264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: The Twelve-membered Essence of the Masters
29 May 1915, Dornach Rudolf Steiner |
264. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume One: The Twelve-membered Essence of the Masters
29 May 1915, Dornach Rudolf Steiner |
Written answer to a written question 1 Question: Are the various masters, so to speak, parts of one being, so that this being then contains twelve different masters within itself, of whom seven are always embodied in the physical and five remain in the spiritual realm? Answer: Yes. Question: Does one of them, for example, contain the qualities of the physical body developed to perfection, so that it represents the harmony of the physical organs; another expresses the harmony of the temperaments (i.e. the etheric body) in the physical body; another represents knowledge in a harmonious way (astral body); a fourth expresses the mentioned qualities in a sentient way, a fifth expresses or represents the mentioned qualities intellectually, a sixth expresses them completely consciously and rules over the other six (the words “and rules over the other six” were corrected by Rudolf Steiner to: “and is ruled by the other six” Manas as the 8th, Buddhi as the 9th, Atma as the 10th, Holy Ghost as the 11th and Son as the 12th, these five individualities are invisible at the moment? Answer: The 7th is the servant of the other 6, is ruled by them and the 7th then rules the other 5, i.e. by embodying them. There are always seven incarnated. If the eighth incarnates, the first will not incarnate.2 Rudolf Steiner created the following diagram for this:![]()