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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 941 through 950 of 6282

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36. Second Goetheanum

Rudolf Steiner
Rudolf Steiner, asking him to give us the thought which underlies the building. To rebuild the Goetheanum in conformity with the underlying thought of its purpose is no easy task.
This working centre can only be built by one who experiences every detail of its form from a spiritual, artistic outlook; the same outlook through which he experiences with understanding every word that is spoken out of Anthroposophy. By reason of the softness of wood it was possible to build a Hall in that material in such a way that one could strive to imitate the creating of organic forms in Nature.
Wide steps will lead from the ground to the terrace and thus to the Portal. Under the terrace there will be the cloak rooms. The designer of the building is convinced that the shape of the hills upon one of which the Goetheanum will stand, will be in keeping with the structure of this concrete building.
36. West-East Aphorisms 01 Jan 1922,

Rudolf Steiner
If the Eastern man finds today in his reality of spirit the power to give the strength of existence to Maja, and if the Western man discovers life in his reality of Nature, so that he shall see the Spirit at work in his ideology, then will understanding come about between East and West. In hoary antiquity the humanity of the Orient experienced in knowledge a lofty spirituality.
In the human word mounting upward we behold with understanding the cosmic Word whose descent our consciousness once experienced.” The man of the East has no understanding for “proof”.
If the man of the West releases from his proof the life of truth, the man of the East will understand him. if, at the end of the Western man's struggle for proof, the Eastern man discovers his unproven dreams of truth in a true awaking, the man of the West will then have to greet him as a fellow-worker who can accomplish what he himself cannot accomplish in work for the progress of humanity.
40. The Calendar of the Soul (Pusch)
Translated by Hans Pusch, Ruth Pusch

Rudolf Steiner
A healthy feeling of “at one-ness” with the course of Nature, and from this a vigorous “finding of oneself” is here intended, in the belief that, for the soul, a feeling-unison with the world's course as unfolded in these verses is something for which the soul longs when it rightly understands itself. —Rudolf Steiner Foreword to the Second Edition On the Corresponding Verses by Hans Pusch It is apparent that the Calendar of the Soul is composed of corresponding verses which divide the year into two halves, from Easter to Michaelmas, and back again to Easter.
That soul which within us is a sentiment, outside of us is a law.” What lived in Emerson's mind underlies the style and composition of these weekly verses. And it is the human being who must reach a stage of compensation, of balance between the opposites, enhancing the polarities to forces of inner growth and maturity.
Week 11 In this the sun's high hour it rests With you to understand these words of wisdom: Surrender to the beauty of the world, Be stirred with new-enlivened feeling; The human I can lose itself And find itself within the cosmic I.
40. The Planet Dance
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
So man, be expanding your soul's understanding, your essence revealing,— you find your own star. So lenke, du Mensch, Zur Weite dich selbst, Zur Mitte das SeinDu findest den Geist.
40. The Song of Initiation (A Satire)

Rudolf Steiner
“These pricks attack the soul that stinks,” Replies with smirk a quite non-wiseman, A mystically undersize-man, Who at the Mystery just winks. Da zwickt und zwackt es ihn. “Des Geistes Prüfung, ” findet er, “Scheint mir dies Prickeln in dem Leibe.”
40. Introduction to a Eurhythmy Performance 29 Aug 1915, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Thus an attempt has been made to do something in which there is a very intimate consonance between the spoken word—and not simply the spoken word but also the sensations revealed—and every single movement. It will gradually be understand that in this presentation the spoken word will be only one aspect contributing to the whole. Gradually it will be understood that if the movements are done in their fullness it will be possible to recognize from the movements what is being said, just as one can read the meaning in letters of the alphabet one is looking at.
Otherwise they will make what is serious into something ridiculous among those who laugh because their laughing muscles begin to move whenever they don't understand something; or they will enrage those people who fly into a rage when they encounter something they have never “seen or heard before.”
45. Anthroposophy, A Fragment (2024): The Nature of Anthroposophy
Translated by Automated

Rudolf Steiner
Those who take this sufficiently into account will find it understandable that, in particular, knowledge of man should be sought in such a way that one tries to approach his nature from different points of view.
She examines the influence of climate, the seas, and other geographical conditions on human life. It seeks to gain an understanding of the conditions of racial development, of the life of nations, of legal conditions, the development of writing, of languages, etc.
When the spiritual researcher communicates them after having found them, they can be understood by every person who listens to them with a healthy sense of truth and unprejudiced logic. One should not believe that only a clairvoyant consciousness can have a well-founded conviction of the facts of the spiritual world.
45. Anthroposophy, A Fragment (2024): The Human Being as a Sensory Organism
Translated by Automated

Rudolf Steiner
If, as is appropriate, one speaks of meaning where knowledge comes about without the participation of understanding, memory, etc., then one must recognize other senses than those listed. If we apply this distinction, it is easy to see that in everyday life the word “sense” is often used in a non-literal way.
To an even greater degree, the sensory character is hidden in the next sense to be characterized. When we understand a person who communicates through speech, gestures, etc., it is true that judgment, memory, etc. play a predominant role in this understanding. But here too, right self-contemplation leads us to recognize that there is a direct grasping and understanding that can precede all thinking and judging. The best way to develop a feeling for this fact is to realize how one can understand something even before one has developed the ability to judge it.
45. Anthroposophy, A Fragment (2024): The Processes of Life
Translated by Automated

Rudolf Steiner
It would be easy to be tempted to completely misunderstand the nature of these inner experiences and to say that there is no essential difference between them and those that develop under the influence of sense perceptions. It must be admitted that the difference between the two types of inner experiences, for example, between the sense of life and the inner emotional experience during the breathing or warming process, is not particularly clear.
It belongs to a sense experience that a judgment can only be attached to it through the “I”. Everything that a person accomplishes under the influence of a judgment must, if it relates to sense perceptions, be such that the judgment is made within the “I”.
This revelation will now be called the 'etheric human body'. (The word 'etheric' should be understood to mean only what is meant here, and in no way what bears the name 'ether' in physics.) Just as the physical human body relates to the 'I-human', so the 'etheric human body' relates to the 'astral human'.
45. Anthroposophy, A Fragment (2024): The Higher Spiritual World
Translated by Automated

Rudolf Steiner
It would be the same as in a sensory experience, but it would have an independent existence without an underlying sensory organ. The same could be said for the sense of balance and equilibrium when reversed. In the higher spiritual world, we would thus find sense experiences that are at rest in themselves and which prove to be related to those sense experiences to which the human being in the physical world is closest with his ego, the experiences of the sense of concept, sound and hearing.

Results 941 through 950 of 6282

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