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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 4981 through 4990 of 6282

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262. Correspondence with Marie Steiner 1901–1925: Correspondence 33b 07 Oct 1905,

Marie Steiner
Nor would I have believed that a fairly strong dose of intelligence, as is characteristic of our time, could, as a result of self-love, go hand in hand with a complete lack of real understanding, 'insight'. This 'insight' is more likely to be found in the minds of the more simple-minded, whose eyes vanity does not close, whereas the clever can be astonishingly narrow-minded and easily fall prey to their own conceit.
262. Correspondence with Marie Steiner 1901–1925: Correspondence 36 14 Nov 1905,

Rudolf Steiner
Ita Wegman 51 infected with it. I would even understand her timidity, since she is about to take her exam after all, and the professors in Zurich have their shoes tanned by the same company as everywhere else.
262. Correspondence with Marie Steiner 1901–1925: Correspondence 40 20 Nov 1905,

Rudolf Steiner
Ostermann 57 was expecting me and then led me to an ice-cold room, almost as bad as Hubo's. I froze for hours and really didn't understand what was going on. Because there was even heating in the corridors. Just not in my room. Then in the evening I said quite dryly that this was not acceptable.
It is really not the people's fault. But they understand nothing of the conditions of intellectual work. So today is Strasbourg, tomorrow Colmar again.
262. Correspondence with Marie Steiner 1901–1925: Correspondence 41 25 Nov 1905,

Rudolf Steiner
For a time that cannot see forms and create them, must necessarily evaporate into a non-essential abstraction, and reality must confront this merely abstract spirit as a spiritless aggregation of matter. If people are truly capable of understanding forms, for example, the birth of the soul from the cloud-like ether of the Sistine Madonna, then there will soon be no more mindless matter for them.
262. Correspondence with Marie Steiner 1901–1925: Correspondence 43 05 Jan 1906,

Rudolf Steiner
They then also emerge again as one body here, although the tendency to split has already become apparent in the third round of the earth. Now, during the fourth round, the earth is undergoing the rupa and astral states, and is then preparing to become physical again. The development of this physical state in the three realms mentioned is the responsibility of the “spirits of form”.
262. Correspondence with Marie Steiner 1901–1925: Correspondence 45 09 Jan 1906,

Rudolf Steiner
This also showed once again what an obstacle the cobweb of learned modern concepts is for an unbiased grasp of spiritual reality. This is only too understandable for real occultism. One has only to consider the nature of this learned world of concepts. It is, after all, entirely derived from spatial-physical reality.
262. Correspondence with Marie Steiner 1901–1925: Correspondence 46 13 Jan 1906,

Rudolf Steiner
Therefore, I ask you not to wait for me and also to tell the ladies not to wait for me under any circumstances. I will arrive alone and be at Stinde-Kalckreuth's around a quarter past 8. All my love, Rudolf 4. It can only be Albert Schweitzer with his book “From Reimarus to Wrede”, 1906, 2nd edition under the title ” History of the Life-Jesus-Research, 1913.5. In No. 28 (September 1905) of “Lucifer-Gnosis”, reprinted in “Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908”, GA 34.
262. Correspondence with Marie Steiner 1901–1925: Correspondence 47 25 Jan 1906,

Rudolf Steiner
From the Theosophy he seems to have gained a little better understanding after the Marburg lecture. I will tell you about Sunday evening in Kassel later. The afternoon (Monday) at Noll 11 seems to have been fruitful.
262. Correspondence with Marie Steiner 1901–1925: Correspondence 49 14 Aug 1906,

Rudolf Steiner
So today's confirmands consider themselves entitled to determine the full extent of world knowledge from their own sovereign wisdom. That the boy is like that is understandable when you consider the current influences on children, but that the father wants the boy to be confirmed by a church whose confession the confirmand does not share is something that anyone who can understand should understand, someone who wants to bathe without getting wet.
262. Correspondence with Marie Steiner 1901–1925: Correspondence 49a 10 Nov 1906,

Marie Steiner
Sometimes, when you take things in hand with energy and goodwill, the stars come to your aid; they inspire us and send us the good spirits. Who knows whether such an undertaking, carried out with courage and faith, might not open the door to greater achievements? If you are not active yourself, you cannot expect others to take risks.
I often return in thought to the peaceful valley of the Vosges, where we found such warm and understanding hospitality. I hope to see you and Madame Schuré again in Munich; after the congress, I hope to be able to set up a series of internal lectures in some beautifully situated place in Bavaria with the help of Ladies Kalckreuth and Stinde 22 with the help of the ladies Kalckreuth and Stinde, at some beautifully situated place in Bavaria.

Results 4981 through 4990 of 6282

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