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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 2091 through 2100 of 6282

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36. Collected Essays from “Das Goetheanum” 1921–1925: The Inadequacy of a Spirit-Seeker 15 Jul 1923,

Rudolf Steiner
Now grins the proud world-ruler At a tree-animal as an elder-brother, As its ancestor, a poor worm, As a primeval ancestor, a cell, Germinated, when under a warm wave The chaos-glow hid itself. The priest's spell has become true: “He will murder his happiness in life Who removes this goddess's image?"
But he also does not want to join in the thinking of those who, using the old philosophical means of understanding nature, interpret world-weariness into it. He opposes Schopenhauer, who, during the time when Jordan was working, had just found the ear of the people, and his “follower” Eduard v.
36. Collected Essays from “Das Goetheanum” 1921–1925: How the History of Poetry Lost its Mind 05 Aug 1923,

Rudolf Steiner
The abundance of material is lucidly organized; the individual poetic phenomena are individualized with a certain understanding. But it is all presented as if the forces that worked in this poetry had died with Goethe's death.
The witty author of the history of intellectual life in modern times, Julian Schmidt, wrote about Gervinus' achievement: 'If a large-scale undertaking is to be effective, time must bring receptivity and a certain maturity to it. That was the case in the years 1838 to 1840.
36. Collected Essays from “Das Goetheanum” 1921–1925: Albert Steffen: The Quadruped

Rudolf Steiner
It remains incomprehensible to the ordinary mind; and it is raised into a world in which the question of such comprehensibility loses all meaning, because in this world one does not “understand” but “behold”. It is against this background that the “four-legged creature” appears. The being into which ancient dream-knowledge has placed the origin of man.
Their interaction conveys a fourth entity, which is to be understood as a kind of angel. When the spiritual gaze turns to this “Quadruped”, it simultaneously sees the world's time before there were humans and before there were animals in their present form.
But everything that lives in his soul and can be experienced by him is subhuman. Christine, under the influence of the “Quadruped”, falls in love with this subhuman. Brutality is almost the first thing he shows towards her ever tender love.
36. Collected Essays from “Das Goetheanum” 1921–1925: Albert Steffen's “Pilgrimage to the Tree of Life”

Rudolf Steiner
But a mystery to which the powers of the seeing spirit can draw understanding and light. The impressions of such wanderings of the poet's spirit are intimate. It would be indelicate to want to follow him on such a journey.
And dying she said to him: paint us and set up the picture “under the lime tree”. So a friendly human settlement arose around the place, which was given strength by the picture.
The friends parted. In the days that followed, they underwent experiences that were hard on their souls. And what they now feel is expressed by one of them: “I feel just like you.
36. Collected Essays from “Das Goetheanum” 1921–1925: “Der Spiegelmensch” (The Mirror Man) by Franz Werfel 30 Jul 1922,

Rudolf Steiner
He comes to know what others do not know: that a person who does not undergo inner development believes that he has a world in front of him, but in fact he is only standing in front of a “mirror”.
He meets again with those people with whom fate has brought him together; he undergoes experiences with them; but he experiences differently than before. He experiences like a human being who, in an increasing way, consciously sets his deeper soul content out of himself; his world becomes richer; the abyss between him and others ever wider.
Should unconditional admirers of him be found, they will say: he just doesn't know what matters, trying it this way and that. He just didn't understand the poem. But let me reply: however this poetry is to be taken, a serious understanding of the spiritual world has not flowed into the artistic design of the persons and actions.
36. Collected Essays from “Das Goetheanum” 1921–1925: A New Book about Atheism 08 Oct 1922,

Rudolf Steiner
In his own way he can search for every thought in the words through which people have ever striven to approach a reality under the compulsion of experience. He finds the thought shimmering in the words, and can then say: everything slips your mind when you try to draw a “reality” out of a word.
And in this sense, he has now really and truly decreed “God”, “soul” and much more away from “reason” in his latest book, if one understands it in the sense challenged by Mauthner, by criticizing the word-ideas “of God”, “of soul” and so on.
36. Collected Essays from “Das Goetheanum” 1921–1925: Unpretentious Aphorisms on the Book: Reformation or Anthroposophy?

Rudolf Steiner
Is there a possibility, from the spiritual experience of the Reformation, to understand what presents? 2. Must the spiritually real element of the Reformation capitulate before what 'anthroposophically oriented spiritual science' possibly brings in the way of new ideas?
Only that he also shows – and this goes beyond Luther – how others can also arrive at becoming such recipients through the path of seeing. And Pastor Ernst understands in a clear way how I would like to apply anthroposophical spiritual knowledge to human life. It is far from my intention to appear in any kind of religious way or to interfere in any religious confession.
He characterizes them on page 8 of his book: “If, in the preparation of the second edition, a relative of the author of this writing is involved, then the cultural-historical sense of responsibility of the truth-seeker, as it has just been presented, may offer a measure for understanding the matter. Biblical literalists are asked to look for the corresponding words for the author's situation in the Gospels.
36. Collected Essays from “Das Goetheanum” 1921–1925: Alois Mager's writing “Theosophy and Christianity”

Rudolf Steiner
Again, Mager's scientific approach does not lead to an understanding of the true facts, but to the assertion of objective untruths about anthroposophy and my relationship to it.
36. Collected Essays from “Das Goetheanum” 1921–1925: What is the Nature of the Opposition to Anthroposophy? 20 Nov 1921,

Rudolf Steiner
If anthroposophy wants to explore the supersensible, it does not promote religious feeling, but undermines it. One cannot deny that for many religiously minded people today, these assertions have a great impact.
Those who make it do not realize that although many have come to understand that the sensory and the intellectual everywhere point beyond themselves to a supersensory reality, they only accept a type of research that has been brought up through materialism.
Anthroposophy now stands in contrast to this. It fully understands the essential character of genuine natural science. It only seeks to show that the latter's turning away from the spiritual arose out of a merely temporal necessity.
36. Collected Essays from “Das Goetheanum” 1921–1925: Is Anthroposophy Fantasy? 22 Apr 1923,

Rudolf Steiner
One or other recognizes that in forming his ideas man experiences something that bears within it an independent, non-material entity; but one does not summon up the energy to live so energetically in this spiritual way of experiencing ideas that one passes from the realization that “ideas are spirit” to an understanding of the real spiritual world, which reveals itself in ideas only as on their surface. One only arrives at the experience: when natural phenomena approach man, he answers them from within with ideas.
And because every step of this experience is carried out with the same deliberation as in the field of natural research, measuring and determining weight, anthroposophy can be described as an exact spiritual research. Only those who do not understand the exact nature of their endeavors will lump them together with the nebulous forms of mysticism that so many people are fascinated by today.
And the concept of “matter” is only a provisional one, which is justified as long as its spiritual character is not understood. But one must speak of this “justification” after all. For the assumption of matter is justified as long as one faces the world with the senses.

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