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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 4611 through 4620 of 6065

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260. The Christmas Conference : Continuation of the Foundation Meeting 27 Dec 1923, Dornach
Translated by Johanna Collis, Michael Wilson

Rudolf Steiner
DR STEINER: Would you like to make a suggestion to help us understand better what you mean? HERR KAISER: I have only just noticed this expression. I shall have to rely on your help as I can't think of anything better at the moment.
When was the Vorstand elected? MR KAUFMANN: I was under the impression that it was accepted when you proposed it; and the agreement of the meeting was expressed very clearly. DR STEINER: You must understand that I do not regard this as an election, and that is why just now I did not suggest: ‘the leadership at the Goetheanum which is represented by the Vorstand elected by this foundation gathering’ but ‘formed’.
260. The Christmas Conference : Continuation of the Foundation Meeting 28 Dec 1923, Dornach
Translated by Johanna Collis, Michael Wilson

Rudolf Steiner
Every member of the Anthroposophical Society has the right to attend all lectures, performances and meetings arranged by the Society, under conditions to be announced by the Vorstand.’ DR STEINER: My dear friends! You may perhaps be brought up short by the clause: ‘under conditions to be announced by the Vorstand.’
Eduard von Hartmann said that one ought to disseminate not more than 60-70 copies, for there were only 60-70 people who could really understand the theory of knowledge. I am referring to the theory of knowledge which Eduard von Hartmann was just preparing.
After ‘All publications of the Society shall be public, in the same sense as are those of other public societies’ I want to add ‘The conditions under which one acquires a spiritual training have also been made public, and they shall continue to be presented publicly’.
260. The Christmas Conference : Rudolf Steiner's Contribution During The Meeting of the Swiss School Association 28 Dec 1923, Dornach
Translated by Johanna Collis, Michael Wilson

Rudolf Steiner
In Switzerland such a thing would be regarded as something very peculiar and it would never be understood. But there would be an understanding for a model school which could be a source of inspiration for a method of education.
I also believe that a financial basis will only be won when there can be an understanding of these things. There will be very little understanding in Switzerland for independent schools if they are not linked to what I have just been saying.
From 1924, after the Christmas Foundation Conference, under the directorship of Rudolf Steiner.57. See Rudolf Steiner Swiss Teachers' Course, Report by Albert Steffen.
260. The Christmas Conference : Meeting of the Vorstand with the Leadership of the Swiss Section 29 Dec 1923, Dornach
Translated by Johanna Collis, Michael Wilson

Rudolf Steiner
At the last meeting of delegates the matter was cogently discussed, but on the other hand a great deal was brought forward which people found impossible to understand. As I was in the chair at that meeting of delegates I know how certain things said met with absolutely no understanding, so it would be a good thing if the wishes expressed then could be brought forward again in a comprehensible form.
This is no longer possible today. I have often described to you the conditions under which it was possible to manage with the old, modest contributions. I have described to you how Luzifer-Gnosis was produced and sent out in the early days.
These things are simply there, to be done out of the necessity of the moment. But once something comes under discussion you simply have to state how much you need. It is only possible to discuss something if you have a proper basis.
260. The Christmas Conference : Continuation of the Foundation Meeting 29 Dec 1923, Dornach
Translated by Johanna Collis, Michael Wilson

Rudolf Steiner
I do not want a misunderstanding to arise in respect of what I said here a few days ago. Dr Lehrs has understood me entirely correctly, and any other interpretation would not be correct. I did not mean that what was suggested then no longer applies today.
260. The Christmas Conference : Continuation of the Foundation Meeting 30 Dec 1923, Dornach
Translated by Johanna Collis, Michael Wilson

Rudolf Steiner
Everywhere it must be made possible to open our doors and welcome people to the Society. Necessary for this above all is an understanding of the human being which can arise out of the warmth of love for our fellows combined with serious work in the anthroposophical sense.
Considerable sacrifices were made by our friend, Pastor Geyer, when he undertook to care for these two schoolboys. We at the Goetheanum take the view that we should finance the actual school fees and whatever is needed for the school in the same way as other firms such as Der Kommende Tag and Waldorf Astoria pay for the children of their workers.
260. The Christmas Conference : Continuation of the Foundation Meeting 31 Dec 1923, Dornach
Translated by Johanna Collis, Michael Wilson

Rudolf Steiner
That is why it is so important for work of the right kind to be undertaken in the proper anthroposophical sense. Today there is an abyss between art and science; but within science, too, there is an abyss between, for instance, physiology and physics.
260. The Christmas Conference : The Idea of the Future Building in Dornach 31 Dec 1923, Dornach
Translated by Johanna Collis, Michael Wilson

Rudolf Steiner
The time in which one lives is a reality. But it is difficult to generate an understanding for this time as being something real. There are still people today who represent the threefolding of the social organism with the very sentences I used to use with regard to the conditions prevailing at the time, in 1919.
260. The Christmas Conference : Open Discussion of Swiss Delegates 31 Dec 1923, Dornach
Translated by Johanna Collis, Michael Wilson

Rudolf Steiner
Perhaps forty or fifty could be the number determining a large group. Herr Schweigler asks how he should understand the matter of deciding about the delegates: Would this be by a vote or simply by acclaim? Which is best?
DR STEINER: So if I have understood this correctly, then the proposal regarding the groups of delegates is as follows: Firstly the group of delegates is instituted, and secondly branches of over fifty members send two representatives and branches of under fifty members send one.
260. The Christmas Conference : The Envy of the Gods — The Envy of Human Beings 31 Dec 1923, Dornach
Translated by Johanna Collis, Michael Wilson

Rudolf Steiner
My dear friends! We stand today under the sign of a grievous memory and we shall by all means place what is to be the content of today's lecture within the sign of this grievous memory.
If in the times before the burning of Ephesus men spoke about the Mysteries, then those who in their heart and soul understood something of the nature of the Mysteries said, in essence: Human knowledge, human wisdom has an abode, a dwelling place in the Mysteries.
Your etheric body moves everything in you that is liquid or watery. The juices that stream and circulate are under the influence of your etheric body. See your blood: Exusiai, Dynamis, Kyriotetes cause this blood as a liquid to circulate through your arteries.

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