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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 5171 through 5180 of 6065

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332b. Current Social and Economic Issues: Prospectus for the Issue of 5% Loan Certificates 13 Mar 1920, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
They were capitalized, and it was precisely this capitalization that undermined the social order. Such enterprises must be confronted by those that arise from healthy thinking and feeling.
The workers who have a share in the new enterprises will, for instance, behave in exactly the same way towards 'wage' differences as they do towards enterprises of the old type. But in such matters, one must not underestimate how soon, under proper management, an enterprise of the kind characterized here must also have favorable social consequences.
Until then, in accordance with the resolution of the supervisory board of March 11, 1920, the issue of loan certificates up to the amount of 100,000,000 marks is planned under the following conditions: 1. The lenders receive loan certificates made out to the joint-stock company “Der Kommende Tag” or its order for a sum of not less than 1,000 marks.
332b. Current Social and Economic Issues: Cover Letter of the “Coming Day” 06 May 1920,

Rudolf Steiner
In some cases, it has been possible to treat the companies as branches of the entire undertaking, so that they no longer have their own capital. In this case, the head of the company in question is, similar to the way it is required in the core areas, an administrator of capital who is only concerned with the production of goods. In some cases, however, this form of organization was not feasible, so that certain enterprises continued to work as independent legal entities under their previous name. In order to balance the funds for the benefit of the whole, a financing institution has been created that is not a commercial enterprise itself, but serves the whole.
Apart from the various projects currently in preparation or under negotiation, the sole proprietorships to date are as follows: Der Kommende Tag A. G., Bank - department that handles the financing of the sole proprietorships.
332b. Current Social and Economic Issues: To the Friends of the Goetheanum, of Anthroposophy and of the Threefold Social Order Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Covering letter from the founding committee of “Kommender Tag” Switzerland, in future “Futurum AG”, regarding the founding prospectus in May 1920. The undersigned are turning to you with the request that you participate to the greatest extent possible in the share subscription of the joint-stock company “DER KOMMENDE TAG” that is in the process of being founded.
The supranational spiritual healing powers that created the GOETHEANUM must be endowed with the international economic potential to exert a real influence on the ailing economy of the present day. The scope of the entire undertaking is such that the resources needed for it can only be accumulated over a long period of time. However, since the foundation cannot wait until a capital is available that is sufficient to achieve the set goals, the small initial capital and what is done with it in a way that inspires confidence should be the biggest advertising factor for bringing together the full amount of working capital. Each of our friends who subscribes for one, ten, one hundred or more shares is giving the personalities who are putting themselves at the service of the economic impact of the spiritual-scientific impulses something to stand on. But precisely by supporting a healthy undertaking that is steering a safe course out of the threatening collapse, he is investing his money in a place where it not only receives an illusory sham cover, but the best cover from the central constructive forces of the social future society.
332b. Current Social and Economic Issues: Address at the Staff Meeting of Carl Unger's Machine Tool Factory 26 Jul 1920, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
In the period when we started working, they were actually through — much more through than perhaps a single one of you believes; they were through and would have remained through if understanding for threefolding had been mustered. They came up because there was no understanding for the threefold order, and they came to the hope: Yes, if the proletariat follows these leaders and does not gain any understanding for the threefold order, because we had practical ideas, that is why the leaders of the bourgeoisie hated us.
A worker: If the socialization question would “march” under the present government, how about the joint-stock company of the “Coming Day”? Would it be out of the question, illusory? Rudolf Steiner: Not true, it is self-evident that under the present government nothing desirable can be achieved. You see, for those who think practically, it is of course very important to realize that nothing desirable can be achieved under a government like the present one.
332b. Current Social and Economic Issues: Transfer of Leadership of the Federation for the Threefolding of the Social Organism 01 Aug 1920, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
The Waldorf School has begun to work out of such a new spirit. You can understand that the greatest concern in setting up all these new affairs, which are so energetically demanded by the times, must be to find the right people for the job.
Without being aware of this, one cannot work on such an undertaking as this. We have shown that it is at least possible in a small circle to make a start where the aim is to work in an at least limited comprehensive sense from the spirit that is meant here.
There is no reason for anyone to become vain or proud about what has been decided, for there is still much to be done and only those who feel inadequate in the face of their immediate tasks will come to the right realization. You will have heard: There is a lack of understanding again where there should be understanding so far-reaching that the social organism has a threefold structure, where there should be understanding for the fact that, above all, spiritual life should be supported economically, there is a lack of understanding again in the widest circles today.
332b. Current Social and Economic Issues: Address at the Orientation Meeting on “Futurum” and “The Coming Day” 13 Oct 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
At that time, we were still living in a time when it was extremely difficult to make it understood that such a straight line leads from the highest spiritual healing processes into the most practical life.
Now, however, it is a matter of the fact that we, having to go to such a foundation, needed the courage to really make something out of the whole anthroposophical way of thinking and attitude and also to make it understandable to the world that something like this must arise today out of the anthroposophical attitude, and in particular out of the education of thinking - including the most practical thinking - that arises out of observing anthroposophical feeling and imagining.
We must work to ensure that something like the “Futurum” becomes well known in terms of its tendencies, in terms of its goals, that it is maintained by what is disseminated for the understanding of its principles by those who want to profess anthroposophy. Because anthroposophy is not just some theory, but anthroposophy means precisely the force that transforms the whole person and can prepare him to bear life as it must be borne if we want to move towards a possible future, not the barbarization of our entire civilization.
332b. Current Social and Economic Issues: Prospectus of the “Futurum A.-G.” 31 Oct 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Letters of this kind usually end up in the trash. The sensible person understands this. Because more often than not, they promise things that the interested parties have often enough experienced not being fulfilled.
This is possible only if the sins of omission of the present economy are seen through impartially and consciously avoided in an undertaking that is capable of unlimited expansion. Today's mode of production is based on pure profit interest.
We are now in the midst of such social consequences and should therefore be able to understand the real connections between cause and effect in economic life. As a result of not taking consumer needs into account in production, these same needs became, as it were, fair game.
332b. Current Social and Economic Issues: Address to the Staff of the José del Monte Company 17 Nov 1920, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
What has got in our way – and I don't want to attribute this to bad faith, but it must always be said – is the misunderstanding, even lack of understanding, that our efforts in the sense of the threefold social organism are met with by the socialist leadership. We can understand quite well what is actually at issue, and the masses will also understand it one day. But the leaders have managed to gradually empty our halls, or at least make them poorly attended.
Benkendörfer is one of those personalities who perhaps best understand how, with active will, an economic enterprise such as the “Kommende Tag” must first transfer its threads to the free spiritual life.
332b. Current Social and Economic Issues: Address at the installation of Eugen Benkendörfer as General Director of the “Coming Day” 17 Nov 1920, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
Because there is no answer to the social question without building this bridge, without the possibility of an understanding between the former ruling classes and the proletariat. And building this bridge is one of the most difficult tasks.
Truth demands action now. It is not a truth of the kind that underlies the sphere of the will, such as the truths of natural science. It can be a truth today and a lie in eight weeks if one is not able to make it a truth.
But combined with this, there must be a relationship of mutual understanding and cooperation. In today's difficult times, everyone must really do their best, especially when a person who has found it so difficult to make up his mind to take on this post under the current circumstances has finally taken on this post.
332b. Current Social and Economic Issues: Orientation Lecture on Threefolding and “Futurum” Propaganda I 27 Dec 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
The purpose of the discussion is to reach an understanding about the tasks that are set in “Futurum AG” and that the gentlemen set for themselves. The basis for everything that is done in an external social relationship is the idea of the threefold social organism.
We were then pushed into founding the Kommenden Tag. The Waldorf School is a spiritual undertaking. It would have been impossible to found a Waldorf School here, but it was possible in Württemberg.
All truly great economic things have emerged from such small things that have previously consumed money. In Germany, one works under different conditions because even the industrialists realize what it means to stand after the transformation, and one can say that success is there in a very short time.

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