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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 5581 through 5590 of 6065

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344. The Founding of the Christian Community: First Lecture 06 Sep 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
When these two gentlemen came to see me at the very beginning of this movement, there was an undertone that we do not actually have a religious life among those on whom you rely first, that religious life is no longer a reality.
This has nothing to do with personal freedom. If one understands the cultic properly, one must think quite differently about these things at all, and one cannot have a subjective aversion.
For example, we have come to the conclusion that in order to truly understand what we see on the garment, we need a whole cultic chemistry that will enlighten us about the nature of matter and how it is transformed.
344. The Founding of the Christian Community: Second Lecture 07 Sep 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
There is something that we must do before we can introduce and cultivate worship, and this is something that is not easily understood, especially in Protestant circles, because in these circles religion is not based on worship and what worship stands for is less understood, felt and appreciated.
But at the same time, the principles of priestly ordination are implied, and the principles for the practice of worship are implied. But for that you must understand something else. In the spiritual world, the validity of human language begins to fade at a relatively low level.
After a relatively short time, this soul loses all understanding of nouns, of everything that is crystallized in nouns. But it still retains the ability to understand verbs, that is, everything that points to what is becoming, to what is active.
344. The Founding of the Christian Community: Third Lecture 08 Sep 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Today, the Catholic Church often separates this sermon from the sacrifice of the Mass and regards it as a separate entity. This is understandable, since in modern times preaching has taken on a more intellectual character, whereas in the original services of consecration, precisely at the point where the Christian gospel word, perceived as the word of God, was read, what was then preaching could be spoken in direct connection with this word.
This will constitute the first preparation for what for this group should be ordination to the priesthood, which should also be undertaken during this time. But it will be necessary for you first to feel united with the spiritual that must live in you through inwardly speaking such a formula if you are to live together in the right way in the community you have formed.
This should indicate the intensity of the idea that must underlie the matter. Therefore, arbitrary entry and exit cannot belong to the real development of this community.
344. The Founding of the Christian Community: Fourth Lecture 09 Sep 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
But now something else is important. It is important not to understand such a matter only in a personal sense or in a narrow human sense, but to understand it as something that one professes before the whole world, and thus also before the higher hierarchies, and to accept the real consequences, that is, to fully recognize in a spiritual way what the Catholic Church, albeit in an externalized way, does recognize.
Then, of course, it is necessary to keep the most important moral qualities alive in oneself through constant practice, because only under the influence of these moral qualities is it possible to achieve real work from the spiritual world.
Rudolf Steiner: Very well, then we shall proceed in that way. We can undertake the action we have spoken of at ten o'clock, and what you have proposed in the closest circle we can then begin tomorrow after the action.
344. The Founding of the Christian Community: Sixth Lecture 11 Sep 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
But what was bound together in this way could not be counted as one, two, three, and so on, as so many individual people. Never in the mystery was such a community understood as a mere sum of people, but it was understood that a real community spirit is present, not incarnated on earth, but always present when something is to happen from the community.
You will see from each sentence that there is a struggle for a correct understanding of the Trinity. I have already pointed out to you that the Gospel of John is basically not understood correctly by most theologians, because the Father God is called the “Creator” and Christ, the Logos, merely the “Savior”.
This is simply the correct understanding in the sense of the Gospel of John, and such a correct understanding of the Trinity must be striven for at the beginning of every reading of the Mass.
344. The Founding of the Christian Community: Seventh Lecture 12 Sep 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
The human consecration sacrifice must also be understood in this sense. It encompasses everything. It encompasses all the mysteries of Christianity in a spiritual but real presence.
344. The Founding of the Christian Community: Eighth Lecture 13 Sep 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
And so I will carry out [the beginning] to a certain extent, and then Dr. Rittelmeyer can continue the ceremony under my assistance tomorrow. The first thing will be for you to provide the vestments here; the first task is to consecrate the vestments themselves, so that they may appear suitable for the purpose for which they will serve.
344. The Founding of the Christian Community: Ninth Lecture 16 Sep 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
For this continuation of the deed inaugurated with the Mystery of Golgotha is, after all, the essential thing that underlies the externalized thing, which the Catholic Church has as apostolic succession. So one can say that the Protestant Church has indeed worked with good forces for a long time.
344. The Founding of the Christian Community: Tenth Lecture 17 Sep 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Already in the time of Athanasius, the lack of understanding of those regions of human existence begins, which would have to be understood if one wants to keep the Credo free of certain things.
He says that the old Credo originated at a childlike stage of humanity, and that today it should be shaped in such a way that it contains understanding. Such an opinion underlies all discussions about the Credo. From the standpoint of spiritual science, the matter appears as follows: at the time of the Arthanasius-Arius controversy something had already entered into evolution, whereby, with regard to the understanding of the Credo, something like spiritual darkness occurred, and therein lay the cause of the discussions about the Credo.
And even if the Credo is spoken in Latin, the possibility of developing a higher understanding ceases with the translation; and we have something in front of us in the Credo that should be judged with understanding, not after discussion.
344. The Founding of the Christian Community: Eleventh Lecture 18 Sep 1922, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
But then, above all, there must be a very deep and earnest understanding in your souls of what man's connection with Christ actually is in the immediate present and will become in the future.
You will be so moved by the reception of such a truth that you will be able to enliven the Act of Consecration of Man through it and thus bring something before the faithful that must be understood differently than usual, that must be understood with the understanding of the spiritual world. And in doing so, you will not only perform the Act of Consecration of Man differently, but with an understanding of the spiritual world, so that the things that take place in transubstantiation can no longer be discussed, but will be seen and felt as a matter of course, in that it will be felt that something supersensible must be understood in the sensual.

Results 5581 through 5590 of 6065

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