individual people to perceive this world, the actual home of the soul in which it lives at night. From this world, the human being returns to the physical world in the morning. In everyday life, the human being takes on such an appearance that his I and the part of his being that is the carrier of pleasure and suffering submerges into the two sheaths, which give him a set of instruments for perceiving the physical world. This is also how man appears to us when we consider the question of the nature of man and woman from this point of view. When we observe the human being as he stands before us, with his physical body, etheric body, astral body and I, then for spiritual science the matter presents itself in such a way that the physical body only has the outwardly determined characteristics in man and woman. The etheric body has the polar, opposite characteristics. For man the etheric body has feminine characteristics; for woman the etheric body has masculine characteristics. If we are good observers, we see that the man who shows masculine qualities for sensory perception also shows precisely the opposite qualities. When the corresponding qualities appear in a woman, they appear with a distinctly masculine character. Because every man has female qualities in his etheric body and every woman has male qualities, these terms, “male” and “female”, are not exhaustive in their sensory meaning. Those who believe that if you know the physical body of a person, you know everything about that person will not be able to explain why you sometimes find anger in a woman, sometimes docility. If we now consider the human being as a whole, we see that the sexual is only linked to the physical and etheric bodies, and that when we wake up in the morning, we take it on as our tool just like the other organs of the physical body. We can look into the nature of the human being with the help of spiritual science and see where the sexual begins. It is only present in the physical and etheric bodies. It leaves the person during sleep at night. At the moment when the I leaves the person with the astral body, the terms male and female completely lose their meaning. The opposition that manifests itself in the physical world as male and female does not exist. In the spiritual world, this opposition is the opposition between life and form, indeed between life and death. When we penetrate into the spiritual worlds, this contrast is ever present: the contrast between the ever-advancing life and the perpetual inhibition of life; the sprouting tree is one and the bark the other. We can consider this using an example from artistic creation. Let us imagine the Juno Ludovisi, that wonderful image of a woman. In the wonderfully broad forehead, in the peculiar expression, in all the flatness of the face of this Juno, something is expressed that makes us say: In this form, the spirit is fully developed. But it has become entirely form. Everything has flowed into the form. The spirit, which otherwise flows away, the life, had to be captured in a moment. That is the one extreme of existence, where the form becomes so solid that it captures life in a moment. The other extreme is the sculpted work of art, which is close to this Juno Ludovisi, the Zeus, with the peculiar forehead, the peculiar mouth. It is a characteristic form, not really a beautiful form. We can say to ourselves, life is still in it; the form can be different at any time. These two opposites of life flowing forth and life unfolding and dying into form, are, in the higher world, the male and the female. From the female comes form, which strives towards sculpture; in the male lies the form that makes change possible. Here we see how what meets us externally in man and woman is a reflection of the supersensible. Only when this is understood can full understanding, unclouded by any antagonism, arise between the two sexes. This transsexual understanding is only given through a view like the theosophical one. Our culture to date has been a male culture. Why have we ended up in today's science, in which everything stems from the external sense perception, from the passive devotion to external experience? Today, people are forbidden their own inner spirituality. This is because this culture is a male culture, because science has become so feminine. It was that which arose from the female etheric body of man. In Theosophy we have a world view. We must find the strong source of certainty in our inner abilities. Theosophy is masculine. And the strange thing is: today it is mainly women who are interested in Theosophy. This is because women have an active male etheric body. Theosophy wants to raise humanity to a higher level than that on which these questions about man and woman are usually negotiated. Today, these questions are usually only discussed from the lowest point of view. And this will be taken to extremes the more sensual ideas gain influence. Only Theosophy can bring people salvation and truth in this area. Genuine cooperation between the sexes will bring it about. Real insight and true knowledge can only come from elevating ourselves above the everyday. Theosophy aims to be a remedy for human culture. It will have proven itself when it helps people. Theosophy must prove itself in real life. Schiller expresses in beautiful words the uplifting of the human being above the everyday:
68d. The Nature of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science: The Course of Human Development from the Standpoint of Occult Science
06 Feb 1908, Karlsruhe Rudolf Steiner |
For the materialistically-minded, it is of course a nothing, one can well understand that. ... For the person who sees through things, this etheric or life body is a fighter against the disintegration of the physical body in every moment. |
So we have an external physical process under the influence of mental agitation. This is a small example of how one can see material effects arising from the spiritual. |
If this is the case for you, then you will naturally be able to bring about an emotional understanding in the child first, in the magical touch of imagery, before you cultivate the sober judgments of the mind, which is only made possible by the correct understanding of the whole personality at a later stage. |
68d. The Nature of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science: The Course of Human Development from the Standpoint of Occult Science
06 Feb 1908, Karlsruhe Rudolf Steiner |
When the subject of theosophy or the theosophical worldview comes up, people often think: Oh, we are dealing with something that leads to remote realms of thought, something that takes us to nebulous, fantastic regions. In any case, many people have the idea that Theosophy or, as we can also say in the true sense of the word, spiritual science, that Theosophy or spiritual science is not for practical people, for people who are fully immersed in life, that it is not for them! Now, my esteemed audience, but the one who delves deeper into what Theosophy or spiritual science has to give, and then is able to see life, our immediate existence, in the light of this spiritual science, will soon be able to notice how this Theosophy is something that leads to the right, true life practice, as it is not just some theoretical knowledge, some speculation, but something that makes people capable, able to work in life, hopeful, confident, yes, healthy, because it makes our everyday life immediately understandable to us - if we start from the right points of view - makes it transparent. This everyday life truly offers us enough puzzles. We can only solve these puzzles if we are able to grasp what lies behind the sensual phenomena, if we are able to rise to the world of supersensible facts. The few times that I have been permitted to speak to you here in this city about Theosophical matters have already familiarized the audience with what underlies the Theosophical worldview. Therefore, only a brief reference will be made here. The Theosophical worldview rests on two pillars, on two pillars of knowledge. The first is that it shows people that there is a supersensible, a superphysical world above our sensual, our physical world. Secondly, it familiarizes people with the fact that they can penetrate these supersensible realms themselves — if they only want to — and that they can draw their powers and abilities from within. In this way, however, Theosophy is confronted with widespread prejudices in the present day, but even if it does not change overnight, over time more and more of these prejudices, which today affect wide circles of our present-day people, will fade. Many people today say: To speak of supersensible worlds, of a spiritual background to existence, is unseemly in our enlightened times, in our time of great scientific achievements... In the childhood cultures of humanity, where imagination still held sway, it was said that people dreamt of supersensible facts, of supersensible phenomena behind our sensory world. But now we are at the point where science, with its tools and methods, is revealing to us the world as one would think, in its natural, lawful context and does not make it necessary to assume anything behind what can be seen and what can be grasped by the mind. Many of our contemporaries think they are quite enlightened when they deny everything that lies behind the phenomena! This brings us to the question: in what sense does Theosophy speak of supersensible worlds? Not in the sense that these supersensible worlds lie somewhere in a cloud cuckoo land, but in a completely natural sense, in a completely logical sense, Theosophy speaks of higher worlds than the one that is accessible to our are accessible to our senses, in the same sense that a German philosopher, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, spoke of these worlds when he was at the height of his thinking: in 1809, for example, in front of his audience in Berlin. At that time he said: “I have something to tell you about worlds that lie beyond the ordinary sensual world and therefore cannot be perceived with the ordinary physical senses.” Therefore, anyone who is only willing to acknowledge a world that can be perceived by the physical senses can easily consider everything that can be said about supersensible worlds to be fantasy. But — it was not I who said this, but Fichte. Imagine going through a world of blind people as the only one who can see and telling these blind people about the world of colors and the world of light. If they want, they can also say: All that you are telling me about color and light is empty dreaming, mere fantasy... ... and we can now tie in with Johann Gottlieb Fichte's thoughts and say: Let us assume that a person born blind is led into this room of ours and that we are able to operate on him here, to give him sight. What was around him before, what you can all see with your physical eyes, light and color, was not there for him; for him, the world was only what was given to his sense of touch and the other senses. But now that he has had the operation, light and color and radiance are emerging bit by bit from the bleak darkness and gloom. They were around him, but for him they have become a world only after he had the organs for them. Not every physically blind person can be operated on, but it is possible for everyone to awaken the abilities and powers slumbering within them – what Goethe calls “spiritual eyes” – to open them up, to opens up by itself through appropriate behavior, and he becomes aware of an awakening of a higher, more brilliant kind than that through which the blind person sees a new world entering him when he is operated on. Who can logically deny that there are worlds around us that the senses cannot perceive? Logically, no one can! Logically, a person can only make a statement about what he sees and perceives, never about what he does not perceive. But there have always been people in the world, and there are people today, who awaken these abilities and powers slumbering within us and who know from their own experience that spiritual worlds exist around us, know of worlds that are active and whose forces have an effect in our world. And it is of these worlds that spiritual science, theosophy, speaks – we only call it secret science because in order to gain access to it, man must first awaken the forces slumbering in him, and until he has done so all this remains hidden from him. But when he becomes a citizen of these worlds, when the spiritual lights around us dawn on him, then entities reach into this life for him that he can only now recognize, that... and in this way he attains knowledge that makes him fully able and willing to work. This will now become clear to us when we look at our own human life from the standpoint of this supersensible knowledge, not at something remote but at the most everyday things there are for us. Then we will see how we can apply this spiritual science. As far as I am concerned, someone can come and say: There are such twisted minds, oddballs, who call themselves Theosophists and bring all sorts of confused stuff, they may keep it to themselves, it is not for a reasonable person! Good, he may act on it! But now there is another point of view that says: Well, since things don't look so unreasonable after all, let's try to live life and work in life as if these assumptions were correct, and if they prove themselves in life, then we can talk to them. This is a thoroughly healthy point of view, and today's question in particular will enable us to find such a kind of truth, such proof of the theosophical premise, if we try to apply what the lecture contains to life. First, however, we must take a brief look at the human being in the theosophical or esoteric sense. If we look at the human being from this point of view, then what the senses can see, what eyes can see and hands can grasp, appears to us as only a part, a single limb of the entire human being. In the spiritual sense, we call this part of the human being the physical body. This physical body is shared by the human being with all the seemingly inanimate beings around him; the same substances and forces that are found outside in the inanimate minerals are also found in the physical human body. However, in this physical human body – and in fact in the body of every living being are so intricately combined and interwoven that the physical body of a living being, if it is left to the physical substances and forces alone, then it disintegrates into itself. No matter what a merely materialistically thinking wisdom may say – the theosophist knows very well what it can say – and no matter what it may say, there is a principle embedded in the physical body of every living being that can be logically , who is able to consider these things only philosophically, perceptible for him who has developed the higher abilities, the spiritual eyes, as Goethe says. For the materialistically-minded, it is of course a nothing, one can well understand that. ... For the person who sees through things, this etheric or life body is a fighter against the disintegration of the physical body in every moment. In all of you, this life body is a fighter that prevents physical substances and forces from following their own laws. At the moment of death, the physical body separates from the etheric body, and then the physical body follows its own substances and forces, then it is a corpse, then it decays. So we have this second link, the etheric body, in every living being, which the human being has in common with all plants and animals. The third link is the so-called astral body... This too is a fact for the spiritual seer. But you can get a logical idea of it if you consider the following: when you look at the person standing in front of you, you have not only what you can perceive as a physical body with your physical senses, not only what as an etheric and life body constantly protects this physical body from decay... but there is something else in this space in front of you: something is in it that is much closer to many people than the physical body and the etheric body. The details of the physical body, what do many people know about that... but there is something that is infinitely close to the simplest human being, much closer than his physical body, and that is the sum of pleasure and suffering, of joy and pain, of urges, desires and passions. The sum of all sensations that rise and fall in the soul, that which we call the inner life or human inner life. And the carrier of this human inner life, in spiritual science we call this the astral body, the human being no longer shares this with plants and minerals, but only with the animal world. As long as we hold the view that this astral body, or if we want to speak in everyday terms: that drives, desires and passions, feelings and instincts and the surging and surging sensations, that these are only evoked by the physical body... Only at that moment do we have the right to speak of it... where we see the original not in the physical and not in the etheric body, but precisely in this astral body the original... It would take us too far today to show fully – we have a different goal today – that the physical body and the etheric body relate to this astral body as ice, for example, relates to water. If a child comes and shows you a piece of ice and you tell him that this is water in solid form, the child may not immediately see it, and you will have to make it clear to him in some way that the ice is water in a different form. Just as the child may not know that ice is just water in a different form, so someone who is accustomed to looking at things from a materialistic point of view does not yet know that the physical body and etheric body is only, basically speaking, let us say, condensed, condensed, crystallized out of this spiritual carrier of joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain, urges, desires and passions and perceptions. Everything that is physical is generated out of the spiritual, let us say condensed, crystallized out of the spiritual. ... You get an idea of this... if you take this as a small theoretical down payment for what spiritual science is gradually showing you comprehensively. Take the very simple two phenomena that a person experiences within himself: the feeling of shame or the feeling that arises when something near us puts people into fear and terror. Fear and terror make him pale, his blood takes on very specific movements, it changes in the body, it goes, if we may say so, from the outer surface to the center. The opposite happens with shame... So we have an external physical process under the influence of mental agitation. This is a small example of how one can see material effects arising from the spiritual. Imagine these effects increasing until the process of building the external physical... the material itself, is built out of the spiritual. Then you have something to which you cannot, admittedly, arrive in an instant, but which you can arrive at through patient study... to which spiritual science can lead you more and more. But now there is one thing by which man stands out above all the visible earthly creatures around him. We come to this when we study a very simple fact of human experience, which is only usually not properly interpreted and paid attention to; you will come to it when you go through a very simple contemplation with me, which is indeed somewhat subtle. Anyone can say “table” to the table, “clock” to the clock, and anyone can pronounce the name given to the external object in the language; but there is only one name, one little name, in the German language that not everyone can pronounce to the one that this name denotes. This is the name that lies in the little word “I”. Only one person can pronounce “I” if this “I” is to mean what it is. If the “I” is to mean you yourself, then no one can ever say “I” to you. You are a you to everyone else, everyone else is a you to you! If the little word “I” is to mean you yourself, then it must resound from the innermost part of the soul itself. That is why all religions and world views... that were based on spiritual science... called this short little word 'I' the unspeakable name of God... so that the power within can pronounce this name, which cannot access the soul through external senses and organs... that was called the divine power, the spark of God that is in us... Yes, you make a god out of man, many say. ... Anyone who makes this accusation can see from another example]... I have taken a drop of water out of the great, all-encompassing sea and I now claim that this drop is the same substance and essence as the sea, but it is not the whole sea... In the same way, the theosophist does not make a god out of the human ego when he declares: This “I” is a drop, a spark of divine substance. ... This “I” and the sum total of powers and principles that enable a person to let this divine, this God, speak within them, we call the fourth link of human essence, that makes man the crown of earthly creation. ... This is what distinguishes him from all other beings on earth. ... Thus, the human being stands before us as a four-part entity... Today, we will not discuss the further, higher aspects of human nature. ... This classification suffices for us today. ... When we consider these aspects of the human being and look at the human being, then in his development from birth to death, then spiritual science shows us that these individual aspects by no means develop in the same way or in the same times. ... When we have a person before us at any age, we do not have them before us in such a way that these four elements are always present in the same way. We only understand the human being when we know that the development of the human being takes place in different ways at different ages... After all, a person's life is preceded by a prenatal life... We know that when a person is born, they have a life behind them in their mother's womb, where their physical body was enclosed on all sides by the physical womb, where all organs have gradually developed to such an extent that when the person sees the light of day, their physical body was previously protected by an outer physical shell... which they now shed... We speak of the external physical birth of a person when the person sheds this physical shell around him, and his physical body is exposed to the external physical elements. Before that, the rays of light could not penetrate the eyes. Had these rays of light penetrated his eyes immediately, these eyes would not have been able to develop into today's human eyes.... And so it is with all organs of the human being.... Only then can he be directly exposed to external impressions and influences when these organs, protected by this cover, have matured for such influences... Now spiritual science also speaks of other births of man. ... When the spiritual seer now looks at man as he is born after his physical birth, he sees how the physical body is handed over to the external physical elements... but the second link of the human being is not yet handed over to the external powers, which act on the etheric body. What we have described as the etheric body is still surrounded by an - albeit ethereal - shell... and we speak of a second birth, through which it also sheds this etheric shell. When a person is born physically, his etheric body still has an etheric mother around it, which protects him, and it protects him until the change of teeth, until the time when the person loses the so-called milk teeth and gradually gets his own teeth, around the seventh year, then the human being is born of his second link; he sheds the protective etheric cover, as with the physical birth the physical mother shell. We will soon learn the full implications of these spiritual facts. But there is still another birth; this occurs because, even though the human being has freed his etheric body from external influences when his teeth change, for example, he is still surrounded by a protective astral mother-shell, as it were, around the third limb of his being, and this continues until sexual maturity. With this sexual maturity, around the age of 14 to 15, this further spiritual birth is also slowly taking place, that is, the astral mother shell is being shed, and thus the astral body of the person becomes free and can be directly exposed to the astral influences... that are working around him. Only later is there a time when, in a similar way, what we call the “ego” is born. ... One can only understand the course of a person's life, and one can only educate a person reasonably, if one knows and applies all of this to the fullest extent. ... Let us now first look at the ascending life. ... This brings us to an important field of human activity, that of education and teaching. Let us consider this and see how it presents itself to us when we consider the human being in terms of his or her entire nature and being. We know that from the time of his physical birth until he changes his teeth, the human being is enveloped in an etheric covering, which he then sheds. If we observe this, we will say to ourselves: We must keep away everything that has a direct effect on the etheric body or life body until this second birth has taken place. For the spiritual seer, it is just as nonsensical to allow direct effects on the etheric body with its etheric mother shell before the birth of the etheric body, as it would be for the ordinary consciousness of a person to allow direct effects on the physical body of the child before its physical birth. The first thing that happens is that the physical body, which was previously under the protective cover, is exposed to direct external physical influences. The time from birth to the seventh year is especially the time when we have to monitor the direct influence of physical elements on the physical human being. The detailed development of this results in many, many rules that spiritual science can provide for a healthy pedagogy. Above all, it is a matter of knowing what is happening during these developmental years until the change of teeth. Spiritual science tells us that up to this point of the change of teeth, the forms, the physical forms of the physical body, are established. ... The forms continue to increase in size only, but the plasticity of the forms, including the finer plasticity of the form, the balance of power in which they will develop, are determined up to the seventh year. And whatever has been neglected in the development of the human being up to that point can never be made up for later; it has been neglected for the whole of life... Because from the seventh year onwards, it becomes possible to influence the etheric body. ... The physical body is then under the influence of the etheric body, which then further regulates growth... It follows that the physical environment must be carefully arranged in the way it is designed until the teeth change. Not only the coarse, but also the finer structural and formative conditions of the physical body are formed under the influence of this physical environment.... A rough comparison:... If you strain any muscle, that is, expose it to what it belongs to, it becomes strong, powerful and expands... this is how it is with all the internal forms of the physical body... SO it is with our visual abilities, our vision... The forces that are in our physical body are tools that serve the soul to perceive the physical world... For example, it is not irrelevant what kind of color environment a person experiences in their physical environment between birth and the age of seven. Depending on the colors we choose for the child's environment, the inner formative forces will develop in opposition to this world of colors. Let us assume, for example, that we have a fidgety child, a nervous child, and in the other case an overly calm, “dead” child, who is “dead” in his behavior, his mannerisms. ... Both types, in order to develop in the appropriate way, must be placed in the right physical environment. ... Someone who only sees the world with their physical eye will probably place a fidgety child in an environment of so-called calming colors, of blue or green, while believing that a calm child should be placed in an environment of red or yellow... Countless mistakes are made here. ... Because the exact opposite is correct. If you want to proceed in the right way, you should, if possible, place a fidgety child in a red or reddish-yellow environment and a calm child in a blue or blue-green one. If you know how the internal structure of the organs is formed, you will be able to see this through pure logic. You stare at a red spot on a white surface and then, after staring at it for some time, you suddenly look at a different spot on the white surface, so you see the green counteraction on the empty white surface... What does this mean? While you are looking at the red color on the outside, the inside of the body tends to develop the opposite color. If you look at the red, the body adjusts itself internally so that it forms the green, and this is important for the internal formation of the plastic organs. ... If you have a restless, nervous child and you give him a red environment, then a countervailing force towards green, blue-green, is formed internally, and this has a calming effect on the plastic forces of the internal organs... Here things are much deeper than an external sensory observation usually shows... Sometimes I have been told: But that is really quite strange. When I work with any lamp that has a red shade, it makes me feel agitated; so why should it have a favorable effect on the child? - ... I have not claimed that a red glow has a favorable effect on a man of 56 years; I have only said that it stimulates the internal organs, the plastic of the internal organs of the child in a calming sense. ... Similarly, something extraordinarily important arises when we consider children's toys from this point of view. You will have often observed that a child with a healthy mind rejects dolls with beautifully painted faces and natural hair, or at least puts them aside soon. Let's take a closer look at this doll and admit to ourselves: it is, of course, hideous... But if you ever make a doll for your child out of an old napkin, you will have a completely different experience. The child will enjoy the so-called beautiful doll for a while. But then the child will soon throw it away and always return to the homemade napkin doll. This is a very correct, healthy instinct. ... For a power is constantly at work in the child to shape the organs plastically. If the child now has this self-made doll in front of them, the following occurs: the child must make an effort to first turn it into a human being through inner imagination; they must first apply forces to the imperfect doll in order to create the human image. This is beneficial for them internally and shapes the internal organs in a more perfect way. These inner plastic forces are not activated when you present the child with such a “beautiful” doll; these forces remain inert, and what should be active internally, the forces of the organs to form, cannot happen. The tools in our physical body, which should be active forces, are formed when we give the child something to do that requires it to be active through its imagination. The child must imagine something that the external object does not give it, it merely stimulates. And people have no idea how much harm they do to children if they do not give them the opportunity to develop this inner counterforce in the appropriate way. ... Oh, the one who looks deeper into human nature also knows something else. He knows that there is a huge difference between keeping a child busy putting together figures out of individual stones and keeping him busy with a toy that gives the impression of being alive, inwardly animated. ... Something completely different happens inside... and vividly brings the body to life... when you give the child a toy that creates the illusion of life through the way it moves when the child plays with it... There used to be old picture books in which whole scenes were presented in moving pictures, whole stories, and which thereby evoked the inner sculpture. They were wonderfully suited to developing the organs in a plastic way during the time when they had to be developed. Those who look more deeply into this want to... when they often and often have to watch with a bleeding soul as everything, absolutely everything, is neglected due to instinctive materialism.... Those who can see into our time with spiritual eyes can trace materialistic thinking back and see how it has been brought about that children have been given construction kits instead of living toys, with which they build something out of individual parts. This is what creates the materialistic mind, much more than materialistic literature... Materialistic theories are the least dangerous aspect of materialism. But if, instead of observing the inner life, a child who is putting together his body, this instrument of the human being, at the time when it should be developing its forms plastically, is concerned with putting the individual parts together, then he comes to imagine that the world is made up of individual clusters of atoms. ... So you see how spiritual science works in practice. But it goes even further. ... Right down to the instincts of eating, you can understand the course of human life and influence its shaping from the perspective of spiritual science. Spiritual science can draw attention to the fact that something that needs to be developed in the child's soul is being held back by certain foods... In the child's soul, the tools for healthy instincts and desires must develop. We do not have a certain desire for nothing. ... That is why they are there, so that when the instinct arises and is satisfied, life is steered in healthy directions. ... See how animals walk across the pasture and carefully choose the foods that are beneficial to them, leaving the others standing... What is the upward development into a human being? It gives man higher gifts, but it exposes him to the possibility of error, which the animal with its instinctive certainty is not exposed to. What matters is that man, with his higher gifts, nevertheless retains this security. And we can preserve this security of healthy instinct for the child if we do not stuff him full of an excess of such substances that kill such an instinct. Overfeeding children with protein-rich food is, many people believe today, the greatest care in the care of young children. But this is not true at all. The moment the child receives too much protein, the moment it is overfed with protein, it loses its sure instincts for nourishment, while another child sometimes rejects what is harmful to it, even down to a glass of water, and desires what is good for it, what is healthy. This is extremely important. It is an example of the practical knowledge of life that can flow from spiritual science. ... We could do a lot if we only wanted to pay attention to the principles of the matter... We can raise the question: What is the law of the human life cycle up to this change of teeth? ... This is described in a word that resonates like a magic [word] for everything that is influenced by these years. Imitation is the magic of education in these years, when the physical body has become accessible to the immediate influence of the outside world. The child strives to emulate what it sees. Therefore, education must, above all, be based on the child's intention to imitate; it should not demand or admonish, as this is not the main thing in these years. The main thing is that the child can follow what it sees during these years, and that nothing happens that the child is not allowed to imitate. ... However, there are a number of points to be considered. Imagine a couple... — I always tell such cases as examples that have really happened — they have a child who is very well-behaved, nothing to complain about, suddenly one day the child has stolen, as they say, from his parents' cash box. The child is so good that it did not use this money for itself, but gave it to others whom it believed needed it. ... You can perhaps imagine that the parents would be outraged if they did not know that during this time, until the permanent teeth have come in – and these things do not abruptly follow one another – during this time, everything is characterized by imitation, the child has always seen that the parents themselves take money out... and what it sees its parents doing is right for the child; it imitates it. To apply moral concepts here, such as stealing or the like, is in no way appropriate. The child only imitates what its parents demonstrate to it. Therefore, we know that in terms of everything we want to cultivate in the child, a plastic molding must be called forth from within through imitation. Therefore, we must build everything on imitation in the child during this first period, that is, the adults around him must not do or say anything that the child should not also do in exactly the same way. ... This is of profound significance. ... If imitation is the magic word for education until the seventh year of a child's development, then from the time when the teeth change and the etheric or life body is freed for direct external influence ... the word 'authority' applies, and succession. What can be understood by these words must be the guiding principle of education for these years. ... Just as children must be able to imitate what is going on around them until their teeth change... so now, in the second phase of life, there must be someone alongside them who can be called an authority. ... In detail, we can say something like this: only after sexual maturity does the time come when a person, through the powers of their mind, understands what is good or bad, clever or stupid.... We do young people an injustice if we place too much emphasis on intellectual insight and education before this time, prematurely. During this time, until sexual maturity is reached, it is necessary for a personality of some kind to stand beside the child and determine what is true or false, good or bad, beautiful or ugly. These concepts must have an authoritative effect on the child at this age, not through mental judgments but through the power of the personality.... And it is the greatest joy for a child to have such personalities in their lives during these years, to whom they can look up as natural authorities who are truly worthy of emulation. A person becomes mature enough to judge when, during these years of their life, they have been influenced by an authoritative personality whom they looked up to and followed in awe. This is a beneficial power that affects a person throughout their life. Oh, if only people could know what it means for a person's whole life when something like this happens to them, such as hearing about a much-admired personality in the family whom they have not yet seen. Timid reverence already sits in his soul, the heart pounds until he is allowed to see the personality for the first time.... These are the most beautiful, wonderful feelings in his soul for the rest of his life, the moments of celebration that ignite forces that are as important as hardly anything else for the whole life of a person until death. Everything that one carries within the etheric body, the body that carries all growth, but also temperament, habits, and character, is decisively influenced in this way during this time between the change of teeth and sexual maturity. And it is important, for example, that this etheric or life body is also the carrier of memory. Therefore, it is essential that conscious care is taken during this time, above all, in the development of memory. In this respect, there is confusion has arisen. Precisely in our time, as a result of materialistic basic views, many educational efforts work towards having children do mental work as early as possible, so that they calculate and do similar things based on their own judgment. That looks quite progressive, but it is nevertheless extremely harmful for the development of the growing human being. First you have to have a store of knowledge and insights in your memory; only then can you form judgments about them. The time for judgment comes with sexual maturity. Until then, it is a time for purely memorized learning. The memory must be formed in the time until then. It is not important – as one would like to say today – that the child is already able to judge, for example, what he or she has to learn in history. It is precisely this that is so damaging, to want to evoke judgment at this time. In this time, the events must be presented to the soul in a purely factual and objective way, in large images, through an authority that is taken for granted. These events must first live in the soul of the child; only then has the time for judgment come. And what is very important at this time is that, because the etheric body now receives the direct influence of the forces that express themselves in memory and in other spiritual faculties, we will particularly develop these forces during this time, the qualities that are anchored in the etheric body. Above all, what is anchored there is what is called the pictorial power of human vision. ... Many people today look at the world so unimaginatively and soberly because the world has not been presented to them in vital images during this time. ... Man should first get to know this world in images. If you want to give people a healthy foundation for the higher supernatural truths, then you have to teach them the corresponding images at this age. During this time, the truths must first be brought to people in images and symbols if they are to be truly grasped later on. If in later life a person is to be able to say to himself: The human soul is immortal, when the human being passes through the gate of death, then the soul rises to higher regions, only the body remains behind and decays, then this is properly prepared in this age, when one tells the child, for example, “Watch the caterpillar as it transforms into a chrysalis and thus falls into deathly rigidity, and then how the chrysalis breaks something and the butterfly rises from the breaking shell into an airy, light existence." But it would be a mistake for teachers to use these images today. They no longer have an effect because those who use these images no longer believe in what they are supposed to express. Only when the image is a reality for them, then something in it takes effect, which naturally passes over into the soul of the child and works as a force that later awakens the right knowledge. For the spiritual scientist, the given is an image of immortality in reality, in truth. For him, it is not something that he laboriously devises with his mind, but rather, for him, life passes through a series of stages... and on the lower stage, the butterfly's emergence from the chrysalis is truly what, on the higher stage, is the soul's emergence from the dying body. If this is the case for you, then you will naturally be able to bring about an emotional understanding in the child first, in the magical touch of imagery, before you cultivate the sober judgments of the mind, which is only made possible by the correct understanding of the whole personality at a later stage. Here we see reason in something that is often viewed as unreasonable today. I know what misunderstandings we are exposed to in this matter, but it must be said not out of a reactionary sense, but out of a sense of truth. How clever we have become, many think today, how they look back on our forefathers, who told their children all kinds of tall tales. ... Today we must no longer tell such lies to children. Our forefathers taught their children things that are not true at all, such as the story of the stork. But, again, it must be said that, although not out of reactionary sentiment, their way of doing so was much more correct than the modern approach. For once you have seen through things, there is nothing more childish and naive you can say to a child than that nothing more is needed for a human being to come into the world than the purely physical process. ... That is fundamentally wrong from a deeper perspective. The reality is: the human being comes from a spiritual world... from a spiritual existence before birth, and the physical process is only the mediator of the spiritual person's entry into this sensual world, and what our enlightened people want to teach children today is much, much more untrue and unreal than the old stork tale. ... Everything that has been said in the image of the flying was the image of the spiritual for our ancestors. ... The image of something flying always appears when the spiritual is to be pointed out in a fairy tale. For example, in the children's song “Fly, little bird, fly... your mother is in Pommerland”... Pommerland is not Pommern... Pommerland is Kinderland... “fly, little beetle, fly”... the same image is everywhere, and it is the basis of the stork fairy tale. ... Man from a different developmental period before the time when he should have soberly understood it in everyday life, believed in the stork fairy tale himself, because at the time the magic touch of imagery had been breathed over what is in the world around us. ... And it is quite different when I have first had a mysterious natural process in front of me in the picture... first carried this image around with me for a long time and only then was faced with the task of understanding it intellectually. Only then did I mature and then I absorb what came later in a completely different way. This shows us, in turn, how we must know those forces that develop at a certain age. ... And so we can specify for each age what it is in detail. ... So then, around the 14th or 15th year, the time of sexual maturity is an important stage. For it is at this time that the growing human being's astral mother-shell is cast off and the astral body, to which, for example, judgment and many other things adhere, is released to the direct influence of the outer world. Therefore, it is only during this time that the human being is mature enough to be exposed to external judgment and to acquire independent judgment. If we bring this judgment forward, we arrive at these things that force their way into today's life as formidable dark sides... where people grow into them without consideration... Only when puberty has occurred should independent judgment be formed on the basis of what has developed in terms of imagery, of noble feelings... under the influence of authority.... otherwise we see that the youngest people, who have not even been born yet, people who should first learn to mature their judgment, are already making their appearance with their own judgment at the time when they should only be developing it.... But this is also the time when the astral body emerges with the instincts and drives for life that are inherent in it. ... These forces arise in the form that we call “youthful ideals”, “springtime hopes”, hopes for life. A dry, sober person can easily look down on what he has experienced in his youthful soul as a mere infatuation. Even if none of this materializes, even if these are hopes that are left out in the cold in life, the fact remains that they were hopes, ideals, and that is during the time when the astral body gradually emerges. What matters is not that hopes are fulfilled, that ideals are realized, but that they are there. For they are forces in the soul and as forces they are formative, they give life inwardness, they give life strength, even if they have been there as hopes that were later destroyed. Therefore, we must do everything to ensure that these spring hopes of life are developed during this time, that they are there. Then the time gradually comes for the human being to give birth to his or her full self, which now approaches the world around in a completely free way. ... And just as there is an ascending life, there is also a descending life in the second half. Just a few words about this: the birth and gradual development of the ego comes to an end with normal life around the age of 35. At this point, the human being is at the zenith of life. Everything that was laid down in him at birth has emerged in him by this time. But now something else begins; now begins the time when, just as before, things have been shaped out of life, just as before, the abilities have been developed, so now begins the time when they are processed and consumed in pieces, from the age of 35 onwards, when in normal life, first of all, the forces of the astral body are gradually consumed inwardly. We see all astral things gradually receding again. The person becomes sober, develops more sense of reality... he becomes what, in our times, is fashion, what one can call a Philistine. While until then the person had more to do with himself, from the age of 35 begins the time when he acquires value for his environment. Before that, he had to use his time to mature his judgment and enter into a firm, definite relationship between his ego and the world around him. Now, what he is begins to have value for his fellow human beings. Now his judgment has weight, now people start to listen to him, now he radiates valuable things that he himself has to consume. Now he shows, even to an intimate observer, whether the ascending path was the right one. Now it becomes clear how barren and empty are the judgments of someone who has not grown under the influence of ideals in the period from 14 to 21 years... In order to radiate, one must first have acquired the right kind of thing at the right time. All esoteric development is subject to strict laws... those who have become teachers in this spiritual science strictly observe the rules... and today things are such that, precisely because of our culture, no one is let loose on the world by the appointed authorities before this mid-life... The true secret teachers do not allow their students to present themselves to the world with what they are supposed to give before they are ready. Everyone's tongue is only loosened at this midpoint in life. And if personalities appear before this time, you can be sure that they are doing so without a mandate, without the authorization of the individuals behind our movement. On average, no one is let loose on people before this time... Only the nonsense of our time makes it... that in these areas... the nonsense that young people, who are far from being finished with themselves, also appear in these areas... And then we see further how, roughly from the 1940s onwards, a new epoch is reached with the descending life, even if no such great regularity can be observed here as in the ascending life. ... Now that the astral body has been consumed, the time comes when the human being also begins to consume his etheric body, which he built up in the period from the change of teeth to sexual maturity. This is then depleted again around the fiftieth year... You can see this in certain signs that occur at this age. Try to look at life in its truth, and you will see how, in this period, the memory is just what cannot receive new impressions, new forces. On the other hand, just what was in this etheric body, that comes out just now, that which this etheric body has taken in, that occurs in the sharpest, strongest memory at this age. ... Observe life from this point of view and you will experience time and again how people of this age come back again and again and have a good memory of what was incorporated into them at those ages. See the sense of well-being that old people experience at this time when they can tell their memories of their youth over and over again... and consider what good you can do them by enabling them to tell such stories... And then, in the last stage of life, see how little by little the physical body is consumed too... see how the bones become more and more calcified, how they become more physical. The cartilages ossify... this last stage of life also consumes the physical body... Once the ascending life is properly regulated, another thing will show up, which is often ignored today. From the age of 35 onwards, a person radiates such judgments, which are decisive and have value for his environment... Then he comes to not only radiate judgments for his environment, but also to the fact that what he radiates as authority may also be considered authoritative for his environment... First the judgments become decisive, then in the penultimate epoch of life the life radiations themselves become decisive and a value for the environment... and last of all... man gains such judgment, such inner fullness, that what he then gives of himself has something mature not only for his time, but for all times. Those who see into things therefore also see in a completely different way... why certain people speak of this time in a very special way... With Dante, for example, you can see this in the very first lines of his “Divina Commedia”. There you can see how he says: “In the midst of life I saw all this...” And so you can look at all the great minds in this way... And if you look at a person like Goethe... you have to take into account the difference between what he created when he was in ascending development and what he created after the middle of his life. That by which he has become for humanity what he is to it, that falls after the middle of life... But if we look at the second half of life, we see that nothing external is developed for the temporal human being, for the outer limbs, physical body, etheric and astral body. This is consumed. But the moment the outer shell begins to disintegrate, that is when enrichment and the development of the essential begins. The forces of the inner being, the forces of the actual self, become ever more powerful and powerful in that which lives in these shells, for which the outer being begins the descending development. In the second half of life, the eternal, the lasting, the immortal in man develops, and when death occurs, we see how the outer shell falls away and how, even though it may have seemed for a while as if the inner life has receded, then we see how what the person has... how, at death, as a birth for the spiritual, the eternal, how that emerges at death as what he has developed valuably within himself, in his inwardness. Death is physical death, but spiritually for the spiritual world it is a new birth and... this is prepared in the second half of life. At this time, when the outer layers gradually die off, the human being shapes what remains, what is eternal about him. The great poet sensed that when the outer layers die away, the inner form, the spiritual form, that which is lasting and eternal, develops within. Great minds have always sensed and said what a wisdom that deeply penetrates the spiritual effects must confirm in every detail... What Schiller said cannot be presented to you as blind faith, but as fully valid knowledge. Today, only brief, cursory allusions could be given... about the course of human life... If we allow ourselves to be completely permeated by this practice of life, which can arise from spiritual science, then we will experience that life is shaped in such a way that we become hopeful, able to live and work through it, because we understand correctly in every moment:
Question and Answer
Rudolf Steiner: In this respect, we must learn to place the principle of freedom above all else in relation to the developing human being. It is easy to believe that these or those ideals are the right ones at first. But we must not create stereotyped ideals for ourselves. The developing human being is a mystery that the educator has to solve, and he learns just as much from the mysterious human being who is gradually emerging from his or her shells and allows himself to be guided by this human being to the ideals that are right for him or her. So we learn to respect the freely developing individuality when we know that the spirit is realizing itself... The question can only be solved by education in life in each individual case... However, there are certain basic ideals that are appropriate almost everywhere... above all, there is a beautiful ideal: a human being who is as complete as possible in every single detail, whom we can justifiably depict from history. ... when we create figures of world history and let our own powers be ignited by the great figures... but when we then come up with practical life, we can also ignite these ideals with practical life... what is important is to keep alive the sense of the transformation of the world, to maintain the sense that the world can change. ... On the real meaning of ideals: Fichte, “On the purpose of the scholar”. |
68d. The Nature of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science: The Mania for Disease in the Light of Spiritual Science
13 Feb 1908, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
We will talk here about those forms of illness and their manifestations that are connected with our soul life and can only be properly understood in the light of spiritual science. Many disease phenomena depend on an unhealthy soul life. (Example of a gentleman and a lady whom Dr. |
It is essential that people should be able to arrive at a great and comprehensive understanding of the world, which ultimately only spiritual science can give them in this scope. Only then do we rediscover ideas, feelings and perceptions within us that have the right effect on our organism and result in the recovery of the body. |
Ultimately, good health can only be brought about by a worldview that understands how to integrate the human being harmoniously into the course of the world. Think of the mystical coordination of microcosm and macrocosm. |
68d. The Nature of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science: The Mania for Disease in the Light of Spiritual Science
13 Feb 1908, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
We will talk here about those forms of illness and their manifestations that are connected with our soul life and can only be properly understood in the light of spiritual science. Many disease phenomena depend on an unhealthy soul life. (Example of a gentleman and a lady whom Dr. Steiner once met on the train. They lacked nothing but the strong will to be healthy. Instead of castles and monasteries, you meet sanatoriums today. Description of a visit to such a sanatorium: The patients are often not really sick at all, but there was a seriously ill person there, namely the doctor in charge, who was suffering from a severe nervous disease. It is often very important not to believe in certain symptoms of illnesses, even if they are present as such. The etheric body and the physical body are products of the astral body. There are still some final after-effects of how the spiritual manifests itself in the physical body. We know the fact that our mouths water when certain feelings come over us. This proves the great influence of feelings on physical processes, especially on It is similar when we turn pale with fear or blush with shame. Feelings are mental processes, but they have a direct effect on blood circulation. Mere intellectual, sober ideas are often the seeds of many other ideas. Formative images, accompanied by feelings, must arise in our soul life if the body is to function in a healthy way. A merely rational, sober world view can have a very corrupting effect on the physical body. That is why it is so very important to have a correct world view. Then one also experiences the bliss of finding and inventing. A large part of today's disease dispositions is based on an incorrect world view that has developed among the last generations. In earlier times, people still knew how important it is, even for physical well-being, when a person arouses appropriate feelings within himself. The tragedies of the ancient Greeks, for example, still had this healing power. Even the catharsis in the old, healthy aesthetics had, one might say, a medicinal purpose. There is a profound effect of the spirit on all that is alive. Even comedy, with the image of Auguste Clown falling from one foolishness into another, can have a healing effect in relation to this foolishness. Certain performances have a strangely suggestive effect on people. If, in the face of such a wide diversity of phenomena, the necessary knowledge and insight into these things is lacking, a terrible discord is often caused by the abundance of impressions and by what the human being can inwardly process from them. Many people cannot cope with such a diversity of phenomena. But this is the cause of all hysterical phenomena. Our time cannot stand still with its questions. Those who live only in empty abstractions never stop questioning because they are unable to fill these empty specters with content. The nonsensical drive for causality is also a basis for the development of hypochondria, which can have a profound effect on the body. Hysteria is based on an inwardness that is too small and too weak in the face of an overwhelming external world with an immense diversity. People who are unable to bring themselves into a harmoniously ordered relationship with the world are increasingly pushed back onto their own selves, and this failure to connect with the world gives rise to the phenomenon called hypochondria. It is essential that people should be able to arrive at a great and comprehensive understanding of the world, which ultimately only spiritual science can give them in this scope. Only then do we rediscover ideas, feelings and perceptions within us that have the right effect on our organism and result in the recovery of the body. All those states of anxiety then disappear because they only arise from erroneous ideas about our environment. Ultimately, good health can only be brought about by a worldview that understands how to integrate the human being harmoniously into the course of the world. Think of the mystical coordination of microcosm and macrocosm. Finally, a quote from Goethe's “Secrets”:
68d. The Nature of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science: The Health Fever in the Light of Spiritual Science
27 Feb 1907, Munich Rudolf Steiner |
“Mens sana in corpore sano!" This saying can only be understood correctly with this in mind. A healthy body also indicates a healthy soul. On the other hand, a healthier soul can never be created by external transformation of the body. |
The theosophist does not mortify himself; on the contrary, he would mortify himself if he had to take part in all the social hustle and bustle, for example, sitting down to dinner or going to a music hall. In the light of correctly understood Theosophy, it is nonsense to say that something or other is prescribed for man, that he must live in such and such a way. |
68d. The Nature of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science: The Health Fever in the Light of Spiritual Science
27 Feb 1907, Munich Rudolf Steiner |
It is commonly believed that there are so many diseases, but only one health. This is nonsense, however, because in reality there are as many types of health as there are people. Health is something entirely individual and ultimately different for each person. However, we only have a very general idea of what it is to be healthy, and anything that does not match this image is considered an illness. We should endeavor to enable the patient to lead the best and most comfortable life possible despite the abnormality of the disease, as if he did not have this abnormality at all. But we should not want to reduce him to the general template that we have somehow created and now want to impose on everything. Of course, some people need a certain abnormality. This does not mean that we should now let the diseases take their course. If we want to take the concept of “health” seriously, we have to consider a different concept of development in all its depth and meaning. Animals in their natural environment never overeat themselves, but this often happens when they are adopted into civilization. In this care, they contract a variety of diseases. Animals also develop certain diseases as soon as they are captured, while they did not suffer from them in the wild. Certain mental illnesses are virtually a consequence of the culture of a particular stage. Physically and chemically, the animal body is an impossible mixture. The life body is therefore a necessary link for its sustenance. The astral body contains the causes of what happens in the physical and etheric bodies. The astral body in an animal has no such wide-ranging potential for individual development as it does in a human being. It is a tightly closed circle of animal instincts, desires and passions. The animal fits perfectly into its circumstances, and that with its physical, etheric and astral bodies. The captive animal can only be taught different habits with regard to the physical and etheric bodies, but it is not possible to influence its astral body. This is why the animal cannot integrate itself into new circumstances in a healthy way, because this would have to start from the astral body. In the case of human beings, too, far-reaching changes have to start with the astral body. If we want to remain healthy when transitioning from simpler to more complicated circumstances, we first have to adapt to those new circumstances from the inside out, from the I and the astral body. This adaptation is a work of the I on the astral body, and only it brings health to the etheric body and the physical body. Man is absolutely designed for this development right into his physical body. Not every phenomenon means the same in all kingdoms of nature, as the materialistic way of thinking believes. This is the case, for example, with the softening of the bones, rickets. Man is in a state of progressive development with all his parts and members. The body has developed from very different, earlier forms to its present shape. The I and the astral body will continue to transform the human organism. In his bone system, the human being must still have the possibility of softening, so that he can also develop there. In the human being, on the one hand, there are tendencies towards softening and, on the other hand, towards hardening, so that he does not have to remain in a stationary state. The inner human being, his I and the astral body, properly guided by the I, must direct such transformations. Rickets is a premature remodeling of the bones because it is not properly guided by the ego. Spiritual science must intervene in the area of disease predispositions, correcting medicine here and steering it in the right direction. Each person has their own specific place in existence and must accordingly remodel their organs in their own individual way for their personal health. Paracelsus taught profound truths in this regard and was far ahead of his time. He believed that health is an entirely individual matter and cannot be considered and corrected in any stereotypical way when a disturbance occurs. What criteria does the self use to maintain health? This cannot be studied empirically. The important thing is to recognize the right criteria for health in the sense of inner harmony, contentment, the joy of being, and an untroubled and undisturbed zest for life. This feeling of contentment is worth much more than all the external anointing and tanning from the sun. Wherever you find joy in flowers, trees and sunshine, wherever your zest for life is heightened and your love of life is strengthened, you will stay healthy or be able to restore balance to your disturbed health. A healthy soul also creates a healthy body. On the contrary, external concoctions and procedures can rob a person of their health. So, it is primarily a matter of keeping the soul healthy. “Mens sana in corpore sano!" This saying can only be understood correctly with this in mind. A healthy body also indicates a healthy soul. On the other hand, a healthier soul can never be created by external transformation of the body. But how does this attitude go together with the teaching of asceticism, as it is, for example, accused of theosophy? Theosophy is misunderstood if it is thought to preach mortification. The theosophist does not mortify himself; on the contrary, he would mortify himself if he had to take part in all the social hustle and bustle, for example, sitting down to dinner or going to a music hall. In the light of correctly understood Theosophy, it is nonsense to say that something or other is prescribed for man, that he must live in such and such a way. Theosophy has no dogmas in this sense, and no agitation for vegetarianism. Meanwhile, individual Theosophers come to refrain from eating meat through their feelings and intuitions. For others, however, eating meat is still a necessity. It is also possible to develop the view that eating meat is no longer desirable in an even higher sense. A doctor who was not a theosophist answered the question of why he did not eat meat by saying that he was simply disgusted by the idea of eating cat or horse meat, just as most people would be. For those who advance in spiritual development, the desire for certain things no longer arises by itself. Their instinct for certain foods has simply changed. Those who still cling to the Tingeltangel must be left there, and those who have no desire for it should not go there. It is the sublimation of instincts and desires that keeps the physical organs healthy and makes them healthy. Thus the spiritual-scientific world view wants to give people the ability to direct their astral body in such a way that it comes into harmony with the law of advancing humanity. One does not just occasionally stop in recognition, but also in the experience of one's life. The ego of many people often follows the will-o'-the-wisps and thus generates selfishness, the spirit of lies and error, thus generating erring temperaments and passions. If the ego is not in harmony with the order of the world, it will stray restlessly and follow all the will-o'-the-wisps that appear. It is important to familiarize oneself with the erring temperaments and character traits. Few people today can be completely honest and truthful. But this shortcoming causes illness and infirmity. Some people can no longer be helped in some respects because they are caught up in overly complicated relationships with communities, so that they are unable to break away from them. Often, in a community where sick people live alongside healthy ones, the actual causes of illness lie with the healthy and not with the sick. And the more receptive natures absorb these illnesses, which are basically the fault of the strong natures. Keeping oneself healthy is therefore a duty towards all fellow human beings. Some people carry an illness from their neighbor without having caused it themselves. By keeping ourselves healthy, we have the opportunity to align ourselves with the great laws of the world and thus make our own and other people's illnesses disappear. However, this requires people to work together properly. Only in this way is it possible to guarantee general health. Short-sightedness, for example, is due to the fact that in our current education system, the eye has to remain passive for too long, always receiving impressions only from the outside, but not being prompted by the soul to look and observe in the open air, where there are near and far objects. This adaptation must be brought about by the soul. Where this does not happen, the eye loses its ability to adapt. A world view that allows everything to be dictated from the outside is extremely unhealthy, whereas one that drives and creates from within is a truly healthy world view. The constant absorption of impressions from the outside has the same effect as what we have described as myopia in the eye. One must form one's world view in an open-minded love. Today's books are often written in such a way that the truths are smeared into people's mouths, so to speak. However, those books that require long study and reflection to grasp their content are the truly good books in the theosophical sense. They are designed to stimulate inner productivity. In the classroom, you can dissect plants with children, but when you are out in nature with young people, you should bring them closer to the whole of living nature. In this context, analyzing and destroying would be inappropriate. Love, in whatever form it appears, has a healing effect on people because it produces noble feelings and gives something out of itself. It is also healthy to produce in art and science or in similar behavior. Anything that encourages people to work independently is healthy. Theosophy aims to ennoble and harmonize people's inner emotional life by showing them the developments in the outside world and pointing out the harmony that prevails in it. This makes our mind productive and creates health in soul and body. A worldview such as this makes people capable of creating counterweights within themselves against all external influences, thus arming themselves against hypochondria and hysteria. Where this fixed point is developed within, the person is then stabilized for every external situation. They can then also give themselves over to pleasure without being harmed by it. It becomes an expression of their deep and true health. When Theosophy is introduced into life in this way, it proves itself in our lives, and thus its validity is also proved, without objections having to be logically refuted. |
68d. The Nature of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science: Man, Woman and Child in the Light of Spiritual Science
19 Mar 1908, Munich Rudolf Steiner |
If we have an intuitive sense of how the child's qualities are passed on, first to the parents and then to the ancestors, we understand how scientific thinking about heredity has blossomed magnificently. But spiritual science will show that we cannot get by with this in relation to the important relationship between man, woman and child. |
Because the human being is an individuality, and thus has an underlying ego, the impulses of the ego express themselves in the astral body. When the astral body has inner impulses, there are things in the human being that cannot be understood if one assumes mere inheritance. |
When we look at things this way, the inheritance system becomes much more understandable. If there is feminine in the man and masculine in the woman, then we will understand that the qualities of the daughters come from the father and those of the sons from the mother. |
68d. The Nature of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science: Man, Woman and Child in the Light of Spiritual Science
19 Mar 1908, Munich Rudolf Steiner |
Nowhere in life is there a greater need for a spiritual understanding of existence than in the face of a growing child, for anyone who has an open mind. For even if it is of infinite importance for all life and being to see through the world of the senses to the spiritual foundations of existence, it appears to be something quite special to help the still hidden spirit to its full free existence in relation to the growing child, regardless of the relationship we have with him. The child stands before us, enveloped in the material existence of his future. We know that this future is to be brought out of the material, we know that out of the material the spirit is to unfold, we are faced with the task of nurturing and caring for the spirit within the outer appearance of the senses. And if material knowledge can lead us into error with regard to our world view, we know that we will actually stray from our path when it comes to our duty to save humanity if we have no sense of the hidden spirit of the growing child. Spiritual science enables us to free the spirit from material shells. Earlier I was allowed to speak about education, today we should be more concerned with what the child is. We should be concerned with what the child's relationship is to his future, to a full, human existence. For from such knowledge we will learn how to properly support the growing child. It is an important question: how should we relate to the child in the past if we want to find the right path for future development? In today's world, which is steeped in material ideas, heredity and descent play a major role. If we have an intuitive sense of how the child's qualities are passed on, first to the parents and then to the ancestors, we understand how scientific thinking about heredity has blossomed magnificently. But spiritual science will show that we cannot get by with this in relation to the important relationship between man, woman and child. Those who have the task of educating the child see how the talents and abilities, what we summarize as individual, prove to be a new mystery. Those who take their task seriously feel like a new puzzle solver in the face of each individual child's individuality. Heredity and individuality are part of our subject. Heredity is something that has grown out of contemporary scientific ideas. These are based much less on comprehensive observation of human life than on the nature of plants and animals. Not a single word of criticism is to be said against the positive achievements of scientific research in this field. Much remains to be done in this area. But research is insufficient with regard to the human being. If one observes the individual characteristics of the human being, and first of all the purely physical ones, inherited like those of animals, one falls into abstractions. One arrives at poor concepts for the human being, whereas one arrives at extremely fruitful concepts for the animalistic. We must bear in mind the tremendous difference between humans and animals, that the concepts gained in the lower realms are not sufficient for human life. In the case of humans, we have four elements of their being and so on. The human soul and what flows from the I is independent of the two elements of physical and etheric body. If we consider that in the plant kingdom we are only dealing with the physical and etheric bodies, and in the animal kingdom with these and the astral body, that the astral body is completely devoted to the physical body, while in humans the astral body is influenced by the ego, then we will understand that we cannot transfer the concepts from the other kingdoms to humans. There is a very simple train of thought to make this clear. The great difference between humans and animals, if we disregard everything occult, appears to us through purely logical consideration. In the case of animals, our interest is equally divided between grandfather, father, son and grandson, and what mainly interests us is the generic. Our interest in the individuality is far below our interest in the species. The species aspect far outweighs the individual. That is why animals have no biography. Only humans have a biography because, in the case of humans, the sentence applies that, in certain respects, they are their own species. Just as we are strongly interested in the species in the case of animals, we must be just as interested in the individual in the case of humans. Some dog owners will say that humans differ from animals only in degrees, and that anyone who observes an animal could also write a biography of their dog. Of course, there are transfers from one to the other. You can also write the biography of a steel spring. But in the true sense, only humans have one, and even the most insignificant ones. Something else is connected with the fact of the biography. We see how the animal is born and has reached perfection shortly after birth, how it performs certain actions because these actions are related to heredity. Because humans are individuals, we see that we are justified in bringing out the very individuality in each person through education, which corresponds to the development of the animal, which passes through the species. This leads us to the spiritual-scientific fact that the animal has only three bodies and the human being has the fourth in addition. When we see that movements and impulses, joy and pain, emanate from the animal body, we say that the astral body is connected to the lower bodies and receives their peculiarities through inheritance. This is shown by the similarity of the physiognomy and the individual limbs. The etheric body is the shaper of the images of the physical body. Both receive their structure through their descent. Because the human being is an individuality, and thus has an underlying ego, the impulses of the ego express themselves in the astral body. When the astral body has inner impulses, there are things in the human being that cannot be understood if one assumes mere inheritance. Objections can easily be raised from the point of view of observation (the Bach and Bernoulli families). Such things appear as if human inheritance existed, but in a more spiritualized, higher form than in plants and animals. One goes further and shows that in such a case the significant genius can be traced backwards. The genius is a summation of the qualities of his ancestors. — A strange conclusion, because this last genius is not inherited. From one logic, one should not be particularly surprised that a descendant, even if he is a genius, shows certain characteristics of his ancestors; but it is actually only a matter of having a correct understanding of this inheritance. With a plant, one will not be particularly surprised if it turns out differently in different soils. But no one doubts that it was not the soil that made the plant, but the seed that was planted in the soil. So there is no need to be surprised when you come back wet from the water. To want to prove inheritance by the fact that genius appears at the end of a generation is proof that it does not continue to be inherited. People do not notice the illogicality. We only see what we want to see. For the educator who stands before the developing child, there is no need for proof that something very individual is released from within, in addition to the inherited traits. When we see this individuality being released, we have to ask ourselves: where does this individuality come from? Materialism has a superstitious chapter on this in its findings. Here, materialism goes against all its assumptions. It would not have been a miracle if 300 years ago it had been said that the individual comes out of nothing, out of the sum of the ancestral line. 300 years ago, people believed that fish could form out of mud. Then an Italian naturalist said: “The living cannot arise from the seemingly dead.” Today, all of natural science shares Haeckel's belief that ‘the living can only arise from the living.’ But when Redi expressed this, it was considered heresy, and he only narrowly escaped the fate of Giordano Bruno. Today it is no longer fashionable to burn such heretics; they are seen as backward people. Materialism does not burn, it uses other inquisitorial means. For spiritual science, the following applies: spiritual can only arise from spiritual. No combination of physical causes can explain the individual without appealing to a miracle. The materialist is superstitious when it comes to the spiritual. Spiritual science is firmly grounded in the fact that spiritual arises from spiritual. We trace individuality back to spiritual. Here we are confronted with the comprehensive law that spiritual science presents us with. What appears to us as a species in the lower ranks appears to us in relation to humans as repeated lives on earth. What a person acquires in this life is the basis for their development in the following lives. Thus we see true individuality permeating many earthly lives as a spiritual unity. If we put the whole human individual together, we find that the physical and etheric bodies lie in the line of inheritance, but that the I and the astral body can be traced back to earlier earth lives and the spiritual. If we bring this before our spiritual eyes, it can give us a satisfactory explanation for the fact that the human being standing before us as a child appears to us as a combination of inheritance and embodiments. How do we explain such phenomena of inheritance? We have to admit that the child was there long before the physical characteristics that can be inherited could be thought of. Just as there is attraction and repulsion in the physical life, there is this force between the sheaths given by man and woman. A child is not drawn to every pair of parents, but to where it fits. Much finer characteristics than the face are inherited, but these are precisely what attract the individual. Man has not only the outer but also the inner physiognomy. The child must be driven by the bond of attraction to that embodiment which the outer instruments give to his talents. The incarnating human individuality chooses its parents. The organ of mathematical thinking is not the brain, but the three semicircular canals in the ear, which are perpendicular to each other in the three directions of space and which, when injured, impair the sense of orientation. Painting is based on the very specific structure of the eye. There is no contradiction between heredity and re-embodiment. Men and women only inherit the physical. The child is born into a pair of parents, as it is born out of them. We see the plant absorbing the characteristic features of the soil. The child springs forth from the soil of its descent and displays everything that is in the father and mother. We also see the individual germinal, which is only sunk into this soil as a true individuality, which is a closed entity, going through various incarnations. We remember Schopenhauer: by man and woman seeking each other, the offspring are already at work. He often had penetrating flashes of inspiration that are extremely apt, but which are only fully understood when illuminated by spiritual science. The will of the developing life already lies in the individuality of love between man and woman, and in the looks with which the lovers meet, lies the child striving into existence. But spiritual science only illuminates it in the right way. What do we see in the individuality, in the I and the astral body? What is it that plays a part in the love between man and woman, that constitutes the feeling of pleasure in each individual case? The reflex, the mirror image of the individuality that wants to enter into life. The descending individuality announces itself in feeling. The feeling of love is given to the child's individuality by father and mother. Such things cannot be proved, but they are true for those who feel and see through to the truth. There is no proof for the law of reincarnation, it must be an experience of the inner life. In the feelings between man and woman we see the descending individuality flooding in. The child foreshadows the man and the woman. Love and desire are only emanations of the astral. The physical and etheric bodies of man and woman compose the child. The child stimulates the astral body between man and woman, and the result is the play of love sensations. Now some may say: How can you come to terms with the actual mother and father feeling? They arise again in their child. The love that exists between parents and children appears in a higher splendor. From the child's side it played before conception. The child was drawn to its still spiritualized love, which played before the first atom of the physical came into being. The child loves the parents it seeks out, and its love casts a shadow into the act of love. Love appears to us even more refined, spiritualized. When we look at things this way, the inheritance system becomes much more understandable. If there is feminine in the man and masculine in the woman, then we will understand that the qualities of the daughters come from the father and those of the sons from the mother. People who have a particularly strong soul often get it from their mother. We have four characteristics, from which a great combination of characteristics arises. We will not say such strange things: we need not be surprised that women now have these or those characteristics. These people always forget that women also had a father. It puts a spiritual and physical aspect in a completely different light. There must be an important consequence when we take this awareness into life. We will not only look at physical inheritance, but at individuality, which must be sacred to us, something we must redeem from its shells. Such an outlook will transform itself into a completely different and higher respect and appreciation of the enigmatic individuality, which is to be unravelled. We will not only learn to respect the freedom of adults, but also of children's individuality. Spiritual science leads us to feelings, sensations and practical creativity in the face of life's tasks. Spiritual science sees the creative spirit behind the physical, sees matter as the effect of past spirituality. Spiritual science sees the spirit, which is still veiled, shaping itself into the future as its helper. Our knowledge leads us into the spiritual creation of the past. This leads us to an appreciation of the evolving entities. Only by respecting the freedom of the developing human being can we ensure human progress into the future. With many a sentence, Goethe captured the great circumstances that are repeated in everyday life. We look back into the past and see the creative spirit. The great yesterday of the world becomes apparent to us through knowledge, and in this way we attain respect and appreciation for the spirit that first wants to become.
68d. The Nature of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science: The Course of Human Life from the Standpoint of Spiritual Science
18 Nov 1908, Prague Rudolf Steiner |
To acquire such knowledge is to gain strength for life. For not understanding what is mysterious in human life means restlessness, weakness, inability to live; on the other hand, every understanding of the essence and purpose of life gives man strength, confidence and hope that will not leave him even in the most difficult moments, when he needs them most. |
If we can also bring what has been said here into our feelings, if it is not just a lifeless presentation of the dry intellect, then we will also understand the task of the sexes in nature and thus find the way to mutual understanding and to the understanding of the two sexes in human life. |
If we approach life from the standpoint of spiritual science, we find that life will not burden us, but will fill us with understanding and reverence, making us free and ; correctly understood, Theosophy shows us guidelines that we can take up, opens up the depths of life to us and, as a worldview, shows us ways to transform our views and ideas into certainty, strength and hope. |
68d. The Nature of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science: The Course of Human Life from the Standpoint of Spiritual Science
18 Nov 1908, Prague Rudolf Steiner |
Theosophy or spiritual science approaches man primarily by giving him messages about a transcendent world, certain knowledge of what has existed in the invisible world since primeval times, since the first beginnings of being, hidden behind our world of the senses. At first, Theosophy seems to be just a theory, like many others. But if we immerse ourselves in it, even if only for a short time, it is no longer just a theory; it becomes an act, a reality for those who deal with it, it becomes truth, wisdom and wealth through life. It becomes all this not only because it brings great ideals of the future development of man before the soul, but also because it is possible right from the beginning, before the great ideals have been realized, to mean something for the soul, to give our whole life a turn. A great, all-encompassing ideal that Theosophy develops before man is that everyone is able to develop the powers and abilities that lie dormant in them, so that - even if only in the distant future - it will be possible for them to see into the spiritual world that Theosophy speaks of, just as they look into our sensual world today. Yes, the moment will come, perhaps in the distant future, when the spiritual world will no longer be something hidden, unknown, mysterious to man, but will shine and radiate before his soul's gaze like the world of color and light for someone who was blind from birth and suddenly sees after an operation. This awakening to spiritual life, the inclusion of the spiritual world in the field of human experience, that lofty ideal of which Theosophy speaks, gives man hope, indeed certainty, that he will achieve it one day. There is already something in it that is of great wealth for the human soul, something that gives man strength and certainty for his whole life. For many, however, for most people, it is still a distant ideal. Nevertheless, regardless of this distant ideal, Theosophy can offer people something else, even if they feel far from this ideal. The great truths about the supersensible worlds, which are offered to humanity by advanced individuals to whom these worlds are already open today, are different from other theories in that they show man the way to understand everyday phenomena and experiences in our lives. These are messages that explain the most important manifestations of life and give us the solution to the darkest secrets of nature and man. To acquire such knowledge is to gain strength for life. For not understanding what is mysterious in human life means restlessness, weakness, inability to live; on the other hand, every understanding of the essence and purpose of life gives man strength, confidence and hope that will not leave him even in the most difficult moments, when he needs them most. This eminently practical significance of Theosophy appears most clearly to us when we turn to the question that today's lecture is specifically about, namely the mystery of man and woman and their connection with the child. Indeed, this is a vital topic because we cannot take a step in our lives without encountering this question. It is true that modern science, which is worthy of all admiration, provides a large number of answers to this question. However, this science, based on the observation of what the physical eye sees, what the physical apparatus shows and what reason combines into a logical whole, relies only on external observation and the conclusions derived from it – science inevitably fails precisely where we encounter such questions and mysteries of daily life. It is enough to look at contemporary literature: we find here that today's literature, which knows nothing of spiritual science, takes a twofold view of such an important problem as today's. On the one hand, we see a materialistic view flashing through some of these remarks, expressing a wide range of assumptions about the nature of man and woman. On the other hand, however, we see a whole series of serious and thinking people who are not at all satisfied with the vague assumptions, who sense a deeper nature of the contradiction between man and woman; these people find nothing but a one-sided and chaotic view in modern science and literature; but they are not yet able to penetrate to spiritual science and there to the right enlightenment of this mystery. Let us take a look at some of the views on this subject. How confused human knowledge is precisely here! The writer Rosa Mayreder, who dealt with this question but did not yet penetrate into spiritual science, has collected some opinions that are common today in all cultural countries, especially about women. An overview of these different opinions casts a sharp light on the utter confusion of the present day. Let's look at how the writer compares different views. The book by the aforementioned author, “On the Problem of Women”, also deserves to be read for other reasons, because it leads to theosophy, as it were, and to the gate of theosophy, although she herself has not yet entered it. Here we can see how a great naturalist, who is often mentioned, tries to grasp and summarize the nature of women in that he ascribes tenderness to them. Another scientist – his name is not important – summarizes all of a woman's qualities in the concept of devotion. Elsewhere, we see again the human being who has grown out of the present day, who hopes to express the essence of a woman best with the word 'temperance in the face of anger'. So one person comes up with the idea of tenderness, another just as sincerely and honestly with the concept of devotion, and yet another, based on his observations, with the term “anger-bearing”. Another judgment, again based on a man who often dealt with psychopathology, calls woman “embodied conservatism”. A conservative element in social life, that is what woman is supposed to be. We don't have to go far to find the opposite view: “The real revolutionary element lies in the nature of woman”. We have a whole range of such views. Their enormous diversity, indeed their contradictions, are proof of how little people understand these things if they stick to superficial observation. A profound philosophical thinker, on the other hand, tries to divide humanity into, on the one hand, analytically thinking people who analyze, break down, classify and penetrate into the details of everything they see, and, on the other hand, people who, in turn, understand the whole universe synthetically – and then calls the woman an analytical being and man a synthetic being; but immediately we come across the statement of another philosopher who explains that woman is always ready for synthesis, but only man is supposedly capable of the strict analytical knowledge that leads to science. All these thinkers, whose views have been cited here, simply stopped at superficial, superficial observation; hence the confusion and contradictions in these various statements. Nevertheless, it can be said that there is something in the way this question is approached that drives modern science along the path that it must follow in the course of time to the recognition of spiritual life, to the recognition of that which lies beyond the visible world of modern science. In a particularly remarkable way, the young, unhappy doctor Dr. Otto Weininger summarized his views in his book “Sex and Character”, a book that shows on one hand how modern materialistic science is driven by inner necessity to higher knowledge, but on the other hand how this science is not able to find a final solution to this question because of its prejudices and the nature of its methods. Weininger builds on the ground of serious and exact science, on the methods of modern research, that there is a kind of polarity in the male and female sex, a kind of ideal male and female type, but that we never encounter it in practice, because in fact one always finds in the individual, both in the man a hidden female and in the woman a hidden male part. Weininger, however, puts this whole thing on a materialistic basis. He almost gives the impression that a part of male substance is mixed into the female organic substance and vice versa. In other cases, too, we find in Weininger, alongside ideas that lead to true knowledge, a wide range of completely false ideas and conclusions. In general, this book shows a wondrous mixture of deep ideas and, again, the most extreme prejudices against the nature of women. This can be seen best in the conclusions, where Weininger comes to the final view that a woman has neither freedom nor individuality nor intellect nor reason. These different views about women, full of contradictions, are able to evoke a sympathetic response in the human heart, in the sense that one recognizes the need to look not only at the observation of life through the external senses , but also on the inner, spiritual events; only if we see man and woman not only as they appear to our eyes, but if we delve into the inner being of man, can we recognize the true nature, origin and laws of the two sexes of man. Other lectures have shown that we can become aware of the invisible parts of the human being on the basis of the great problems of waking and sleeping, life and death. It was shown how the whole world accessible to our senses, which extends around us during the daytime while we are awake, and all of our waking consciousness sinks into an indeterminate darkness in the evening as we fall asleep; and that then, in the morning when we wake up, everything that was spread out before our consciousness the previous evening emerges again from the darkness of the unconscious. It is a common phenomenon, and yet – perhaps for that very reason – this principle has not been sufficiently investigated, although it is one of the deepest, most enigmatic questions of life, one that, when seriously confronted with it, can lead a person to a deep realization. According to the experiences of those who have developed higher abilities, it can be observed that, in the evening, when falling asleep, a person leaves part of their being in bed, while the other part leaves the physical body and then lives with it during the time of sleep in the other, transcendent world. But why can't the person, with that part that is drawn out of the physical body at night, perceive the phenomena of this higher, transcendental world with full consciousness? Because it is only possible to perceive where there are sensory organs. Only the world for which there are senses can be perceived. In this soul-spiritual part of the human being, which emerges from the physical body during sleep, no organs have yet developed in the ordinary person today. For this reason, from the moment of falling asleep until waking up, man is [deaf and] blind to everything that happens in this higher world, in which he would live if he were not relegated today to the purely sensual world, in which alone he has a developed perceptual apparatus and to which his soul-spiritual part always returns in the morning when he is reintegrated into his physical body. We can go further and point out another circumstance that leads us to a real observation of spiritual science. In what lies on the bed during sleep, we can observe two things; the one part, the physical body, can be perceived through the sense of touch in the sleeping person; it consists of the same forces as a stone, and is therefore of a mineral nature. This physical body would disintegrate into its own forces and substances if it were not permeated by a principle that saturates it with life force, the so-called life body or etheric body. Everything that is alive must constantly conquer life. The stone is sustained by its mineral forces; only from outside can the disturbing forces come that destroy it. But the living body only persists if it is maintained by the power of life; left to itself, it decomposes under the influence of mineral forces into the individual substances of which it is composed, and becomes a corpse. Between birth and death, the physical body of man is intertwined with the etheric body. At death, however, this etheric body emerges with the astral body, leaving the physical body dead. This is the difference between sleep and death. In sleep, the physical and etheric bodies remain together, but at death, the etheric body also withdraws with the astral body and the higher principles of the human being, while the physical body, left to itself, becomes a corpse. What interests us most about this matter today is that at night, when a person is in the spiritual world, they are almost purely spiritual, or, to put it another way, a soul-spiritual being that consists of the astral body and the human “I”. The organs that a person uses during the day when they are awake, when they are in their physical shell, are in the physical and etheric body for the purpose of contact with the outside world. Thus, we only understand the essence of a person correctly if we observe their changing states during the day and night. The human being is in a similar situation with regard to gender. The conditions that we summarize under the concept of man and woman are only found in the part of the human being that remains on the bed at night as a physical and etheric body. That which withdraws from them during sleep – the astral body and the human being's “I” – and returns to them in the morning, has no gender. What flows out of the body at night is the human being elevated beyond gender. So when the human being leaves the body, they leave the entire realm of gender; then in the morning, when they awaken, they return and enter gender again. Only the physical and etheric bodies appear to be sexual to us and show us this in a wonderful way. Theosophy gives us this special knowledge, wonderful and incredible, but true! Only on the outside is a person a member of the sex that can be observed through the senses. But if we observe the supersensible part of what remains on the bed during sleep, namely the life body or etheric body, this body shows us something surprising compared to the physical body. The etheric body is actually endowed with the opposite sex as the physical body; the etheric body of a man is of the female sex and the etheric body of a woman is of the male sex. Here is the key to the mystery of sex! The human being consists of a physical, etheric and astral body and the I (ego); the ego and the astral body are trans-sexual and therefore do not participate in the sexual, except that they surround themselves with the etheric and physical body. Of the physical and etheric body, we see with the ordinary senses alone the physical body; but if we turn our attention inwards to the supersensible side, the etheric body, we find the opposite sex. When a person observes life from the perspective of the sexes, when a man or a woman experiences life and tries to understand it from that point of view, but spiritual science then provides him with such insights as the opposite natures of the sexes of the physical and etheric bodies, then the scales fall from the eyes of man; only then does it become clear to him when he looks at life as a man, that although external nature stimulates him to male deeds, he harmonizes these male qualities, balances them with other, almost female qualities. Likewise, women show us a whole range of male traits. We then find that there is nothing that we could ascribe to only the man or only the woman, whether as a virtue or a defect, that is tied only to one sex. If we look at Weininger's opinion from this point of view, we see a certain similarity, but it is certainly not material things in men and women of the opposite sex, but this has its seat in the etheric body. Why are those people who rely on external impressions so wrong in their opinions about women and men? Precisely because they judge spiritual life by external signs of gender and forget that there is something feminine in every man and something masculine in every woman and therefore there is always something of the opposite sex in each sex that complements it. In all the above characterizations of woman, where the concept of “tenderness”, “fidelity”, “poisonousness”, “conservatism” or “the revolutionary element in man” was attributed to woman, we see everywhere that only what was found from the outer senses was judged. Let us look deeper! Theosophy sheds light on these things, teaching us to understand the sphere in which masculinity and femininity meet. There, where man is elevated above material life, as for example in sleep, there is no gender in its meaning. But it would be wrong to judge that the contradiction that arises in both sexes has only a meaning for the physical world. On the contrary, we must become fully and earnestly aware of the nature of the physical world, according to Goethe's saying: “Everything transitory is only a parable”: everything physical is only a parable of the spiritual! When we reflect on this sexual difference, we shall understand the true nature of it. We know this difference only in the physical world, as the polarity between man and woman. However, the difference is only the expression of a much deeper antagonism in the spiritual world. Two manifestations go hand in hand with life, two extremes that we commonly call life and death. In outer life, the picture of this contradiction can be beautifully observed in the growing tree. On the surface, we see the bark that has imprisoned the inner life, which has stepped back from the surface. Inside, however, we see abundant life, streams of sap rising from the trunk to all the branches, strengthening them and nourishing the leaves, flowers and fruits. Inside, a tree is full of life, but it is covered by a solid shell. And yet this tree needs to be trapped in the solid bark, for how could a tree that was deprived of the bark that seemingly imprisons its life survive the winter, survive storms and tempests? A tree whose trunk is wounded, whose bark is stripped, dies. Similarly, all of life is permeated by the opposition between life and form. What is inside the tree wants to grow and flourish, but it is held back by the fact that it is enclosed in the form, which constantly opposes life as something oppressive and life-threatening; life itself would overflow and rush if it were not for death. Only form, which restrains and binds, creates the harmony and balance that life, progressing rapidly, strives for. The bark of a tree is precisely the image of that which limits, restrains, and kills. Death and life, as the two opposites, intervene in all of life, in all events. We find life everywhere – and the form that life simultaneously retains and holds back, so that it does not rush, but also does not immediately disappear. We can observe this phenomenon in artistic creation: in the beautiful products of Greek sculpture, where the knowing artist shows us the hidden secrets of the spiritual world in the image of the statue. This is particularly evident in two works of Greek sculpture: the Head of Zeus, which shows us in a typical way how Zeus was viewed (original in the National Museum in Rome), and that of Juno (the so-called Juno Ludovisi). Two wonderful works of human creativity; anyone who looks at them, not thoughtlessly but more deeply, will notice the broad and flat forehead of Juno, which then suddenly falls back, and in contrast to it the narrow forehead of Zeus, rounded at the sides, whose arch slowly recedes at the temples. If you look at the entire face of Zeus and Juno, and if you compare them, you will find that the face of Zeus awakens in you a feeling that if there were life in this statue, would change its entire expression in a short time, transform itself; in this face, an enormous life force develops, strong and abundant, which would be able to reshape the whole face within a short time. It is different with Juno. The soul that resides in this being, captured by the artist in the expression of this statue, has embodied itself entirely in the form, becoming a beautiful and complete form. Here we feel the calm after creation, and we cannot imagine this face any differently; on the contrary, we feel that if this face lived before us for all eternity, it would not change its expression. In Zeus, only a moment of what is happening in this soul is captured in the face, while in Juno we feel the calm of the soul, which has fully achieved its expression in the finished, completed form. Here we see the complete contrast again: the life that would have brought death with it if it had been left to itself, because it would constantly have wiped out one form after another, it would not have tolerated a moment of consolidation in the form; this life on the one hand, on the other hand, the encapsulation of life, the crystallization, the preservation of the same in the frame, in the form. As soon as you ascend from the physical world into the spiritual world, the difference between the sexes disappears, but we find there the contrast between the flowing, swirling life and that power that wants to hold back, crystallize the rushing life. And the manifestation of these two opposites of the spiritual world and their correspondence in physical life is precisely masculinity and femininity. However, it should be noted here that the male and female cannot be determined by the external characteristics by which gender is determined in ordinary life, since part of the feminine is also contained in man, and vice versa. The male pole is a manifestation of that which rushes forward and would soon develop too quickly; the manifestation of that abundant life which, left to itself, would not cease for a moment. By contrast, the female manifestation is that force in nature which holds back life, forcing it to pause, thus enabling its manifestation by allowing form to arise. Thus masculinity and femininity work together in nature, complementing each other. The woman – the principle of form, the man – the principle of life. If we can also bring what has been said here into our feelings, if it is not just a lifeless presentation of the dry intellect, then we will also understand the task of the sexes in nature and thus find the way to mutual understanding and to the understanding of the two sexes in human life. This is precisely the great advantage of Theosophy: it provides practical solutions to the great questions of the human mind, and it points the way to a deeper understanding of these questions. In a similar way, we also arrive at a solution to the relationship between man, woman and child... It will not be difficult for us to understand the child's relationship to man and woman if we remember that even in sleep, what emerges from the physical principle as a spiritual part of the human being is sexless. If we compare death to sleep, we come to understand the nature of the child. What happens at death? — The etheric and astral bodies and the ego emerge from the physical body, which is handed over to the forces of the physical world. The I is connected to the etheric body only for a short time, a few days at most; then the etheric body, especially that part of it that is the carrier of gender, is also separated, and a second, ethereal corpse is formed. However, what is not sexual in the ethereal body continues with the other principles as an independent principle. When the human being then enters into a new existence, the human germ descends from the supersensible worlds and leans down again in order to be reborn through man and woman. Three are necessary if man is to enter physical life again: man and woman in the physical world and the human germ that leans towards them, which spent some time in the purely spiritual world, matured there and prepared for a new incarnation for a long time. How does a person enter physical life? Much thought has been given to what we in ordinary life call the love between man and woman. What a master of life one would have to be to fully understand the meaning of this word, which contains so many secrets! From the highest bliss to the most miserable humiliation, from the highest exaltation to the most terrible destruction of all life, all this is contained in the word 'love'. All the profound thinkers who have reflected on love and its essence agree that there is something very intimate and delicate about it that lies beyond direct observation; in Schopenhauer we come across the direct statement that every action, every ignition of love between man and woman, has a special, individual character, so that a married couple can be together for many years, and yet every act of love, every conjugal approach is something special, new, individual. Schopenhauer is right. What does this act of love mean, what happens in the love between man and woman? It is not only what lives in the “physical life” between the male and female individuals that plays a role, but something third also comes into play. There is always a human being in the higher world who enters into physical incarnation, and for this purpose love flares up between the two beings. What we call love between hearts and hearts, this glowing feeling that connects two souls, is a reflection of that spiritual glowing cloud of love with which the ego, descending to birth, surrounds two beings, is this call to the man and the woman who can make it possible for this human being to enter into physical life. The love itself that brings the sexes together does not come only from them, it is a shadow, a projection of a being that wants to embody itself. This is how one must look at the individuality, the peculiarity of each act of love, because in each such union a human individuality wants to emerge through those whom it has chosen as its parents and educators. In this way of looking at things, we learn to distinguish between what is individual and what is inherited. Since the father and mother are involved in reproduction, the male and female of the father and mother – their physical and etheric bodies – interbreed in various ways. However, what the human ego, which wants to embody itself, brings with it from the higher worlds and from its previous lives, appears to us as an individual aspect. So you have to distinguish between what is individual and what is inherited from father and mother. We see this well in families where there are many children: What they have inherited from their father and mother appears in all children, but above all, we can observe something special and individual in each child, something that the spirit itself has brought with it, which is not in the father or mother, but which was already there in the human being before birth. Then we can also correctly assess what has really been inherited from the nature of a parent and in what a wonderful way it happens. We learn why daughters so often take after their fathers and sons after their mothers, and why when reading biographies of great men we also study the characteristics and nature of their parents. On the other hand, we learn how that which is original in man plunges into the inherited shell and partially merges with it. Nevertheless, we see how today's materialistic science repeatedly points out how often characteristics of parents and even spiritual qualities are inherited. We are often reminded how genius inherits its characteristics from parents and family. Here, too, only inherited characteristics are mentioned. A person's talent, it is said, the whole soul of a person consists of what has been accumulated over several generations. The highest peak, it is said, always comes at the end, because then we have a kind of accumulation. — That is a peculiar logic! A logically correct argument would have to lead here to the gates of spiritual science. This is where genius should begin. The fact that genius often stands at the end of many generations is unmistakable proof that this is not mere inheritance. That genius appears tinged with inheritance is no more surprising than that, to use a rather trivial comparison, if someone has fallen into water, they come out wet. But there is something that has accumulated over generations, but these are only the outer qualities, those shells that develop from generation to generation. These things must be considered in the right way, then the internally coherent, closed individuality presents itself to us, which finds its first expression in the feeling of love between the future parents as a foreshadowed shadow and is embodied in complete diversity and difference from what will be inherited. Many people are afraid when they hear these teachings that the feeling of love for the children and parents could suffer in this way, could grow cold. But that is not right. On the contrary, this spiritual connection between parents and children would be further strengthened and intensified. Why should certain parents have this child in particular? Because it is this child that wants to go to these parents and be born with and from them. Hence the individuality in the feelings of love, this dawn of love that precedes the birth of a child: love even precedes, even before birth the child loves the parents, even before sexual intercourse and conception by the mother, expressing to the parents that it wants to be born. From this, we also see the necessity of the parents' love for their children, which is actually only the repayment of the love that the child already had for the parents before birth. And so it is with many concepts that we encounter in everyday life and on which Theosophy, when we delve deeper into it, sheds an [ever] brighter light. Here we see a wonderful harmony of this trinity in father, mother and child, which is the basis of life everywhere in nature and in humans. Here we encounter it in an extremely vivid and understandable form. Man is the ever-flowing life, woman is the symbol of the form that receives and encloses this life and allows it to crystallize in beauty; these two principles then unite within each other, man and woman unite in love, to enable the descent of the spiritual being from the sexually neutral worlds to the form of the physical world, and thus to open with all their love this gate between the higher world, the spiritual world and the world of matter. If, as already mentioned, such concepts do not remain dry abstractions for us, but we transform them into powerful impressions and feelings and then go out into life enriched by them, then we see how Theosophy explains and solves all the riddles and mysteries of life that we encounter at every turn. Thus we also come to an understanding of numerous phenomena of social life, to the solution of the contradictions between conservatism and progress; we see how, on the one hand, the forces of life work, hurrying forward, and on the other hand, the forces of form, maintaining and preserving. On deeper study, we learn that even progress can be harmful if it does not give to the second pole of life what belongs to it, if it does not do justice to the form that life cultivates and strengthens through resistance. If we approach life from the standpoint of spiritual science, we find that life will not burden us, but will fill us with understanding and reverence, making us free and ; correctly understood, Theosophy shows us guidelines that we can take up, opens up the depths of life to us and, as a worldview, shows us ways to transform our views and ideas into certainty, strength and hope. Then we will not lose ourselves in difficult moments, nor drown in our grief in dark moments, if we were once privileged to look deeper into the foundations of life and the world. But for such an acceptance of the theosophical teaching, no other proofs are needed than those which life itself gives us step by step. Those who saturate themselves with these teachings and then approach all questions of life understand that Theosophy is not only a theory, but also practical wisdom for life and ultimately a precious wealth of life of inestimable value. |