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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1481 through 1490 of 6282

˂ 1 ... 147 148 149 150 151 ... 629 ˃
78. Anthroposophy's Contribution to the Most Urgent Needs of Our Time 05 Sep 1921, Stuttgart
Translated by F. Hough

Rudolf Steiner
Exactly in the same way as in our sense-perceptible world, if we only let the whole man be active in sense perception, we convince ourselves through the reality of this sense world, of the underlying objective outer world, so now the Imaginations we have attained give us plenary conviction of the super-sensible world whose expression they are.
One experiences something that is full of potency, if one lives intuitively in the Nature of knowing. One understands then how man is organised materially as man; one learns to know to what extent this material organisation is in control; but one perceives also through intuition that this control only extends so far as to serve as a support, at most a ground out of which thinking can unfold itself, but that the material process itself must be broken down where true thinking appears.
If it were not necessary out of a certain basis to place this knowledge before the world today, one would not expose oneself to all the mockery and objections that must come quite understandably from those who, according to well-known hypotheses, regard the laws of the conservation of matter and energy as absolute, valid without exception.
79. Foundations of Anthroposophy: Foundations of Anthroposophy 28 Nov 1921, Oslo
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The patient had the fixed idea that he had to die; it was an extremely radical auto-suggestion and he really did die under its influence. This is the statement of an investigator well acquainted with all the natural-scientific methods, with all the medical methods.
Since the human will is directed towards the future, it is able, under certain pathological conditions, to have a premonition of events which prepare themselves, of events which will take place in the future out of the whole connections of a person's life.
One does all manner of unpremeditated things, and it is quite possible to prick one's finger with an inky nib under the influence of the nervousness arising from such a premonition. The person in question therefore simply knew unconsciously (let me use this paradoxical expression) that he would die.
79. Foundations of Anthroposophy: Man in the Light of Anthroposophy 29 Nov 1921, Oslo
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
In scientific circles experiments have already been made with the application of scientific methods, experiments falling under the category of teleplastic, in which phantoms and apparently physical forms appear in connection with a person, or in his close proximity.
It is imagination and inspiration, which arise in the way I have described, that now insert themselves. In that case intuition too undergoes a change. The impulse which first appeared only in pure thinking, becomes as it were condensed into a spiritual reality.
But those who penetrate into all the circumstances, understand the connection existing between the ordinary sound common sense and the methodically developed understanding of science, of external science.
79. Foundations of Anthroposophy: World Development in the Light of Anthroposophy 01 Dec 1921, Oslo
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
If we study the development of the world, for instance, the mineral life on earth, we understand why there should be mineral, earthly laws. They exist so that they might also exist within us, and thinking is therefore bound up with the earth.
In the same way the development of the earth can be understood from the development of man; through the activity of the mineral in man we learn to know the task of the mineral kingdom within the development of the earth.
If a Christian really grasps these words, if one who really understands Christianity inwardly and who says, “Not I, but Christ in me,” understands Christ's words, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away,” that is, what lives within my everlasting Being shall not pass away,—these words will shine forth from the Gospel in a remarkable way, with a magic that calls forth reverence, but if one is really honest they cannot be directly understood without further effort.
79. On the Reality of Higher Worlds 25 Nov 1921, Oslo
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
To begin with, this tableau of life causes us to feel our innermost Self under a kind of oppression; the lightness and ease with which, in other circumstances, thoughts, ideas, feelings, impulses of will, wishes and the like, arise, seems to have departed and we feel our own being as it were under a load, constricted.
As we have heard, Imaginative Knowledge reveals the ether-body, the body of formative forces. When, in the light of this knowledge, we understand the nature of the human bodily organisation, when we understand how the astral body which has descended from worlds of soul-and-spirit, works in man as an earthly being, in lung, liver, stomach, brain, and so forth ... then we understand the nature of health and illness.
The element of intellect dragged down into art would produce nothing but barren, allegorical symbolism, Spiritual Science leads to actual perception, to concrete understanding of the spiritual world. The content of the spiritual world can then be woven into the material world.
79. Paths to Knowledge of Higher Worlds 26 Nov 1921, Oslo
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Spiritual-scientific knowledge, in our meaning of the word, is not understood in the right way if people say: By his exercises, a spiritual investigator might after all be led to hallucinations or to similar results, he may be led into all kinds of pathological conditions of the soul.
We must use this morphological way of thinking, for otherwise it is not possible to understand what takes place in the medium of time and works upon the physical body out of a super-sensible sphere, for this is something which undergoes continual metamorphoses.
It does not suffice, however, to consider the purely morphological derivation of the cranial bones. We must go further if we wish to understand the relationship of the human head to the remaining human organism (we will restrict ourselves to the skeleton).
79. Foundations of Anthroposophy 28 Nov 1921, Oslo
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The patient had the fixed idea that he had to die; it was an extremely radical auto-suggestion, and he really did die under the influence of this auto-suggestion. This is the statement of an investigator well acquainted with all the natural-scientific methods, with all the medical methods.
Since the human will is directed towards the future, it is able, under certain pathological conditions, to have a premonition of events which prepare themselves, of events which will take place in the future out of the whole connections of a person's life.
One does all manner of unpremeditated things, and it is quite possible to prick one's finger with an inky nib under the influence of the nervousness arising from such a premonition. The person in question therefore simply knew unconsciously (let me use this paradoxical expression) that he had to die.
79. Jesus or Christ 29 Nov 1921, Oslo

Rudolf Steiner
The gulf between research and the Old and New Testaments is really bridged. A new path to understanding the mystery of Golgotha is being created. Because something is being offered that is now very paradoxical.
Just as the apostles and disciples were still able to rise to the Christ experience through their inheritance from ancient times of clairvoyance, and to understand the resurrection, so too could Paul understand it. But with the spread of the ego, such understanding has increasingly declined.
We therefore also understand what took place after the time of the apostles, the apostolic fathers. We comprehend that struggle, that living struggle through the centuries, under the dying embers of the old knowledge and under the gradual emergence of self-awareness, in order to be able to look at the historical Christ.
79. The Central Question of Economic Life 30 Nov 1921, Oslo
Translated by Luise Boeddinghaus

Rudolf Steiner
The point is not to state how institutions should be that the socially right thing happens, but to bring people into such a social connection that from the collaboration of the people the social question can gradually be solved. For whoever understands the social question rightly cannot see it as one that has come up once and could be solved by some utopia, but the social question is a result of modern working together and will in future be present more and more.
I think that maybe as time goes by one will come to an understanding about this cardinal question of economic life which I have indicated, when one wants to understand this through a true realization of the social conditions of life.
That is why it seems to me to be of the greatest importance that as many heads and hearts can be won for an appropriate understanding of the social organism as possible, for an understanding which can look at the social organism in respect of health and disease just as natural science attempts to do with regard to the human organism.
79. World Development in the Light of Anthroposophy 01 Dec 1921, Oslo
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
If we study the development of the world, for instance the mineral life on earth, we understand why there should be mineral, earthly laws. They exist so that they might also exist within us, and thinking is therefore bound up with the earth.
In the same way the development of the earth can be understood by envisaging the development of man; through the activity of the mineral in man we learn to know the task of the mineral kingdom within the development of the earth.
If a Christian really grasps these words, if a person who really understands Christianity inwardly and who says, “Not I, but Christ in me,” understands Christ's words, “Heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away”—that is, “what lives within my everlasting Being shall not pass away”—these words will shine forth from the Gospel in a peculiar manner, with a magic producing reverence, but if one is really honest they cannot be understood without further ado.

Results 1481 through 1490 of 6282

˂ 1 ... 147 148 149 150 151 ... 629 ˃