351. Nine Lectures on Bees: Lecture VI
10 Dec 1923, Dornach Translated by Marna Pease, Carl Alexander Meir Rudolf Steiner |
351. Nine Lectures on Bees: Lecture VI
10 Dec 1923, Dornach Translated by Marna Pease, Carl Alexander Meir Rudolf Steiner |
HERR DOLLINGER wishes to ask a question about the honeycomb. There are people who eat the wax as well as the honey, and in restaurants they used at times to serve honey in the comb. He would like to know if it was a bad thing to eat the comb. As to the diseases of bees, he thinks these could not formerly have been as bad as they are today when the bees are over-exploited. HERR MÜLLER said that eating comb-honey was an idiosyncrasy with some people. Naturally, these are the natural combs and not artificial ones. He does not think that bee diseases are the result of exploitation, but that formerly they were less considered. In those days there were not so many weak stocks and so one was not so much on the look out for them. A disease had appeared in Switzerland from England which had not been known in the past. Herr Erbsmehl thinks this may perhaps be owing to the use of artificial manures, even the flowers sicken as the result of this. DR. STEINER: With regard to these two points, one might say it is quite true that the eating of honey-comb is a fancy with some people; the real question is whether it is good for them, and this can, unfortunately only be answered medically. It is only possible to answer this question when one is really able to observe these people who eat the honey-comb, thus the wax, from the point of view of their state of health. I have seen various people who eat the comb, but they always spat it out when they had sucked out the honey. I have not so far come across people who eat any considerable quantity of wax. One should take into consideration that people digest in very different ways, not everyone in the same way. There may be people who would get some kind of gastric trouble simply by eating the wax, and such persons should be advised not to take it. But there can also be people who are able to digest the wax without any trouble and get rid of the residue by excretion. With regard to these people one could certainly say that because they eat the wax with the honey, (thus leaving the honey as long as possible still in connection with the wax which has entered the body), the honey is digested more in the intestines, whereas otherwise it is not digested till it has left the intestines and has passed into the lymphatic vessels. It is a question of the state of health of the person concerned. There are people who digest more in the intestines, and others more in the lymphatic vessels; one cannot say that one way is better than the other, for one is just as good as the other. It depends on the individual. One could only speak with certainty if one took a number of people who eat honey in the comb, and others who eat it without the comb, and then investigated how these two matters are related. With regard to bee-diseases the question is, as is usual in disease, namely, that we must take into account what Herr Müller has just said. It is so even with human beings that certain things were not much noticed formerly, whereas today they are most carefully studied. But here something essentially different comes in question. The bee-keeper of the past had really many good instincts: he did many things without being able to say just why he did them. Today these instincts no longer exist. Today people always want to know the reason why. To determine this why it is, however, necessary to study the whole matter very fundamentally. Modern knowledge is not as a rule in a position to do this. You see, the bee-keeper of old had very good instincts as how to treat the bees, I should like to say, in quite a personal manner. For instance, you should consider that there is already a considerable difference between giving the bees the old straw skeps as in former days, and giving them wooden hives as one does today. Box-hives are made of wood, and wood is an entirely different substance to the straw of which the old skeps were made. Straw attracts quite other substances from the air than does wood, so we have already a difference in the external handling. When I add to this all the bee-keeper did in former times, and above all, the strong instincts he had to do them even if he did not always know the reason why, he would, for example, place his bee-hives on some chosen spot, where the wind would blow more often from one quarter or another, and so on. Today one sets the bee-hives wherever there is room for them, from reasons of convenience. The climatic elements are still considered, but no longer to the same degree. HERR MÜLLER stated that he pays great attention to this; he places his hives on a ridge where they are sheltered from the north wind and the east wind, and so on. DR. STEINER: In such matters wood is less sensitive than straw. I have no intention of agitating in favour of straw skeps; nevertheless differences do exist, and just such things as these certainly, very definitely, affect the bees with regard to their inner activities. A tremendous activity goes on in the body of the bee when it must first gather the nectar from the plants, and in absorbing it, transforms it. This is really an immense work. How does the bee accomplish it? It is accomplished through the quite special relationship between the two different fluids in the bee. One of these is the gastric juices and the other the blood-fluid. When you study the bee you find the whitish gastric juice and the reddish sap of the blood; these are the two main elements of which the bee is constituted, and all the other parts are arranged according to the workings of the gastric juice and the blood. The main point then is this definite proportion between these two fluids; they differ very considerably in themselves. The gastric juice is what one calls acid in chemistry, and the blood sap is chemically called alkaline, which means that it is not acid though it can be made so; in itself it is however, not acid. When the pepsin is insufficiently acid, something takes place within the bee which greatly disturbs its inner organism in the honey-producing process. The blood sap is only kept sufficiently strong when the necessary climatic conditions of light and warmth, etc., are present. It will therefore be very important to take the right means of establishing the proper balance between the gastric fluid and the blood if one is to overcome the many diseases which have recently appeared among the bees. As bee-keeping can no longer be carried on as in past days, it is no longer possible to arrive at preventive methods through climatic conditions of warmth, etc., for these are no longer able to work so effectively upon the stocks of bees today; one will have to discover what will be able to work most favourably on the blood sap of the bee. It will be necessary in the future that bee-keepers take special care that the blood sap of the bee is rightly provided for. The following is important: you all know that there are years when the bees are obliged to get nectar almost exclusively from trees. In such seasons the composition of the blood sap is endangered, and the bees are much more liable to disease than at other times. It will be necessary in the future that the bee-keeper even contrives a small green-house—it need not be a large one—in which he can cultivate those plants which the bees not only like, but must have at certain times of the year. It will be necessary to have at least some small plot of flowers for the bees especially, for instance in the month of May. They will not fail to discover them for themselves whenever the plants they need have failed elsewhere. By this special cultivation of the necessary plants in the neighbourhood of the hives it will be possible to combat these diseases. These are methods I can recommend; I am giving only indications, but they will most certainly prove satisfactory for they are derived from a knowledge of bee-keeping, If they are put to the test you will find that one day they will bear very good fruit for the bee-keeper, for he will find that the diseases of bees can be prevented by these means. But if one is to proceed in a practical way all the connections mentioned above must be taken into account. I have no wish to make assertions; I only wish to say that these things arise out of the whole nature of the bees, and that it would be well to make experiments with especially cultivated plants in seasons when those most needed have failed, either partially or altogether. It should be possible in this way to considerably improve the health of the bees. I am myself quite convinced that these methods will prove successful when one is able to enter once again into these questions with a true understanding of nature. You see, it is not possible to go back to the old methods of bee-keeping. Just as little as there is any need to be reactionary in the realms of politics, or of life, is there any necessity to be a reactionary in any other domain. One must move with the times; but what really matters is that while we leave the old methods we are careful to balance this by something which will replace what we have lost. This is essential. HERR MÜLLER stated that bee-keepers were already working in the direction of the special cultivation of certain plants. For example, the yellow crocus, which is grown in large quantities for the bees; other plants were cultivated also with similar small yellow blossoms. Indeed, more than this, for a large amount of American clover is now planted; a clover which grows six feet in height and flowers the whole year round. It is cut only in the autumn; till then the blossom is left for the bees. This might also be necessary perhaps? DR. STEINER: Certainly, such things are no doubt done, but as a rule the right connections are not known. What Herr Müller had mentioned at first, was excellent and should be continued, but with regard to the American clover that flowers all the year round, this will in future be avoided, for this plant cannot bring about any improvement at all in the blood-sap of the bees; it acts only as a stimulant, and for a very short time. It is very much the same as trying to cure a man with alcohol, the bees are stimulated to more activity for a certain time. The very greatest care should really be taken today not to grow plants for the bees that are totally foreign to them; bees in their whole organic nature are bound up with a particular country. This is very evident, for the bees from different parts of the world differ widely from one another. There is, for instance, the mid-European bee already referred to here, the common domestic bee. The Italian bee again is quite unlike the Spanish bee, and so on. Bees are most strongly bound by their habits to their native country, and one cannot help them in any real way by giving them the nectar or honey belonging to entirely different countries. They have then, so much work to do in their own bodies that there are great disturbances there; the bees are forced to try and adapt themselves, to make their organisation as much as possible like that of the bees over there, in those countries where the clover comes from. Hard facts will prove in time that though such methods may appear successful for a few years, disastrous results will follow. It is quite true as has been said, that so far there are no definite indications of this, but it will none the less occur, and then people must abandon all such methods, or continue them as was done in the case of the vines. You will remember that in the seventies or eighties, phyloxera appeared and is destroying the vineyards of Europe, over immense areas. At the time I was able to study this matter, as I had a very good friend who was a farmer, and who also edited an agricultural paper, and gave much attention to this whole problem. People began to wonder why the American vine appeared immune to this disease. But what did it all amount to? It amounted to this, that the remedies by which the disease could be got rid of with the American vine, could not be used with the same result on the European vine. The consequence was, that even when everyone began to cultivate the American vine, they could succeed in keeping it in health, whereas the European vines died out. The cultivation of the European vine had to be given up altogether; the whole cultivation of the vineyards was Americanised, and everything has been completely changed. This has happened in many places. To think in this mechanical manner is valueless; one must be quite clear that things through their whole nature may be bound up with definite localities, and this fact must be taken into account. Otherwise though some temporary success may follow, it cannot be permanent. Are there any other questions you would like to ask? Or are all you gentlemen content to eat honey without so much discussion about it? Perhaps some question may occur to one or another of you. Meanwhile, I should like to say something quite briefly about the nature of this honey-making process of the bees. It is something so really wonderful that there should be these tiny little creatures that are able to transform what they have gathered from the flowers or plants in general, into the honey which is so health-giving, and which should really play a far greater part in the nourishment of men and women today. It is not realised how important the consumption of honey actually is. For example, if it were possible to influence the social medicine of today, it would be discovered that if people about to be married would eat honey as a preparation for the future, they would not have rickety children. Honey when assimilated can affect the reproductive processes, and greatly influence the building up of the body of the child. The consumption of honey by the parents, and above all by the prospective mother, works especially into the bony structure of the child. Results such as this will appear when these questions are considered in their essential aspects. In the place of the trivialities put forward in scientific journals today, it will be asked, when once we have some real knowledge of these things: “What is it best to eat at this or that time of life?” “What is best at another time of life?” Indeed, gentlemen, this will be of immense value, for the general state of health will then essentially improve, and more especially will this affect a man's vitality. Today people attach very little value to such matters. Those whose children do not suffer from rickets are naturally very pleased, but they do not think very much about it, it is taken as a matter of course. Only those complain whose children are born with rickets. It is just in the case of such most valuable social and medical methods that people remain indifferent, for it is generally taken for granted that such measures are concerned merely with what they regard as a normal condition. They have first to be persuaded that this is not the case. It should, however, be recognised that extremely favourable results would appear in this direction, and I am sure that if it could in this way be realised that through spiritual science it is possible to arrive at such conclusions, people would begin to look towards the things of the spirit. They would do this to a far greater extent than at present, when they are only told to pray that this or that may happen. Truly, gentlemen, these things which can be learnt by the spirit, and which modern science ignores, are such that one is able to know that during the times of betrothal and pregnancy, honey can be of inestimable value. I have just said that it is a most wonderful thing that the bee should be able to gather substances from the storehouse of nature and then transform them into this honey which is of so great value to human life. You will best understand on what the origin of honey actually rests if I describe to you the sane process in the quite different form in which it appears in those relatives of the bees, if I may call them so, the wasps. The wasps do not provide man with honey, but they prepare a substance that can be made use of medicinally, though of a very different kind to that prepared for us by the bees. In the next lecture I will also speak about the ants, but first, will we consider a certain species of wasp. There are wasps that have the peculiarity that they do not deposit their eggs at random, but place them on plants or on the leaves or bark of trees, even into the blossoms of trees. [Drawing on the blackboard.] Here for example is the branch, here an oak-leaf, and the wasp with its ovipositor which is hollow, (the sting would be here) lays its egg in the oak-leaf, or in some other part of a plant. What then happens? Where the egg has been placed the whole surrounding tissue of the leaf is changed; the leaf would have been quite different if the egg had not been laid there. Very good, let us now see what has happened. The whole growth of the plant has been affected, and protruding from the leaf, entirely surrounding the little wasp-egg, we find the so-called gall-nut or gall-apple, those little brownish coloured nuts or apples so often seen on trees. They are there because a wasp deposited an egg at this spot, and all round the egg there is this metamorphosed plant-substance which entirely envelops it. The wasp egg would perish if it were laid in any other place; it can only exist and develop because this protective substance encloses it which the gall-wasp steals from the plant. The wasp robs the plant of this substance. You see, the bee lays its egg in the cells of the comb; the larvae develop and emerge as bees, which in their turn steal the substance of the plant, and elaborate it within themselves. The wasp does this at an earlier stage, for in the depositing of the egg the wasp already takes from the plant the substance it needs. The bee, as it were, waits a little longer, the wasp does it earlier. In the case of the higher animals, and with man, the egg is already surrounded with a protecting sheath within the body of the mother. In this instance what the wasp has to take from the plant is provided by the mother. This gall-nut is simply built up from the substance of the plant, just as the chorion is formed as a sheath round the egg in the body of the mother, and is ejected later with the after-birth. You see how close is the relationship between the wasp and the plant. In districts especially rich in wasps one can find trees almost entirely covered with these galls. The wasp lives with the trees; it depends on them, for its eggs would never develop if it could not procure this protective covering from the different trees or plants. These galls have very many and various forms, there are some which do not look like small apples, but are interwoven and hairy, but everywhere the small germ of the wasp is in the centre. At times these galls look like shaggy little nuts. We see how close is the relationship between the wasps and the plants with which they share their existence. When the wasp has matured, it eats its way with its sharp jaws out of the gall-nut, and emerges as a wasp, and after a period of living in the outer world lays its eggs on a leaf or the bark of a tree; the egg and larval stages are always passed through as a living together with the plants. Well, gentlemen, you may perhaps say—what has all this to do with the production of honey? It has actually a great deal to do with it, for when such things are observed in the right way one learns to know how the honey was first prepared in nature, and we find once more an instance of how the instinctive knowledge of the people in older times took these things into account. Perhaps some of you know that in the south, and more especially in Greece, the cultivation of fig trees is of much importance. These are the so-called wild figs which are certainly rather sweet, but there are people with a still sweeter tooth, who wish to have fig trees that bear still sweeter figs than those of the wild trees. What do these people do? Now just imagine you have a wild fig tree; this wild fig tree is a special favourite with a certain kind of wasp which lays its eggs upon it. Let us picture this tree, and on its branches a wild fig into which the wasp inserts its egg. Now the grower of the figs is in his way a clever fellow; he lets the wasps lay their eggs in the wild figs which he cultivates just for this very purpose. Later this fellow gathers two of these figs, just at the moment when the wasp eggs are not quite fully developed, when the wasps are not yet ready to creep out, and he takes a reed and ties the two figs together so that they are held firmly. And now he goes to a fig tree that he wants to improve, and he hangs the two figs he has tied together, and within which are the eggs of the wasp not yet fully developed, and binds them on to the fig-tree which he wishes to sweeten. And now the following happens: the wasps within the figs feel that something has happened, for the figs which were gathered now begin to dry up, for they are no longer supplied with the sap of the tree, and get very dry. The immature wasp inside senses this, even the egg is aware of it, and the result is that the wasp is in a terrible hurry to come out of the fig. The grower always starts this process in the spring; he first lets the wasp lay its eggs, and in the month of May he quickly gathers the two figs and carries out his plan. The little creature inside thinks, now I must hurry up, now the time has come when the figs dry up. In a terrible hurry the wasp emerges much earlier than it would otherwise have done. If the fig had remained where it was before, it would only have crept out in the late summer; now it must creep out in the early summer with the result that there is a second brood. It lays eggs in the summer which would otherwise have been laid in the following spring. Now these late eggs which are deposited on the tree that is to be further cultivated, do not reach full maturity, they only develop to a certain stage. The result of this is, that those figs into which the second brood has been placed become twice as sweet as the wild figs. This is the method of improving the figs, of making them twice as sweet. What has actually happened here? The wasps, which though they differ from the bees are yet related to them, the wasps take just that substance from the plant which is on the way to become honey. If in the clever way of the cultivator of the fig trees, the figs of the wild tree containing the eggs of the wasp are thrown up and tied so that they remain hanging up there, and if one then is clever enough to induce the wasps to weave again into the tree what they have taken from the other tree, then honey in the form of sweetness is, as it were, filtered into these grafted fig-trees; it enters into the figs in the form of sweetness because the wasps have prepared it in an extremely fine state of dilution; Nature itself has brought it about in an indirect way. You see, gentlemen, nothing has been taken away from Nature, the essence of the honey remains within Nature. The wasp cannot prepare the honey in the way the bee does, for its organisation is not adapted to this. But when, by this by-path, it is compelled during the stages of its growth, to carry the sweetness of the honey from one fig-tree to another, the sweetness of the grafted figs can be increased; a kind of honey-substance is then within them. You see, gentlemen, we arrive here at something very interesting. It seems that these wasps have a body which is unable to gather the nectar, the honey-substance from Nature, and transform it into honey within itself. But man can bring it about that from one fig-tree to another a kind of honey-making takes place. The bee is therefore a creature that develops a wasp-like body so much further that it is able to accomplish this quite apart from the trees; in the case of the wasp the process must be left within the tree itself. So we must say: the bee retains within itself more of that force which the wasp only possesses at a very young stage, as long, that is, as it is in the egg, or larval state. When the wasp develops further it loses the power of producing honey; the bee retains it and can make use of it as a fully matured creature. Just think, gentlemen, what it signifies that one can in this way look into Nature's processes, and can say to oneself: within the plants there is concealed this honey, this substance that tends towards sugar-sweetness. It is there; it shows itself, if only one follows the right path; one has only to assist Nature by seeing that the wasp comes at the right moment to the tree that is to be improved. Here, in our country such things cannot be done, it is no longer possible today. There was once a time in the evolution of the earth when from the wasps, which as long as 2,000 years ago, and indeed, still today, could be persuaded by some clever fellow to produce a second brood as I have described. These wasps crept out and were given the opportunity of laying their eggs in the figs, which were then again and again gathered. Thus, in the course of time, it was possible that bees could be developed from these wasps. The bee is a creature which in very ancient times was developed from the wasp. Today one can still see that it is by means of an animal activity, namely that of the wasps, that honey is first prepared in the realms of nature. So now, you can also understand how closely related to this is the fact that the bees place their honey in the cells of the honey-comb. This comb consists mainly of wax, and wax is not only necessary in order that the bees may deposit their honey there, for the bee can only produce honey when its whole organism is active in the right way. It must therefore secrete wax. The second fig tree in which sweetness arises of itself, is also richer in wax than the wild tree. It differs especially from the wild tree in that it is richer in wax. Nature has herself increased the wax so that the cultivated figs, the sweetened figs, grow on a tree which in a certain way, Nature has made richer in wax. You can already see here a model, as it were, for what appears in bee-keeping. If you now go to work very carefully, and make a cross-section from the trunk of the cultivated fig tree, you will find, if you look carefully, patterns just like the wax cells of the comb. Within the tree-trunk you find certain growths similar to the honey cells, formed from the precipitated wax of the tree. The tree that is richer in wax uses it in a kind of honey-cell formation. So we can say: when we study this special cultivation of the fig trees we discover a kind of honey production in Nature that has not yet appeared openly, for the honey remains within the figs. The bees, if I may so express it, bring out into the open what remains still within Nature in the sweetened figs. Thus, what would otherwise have remained within the tree-trunk, forming there these natural cells, which are only less definite, less substantial than the bee cells, and fade away again, this whole wax and honey-making process is driven up into the figs, so that Nature is herself a bee-keeper. The bees have drawn it forth from Nature and have these processes within themselves. What does the bee then do? The bee deposits its eggs within the hive, and the egg matures there. It does not need to change the substance into a gall-apple, it takes the nectar directly from the plants, neither does the bee need to go to the tree that is richer in wax, for she accomplishes in herself what takes place in the tree-trunk, and deposits in the comb the juices of the plant which she transforms into honey, which in the case of the cultivated tree, remains in the juices of the fig. One can say that what in Nature lies concealed in the tree through the wasps, now happens outwardly, and it becomes clear what it really is that we have before us, when we look into the hive with its marvellously built comb of waxen cells. It is indeed, gentlemen, a wonderful sight, is it not Herr Müller? A wonderful sight is the artistic construction of these waxen cells with the honey within them. You have only to look at it gentlemen, and you will say to yourselves—the bees with their waxen combs really show us a kind of artistically formed tree-trunk with its many branches. The bee does not need to go to the tree to lay her eggs there, but they build for themselves a kind of picture of a tree, and in the place of the figs growing there, she puts honey into the finished cells. We find, as it were, a copy of the artificially cultivated fig tree which the bees have made. Truly, gentlemen, this is to look into the very heart of Nature, and realise what can be learnt from her. Men have yet to learn much from Nature, but for this they must first learn to recognise the spiritual in Nature. Without this recognition of the spirit in Nature, one merely stands and gapes, and should one journey to the south and see how those clever fellows there tie the figs together, the figs pierced by the wasps, and throw then up into the trees and bind and fix them there we shall gape as tourists do, even when they are scientific gentlemen, and not know what to make of it, They do not know that he saves the bees their labour, for Nature will put the honey into the figs for him. In those countries where figs are plentiful, they are as health-giving as honey, for it is honey at an earlier stage of development that is already in the figs. You see, these are things which we ought to know if we are to discuss a matter of such importance as bee-keeping. I believe that by such means we shall in time arrive at points of view of true value. |
351. Nine Lectures on Bees: Lecture VII
12 Dec 1923, Dornach Translated by Marna Pease, Carl Alexander Meir Rudolf Steiner |
351. Nine Lectures on Bees: Lecture VII
12 Dec 1923, Dornach Translated by Marna Pease, Carl Alexander Meir Rudolf Steiner |
(Questions were asked as to the affinity between bees and flowers which unites them so closely; also, what honey should be, and is, in relation to mail. The question of the laying of eggs when the Queen is not fecundated was again raised, as in a normal hive there are three kinds of eggs: queen-eggs, worker-eggs and drone-eggs). DR. STEINER: Very well, we will discuss these things once more in today's lecture. It is like this: we have first the fertilisation of the Queen during the nuptial flight. The Queen is then fecundated. Then we have to consider the time which elapses between the laying of the eggs until the insect is completely matured, till the bee is there. With the Queen this period is sixteen days, with the worker-bee twenty-one—twenty-two days, and in the case of the drone twenty-two—twenty-four days. We have then to begin with these three types; they differ from one another in so far as they mature during differing periods of time. What lies at the root of this? When a bee develops as a Queen it is due to the special feeding it has been given; the Queen larva are differently fed so that growth is accelerated. Now the bees are creatures of the Sun, and the Sun needs approximately the same time to revolve once upon its own axis as the worker-bee needs to come to maturity. The Queen does not wait in her development till the Sun has quite completed this revolution, and for this reason her whole development remains entirely within the influence of the Sun. Thereby she becomes a creature capable of laying eggs; all that is connected with a capacity to lay eggs is under the influence of the Sun, and indeed, of the whole cosmos also. The moment the feeding is such that development proceeds at the rate of the worker-bee, which is that of almost a complete revolution of the Sun, the nearer the bee approaches the influence of the earth-evolution. The farther the Sun moves, the more the bee comes under the influences of the earth. The worker-bee is indeed largely a creature of the Sun, but already somewhat of an earthly creature. But the drone which develops during a longer period than is necessary for a complete revolution of the Sun, becomes a creature wholly of the earth. It withdraws itself from the influence of the Sun. We have then this trinity; we have the Queen, the worker-bees, in which there are still super-earthly forces, and we have the drones which have no longer anything to do with the Sun, but are fully creatures of the earth. All else that happens occurs no longer under the influence of the earth, with the one exception of the actual fecundation of the Queen. Now this is the remarkable point. Just consider this nuptial flight of the Queen. The lower animals dislike fecundation, they seek to avoid it. This is everywhere in evidence. Thus the flight of the Queen is an escape towards the Sun, and no fecundation can take place when the day is dull. The drones who try to bring an earthly element into the Sun element must even wrestle in the air, and the weaker ones are left behind. Only the very strongest can fly as high as the Queen, and fertilise her. But even after this has taken place it is not all the eggs that are fertilised, but only a portion of them, and these can become Queens or worker-bees; the remaining portion that are unfertilised within the body of the Queen become drones. When the Queen is not fecundated then only drones can emerge, when she is fecundated, Queens, worker-bees and drones can emerge, because the seed is fertilised and the heavenly has made contact with the earthly. Thus even when there are worker-bees and drones, the latter still owe their origin to a longer exposure to earthly influences, because no fertilisation has in their case taken place, and they must therefore be all the more exposed to earthly influences if they are to become fitted for life; they must be fed for a longer period of time. QUESTION: Some years ago, I was told that if anyone has rheumatism and gets stung by a bee or a wasp, the rheumatism will get better. DR. STEINER: This touches upon a question which was perhaps not fully considered last Monday. Herr Müller then told us of a man who evidently had some slight affection of the heart, and who collapsed on being stung by a bee. HERR MÜLLER: The doctor advised him to give up bee-keeping, as otherwise it might be the death of him. DR. STEINER: Disease of the heart is a sign that the ego-organisation is not functioning rightly. You have already heard something of these things in former lectures. You will remember that we distinguished four different parts of a man; first of all, the ordinary physical body, which we can touch, secondly the etheric body, thirdly the astral body, and fourthly the ego-organisation. This ego-organisation is active in the blood; actually, it brings the blood into movement, and in accordance with the movement of the blood, the heart beats. In text books you will always find the facts quite falsely stated, for it is represented as though the heart were a kind of pump, and that this pumping of the heart sends the blood all over the body. This is nonsense, because it is in reality the blood which is brought into motion by the ego-organisation, and moves throughout the body. If anyone asserts that it is the heart that drives the blood, then he must equally assert that if he has a turbine, it is the turbine that sets the water in motion, though everyone knows that it is the water that drives the turbine. Man has the same kind of points of resistance in his heart; the blood comes up against them and sets the heart in motion; thus it is that the ego-organisation works directly in the circulation of the blood. Now it is actually the case that this ego-organisation is in a mysterious way present in the poison of the bee; it is a similar force to the force that circulates in your blood that is present in the bee-poison. It is of great interest that the bee should have need of this poison within her. The bee does not merely need it in order to be able to sting; that is merely incidental. The bee needs the poison throughout its whole organism, for it must have the same force of circulation that man has in his blood. The colony of bees, as I told you, is like an entire man. Now consider, you get some of this bee-poison into your body, that is, into your blood, for any poison entering the body goes immediately into the blood. You are, let us say, a normal man, your blood will come more into motion, and inflammation may follow, but your heart can bear it. If however, a man has some disease of the heart, and his ego-organisation is made stronger by the poison, then this affects the weak heart, and the result may be that the man faints, or may even die. This explains the case mentioned by Herr Müller. The remarkable thing is this; that substances that can make a man ill or even kill him, can also cure him. This is one of the great responsibilities one has in the preparation of medicines, for there are no real remedies which, if wrongly applied, cannot cause the same illnesses which they can also cure. What then actually happens when a fainting fit or even death results from the sting of a bee? You see, when a man faints, then his astral body, and more especially his ego-organisation, has withdrawn from the body as happens in sleep, only in sleep this happens in a normal way, and in a swoon in abnormal way. In a swoon, or fainting fit, the astral body does not withdraw completely as in sleep, it gets stuck fast, and when a man has a weak ego-organisation, he cannot bring it back again. One has to shake him, wake him up, rouse him out of his faintness by making him breathe more strongly by certain movements. You know how in these cases, one has to take the man's arms, cross them over on his breast, put them back, then again bring them forward and so on, and this artificial breathing really always means that one is trying to bring the ego-organisation back into the body in the right way. And now let us suppose someone is suffering from rheumatism, or perhaps gout, or other deposits in the body; then one must try to strengthen the ego-organisation. Why do people have gout or rheumatism? Because the ego-organisation is too weak and cannot bring the blood into the right movement. The blood must be made to move more quickly. When the blood is not in the right state, when for instance, it flows too slowly, minute crystals are precipitated everywhere, and pass into the neighbourhood of the blood-vessels. These minute crystals consist of uric acid, and they go all over the body, and cause gout or rheumatism—the ego-organisation is too weak. If I now give this man the right dose of bee or wasp poison, his ego-organisation is strengthened; only one must not give too much, or the ego-organisation might not be able to hold its own. But if one gives just enough to strengthen the ego one can then find a very good remedy prepared from the bee or wasp poison; only one must combine it with some other substance. These things are done. For instance, the old Tartarus remedy is manufactured in a similar way, though from different substances. Remedies can always be prepared from poisonous substances, as in this case for the strengthening of the ego-organisation, but in applying them it is necessary to know all about the particular patient. For example, someone has gout or rheumatism; the first question must be—is his heart sound? that is, does it function well under the influence of the blood-circulation? If this is the case, he can be cured with bee or wasp poison. If the heart is not sound (but here one must distinguish between a nervous heart trouble, where it is less harmful) but if you have a patient with a serious heart disease, when the trouble is due to a valvular disease, then one must be very careful in the use of this remedy. Bee or wasp poison acts very powerfully on the cardiac valve, and when this is diseased these remedies cannot sometimes be made use of at all. This is why it is so dangerous to speak in a general way of some medicine or another as a cure for this or that illness. But one is entitled to say—I make a certain preparation, a remedy; I put wasp or bee poison into it (we actually have such a remedy) combining it with some binding substance, some gelatinous or other vegetable binding substance, which is then put into an ampoule and injected, just as the sting of the bee is injected, only the re-action from the bee sting is much stronger. One can prepare this remedy, and can call it a cure for rheumatism. But even so, this is not the only anxiety one has, for one has first of all to discover whether the patient's general state of health can well bear the remedy; medicaments which enter deeply into the body must only be given when one has most thoroughly examined the patient's whole state of health. For this reason such remedies as enter deeply into the body must only he administered when one has thoroughly examined the patient's state of health. When one hears of all manner of remedies such as are commonly advertised as cures for one thing or another, they are usually more or less harmless, and may be of use. There are many of these remedies to be bought, and one may agree that this is so, even when they have unpleasant results. Cures very frequently have unpleasant consequences, and the patient usually has to recover from the remedy which has cured him! If we have some fine strong fellow who has rheumatism, it is as a rule, not true rheumatism, but a gouty condition, and then, as Mr. Burle said, “a few bee-stings can affect him very favourably.” He can be cured because he is able to stand the reaction. It is usually so, that a normal man who suffers from rheumatism, and is given the correct dose of bee-poison, can take this remedy well and be cured by it. On the other hand, a bee-sting may cause such severe inflammation that this must first be reduced and the poison, as far as possible, removed, in which case not very much will remain for curing the rheumatism. In the case of a normal man, it will very probably happen that not sufficient will remain over to cure the rheumatism. But now let us consider the following case. Rheumatism can also come about in this way. A man is perhaps not a very hard worker, and has a very good appetite. Well, generally speaking, a man will have quite a good sound heart if he does not work too much and eats heartily, until the whole situation begins to be rather doubtful. The heart is an organ with extraordinary powers of resistance, it can hardly be seriously damaged unless there is some hereditary tendency, or if it has been injured in youth; the heart can only be injured after many years. But a man who is a heavy eater often takes a good deal of alcohol with his meals, then the ego-organisation is over-stimulated, and the circulation of the blood becomes too violent; the heart can no longer keep pace with its beats. Poison, uric acid, is deposited all over him; the heart may still be strong for quite a long time, but already gout and rheumatism are lurking everywhere. Under these conditions, a bee-sting may render him extraordinarily good service. HERR BURLE: I do not know whether there was a trace of alcoholism about this man I mentioned. DR. STEINER: You mean you made no inquiries? You see, gentlemen, when one has such remedies as bee-poison, which is a very powerful one, then one must be quite sure that most careful attention is given to the patient's whole state of health. HERR MÜLLER stated that he got an attack of rheumatism by catching cold; he treated it with exposure to the Sun, after which it disappeared. This summer he had it again slightly. He also believed that one could be cured by bee-stings, but one unlucky day he was badly stung on both legs, and had about thirty-two stings. The only ill effect was that for a week he was all colours of the rainbow. Swelling did not always follow; human bodies are very differently constituted. As already stated, one man may die of a bee-sting, while another may get as many as sixty without his heart beating any faster for it. One man has more resistance than another. DR. STEINER: When you got so many stings, was it after you had been working many years with bees? HERR MÜLLER: Many years. DR. STEINER: Probably you no longer remember the first time you were stung. After the first time one gets to feel it either more, or less. The man of whom you told us, was no doubt, stung for the first time. When one has once had a poison in one's body, that is, in the blood, one gets more and more able to cope with it, one gets increasingly immune, as it is called. When someone is stung a hit at the beginning of his bee-keeping, and is otherwise a man with a healthy heart, then the poison so works on him that he becomes less and less sensitive to it. If one knows one is strong and healthy, one can even let oneself be stung once or twice in order that one can be stung afterwards. Rainbow colours show that the poison only affects the skin; the blood has become immune. This does not depend only on the organisation, but on what has been previously introduced into the blood. I am surprised that the doctor who saw this man of whom you told us, did not tell him that the second time it would not be so bad, and the third time he would be immune. But perhaps his heart was so bad he could not safely have taken this risk. That also has to be considered. And indeed today it is a dangerous affair, because the doctors having once got hold of such things, now think that every bee-master should be inoculated before he starts bee-keeping. When men go to war they are inoculated with all sorts of poisons, a thing not at all to be recommended, for the blood is then very greatly injured. The blood always deteriorates somewhat when such things are put into it. After a time it recovers its balance, the blood becomes healthy again, but is protected against any fresh poison of the same nature. HERR MÜLLER: About the drones and the different kinds of eggs, Dr. Steiner has said so much, but one point is perhaps not familiar to him. When one has reason to believe the colony to be healthy, there may be times when the Queen is inferior, or is too old, and all the eggs she lays turn out drones. After many years of experience he is convinced that the Queen, when not a good one or too old, is still capable of laying eggs, some of which are good, but the majority will produce only drones. Then about honey; how the bee actually makes the honey, and whether the bee-keeper should not help by sugar-feeding. From what had been said here, it would seem that the bee-keeper is on no account to use sugar; it seems that anyone who feeds his bees with sugar will get his name on the black list. It is true that one can have bad experiences with feeding foreign honey. DR. STEINER: Naturally, it is quite right to say that one does not get the same product if sugar is fed artificially. If anyone likes taking sugar with honey he can add some for himself. Just as one does not water the wine you offer people on the ground that people should not drink it so strong, one offers what is printed on the label. The best thing in regard to honey is reciprocal control by the bee-keepers, because they best understand the whole question. With regard to the drones, I should like to say this. One may certainly suspect that the Queen is not properly fertilised; too many drones come out. If one does not wish to leave the matter to the bees to settle, something can be done by means of special feeding, (these experiments have been made) the brood then emerges earlier, i.e., after twenty—twenty-two days, instead of twenty-three—twenty-four days, The drones then appear as somewhat drowsy, but still approximately similar to worker bees. One cannot certainly continue this for long; it is merely an example of the effects of the time-periods. Such things are however, not done in practical bee-keeping theoretically, it can certainly be stated that a very great deal depends on the feeding, and it is undeniable that an irregularly egg-laying bee can be developed from a worker-bee, though it will certainly not be a real Queen. These things all go to show how readily transformable these creatures are, but such matters have no great value in practical bee-keeping. HERR MÜLLER: One calls these “laying workers;” it is an illness in the colony. DR. STEINER: In practical bee-keeping it is of no great importance, but by special feeding, the colony is able to make an egg-laying bee out of an ordinary worker-bee. It is a kind of illness. The colony is a unity in itself, and the colony is then ill. If you take a goose and overfeed it till the liver is over-developed, then the whole organism is ill. If a worker-bee becomes a layer of eggs, it is an over-developed worker-bee, but the whole colony must then be regarded as ill. Perhaps some other questions may occur to you later, we can then return to them. Meanwhile I will add a few words in reply to the question asked by Herr Dollinger. One can clearly distinguish those insects that in the wider sense are bee-like, the bees, wasps, and ants. These small creatures are related to one another, and I have already told you the interesting story of the gall-wasps which deposit their eggs in trees and similar places. I explained further how a kind of inner preparation of honey takes place through these wasps. There are also other kinds of wasps beside these gall-wasps, which more closely resemble the bees as they make a kind of honey-comb. There is, for example, an interesting wasp which builds in the following way: when it finds a rather stiff leaf on some branch, it fetches small particles which it bites off from the bark of neighbouring trees, or some similar substance; these it permeates with its saliva, and then proceeds to build a number of small stalks which it attaches to the leaf. When it has completed these attachments the wasp goes on working, mixing these substances with saliva and building on to these stalks something very similar to the single cell of the honey-comb. On a closer inspection of this substance it is, however, seen to be different. Honey-comb, as you know, is made of wax, but when you take a piece of this wasp-comb it has a greyish colour, it is very much like what we manufacture as paper. It is actually a kind of paper-pulp. Then second, third, fourth pieces are added and hung up there. ![]() When eggs have been deposited in these cells, they are covered over, but during the time of laying, the wasp in a most curious way, makes a kind of loop out of its paper, (Diagram 15) and then again a kind of covering with an opening at one side for a flight hole, so that the wasps can go in and out and attend to these little cells, Then more rows of cells are added, covered in, again a loop, a cover and a flight hole, and so on, till there may be quite a long cone, like a fir-cone. The wasps build themselves this cone-like structure out of paper, and in its separate parts it is similar to the brood nest of the bees. Other wasp nests are, as you know, covered in with a kind of skin, and have many and varied forms. Just think what is happening here. If you ask me what the bee does in order to build its waxen cells, then I must say that the bee gathers what is needed from the flowers, from flowering plants, and what is of a similar nature from trees, but not concerning itself at all with the bark, or woody substances. The bee gathers only what is of the nature of the blossom, or more rarely what is leaf-like in its nature. The only time when such higher insects as the bees go to what is not of the nature of the blossom (to woody parts and such-like they do not go) is when they go after a substance that at certain times seems to be extremely tasty to them. The bees certainly do this much less than the wasps, and most especially the ants. Though the ants and wasps make use of what is lignified for their nests, they greatly relish the juices that are exuded primarily by the aphids:. This is really most interesting. The harder the substances used by these creatures for their structures, the more do they relish not only the nectar that is within the blossom, but something that is upon the blossom or leaf, namely, the aphis. These are really noble creatures, (forgive me if I now use the language of the ants, in human speech I could not say the same), the aphis is for the ant a noble animal. It is absolutely all blossom; it is really the finest honey in the world. The wasps also have a discriminating taste for the aphis. But when we come to the ants, which are not able to build the same kind of nest as the wasps, they must set to work quite differently. The ant makes heaps of earth, and these heaps have many passages within them, a whole labyrinth of passages along which the ants then carry all they need in the way of harder substances from the bark or rind of trees. Above all, the ants like the dead parts of wood, and these materials they use to continue their building, piling it up with particles of soil. They chiefly visit the stumps of trees that have been cut down, selecting what they need from the hardened core and carrying it away for their nests. Thus the ants use the very hardest substances, and cannot elaborate their building as far as a cellular structure. You see, the bees make use of the substances that are within the plants; with these they build their waxen cells, and are thus still dependent on the juices of the blossom for their food, on pollen for instance, and the juice-like substances in the blossom. In the case of the wasps, it is already a harder material that they need for building their cells, but it is at the same time, thinner and more brittle than honey-comb, though as a substance it is harder. A wasp may have a fine taste for aphis, but it nevertheless feeds also, in bee-fashion, on what is contained in the plants. The ants mostly make use of such hard material that they can only make tunnels into the earth, constructing little caves without any combs or cells. They are most especially fond of the aphis; they even capture them and carry them away to their dwellings; one can find them there in the ant heaps. It is really most interesting. When you go into a village you see a row of houses, and behind them the cow-sheds where the milking cows are; the ants have just the same plan. Throughout the ant heap you will find little dwellings where the aphis are placed, for they are the milch-cows of the ants. It is only all on a minute scale, for there you will find little stalls, and the aphis are the cows. The ants go to them and stroke them with their antennæ; this is extremely pleasant to the aphis, and they exude their juice which the ants now absorb. In this juice of the aphis the ant receives the most vital element of its food, for the aphis gives up this juice when it is milked by the ant. It is really just like a cow, only the cow must be stroked much harder. The aphis are picked off the plants by the ants, and are well cared for, so that we really must say it is quite splendid for these little creatures that there should be an ant hill in the neighbourhood, and that they should be carried off by the ants and made use of in their little cow-stalls. In the wise arrangements of Nature quite a little cow market in aphis is carried on by the ants. Thus you see, gentlemen, that the ants which make use of hard substances only for their dwellings, are no longer able to be satisfied with the pure saps of the plants for their food; they must take as food what the sap of the plant has already given to the animal. So one must say: with the bees the pure juices of the flowers suffice for food; the wasps need both the flower saps and the animal saps, hence their harder shell structure. In the case of the ants their actual food is animal sap only; hence there is no construction of cells at all. The ant has no longer the power to build cells. Even when it takes something from the flowers it still needs this substance from the little cow-stalls, otherwise it cannot live. You see how interesting are the relationships that exist between the flowers and these creatures. The bees must use the pure saps of the flowers; the wasps, and more especially the ants, must first allow these flower juices to pass through the animal before it can serve them as nourishment. As a result of this, they are able in the building of their house, to use what is no longer the sap of the plant. There is really a very great difference between the waxen honey-comb of the bee, the paper nest of the wasp, and the structure made by the ants which can only be made from outside material, and cannot be carried to the stage of the cell. For this reason their food must be so entirely different. On Saturday I must go to Schaffhausen, and there will be no lecture; I will let you know when the next one will take place. |
351. Nine Lectures on Bees: Lecture VIII
15 Dec 1923, Dornach Translated by Marna Pease, Carl Alexander Meir Rudolf Steiner |
351. Nine Lectures on Bees: Lecture VIII
15 Dec 1923, Dornach Translated by Marna Pease, Carl Alexander Meir Rudolf Steiner |
Good morning, Gentlemen! Today I shall continue the subject dealt with last time in answer to Herr Dollinger's question. Should anything else arise, we can consider this also. In my answer to this question of Herr Dollinger, I spoke of the ants, and how these creatures, bees, wasps and ants are related to one another, though their modes of life are totally different. Taking our starting point from this fact, we can really learn a very great deal about the whole household of Nature, for the more one learns to understand these small creatures and their ways, the more one realises how wisely regulated their work is, and all they are able to accomplish in the realm of Nature. Last time, I told you how the ants make their nests, how they either build up mounds of the soil itself, or gather together minute particles of decaying wood, or of wood which has become quite hard, and is no longer living; also from various other substances which they mix together. Within these ant-hills are innumerable passages, along which the ants move in procession, whole hosts of them. One sees them coming out at the entrances, searching their surroundings, and collecting what they need. Sometimes however, it happens that these creatures do nct first build up a mound, but make use of something suitable they find there already. Perhaps, for instance, a tree has been cut down and the stump has been left standing; an ant colony comes along and makes a little chamber inside it, hollows it out, and makes all kind of passages with their exits. Then perhaps, they heap up a little earth, make one passage, then another, then a third and so on, and within these passages are all inter-connected. You see, to say of all this that it is due to the instinct of the creatures may be all very well, but nothing very much has then been said, for when the creature cannot make use of a tree stump, it builds up a sand heap; when it finds a suitable tree stump, then it so arranges the matter that it saves the labour that would be needed to heap up a hillock. The small creature adjusts itself to the individual situation, and it becomes very difficult to state that this is due to instinct. This would only enable the creature to do everything in accordance with instinct; but it actually adjusts itself to the external circumstances. That is the important point. Here, in our country, it does not frequently happen, but the further one goes south the greater nuisance do the ants become. Imagine a house, and in one corner of it, without the owner having noticed anything, the ants have gathered; they have carried in all sorts of things, particles of earth, minute fragments of wood, and in some corner that has been overlooked in cleaning, have made a small dwelling place which no one notices. From here they make passages into the kitchen, into the pantry, following the most complicated ways, and bring back all they require for food or other purposes, from the kitchen or pantry. This can happen in southern countries, and the house may be quite pervaded by a colony of ants without anyone living there knowing they are mere fellow inhabitants of the ants, until they discover by chance, or by sight, that something in the store cupboard has been nibbled, and the real source only comes to light when the passages are traced. Here again, one cannot get very far by speaking of mere instinct, for you would then have to say that Nature has given these creatures an instinct to take up their abode precisely in this very house; what they build there must be so constructed that it is adapted to this particular house. But you see, these creatures do not work out of mere instinct; there is wisdom in what they do. If you test some individual ant, you would certainly not arrive at the conclusion that it was especially wise, for what it does when separated from the colony, or what it may be forced to do, does not reveal any special wisdom. One then begins to realise that it is not the individual ant that can reason, but the entire colony of ants as a unity; the colony of bees, for example, is wise in this sense. The separate ants of the colony have no individual intelligence, and for this reason the work is carried on by the whole colony in an extremely interesting way. There are, moreover, many other more interesting happenings within these ant-hills. There is, for instance, a kind of ant which does as follows: somewhere or other it builds on the ground a kind of wall (drawing on the board); here it is raised; here, it forms a circle on the surrounding earth, there, digs a hole. Within are the ants. Sometimes the hole is at the top, like the crater of a volcano; within are the many passages with their outlets. Now these ants do something very peculiar. They destroy all the grasses and plants which grow round about, with the exception of one particular kind of grass. All other grasses are destroyed, even at times, all other plants. Thus, in the centre we have a kind of hillock, and all round it looks as though the ground had been very finely paved. Through the ants biting away everything, the soil has become very compact, and is very firm. There is the ant-hill, and all round it a smooth pavement, almost like asphalt, but rather lighter in colour. The ants then search all round about and collect a certain kind of grass which they then begin to cultivate. As soon as the wind brings other seeds, they bite off the new plants the moment they begin to grow; they will not have them in the place they have made so smooth, and in all the surrounding area nothing else is permitted to grow but just this one special kind of grass. The ants have established a little property of their own, as it were, and regularly cultivate the kind of grass that best suits them; nothing else is allowed to grow there; all other plants are bitten away. The grass which is allowed to grow becomes quite different in character from the same grass where it grows further away, where, for instance, it is growing in loose soil. In the hardened soil made by the ants, the cultivated grass has quite hard seeds, as hard as stone. One can find these ant-hills. Round about them there is a regular little farm, 'and the ants are engaged in agriculture. Darwin, who especially observed these things, calls it so. One finds in the soil very hard seeds somewhat like small grains of maize, and when all is ready, the ants come out, bite off the tops, and carry them into their dwelling. For a while they stay inside; one does not see them, but they are very busy inside there. Whatever they have no use for, like the little stalks that were still attached to the hard seeds, they bite off, and after a time they come out again and run all about, and throw away all they do not want, keeping in their ant-hill only the hard silica-like seeds. These they partly use as food, biting them with their very hard teeth, or they use them for their building. Everything they cannot make use of they throw out. After all, we men do very much the same. These farming ants manage to provide themselves with all they need in a very fine way! One has really to ask oneself: what is actually happening here? Actually, an entirely new kind of grass is brought into existence. These silica-hard seeds cannot be found anywhere else. They are only produced by the ants, and the ants work further upon them. What then is really happening here? Before considering this, we will approach the question from another side. Let us go back to the wasps, among which I told you, we find creatures that deposit their eggs on the leaves, and in the bark of trees; gall-nuts are then formed out of which the young wasps emerge. But quite other things can also happen. There are certain caterpillars which look like this (drawing on the blackboard). You all know them; these caterpillars are covered with woolly hairs, with quite prickly-woolly hairs. The following can happen to these caterpillars. One or more wasps of a special kind simply insert their eggs into the caterpillar, and when the eggs mature the grubs creep out of them. Bees, and other insects of this kind, all make their first appearance as grubs, also the ants. You know how, when one clears away an ant-heap, one finds the white, so-called ants' eggs, which are given to caged birds. They are however, not eggs, but the larvae that have crept out of the eggs. It is not correct to call them eggs. Now when the wasp lays its eggs into the caterpillar, it is really very remarkable. As I have already told you, these grubs when they first emerge are very hungry, and there are a great number of them in the caterpillar. It is really remarkable, for if one of these grubs were to begin to eat the caterpillar's stomach, the whole affair of the wasp's development would come to an end, for the caterpillar could not live if any organ, an eye, or to do with the heart or with the digestion, were eaten into. The thing would then come to an end. But these minute wasp grubs show their intelligence by not biting into, or feeding upon any vital organ, but by eating only those organs which can be injured for quite a long time. The caterpillar does not die, it is ill; but the wasp grubs can still go on devouring it. It is most wisely arranged that the wasp grubs do not bite into anything that would fatally injure the caterpillar. Possibly, you may have seen how these larvæ emerge from inside the caterpillar when they are mature? The caterpillar has been their foster-mother, nourishing the whole brood with her own body. Now they creep out, develop further, and seek their food from the plants. When they are fully developed, the eggs are once more deposited in a similar caterpillar, You might well say that there is something extremely clever in all this, and indeed, as I have already said, the more one observes such things, the more do they arouse one's deepest admiration. It cannot be otherwise; wonder is kindled, and one asks oneself the meaning of such things. If one would discover their meaning, one must first say; we have the plants growing out of the earth; we have the caterpillars. Then these insects appear, and eat their fill from the flowers, and caterpillars, and then reproduce themselves. So it goes on, over and over again. To us men it seems as though the whole insect world might just as well not exist at all. Naturally, as human beings, when we see the bee, we say; the bees give us honey, therefore bee-keeping is of use to us. Very good; but this is from the point of view of man. If the bees are robbers, and merely take away the nectar from the flowers, and we men then use the honey for our food, or as a remedy, then this is all to our advantage. But from the point of view of the flowers, it looks like a mere robbery in which we, as men, take part. The question therefore, is whether from the point of view of the flowers they would say, as it were; out there are those robbers, the bees, wasps and ants who rob us of our saps; we should thrive much better if they did not take away our saps. You see, gentlemen, this is a point of view that a man usually takes as regards the flowers. But it is not so; it is absolutely not so. The matter is entirely different. When one is looking at some flower, and an insect, let us say a bee, is sucking the juices of the flower, or from the willow blossom, one must say to oneself: how would it be for the plant if the bee, or the wasp or some other insect, did not come to suck out this nectar? Now would it be then? This is naturally a question far more difficult to answer than that of a mere robbery, for one must look deeply into the whole household of Nature. It is not possible to reach the right conclusion unless one is able to look back into the earlier stages of the earth's evolution. You see, the earth was not always the same as it is today. If the earth had always been as it is today, when we find the dead lime-stone, the dead quartz or gneiss, or mica-schist, and so on; when we find growing out of the present-day seeds, the plants, when we find the animals. If the earth had always been like this, the whole of what we see today could not exist, could not be there at all! Those who begin their science only at the point of what exists today, give themselves up to complete illusion. He who would seek all the mysteries, all the laws of the earth in that alone wherein modern science seeks them, is as if a dweller in Mars should come down to the earth, who had no idea of living men, who only went to a mortuary and saw there the dead men. The dead could not be there at all if they had not first been living men. The inhabitant of Mars who had never seen living men, and saw only the dead, would first have to be guided to living men; then he would be able to say—“Yes, now I understand why the dead have these forms; before I did not understand this, because I did not know the living form that preceded the dead one.” Thus, one must go back to earlier conditions if one would know the laws of the earth evolution. The earth had long ago a very different form; I have spoken of it as the Moon-condition, and in my book, “An Outline of Occult Science,” it is also called the Moon-condition, because the present Moon is a remnant of this ancient earth. Other stages of evolution in their turn preceded this one of the Moon. The earth has transformed itself; it was originally altogether different. Now the earth was once at such a stage that plants and insects such as we have today, did not exist at all. The matter, gentlemen, was thus; there was, let us say, something that can be compared with the earth of today. Out of this grew plant-like forms, but plant-like forms that were continually changing, that continually assumed different forms, as the clouds do, for instance. There were then such clouds in the environment of the earth, but they were not clouds like the clouds we see today, which are dead, or at least seem to be dead; they were living clouds, as living as the flowers of today. If you can imagine to yourselves that our clouds could become alive and turn a greenish colour, then you would have a picture of the plant kingdom of that time. The scientific gentlemen of today have very strange ideas on such matters. There was recently a most ludicrous article in the newspaper. Once more a new scientific discovery had been made, quite in the modern way. It was really absurd! It was stated that if prepared in a certain way, milk was a good remedy for scurvy, a very ugly disease. Well, gentlemen, what does the scientist of today do? I have already referred to this. He analyses the milk. Then he finds that milk contains such and such chemical components. But I have also told you that one can feed mice with the chemical substances in the milk, but if one gives them these only, the mice die within a few days. Bunge's pupils confirmed this, (see previously mentioned article in the “Schweizerische Bienenzeitung”) and merely said; “Well, yes, there is a life-substance in the milk, as also in honey, Vitamin.” You remember, as I said before, one might just as well say “poverty comes from being poor,” as say what is said here, “there is Vitamin in it.” Well gentlemen, an important discovery has been made, there are various substances in milk, that have very complicated names and milk when prepared in a special way, is a remedy for scurvy. Then in a truly learned way investigations were made to see whether the scurvy could be cured if one gave the scurvy patients only all the things with the learned names that were contained in the milk. They were not in the least cured by any of the component substances. But when all of these were present (in the specially prepared milk) then the scurvy was cured. No single component by itself cured, only the whole together. Well says the scientist to himself; what remains over when one subtracts all the components? What then remains over? For now he eliminates them all. He does not admit that these components have an etheric body, he reckons them all out, and what remains? The “Vitamin!” The vitamin which must be what cures the scurvy is not to be found among the component parts. Where then is it? So now they make this fine tale—it must be in the water of the milk! Therefore, the remedy for scurvy is the water! This is really absurd, but it is a learned affair today. For if water is to contain vitamin, then with our learning we should arrive up there in the clouds. We should have to look around us and say: “Water is everywhere and vitamin is in the water.” But then we would be at the stage at which the earth once was. Only today, it is no longer so. Plant-life was there, a living plant covering, and this living covering of plants was fertilised from all directions from the environment. There were then no separate animals, no wasps for instance, but from the surrounding regions there came a substance which had an animal-like nature. Our earth was once in a condition of which one could say that it was surrounded by clouds that had plant-life within them; from the periphery, other clouds approached and fertilised them; these clouds had an animal nature. From cosmic spaces came the animal nature; from the earth the essence of plant-being rose upwards. All this has changed. The plants have become our clearly outlined flowers which grow out of the earth, no longer forming great clouds. But within the plants there remains a longing to receive an influence from without. Here we have a rose growing out of the earth; here a rose petal, here another, then a third and so on. Now comes a wasp. This wasp immediately bites a piece out of the rose petal, carries it off to its nest, and uses it for building, or gives it as food to its young. A piece of the rose petal is simply bitten out by the wasp, and carried there, Well, as I said before, our rose bushes are no longer clouds: they have become sharply defined things. But what once lived within them, what was once united with all that entered in as the essence of animal life, this has remained behind within the rose leaves and blossoms. It is there within them. In every rose leaf is something which must of necessity be in some way fertilised from without, from the whole environment. You see, gentlemen, what the flowers need, what they actually need, is a substance that also plays an important part in the human body. When you study the human body the most diverse substances are found in it. But everywhere within the human body these substances are transformed into something which, in certain quantities, is always present within the human body which has need of it. This substance is formic acid. If you go to an ant-hillock, and collect some ants and squeeze them, you get a juice. This juice contains formic acid and a little alcohol. It is inside the ants. But this juice is also very finely distributed over your body. Whatever you eat during your life time is always transformed into formic acid, not of course, exclusively, for there are other substances also, but in small quantities. This formic acid permeates your whole body. When you are ill, and have not sufficient formic acid within you, it is a serious matter for your body, for it then has a tendency, just because you have not enough formic acid within you, (and here I come once more to Herr Müller's question, in answer to it) your body has a tendency to become gouty, or rheumatic. It develops too much uric acid, and too little formic acid. The ants also have in their bodies this substance that the human body needs. This formic acid, gentlemen, is indeed something that is made use of throughout nature, You actually cannot find any bark of any tree that does not contain some formic acid. Formic acid is everywhere in the tree, just as it is in the human body. In every leaf, everywhere there must be formic acid. But not only formic acid must be there, but also what is closely akin to it, and later becomes the bee poison. All these insects contain a certain substance within them which is poisonous. If one is stung by a bee, one gets inflammation; if one is stung by a wasp, it is sometimes even worse. This business of wasp stings can be pretty bad. Brehm describes how these insects can play bad tricks on men and animals. It happened that a young cow-herd had taken a large number of cows out to graze, and the pasture was full of wasp nests. The cow-herd's dog ran about; suddenly the cow-herd's dog goes mad, rushes round like a mad dog, and no one knows what has happened. As fast into it can the dog rushes to a neighbouring stream, flings itself into the water, and shakes and shakes itself. The lad was much disturbed by this, and goes to the rescue of the dog. He does not jump into the water, but tries to help it from the bank. Most unluckily he steps on a nest, as the dog had probably done before, and the wasps sting him too, and he begins to rush about like a madman, and finally jumps into the water. And now, because the dog has vanished, and the cow-herd has vanished, confusion arises in the herd of cows. The cows which tread on nests also get stung, and behave as though mad. Finally, most of the herd are in the stream also—as if they were all mad. You see, insect stings can do one a very bad turn. All these creatures have poisons in them; even an ant stings one, and causes a little inflammation because it injects some formic acid into the wound. This formic acid, moreover, is present in all living things in a right dilution. If there were no ants, bees and wasps, which are the preparers of these poisons, what would happen? Truly, gentleman, the same thing would happen that would also come to pass in the propagation of the human race if all the men were beheaded, and only women were left on the earth. Humanity could not then continue to exist, for the male semen would no longer be there. Well, these creatures all have the semen in addition, but they none-the-less need what comes from these poisons for their existence, for these poisons have remained over from what was once in the whole environment. In the finest state of dilution, bee poison, wasp poison, ant poison, once descended upon the plants from cosmic spaces, and the remnants are still present today. So when you see a bee sitting on some willow-tree or on some flower, you must not say: the insect only wants to rob the flower of something; rather must you say: when the little bee sits there and sucks, the flower is so content that it lets its sap flow to the spot where the bee sucks. While the bee is taking something from the flower, bee or wasp poison flows from the bee to the flower. From the wasp, the wasp poison flows, and more especially when the ant attacks the tree stump which no longer has life, formic acid flows in. If the ant visits a flower, then the sap of the flower unites with the formic acid. This is necessary. If these things did not happen, if bees, wasps and ants did not exist and continually attack the plants and bite into them, then the necessary formic acid, the necessary poisons, would not flow into the flowers, and the plants would in time die out. You see, substances such as are usually called life-substances, are highly valued by man; yet it is precisely only these substances that are truly life-substances. If one has deadly nightshade, within it is a poison, a very powerful one. But what is the deadly nightshade? It collects spirituality from the world's environment. Poisons are gatherers of what is spiritual; for this reason they are healing remedies. Fundamentally speaking, the flowers sicken through the life-substances, and the little bees, and wasps and ants, work continually as small physicians bringing to the flowers the formic acid they need, and at the same moment, healing their sickness. Thus all is once more healed. The bees, wasps and ants are not mere robbers, for in the same moment they bring life to the plants. It is even the same with the caterpillars which would also die out, and none would remain after a time. You will probably say no great harm would be done if all the caterpillars were to disappear; but in their turn the birds feed on them. Throughout the whole of Nature there are these inner relationships. When we see, for example, how the ants permeate everything with their formic acid, we look into the whole household of Nature and its splendour. Everywhere things happen that are essential for the maintenance of life, and of the world. You see, here is a tree, and the tree has bark. The bark decays when I cut down the tree; then it moulders. People say: “Well, let it rot away.” Just try to imagine all that moulders away in the forests, fallen leaves and so on, within the course of the year! Men are willing to let it all rot away, but Nature orders it otherwise. Everywhere there are ant-heaps, and from these ant-heaps formic acid enters into the soil of the forest. When you have both forest soil and an ant-heap, it is the same as if you take a glass of water and add a drop of something else to it; the whole contents are at once affected. If you put in salt, all the water is at once made salty. If you have an ant-heap then the formic acid goes in the same moment into the forest soil, and all the soil which is already decaying is saturated with this formic acid. It is not only into the inner parts of the living plants, and into the still living caterpillars that formic acid penetrates when the bee sits on the flower, and the flower absorbs what it receives from the bee. All these things can only be learned by means of spiritual science; the other kind of science is only concerned with what the bee takes away from the flowers. But the bees would never have been able to sit for thousands of years on the flowers had they not fostered them in the act of biting into them. So it is also with the lifeless substances of the woods. Even physical science as it is today, concludes that the earth will one day be quite dead. It would indeed be so, for a state of things would eventually come about when decay would prevail, when the earth would be dead. That this will not be so, is because wherever the earth decays it is in the same moment penetrated by all that is yielded up by the bees, wasps and ants. The bees, it is true, give it only to the living flowers, the wasps for the most part also to the living plants. But the ants give what they hand over in the formic acid directly to what is mouldering and dead; in a certain degree they rouse it to life, in this way doing their part that the earth in its decaying substances shall still retain life. Well may one say that wonder is awakened at the activity of the spirit in all things, but when one can approach it more nearly, then one realises it has immense significance. Let us look once more at those farming ants which cultivate their little field, and change the character of the plants they grow there. Truly, gentlemen, a man could not nourish himself with what grows there, for if a man were to eat those little rice grains that are as hard as silica, he would first get strange illnesses because he would have too much formic acid inside him, and in addition to this, so injure his teeth that for a time the dentists would be kept busy. At last, he would die wretchedly, because of these silica-hard rice-grains which had been thus developed. But the ant-heap would say: when we ants go out into nature and suck that out of the plants which is everywhere there, then we get far too little formic acid, and can give far too little formic acid to the earth. Let us therefore, select the plants which we can cultivate so that they get quite hard, stony hard, and then we can get plenty of formic acid from this hardness. So these farming ants do this that they may get the greatest possible amount of formic acid. It is these ants again that give back so much formic acid to the earth. That is the connection. From this you can see that poisons when they cause inflammation, or the like, are also perpetual remedies for the holding back of the processes of death. One can say, it is precisely the bee that is of great importance in this regard, that all may be preserved within the flowers; there is a great affinity between the bees and the flowers. This preservation actually shows that every time the insects are developing their activities on the earth, the earth is, as it were, quickened by their poison. This is the spiritual relationship. If anyone asks what are the spiritual relationships, I never like merely to say they are so and so; I give the facts, and from the facts you can judge for yourselves whether they have significance or no. The facts are such that one sees significance everywhere. But the people who call themselves scientists today, do not tell one so. In life this has certain effects. In our country this is perhaps less taken into account, but when you go further south, the simple folk, the peasants, will often say out of a kind of instinctive knowledge; one must not destroy these ant-heaps, for they prevent the mould from becoming harmful. Those who are still wiser, will say something quite different if you walk with them through the forest, and especially where trees have been cut down and young trees are growing up. Then these people who are wise in their noses, not in their top-story (one can be wise also in one's nose) when these people go where the trees have been felled and young trees are being cared for, they will say: “Here, it will all go well; it does not smell so mouldy as it often does; there must be an ant-heap near, and it is proving its usefulness.” These people smell this; they are clever with their noses. Much homely and useful knowledge is derived from a clever nose! Unfortunately, modern civilisation only regards the cultivation of the brain, and rejects all that is instinctive; instinct has become merely a word. Creatures like the bees know all this collectively, as a colony, as an ant-heap; it comes about by a kind of sense of smell. As I said before, much that is instinctive knowledge may come from a cleverness of the nose. Well, gentlemen, we shall continue the subject next week Today, I wished to say that the bees, wasps and ants do not only rob Nature, but help to make it possible for Nature to live and thrive. |
351. Nine Lectures on Bees: Lecture IX
22 Dec 1923, Dornach Translated by Marna Pease, Carl Alexander Meir Rudolf Steiner |
351. Nine Lectures on Bees: Lecture IX
22 Dec 1923, Dornach Translated by Marna Pease, Carl Alexander Meir Rudolf Steiner |
We should perhaps say something further on the subject of Herr Dollinger's question. He asked, on your behalf, for it is probably of interest to you all, what the spiritual relationship is between the hosts of insects which, fluttering about, approaches the plants and what is to be found in the plants. I told you yesterday, for we began to answer this question last time, that all around us there is not only oxygen and nitrogen, but that throughout Nature there is intelligence, truly intelligence. No one is surprised if one says that we breathe in the air, for air is everywhere, and science today is so widely included in all the school books that everyone knows that air is everywhere, and that we breathe it in. All the same I have known country people who thought this a fantastic idea, because they did not know the air is everywhere; in the same way there are people today who do not know that intelligence is everywhere. They consider it fantastic if one says that just as we breathe in the air with our lungs, so do we breathe in intelligence, for example, through our nose, or through our ear. I. have already given instances in which you could see that there is intelligence everywhere. We have been speaking of an especially interesting chapter of natural science, of the bees, wasps and ants. There is, may be, little in Nature which permits us to look so deeply into Nature herself, as the activities of the insects; the insects are strange creatures, and they have still many a secret to disclose. It is interesting that we should be discussing the insects just at the time of the centenary of the famous observer of insects, Jean Henri Fabre, who was born on December 23, one hundred years ago, and whose life time coincides with the age of materialism. Fabre therefore interpreted everything materialistically, but he also brought to light an enormous number of facts. It is therefore quite natural that we should remember him today when we speak of the insects. I should like to begin with, to give you an example of a species of insect which will interest you in connection with the bees. The work of the bees is perfected to a very high degree, but the most remarkable thing about the bee is really not that it produces honey but, that it produces the marvellous structure of the honey-comb entirely out of its own being. The material it makes use of, it must itself bring into the hive, but the bee actually works in such a way that it does not use this material directly, but completely transforms it, completely transforms what it brings into the hive. The bee works from out of its own being. Now there is a kind of bee which does not work in this way, but shows, precisely in its work, what immense intelligence there is in the whole of Nature. Let us consider this bee; it is commonly called the wood-bee, and is not so valued as the domestic bee, because it is mostly rather a nuisance. We will consider this wood-bee at its work. It is a tremendously industrious little creature, a creature which in order to live—not the individual bee, but the whole species—must do a terrific amount of work. This bee searches out such wood as is no longer on a living tree, but has been made into something. One finds the wood-bee which I shall presently describe, with its nest in a place where wooden rails, or posts have been driven in and the wood is therefore apparently dead. The nests can usually be found in wooden rails or posts, in garden benches, or garden doors, in fact wherever one has made use of wood. Here the wood-bee makes its nest, but it does so in a very singular way. ![]() Imagine to yourselves a post (Diagram 16.) The wood is no longer part of a tree. The wood-bee comes along and first of all bores a sloping passage from outside. When it has got inside, when it has bored out a kind of passage, it starts boring in quite a new direction. It makes a little ring-like hollow, then flies off and collects all manner of things from round about, and lines out the hollow with these. Having finished the lining, it deposits an egg which will develop into a larva. This is now inside the hollow. When the egg has been placed there, the little bee makes a covering over it, in the centre of which there is a hole. Now it begins to bore again above the cover, and makes a second little hollow for the second bee that is to creep out, and having lined it and left a hole it lays another egg. The wood-bee continues in this way till it has constructed ten or twelve of these superimposed dwellings; in each one there is an egg. You see, gentlemen, the larva can now mature in this piece of wood. The bee puts some food next to the larva which first eats what has been prepared for it, and grows till it is ready to creep out. First we have the time when the grub becomes a cocoon, then it is transformed into a winged bee which is to fly out. Inside there it is so arranged (see Diagram 16), that the larva now developed can fly out at the right moment. When the time comes that the larva has developed, has turned into a cocoon, and then into a complete insect, then it is so arranged that it is able to fly out through the passage. The skill employed has enabled the fully formed insect to fly out through the passage that was first bored. Well and good, but the second insect that is a little younger, now emerges, and the third that is still younger; because the mother insect had first to make these dwelling-places, the creatures would not find any outlet, the situation would be fatal to the larvae in the upper chambers, they would slowly die. But the mother insect prevents this by laying the eggs so that when the young larva creeps out, it finds this other hole which I described, and lets itself down there, and flies out. The third creature comes down through the two holes and so on. Because each insect that comes out later is matured later, it does not hinder the one below it which had emerged earlier. The times are never the same, for the earlier has always already flown out. You see, gentlemen, the whole nest is so wisely planned that one can only wonder at it. Today when men imitate mechanically, the things they copy are often of this kind, but as a rule they are far less cleverly constructed. Things that exist in Nature are extremely wisely made, and one must really say that there is intelligence in them, real intelligence. One could give hundreds and thousands of examples of the way the insects build, of the way they set about their tasks, and how intelligence lives within these things. Think how much intelligence there is in all I have already told you about the farming ants which establish their own farm, and plan everything with wonderful intelligence. But in considering these insects, the bees, wasps and ants, we were at the same time dealing with another matter. I told you that these creatures all have a poisonous substance within them, and that this poisonous substance is also, if given in the right dose, an excellent remedy. Bee-poison is an excellent remedy; wasp-poison is the same, and the formic acid secreted by the ants is a most especially good remedy. But as I have already pointed out, this formic acid which we find when we go to an ant-heap and take out a few ants and crush them, these ants have the formic acid inside them; by crushing them we get the formic acid. It is found more especially in the ants. But gentlemen, if you knew how much, (of course, comparatively speaking,) how much formic acid there is in this hall, you would be greatly astonished. You might say, surely we are not to look for an ant-heap in some corner! But all of you, as many as are sitting here, are really yourselves a kind of ant-heap, for every where in your limbs, muscles and other tissues, in the heart and lung and liver tissues, above all in the tissues of the spleen, everywhere there is formic acid; certainly, it is not so concentrated as in the ant-heap, nevertheless, you are quite filled with formic acid. It is a highly remarkable fact. Why do we have formic acid in our bodies? One must be able to recognise when a man has too little of it. If someone seems ill, and people are mostly a little ill, he might have one or another of a hundred different illnesses which externally, would seem similar. One must know what is really the matter with him; if he is pale or has no appetite, these are only external symptoms. One must find out what exactly is wrong with him. In many cases, the trouble might well be that he is not enough of an ant-heap in himself, that he is producing too little formic acid. Just as formic acid is produced in the ant-heap, so in the human body, in all its organs, especially in the spleen, formic acid must be vigourously produced. When a man produces too little formic acid, one must give him a preparation, a remedy with which one can help him to produce sufficient formic acid. One must learn to observe what happens to a man who has too little formic acid in him. Such observations can only be made by those who have a true knowledge of human nature. One must make a picture of what is happening in the soul of a man who, to begin with, had enough formic acid, and later, has too little. It is a singular thing, but a man will tell you the correct thing about his illness, if you ask him in the right way. Suppose, for instance, you had a man who tells you: “Why, good gracious, a few months ago I had ever so many good ideas, and I could think them out well. Now I cannot do so any longer; if I want to remember anything, I cannot do so.” This is often a much more important symptom than any external examination can give. What is done today is of course justifiable, one must do these things. Today one can test the urine for albumen, or sugar and so on; one gets quite interesting results. But in certain circumstances, it can be far more important when a man tells you something of the kind I have just told you. When a man tells you something of this kind, one must of course, learn other things about him also, but one can discover that the formic acid in his body has recently become insufficient. Well, anyone who still thinks only of externals, might say: “This man has too little formic acid, I will squeeze out some formic acid, or get it in some other way, and give him the right dose.” This could be done for a certain time, but the patient would come to you and say it has done him no good at all. What then is the matter? It really has not helped him at all. It was quite correct; the man had too little formic acid, and he has been given formic acid, but it did him no good. What is the reason? You see, when you examine further, you come to this point. In the one case formic acid has done no good, in another case, it has continued to do good. Well presently one learns to see the difference. Those who are helped by formic acid, will usually show mucus in the lungs. Those who got no help from it, will show mucus in the liver, kidneys, or in the spleen. It is very interesting. It is therefore a very different matter if the lung, for example, lacks formic acid, or the liver. The difference is that the formic acid which is in the ant-heap, can immediately take effect upon the lung. The liver cannot do anything with the formic acid, it can make no use of it at all. Something further now comes in question. When you discover that a man's liver, or more especially his intestines are not quite in good order, and if one gives him formic acid it does not help him, though he actually has not enough of it, then one must give him oxalic acid. One must take wood-sorrel, or the common-clover that grows in the fields, extract the acid, and give him this. Thus you see, anyone with lung trouble must be given formic acid, whereas if the trouble is in the liver, or the intestines, he must be given oxalic acid. The remarkable thing is that the man to whom one has given oxalic acid, will before long himself change the oxalic acid into formic acid. The main point therefore is, that one does not simply introduce such things into a man's body, but that one knows what the organism can bring about by means of its own resources. When you introduce formic acid into the organism, it says;—“This is not for me; I want to be active, I cannot work with ready-made formic acid, I cannot take it up into my lungs.” Naturally, the formic acid has gone into the stomach; from there it finally passes into the intestines. Then the human body wants to be active, and say, as it were: “What am I supposed to do now? I am not to make formic acid myself, for formic acid is given me; have I to send this from here up into my lungs? This I shall not do.” The body wants oxalic acid, and from this it produces formic acid. Yes, gentlemen, life consists of activity, not of substances, and it is most important to recognise that life does not merely consist of eating cabbages and turnips, but of what the human body must do when cabbages and turnips are put into it. You can see from this what strange relationships exist in Nature. Outside there, are the plants, The clover is merely especially characteristic, for oxalic acid is to be found in all the plants; in clover it is present in greater quantities, that is why it is mentioned. But just as formic acid is everywhere in Nature and everywhere in the human body, so also is there oxalic acid everywhere in Nature and in the human body. ![]() There is something further that is very interesting. Suppose you take a retort, such as are used in chemical laboratories. You make a flame under it, and put into the retort some oxalic acid—it is like salty, crumbly ashes. You then add the same quantity of glycerine, mix the two together, and heat it. The mixture will then distil here, (Diagram 17) and I can condense what I get here (Diagram 17). At the same time I notice air is escaping at this point. Here it escapes. When I now examine this escaping air, I find it is carbonic acid. Thus carbonic acid is escaping here, and here, where I condense (Diagram 17) I get formic acid. In here, I had oxalic acid and glycerine. The glycerine remains, the rest goes over there, the fluid formic acid dropping down and the carbonic acid giving out the air. Well, gentlemen, when you consider this whole matter thoroughly, you will be able to say: suppose, that instead of the retort we had here the human liver or let us say some human or animal tissue, some animal abdominal organ, liver, spleen or something of this nature. By way of the stomach I introduce oxalic acid. The body already possesses something of the nature of glycerine. I have then in the intestines oxalic acid and glycerine. What happens? Now look at the human mouth, for there the carbonic acid comes out, and downwards from the lungs formic acid everywhere drops in the human body in the direction of the organs. Thus everything I have drawn here we have also in our own bodies. Within our own bodies we unceasingly transform oxalic acid into formic acid. And now imagine to yourself the plants spread out over the surface of the earth. Everywhere in the plants is oxalic acid. And now think of the insects; with the insects all this occurs in the strangest way. First think of the ants; they go to the plants, to all that decays in the plants, and everywhere there is oxalic acid, and these creatures make formic acid from it in the same way that a man does. Formic acid is everywhere present. The materialist looks out into the air and says:—Yes, in the air there is nitrogen and oxygen. But gentlemen, in very, very minute quantities there is also always some formic acid present, because the insects flutter through the air. On the-one hand we have man. Man is a little world; he produces formic acid in himself, and continually fills his breath with formic acid. But in the great world without, in the place of what happens in man, there is the host of insects. The great breath of air that surrounds the whole earth is always permeated with formic acid which is the transformed oxalic acid of the plants. Thus it is. If one rightly observes and studies the lower part of the human body with its inner organs, the stomach, liver, kidneys and the spleen, and further within, the intestines, it is actually the case that oxalic acid is perpetually being changed into formic acid, this formic acid passes with the inbreathed air into all parts of the body. So it is within man. On the earth the plants are everywhere, and everywhere the innumerable hosts of insects hover above them. Below is the oxalic acid; the insects flutter towards it, and from their biting into the plants formic acid arises and fills the air. Thus we perpetually inhale this formic acid out of the air. What the wasps have is a poison similar to formic acid, but somewhat different; what the bees have in the poison of their sting, though actually it pervades their whole body, is likewise a transformed, a sublimated formic acid. Looking at the whole, one has this picture. One says to oneself: we look at the insects, ants, wasps and bees. Externally, they are doing something extremely clever. Why are they doing this? If the ant had no formic acid it would do quite stupidly all that I have described as so beautiful. Only because the ants are so constituted that they can produce formic acid, only because of this, does all that they accomplish appear so intelligent and wise. This also applies to the wasps and the bees. Have we not every reason to say (for we produce this formic acid in ourselves): In Nature there is intelligence everywhere; it comes through the formic acid. In ourselves also there is intelligence everywhere because we have formic acid within us. This formic acid could not be in existence had not the oxalic acid first been there. The little creatures hovering over the plants see to it that the oxalic acid is changed into formic acid, that it is metamorphosed. One only fully understands these things when one asks: How is it then with the oxalic acid? Oxalic acid is essential for all that has life. Wherever there is life, there is oxalic acid, an etheric body. The etheric body brings it about that the oxalic acid is renewed. But the oxalic acid never becomes a formic acid that can be used by the human or animal organism unless it is first transformed by an astral body from oxalic into formic acid. The formic acid which I here extracted from the oxalic acid, is of no use at all to the human or animal organism. It is an illusion to think it can be of use; it is dead. The oxalic acid which is produced in man, and through the insects is living, and arises everywhere where sensation, or something of the nature of the soul is present. Man must produce formic acid in himself if he wishes to bring forth something of the nature of the soul out of the mere life-processes of the lower body where the oxalic acid prevails. Then, in the formic acid of the breath there lives the soul quality that rises up to, and can be active in the head. The soul needs this transformation in man of the oxalic into formic acid. What then is actually happening when oxalic acid is changed into formic acid? You see, the first thing that I told you can show us this. The wood-bee which I described, is especially interesting for it works in wood that is no longer living. If this wood-bee could not make use of the wood in the right way, it would seek a dwelling place elsewhere. It does not make its nest in a tree, but in decaying wood, and where rails and posts begin to rot away; there it makes a nest and lays its eggs. If you study the connection of the decaying wood and the wood-bee, wasps, etc., then you find that similar processes of decay constantly take place in the human body. If this process of decay goes too far, the body dies. Man must constantly carry on in himself what happens externally; he must build up cells, and this he can only do by transforming all that is plant-like within him and permeated with oxalic acid; he must change all this into formic acid so that all is permeated with formic acid. You will say: What significance has all this for Nature? Let us imagine one of these decaying posts or rails. Should one of these wood bees never discover it, a man would certainly not regret it, for these bees increase quickly, and the post they have hollowed out would fall down the following year. Men may not appreciate this, but Nature finds it good, for if there were none of these creatures all woody substances would gradually crumble into dust, and would become entirely useless. The wood in which the wood-bees have worked does not perish in dust, it is given new life. From all this decaying wood that is quickened a little by the wood-bee, or by other insects, much arises which rescues our earth from complete decay, from being scattered as dust in cosmic space; our earth can live on it because it has been quickened by the insects. As men we breathe in formic acid; in Nature the formic acid is prepared by the insects from the oxalic acid of the plants, and so works that the earth renews its life. Consider the connection. We have man, and we have the earth. Let us take first a young child, for a young child readily transforms the oxalic acid of the lower organism into formic acid. The organs of a young child are sufficiently supplied with formic acid; the human soul develops in the child. We have the formic acid as the basis for the soul and spirit. But when a man grows old and is unable to develop sufficient formic acid, then the soul and spirit must take leave of the body. Formic acid draws the soul and spirit to the body; otherwise the soul and spirit must leave it. It is deeply interesting. If for instance you observe a man who has developed a number of independent inner processes, you will find that it Is formic acid that helps him to master these independent inner processes. The right relationship is then brought about between the astral body and the physical body which were hindered by these independent processes in the body. Formic acid is always needed as the right basis for the soul and spirit. When the body has too little it decays, and can no longer retain the soul; the body ages and the soul must leave it. We have then, man on the one side and Nature on the other side. In Nature formic acid is continually being prepared from oxalic acid, so that the earth may always be surrounded not only by oxygen and nitrogen, but by formic acid also. It is formic acid that prevents the earth from dying every year, gives it each year renewed life. What is beneath the earth longs as seed for the formic acid above, for renewal of its life. Every winter the spirit of the earth actually strives to take leave of the earth. The spirit of the earth benumbs the earth in winter, to quicken it again in spring. This happens because what waits as seed beneath the earth draws near-to the formic acid which has arisen through the whole intercourse of the insect world and the plant world throughout the preceding year. The seeds do not merely grow in oxygen, nitrogen and carbon, but in formic acid; this formic acid stimulates them in their turn to develop oxalic acid, so that once more the formic acid of the succeeding year may come into existence. Just as in man formic acid can be the basis for his soul and spirit, so the formic acid which is spread out in the cosmos can be the basis for the soul and spirit of the earth. Thus we can say that for the earth also, formic acid is the basis for earth-soul and earth-spirit (see Diagram 18). ![]() You see, it is actually much more difficult to telegraph in a district where there are no ant-heaps, for the electricity and magnetism necessary for telegraphing depend on formic acid. When the telegraph wires go through towns where there are no ant-heaps, it is from the fields outside the town that power must be collected to enable the electric streams to pass through the towns. Naturally, the formic acid is present in the air of the towns also. Thus we can say: What is within man as production of formic acid, is also outside in external Nature. Man is a little world, and between birth and death he is able to produce formic acid from oxalic acid. When he can no longer do so, his body dies. He must once more take a body which in childhood can develop formic acid from oxalic acid in the right way. In Nature the process is unbroken, winter-summer, winter-summer; ever the oxalic acid is undergoing transformation into formic acid. If one watches beside a dying man one really has the feeling that in dying, he first tries whether his body is still able to develop formic acid. When he can no longer accomplish this, death takes place. Man passes into the spiritual world, for he can no longer inhabit his body. Hence, we say that a man dies at a given moment. Along time then passes, and he returns to take another body; between whiles, he is in the spiritual worlds. Well, gentlemen, as I told you, when a young Queen slips out in the hive, something disturbs the bees. Previously they had lived in their twilight world; now they see the young Queen begin to shine. What is connected with this shining? It is connected with the fact that the young Queen robs the old Queen bee of the power of the bee poison. The whole departing swarm feels this fear, this fear that they will no longer possess a sufficiency of poison, will no longer be able to protect, or save themselves. They go away just as the human soul goes away at death when it can no longer find the formic acid it needs: so too, the older bees go away when there is not sufficient formic acid, bee poison, in the hive. So now, if one watches the swarm, still indeed visible to us, yet it is like the human soul when it must desert the body. It is a majestic picture, this departing swarm. Just as the human soul takes leave of the body, so when the young Queen is there, the old Queen with her company leaves the hive; one can truly see in the flying swarm an image of the departing human soul. How truly magnificent all this is! But the human soul has not carried the process so far as to develop its forces into actual small creatures; the tendency to do this is nevertheless there. We have something within us that we wish to transform into tiny creatures, into bacilli and bacteria—into minute bees. But we suppress this tendency that we may be wholly men. The swarm of bees is not a whole man. The bees cannot find their way into a spiritual world, it is we who must bring them into a new incarnation as a new colony. This is, gentlemen, directly an image of re-incarnating man. Anyone who is able to observe this, has an immense respect for these swarming bees with their Queen, for this swarm which behaves as it does because it desires to go into the spiritual world; but for this it has become too physical. Therefore these bees gather themselves together, and become like one body; they wish to be together, they wish to leave the world. Whereas they otherwise fly about, now they settle on some branch or bush, clustering together quietly as though they wish to vanish away, to go into the spiritual world. If we now bring them back, if we help them by placing them in a new hive, then they can once more become a complete colony. We must say that the insects teach us the very highest things of Nature. This is why in bygone times men were always enlightened when they looked at the plants; they possessed an instinctive knowledge of these things of which I have been speaking to you, a knowledge completely lost to modern science. These men observed the plants in their own way. When people today bring into their houses a branch of a fir-tree for a Christmas tree, they remind themselves that all that is outside in Nature can also work in our human and social life. This fir branch from which the Christmas tree is made should become for us a symbol of love. It is commonly thought that the Christmas tree is a very old custom, but the fir-tree has only been so used for 150 to 200 years. In earlier times this custom did not exist, but another plant was made use of at Christmas time. When the Christmas plays, for example, were performed in the villages, even in the 15th and 16th Centuries, there was always a man who went round to announce them who carried a kind of Christmas tree in his hand. This was a branch of the juniper that has such wonderful berries; the juniper was the Christmas tree. This was because these juniper berries, so greatly loved by the birds, contain something of that poison which must pervade all that is earthly, so that this earthly may rise again in the spirit. Just as the ants give to the wood, or the wood-bee to the decaying posts, so when the birds eat the juniper berries every morning, a certain acid, though a weaker one, is developed. People in olden days knew this instinctively, and said to themselves: “In winter when the birds come to eat the juniper berries the earth is quickened through the juniper tree.” It was for them a symbol of the quickening of the earth through Christ. Thus we can say: When we observe things in the right way, we see how the processes of Nature are actually images and symbols of what happens in human life. These men of olden times watched the birds on the juniper trees with the same love with which we look at the little cakes and gifts on the Christmas tree. To them the juniper tree was a kind of Christmas tree which they carried into their houses; the juniper became a kind of Christmas tree. As you are now all of you especially hard at work, we must close. I did not want today's lecture to end without touching on a subject of real importance. I have therefore spoken of the juniper tree which can truly be regarded as a kind of Christmas tree, and which is the same for the birds as the blossoms for the bees, the wood for the ants, and for the wood-bees and insects in general. In conclusion, I should like to wish you a happy, cheerful Christmas Festival, and one which may uplift your hearts. |
351. How the Spirit Works in Nature: Hydrogen Cyanide And Nitrogen, Carbonic Acid And Oxygen
10 Oct 1923, Dornach Rudolf Steiner |
351. How the Spirit Works in Nature: Hydrogen Cyanide And Nitrogen, Carbonic Acid And Oxygen
10 Oct 1923, Dornach Rudolf Steiner |
Good morning, gentlemen! Have you thought of anything? Questioner: The doctor once said that the stars, for example the moon, are much larger than we can see them. Could we perhaps hear something more about this? Dr. Steiner: Today I want to tell you something that makes it possible for us to go into these heavenly bodies in more detail in the next lesson. Of course, firstly, we have to understand what these heavenly bodies are and how they relate to the earth; and on the other hand, we have to understand that there is something spiritual everywhere in these heavenly bodies. Of course, their size, position and so on do not make much of a difference. Therefore, today I will tell you a certain basis from the earth that will show you how to understand the sun and the moon from the earth. It is of course the case that the sun is much larger than the earth and the moon is smaller than the earth. The moon is of course larger than it appears to us, but it is smaller than the earth. And the sun, as it is spread out there, is larger than the earth. But now, above all, we have to be able to see what these heavenly bodies are made of, what they actually are. We have to ask ourselves what would be encountered if one were to travel there in an airship. In all of this, we must start with the human being. We have discussed time and again how humans depend on their entire environment: you breathe in the air, you breathe out the air. When you breathe in the air, you take into your body what is outside in your environment. The air that is outside consists of oxygen and nitrogen. That itself is an airy, gaseous body. And this oxygen is absolutely necessary for our life. We need oxygen. We need it in such a way that we inhale it in the dark at night, and inhale it during the day in such a way that the sun's rays can pass through. We need all of this. So that we can say: we would not live if we did not have the oxygen in the air. But this oxygen in the air is mixed with another gas: with nitrogen. So in the air we have oxygen and nitrogen. Now you might say: Do we also need the nitrogen? If there were only nitrogen, we would suffocate. Imagine if, instead of bringing you all into this room where oxygen is mixed with nitrogen, we brought you into a room where there was only nitrogen: You would all suffocate together! So we could say: maybe we could be completely indifferent to whether the nitrogen is there or not, maybe we could have just the oxygen. But then it would be like this: if there were only oxygen, then at most the youngest person sitting there would still be alive – all the rest of us would have died long ago. The youngest would still be alive, but he would have a long beard and white hair and wrinkles, he would be an old man! So we would all live too fast if there was only oxygen. It is only because oxygen is mixed with much more nitrogen – only 21 percent is oxygen, the rest being almost all nitrogen – that we live as long as we can as humans. So if we didn't have nitrogen, we would live too fast. We would only live long enough to be about sixteen, seventeen, eighteen years old, and then we would already be old. However, the nitrogen in the air has another very special property. You might say: What if there was a little more or a little less nitrogen in the air? Assume there is less nitrogen in the air than the percentage that is already in it. Gentlemen, that would be a very curious story: You would all start breathing out more nitrogen in the air you breathe out than you would otherwise breathe out, where there is just as much in the air as there is now. So if there were too little nitrogen in it, you would pump the nitrogen out of your body in order to pump as much out of your own body into the air as is in it now. If there were more in the air than is now in the air, you would start to retain the nitrogen you breathe in and exhale less than you do now, so that there is less nitrogen in the air again. This is very strange: man not only needs nitrogen mixed with oxygen to breathe properly, but he also needs a certain amount of nitrogen in his environment. It must be there. So it is not important that we have enough nitrogen and oxygen inside us, but that the right amount is in our environment. And if it is not enough, we add it ourselves. This is something that today's science does not know at all. Today's science completely excludes the human being from the world, not knowing that the human being can in fact be the master of the world if he is only aware of it. If, for example, it were necessary to found a colony somewhere where there is too little nitrogen, then it would be possible to produce enough nitrogen by simply recommending food to people that would enable them to exhale a lot of nitrogen themselves. So you see how a real science can be put into practice immediately. But now something else comes into play. Let us first consider the nitrogen that we do not just let out, but that we also continually inhale and exhale. If we had only that nitrogen, we would suffocate. In our lungs, we suffocate from the nitrogen. But our kidneys, our digestive organs, our hands and feet need the nitrogen; it is transported there by the blood and is necessary there. So that we can say: When a person is standing (see diagram $. 36), nitrogen, which I have marked in red here, is constantly going into his arms and hands, into his abdomen, into his legs and feet. That is where the nitrogen has to be. Nitrogen must not remain in the lungs, it must only pass through and have oxygen for the lungs. The lungs can only live when they have oxygen; but the nitrogen goes further, into arms and hands. So everywhere I have marked in red, the nitrogen must go in. And in the heart, too, it must still be deposited, the nitrogen. There must be nitrogen everywhere inside. This nitrogen, which is inside, goes, I would say, all the time in brotherhood with the carbon. Carbon is in coal, in diamond, is in graphite. But carbon is also in us. Only in us it is liquid, floating around. So in there (see drawing) is the nitrogen, which I have drawn in red; now I want to draw in the carbon in blue. It is also everywhere inside, so that the red is everywhere with the blue, the carbon. This is something very strange: you carry carbon and nitrogen together in your insides, in your legs, your feet, your arms and hands, in your stomach, in your liver, in your kidneys, in your spleen, in your heart – nitrogen as it is in the air and completely liquid carbon, as if you were dissolving coal and this black stuff were floating in the water. You have that inside you. But that is actually a dangerous story when carbon and nitrogen are next to each other. If carbon and nitrogen are present next to each other, there is always the danger, if the right conditions are present, that they form prussic acid, cyanic acid; because prussic acid consists of what I have marked red and blue in the diagram. So you walk around and while you walk around, there is always the danger that prussic acid is formed in you. So everywhere where I have marked in blue, there is always the danger that prussic acid is formed throughout the whole human being. And because the bones have lime, the prussic acid can also combine with the lime; then a cyanide-calcium compound is formed. And then potassium cyanide is formed. You know that potassium cyanide is the most technically perfect way to poison yourself. Of course, there is no better means than potassium cyanide for this purpose; it is immediately right. But now there is a constant danger in man that he will form prussic acid and potassium cyanide. This must be so. Because if you did not have this ability to form potassium cyanide within you, then you could not walk and you could not move your arms. The power to move, to move your arms and legs, comes from the fact that you are constantly exposed to the danger of forming prussic acid. Now there is something very subtle: this prussic acid wants to form in us all the time and we constantly prevent it! That is what our life as a moving human being consists of. Even the movement of blood depends on our preventing the formation of prussic acid. Our movements arise from this resistance to the formation of prussic acid. And our will actually arises from the fact that it is constantly compelled to prevent the formation of prussic acid and prussic acid in us. Now, gentlemen, prussic acid does not form; because if it did form, we would be poisoned. But at every moment we have the possibility of prussic acid forming in us and we have to prevent it. Of course, it is not much prussic acid that wants to form, but it would add up to something over a lifetime if it were to form. And the power that lives in the prussic acid that wants to form, this power that lives there, connects the human being on earth with the sun. So that what lives in the prussic acid flows continuously from man into the sun. So you can say when you look up at the sun: I have a connection with the sun; and the power that lives in me to break down the prussic acid that constantly wants to form in my body, this power goes from the earth up to the sun. If you have the earth here and the sun here – I have to draw it large now – then such currents of Zyankali are constantly flowing from the person to the sun, and currents flow back from the sun. This dissolved Zyankali flows from the person to the sun, and from the sun flows back what the sun makes out of this dissolved Zyankali. And this distance is twenty million miles – one mile is calculated as seven and a half kilometers. If a light is now lit on the sun, we see it first because the light takes so long to get here, much later. So we are connected to a world body that is so far away from us simply by the fact that we radiate this power, which is constantly striving to form potassium cyanide. In particular, there is always something like a cyanide center in our bones, like a source of cyanide. If that were not the case, then we would be very peculiar people on earth. If we did not have this connection with the sun, then we would also stare up at the sun and say: Yes, that is a world body that has nothing to do with us. - We would see that plants grow; but these plants could not grow either if this potassium cyanide did not go back and forth. So we would stare at the sun and we would not know what relation it has to man. Of course, people today also do not know this connection that I have told you about, but they feel that they belong to the sun. And they feel this very strongly. Because when the sun goes down – especially in ancient times, when people still lived healthier lives, slept at night and watched during the day, it was still like that – then people feel that they do not absorb the sun in the same way. Then potassium cyanide is only in him, albeit only in small quantities; then he falls asleep. It is indeed the sun that always wakes people up and puts them to sleep. Only because man withholds something can he commit the folly of continuing to work at night or not working but continuing to enjoy himself. But the forces that we summon up during the night also come through the connection of these forces with the sun. And I would like to say: when hydrocyanic acid is formed somewhere on the earth itself - for example, hydrocyanic acid is formed in certain plants - when hydrocyanic acid is formed on the earth itself, then this solar force is applied to the plant, so to speak, in such a way that it brings about what actually wants to be done in the human being. You see, gentlemen, in order for this to be formed – and it has to be formed because the nitrogen is in the prussic acid – you need the nitrogen in the environment. And the sun needs the nitrogen to be able to work on us in the right way. We could not stand on earth as human beings if the sun did not have the nitrogen through which it can act on our limbs, on our digestive organs and so on. But with the head it is quite different, with the human head, quite different. You see, in the lungs, the nitrogen is no good there; it has to go through the lungs. In the lungs, only the oxygen is of any use. And when the oxygen passes through the lungs, the part that then goes to the head must not go so fraternally to the nitrogen. The oxygen that goes to the head must go to the carbon instead. And instead of hydrocyanic acid being formed towards the feet, carbonic acid is now continuously formed towards the head — I want to emphasize this. So, towards the feet, humans produce prussic acid, towards the head, they produce carbonic acid. If we had to breathe carbonic acid, we would suffocate; but we need it in our heads. You see, gentlemen, that is a very interesting thing: our head needs the carbonic acid. Now, you all know carbonic acid, of course. You have probably all had a fizzy soft drink or sparkling water: it contains bubbles, these gas bubbles. This is often carbonic acid, because in carbonated water, the carbonic acid is inside and rises in small bubbles. Gentlemen, you would not think that you have your head to anything at all if it were not for the fact that you are constantly producing little bubbles in your own body through the blood. Just as the bubbles shoot up in the bottle in the fizzy lemonade, tiny little bubbles are constantly going up in you towards your head. You could use your head for nothing if you were not a bottle like that yourself. One thirteenth to one fourteenth of the weight of your own body is taken up by blood. So you can imagine: you are actually such a bottle, filled with blood instead of fizzy water, and these bubbles swim upwards, striving upwards, just like in the fizzy water bottle, only much smaller, like in the lemonade bottle. Your head would not be able to think if these bubbles did not constantly rise up in you. But now this carbonic acid must not be inactive in your head. You can well imagine that, with regard to your blood, you are like a bottle of fizzy pop, with bubbles rising up to your head. Now you have the same carbonic acid in your head, these bubbles, as in the bottle of fizzy lemonade. If you have too little in your head, you fall asleep; so you need it in your head. But this carbonic acid comes into contact with something in your head – nowhere else – but in your head it comes into contact with the iron in your blood. The iron is everywhere in the blood. But the iron that is in the blood in the hands cannot do anything with the carbonic acid; only in the head does the carbonic acid come together with the iron. And I would like to say: they kiss in the head, become very intimate with each other, the iron and the carbonic acid; and from there, through the veins, the iron passes into the whole blood. The carbonic acid then carries the iron into the whole blood when it has come into contact with it in the head. Iron and carbonic acid can only have a rendezvous in the head; but afterwards, when they have had their rendezvous, they can stroll around in the whole blood. Therefore, if a young girl becomes anemic, if she has too little iron in her blood, it means that there are too few rendezvous in her head, too few trysts between iron and carbonic acid. The girl does not have the strength to let enough iron and carbonic acid come together in her head. But now you have probably already heard of such carbonic acid waters and even drunk some yourself. These carbonic acid waters, which are called ferruginous waters, are particularly healthy. You see, wherever there are ferruginous springs – and there are a great many carbonated waters in the earth – that is where nature exercises in the earth that which the human being exercises in his head. Large ferruginous springs are to be found here and there in the earth. And people are sent there when their own minds have become too weak. For every human mind is such an iron-containing source; even a ferruginous acid is still constantly forming in there, carbonic acid iron. There are as many sources in you as there are people sitting here. It is only when someone has been muddling through the winter that his mind becomes weak, and then the carbonic acid iron content in his mind becomes weak. He feels something that many people feel in spring: he feels as if something is wrong with his blood – of course, if he has been drinking! – he feels weak in the head, and must be sent to a carbonic acid bath, so that he gets through the stomach and from there through the head what he should actually produce himself through a more solid life. The ferruginous springs are not so rare: there are as many as there are people on earth! So we have what we need in iron in our blood through this carbonic acid iron. We must, however, constantly produce it ourselves in our heads. But just as we must prevent it at the moment when it wants to arise, just as we must prevent the prussic acid. It may only just begin to form. You know, today chemists only talk about: well, we can put iron and carbon and oxygen together, and get iron carbonate. That must then be there, this iron carbonate. But that is not how it happens in life! Just as there is a difference between a stone and a piece of your liver, there is a difference between what the chemist does in the laboratory with iron carbonate and what exists in your mind as iron, as iron carbonate. That is alive! The difference is that it is alive. And you see, from this carbonic iron, which is in your mind, currents are constantly going up to the moon. Just as the currents of potassium cyanide go to the sun, so these currents, which a person develops by having the strength within himself to control the ferrous carbon, go up to the moon and back again. Think, gentlemen, that you are looking up at the moon. You can say to yourself: It has a lot to do with my head. And so it is when you come to any area – I will mention, for example, Sauerbrunn in Hungary or Götsch in Styria, Gießhübl and so on; I believe there are also some in Switzerland – when you come there, it is a place where the moon can best affect the earth through the soil, because only there can such waters arise. So we see how the earth and man on the earth are connected with the sun and moon in that one comes to it: the cyanide currents ruled by man go according to the sun, the iron-carbonic acid currents ruled by man go according to the moon. If one were reasonable, one would examine all such things properly. That is not done today. You just have to consider that the plants that are on the earth constantly need carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is there. We humans and the animals exhale carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is there! The plants that are on the earth do not breathe oxygen, but carbon dioxide. They throw away the oxygen, they keep the carbon in themselves. Therefore, the plant is built on carbonic acid. But this whole process, which develops best in the plant, is such that the plant can develop out of carbonic acid when the full moon is shining, because it is connected with the power of the moon. On the other hand, when there is a new moon, it develops less. And so it is always a basic condition for the plant that it is illuminated by the full moon. Growth is dormant during the new moon and develops particularly strongly during the full moon. That is how you also explained the influence of the moon in “old superstitions”! Of course, such things were observed in the past, when people had no science. That is why you will find references everywhere in old country sayings to the importance of the full moon for plant growth. And you see, gentlemen, one should not just talk about the relationships between the individual heavenly bodies, but one should start from how this actually manifests itself on earth among people. Man has, as you have now seen, an extraordinary amount from the moon and from the sun. Man owes it to the moon that he can use his head. Man owes it to the sun that he can use his heart and his legs and hands. Just as we need the ground under our feet so that we can walk on it and not keep falling over, we need the sun and the moon. When we walk at night, we walk by the stored-up solar energy that we received during the day. We need these heavenly bodies! But now, when you know what I have just said, you will also be able to say to yourself: Yes, but what about the early days? I have already told you that in the early days the sun and the moon and the earth were one single body; only in the course of time did they separate. Today we have the sun, the earth and the moon, that is, three bodies, distributed in space. In the beginning we had the sun, huge; inside it was the earth and inside the earth was the moon itself. They were one inside the other (see diagram $44). If we go back in the process of development, we come to a point in time when things were as if you, gentlemen, were very powerful, we were all very powerful and would now start here in the assembly to pack up the whole earth, load it onto a world wagon, quickly drive to the moon and then we would take the Earth and the Moon, which we had packed up, and drive up into the Sun. We would have reestablished the conditions that once existed. Only all the substances of the earth and all the substances of the moon would immediately take on a different form than they have now. But that was once the case! And when that was the case, there was not the same air as there is now, but there was prussic acid on the earth. So there was prussic acid and carbonic acid everywhere in the sun. You will say: But there was no real oxygen; in hydrocyanic acid and carbonic acid, man cannot live! Yes, gentlemen, as man is today, he could not live in that either; but in those days man did not yet have a physical body. He lived as a soul in this structure, in this heavenly body, which was the sun and earth and moon at the same time. And if we look at it properly, we simply come back to the fact that the whole nature of the heavenly bodies was different in those days, that when we still lived in the sun we naturally did not live on oxygen, but on prussic acid and carbonic acid. The sun, in which we lived, gave us prussic acid; the moon, which was inside the earth, gave us carbonic acid. Today, all that remains of this is nitrogen in the air, which we cannot live on either. That remained from the prussic acid. The enormous prussic acid air of the sun left us the nitrogen when the sun and the earth separated. So the nitrogen remained from the prussic acid. And the oxygen remained from the carbonic acid after the moon came out. So we can say: Our air, our ordinary air, which consists of nitrogen and oxygen, has not been around forever, it has only been around since the sun separated from the earth; that's when the nitrogen came. And since the moon has separated from the earth, that's when the oxygen came. But now it goes further! I told you that there is actually only a little oxygen in the air, about 21 percent, and quite a lot of nitrogen, around 78 percent. Now, I also told you: the sun is big, the moon is small; we get our oxygen from the moon, so there is less of it in the air; we get our nitrogen from the sun, so there is a lot of it in the air because the sun is much bigger than the moon. So you can see from the nitrogen in the air that the sun is bigger than the moon, because we get our nitrogen from the sun and our oxygen from the moon. But I also told you that carbonic acid consists of oxygen and carbon. The carbon that is in black coal is there; the oxygen is in the air. Now I have told you that when the moon came out of the earth, the oxygen was created. But then the carbon that remains in the earth, that is the black coal in the earth, was formed from the carbonic acid. So think, we dig the black coal out of the earth today. What do we have to say to ourselves when we don't just drill into the earth like earthworms, but educate ourselves about how this coal was formed? —Once the moon came out of the earth, gave the air oxygen and the ground coal. We really must say: You, Moon, you gave us plenty when you left the Earth; you didn't just slip away when you left the Earth; you left us oxygen in the air and coal in the Earth! - So the moon, it's actually a very fine fellow out in space; because when he was still with us, he entertained our souls by always developing carbonic acid himself; he left that behind for us. And outside he left us the carbon and in the earth the coal. He did not act like a thief, leaving nothing behind or even taking it with him, but he made the physical human possible in the first place. Before that there was no physical human, but only a spiritual human in the sun with the moon and the earth. And even earlier, the Earth and the Sun separated. The Sun provided the Earth with prussic acid, actually with potassium cyanide. This is needed to live spiritually, that is, when one does not have a physical body. You have to have prussic acid in the environment where you cannot use it when you are supposed to live as a physical person. Prussic acid immediately dissolves the physical person. But the sun is also such a fine person: it left us the nitrogen in the air when it went away, when it separated; and in the earth it left us the potassium cyanide and other cyanide compounds. These consist of carbon, nitrogen and potassium – potassium is a substance that shines as finely as silver – or also calcium. So the sun left behind nitrogen in the air for us, and also some carbon, but this did not become coal, but lives in plants, this carbon; but it secreted calcium and that is where the limestone mountains, the Jura and so on come from. The fact that we have a solid earth at all comes from the fact that the sun was once with us and went out into space and left us the lime. The moon left us the coal, the sun left us the lime in the earth. The moon left us oxygen in the air, the sun left us nitrogen in the air. And so the earth was formed out of the sun and the moon. And after it was formed, we look up and see the sun and the moon. But when everything was still together, when the sun, moon and earth were together, man could only live as a spiritual being, could not live otherwise! Yes, gentlemen, in those days man was able to live as a soul-spiritual being despite the fact that he never received a physical body because oxygen and nitrogen and all that was not there. But now, when we bring potassium cyanide into our bodies as we are on earth, it destroys all our movements and vital forces in our bodies. And the terrible thing is that there is always a danger when someone poisons themselves with potassium cyanide that it takes its toll on the soul and instead of being able to live on in the soul, the person is scattered all over the world and especially in the sunlight. If anthroposophical knowledge were to spread, no one would poison themselves with potassium cyanide anymore. It would not even occur to him! The fact that poisoning with potassium cyanide occurs is only the consequence of the materialistic world view, because people believe that dead is dead, no matter whether one dies from potassium cyanide or from inner dissolution. But it is important! When someone dies through inner dissolution, then the soul and spirit have to take the usual path into the spiritual world; they simply continue to live. But when you poison yourself with potassium cyanide, then the soul intends to go with every body part, and especially to spread out in the nitrogen and dissolve into the universe. That is the real death of soul and spirit. If people only knew that the soul and spirit are the actual human being, then they would say: We cannot possibly cause this terrible explosion, which is then caused throughout the whole universe in a subtle way, when a person poisons himself with potassium cyanide. – Because every person who poisons himself with potassium cyanide connects himself in an improper way to the current that goes from the earth to the sun. And if one had the right instruments, one would see a small explosion in the sun every time a person poisons himself with potassium cyanide. And the sun is deteriorating as a result. Man corrupts the universe and also the power that flows from the sun to the earth when he poisons himself with potassium cyanide. Man really has influence on the universe. When a person poisons himself with potassium cyanide, he is actually ruining the sun! And so it is with every case of cyanide poisoning. And that is something that does not evoke such an artificially created religious mood, but what really evokes a religious mood, is that man knows: I belong to the universe, and what I do continually evokes influences in the universe. That is precisely what has been completely forgotten by people, that this is the case and that people do not even know: the nitrogen that is around me was created by the sun; the oxygen that is around me was created by the moon. And that is why a real science is basically no longer there today. There is no real science at all anymore! Real science takes the other heavenly bodies into account. And so people look up at the stars through their telescopes, do mere calculating, but do not know that, for example, there is an intimate connection between every iron particle, of which millions swim around in our blood, between every iron particle in our blood and everything that happens in the moon. And so it is that, for example, a young girl suffering from anemia cannot develop a proper relationship with the moon and thus becomes completely disconnected from the cosmic context. So that such a pale anemia young girl, for example, loses her memory, everything that relates to the head, and that as a result the living relationship does not arise, everything that, as I have told you, should arise between iron and carbonic acid - all that is not present in the pale anemia young girl: the head becomes empty of thoughts. But again, if a person is unable to properly combat what wants to arise in his body in terms of prussic acid, then too much lime is deposited in the bones; the bones become brittle and gradually even the lime pushes into the blood vessels: everything in the person becomes brittle. The human being can no longer develop the right relationship with the sun. But this must be. The human being must develop his right relationship with the sun through that which lives in his movements, in which the bones, of course, play an important part. And the human being must develop the right relationship with the moon through that which lives in his head. Yes, gentlemen, it is indeed the case that if a person does not think, is too lazy to think, then little by little the moon will not take care of that person! Then the person becomes dull, stupid. And if the person does not walk at all, but lies in bed all the time, then the sun will not take care of that person. Then the person becomes dull and lethargic and sluggish in relation to his limbs. Whether someone is very lazy in their movements or in their thoughts depends on their relationship with the sun and moon. If you are on good terms with the sun and moon, you like to think and like to walk around and like to work. If you are on bad terms with the sun and moon, you stop thinking and you no longer enjoy walking around and working. But man is very closely connected to the sun and moon. If you ask one or the other today what he has learned from all that can be learned today - one tells you how to work with the microscope, the other tells you how to look at the sun and moon with the telescope, how to calculate the angles, how much distance are the distances, that the sun has sunspots, that it has a corona around it, how the nebulae rise – he tells you all that. If you ask me what the connection between the heavenly bodies is, then I can tell you the same thing, because I have also learned what the others have learned. But if it is to become a living science, I have to tell it to you in such a way that it ultimately comes out that human walking and standing is connected with the sun; that is living science and the other is dead science, living science and dead science! This living science and this dead science, that is precisely the difference between the Goetheanum and, let us say, a modern university. If you go to a modern university, they tell the young doctor that when any body combines with oxygen, it burns. So you have a candle; there is all kinds of fuel, fats, there is the flame and there these substances combine with the oxygen in the air. And that is combustion, the combining of substances with the oxygen in the air, therefore combustion. And then the professor goes on to say: There is also combustion in the human being, because there is carbon in it, oxygen is inhaled, combines with the carbon; there is also combustion in the human being. – And so the professor tells you about the combustion in the human being. But that is just as much nonsense as saying: “Guy, your liver has gone terribly bad, I'll cut one out of wood and put it in for you.” Yes, that's a dead liver! But man needs a living liver. If you light a candle, you have a dead combustion; but the combustion that is inside man is a living combustion! The same difference that exists between a candle and the living combustion inside a person also exists between a living liver and a liver made of wood. So when the professor talks about a combustion taking place inside a person, he is not talking about a real person at all, but about someone he has carved out of wood. That is all nonsense! The combustion itself is alive in the human being. And that is the big difference between the combustion that is outside, the dead combustion, and the living one that is inside the human being. But they look at the combustion in the same way, saying: outside, fat, tallow or something similar burns in the candle, and inside, carbon burns to form carbonic acid. It is the same nonsense as saying that you could just as easily make a liver out of wood or stone. That would be a dead liver! In the body, there cannot be just any old kind of combustion like there is in a candle. There is a living combustion in the human being, and it is different from what is otherwise called combustion, just as the liver is different from a piece of wood. That is why I distinguish these expressions that are used by ordinary natural science from combustion and so on; I only say it by also explaining that it is a living combustion. Even in the word, when one says that a combustion takes place in the body, there is nonsense in the word, because everyone thinks: the same thing that happens in a candle happens in a human being. Even when you speak the words, you are talking nonsense. Next Saturday, if I'm there, I'll give a lecture; otherwise on Monday. |
351. How the Spirit Works in Nature: Man and the Earth in the North and South
13 Oct 1923, Dornach Rudolf Steiner |
351. How the Spirit Works in Nature: Man and the Earth in the North and South
13 Oct 1923, Dornach Rudolf Steiner |
Good morning, gentlemen! Perhaps you noticed something in particular during the last lecture that would prompt you to follow up with a question? Questioner: Yesterday, Mr. Seefeld showed me a photograph of snowflakes. The forms come from the universe. It interested me very much; there is a connection. It has already given me food for thought. Dr. Steiner: I will try to present this to you in context as well, especially since it will then easily lead on from what we discussed last Monday. I have often pointed out that the human being is a very complicated creature. This is not so much apparent from the human being's appearance, but can be seen from the human being's inner life, including the physical interior of the human being. I can point out to you, for example, that in areas in the so-called hot zone, where it is warm for most of the year and only a very short rainy winter alternates with the warmth - say in southern Egypt or India - that people there actually look quite different on the inside than where it is constantly cold, in areas close to the North Pole, for example. Regions close to the North Pole have a great deal of what you just asked about; they have a great deal of the forces that are then expressed in the beautiful forms of snowflakes. So we can say that on Earth we have areas that are strongly warmed and illuminated by the sun, where the sun has a great influence, and we have areas where the sun actually has little influence, where snow and ice prevail. You know that not only snowflakes have beautiful, all kinds of wonderful shapes – snowflakes have, firstly, shapes that resemble a hexagon, but also all kinds of other shapes (see figure $. 52) – but you have certainly also looked out the window in winter when there is ice, when the water freezes that otherwise covers the entire window surface as vapor; then you have seen what wonderful flowers are formed, wonderful figures in which the water is formed. So that we can say: water, which is the basis of snow as well as of ice – because when it gets warm again, both snow and ice melt into water – forms the most beautiful figures when the sun is not quite strong. Of course, they cannot be in the water. Because something that forms its own figure out of itself retains its figure. You all have a figure. But you cannot say of the human figure that you all only have the human figure in pictures, which melts away when the sun comes. That would also be a shame, but it doesn't. The water does not have this figure within itself; it comes from outside. Now let us examine where the water gets this figure from, which causes these beautiful images in both snow crystals and frost flowers. That is the answer to your question. When such a question is posed, it must be possible to address the person as a whole. Now there are two organs in the human being; they are different in a person where the sun has great power throughout the year, as in the hot regions of southern Egypt and India. The inner form of these organs differs in these people from those people where it is cold, so to speak, all year round, where there is always a tendency in nature to form snow crystals and frost flowers, as with the Eskimos. They live up there, wherever snow and ice actually want to be, where water does not melt much. But now let's look at the outside. People will say: Well, people in hot areas may be a little taller on the outside, but the Eskimos are small people. But that is not what makes the difference. The big difference between people in the hot zone and the Eskimos, the people in the cold zone, lies in the difference in the formation of their livers and lungs. The Eskimos have large lungs and small livers in relation to their bodies, and the people in the hot zone have relatively smaller lungs and a large liver. So you see, people in areas where ice flowers and ice crystals form differ from the others in that they have a small liver and large lungs in relation to their bodies. And in people where nature does not tend to form such figures, but where the sun always melts everything, removes everything, there is the peculiarity that they have relatively small lungs and a large liver. Whenever we ask about something in nature, including ice flowers, we must always look at the human being. If you don't start with the human being, you understand nothing in nature, absolutely nothing. So the thing is this: the liver in humans is a very important organ. If a person had no liver, they would have no bile, because the liver secretes bile continuously. The bile comes from the liver, passes into the gallbladder, from there into the digestive juices, from there into the blood and then passes into the whole body. So we can say: Man has the liver in his right side; from the liver, bile flows out into the gallbladder, from there into the blood, and goes into the whole body. So man actually has his liver to secrete bile. You may ask why this bile is constantly coming from the liver. Gentlemen, if you had no gall, you would be strange people. It is distributed throughout the body in very small quantities, but it must be in the whole body. If you had no gall, you would be terribly phlegmatic; you would let your hands, arms, and head hang, and it would be unpleasant for you to answer someone's questions and so on. So you would be completely lethargic, phlegmatic people if you had no bile. Man must have bile; the bile must come from the liver. And if the liver is relatively small, then the person is phlegmatic; if the liver is relatively large, then the person has a lot of fire in him, because the bile produces fire. And you see, there can also be too much bile in a person; they can produce too much bile; then they actually feel like hitting out when someone says just a little something to them. In particular, people with a violent temper have a lot of bile flowing out of their liver; a lot of bile flows into the digestive juices and into the blood. So that if you observe inwardly the person to whom you say something or who does not like something that makes a particular impression on him – a lot of bile quickly flows out of the liver and spreads very quickly throughout the body, and he hits you a few times or rants like a trooper. That is what you observe inwardly when a person has too much tendency to secrete bile. But as I said, if he did not secrete any bile at all, he would have no fire at all, but would just flop around as I told you. So you see, the secretion of bile is something that is absolutely essential to a person. I don't know if any of you has tasted bile: it tastes terribly bitter, really poisonous, and a larger amount of bile properly absorbed by the mouth is also a poison. This is related to what I told you last Wednesday. I told you: when a person comes to life, moves, walks, even when he curses and slaps you around a bit, yes, there is so much poison that he has the tendency to produce a lot of the potassium cyanide I told you about. He has to mix that with his blood. I have seen many cases where people have simply developed internal blood poisoning from their anger. One can become so angry, especially when one becomes angry quickly, that one secretes an excessive amount of bile as a result of this anger - actually first a lot of cyan, then bile. Then one gets a terrible toxic mixture in the blood, and that ruins the blood. Wrath can cause terrible blood poisoning. From this you can see how necessary and how harmful something can be for a person, depending on what kind of organ it is in his body. Because everything that happens is connected with the soul again. Anger is something of the soul, the secretion of bile is something physical; but there is nothing in the human being that is not also of the soul and everything of the soul somehow has a physical form. Let us move on. Now suppose a person is very often exposed to what are often called colds, especially abdominal colds. So a person gets abdominal colds very often; then his stomach says: Yes, I am like an Eskimo, I am like in the coldest region of the earth. - And then it happens that the stomach constantly contracts the liver, so that it is small like an Eskimo's. So if a person has a lot of abdominal colds, then his liver contracts, and then it squeezes out the bile. Bile constantly trickles into the gallbladder and from there into the body. Now, gentlemen, you have all experienced what is called, for example, overstraining yourself. You lift something that is too heavy for you; then you tear your muscles apart, then you destroy your muscles. If you use too much strength for any organ, you destroy the organ. But that is the case with the liver. If it continues to secrete too much bile, the liver gradually shrinks and becomes ineffective. So most liver diseases that people get arise from the fact that the person has developed a tendency to secrete too much bile due to cold in the abdomen, causing their liver to atrophy. Liver diseases come from cold in the abdomen due to the liver shrinking. Of course, all kinds of other conditions can occur as well. When a person suffers from abdominal colds, the heart does not work properly. Doctors then say that liver diseases come from the heart. But in reality they come from the fact that the abdomen is cold. But all this – as you can already see from what I have told you – has to do with the sun. Therefore, it is always very good for someone suffering from abdominal colds to expose their lower body to light. The sun cure, for example, is extremely good for this. So we have to say: everything that is connected with the liver is also connected with the sun. Solar activity promotes liver activity. A lack of solar activity disrupts liver activity. It is a very interesting connection between the sun and the liver. I have always admired the fact that the German language has a word for liver. All other languages don't have such a nice word for this organ in the right side of the abdomen. Because, according to what I have explained to you now, we have to say that the fire, even that which comes to man from the sun, this invigorating firepower, must first be cooked properly in the liver for the human being; the bile must be prepared there for him, which then passes into his body. The sun prepares the bile in the human being. What the human being does there, we call living, and the one who fuels this life can be called a liver. Just as one says: wagon, wainwright, drawing, draftsman, so life is the verb, and liver, the liver - one has only forgotten that this is the case, one says “the liver” instead of “the liver”; actually it is called the liver - that is what gives life! Sometimes language is wonderfully instructive, because in the old folk instincts there was always a knowledge of this, and things were named correctly. The liver is what fires, what invigorates the human being. This is to be said with regard to the liver. Now, if one has a liver in its bile secretion, then one must say: the secretion of the liver is that which is connected with the sun. Now we turn to the lungs. We have often discussed this and you know it: the lungs breathe. But the lungs drawing in oxygen, breathing, is only part of their activity. The lungs have something else to do. Just as the liver secretes bile, so the lungs secrete what is called mucus. So the lungs secrete mucus. The lungs, like the liver, cannot keep what they have inside. The liver could not fill up with bile; the liver has to release bile into the body. But the lungs have to constantly secrete mucus, constantly secrete mucus. And now it is so that when the lungs secrete mucus, the mucus then goes to all other parts of the body. It goes out with sweat, it even goes into the exhaled air, it goes out with the urine, it goes everywhere, the mucus. But the organ that secretes the mucus is the lung. If you now examine the air that a person exhales, you will discover something wonderful. You just have to examine the air exhaled from the nose, not the air exhaled from the mouth, which is too irregular; you have to examine the air exhaled from the nostrils. It is very interesting when someone exhales very slowly. You have to be very careful: if you breathe on a glass plate, something similar to snow will appear in the exhaled breath. You have to do it very carefully, and in such a way that, for example, if you hold your left nostril while exhaling, you only breathe out slowly with your right nostril onto the glass plate in front of you, and then with your left. You have to breathe very slowly, because if you breathe quickly, you smear the whole thing with the breath. You have to breathe very gently and softly. Actually, you have to learn that first. But then it's interesting: when you breathe through one nostril, the exhaled air forms figures on the glass plate, just like snow! The exhaled air is not just a little crumb on it, but a figure. And the really interesting thing about it, I would say, is that if you hold your left nostril closed and breathe out, you get one figure; if you hold your right nostril closed and breathe out, you get a different figure. They are not even the same figures! So we can say: the air from you, from your own person, comes out in figures. It doesn't come out just as a drop, it comes out in figures, and even so strangely that the left nostril gives a different figure than the right nostril. Now, gentlemen, what is in the exhaled air, which, because it contains water vapor, gives these figures, which evaporate again immediately, but forms these figures, is the mucus that passes from the lungs into the exhaled air. It forms these figures. The mucus, so to speak, sticks the individual, tiny water droplets together into such figures. So that you do not just have the tendency to expel mucus in your lungs in any old shape, but you have the tendency to actually exhale or expel mucus from your lungs in crystals – in crystals! Only these crystals evaporate immediately, dissolve immediately, because they come into contact with the sun. Just as the bile is related to the liver and the sun, so the lungs and their mucus secretion are related to the moon. We know that the carbon dioxide rises up into the head, as I have told you, and I have shown you that if a person did not send carbon dioxide up into his head, he would become stupid. This tingling carbonic acid, which continuously rises in very small quantities into the head, makes us clever people. We are all so terribly clever people, aren't we! You know, when you drink fizzy drinks, it tingles; that is very noticeable. But humans always produce carbonic acid very weakly. He sends it up into the head. And this tingling in the head makes the head active; that is why he is clever and not stupid. Those people who are really stupid – I don't know if there are any – they have too little strength to combine the carbon with the oxygen and don't send any carbon up, but they combine the carbon with a completely different gas. So a clever person connects the carbon with the oxygen: and that's how sparkling carbonic acid is created. But as I said, those people who are really stupid connect the carbon not with the oxygen but with the hydrogen. So they connect carbon with hydrogen, and that's how this gas is created, which is sometimes found in mines: mine gas, swamp gas. We all send some of this mine gas into our heads; we need it, otherwise we would become too clever. So that we can always remain a little dull, and not be too clever, we also develop swamp gas. But those who become too stupid develop too much swamp gas. In those people who are reasonably clever, the carbonic acid goes to the head. That tingles. And when a lot of marsh gas has gradually accumulated, they become sleepy, then comes sleepiness. This occurs at night, when a lot of marsh gas develops. Only in those who are stupid does the marsh gas also develop when they are awake. So the carbonic acid has to keep rising. But the carbonic acid alone does not do it: the mucus has to go from the lungs to the head. It even comes out through the nostrils in the form of crystals, just as it does in the liver and gall bladder. Now, that will be clear to you from the description I gave on Wednesday. Just as the liver is related to the sun, so the lungs are related to the moon. Take a look at the moon. The moon is just very different from the sun. When you look at the sun, the sun is round, but it actually spreads its rays in all directions. The sun, which shines on all sides; it flows out in all directions, just as the bile in the human body goes in all directions. One can then compare the sun in its flowing out, in its flowing apart, with the flowing out of the bile. But the moon - yes, gentlemen, when you look at the moon, it always has a very definite shape. The moon is very firm. And in its interior, too, what constitutes the substance of the moon is crystallized, just as our exhaled air forms, which come out of the nose, are crystallized. The moon's effects are at work inside, just as the sun's effects are at work in the liver and gall bladder. The moon's forces are at work in the lungs, and the moon causes this secretion of mucus. Now we can say: let us go to the hot regions, yes, then the sun is at work. It makes everything melt; people get a lot of fire. Fire, it does not only live in the wrath of anger, but also lives in the beautiful things and in the beautiful wisdom of zeal. People get a lot of fire. If we go to cold regions, then in these cold regions, where the sun does not have the strength to work, where the moon shines in particular on cold nights in the freezing cold, the lungs, which are relatively enlarged, have to work very hard: a lot of mucus is secreted. And those who are not accustomed to this catch cold and secrete too much mucus. You see, gentlemen, now you also have the cause of lung diseases. The lungs have to secrete a certain amount of mucus, just as the liver has to secrete a certain amount of bile. But just as the liver ruins itself when it secretes too much bile, so the lungs ruin themselves when they secrete too much mucus. This is the case with lung diseases. The lungs are shaken up by what they experience, by secreting too much mucus. So imagine that instead of living in moderately humid air, instead of living in a little humid air, you live in very humid air: then the lungs have to make a very great effort. But when the lungs strain, they secrete mucus. And so, by breathing too much moist air, the lungs begin to strain. And the person coughs when they get lung disease; little by little they cough up their entire lungs when they are too sick. You can then help the lungs by preparing a certain medicine. You must not use roots for this, but you must use the leaves of plants to prepare a certain medicine. This is the case, for example, with very specific plant species. If you take the juice correctly and prepare certain medicines, you can help the lungs when they are too active. Because such medicines have the property of taking over the lung activity; then the lungs exert themselves a little less. The healing process therefore usually consists of asking oneself: the lung is secreting too much mucus; this is a sign that it is making too great an effort. So what do I do? I look for a plant that has a juice that can take over the lung's activity. Or I notice that the liver is secreting too much bile: I look for a plant that can take over the liver function. There is, for example, a plant called Cichorium intybus, chicory. If the juice from the root of this plant is made into a medicine and given to a person, then it takes over the liver function, and one can then find that although at first the person does not secrete less bile, and although at first his mental anger does not decrease, but that his liver gradually strengthens again and gradually improvement occurs. So you help a person by knowing, for example, that the juices of the leaves - not the roots - of certain types of cabbage can take over certain lung activities, and that the juice from the root of Cichorium intybus - it also grows out there, you will all know it, it has such blue flowers - is particularly beneficial for the liver. So we can say: In hot areas, water melts; warmth, the warmth of the sun dissolves everything. When the sun is less active, when the sun's power diminishes or is weak throughout the year, as in northern areas, the moon becomes all the more powerful. When the direct rays of the sun are not effective, these strange rays of the sun, which are reflected by the moon, are effective. These, however, produce the crystal forms and the ice flower forms. That is very beautiful. We can therefore say: If we have the earth here (see drawing), then we have the hot zone here. The sun's rays have a particular effect on the hot zone. Oh, that is very beautiful how the sun's rays work there! These sunbeams stimulate liver activity. The liver sends bile everywhere, and the bile spreads throughout the body. And when the bile spreads into the feathers of birds or the wings of hummingbirds, for example, it becomes the beautiful colors. That is why hummingbirds glisten in the hot zone because their bile is secreted very quickly and goes into the feathers very quickly. In cold regions, this does not happen, because the sun has little power there. Instead, the reflected sunlight, the light of the moon, is particularly active, and this light causes the snow to form crystals, and the ice to produce frost flowers. This only happens here when the sun loses its power in winter. But in the regions of eternal ice, at the North Pole or on the high mountains, because the sun also has no power there, because the sun can only develop power in the dense air, these beautiful forms of ice are formed. We already get a wonderful impression when we look into nature in this way! We get the impression that wherever the sun shines, life appears, life that melts and evaporates, that spreads. Wherever the moon has an effect, shapes and images arise. That is quite an impression that one gets there. And one can only understand these things if one is open to spiritual influences. It is really true that one must say: in the lungs, where man actually produces mucus, the powers of the moon are also at work. And they work in such a way that they do not need direct sunlight, but use reflected sunlight. Therefore, when the lunar forces are predominantly active here in the north, and the sun is inactive, something else happens: the air above becomes such that something that is always in the earth here comes out. For magnetism and electricity are everywhere in the earth. The earth is full of magnetism and electricity. You can see that magnetism and electricity are everywhere in the earth from the following: if you have a telegraph set at a station (diagram), if it is in Dornach, for example, then you have one here, let's say in Basel; you can telegraph to it; but you can only telegraph when there is a wire. Wires must go through the air; only then can you telegraph. But that is not enough if you were to set up a telegraph here and one in Basel, and pull a wire! You could telegraph as long as you like with the button, you would get to Basel, but you have to connect back again, it has to be a closed current. And when you do that, then you can telegraph here, and the signals will arrive there. You know - I only mention this for the sake of completeness - that there is a paper strip wrapped around here, and when a tip presses on this paper strip, either a dot or a dash is created, and when it presses for a long time, and the telegraphic alphabet is then composed of dots and dashes, a -, b----, c-+--. But the strange thing is: you don't need this second wire after all if you run a wire from the apparatus into the ground and put a copper plate in there, and then put another plate there; you can then remove the wire, because there is a connection. Why? Because the earth itself has electricity and the electricity is conducted from one plate to the other. The earth replaces the wire with its own substance. The earth is full of electricity. But when the sun shines on the earth, as at the equator, in the hot area, this electricity, when it wants to come out into the air, is immediately destroyed. The sunlight is a force that extinguishes the electricity. But where the sun's effect is weak, electricity goes up into the air, and you can see it above the earth. You see, gentlemen, the northern lights are the electrical force of the earth, which flows under the influence of the moon's forces. That is why the northern lights are very rare in our regions; but they are frequent, almost always there in northern regions. This is another point where science reaches a dead end at a certain point. Of course, science today knows that the earth is full of electricity. This science also always looks at the northern lights. But if you read in the books what this northern light actually is, people always believe that it is something that flows from the world into the earth. But that is nonsense, it does not flow in, but flows straight out! What science does with the northern lights is so interesting because it is the same as when someone confuses their debts with their capital. That is the case. It makes a difference in human life when you confuse your debts with your wealth. But science can do it with impunity, it can look at the aurora borealis as something that flows in from the world, while in reality the aurora borealis is something that flows out from the earth. But in the hot areas, it is immediately received by sunlight, and there it is extinguished. In the northern regions, the moonlight is more active when it shines; and when it does not shine, it remains active in the after-effect, and there the northern light, the outgoing electricity, becomes visible. Now, this northern light is particularly strong there because the moon's forces are particularly strong. There is actually a little northern light everywhere, only it cannot be seen because it is weak. In our regions, the aurora borealis, that is, the escaping electricity, is also weak. But in wireless telegraphy it is so strong that it has an effect. What works in wireless telegraphy is the same as what you see glowing in the aurora borealis. There you have the reason. Electricity, together with moonlight, makes the ice flowers and snow crystals. You have to study the northern lights and the moonlight if you want to study the ice crystals, the frost flowers and the snow crystals. Because the power of the sun is less in winter, the power of the moon gets the upper hand and the electricity is less extinguished by us, the snow is formed into such beautiful crystals. It is the moon and electricity together that form the beautiful crystals and cause the frost flowers. Now, I have already told you, just remember: if someone has too little moon activity, if someone develops too much marsh gas in his head, then, as the vernacular says, he becomes a “Sumser”, that is, a fool. And so he develops too little moon power in himself. Now, what must one have in one's head? One must get everything that comes from the moon, the carbonic acid from breathing, the mucus from the lungs, into the head, that is, a power that constantly wants to form crystals in the head. Snow, gentlemen, wants to form continuously in our heads; we only dissolve it again and again. But it wants to form. Think, gentlemen, you actually all have a very strange organ in your brains. Namely, when Mr. Seefeld showed Mr. Burle these beautiful snow crystal figures, he was interested in them, and he thought to himself: It must be interesting to see what the connection actually is. Yes, Mr. Burle photographed these snow crystals inside himself! It is like taking a very quick photograph, and what arises in a flash disappears again when you exhale through your nostrils. If one could quickly photograph what is going on inside Mr. Burle's head, or in the heads of all of you, one would find the same photographs. They would form such pieces of snow crystals, of ice flowers, window flowers; they could be photographed by your ether heads, and they would be the same! Your head is a very strange thing. If you had such a photographic apparatus, as it does not yet exist - you would have to do it terribly fast, because it always dissolves immediately - you would find: we look in our brain like a pretty piece of snow or a pretty window of ice flowers! It must disappear again immediately, otherwise they would sting us, these sharp crystals, we would not think with them. So that when we look out at the snow, or when we look out at our window flowers, ice flowers, we can say to ourselves: “Gosh, that's the same thing that's going on in our own heads!” – except that it quickly dissipates. All of nature thinks! And in winter, when it gets cold, it really starts to think. In summer, it's just too hot to think. Then it lets the sun scatter and turns it into food and so on. But in winter, when it's cold, thoughts form in the snow and ice. If there were no thoughts out there, we wouldn't have any in our heads either. So you see, it is actually beautiful, this correspondence of nature outside in winter, where nature becomes so clever that it makes visible, external, what is always going on in our heads as our cleverness. We can see everywhere in nature what is going on in ourselves. We just have to understand it in the right way. Now, all this has a great, practical significance. So, gentlemen, suppose someone gets, let us say, a very specific type of head disease from secreting too little mucus. You can get a head disease from that. If, when someone secretes too little mucus, you give him some silicic acid iron as a remedy, then this silicic acid iron takes over the mucus secretion activity and pushes the mucus up into the head, and you can again cause healing with it. You see, that is the difference between anthroposophic medicine and other medicine, which only ever tries things out. In anthroposophy, you learn that a person who has a certain head disease is too weak to form crystals in his brain, this perpetual formation and decay of frost flowers. Now you have to help him. You can do that with mere silicic acid. If you go up to the high mountains and see the beautiful quartz there, that is silicic acid. It is a beautiful crystal. It has the tendency to form these crystals. If you treat this quartz accordingly, you get the silicic acid preparation that is so effective among our remedies. And this silicic acid preparation is so effective for all diseases that originate in the human head. If the head does not form crystals from within, then it must be helped from the outside by such beautiful crystals, which have such beautifully formed crystal formations within them. But when he stands before his beautiful snow window with the frost flowers in his room like an ox on Sunday when it has been eating grass all week, as our science does, yes, then he also stands with science before the human head; then he can do nothing because he knows nothing about it. All these things show you how science must be deepened through a real knowledge of the human being. This then naturally extends to the art of education, because one must first know: if one teaches the human being the letters for my sake, it is such a strong activity of the moon that if it is done too much, if it is done incorrectly, it completely erases the crystallization power of the ether head. It is really the case that a person can become even more stupid through much learning, that is, if he does not learn in the right way. It is true. But in order to understand this, we will have something else to discuss next time. It is necessary to know all this. |
351. How the Spirit Works in Nature: The Essence of Hydrogen
20 Oct 1923, Dornach Rudolf Steiner |
351. How the Spirit Works in Nature: The Essence of Hydrogen
20 Oct 1923, Dornach Rudolf Steiner |
Is there perhaps something else on your soul that wanted to be asked? Questioner: We have only heard about oxygen and nitrogen. But hydrogen also exists. Could we hear something about it? Dr. Steiner: Well, I have already mentioned hydrogen a little. So let us start from your question. The human being of every age carries in himself as the main substance, the protein. He emerged, after all, from protein. Breast milk is mainly formed from protein. The human being carries the protein in himself. This protein essentially has five substances processed into it: carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen and sulfur. These substances are different from the others that are otherwise present in the body, and there are quite a few of them. These substances are already in the original protein from which the human being is formed. Now I have told you that carbon is constantly at work in us; the food we eat becomes carbon. We now breathe in oxygen and also some nitrogen. Carbon combines with oxygen to form carbonic acid. Carbonic acid, I told you, is present in those pearls that are in the seltzer water, also in the naturally acidic water. But this carbonic acid is also in us, and it is important because it is constantly being supplied to the head through breathing. And if we didn't have this carbonic acid in our heads, we wouldn't be bright minds, and that's what we all are. We wouldn't be that if we didn't get the carbonic acid into our heads; not in as large a quantity as, for example, in carbonic acid water, but in a very small amount, we have to constantly refresh our heads with the carbonic acid. Now, however, I told you the other day: if we are stupid, it is because the carbon does not carry enough oxygen into our heads, that is, not enough oxygen gets in, but the carbon combines with the hydrogen. Carbonic acid has something refreshing; but when the carbon combines with the hydrogen, well then, gentlemen, then it is the case that the swamp gas is formed, the gas that is found in particular in caves, in cellars and so on, where things decompose; that is where the swamp gas is formed. It is not a refreshing gas; it is a gas that kills and paralyzes. And if there is such an irregularity in our body that the carbon combines with the hydrogen, then marsh gas is formed, and it goes into the head. So when we get such a “cellar head,” we become stupid. So it is very important whether we get enough carbonic acid or too much marsh gas up, that is, hydrogen; because we always need some marsh gas, otherwise we would become too clever as human beings, and if we became too clever, then we would have poor digestion. It is precisely through such mixing ratios that life is established in the right way. But hydrogen, which is actually wrong in the head when there is too much of it, plays a very unpleasant role in marsh gas. This hydrogen is everywhere in the universe – everywhere. Today, it is possible to determine which substances are at work in the universe by means of so-called spectral analysis. Wherever you direct the spectroscope into space, you get such a coloration everywhere that you can conclude: hydrogen is active everywhere. Hydrogen is everywhere. This hydrogen, on the other hand, is extremely important for very specific things. I told you that it has a harmful effect in the head when there is too much of it. So when it is brought into the head, hydrogen prevents a person from developing his thinking. A person can think because he does not have too much hydrogen in his head. But now let us look at the other end of thinking. What is the other end? Yes, the other end of thinking is reproduction, the creation of new living beings. That is the other end. Just as the north pole is related to the south pole, so is thinking related to reproduction. Now we can observe something very interesting in living beings. It happens that they change the whole way they reproduce when hydrogen plays a different role for them than it usually does. There are certain snakes; these snakes lay eggs and new snakes hatch from the eggs. What actually happens when a snake lays an egg and another snake hatches from it? The egg has to be laid somewhere where it can get the necessary warmth. You can see that the egg needs warmth in order for an animal to hatch from it, just as you can see with a bird's egg. The bird's egg is laid; but a new bird would not hatch from it unless the old bird sat on it and incubated it. The warmth that radiates from the old bird is necessary for a new bird to emerge from the egg. So the egg needs not only what is within it, but also the warmth that comes from the whole universe. It is not enough simply to lay an egg; the warmth coming from the whole universe is needed, and this warmth contains the power that drives the new being out of the egg. It is the same with snakes. The eggs are laid. Through the effect of the warmth of the sun, the living element of the new snake is brought out of the egg. The story I have told you now happens with certain snakes, but only if they live very regularly. It is not the case with all snakes, but only with a certain species of snake, which I am telling you about. If such a snake is a perfectly decent snake, then it lays its eggs, and if they are incubated, new snakes will crawl out of them. What does it mean when we say that a snake is a decent snake? Now, when it comes to people, it means a great deal when we say that someone is a decent person; but when it comes to snakes, it means a little less. Above all, a snake needs a great deal to be decent, which is sometimes quite difficult for a person: a new dress, that is, a new skin. So a snake is only a decent snake if it sheds its skin every year, discarding the old skin and growing a new one on its body. So the snake must not walk around in last year's old rags, but must have a new skin every year. We can therefore distinguish between decent and indecent snakes. Such indecent snakes are those that walk around in last year's old rags. Now you will say: Does that actually happen? Does nature give the snake a new dress? It would be very pleasant for us if nature would also give us a new dress. But man is a much more valuable being than the snake. Therefore, he has been given the freedom to give himself a new dress. ... (Gap.) You can lock up such snakes, and if you lock them up and deprive them of the right amount of water, not giving them enough moisture, the strange thing happens that the snake suddenly becomes indecent: it keeps its old dress! And so we can artificially create the condition – nature doesn't do us the favor – that certain snakes become indecent snakes that keep their old clothes from the previous year. Yes, but, gentlemen, that is not the only thing: the snake then wears its old, faded dress; but if you get such snakes to mate, if you get them to reproduce, they don't lay eggs, but give birth to live little snakes! So these snakes, when you deprive them of the opportunity to have enough water to shed their skins, when you force them to become indecent snakes, to wear their old faded clothes – that is the cause – these snakes now start to give birth to live young, so to speak, real little snakes, instead of laying eggs. You see, that is a very remarkable story; for what has actually happened? We have deprived the snake of water. Water contains hydrogen; it contains oxygen, but mainly hydrogen, because water consists of oxygen and hydrogen. Yes, gentlemen, when we deprive the snake of water, we also deprive it of the ability to reproduce by depriving it of the ability to form a new skin, the ability to form an egg shell inside. The animal can no longer form the hard part if it does not have the hydrogen. It cannot form the hard part within itself, it cannot form an egg shell on the inside and no skin on the outside. And the consequence of this is that the snake's young must hatch without a shell. The snake must use its own warmth to initially care for the young snake. It is extremely important to know this about such a snake-like creature. Because now we know: just as it is harmful at one end of the creature, at the head, when oxygen is withdrawn, so it is harmful for reproduction when hydrogen is withdrawn. And now we see why hydrogen is present everywhere in the world, everywhere we look – we can look in any direction. Why is hydrogen present throughout the world? Yes, gentlemen, hydrogen is present throughout the world for the reason that the world would have to be destroyed immediately if there were no hydrogen. Wherever there is reproduction, hydrogen must also be at work. Now the world is constantly being destroyed. You see, the world is constantly turning into death everywhere. The rocks are ground down, everything is pulverized everywhere. The living beings decay, all kinds of fermentation processes, which are also decay processes, arise in the world. We actually live because something is constantly fermenting in us. And only because something ferments, can the higher then arise. This is even the case with wine; if the grape juice did not ferment, if it did not send the decomposing part outwards, wine could not arise from the grape juice, which is something so desirable for many, which has an invigorating effect. This is the case throughout the world. That which causes that which gives life to arise from that which decays, yes, that is precisely hydrogen. But now you can object. You can say: But you are now telling us that hydrogen is the element that has a revitalizing effect. But swamp gas contains hydrogen, and in that case it does not revitalize, but kills. Yes, but why? You see, gentlemen, when hydrogen forms in the dark, and that is the case with mine gas or swamp gas, it has a harmful effect when it develops in the absence of light, as it also does in our brains. But when hydrogen develops in the light, as it is spread throughout the world in the light, it is the invigorating element; it is there that it produces new life from the decomposing and the fermenting. For hydrogen, as it is everywhere, is basically the same as what we have in our matches when we light them: phosphorus. Certainly, in chemistry, hydrogen is a completely different substance from phosphorus; but only because chemistry cannot go so far as to convert phosphorus into hydrogen! But if chemistry could go further than it is today, it would be able to convert phosphorus into hydrogen. So that we can say: What then is hydrogen, which is spread all over the world? The hydrogen that is spread throughout the world is the world phosphorus. Wherever we look, everywhere, everywhere there is phosphorus. And with that I have described to you what is everywhere in the world's orbit: phosphorus. So we have now really got to know something tremendously significant: we have got to know hydrogen in its magnificently significant effect in the universe. Now let us look at the matter from the other side. I told you that carbonic acid is at the other end. Well, gentlemen, let us take a very close look at what I told you. Imagine that there is the earth (it is drawn), and all around it is hydrogen, which actually means phosphorus. So, all around the Earth in space, we have hydrogen, which actually means phosphorus. In fact, there are small fires everywhere. Now let's look at the Earth itself. Let's go from space to Earth. Everywhere you will find what is called lime. But there is not only lime present, but there is also something of a substance that you know very well everywhere in the soil. Just as I have now shown you that hydrogen, that is, phosphorus, is spread all around our earth – because phosphorus is spread everywhere – so that is what we can now see quite well. You know that when your wives or anyone else wants to wash, they put something called soda in the washing water. You know that. You may also know that the same substance, soda, which looks like a salt but is actually a salt, is used in a variety of other ways. If you go to a soap factory, for example, you know that soda is used as the most important raw material; for example, in glass production, it is one of the most important raw materials for processing glass windows; if you have laundry, you know that you add soda to the water. Likewise, if you treat your laundry with soda, it bleaches; it becomes lighter, more akin to light through the soda. Now there are many other things where soda is used. For example, if you go to factories where colors are made, you would find that soda is needed everywhere. In particular, the blue colors need soda if you want to make them. Prussian blue can only be made by using soda. Then there is a substance that is introduced into the human body and that, as it thrives in nature, would be much more harmful to the human body if it were introduced into the human body without first being treated in some way: that is tobacco. The tobacco must first be mordanted. Certain things must be removed that would otherwise attack the human body too strongly. Tobacco is again treated with soda. So you see, this soda, which you know as an additive to washing water, is actually of great importance in industry throughout the world. But it is also of great importance in the entire world industry, in the so-called cosmetic industry. Soda is actually everywhere, only in small quantities. So, gentlemen, what exactly is this remarkable substance, soda? There is a white, silvery metal, which is called sodium, and when this sodium combines with carbonic acid - now we have carbonic acid again, which we have in our heads - the result is soda. So sodium and carbonic acid together form the soda. Sodium, this metal, is a peculiar thing: we say “sodium”, not “a gentleman” or “a lady”. It is a strange child in nature; it stores carbonic acid and carries it with it. Wherever there is soda in nature, carbonic acid is stored and is as salty as it is in soda. There the carbonic acid is hidden, stored. Now, in this yellow area (see the illustration on page 74), I have shown you the world phosphorus in hydrogen; I must now show you the soda as a whitish area in the earth itself. Of course it is not everywhere, but in small quantities it is spread almost over the whole earth. Just as we can use it in industry for all kinds of purposes, for bleaching laundry, for glass production and so on, so nature uses this soda in a high degree. But let us consider what nature can do with this soda. Nature is really even cleverer than man. Man feels terribly clever when he can say: I extract the soda, make glass, soap, colors out of it. I use it to flavor my tobacco, to bleach and wash my clothes – I invented all that, man says to himself, I am terribly clever. – Yes, but nature is much cleverer! That is precisely what one must always remember: nature is much, much cleverer. Just think about what is actually everywhere when we use soda. Let's start with soap production. Soap helps us to keep clean, otherwise we would constantly look like coal burners. So soap promotes cleanliness, but it only does so because of the soda in it. Soda is needed to make glass. Glass is transparently pure. Soda is needed to make glass transparently pure. Furthermore, we wash our laundry with soda. We wash it, we make it pure, so that it shines like the light. We use the soda for bleaching. Bleaching means making something light. We use soda wherever light is to arise somehow, light is to become effective out of darkness. Now, you know that light is where colors arise. I have told you this in the most diverse ways. We now need soda in paint factories. And it is curious that wherever soda is used, light must arise. When curing tobacco, for example: human beings need light to live. If they only had dark tobacco, they would have nothing to stimulate them, only something destructive. Soda is present wherever it has stored sodium and carbonic acid and releases the carbonic acid so that we can bring something of the light into the world. Nature does this to a much, much greater extent; she is simply much cleverer than man. Man just gropes around and has gradually discovered that soda can be used in the world. But nature is such that it uses soda in a most remarkable way. It is present wherever I have drawn the white. And so it is that wherever soda, that is, carbonic acid of sodium, comes into contact with the surrounding phosphorus of the world, new life is created. Otherwise everything would always die. So that from the interaction of soda of the earth and hydrogen, that is, phosphorus of the universe, everything is constantly being recreated. Now you have a great meaning of hydrogen. That hydrogen is everywhere is most useful in the universe; but it is only useful if soda is present in the earth at the same time. Because of this interaction, the death of everything is prevented. Hydrogen, that is phosphorus, always works together with soda, and death is thereby prevented. New life is constantly emerging. Otherwise we would only be able to breathe dead air and all of us would die. Yes, is there anything that could prove this to us even more? We say that all life actually arises from the coming together, from the right interaction of hydrogen, that is phosphorus, and soda, that is carbonic acid sodium. This brings us to something very significant. You know that the human being as a physical human being comes into being through the coming together of the female egg, which consists essentially of protein, and the male seminal fluid. Let us ask ourselves what this male seminal fluid mainly consists of. You see, this male seminal fluid consists of soda, which is inside, and of world phosphorus, hydrogen. So if you look out into the world, all life comes from hydrogen and soda. If you look at the small-scale production, then new life on earth comes from what is inside the male seed in terms of soda and phosphorus. Both substances can be found in male seed. Man takes a little of what is effective in the world, a little soda from the earth, a little phosphorus, hydrogen, from the universe, and forms the male seed, which brings about procreation. So that in the smallest, namely in procreation, and in the largest outside everywhere, one can see what role hydrogen plays on the one hand and carbonic acid with sodium, soda, together on the other. You see, gentlemen, nature uses soda in a much more wise way than man. Because, as we have seen, soda must be present wherever light works, where light is created, where light is formed. If hydrogen is used in the dark, marsh gas is produced; there it kills. But if hydrogen is treated with light, it does not kill, it creates. Now, nature treats hydrogen and phosphorus with soda. It does, therefore, on a large scale, what we do in bleaching and washing: it brings light to hydrogen, and the living comes into being. It is truly amazing when you look out into the world and see how, through the illuminated hydrogen, the new being arises everywhere from the old, which would otherwise die; and when you then look into the smallest thing that is emerging, and find the same thing there. It is only through such contemplation that a real science comes into being! Now let us return to our snake example. If we simply leave the snakes to their own devices – this species of snake that I have been talking about – then, yes, the water that the snake absorbs to form a new skin contains this soda. And the young snake gets its skin from the water it absorbs, just as the old snake got its skin, the hard skin, which is not only formed from soda but for which the soda power is necessary. So it is not so much the intake of water that is important, but the intake of the soda contained everywhere in water. So that this soda, which the snake takes in with the water, first puts on a new dress for the snake. The snake can, so to speak, form substances on the outside, it gets a new dress, and in addition, it can form the harder egg shell on the inside when reproducing - it is not completely hard, it is still somewhat soft. ... (Gap.) Man can become indecent when he drinks wine. If you take water from the snake, it can become indecent. So it is different in nature. If the snake does not get soda, it does not form an egg shell, then the young must emerge without an egg shell, must be incubated in the snake itself, and emerge as a living young. That is something most remarkable. Suppose a living snake crawls out of the old snake; then what has happened in the snake is the effect of hydrogen or phosphorus on the soda. That happened in the snake. The snake had to use its old soda, which it still had in its body; it had to sacrifice it to allow the young to emerge. Therefore, if you continue the story for a long time, you can cause the snakes to become indecent; and once or twice they have given birth to live young, then they become infertile, then they no longer give birth because they have to take all the soda out of their bodies. It then exhausts itself if you do not let the new soda dissolved in the water flow to them. But what happens when the snakes remain decent and shed their old skin? Well, the egg is laid, and what the little living snake would otherwise take from the old soda stored in its body, from the phosphorus, the hydrogen, it now takes from the universe. And you can see: when a living animal is formed in such a snake, then internally, soda and hydrogen, phosphorus, are joined together; when an egg is formed, then externally, hydrogen or phosphorus is joined with soda from the universe. So you have it constantly before your eyes in this creature that the same thing happens in the great world as happens in the interior of the human being during reproduction. The whole world is reproduction. Because with this snake, which, when its water supply is cut off, gives birth to living young, we see that when it gives birth, it uses what is inside the body - the inner hydrogen, phosphorus and soda. And when it lays eggs, it uses the outer hydrogen, phosphorus, and soda. This is the strongest proof when you look at something like this that the nature around us is not something dead but something just as alive as we are. You have to look at such proofs. You don't just have to look thoughtlessly at what is emerging as something most remarkable, when such a snake, which cannot shed its skin due to the loss of water, and thus mainly due to the loss of soda, suddenly begins to give birth to living young. You don't just have to look thoughtlessly at something like that, but you have to put it in context with the forces of the whole universe. It is something most significant. Now, of course, a human being does not lay eggs from which new human beings arise, but a human being must be born as a living young creature; even the higher animals must be born as living young. So what is this higher development actually based on? You see, this higher development is based on the fact that what is contained out there in the world enters into the beings, into the higher animals and into man inwardly, that man absorbs the forces of the world into himself. What is outside is also inside with the higher beings. But what about the very lowly creatures? Yes, you see, gentlemen, that is the eternal dispute in science, how the very first living things came into being. People talk about Generatio aequivoca; by self-generation, they say. Yes, but then the scholars say to themselves again: the first living things must have come into being once. But when the scholars now think about what substances these first living things were made of, then there are no substances at all. But that is not due to nature, it is only because these scholars do not know the substances. Namely, they do not know what hydrogen really is, which is found everywhere: that it is phosphorus, the same as is still contained in male semen and gives the male semen its peculiar smell, which contains phosphorus. If you combine male seed with certain plants, it has exactly the same effect as combining soda with certain plants, in terms of bleaching and the like. All this is contained in old alchemical teachings, which of course should not be resurrected today; because we do not want the old ways. All this has been studied. And today we can get to know it again through real anthroposophical science. And what the male seed requires in the way of soda, phosphorus or hydrogen can develop in the great outdoors. So we no longer need to ask ourselves how the first living things came into being. When the Earth did not yet have higher living things, the lower ones arose through the interaction of phosphorus with the Earth's soda. And then we have abiogenesis, generation aequivoca. So you see, you just have to study things to their conclusion, then certain so-called world riddles that otherwise cannot be solved will be solved. Of course, if someone asks: How do carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen come together in such a way that a living being is created? then he cannot come up with today's chemistry, because it does not show him that if phosphorus is present on one side, and on the other side, soda, carbonic acid with sodium, then this living creature is formed. That is precisely the point: you cannot, of course, get to the bottom of this delicate matter with the crude instruments that our laboratories have. But you have to look at such phenomena properly. If you have a snake that simply lays its eggs and the living snakes first emerge from the egg, then the great nature is still at work in it, the phosphorus and the soda from the great nature. If you isolate the snake from the great nature, if you bring it into an environment where it has too little water to shed its skin and to create egg shells inside, then it acts as a small nature, as that which it has still taken out of the great nature and carries within it as an inheritance; then, in a certain respect, it acts as a higher being. You see, the further development of man in the world consists, for example, in the fact that he cuts himself off from nature in a certain way. Humanity cuts itself off; above all, it cuts itself off through culture. And progress would not come about if man did not cut himself off in a certain way. Because in a certain respect, the snake becomes a higher being when it learns to produce living young by withdrawing water. The entire development of humanity is based on the fact that people have increasingly isolated themselves from nature and now not only give birth to living offspring, but also develop all their other powers in isolation from nature, and thus everything that used to come from nature comes out of people. Yes, gentlemen, little by little what used to come out of nature is coming out of people. I can give you various examples of this. I will mention just one: today we write on paper. This paper is not that old. You know that in the past people had to write on very different materials. And today's paper is essentially made from linen rags. That is why it was called linen rag paper when it came into being, at the same time as gunpowder. So it is relatively recent that man has come up with the wisdom to produce paper pulp. But there is something in nature that has existed as paper pulp for a long, long time: that is what wasps make their nests out of! That is real paper pulp. You only needed to treat and bleach the wasp nest a little further and you would have paper pulp from it. Wasps are actually nature's finest paper makers. So you can say that millennia and millennia ago, the small, tiny wasps discovered papermaking! Paper production took place outside in nature. Later, man did it from within. In paper production you have approximately the same process that you have with snakes with live young; if you isolate the snake from the outside world by depriving it of water, then it gives birth to live young, appearing on a somewhat higher level of generation. Isolate man more and more by creating his culture, then he creates paper, which nature used to create, just as the snake creates living young out of itself. Millennia ago, wasps produced paper out of nature; now, out of his inner being, man produces paper with his intellect. Yes, the intellect has gone into the inner being, just as the power of the snake to produce living young has gone into its inner being. And so it is now also in human semen. There we find soda, as we have said, and hydrogen, phosphorus. If we examine the nerves that emanate from the brain, then the most important substances in these nerves are again soda and phosphorus. Only that they are connected to each other differently than this semen is, that they are hardened together, so to speak. It is not at all surprising that something like thoughts should also arise from within the human being. By absorbing what otherwise only lies in the seed, the human being processes soda and phosphorus in the nervous system. Just as phosphorus and hydrogen are everywhere in the world, [and] soda, so is soda and phosphorus in this human brain sphere. But now you can also see why we need the carbonic acid inside our heads. The soda is constantly being converted. The carbonic acid separates from the sodium, and we would end up with a hard skull from the sodium - which is a shiny silver metal - if the carbonic acid did not constantly tingle inside us and produce the soda in us. So we absorb carbonic acid into the sodium so that the soda is properly distributed in our head. And from what is all around us, we absorb phosphorus and hydrogen through our hair and skin. You just have to make sure that the hydrogen in the swamp gas does not come from the inside, but from the outside. The human head is really a kind of egg; just as the egg, which is laid, absorbs soda from the earth and hydrogen from the air, so the human head absorbs soda from the earth below, and from the outside it gets hydrogen and phosphorus if it cannot get it from the inside as well. Then they work together and produce a substance inside that can be the mediator of thoughts, that is, it produces thoughts. This is how we can find out how man is connected with natural phenomena. But we must observe natural phenomena in the right place. If a scientist draws the water out of his snakes and then gapes when they bear live young instead of laying eggs, he will find out nothing. But if he knows what he has actually brought into his laboratory, then he can discover the secrets of the world. More on this next Wednesday. |
351. How the Spirit Works in Nature: The Nature of Comets
24 Oct 1923, Dornach Rudolf Steiner |
351. How the Spirit Works in Nature: The Nature of Comets
24 Oct 1923, Dornach Rudolf Steiner |
Good morning, gentlemen! Does anyone have a question? Questioner: A few lectures ago, the great cosmic world was mentioned; I would like to ask about comets with a large tail. What does that mean? Dr. Steiner: Well, you see, gentlemen, we have to remember what I have said just recently. I will repeat some of what we said a few lectures ago. When we look at the human being, we have to say: Two things are necessary for his whole life, namely for his spiritual development. Firstly, that carbon dioxide rises to the head. After all, humans constantly excrete carbon within themselves. Actually, one can say: Man, insofar as he is a solid body, is made of carbon. So humans constantly excrete carbon from themselves. Now, this carbon would eventually become so in us that we would all become black pillars. We would become black pillars if this carbon were to remain. We need it to live, but we have to constantly convert it again so that it becomes something else. This is done by the oxygen. Now, in the end, we exhale the oxygen with the carbon as carbonic acid. There is carbonic acid in our exhaled air. But you need this carbonic acid. It can also be found, for example, in mineral water, and the bubbles inside contain carbonic acid. This carbonic acid, which is not exhaled, constantly rises to the human head, and we need it so that we are not stupid, so that we can think; otherwise marsh gas, which consists of carbon and hydrogen, would rise to the human head. So for thinking we need carbonic acid. Now, I have already hinted at what we need for our will, for our volition. So let's start with walking, moving our hands, moving our arms – that's actually where this volition begins: we always have to form a compound of carbon and nitrogen and then break it down again. But this cyanide or prussic acid must constantly, so to speak, enter our limbs. It then combines with potassium in the limbs. Potassium cyanide is formed, but this is also immediately broken down again. In order for us to be able to live at all, there must be a constant process of poisoning and detoxification within us. That is the secret of human life: carbonic acid on the one hand, potassium chloride, which is connected to potassium, on the other. With every movement, with every finger, a little cyanic acid is formed, and the thing is then that we dissolve the thing again immediately by moving our fingers. So that must also be there in man. But everything that must be there in man must also be there in the universe, must somehow be present in the universe. It is now the case that comets have always been examined again. And with comets in particular, I would say, a kind of little story has taken place in the anthroposophical movement. I once gave lectures in Paris and, purely out of inner knowledge, said that there must be some cyanic acid in comets, that cyanic acid is present in comets. Until then, scientists had not yet noticed that cyanic acid is present in comets. But then, shortly afterwards, a comet came along. It was the one you are talking about. And it was precisely on this comet that it was discovered, using the more sophisticated instruments that were available at the time, that the comet material really does contain cyanic acid! So that one can point to this when people always ask: Has anthroposophy predicted anything? Yes, this discovery of cyanic acid in comets, for example, was clearly predicted. It was the same with many other things, but in the case of the comet it was quite obvious. Well, today there is no doubt, even in the natural sciences, that in the atmosphere of a comet, in the comet's air - after all, a comet is actually made of very fine material, it is actually only ether, only air - there is cyanic acid. Yes, what does that mean, gentlemen? It means that the same thing that we constantly have to produce in our bodies is also present outside in the comet's atmosphere. Now imagine how often I have said here that the egg is formed from the whole universe - so humans, animals and plants are also formed from the whole universe, in that they are formed from the egg. I would like to explain this to you using the example of the human being, so that you can see exactly what these comets actually mean in the whole universe. Let us start with something historical, which may seem strange to some, but you will see that what you want is best explained by it. Centuries before Christianity was founded, there were ancient people in present-day Greece, the Greeks. The ancient Greeks achieved so much for intellectual life that even today our high school students still have to learn Greek because it is believed that if you learn Greek today, you will become a particularly clever person. Well, the Greeks really did achieve an extraordinary amount for intellectual life. Today, people do not learn Indian or Egyptian, but Greek. By doing so, people want to express that the Greeks have achieved a great deal for intellectual life. The simple fact that we cultivate Greek with our high school students shows this. The Greeks themselves only did Greek with their children, even though they achieved so much for intellectual life. Now there were two main tribes in Greece that were of particular importance, but which were very different from each other: one was the inhabitants of Sparta, the other the inhabitants of Athens. Sparta and Athens were the two most important cities in Greece. In addition, there were a few others that were also important, but not as important as Sparta and Athens. The inhabitants of these two cities were therefore very different from each other. I will ignore the other differences today, but they were different in that they spoke quite differently. The Spartans always sat quietly together and spoke little. They did not like to talk. But when they did talk, they wanted what they said to have a certain meaning; it should have power over people. But because man cannot always say something meaningful when he babbles, they remained silent when they had nothing significant to say, and always spoke in short sentences. These short sentences were famous throughout the ancient world. People talked about the short sentences of the Spartan people, and those that became famous were often tremendous sayings of wisdom. It was different with the Athenians. They loved beautiful speech; they loved it when it was spoken beautifully. The Spartans: short, measured, calm in their speech. The Athenians wanted to speak beautifully. They learned rhetoric by speaking beautifully. They did indeed prattle more; not as much as we do today, but they did prattle more than the Spartans. What was the difference between the Athenian who talked a lot and the Spartan who talked less but meaningfully and powerfully? It was based on education. The art of education is of course little studied today. But what I am saying is based on education. The Spartan boys in particular were educated quite differently from the Athenian boys. The Spartan boys had to do a lot more gymnastics: dance, wrestling, all kinds of gymnastic arts. And oratory, the actual gymnastics of the tongue, was not practiced at all by the Spartans. They let speaking come naturally. Everything that lies in language is formed through the rest of the human body's movements. You can observe it correctly: if a person has slow, measured movements that are truly gymnastic, then they will also speak properly. In particular, if a person walks with proper steps, then they will also speak properly. Of course, it depends on the child's age. If a person gets gout in old age, it doesn't matter anymore; they have already learned to speak. It depends on the time when one learns to speak. But the Spartans attached great importance to practicing a lot of gymnastics, and they supported this gymnastics by rubbing the children's bodies with oil and smearing them with sand; then they let them do gymnastics. The Athenians also did gymnastics – gymnastics were done throughout Greece – but much less, and they let the older boys do tongue gymnastics, oratory. The Spartans did not do that. Now, this has a very specific consequence. You see, when those little Spartan boys did their gymnastics with their bodies oiled and rubbed with sand, they had to develop a great deal of inner warmth – develop a great deal of inner warmth. And when the Athenians did their gymnastics, it was something very special for the Athenians. If it had been a day like today and the boys had not wanted to do their gymnastics outdoors with the Spartans, well, that would have been it! The gymnasts, the educators, would have treated those boys properly! When the Athenians had a day like today, so stormy, they gathered their boys more in the interior of the rooms and let them do oratory. But they called them out when the sun shone brightly, when everything sparkled. Then the Athenian boys had to do their gymnastic exercises outside. For the Athenians thought somewhat differently from the Spartans. The Spartans thought: All the movements that boys make must be done from the inner body; it may be stormy and hailing and raging and windy outside, it does not matter. They said to themselves: It must come from within. The Athenian said differently. He said: We live by the sun, and when the sun wakes us up to move, then we want to move; when the sun is not there, we do not want to move. So said the Athenian, and therefore the Athenians looked at the external solar heat. The Spartans looked at the inner warmth of the sun, the warmth of the sun that man had already processed, and the Athenians looked at the outer sun, which shines beautifully on the skin - the skin is not rubbed with sand, at least not as much as it is by the Spartans, but the skin is supposed to be worked by the sun. That was the difference. And when schoolbooks today speak of the difference between the Athenians and Spartans, the only impression you get is that there must have been something wonderful about why the Spartans were quiet, measured in their speech, and also hardy, while the Athenians practiced the art of oratory, which was then further developed by the Romans. People today cannot practice history and natural science at the same time. History speaks for itself, and science speaks for itself. But if I tell you that the Spartans rubbed their boys with oil and sand and then let them practice their Spartan arts in all weathers, and the Athenians did not rub their boys with so much sand and oil and otherwise practiced their oratory inside the palestra, then you know how this difference between the neighboring Spartans and Athenians was actually brought about by natural facts. So let us say that when we have the earth (it is drawn) and the sun here: if you look at the sun as it shines and there is the Athenian, then the Athenian emerges; and if you look not so much at the sun as at what the sun has already done in man, and you look at the more inner warmth, then the Spartan emerges from that. You see, there you have history and natural history combined. That's how it is. Now we can say: When a person ensures that he develops a great deal of warmth within himself, his speech becomes short and measured. Why? Because he turns more to the universe with his whole mind. But if a person allows himself to be illuminated by the sun like the Athenian, then he turns less to the universe with his mind; then he turns more inward with his mind, outward with warmth; the Spartan: inward with warmth, outward with mind. And from reason, the Spartan has learned the language of the universe; it is wise, it has been developed within him. The Athenian has not learned the language of the universe, but only the movement of the universe, because he has abandoned himself to gymnastics in the warmth of the sun. When we look at what remains of the Spartans today, we say to ourselves: Oh, these Spartans have rendered the wisdom of the world in their short sentences. The Athenians began to express more of the mind that is within man in their beautiful turns of phrase. What the Spartans had in their language has been lost to humanity for the most part; it disappeared in Greece with the Spartans. Man can no longer live with the language of the universe today. But what the Athenians began to do: beautifully winding sentences - it became particularly great in Rome with the art of fine speech. And the Romans at least still spoke beautifully. In the Middle Ages, too, people still learned to speak beautifully. Today, however, people speak terrible sentences. You only have to look at it in detail – well, you could take any other city, but in Vienna, for example, the elections have been going on for weeks: yes, they are not beautifully spoken, but terribly, a whole flood of speeches, but not beautifully! And that is what has gradually become of what was still cultivated by the Athenians, albeit beautifully. It comes from within man. The universe, truly, does not make speeches – but man does! The Spartans did not make speeches; the Spartans expressed in their short sentences how the universe speaks. They looked up at the stars and thought: Man, he runs around in the world and is a busybody. The star moves slowly, so that it does not move slowly now, quickly now, but always evenly. Then the saying arose that has remained for all time: haste with Weile - and so on. The star still reaches its goal! And so the Spartans in particular have learned a great deal from what is out there in space. And now we can move on to something that I have already noticed in your case: we can move from warmth to light. I would just like to say the following about warmth. Consider that if a person needs to develop a great deal of warmth, then he should become a strong person. And if a person has the opportunity to be in the sun a lot, then he should become a person who talks a lot. Now you only need to take a quick look at geography: go to Italy, where people are more exposed to the sun, and you will see what a chatty people they are! And go to the north, where people are more exposed to the cold: yes, you may despair sometimes – people do not talk because, when you always have to develop inner warmth, it drives away the inner urge to talk. Even here with us it seems almost strange when someone comes from the north; he stands there to speak – yes, he stands there but doesn't speak yet. Not so when an Italian agitator steps onto the rostrum, he speaks even before he gets up there, he is already talking down below. Then it continues, then it just gushes! When a Nordic person, who needs to generate a lot of warmth because there is no external warmth, is supposed to speak: a Nordic person like that, he stands there - you get desperate because he doesn't even start; he wants to say something, but he doesn't even start. It's true: inner warmth drives away the desire to speak, while external warmth fuels the desire to speak. Of course, all this can be transformed by art. The Spartans developed this speaking calm not through art but through their own racial character, even though they were neighbors of the Athenians because they mixed a lot with people coming from the north. Among the Athenians, for example, there were many who came from hot climates and intermarried with the Athenians; this is how they developed their flow of speech. So there we see how even the oratorical person is connected to the sun and warmth. Now let's move on to light. All we need to do is remember something I have already told you. Think of a mammal. A mammal develops the germ for a new mammal internally. The germ is carried internally by the mother animal; everything happens internally. Take the butterfly, on the other hand. I told you: the butterfly lays the egg, the caterpillar crawls out of the egg, the caterpillar pupates itself into a cocoon, and the sunlight drives the multicolored butterfly out of the cocoon. On the other hand, look at the mammal (it is being drawn), this mammal develops the new animal hidden in its uterus. Here we have two contrasts again, wonderful contrasts. Look at the egg: it is uncovered. When the caterpillar crawls out, the light is already coming. The caterpillar, I told you, goes to the light, spins its cocoon, the shell that it becomes a pupa, after the light, and the light in turn causes the butterfly. And the light does not rest and does not rest, gives the butterfly its colors. The colors are caused by the light; the light treats the butterfly. Take, on the other hand, the cow, the dog. Yes, the little cub inside the maternal uterus cannot have the external light; it is closed off in darkness from the outside. So it must develop inside, in the darkness. But nothing that lives can develop in darkness. It is simply nonsense to believe that something can develop in darkness. But what is the story here? I will give you a comparison. One can indeed hope that once the Earth becomes very poor in coal, direct solar heat will be able to be used for heating through some kind of transformation; but today that is just not yet possible, that one uses the heat of the sun directly for heating. Perhaps it will not take much longer before one comes up with how it can be done; but today we use coal, for example. Yes, gentlemen, coal is nothing more than solar heat, only solar heat that flowed to Earth many, many thousands of years ago, was trapped in the wood and stored as coal. When we heat, we bring out the solar heat that accumulated in the earth thousands and thousands of years ago. Do not think that only coal behaves towards the sun as I have just described! Other beings, too, behave towards the sun as I have just described, and that includes all living beings. If you look at a mammal, you have to say: every little young animal has a mother, who in turn has a mother, and so on. They have always absorbed the warmth of the sun; it is still inside the animal itself, it is inherited. And just as we bring the warmth of the sun out of the coal, so the small child in the maternal womb now takes the sunlight, which is stored there, from within. — Now you have the difference between what arises in the dog or in the cow and what arises in the butterfly. The butterfly goes straight into the outer sunlight with its egg, allowing it to be completely transformed by the outer sunlight until it becomes the colorful butterfly. The dog or the cow are just as colorful on the inside, but you cannot see it. Just as the warmth of the sun is not perceived in coal – it must first be coaxed out – so too, with the higher contemplation of dog and cow, one must first coax out what light is stored up within. There is light stored up within! The butterfly is colorful on the outside; sunlight has worked from the outside. Yes, in the dog or the cow, I would say, invisible light is everywhere inside. What I have described to you, people today could easily determine with our perfect instruments, prove it in their laboratories, if they wanted to. They should just make a laboratory, completely dark, totally dark, and then they should compare in this laboratory a newly laid egg and a cow or dog germ in its early state, then you would see that the dimming that can occur in the dark room shows this difference that I am describing. And if one were to photograph what one does not see with one's eyes - the eyes are not sensitive enough for that - one would be able to prove that the butterfly egg has the spectrum yellow and the dog and cow egg has the spectrum blue in the photograph. These things, which one can see spiritually - one does not need the external when one can see them spiritually - will still be proved with the most perfect instruments. Now we can say: the butterfly is formed in the external sunlight, the cow or the dog is formed from the sunlight that is stored internally. Thus we have come to know the difference between warmth, which works externally, which makes a person talkative, the light that works externally, which causes the many colors in the butterfly, and the warmth within, which makes a person silent and measured – the light within a being that gives birth to living young, which must receive the light internally. And now we can move on from there to the subject of our question. There are also things that a person needs inside, but which he must not develop in excess inside, because otherwise he would die from them. And that includes prussic acid, which is also known as hydrogen cyanide. If a person were to continually produce hydrogen cyanide throughout the day, beyond the little bit that is already there, well, that wouldn't work, that would be too much. A person does produce a little prussic acid in himself, but very little. But he also needs some from outside; he absorbs it with what he inhales. It is not much, but a person does not need more. Now, gentlemen, this potassium cyanide is not present in ordinary air. If comets did not appear from time to time, this potassium cyanide would not be present in the air. Comets and then these meteors, shooting stars, which, as you know, fly through the air in such great numbers, especially in midsummer, bring down this potassium cyanide. And man actually draws his strength from it. Therefore, people who have become weak in their muscles should be sent into the air, which has not only become fresh from the earth, but has become fresh from the whole universe, which has experienced meteorite influences. And it is the case that people who suffer from what used to be called consumption, for example, who become weak in their muscles and for whom this weakness is particularly pronounced towards spring, are sent in the fall to breathe this air that has been refreshed by the universe. In spring there is nothing that can be done; that is why such people most easily die in spring. You have to take precautions, because you can't really do anything for such people until the fall. When the meteor forces deposit their cyanide with the small amounts of potassium cyanide that come in from the universe during the summer, these people should then, when August ends and fall comes, with their weak limbs, come to areas where summer has deposited its best, namely potassium cyanide. Then their limbs become strong again. So for people you notice this happening to, the next year will be very bad for them, because they become weak, and you should actually take precautions in the spring, when you can't do much with external things. You should say to yourself: When spring comes, I will give such people, depending on how weak they have become, the juice of certain plants, for example the juice of blackthorn. If you store the blackthorn juice – you know the tart, acidic plant – and bring it into the mouth of a person who becomes weak in spring, you can sustain them throughout spring and summer. Why? Well, you see, when you give a person the juice of blackthorn, this blackthorn juice forms all kinds of salts. These go to the head and take the carbonic acid with them. So we tilt the head to help this person through spring and summer. And in the fall we have to take him to an area where he is able to take the other thing, which has to go more to the limbs. Carbonic acid goes to the head; we insert it after the head by introducing blackthorn. If we have been fortunate enough to have brought a person through the summer in this way, we can take him to a suitable area in the fall. He should stay for two or three weeks in such air, which we know has just received meteorical influences. Then it is the case that the person, having been strengthened during the spring and summer, really does regain the strength of his limbs. Yes, gentlemen, there you have the two effects side by side. There you have the earthly effect, which is actually a lunar effect, the earthly effect in the blackthorn juice, and there you have the cosmic effect in what the comets, and when there is no comet, the shooting stars have left behind – it is the same with them, only small; but there are many – which has an effect from the universe. Just as you basically have nothing earthly in the butterfly with its transformation, but light from the universe, just as you have warmth from the universe, from the sun, in the protected eggs, so you also have human warmth within you, which you must develop inwardly in your substance and which stimulates exactly the opposite of the external warmth. Thus we can see everywhere how there is an alternation in man, but also how there is an alternation in the whole universe: sometimes things must come from the outside of the universe, sometimes from within the earth or from within man. Now you will say: Yes, certain things are regular; but they cannot alone bring about what they are supposed to bring about. Day and night change regularly; they bring about the one thing that comes from the earth. Now, comets appear more or less irregularly; shooting stars too. And that is also the case. There is no such regularity with shooting stars as with the rest. If an astronomer wants to observe a solar eclipse, he can find the exact time when it begins – that can be calculated –; it belongs to the regular, but does not work from the sun. So he can still go to supper beforehand and still get to the solar eclipse. If he wants to observe the meteoritic swarming of shooting stars at the right time, he has to watch the whole night, otherwise he cannot find them. That is the difference between what comes irregularly from the universe to Earth and what is regular. Now you can raise an interesting question. You can say: The comets that are connected with the cyan - which is connected with our will in our human being - these comets appear irregularly; one comes soon, then it is long absent. - It always also gives rise to superstition in people; but precisely that which does not always appear makes them superstitious when it comes. In the sunrise and sunset, only the formerly prepared human minds have seen the divine; later, superstitious minds have then dreamed up all sorts of things about comets. You may now ask: Why is it not the case with comets that, just as the sun appears at certain hours of the year in the morning, a comet also appears? Well, if that were the case, if comets could regularly appear and disappear with their tails just as regularly as the sun and moon rise and set, then we humans would have no freedom; then everything else in us would be as regular as sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset. And what is connected with this regularity in the universe is also a natural necessity in us. We must eat and drink with a certain regularity, and sleep with a certain regularity. If the comets rose and set with the same regularity as the sun and moon, we could not begin to move arbitrarily, but would have to wait: we would be in a state of rigor; the comet would appear, and we could leave! If it disappeared again, we would fall into a state of rigor again. We would have no freedom. These so-called wandering stars are what give man his freedom from the universe. And so we can say: that which is necessary in man, hunger, thirst in their course, sleep, waking and so on, comes from the regular phenomena; and that which is arbitrary in man, which is freedom, comes from the comet-like phenomena and this gives man the strength for the power that works in his muscles. In recent times, people have completely forgotten how to look at what is free in a person. People no longer have any sense of freedom. That is why, in more recent times, people have become obsessed with what is only necessity. Now people express their attitudes in their festivals. For example, they have festivals for necessity: Christmas, Easter; but they have dropped the autumn festival, the Michaelmas festival, because it is connected with freedom, with the inner strength of the human being. And so, actually, people study at most the material side of the comets. The other, they say: Yes, you can not know about that. - And on the one hand, you see today that people shy away from freedom; on the other hand, you see that they have no real mind, no reason to study the irregularities in space. If they were not there, then you would have no freedom. So we can say: the Athenians took up what was inside people. That made them talkative. On the one hand, materialism has become terribly talkative. But this also makes it insensitive, dull to everything that can be used to strengthen one's resistance to meteorite influences. That is why Michaelmas is at most a farmers' festival, and the other festivals are something that is related to necessities, although they are no longer as respected as they were in ancient times because people have forgotten the connection with the spiritual world altogether. In this way, everything becomes transparent. When people understand again how beneficial the influence of the comet is, they will probably remember that they like to celebrate some kind of festival in the fall to have a kind of freedom celebration. That belongs in the fall: a kind of Michaelmas festival, a freedom celebration. People today let this pass because they have no understanding of it at all; they have no understanding of freedom in nature outside, and therefore also no understanding of freedom in man. You see, the honorable Lady Moon and the majestic Lord Sun, they sit on their thrones, they want to have everything measured because they have no right sense for freedom in the universe, in the cosmos. Of course, it must also be. But the comets are the freedom heroes in the universe; they therefore also have within them the substance that is connected with activity in humans, with free activity, with arbitrariness, with the activity of the will. And so we can say: When we look up at the sun, we have in it that which always plays rhythmic games within us, the heart and breathing. If we look at a comet, then we should actually write a poem about freedom every time a comet appears, because it is connected with our freedom! We can say: Man is free because in the universe, freedom also reigns for these enthusiasts in the universe, the comets. And just as the sun mainly owes its nature to the acid character, so the comet owes its nature to the cyanic character. You see, gentlemen, that's where you come to the nature of comets, and that is an extraordinarily significant connection, as you can see that suddenly there is something in the whole universe that is alive, but that lives in a way that is similar to us humans. So you can also say: the Spartans had more sense for the non-withdrawal from the sun, and that is why they appreciated everything that was connected with the universe - this did not arise from external arbitrariness. And Lykurgos, the lawmaker of Sparta, had iron money made. In the schoolbooks you will find: Lykurgos had iron money made so that the Spartans should remain fine Spartans. That is nonsense. In truth, Lykurgos was instructed by those who still knew these things in Sparta; they told him that comets contain cyanide of iron, and so he had iron minted in Sparta as a symbol of the comets for the money. That was something that arose from wisdom; while other nations were changing over to gold coinage, which expresses that which is more in the sun, the image of the solar life in us. Thus it is that one sees that in the customs of ancient peoples there is still something more of what they knew of the universe. |
351. On the Nature of Butterflies
08 Oct 1923, Dornach Translated by A. Innes Rudolf Steiner |
351. On the Nature of Butterflies
08 Oct 1923, Dornach Translated by A. Innes Rudolf Steiner |
[ 1 ] Well, gentlemen, have you had any ideas? If not, I will talk to you about something which links up quite well with matters I have already discussed. [ 2 ] In observing Nature—as a rule people do so rather without thinking—the moment we begin to reflect about the things of Nature, so much points to the presence of the spiritual that our curiosity cannot fail to be aroused regarding the actual working of this Spirit, we cannot help becoming curious about it. In the case of the beavers' lodge and other such things I have repeatedly drawn your attention to the amount of spiritual activity to be found in Nature. Now today I am going to point to something further. [ 3 ] At a certain time in summer when man walks in the open and sees the lovely iridescent play of butterfly wings, he does not stop to query the origin of this manifold many-coloured fluttering of butterflies moving so freely. [ 4 ] You see, this is even of great practical significance. In fact, I am convinced that were we to attempt new experiments in the field of aeronautics, here in our Goetheanum precincts, they would not be staged as they are when based on materialistic science. Experiments are continually being made based on the flight of birds, dragon-flies, and so forth, but experimenting along the lines of butterfly flight has never been considered. Aviation, however would only assume its right form could it on a large scale base its experiments on the butterfly flight. But people today do not think of this, because they are unable to discern the true facts. Even in regard to the practical side of life these things are only grasped rightly when the spiritual is considered. [ 5 ] Now today I am going to point out something regarding butterflies which does not really belong to aeronautics but which will shed light on the subject. You see, a butterfly does not start life as such, but evolves by means of a very complicated process. We will start from the fact that when autumn approaches the time is now ripe for the butterfly to lay an egg. Thus the starting point of the butterfly is the laying of an egg. It is not a butterfly that comes out of this egg. What emerges from this egg is not an ordinary butterfly—the swallow-tail, for instance, which looks like this (drawing)—but something which is commonly called a grub; in other words, a caterpillar is hatched. Now this caterpillar is hatched from the egg. Here is its head, here at the other end the sting (drawing), and it crawls around lazily. Outwardly it appears to be a sluggard. Inwardly however, it is far from sluggish, for from its own body it spins threads out of which it forms a hard covering. Gradually the caterpillar completely disappears into this covering, and disintegrates; thus it spins itself a cocoon which it attaches to a tree where it hangs. It first attaches the threads and then vanishes into the cocoon. So we first have the egg, then the caterpillar and now the Chrysalis—for that is its name. This chrysalis remains suspended for a certain length of time, after which an opening appears in some part of it and the butterfly emerges. Thus before the butterfly exists as such, four things are required. First of all the egg, secondly the caterpillar, thirdly the chrysalis, and fourthly the actual butterfly. The egg is laid in some place. The caterpillar crawls around, the chrysalis remains quite still, and the butterfly gaily flutters forth into the air. It can then lay another egg and the same story is repeated in the course of the year. This is what happens. [ 6 ] Now people see this and learned folk explain it by observations under a microscope or other such means. The matter, however, is not so simple. One has to take into account where and how the egg can live, how the caterpillar and chrysalis live, and finally how the butterfly lives. If the egg is to reach the stage of hatching out a caterpillar, it above all requires moisture—often just a drop in which a little salt is dissolved. No egg can thrive without a certain amount of humidity in which salt is present. For this reason the butterfly's instinct must lead it to lay the egg where it will find moisture containing some salt. Otherwise nothing happens. What I am telling you in regard to butterflies applies also to bees. It is likewise necessary for bees to lay their eggs where salt—even if very little—has penetrated. It suffices for mist to seep in, as mist always possesses a certain amount of saline moisture. Nature comes to the rescue. Such things do not always dawn on human understanding. Nature indeed is far cleverer than man. The egg, however, always requires moisture containing a certain amount of salt. This is necessary to the butterfly, too, as it enables the caterpillar to be hatched. So the egg just requires this moisture containing salt; it has no eyes, so sees nothing and just lives for itself in a world of total darkness. The moment the caterpillar is hatched it meets the light and remains in it. It has some organs, has reached the light, and now becomes quite another kind of creature than it was as an egg. The egg has entirely transformed itself into a caterpillar. Inner sensation is produced in the caterpillar because it is exposed to the light and has sense organs. Such things are made evident in the case of certain phenomena. You have no doubt noticed the astonishing fact when a lamp has been lit that all sorts of insects flutter around in the room, feel drawn to the light, and are even so stupid as to hurl themselves into the flame and get burnt. Why is this? Of course this does not happen in the case of the caterpillar, but it has the same urge. I may say that the caterpillar is drawn to the sunlight by the same urge as that felt by the insect who plunges into the candle flame, only the caterpillar cannot rise to the sun. Could it rise from the ground and fly to the sun, very soon we should no longer have any caterpillars. They would all fly up and away to the sun. For that is their urge, gravity only binds them to the earth. So when we see a caterpillar we know that it really has the urge to follow the light. This is impossible, so what does it do? [ 7 ] Just imagine that here is the beam of light and here the caterpillar (drawing). As the caterpillar crawls along, it spins a thread in the pattern of the beam of light. It spins in exact accordance with the beam of light and at night when there is no light it rolls up the thread. It spins it out in the sunlight and rolls it up again at night. In this way it forms its sheath. The caterpillar completely surrenders to the light, it dies in the light. Just as the insect surrenders to the flame, so the caterpillar dies into the light, but being unable to reach the sun it does not enter the sunbeam. However, it spins its own body into these threads and so forms the cocoon—as threads spun in this way are called. The silkworm spins the silk according to the light, so when you take its silk you can certainly say: This is spun light! Earthly matter is spun in the pattern of light rays, and when you come across a chrysalis you are really seeing pure sunlight spun around this earthly matter in the pattern of the sunbeam. [ 8 ] We have now reached the point where spun light surrounds the chrysalis, and naturally something different occurs from what does in the case of the insect which burns by plunging into the flame and so can accomplish nothing further. In the short time the insect takes to hurl itself into the flame, could it but spin such a cocoon modelled on light, a new animal would arise from the fire. This is only hindered by the burning. By reason of this it is interesting to learn the real impulse of the insect which flutters around the room at night and plunges into the flame. Its urge is indeed to propagate itself and perish in order to re-emerge as a new being. Only it deceives itself because it cannot create a cocoon so rapidly. The caterpillar, however, has the time to create this sheath, to hang it up, so the sun forces, imprisoned inside, can now create the butterfly which is then able to fly out and enjoy the activity of a sun-being. [ 9 ] This is the way to observe things in Nature. First, quite a significant idea is implied in what I have told you. One might think that the insect by plunging into the flame just has the urge to perish, whereas this is not the case. It wants to reappear in another form. It would fain be transformed by the flame. This is always so in death. Death does not annihilate, but when it comes about in the right way it transforms the creature. This is the first thing we see. The second is the deep connection between all things in outer Nature. The butterfly you see is created out of light, but light had first to take up matter, form a case and be turned into threads inside the chrysalis. All animal entities are created out of light. This applies to man as well, by reason of the fertilisation of the female ovum. A sheath encloses the light within the mother's body, so man is really created by this light. So the possibility arises for man to be born out of light. Thus we see how the butterfly arises from light which has first been imprisoned. [ 10 ] Now the butterfly flutters about in many different colours. These colours are seen to be prevalent where the light is most effective. In regions where the birds have wonderful colours the sun has greater power. What effect is produced by the action of imprisoned sunlight? In every instance colour is produced and this applies to the butterfly as well. The butterfly owes its colour to the action of imprisoned light. The butterfly is understood only when viewed as a complete creature of light which is responsible for its manifold colours. [ 11 ] But you see this cannot be accomplished by the sun alone. The matter stands thus: In the case of the egg, we see that moisture and salt play their part. Salt is earthy moisture in water. So we can say that to thrive, the egg needs earth and a little water. The caterpillar creeps into the light. By nature the caterpillar cannot thrive in just earth and water (in other words, dissolved chalk and water) but it requires moisture, water, and also air. This moisture and air the caterpillar demands is not merely the physical substance required by the egg, but in this moisture lives what is known as ether—what I called ether-body in referring to man. The caterpillar acquires an ether-body through which it breathes. This ether-body enables it to take in the spiritual present in air. The egg is still entirely physical, whereas the caterpillar already lives in both physical and etheric, but this it finds difficult as it contains far too much earthly matter. When the content of the caterpillar comes into contact with the light, one sees that it spins the light out of itself in the form of a cocoon. The caterpillar has an urge towards the light, but it is held back by the strong forces in it. It cannot deal with this task. Its urge is to soar, to pour itself into the light and to live there. So what does it do? Well, it isolates itself, envelops itself in its sheath along with the sunbeams. In the chrysalis the caterpillar altogether isolates itself from the physical earth forces. Inside the chrysalis where the grub has vanished, astral forces are now present—no longer earthly or etheric forces, but astral forces which are entirely spiritual and live in imprisoned light. Imprisoned light always contains spiritual astral forces, and these create the butterfly. As the butterfly consists entirely of astral forces it can now fly about in the air which was impossible for the caterpillar. It can follow the light. Being no longer subject to gravity the butterfly can simply follow the light. Through its surrender it has eliminated gravity to which it is no longer subject. So it can be said that it has matured as far as the ego. It is an ego in which we see the butterfly flying around. We men have our ego inside, whereas that of the butterfly is outside. The ego is actually light and is responsible for the butterfly's colour. [ 12 ] In thinking this over there is something that must be clear in your minds. You are continually saying “I” to yourself. What does this signify? Every time you say “I” to yourself a little flame lights up in your brain, only it is invisible to ordinary sight. That is light. When I say “I” to myself I kindle this inner light. In saying “I,” I kindle the selfsame light that colours the butterfly's wings! It is really most interesting to note that when I say “I” to myself, could I allow this “I” to expand over the whole world of Nature, it would be light. It is only my body that keeps this “I” imprisoned. Were I able to let it expand, this ego, this light, would permit me to create real butterflies. The human ego actually has the power needed to create real butterflies and insects in general. You see, men imagine everything to be so simple, but in olden times when people had knowledge of these things, they spoke accordingly. In ancient Jewish times a word such as Jahve had the same meaning as “I.” In old Hebrew, Jahve could be pronounced only by the priest, because he had been prepared to understand its significance. For as he spoke this word he saw himself surrounded by a flight of butterflies. If he failed to do so he would know that he had not spoken with true inner feeling. But when he pronounced the word with right inner feeling he saw actual butterflies. He could not impart this to others however, for it would have unbalanced their minds. He had first to prepare himself for such an experience. It is none the less true. [ 13 ] Well, gentlemen, how can this be explained? Just picture a large eiderdown filling the space between the reading desk and the point where I am standing. The down inside is rather sparse. So from where I stand I try to push on towards the desk, pressing the down together. But I am unable to reach the desk, I have to stop half-way, because I cannot compress the down any further. I cannot reach the desk but can feel pressure when I lean against the eiderdown. In the same way, gentlemen, you have the urge to express the “I”—in fact to produce real butterflies, because the ego consists of light. But this you cannot do. Instead, you feel the resistance just as I do when I press forward. This is due to your thoughts. Your thoughts impede you from creating real butterflies by means of light. The ego thinks thoughts and these thoughts are really just pictures of the butterfly-world. [ 14 ] You see, the same thing would happen today as in ancient Jewish times when just anyone who said Jahve could have seen the whole of the butterfly-world. People would have said: “Of course he is crazy!” It would moreover have been true had he been too immature to behold spiritual things. But today if one states that the “I” and light are identical, that light when imprisoned creates butterflies, and that the same thing in our specially adapted brain creates thoughts, again people will say: “The man is mad!” All the same it is true, and this is just the difference between truth and mere madness! So when we see the bright butterfly in the air we must realise that the same impulse works upon us when with the right inner feeling we say “I.” Neither the butterfly nor even the higher animal can say “I,” for in their case the ego works from outside. When you see a lion, it is the animal's buff colour that its ego works upon from outside. The whole world of nature is responsible for the lion's existence. Because we think from within outwards we do not acquire our colouring from outside, but acquire from within the colour of our skin which, in painting, it is very hard to reproduce. Our “I” with the help of the blood is responsible for giving our body this wonderful human tint, only reproduced in painting when one succeeds in mixing and blending all the colours correctly. You see Nature is forever at work on the creature, but she works in a spiritual way. I have told you here that there must be a transition from moisture containing air to light. Now here is the chrysalis living in air and light; as caterpillar it lived in water and air; here as chrysalis in air and light; then it shuts itself off more and more from the light which is imprisoned, and it turns to the astral which now works upon it. [ 15 ] Just take another look at this: caterpillar and chrysalis. Now think of an animal not able to spin threads from its own body, Let us imagine a special kind of caterpillar which, having become such, has the urge to reach the light but is unable to do so because its body cannot spin threads. The animal cannot turn its body into one capable of spinning threads outside. The caterpillar really spins itself to death. It ceases to be, for its whole body is consumed in the spinning. An empty framework is all that is left. But suppose you had an animal that did not possess the physical substance with which to spin. What will the creature do if it is in this plight, if exposed to strong light? It cannot spin a cocoon for itself. What does it do then? It will do the spinning inside its body, and what it spins will be the blood vessels! The blood of such an animal which lives in the air is inwardly spun, just as the butterfly, or rather the caterpillar, spins the cocoon outside. We should then have an animal which as it lived in the air-water element would have a blood system suited to that element. If it lives for a time in the light it alters the form of its blood vessels; they become quite different. It now spins them inside its own body because it cannot spin outside. Now let us make a clear picture. Imagine there is an animal that breathes through gills—as it must in water—and that this animal moves in the water by means of a tail. Then his blood vessels extend into gills and tail. Thus the animal swims in the water where it can even breathe. The fish has gills, with which it is possible to breathe in water. But imagine the animal often rises to the air, gets out on the bank, or the pond itself dries up. Then it is more exposed to the light and loses the watery element. New regions appear where it must have light and air instead of water and air. What does the animal do then? [ 16 ] Now look—I will draw this with dots. The animal withdraws the blood vessels from the gills which increasingly vanish, and it spins these blood vessels in here. The animal spins its own blood vessels and those which were directed to the gills are now inserted here. The blood vessels formerly belonging to the tail are withdrawn and thus feet are grown. The blood vessels formerly in the tail now go to the feet enabling them to walk, and they are spun differently from those in the tail. You can see this in Nature—this is a tadpole and that a frog! The frog starts life as a tadpole with tail and gills, and can live in water. When it reaches the air it inwardly performs what the caterpillar does outwardly. The tadpole which is a frog, able to live in water, spins a network out of its own blood system. This spreads out in its body, and what once formed part of blood vessels and gills now becomes lung. Where gills once were, we now have lungs, spun there by the animal. In place of the tail we have feet and, as the movement of the blood has already evolved a heart, these feet move by means of the blood circulating from heart to lung. So the same path from water and air to air and light, followed by caterpillar to chrysalis, is also taken by the frog in its elements of air and water. In this case, however, air penetrates, as the animal must be exposed to both air and light. Light and air create lungs and legs whereas water and air create fish tails and gills. The fact is that activity not only takes place within the animal but the whole cosmic environment always plays its part as well. [ 17 ] What attitude is taken by the scientists? What did we do in trying to make our picture? Well gentlemen, what we have done is to look at the world. We have viewed the world as it is and have observed Nature! What does the scientist do? Generally speaking he takes scant notice of Nature when he seeks to discover these things. Instead, he starts by going to an optician and ordering a very powerful microscope. It will not be taken out into the world of nature where it would be of little use, but will be shut up in a room where butterfly eggs will be laid. The scientist has little feeling for the butterfly fluttering in the light. He puts the egg on a specially prepared plate and observes it through the microscope (drawing). He keeps his eye on it and takes note of what happens to the egg after he has dissected it. Nature no longer acts, but the scientist cuts up little bits and examines the particles flattened out on a piece of paper under the microscope. These tiny particles cut with a razor blade are examined, and investigation is based on just that. This is how investigations are often made today. [ 18 ] Think of a university lecture. The professor assembles as many people as possible into his study and allows them in turn to view what he has dissected. Of course, he often takes them for outings as well, but has little to say about what exists out-of-doors because he does not know much about it. His entire knowledge consists in what he sees under the microscope after having chopped up little bits and pieces. What wisdom does he acquire in this way? He discovers everything already present in the egg only in infinitesimal quantity. Well, gentlemen, that is all one can find when one begins by chopping it up with a razor blade and examining it under the microscope! One forgets all that is active outside in air, light and water. We just have the little specimen all ready and place it under the microscope. It is impossible to investigate in this way. All one can say is that the butterfly lives in the open, and here under my microscope I already have the whole butterfly in miniature. [ 19 ] Today people no longer believe what follows, but formerly they would say: Here we have a woman called Annie who has a mother called Maria. Now Maria gave birth to Annie. Very well, but the entire Annie was already present in the ovum inside the mother Maria. So we must imagine it thus: here is the ovum of Anna and here the ovum of Maria in which is Anna; but Maria herself derives from Gertrude who is Annie's grandmother. Now if Annie's ovum was contained in Maria's, it must also have been in that of Gertrude. Now Annie's great grandmother was Katie; so the ovum of Annie, Maria and Gertrude must have already been present in that of Katie, and so it goes on right hack to the first ovum of all, which is Eve's. So people said—it was of course the easiest solution—that a person alive today was already present in the egg-cell of Eve. This was known as the theory of pre-formation. The theories we still have today are just a little more nebulous. They no longer reckon on going back to Eve, but the idea is identical, and they have not really progressed if they say: The whole butterfly is already present!—and light, air and water which after all play their part are no longer considered. [ 20 ] You see, when one considers the scientific method pursued by the professor who takes people into his study to demonstrate these very learned matters—which in regard to Nature's activities are mere folly—one realises that after all light, air and all the rest should be taken into account! The professor ignores all this and enters his dark room where artificial light is introduced, when possible, so that daylight may not disturb the microscope. And the thought comes to us: Good gracious! He still believes in the egg as containing everything; and present-day science just dismisses all the rest. It is all shelved and has nothing left to do. Contemporary science no longer has any knowledge of what works in air, light and water; it knows nothing at all about it. You see, this is something which already sorely rankles in our social life—this fact that on the one side we have a science that really disregards the entire cosmos and only has eyes for what can be seen through the microscope and, on the other side, a State that takes no interest in a pensioner nor has further use for him beyond paying his pension. The same thing applies in the case of the scientist who extracts means of nourishment from Nature, but no longer understands its working and only concerns himself with the microscope, in other words just with parts. Science today really regards the whole cosmos as an idler who has been pensioned off. This is a dreadful state of affairs, for the masses are unable to see any further. The general public says: these are the people who ought to understand such things. One already thinks of turning tiny children into scholars, and they are sent to school to be taught. From then on today they make great efforts to learn. Up to the age of twenty-seven or twenty-eight they keep on studying; surely what they acquire must be the truth! Naturally, the general public cannot form an opinion and allows itself to be guided in these matters by the “learned,” and has no idea that what is taught no longer has any connection with Nature. Nature is referred to as someone now “on the shelf.” Thus the whole of our spiritual life is being swamped, and the time has now come when we must emerge. We do not progress for the simple reason that the general public finds it easier to accept what it hears. The truth today is told only by Anthroposophy! Nowhere else will you hear what I have just told you. Nobody will say such things. The general public simply pays no attention to them any longer. Anyone saying them is considered mad. It really is mad that this should be so! It is not the really mad who are considered so, but anyone speaking the truth is deemed mad. People really view this the wrong way round. [ 21 ] In this connection I will tell you another little story. There was once a medical commission that arrived at the entrance of a lunatic asylum where they wished to do some research. They found a man by the door who received them in such a way that they took him to be the director or the doctor in charge. So they said: Will you be so kind as to take us round your cells and explain everything? So the man at the door took them round the cells explaining each case, saying: Here is a mental case who has remarkable visions and hallucinations along with epileptic fits. In the next cell he explained that this patient suffered from abnormal impulses of the will. He described it all quite clearly. They then came to the genuine lunatics who suffer from obsessions. You see, he said, here is a case who is always being pursued by ghosts, and here another who is pursued by human beings, not ghosts. Now I will take you to the worst case we have. So he took them to the greatest lunatic of all and said: This man suffers from the fixed idea that he is the Emperor of China. Of course this means that ideas have solidified in his head. Instead of these ideas just remaining as thoughts, in his case they have solidified. He explained this with great precision and added: But you must realise, gentlemen, that this is nonsense for I myself am the Emperor of China! You see, he had explained everything. He had led them around, but instead of leading them to science he had led them by the nose. For he himself was mad. He had told them that the other man was mad because he believed himself to be the Emperor of China, whereas he was that himself! The Commission had been conducted round by a complete lunatic. [ 22 ] Thus where science is concerned it is not always possible to discern whether someone is mad or not. You would be surprised by the cleverness of some things lunatics tell you when you come into contact with them. For this reason the Italian natural scientist Lombroso has stated that there is no hard and fast distinction between genius and madness. Geniuses are always slightly mad, and madmen always possess a slight amount of genius. You can read about it in the little book called “Genius and Madness” published in a popular edition. [ 23 ] When one is sane of course he can distinguish between genius and madness. But today we have reached the point where whole books can be found—such as Lombroso's—where science itself states that it is impossible to distinguish genius from madness. Of course this state of affairs cannot continue or spiritual life will be completely swamped. Nature, now neglected, must once more be reckoned with. Then one will notice the development from the egg to the caterpillar, and from the caterpillar to the chrysalis. One will see how light is imprisoned there as in us it is imprisoned—the gaily coloured butterfly darting forth. [ 24 ] This is what I wanted to link with what we have already discussed, so that you may see how light contains creative spirit. For the worm or caterpillar has first to disappear for the butterfly to arise. It arises inside where the caterpillar has perished. The spirit creates. In every instance matter must first be destroyed and vanish, thus enabling the spirit to create the new being. This same thing applies to mankind. Fertilisation signifies that matter has first been destroyed. A minute quantity of this destroyed matter remains, and here spirit and light create the ego in man. If you give this a little thought you will grasp what I have told you. Instead of going on blindly, observe the tadpole and the frog and realise why the latter has a heart, lungs and feet, and why the tadpole can swim in water. All these things are interconnected. The matters we shall be studying further will show you that a genuine science which understands them can only arise out of Anthroposophy. |
352. A Spiritual Scientific View of Nature and Man: On Pachyderms – The Nature of Shell and Skeleton Formation
07 Jan 1924, Dornach Translated by Automated Rudolf Steiner |
352. A Spiritual Scientific View of Nature and Man: On Pachyderms – The Nature of Shell and Skeleton Formation
07 Jan 1924, Dornach Translated by Automated Rudolf Steiner |
Good morning, gentlemen! It's been a while since we last met; perhaps someone has thought of something in particular that we should discuss today? Questioner: The large ants that live in the forests have a kind of honey or resin at the bottom of their hive; this is used for cultic purposes, and Catholic priests like to use it for incense. I would like to ask what this comes from and what it is composed of. Dr. Steiner: The resins that form here contain the same substance as incense, and so it has no other value than that it is a cheap way of getting incense. The anthill is formed by the fact that the ants, with the formic acid, also secrete all kinds of things that they bring with them from the resinous components of the trees, where they collect their juices. So it is not a kind of honey, but a resin mixed with formic acid. Mr. Müller: I would like to come back to the bees, to the carpenter bees, which nest in the trees. When I was young, I experienced a case in a forest, a district where all the wood had rotted, had not been utilized. Then a master carpenter came along and bought up this wood, which had previously only been used as crate wood, in large quantities. He used this wood for carpentry work for new buildings, built it in. After a year, bees were found everywhere inside the apartments. These bees were so dangerous for the building that after two years the carpenter had to take it back, and all the beams up to the roof had to be taken down. He had to take it back completely, had to buy it. Dr. Steiner: Of course that can happen, naturally. Was the wood infested by the carpenter bees in the forest or only in the storage area? Mr. Müller: It was auctioned in the fall, then used in the spring, and in the summer the bees came out. Dr. Steiner: Anything that can be very useful on the one hand can also be terribly harmful on the other. But that does not contradict what I said, that these bees on the wood are absolutely necessary. As I said, anything that can be extremely useful on the one hand can also be extremely harmful on the other. I will give you an example: Imagine that a young boy is short-sighted and you give him a pair of glasses. This is necessary and can be very useful. But if the other boys see it as something particularly elegant and also want to put on glasses, it would not be useful, but harmful. And so it is: what is extremely useful in one case can be extremely harmful in another. That is already the case. Mr. Müller would like to return to the topic of bees and what our life and work as beekeepers involves: Recently, my colleagues have repeatedly told me that it would have been better if I hadn't read out loud but spoken off the cuff. But I have to reply to my colleagues: I only attended elementary school and do not have a particular talent for speaking. So I am not able to speak off the cuff. So today I will read and not speak off the cuff: About the bees, the queen. (He moves from the beehive to complaints about the workers and the employer; goes back to 1914, expresses some dissatisfaction. Compares: we are also a beehive, and so on.) Dr. Steiner: Well, gentlemen, it is difficult to deal with such matters off the cuff, and I'm sure we've all had the experience that when such things are put on the agenda and dealt with immediately, the discussion takes on a different tone than when the matter is thoroughly considered. Therefore, if the matter is to be discussed further at all, we want to consider it thoroughly. We do have another hour available on Wednesday, and I will then ask the gentlemen who have something to say about this matter to choose the Wednesday hour. The issue of temperament has rightly been raised. Temperaments work differently if you have had a good night's sleep! Of course, I don't want to take the matter off the agenda at all, because I'm not saying that I won't say something about it myself on Wednesday. But I think we will do it so that we do not deal with the matter right now, when it could boil up hotly in many people, but that we will take our time until Wednesday. Then I will ask the gentlemen, if they wish, to take the floor on Wednesday. So today, let us stay with what we usually deal with, with the questions of knowledge. And as I said, Mr. Müller's suggestion should definitely be taken into account, that we then express our views on the matter on Wednesday. And I will also say what I myself have to say. You see, for someone who is completely immersed in it, it is relatively easy to say something about science, even without preparation; but I would like to think again about the whole matter that has been presented here. You agree, don't you? (Agreement) Does anyone have any questions? Mr. Dollinger: The question has been raised a lot lately, it has been discussed in all the newspapers, that you never know where the dead elephants are buried because you never find the remains of them. I would like to ask Dr. Steiner if it might be interesting to talk about this? Dr. Steiner: That is an interesting point about elephants! It is a fact that the remains of prehistoric elephants, of ancient times, are sometimes found in an excellent state of preservation. And the way in which these prehistoric elephants are found shows that these animals, which in natural history are called pachyderms, must always have perished in the same way wherever they are found as prehistoric animals – that is, they must have been preserved in such a way that they were suddenly enveloped by the surrounding soil. So I mean by this: these pachyderms could only remain so well preserved if they were not gradually permeated by water, soil and mud, but rather had to be lying in a cave and were suddenly enveloped by earth in a landslide. As a result, when the foreign soil around the skeletons had dissolved the flesh, the solid shell preserved the skeletons extremely well. You can find beautifully preserved specimens of these mighty prehistoric animals in museums everywhere. But this proves to you that these animals have the peculiarity of retreating into caves when they are about to die. Not quite so strict as you said before, of course, but one can only say that in very frequent cases – of course, dead elephants are also found – the elephant, which could previously still be seen quite well, is missing without a trace. These animals have the peculiarity of retreating into caves when they see death approaching, and ending up in caves. You see, gentlemen, this is connected with the fact that these animals – and what you said essentially only applies to pachyderms – have this extraordinarily thick skin. And what does this thick skin mean? You see, the hardest parts of an animal are the ones that are most closely related to the earth. Even the nails on your own hands are most closely related to the earth. And the skin of an elephant is so extraordinarily related to the earth. As a result, the elephant feels surrounded by the earth all its life, namely by the earth in its skin, and only feels comfortable when it is surrounded by its skin. Well, the elephant is actually constantly dying in its skin. When death approaches – and this is the peculiar thing about these pachyderms – these animals feel it very strongly precisely because of their thick skin. They then want to have more of the earth inside their skin; it is their instinct that they then stay in burrows. You just don't look for them in these burrows. If you were to look for them in burrows, you would find dead elephants where there are elephants. You don't find them in open fields. But this fact proves that animals have a much stronger sense of their own death than humans do. This is especially true for those animals that are covered by thick skins. But it is also especially true for those animals that are lower animals, are small, for example insects, which are also covered by horny skins. And you see, with these small animals, one must say: it is the case that they not only feel their death, but that they also, when they come to their death, take all possible precautions to ensure that death occurs where it can best occur. Certain insects withdraw into the earth to meet their death there. It is the same with humans: they buy their freedom by having as little sense of foreboding as possible. Animals have no freedom; they are all unfree. But they have a strong sense of foreboding, and you know that when, for example, there is danger, earthquake-like danger, animals migrate, while humans are truly surprised by such things. We can say that it is extremely difficult for humans to put themselves in the shoes of animals. But anyone who is really able to observe animals, who has a sense for observing animals, will definitely find that animals act extremely prophetically throughout their lives. And the peculiarity discussed is precisely related to the prophetic life in these animals. But then again, when animals do something like this, they cannot be compared to humans! There is something else we want to discuss that relates to elephants, and from that in particular what you asked about will become even more understandable. You see, it has been repeatedly observed that, say, any small herd of elephants is led to the watering hole, as we would say here. Now, there might be some no-good boy standing there when the elephants go, and he throws something at an elephant. The elephant seems to be a patient animal at first and does nothing of the sort, behaving quite indifferently. The good-for-nothing boy waits and wants to throw the elephant again when it comes back. But lo and behold, as the elephant goes back, it has retained a good load of water in its trunk. And as it comes back and sees the boy again, before the boy can throw it, it splashes the boy all over with this load of water. These things have been observed repeatedly. Now, you could say: Gosh, the elephant is much smarter than a human, because the elephant must have tremendous wisdom if it remembers something like the insult the boy did to it and now retains this load of water in its trunk and takes revenge later! Yes, gentlemen, the thought that you have for the elephant is not quite right. You don't have to compare it to human cleverness, but you do have to compare it to something else in humans. If a fly lands on your eye, you do this: you wipe the fly off without giving it much thought. In science, where we have many expressions for things that we sometimes understand much less, we call this a reflex movement. So you just wipe away, out of some kind of instinct, out of some kind of defensive movement, what could possibly be harmful to you. Such things happen to people all the time. When a person simply wipes away a fly, his brain is not active at all; only the nerves that go to the spine are active. Not so when a person is thinking about something: Up here he has his brain, then, for example, when he has seen this or that, his optic nerve goes to the brain, and from the brain the will goes through the rest of the organism, which does something. But if a person simply swats at a fly sitting there, then the nerve does not go to the brain at all – even if it is at the head – but goes directly to the spinal cord, and without the brain even thinking about it, the fly is swatted away. So it is the spinal cord that actually causes us to instinctively defend ourselves as humans when something approaches us in this way. We humans, at least physically, do not have thick skin, but very thin skin. Our skin is so thin that it is even transparent, because the human skin consists of three layers: the inner one is the so-called dermis, then there is a layer, which is the so-called Malpighian layer, and then there is the outer skin, which is already completely transparent. We also have skin like an elephant, only it is very thin. The outer skin is completely transparent. The fact that we have a skin that is transparent means that we are in contact with our surroundings through all our senses, and the fact that we are in contact with our surroundings means that we are inwardly thinking people and reflect on things. The elephant is simply a thick-skinned animal in the physical sense, while people are often thick-skinned in the moral sense. But what does that achieve? You can easily imagine, after what I have told you, that the elephant is extremely insensitive to its surroundings. Such an elephant, basically, feels nothing at all, and everything it perceives of its surroundings, it must see; it is like a world closed in on itself. To study the mind of an elephant in depth is, of course, something extraordinarily interesting for some people. Sometimes a person would have to have an extraordinary desire to advance in knowledge, to be an elephant. Because, you see, if a person had the mind to do so – to have an elephant's mind – then he would indeed become so clever that it would be impossible to express how clever! But the elephant doesn't have the brain to become so clever. Because he is completely closed in on himself, his reflex movements, his defensive movements, are prolonged. This takes a long time. If you had a fly sitting on you and you didn't have the instinct to swat it away right away, the fly would fly away by itself first. Now, with the elephant, it is like this: He would let a fly sit because the story that he would brush it away would only come to him after an hour, that's how slowly the reflex movement, the defensive movement, works. And what the elephant does with his trunk is nothing more than such a reflex movement that just takes a longer time. And it is not that he thinks: The boy insulted me, I have to splash a load of water over his head – the elephant does not think about that. But he wants to actually hit the boy with his trunk while he is standing there; but that takes a long time for an elephant. If you throw dirt at a boy, you hit him without thinking twice. But the elephant is a slow animal, precisely because it is a pachyderm, and so it takes a long time, going back and forth, until it has extended its trunk and wants to hit the boy. But while he is drinking in the meantime, he realizes: When the water is in his trunk, his trunk is stronger, it strengthens his trunk; he wants to make his trunk stronger by keeping water in it. And he feels that his trunk is getting longer. It is simply the extended trunk with which he wants to hit him when he squirts out the water load. That is what you have to think about. You can't just ascribe human wisdom to the elephant, but you have to go into the elephant's whole mind, and then you find something like that. And so it is with the elephant that he is inwardly a closed entity and notices everything, and especially notices what happens inside him. That is how he also notices the approach of death and can withdraw. It is a fact that there is very little animal psychology at all today. It is true that people do observe animals and find all kinds of interesting facts, as I have already told you. But actually looking into the animal soul is something that is extremely rare today. But if you want to find out about these things, you have to sharpen your senses by observing life in general. Go to the very small animals, as there are such. There are very small animals that consist only of a soft, slimy mass (see drawing). This soft, slimy mass can, when there is a grain of some kind nearby, stretch out something like a thread from the mass. First an arm is formed out of the mass. This can be retracted again. But you see, such animals excrete lime or silica shells, so that they are surrounded by lime or silica shells. Now, you cannot notice much about such a small animal that excretes a lime or silica shell. But then there are more perfect animals, and you can already notice more. There are animals that also consist of a slimy mass, but inside there is something that, when you look closely, looks like small rays; and then they have a shell around it, and there are spines on the shell. Everything that then grows into a coral looks like this. Take an animal like this, which has a shell with spines and, inside its soft mass, such radiant structures. What is that? If you really investigate, you will find that these rays inside are not caused by the earth, but are caused by the earth's surroundings, by the stars. This soft mass is caused by the sky, and the hard mass, or the mass with the spines, is caused by the earth's interior. How does something like this come about? Well, gentlemen, if you want to know how something like this comes about, imagine: here is a piece – I am drawing it quite enlarged – of one of these slimy little creatures. Now, due to the influence of a star from far away, a piece of such a ray is formed here inside. As a result of this forming, the star's influence presses the rest of the mass here quite strongly. But the surrounding mass presses even harder against the wall. Because of this, a stronger bulge forms on the shell inside because it presses harder, a spine of the surrounding lime or siliceous mass. So this spine is caused from the outside, from the earth, but this ray from the inside through the influence of the star. Can you understand that? What is forming in there is the beginning of a nerve mass; what is forming out there is the beginning of a bone mass. So we see that in these lower animals, nerves form under the influence of the external world, the extraterrestrial. Everything that is bony, shell-like – after all, the lower animals only have an outer bone – forms under the influence of the earth. The more you look at more perfect animals, the more you see that the formation of shells stops and the formation of skeletons sets in, which is then most perfectly present in humans. But look at the human skeleton. When you look at the human skeleton, you come to the point where you can actually compare the head with a lower animal, because it has a kind of shell. Inside it is soft. That is a great difference compared to the rest of the human bone structure. Your leg bones, you carry them internally, and the flesh covers them. The soft mass is on the outside. In this way, the human being has taken the bone skeleton into itself. Now, the fact that the external skeleton is not taken in as it is with the head, but as it is with the rest of the human being, is connected with the fact that the blood develops in a certain way in these higher animals and also in humans. If you look at such lower animals, everything is a white mass. Even what runs through them as blood is white. These lower animals actually have white blood that is not warm at all. The higher the animals become and the more we approach the animal organization up to the human being, the more the human being, who remains light, is permeated by the blood mass. And the more the nerve is permeated by the blood mass, the more the skeleton, which was previously only an outer shell, also retracts into the interior of the organism. So that one can say: Why do human beings have internally structured bones, like on their arms and legs? Because they have permeated their nervous mass with blood mass. So that one can say: The higher animals and human beings need blood internally so that they can take the shell inwardly. Can you understand that? But from this we can also say that a lower animal knows nothing of itself. But humans and higher animals know of themselves. How do we know of ourselves? By having a skeleton within us, we know of ourselves. So if you ask how humans actually have their self-awareness, how they know of themselves, then one must not point to the muscles, then one must not point to soft tissue, but one must point straight to one's solid skeleton. Through the solid skeleton, man knows of himself. And the thing is that it is extraordinarily interesting to look at the human skeleton. Imagine you have a human being here and I draw in his skeletal system very roughly (see drawing). Now it is extremely interesting: when you look at a skeleton, you have to imagine that this skeleton was inside the human being; but this skeleton of the human being is completely covered by skin. If I am to draw this skin here, I would have to draw it like this. When a person is alive, his entire skeletal system is enclosed in a skin, the so-called periosteum, which is very closely adapted to it, just like in a sack. So imagine a joint here, where a bone has a head that engages, let's say, in a joint socket. This is how it is with the periosteum: there is the periosteum; the entire outer bone is surrounded by the periosteum, and there the periosteum continues, it arrives again, goes over the skeleton. So if you simply imagine the skeleton inside the human being, the skeleton is quite separate inside the human being. Between all the other parts of the human being and the skeleton is a sack-like skin. It is really as if you take the skeleton of a living person and imagine spreading a sack over the whole skeleton and touching it everywhere so that the sack would cover the skeleton on the outside. But you don't need to do that at all, because nature has already done it; the whole thing is inside a sack, in the leg skin. And the interesting thing is: the blood vessels only go as far as the periosteum – the periosteum is permeated by them – this blood nourishes, as far as it is to be nourished, the bone, but within the sac the bone is completely earth: calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, ash, salts and so on. So you have the strange fact: So you have muscles, liver and so on, and you have your blood vessels in you, and the blood now first forms a sac. The sac seals you off from the inside. Within this sac is a cavity, but this cavity first contains the skeleton. So it is really as if your bones were inside you, and you had sealed your bones off with a sac, the peritoneum. And these bones are completely earthy, they are earth inside. You cannot feel them inside. You feel your bones through what the bones are, just as you would if you took a piece of chalk. If you take a piece of chalk, you don't feel it either, it is outside of you. So the bone is outside of you, and you are separated from it by a sack. All of you have something in your skeleton that is not really you, that is earth formed into bone, phosphoric acid lime, salts, carbonic acid lime; you carry that within you, only you have surrounded it with a sack, the periosteum. ![]() You see, gentlemen, there is no room for anything unspiritual; because if you bring any splinter of earth into yourself, it must fester. The bone does not fester. Why? Because in the place where you are dead within, where the bone appears dead within the skin of the leg, there is spirit through and through. You see, that is the wonderful instinct why simple people, who often knew more than the learned, imagined death under the skeleton, because they knew that the spirit resides in the skeleton. And so they imagined that when a spirit walks around, it must also appear in skeletal form. This is a correct pictorial representation. Because as long as a person is alive, he makes room for the spirit through his bones. This is something we will discuss in more detail in the near future. But you can also see from this that people put a lot of effort into bringing the spirit into their bones. The elephant still leaves room for the spirit in its thick skin. And because the elephant leaves room for the spirit in its thick skin, the spirit that the elephant then feels can perceive when the outside world destroys it. Man knows nothing of his own death because his skin is too thin. If he were also physically a pachyderm, he would also withdraw into a cave and die in a cave. And one would also say: Where do people go? They go to heaven when they die! Yes, gentlemen, the same thing was said about those people who were greatly revered in certain circles as they were about the elephant. For example, about Moses, of whom it was said that his body had not been found. He disappeared because people imagined that this had really happened to him. He became so wise, people imagined, as I told you earlier. If man were physically a pachyderm and had his brain, then he would be so clever that one cannot even express how clever he is! And people knew such connections. Think, it is amazing what people knew! They say of Moses that he was already as clever as he would have become if he had had a thick skin; that is why he also withdrew and his body was not found. It is a very interesting context. Does it not appear so to you? Ancient legends are often related to pure, beautiful animal worship. Well, we'll talk about that some more next time, if the proceedings we've been saddled with today leave us time. So next Wednesday, gentlemen. ![]() |