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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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70b. Ways to a Knowledge of the Eternal Forces of the Human Soul: The World View Of German Idealism. A Consideration Regarding Our Fateful Times 26 Nov 1915, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
What one arrives at in this way is indeed something that brings one to an understanding of the ancient saying: 'By exploring the spiritual foundations of the soul, one comes to the gate, to the threshold of death'.
Such opposition can be understood quite well, as one could understand everything that was raised against Galileo, against Copernicus and their world view. – Which, of course, is not meant to suggest any kind of historical comparison.
In a completely unbiased, by no means forced way, it results - I would like to say - an inner understanding of what happens in such eras. And an inner understanding arises as to why causes must be created through sacrificial deaths for something that will later arise in human life as forces that will serve the welfare and progress of this human life.
70b. Ways to a Knowledge of the Eternal Forces of the Human Soul: The World View Of German Idealism. A Consideration Regarding Our Fateful Times 28 Nov 1915, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
This must be taken as a deep feeling, then one understands why Kant wants to dethrone ordinary knowledge so that a real source can be thought for the moral idea.
And Goethe's “Faust”, this image of the highest human striving, this image, to understand which one must first struggle through it by allowing many German educational elements to take effect, from what did it emerge?
In the third of the German idealistic philosophers, in Hegel – who is difficult to understand and so far removed from many people – this lively character of the arena of thought appears in the same way within German idealism.
70b. Ways to a Knowledge of the Eternal Forces of the Human Soul: The Eternal Forces of the Human Soul in the Light of Spiritual Science 29 Nov 1915, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
These thoughts are the main thing at first, just as the external results are for manual labor; but as it is carried out, it strengthens itself within, it is something that undergoes a certain development within itself. Of course, we look at the development in the hand; but we do not really look at the intimate inner development that thinking undergoes in thinking.
And the point that leads there has been designated for a long time by a word that only those understand completely who have at least acquired an inkling of the paths of the human soul through such inner spiritual attempts.
That we are capable not only of developing forces of life but also of undermining life, is connected with many things; but the fact that we can think emerges as the highest flowering.
70b. Ways to a Knowledge of the Eternal Forces of the Human Soul: Ways of Knowing the Eternal Powers of the Human Soul 08 Jan 1916, Bern

Rudolf Steiner
Because that which is brought from the spiritual world does not speak to our lack of understanding, but it speaks to our understanding. And I have just said at the beginning that one must first understand the spiritual world; one must be able to look at it.
Therefore one should not say: I will first recognize the spiritual world in its individual manifestations when I have investigated it. For one must first understand. Even the spiritual researcher himself must first understand, even if this seems paradoxical, just as one also understands certain mathematical laws through their occurrence and then knows that once one has gained this understanding, experiences that have not yet occurred must take place – just as one can calculate solar eclipses in advance. Because one has first understood the nature of the whole, for example, one first understands the spiritual connections; and then, with what is happening in the outer world with this understanding, the outer world illuminates that which one must first have as a concept.
70b. Ways to a Knowledge of the Eternal Forces of the Human Soul: Ways of Knowing the Eternal Powers of the Human Soul 10 Jan 1916, Zürich

Rudolf Steiner
A very important spiritual and natural scientist has called certain states that occur, and even underlie the dream life, and in particular underlie hypnotism, all possible forms of clairvoyance, etc., “rigid states of consciousness”.
This spiritual science, and it wants to be, is really, honored attendees, a continuation of the natural scientific way of thinking for the spiritual realm. But it is understandable. Especially when one has a good grasp of the history of science, it is understandable that today there are still few people who have a sense for what is at the core of this spiritual research.
The fact that the truth is hated for a time – that is a humanly understandable phenomenon – but it can never prevent this truth from recurring again and again, as it has also happened with the scientific worldview.
70b. Ways to a Knowledge of the Eternal Forces of the Human Soul: How Can Research into the Supersensible Essence of Man be Brought About? 12 Jan 1916, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
In fact, thinking takes on a completely different character under the influence of the exercises. It really becomes a completely different soul power. And I would like to point out, by way of comparison, how surprising this change in thinking activity can be.
Because, indeed, the development that the spiritual researcher undergoes, dear attendees, is such that the individual stages are connected with inner shocks, with inner conquests, of which we must also learn some.
And then one experiences what is actually there, what comes out of the will. One gradually learns to understand why it appears in the form of pain, because one learns to understand: You are now actually experiencing that which you otherwise cannot experience in your everyday life in thinking and willing; what underlies it, what has basically developed in the depths of your soul throughout your whole life, what you have now grasped at the stage when you began to become a spiritual researcher.
70b. Ways to a Knowledge of the Eternal Forces of the Human Soul: The Harmony Between Spiritual and Natural Science and Misconceptions about the Former. The Building Dedicated to it in Dornach 14 Jan 1916, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
Therefore, one need not be surprised if this harmony between natural science and spiritual science cannot yet be found everywhere. On the contrary, it must be fully understood when spiritual research is simply taken by many as a fantasy. And those who are firm in spiritual science, who are thoroughly grounded in it, will find this misunderstanding to be something quite understandable.
It is understandable, completely understandable, that this Dornach building is still met with many, many misunderstandings today.
The time will come when the goal of spiritual striving in all fields will no longer be seen as a struggle but as harmony, and that will be the time when the misunderstandings regarding spiritual research will also disappear. Today, such misunderstandings are just as understandable when they arise in the religious field or in the field of natural science as the objections to Copernicanism were understandable in their time.
70b. Ways to a Knowledge of the Eternal Forces of the Human Soul: The World View Of German Idealism. A Consideration Regarding Our Fateful Times 15 Feb 1916, Hamburg

Rudolf Steiner
And at a certain hour – you can read about it in foreign newspapers – he entertained his audience at a French academy by showing them how the Germans have degenerated in modern times from the heights they occupied under Goethe, Schiller, under Fichte, under Schelling, under Hegel and Kant and Schopenhauer, how they cling to everything, everything hang on to superficialities, how they are, in a hypocritical way, something like [gap in the transcript], how, in a hypocritical way, especially in the present, they refer again to Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, but how they understand them today in a very mechanical way and unite them with their soul in a very mechanical way.
Of course, one will never come to a different understanding of the world than to an understanding of the world as thought. But that is not the point; rather, the point is that one should be able to reflect, I would say, to reflect, in order to develop thought in such a fine way as Hegel developed it.
But on the other hand, one must say that at least this Russian national soul understood something at the end of the nineteenth century, understood it while at the same time connecting it with a tremendous arrogance.
70b. Ways to a Knowledge of the Eternal Forces of the Human Soul: The World View Of German Idealism. A Consideration Regarding Our Fateful Times 19 Feb 1916, Kassel

Rudolf Steiner
Of course it is; but that does not lead to any real knowledge. Nor does one come to a real understanding of the soul itself, as one might come to a real understanding of light if one did not perceive its interaction with material existence, with material things that confront it, in such a way that one would believe that one would emerge from the light the different shades of colors: the reddish-yellow nuance on one side, the green nuance in the middle, the bluish-violet nuance on the other side - just as the physicist, in his interaction with material existence, must observe these color shades, structured from this one light , and how he cannot come to an understanding of the deeds of light, as Goethe says, in any other way, one cannot come to an understanding of what the human soul actually is if one does not, I would say, also divide it into three shades of its being.
Thus, in order to elevate his ego, the German seeks to penetrate into the innermost nature of things, and this is indeed something that can be understood only to a limited extent. One can see how little it can be understood! There is one of those who, shortly before the beginning of this war, used to move around in Germany as foreign spirits, talking about all kinds of friendships with the German essence, about all kinds of understanding that they claim to have acquired for the German essence: that is Emile Boutroux.
And finally, I would like to say that – as if in a unified thinking – those who understood the German essence in Central Europe always felt it. One of my teachers in Austria once spoke a beautiful word.
70b. Ways to a Knowledge of the Eternal Forces of the Human Soul: The Forgotten Pursuit of Spiritual Science Within the Development of German Thought 21 Feb 1916, Leipzig

Rudolf Steiner
This intellectual life is contrasted with that of Fichte, an intellectual life that does not want to understand the world as dead, but that wants to understand the world as a spiritual-living entity, down to the smallest parts, and for which knowledge is nothing other than the experience of this spiritual vitality of the world.
It is the case in the world, esteemed attendees, that individual things that flourish in the development of humanity must live for a time, I would say, as if under the stream; the rest of the stream shows something else, something superficial; but under the stream, the deeper things live on.
The time will come when such minds will be recognized, minds that have drawn from the depths of the German soul, when there will be full consciousness of the fact that in order that the German spirit may develop fully can fully develop – also in the realm of knowledge, everything foreign, which sometimes – like Newton's theory of colors – is more readily understood by the superficial human soul than the German, for the understanding of which one must first prepare.

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