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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 5801 through 5810 of 6061

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353. The History of Humanity and the World Views of Civilized Nations: The Nature of the Sun – Origins of the Freemasonry: The Sign, grip and word — Ku Klux Klan 04 Jun 1924, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
For example, let's say that the usual gesture that one already has in one's mind was further developed: I understand –; or: That's not what you're telling me –; or: We understand each other well. – You drew the cross inside.
Now, actually, this kind of Freemasonry has only developed when everything else from the mysteries was forgotten; and some of the old things that were no longer understood were imitated. So that what Freemasonry has adopted of the cult is mostly no longer understood by Freemasons today; they also do not understand the sign, grip and word because they do not know what it is all about.
So that one can say: It is already the case that anyone who is still able to understand today what is contained in some Masonic ceremonies for the first, second and third degrees, can recognize in what the Freemasons themselves often do not understand that they often go back to very ancient wisdom; but this is not the main significance.
353. The History of Humanity and the World Views of Civilized Nations: Man and the Hierarchies – The Loss of Ancient Knowledge – On the “Philosophy of Freedom” 25 Jun 1924, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
But I will still address the matter and try to make it as understandable as possible. You see, when you look at a person standing and walking on the earth, that person actually has all the kingdoms of nature within them.
Yes, gentlemen, it comes from the fact that humanity is undergoing a development. Of course, you can dissect the human being who is here now; when he dies, you can dissect him.
And so the downfall of the old knowledge comes with freedom. That's it. Is it understandable? (Answer: Yes) It comes with freedom! But now, while humans have gained freedom on the one hand, they have lost the old knowledge and fallen prey to materialism.
354. Nutrition and Health: Lecture I 31 Jul 1924, Dornach
Translated by Gladys Hahn

Rudolf Steiner
It is much more complicated. And if one wants to understand how the human being is really related to various foods, one must first be clear about the kinds of food one definitely needs.
So if one eats raw potatoes, either one just loads one's stomach with them and the intestines can't even get started on them, or one fills up the intestines; in either case there is no further digestion. But if the potatoes undergo a preparatory stage through cooking or some other means, then the stomach does not have so much to do, or the intestines either, and the potatoes go over properly into the blood and right up into the head.
354. Nutrition and Health: Lecture II 02 Aug 1924, Dornach
Translated by Gladys Hahn

Rudolf Steiner
He said, “Yes, that colleague of mine, that young boy! I don't understand him. I don't want to retire yet, I still feel so young.” The other one, the “boy,” was disrobed, could no longer teach.
Naturally, such a performance can't be allowed to become a habit; but one must have understanding for it. And one can understand it in two directions. You see, if a child is watching all the time and thinking, when will Father or Mother not be looking, so that I can take that sugar: then later he will sneak other things.
With nutrition, which is the thing particularly interesting us at this moment, it is really so, that one must acquire a proper understanding for the way it relates to the spirit. When people inquire in that direction, I often offer two examples.
354. The Evolution of the Earth and Man and The Influence of the Stars: Creation of the world and of man. Saturn-, Sun-, and Moon-condition in the earth's evolution 30 Jun 1924, Dornach
Translated by Gladys Hahn

Rudolf Steiner
Now man is really a very, very complicated being. If people think they will be able to understand him by dissecting a human corpse, they are mistaken, for naturally they will not arrive at a real understanding. Just as little can they understand the world around us if all they do is collect stones and plants and look at the individual items.
The beginning of the Bible is very much smiled at, and indeed justifiably, when it is understood to say that once upon a time some god formed a man out of a clod of earth. People regard that as impossible and naturally they are right.
354. The Evolution of the Earth and Man and The Influence of the Stars: Creation of the earth. Origin of man 03 Jul 1924, Dornach
Translated by Gladys Hahn

Rudolf Steiner
When everything was fluid, when the air was almost fluid before it thickened—yes, then this silica played an enormous role, it was very important in that original condition. Nowadays these things are not understood rightly because concerning man's finer organization, people no longer have the right idea. They think today in a casual, crude way: Well, we're humans and we have to breathe.
The question put by Herr Dollinger is one that must be answered in detail, and if you have patience you will see how present-day life emerges from all the gradual preparatory conditions. The whole subject is indeed difficult to understand. But I believe one can understand if one looks at things in the way we have been looking. 3.
354. The Evolution of the Earth and Man and The Influence of the Stars: What natural science and anthroposophy have to say about earth strata and fossils 07 Jul 1924, Dornach
Translated by Gladys Hahn

Rudolf Steiner
This is nothing so very special, for people often underestimate the time it takes for something like this to happen. People find today in southern regions churches or other buildings just standing there. The people come along, do some digging for some reason or other, and Heavens! there's something under this church that is hard; that's not earth. They dig down and find a pagan temple underneath! What had happened?
It was pushed up by man, perhaps with the help of nature-forces, and underneath there is the pagan temple. What was once above, is now below. Layer upon layer has in fact been piled up in the earth.
354. The Evolution of the Earth and Man and The Influence of the Stars: Origin of the world and of man. Lemuria and Atlantis 09 Jul 1924, Dornach
Translated by Gladys Hahn

Rudolf Steiner
These large elephants, these mammoths, were, so to speak, like lice on the old body of the earth and were destroyed by a single wave that turned to ice. You can understand how well this agrees with what I have said about our present earth being a kind of world-corpse.
But you see, if we investigate the fossils found here under the earth, and from them deduce what the earlier forms and species were-of both plants and animals-we discover: There it cannot have been like this!
Instead we can see that men and animals and everything existing now were themselves once gaseous and aeriform and have undergone a metamorphosis. So we find a condition of our earth that must once have been like this: You see, there was this island where water is today.
354. The Evolution of the Earth and Man and The Influence of the Stars: Origin and character of the Chinese and Indian cultures 12 Jul 1924, Dornach
Translated by Gladys Hahn

Rudolf Steiner
This possibility of difference, this spiritual aspect of the matter, was far better understood by the Indians than by those who came later. The Indians said: When we draw a single object, it is not the whole truth; we have to conceive the matter spiritually.
354. The Evolution of the Earth and Man and The Influence of the Stars: The relation of foodstuffs to man. Raw food. Vegetarianism 31 Jul 1924, Dornach
Translated by Gladys Hahn

Rudolf Steiner
It is much more complicated. And if one wants to understand how the human being is really related to various foods, one must first be clear about the kinds of food one definitely needs.
So if one eats raw potatoes, either one just loads one's stomach with them and the intestines can't even get started on them, or one fills up the intestines; in either case there is no further digestion. But if the potatoes undergo a preparatory stage through cooking or some other means, then the stomach does not have so much to do, or the intestines either, and the potatoes go over properly into the blood and right up into the head.

Results 5801 through 5810 of 6061

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